INSTRUCTIONS for BUILDING FRANKENSTEIN The Makefile is the easiest way, if you can use it. The default target will give you a help message. Otherwise, read on. For each package x, three or four files are distributed: x.sty x.ins x.tex x.cfg (sometimes) The file x.sty is usable as is; simply put it where LaTeX can find it and invoke \usepackage{x}. If x.cfg exists, you must also put it where LaTeX can find it. If you install a package, you should also install all the packages it depends on. Those not in the LaTeX base distribution are listed here: Package Depends on -------------------------------------------------------------------- abbrevs moredefs compsci abbrevs,lips,moredefs,moreverb,relsize,slemph,titles, url,verbatim titles moredefs,slemph See below for the location of these packages. If you want optimum performance, run TeX on x.ins to create x.stq, a stripped version of x.sty that may load a little faster. You may rename x.stq x.sty and put it where LaTeX can find it. Don't delete the original x.sty. It contains documentation for the package, whereas x.stq does not. To generate documentation, run LaTeX on x.tex with the original x.sty in LaTeX's input path before the stripped x.sty. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt Swift ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKAGE LOCATIONS The packages that are not part of Frankenstein or the official LaTeX distribution ought to be linked into the Frankenstein directory: $CTAN/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/monster If not, they may be found at: Package Location: $CTAN/tex-archive/macros/latex/... -------------------------------------------------------------------- moreverb contrib/other/misc/moreverb.sty url contrib/other/misc/url.sty relsize contrib/other/misc/relsize.sty verbatim is in ...packages/tools The LaTeX base distribution is: $CTAN/tex-archive/macros/latex/base/* $CTAN is the Centralized TeX Archive Network, one of whose master sites is: