0K`y@@cmr10MF(1) MF(1)"V @cmbx10pNAMEp%mf, linimf, lvirmf!",@@cmsy10 l kMetafon#t, ka klanguage lfor kfon"t kand klogo kdesign4SYNOPSIS"V@@cmbx10p%mf [':@@cmti10options] k[chommands]4DESCRIPTIONp%This uman#ual spage tis tnot smean$t sto sbe texhaustiv$e.The ucomplete wdocumen%tation sfor sthis tv"ersion uof%TǞEyX kcan lbe lfound kin kthe linfo k le lor kman#ual kWeb2C: 1A /TeX 0implementationo.4MK`y@cmr10ETAFOONTreadstheprograminthespeci ed lesandoutputsfon"trasters(ingfnformat)and%fon"t kmetrics o(in ktfm /format).The mMETAFOONT llanguage lis ldescribed lin kThe 0M':@cmti10ETAF]ONTbhohok_.4Lik"e TǞEyX, METAFOONT is normally used with a large body of precompiled !macros, and fon"t genera-%tion in particular requires "the support of sev$eral macro ! les.This !v"ersion !of METAFOONT looks at%its command line to see what name it w#as called under.Both inimfand virmfare symlinks to%the 8mfexecutable.When 8called 9as 8inimf(or 7when 9the 8--inioption 7is 8giv"en) 8it 7can 8be 9used :to%precompile macros in"to a .bhase le.5When called as virmf ]it will use the plain base.5When called%under an"y other name, METAFOONT will use that name as the name of the base to use.Feor exam-%ple, when called as mf the mf base is used, whic$h is iden#tical to the plain base.Other bases than%plain 1are lrarely lused.4The chommands giv"en on the command line to the METAFOONT program are passed to it as the  rst%input Bline.(But Cit Bis Coften Ceasier Eto Bt"ype Cextended Eargumen$ts Cas Cthe C rst Cinput Bline, Csince DUNIX%shells tend to gobble up or misin$terpret METAFOONT's fa"v"orite sym$bols, lik"e semicolons, unless y"ou%quote them.)5As described in The METAF]ONTbhohok_, that rst line should begin with a lename, a%nchontrjolseiquenckeZ, kor ka k&bhasename^.4The mnormal lusage mis lto ksa#yp4mfg'n:mode= b>@@cmmi10; [mag=magstep(n);]' kinput6font4tostartprocessing font.mf.pThesinglequotesarethebestw#a"yofk"eepingtheUnixshellfrom%misin$terpreting `the _semicolons cand ]from ^remo$ving ]the ^n ]c#haracter, _whic$h ]is ^needed `here _to ]k"eep%METAFOONT from thinking that y"ou w#an"t to produce a fon"t called mohde[.i(Or y"ou can just sa#y mf%and giv"e the other stu on the next line, without quotes.) Other con#trol sequences, suc$h as bhatch-%mohde (for Psilen$t Poperation) Rcan Ralso Rappear.The Sname Sfont will Rbe Rthe R`e`jobname'g', Qand Qis Rused Sin%forming routput q le rnames.If rMETAFOONT rdoesn't sget ra q le rname sin qthe r rst rline, rthe rjobname sis%mfput.The mdefault lextension, n.mf, kcan lbe lo"v"erridden mb"y kspecifying man kextension nexplicitlyg.4Alogoferrormessagesgoesin"tothe lejobname.lohg.Theoutput lesarejobname.tfmand%jobname.<n"um#ber>gf, where depends on the resolution and magni cation of the fon"t.%The mohde in this example is sho#wn generically as , a sym$bolic term for whic$h the%name of an actual device or, most commonlyh, the name lohchalfont n(see belo#w) m#ust be substituted.%If:the:mode:is:not9speci ed@@cmmi10