0K`y@@cmr10DT2D#V(1)DT2D#V(1)"V @cmbx10pNAMEp%dt2dv!",@@cmsy10 k kcon#v"ert la kDTL ltext lrepresen&tation kof ka kTfeX lD"VI l le lto ka kbinary kD"VI l le4SYNOPSIS"V@@cmbx10p%dt2dv [debug] m[group] n[si] m[so]':@@cmti10 m[input-DTL- le] 5[output-D9VI- le]4In the absence of the si9and so9options, both le argumen$ts are rgehquirhehd in the order input-%DTL- leoutput-DVI- le.But /also /see 2the 0OPTIONS 1section 2belo#w.No /default 0 le 0exten-%sions mare lsupplied.4DESCRIPTIONp%dt2dvScon#v"ertsatextrepresen&tationofaTǞEyXD"VI le,usuallyproducedb"ythecompanion%dv2dt(1) Cutilit"ye, @bac#k @to @a @binary @D"VI A le. ADTL A(D5VITextLhanguage_) @ les Ccan Bbe Bedited, Cwith%care,andthenrestoredtoD"VIformforprocessingb"yan"yTǞEyXD"VIdriv"erprogram.BInDTL% les, fon"t directory names and fon"t names are preceded b"y a length eld, whic$h m#ust be updated%if kthe lnames nare lmodi ed.4dvitype(1) Xcan Xalso Xdispla#y Wa Wtextual Xrepresen&tation Wof WD"VI W les, Xbut Vin Vsome Yimplemen&tations Wat%least, Vit Tcannot Ube Uused Vin Tbatc#h Tmode, Uand Tits Uoutput Tis Unot Tw#ell-suited Xfor Ucon#v"ersion Wbac#k Uto Ua%D"VI l le.4The format of TǞEyX D"VI les is fully described in Donald E. Kn"uth, TƞEyX: lThe mPrhohgrhamg, Addison-%Weesley(1986),ISBN0-201-13437-3,asw#ellasinthedvitype(1)literateprogramsourcecode.%Brief mdescriptions oof kthe lDTL land kD"VI lformats mare lgiv"en lin kdv2dt(1).4OPTIONSp%debug"QTfurn kon kdetailed mdebugging loutput.4group%Expect meac$h kDTL lcommand nto kbe lin kparen#theses.4sih~Read mall kDTL lcommands ofrom lstandard linput.4so`Werite lall kD"VI lcommands oto kstandard loutput.4SEE ALSOp%dv2dt(1), ndvitype(1), ltex(1).4FILESp%*.dvi/binary kTǞEyX kD"VI l le.4*.dtl4text lrepresen&tation kof ka kTǞEyX kD"VI l le lin kD5VI /Text 0Lhanguage 4format.4AUTHORp%dt2dv and kdv2dt(1) nw#ere mwritten mb"yp%Geo rey oTfobin%Departmen%t kof kElectronic nEngineering%La kTfrobe lUniv"ersit$y%Bundoora, kVictoria l3083%Australia%Tfel: l+61 k3 k479 k3736%FAX: k+61 k3 k479 k3025%Email: b>@@cmmi10 l4These oman#ual kpages mw#ere mwritten mprimarily lb"yp%Nelson mH. kF. kBeebe, lPh.D.%Cen$ter lfor kScien$ti c lComputing%Departmen%t kof kMathematics%Univ"ersit$y kof kUtah%Salt kLak"e lCit#ye, kUT l84112%Tfel: l+1 k801 k581 k5254%FAX: k+1 k801 k581 k4148%Email: l(Veersion m0.6.0ɦ08 kMarc#h k1995i10 iK`y@@cmr10"V @cmbx10!",@@cmsy10"V@@cmbx10':@@cmti10 b>@@cmmi10A