0K`y@@cmr10MKTEXTFM(1)vMKTEXTFM(1)"V @cmbx10pNAMEp%mktextfm!",@@cmsy10 n kcreate na kTFM l le lfor ka kfon"t4SYNOPSIS"V@@cmbx10p%mktextfm [options]':@@cmti10 lfont4DESCRIPTIONp%This uman#ual spage tis tnot smean$t sto sbe texhaustiv$e.The ucomplete wdocumen%tation sfor sthis tv"ersion uof%TǞEyX kcan lbe lfound kin kthe linfo k le lor kman#ual kKphathseka: /A /librhary /for /phath 1seharhching.4mktextfm is Sused Tto Rgenerate Ua Rtfm  le Tfrom Tthe TMK`y@cmr10ETAFOONT Tsource V les Ufor Sfont, Sif Spossible.If%destdir is giv"en, the generated le will be installed there, otherwise a (rather complicated) heuris-%tic lis lused.4The mname mof kthe lgenerated n le lis lprin"ted lon kstandard loutput.4mktextfm is lt"ypically lcalled mb"y kother lprograms, mrather lthan kfrom lthe lcommand nline.4OPTIONSp%mktextfm accepts othe lfollo"wing loptions:4--destdir 5dirp%A Qdirectory Sname. SIf Rthe Rdirectory Sis Rabsolute, Sit Ris Sused Tas-is.Otherwise, Vit Ris Sappended%to kthe lroot kdestination mdirectory mset min kthe lscript.4--helpPrin"t khelp lmessage pand kexit.4--versionp%Prin"t kv"ersion minformation land kexit.(4SEE ALSOp%mktexmf(1), qmktexpk(1).Kpathsea m7.32xu4 kJan"uary k1998e10 iK`y@@cmr10"V @cmbx10!",@@cmsy10"V@@cmbx10':@@cmti10K`y@cmr10