0K`y@@cmr10D"VILJK(1)D"VILJK(1)"V @cmbx10pNAMEp%dvilj4, kdvilj4l, kdvilj2p, kdvilj!",@@cmsy10 k kcon#v"ert la kTfeX lD"VI l le lto kPCL, lfor kHP kLaserJet nprin"ters4SYNOPSIS"V@@cmbx10p%dvilj [D':@@cmti10numbjer] [cciopies] [dmohde] [D] [E] [eoutput le] [ffrgompiage] [g] [hheiader-% le]N[l]M[M ag]N[mmag]O[pphages]O[q]N[r]N[ttopkage]P[spiagesize]Q[v]N[Vmoide]O[w]%[xxo (mm)] n[yyo (mm)] n[Xxo (dots)] q[Yyo (dots)] q[z] l[] k[ lename]4DESCRIPTIONp%Dviljandsiblingscon#v"ertTfeX-output.dvi lesin"toPCL(theHewlett-P&ac#k"ardPrin"terCon#trol%Language) "commands %suitable #for "prin"ting "on "a "HP "LaserJet+, %HP "LaserJet %IIP #(using #dvilj2p),%HP kLaserJet n4 k(using ldvilj4), kand kfully kcompatible nprin"ters.4Dvilj4 also pro"vides support for the builtin In#tellifon#t and TfrueT$ype fon"ts; TFM and VF les are%pro"vided 1in 0the 1distribution.Virtual 0fon"ts 1are 1not 0supported 1directly 2b"y 0Dvilj, 0so 1y"ou 0m#ust 2run%dvicopy(1) l rst, lor kotherwise oexpand lthe lvirtual kfon"ts4Allprogramsaregeneratedfromonesource ledvi2xx.c.|Theyareusuallycalledviaashell%script }or {as |a {line |prin"ter | lter. |One }suc$h |script, ~dvihp, |is }included ~in |the }distribution. }It }pro"vides%command-line poptions lsimilar mto kthose mof kdvips(1).4OPTIONSp%--DnumblerLDebug-according.to,the-bits-of+numbier;,see.the,Kpathsea-man#ual+for+v"alues.-Also %turns lon kgeneral mv"erbosit#ye.V4-cnumbker(prin"t keac$h kpage lnumbier ltimes n(including loriginal)4-dnumbjer$prin"t in duplex mode. The option -d1 means long edge binding, -d2 stands for short %edge binding. This option is only selectable from dvilj2p, and is kno"wn to w#ork on the%LaserJet nIId, lLaserJet nIIId, land kLaserJet n4.V4-D[-]eDouble-sided \prin"ting X- Ysee [belo#w; Y-D1 Zprin"ts Yodd Xsides [onlye, X-D2 Zis Yfor Yev#en Zpages, [a %trailing k- ksuppresses qprin"ting kof kempt$y kpadding kpages.V4-EtSwitc$h kprin"ter lin"to kecono mmode l(dvilj4 konly).4-eout le9Send output to out le instead of the basename of dvi le extended with `.lj'.(If out le %is `-' (as in `-e-') the output is directed to standard output and can be directly piped%in"to ka kspooler.V4-fpiagenumPrin"t kpages mwith lTfeX lpage ln"um#bers mgreater mthan kor kequal lto kphagenum.4-g`e`go'e' kmode: ldo knot kreset nprin"ter lat kstart lof kjob.4-hhejader le %Cop#y :heiader le ?to :output :before Do(not)callmktexpktogeneratefon"tsondemand.p-M1and-Mareequiv#alen#t. %-M0enablesin"v"okingmktexpk.(Thisisthesameasdvips.)oThedefaultbeha#vior%(i.e., tif sno s-M toption sis tgiv"en) tis tc#hosen uat scompile-time; yas tdistributed, umktexpk vis%enabled. m-M lis lonly kv"alid kif kdvi2xx kw#as lcompiled nwith lsupport kfor kmktexpk.V4-mmagni cnation %Specify mthe lmagni cation mto kuse. mThe mfollo"wing lare la"v"ailable:%-m#usermage.g., l#900%-m0equiv#alen#t kto k-m#1000%-mhequiv#alen#t kto k-m#1095%-m1equiv#alen#t kto k-m#1200%-mqequiv#alen#t kto k-m#1250%-m2equiv#alen#t kto k-m#1440%-m3equiv#alen#t kto k-m#1728jh10 kJune l1996t1D"VILJK(1)D"VILJK(1)p-m4equiv#alen#t kto k-m#2074%-m5equiv#alen#t kto k-m#2488V4-ppiagejchount %prin"t kphagejchount npages mafter lthe lstarting lpage.V4-qQuiet loperation: lomit l nal kstatistics, oetc.4-rDtoggle lpage lrev#ersal; mb"y kdefault, lpages mare lrev#ersed.4-spjagesize"JSpecify mthe lpage lsize: %-s1:executiv%e](7.25in kx k10.5in)%-s2:letterq(8.5in kx k11in)%-s3:legal(8.5in kx k14in)%-s26: oA4(210mm mx k297mm)%-s80: omonarc$hh.(3.875in kx k7.5in)%-s81: ocommercial-10)(4.125in kx k9.5in)%-s90: oin"ternational lDLA(110mm mx k220mm)%-s91: oin"ternational lC5B(162mm mx k229mm)%Allev"aluesgareffromfthefLJeIIftec$hnicalfreferencejman#ual.Iffthef-sgcommandline%option kis lomitted, mno kclipping lis lperformed nat kthe lbottom lof kthe lpage.V4-tpjagenumPrin"t kpages mwith lTfeX lpage ln"um#bers mless nthan kor kequal lto kphagenum.4-vVeerbose mmode: llist lfon"ts lused, metc.4-Vmojde;compatibilit$y kmode. lUse mK kfor kKy"ocera, mB kfor kBrother, m6 lfor kLJ6 kprin"ters.4-wOmit lw#arnings.4-xo setApglobal kx-o set oin kmm mon koutput kpage lrelativ#e lto k1 kinc#h/1 kinc#h korigin4-yo setApglobal ky-o set oin kmm mon koutput kpage lrelativ#e lto k1 kinc#h/1 kinc#h korigin4-Xo set9@@cmmi10< lename>gGWcop#yspeci ed letotheprin"ter;eitherv"ector-orbitmap-u%graphics mPMP kcommands#4nspecialfhp le=< lename>giSame mas l` le'.4others:%There are a few other special commands implen$ted for the LJ-series, whic$h should only be used in%connectionXwithVtheVdistributedWst#yleV lesW(e.g.,Vgra"ybo"x.st#y).UTheyWma#yUc#hangeVinVforthcoming%v"ersions.4Yeou can include Encapsulated P"ostScript (EPS) les in the PCL les output b"y dvilj if y"ou con-%v"ert them to PCL rst. The distribution includes a script `epspcl' to do this (using Ghostscript, so%y"our kGhostscript om#ust lha"v"e lthe lnecessary pLaserJet ndriv"er(s) mcompiled nin).4DOUBLE POAGE PRINTINGp%Thepcommandplinenoptionm-Dncausesqthenprin"terntomprin"tminmdoublepageomode,nthatmis,nroughly%speaking, prin"ting rst the ev#en pages and then the odd pages of a documen%t.,If -D is used to%prin"t both ev#en and odd pages (-D is used without the optional 1 or 2) the follo"wing will happen%after |half {of {the |pages }is |prin"ted: |LJ: }the |prin"ter |stops, }sho#ws }message@@cmmi10