% French Torture Test with LaTeX, manually loaded style before \documentstyle % as the ``Poor Man French'' package. % (main style: book) % Copyright GUTenberg-Bernard Gaulle as in french.doc % % (case of a french document sent to another system where there is no % french customization. So the french style is sent before the document % and that is *that* whole document which is typeset by LaTeX.) % % I tested it without language.dat nor frenglish.sty nor abbrevfr.tex. % and with no language specification coming from INTEX time %\let\french\undefined\let\fhyph\undefined %\let\english\undefined\let\ehyph\undefined % \input french.sty % here is normally a copy of the french style \pmfrench % here we say to run in a "poor-man-french" way \ifx\documentclass\undefined \documentstyle[mylist,mya4,twocolumn,% french% is here because it was firstly typeset with it ]{book} \else \documentclass[twocolumn]{book} \usepackage{mylist,mya4,french} \fi \setlength{\textwidth}{410pt}%% \let\iflatex\iftrue \gdef\listing#1{\leavevmode{\it \% le fichier {\tt #1} est délibérément non imprimé.}\par} \frenchtest \end{document} %% %% checksum = "34201 33 155 1266" %%