FRANKENSTEIN A Collection of Packages for LaTeX available at $CTAN/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/monster/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- abbrevs abbreviation macros (Frankenstein's briefs) "Abbreviation macros" expand to text and insert the proper following space depending on context. These macros can be abbreviations in a second sense also, expanding to one thing the first time they are used and another thing on subsequent invocations. This facilitates the automatic spelling-out of abbreviations or acronyms at their first use. The initial and subsequent expansions of an abbreviation macro are available at any time via explicit commands. Abbreviation macros are grouped into categories; there are hooks applicable to each category. Categories can be reset so that subsequent abbreviation macros in that category behave as if used for the first time again. A generic facility is also provided for suffixes like 1900\BC and 6:00\PM, which correctly handles following periods. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- compsci macros for writing about macros (Frankenstein's conscience) Most often this package will be used to supplement the "ltxdoc" class, but it can be used with other classes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- titles title macros (Frankenstein's references) Various macros for handling the titles of books, journals, etc. that handle following spacing and punctuation intelligently. Especially useful for bibliographic databases. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- lips text ellipses (Frankenstein's lips) \lips is better for text ellipses than \dots, by the standard of the _Chicago Manual of Style_. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- moredefs more defining commands (Frankenstein's brain) A delightful collection of defining, expansion, and debugging commands that make elegant programming in LaTeX fun and easy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- slemph slanted emphasis (Frankenstein's gait) This package provides the commands \itswitch, \slswitch, \textitswitch, and \textslswitch. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION All files are released under the conditions of the GNU General Public License. I am willing to specially license this code; please simply contact me with your proposal. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt Swift