%%% %%% File: grafbase.mf %%% message "mfpic version alfa, Tue 23 Jan 1996"; message ""; % nonstopmode; % Don't complain when variables get too large. interim warningcheck := 0; % Determine whether Metafont or MetaPost is being used. % MetaPost has colors. boolean metapost; metapost = if known blue: true else: false fi; if metapost: % ensure that Plain MetaPost is loaded. if unknown base_name: input mfplain; elseif not string base_name: input mfplain; elseif base_name <> "mfplain": input mfplain; fi else: % METAFONT % ensure that Plain Metafont is loaded. if unknown base_name: input plain; elseif not string base_name: input plain; elseif base_name <> "plain": input plain; fi fi % Only for MetaPost: if metapost: % Dubious, but one of the most common printer modes. mode = cx; fi % intercept the mode variable, before mode_setup can set proof mode. if unknown mode: errhelp ("Please use \mode=localfont; or a mode known on your system."); errmessage ("Unknown METAFONT mode"); fi mode_setup; % Font identifier, and font coding scheme. % NB: These become ALL-CAPITALS in the PL (and TFM) files. font_identifier := "MFpic graphics"; font_coding_scheme := "Arbitrary"; % Design size: this is somewhat arbitrary, but it needs to be large. interim designsize := 128pt#; %% Global Variables. if not boolean debug: boolean debug; fi if not known debug: debug := false; fi % message "DEBUG " & if debug: "ON" else: "OFF" fi; if debug: message "DEBUG: pixels_per_inch = " & decimal pixels_per_inch; fi % when the numeric variable `grafbase' is known, % then grafbase.mf has been input. % (idea taken from DEK's cmbase.mf) if known grafbase: errhelp ("Please make sure that grafbase.mf is loaded only once."); errmessage ("You have loaded grafbase.mf more than once"); else: boolean grafbase; grafbase := true; fi % METAFONT title string t, and message t. vardef mftitle expr t = t; message t; enddef; % character size variables, and their default values. numeric unitlen, xscale, yscale; numeric xneg, xpos, yneg, ypos; unitlen := 1 pt#; xscale := 7.227; % (xscale * unitlen) = 1/10 inch yscale := 7.227; % (yscale * unitlen) = 1/10 inch xneg := 0; xpos := 10; yneg := 0; ypos := 10; % degrees for angles. In METAFONT, one degree is the unit of angle. deg := 1; % Drawing Pen. % pen width for drawing, in _pixel_ coordinates. newinternal penwd; % pen for drawing. pen drawpen; % Hatching Pen. % pen width for hatching, in _pixel_ coordinates. numeric hatchwd; hatchwd := 1pt; % pen for hatching. pen hatchpen; hatchpen := pencircle scaled hatchwd yscaled aspect_ratio; % Storing a Path. def store (suffix fs) expr f = hide ( if (not path f) and (not pair f) : errhelp (""); errmessage ("Second argument to `store' must be a path or pair expression"); fi if not path fs: path fs; fi fs := f; ) enddef; % Clipping. % clipping state. boolean ClipOn; % clip by default: this helps Metafont and TeX. ClipOn := true; ClipOn := false; % clipping paths. path ClipPath[]; numeric ClipPath; ClipPath = 0; % initially no clipping paths, and no candidates known. %% Frank Michielsen's macros, slightly modified. % These are: list, pathlength, timelist, dashlist, dotlist. % Global Parameters: segmentsplit, dashsize, dashgap, dashstart, % dashfinish, dotgap. def list (suffix v) (text lst) = begingroup v := 0; for item= lst: incr v; v[v]:= item; endfor; endgroup enddef; if unknown segmentsplit: segmentsplit:= 5; fi def pathlength (expr p) = begingroup save l; l:= 0; for i= 1 upto length(p): for j= 1 upto segmentsplit: l:= l + length( (point ((i-1) + j/segmentsplit) of p) - (point ((i-1) + (j-1)/segmentsplit) of p) ); endfor endfor l endgroup enddef; def timelist (suffix tlst) (suffix llst) (expr p) = begingroup save t,sl,tl,ct; numeric ct,t,t[],sl[],tl[]; t[0]:= 0; for i= 1 upto length(p): for j= 1 upto segmentsplit: t[ (i-1)*segmentsplit + j ]:= i-1 + j/segmentsplit; endfor endfor; t:= length(p) * segmentsplit; % sl = segment-length % tl = total-length tl[0]:= 0; for i= 1 upto t: sl[i]:= length( point t[i] of p - point t[i-1] of p); tl[i]:= tl[i-1] + sl[i]; endfor % ct = current time ct:= 0; for i= 1 upto llst: % convert negative lengths to beginning of path if llst[i] <= 0: tlst[i]:= 0; ct:= 0; % convert too large lengths to end of path elseif llst[i] >= tl[t]: tlst[i]:= t; % find the startpoint [[tc]] of the sub-segment % which contains the specified point and solve by % linear interpolation. elseif llst[i] < tl[ct]: forever: ct:= ct - 1; exitif llst[i] >= tl[ct]; endfor tlst[i]:= ct + (llst[i] - tl[ct])/sl[ct+1]; else: % llst[i] >= tl[ct] forever: ct:= ct + 1; exitif tl[ct] > llst[i]; endfor ct:= ct - 1; tlst[i]:= ct + (llst[i] - tl[ct])/sl[ct+1]; fi tlst[i]:= tlst[i]/segmentsplit; endfor tlst:= llst; endgroup enddef; if unknown dashsize: dashsize := 3pt; fi if unknown dashgap: dashgap := 1dashsize; fi if unknown dashfinish: dashfinish := .5; fi if unknown dashstart: dashstart := .5; fi def dashlist (suffix dp) (expr p) = begingroup save l,x,n,dsh,spc,scl,llst; numeric lt,n,dsh,spc,scl,llst,llst[],tlst,tlst[]; lt:= pathlength(p); n:= ( lt - (dashstart + dashfinish -1)*dashsize )/(dashsize+ dashgap); % if the path is too short, we do not dash it. if n < 1: dp[1]:= p; dp:=1; % otherwise we must adjust the dashsize and dashgap to make it fit else: n:= round(n); scl:= lt/( (dashstart + dashfinish + n -1)*dashsize + n*dashgap ); dsh:= scl*dashsize; spc:= scl*dashgap; % and generate a list which contains the subdivision of the path llst[1]:= 0; llst[2]:= dashstart*dsh; for i=2 upto n: llst[2i-1]:= llst[2i -2] + spc; llst[2i]:= llst[2i-1] + dsh; endfor; llst[2n+1]:= llst[2n] + spc; llst[2n+2]:= llst[2n+1] + dashfinish*dsh; llst:= 2n+2; % then convert the list of pathlengths to a list of pathtimes timelist(tlst)(llst)(p); % and keep only the subpaths corresponding to the dashes for i=1 upto n+1: dp[i]:= subpath(tlst[2*i-1],tlst[2*i]) of p; endfor dp:= n+1; fi; endgroup enddef; if unknown dotgap: dotgap:= 3pt; fi def dotlist (suffix dp) (expr p) = begingroup save lt,sl,n,tlst,llst; numeric tlst,tlst[],llst,llst[]; lt:= pathlength(p); n:= lt/dotgap; n:= round(n); if n = 0: llst[1]:= lt/2; llst:= 1; else: sl:= lt/n; llst[1]:= 0; for i= 2 upto n+1: llst[i]:= llst[i-1] + sl; endfor llst:= n+1; fi timelist(tlst)(llst)(p); for i=1 upto n+1: dp[i]:= point tlst[i] of p; endfor dp:= n+1 endgroup; enddef; % That was Frank Michielsen's contribution. %% Utility Macros. % (Reference for map macro: Abelson & Sussman, % _Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs_, % page 250.) % Generate new text list by applying proc to each item in given % text list. The new list must be separated by commas, since I % wish to use it as the list in a `for' loop; this requirement % is difficult to reconcile with other needs. % NOTE WELL: Text arguments are particularly pernicious, % because they can inadvertently include a local name % used in the body of the macro. Also, METAFONT then gives % rather uninformative error messages. def map (text proc) (text list) = for a=list: , proc (a) endfor enddef; % apply procedure proc to each member of array p[] with p members. def maparr (text proc) (suffix p) = for i=1 upto p: proc (p[i]); endfor enddef; % convert text pairs list t to array p. % best used inside a vardef. % note: t must be a comma-separated list, % because the `for' needs it. def textpairs (suffix p) (text t) = save p; pair p[]; p:=0; for a=t: p[incr p] := a; endfor enddef; % chpair : `change pair'. % apply macro proc (which maps numeric -> numeric) % to each part of pair p, return resultant pair. vardef chpair (text proc) (expr p) = (proc (xpart p), proc (ypart p)) enddef; vardef floorpair (expr p) = chpair (floor) (p) enddef; vardef ceilingpair (expr p) = chpair (ceiling) (p) enddef; vardef hroundpair (expr p) = chpair (hround) (p) enddef; % Return the pair comprising the minimum x and minimum y coordinates % of all pairs in the array p[], where p itself is a numeric count of % the members in p[]. vardef minpair (suffix p) = save P_; pair P_; save x_, y_; numeric x_, y_; P_ := p1; for i=2 upto p: x_ := min (xpart P_, xpart p[i]); y_ := min (ypart P_, ypart p[i]); P_ := (x_, y_); endfor P_ enddef; % Similarly, but for the maximum coordinates. vardef maxpair (suffix p) = save P_; pair P_; save x_, y_; numeric x_, y_; P_ := p1; for i=2 upto p: x_ := max (xpart P_, xpart p[i]); y_ := max (ypart P_, ypart p[i]); P_ := (x_, y_); endfor P_ enddef; %% Coordinate Conversion. % (affine transformation) % graph -> sharp % xneg, xpos, yneg, ypos are in _graph_ coordinates. % plain MF's beginchar defines the _sharp_ values charwd and charht % as well the _pixel_ quantities w and h. % (Reference: _The METAFONTbook_, page 275, definition of beginchar.) % _graph_ and _sharp_ coordinates coincide iff ztr is the identity % transform. transform ztr, invztr; % currenttransform (.t_) takes care of the aspect ratio. % (Also, I may try coordinate transformations of currenttransform. % Consider bcoords ... ecoords.) def setztr = if debug: message " DEBUG "; message "charwd = " & decimal charwd & "pt#"; message "charht = " & decimal charht & "pt#"; message "w = " & decimal w & " pixels"; message "h = " & decimal h & " pixels"; message "xneg = " & decimal xneg; message "xneg = " & decimal xpos; message "yneg = " & decimal yneg; message "yneg = " & decimal ypos; message "xscale = " & decimal xscale; message "yscale = " & decimal yscale; message "unitlen = " & decimal unitlen & "pt#"; message "hppp = " & decimal hppp; message " GUBED "; fi ztr := identity shifted (-(xneg,yneg)) xscaled (xscale*unitlen*hppp) yscaled (yscale*unitlen*hppp); invztr := inverse ztr; if debug: message " DEBUG "; message "ztr: "; show ztr; message " GUBED "; fi enddef; % zconv converts a variety of expressions from graph -> sharp coords. % The expressions include pairs, paths, and transforms. % This is an affine transform. % Clipping greatly complicates zconv, because of the many cases. % Another disadvantage is that a clipped point distorts paths. boolean SimpleZconv; SimpleZconv = true; if SimpleZconv: vardef zconv (expr a) = a transformed ztr enddef; else: % Complicated zconv. vardef zconv (expr a) = if ClipOn: % Clipping on the character boundary, if I know how. if pair a: if (xpart a < xneg) or (xpart a > xpos) or (ypart a < yneg) or (ypart a > ypos): origin else: % A pair that is within the outer boundary. a transformed ztr fi else: % Not a pair. (Paths should also be clipped, but how?) a transformed ztr fi else: % No clipping. a transformed ztr fi enddef; fi % SimpleZconv. % invzconv converts a variety of expressions from sharp -> graph coords. % The expressions include pairs, paths, and transforms. % This is an affine transform. vardef invzconv (expr a) = a transformed invztr enddef; % vconv converts a vector v from graph -> sharp coords. % This is a linear (ie, vector) transform. vardef vconv (expr v) = (v transformed ztr) - (origin transformed ztr) enddef; % invvconv converts a vector from sharp -> graph coords. % This is a linear (ie, vector) transform. vardef invvconv (expr v) = (v transformed invztr) - (origin transformed invztr) enddef; %% Initial Setup. % active_plane is the active drawing plane. % currentpicture is unknown at this stage % (because it's set in beginchar), % so use a def, not a picture assignment. def active_plane = currentpicture enddef; def initpic = setztr; def active_plane = currentpicture enddef; % Set drawpen to standard shape and size. interim penwd := 0.5pt; drawpen := pencircle scaled penwd yscaled aspect_ratio; % Sets currentpen to drawpen. pickup drawpen; if ClipOn: ClipPath := 1; % Specified character boundary. ClipPath[1] := rect (origin, (w,h)); fi if debug: message " DEBUG "; message "Drawing Nominal Bounding Box Around MF Picture"; safedraw rect (origin, (w,h)); message " GUBED "; fi enddef; %% Compatibility with older graphbase.mf (for fig2dev's genmf.c) def mfpicenv = enddef; def endmfpicenv = enddef; def bounds (expr a,b,c,d) = xneg := a; xpos := b; yneg := c; ypos := d; enddef; %% Character Wrapper. def beginmfpic (expr ch) = beginchar (ch, (xpos-xneg)*xscale*unitlen, (ypos-yneg)*yscale*unitlen, 0); initpic; enddef; def endmfpic = if debug: message " DEBUG "; message "TFM charwd = " & decimal charwd & "pt#"; message "TFM charht = " & decimal charht & "pt#"; message " GUBED "; fi endchar; enddef; %% Extra Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions. % tand, cotd, acos, asin; % exp, ln, cosh, sinh, acosh, asinh. % NOTE: acos and asin return angle in degrees. def tand (expr x) = (sind (x) / cosd (x)) enddef; def cotd (expr x) = (cosd (x) / sind (x)) enddef; def acos (expr x) = angle ((x, 1+-+x)) enddef; def asin (expr y) = angle ((1+-+y, y)) enddef; def exp primary X = (mexp (256 * X)) enddef; def ln primary X = (mlog (X) / 256) enddef; vardef cosh primary X = save temp; temp = exp X; (temp + 1/temp) / 2; enddef; vardef sinh primary X = save temp; temp = exp X; (temp - 1/temp) / 2; enddef; def acosh (expr y) = ln (y + (y+-+1)) enddef; def asinh (expr y) = ln (y + (y++1)) enddef; %% Coordinate Systems and Transformations. % Coordinate Nesting. % Make this local, by using a (global) transform stack; % and transparent to METAFONT syntax, by using hide. % (For a primary expression, would use gobble instead of hide.) transform T_stack[]; T_stack := 0; def T_push (expr T) = T_stack[incr T_stack] := T; enddef; def T_pop (suffix $) = if T_stack > 0: $ := T_stack[T_stack]; T_stack := T_stack - 1; fi enddef; def bcoords = hide (T_push (ztr)) enddef; def ecoords = hide (T_pop (ztr)) enddef; % Coordinate Changes. % Example: `apply_t (rotated theta);' % where Transformer is `rotated theta'. def apply_t (text Transformer) = ztr := identity Transformer transformed ztr; % currenttransform := identity Transformer transformed currenttransform; enddef; let xslant = slanted; % (x+sy, y). def yslant primary s = % (x, y+sx). transformed begingroup transform T_; origin transformed T_ = origin; (1,0) transformed T_ = (1,s); (0,1) transformed T_ = (0,1); T_ endgroup enddef; def zslant primary p = % (xu+yv, xv+yu), where p = (u,v). transformed begingroup transform T_; xpart T_ = ypart T_ = 0; xxpart T_ = yypart T_ = xpart p; xypart T_ = yxpart T_ = ypart p; T_ endgroup enddef; def xyswap = % swap X and Y axes. zslant (0,1) enddef; def boost primary X = % boosts for special relativity. zslant (cosh X, sinh X) enddef; % Path Rotation. % Rotate path f about point p by angle th, % where f and p are in _graph_ coordinates, % and th is in _sharp_ coordinates. vardef rotatedpath (expr p,th) expr f = f transformed ztr rotatedaround (p transformed ztr, th) transformed invztr enddef; %% Bitmaps, Clipping and Rendering. % Bitmap to Bitmap --- Bitwise Operations. % NB: `cull' is *unknown* to METAPOST, plain METAPOST, and mfplain. if metapost: % p being a pair. def keeping p = enddef; % v being a picture. def cull expr v = enddef; fi % Change a picture u to {0,1} (`monochrome') form. % Apply this before the other monochrome operations. def mono (suffix u) = cull u keeping (1, infinity); enddef; % bitwise and. def andto (suffix u) (expr v) = addto u also v; cull u keeping (2,2); enddef; primarydef u picand v = begingroup picture t; t=u+v; cull t keeping (2,2); t endgroup enddef; % inclusive or. def orto (suffix u) (expr v) = addto u also v; cull u keeping (1,2); enddef; primarydef u picor v = begingroup picture t; t=u+v; cull t keeping (1,2); t endgroup enddef; % exclusive or. def xorto (suffix u) (expr v) = addto u also v; cull u keeping (1,1); enddef; primarydef u picxor v = begingroup picture t; t=u+v; cull t keeping (1,1); t endgroup enddef; % (nonsymmetric) difference. def subto (suffix u) (expr v) = addto u also -v; cull u keeping (1,1); enddef; primarydef u picsub v = begingroup picture t; t=u-v; cull t keeping (1,1); t endgroup enddef; % Contour to Bitmap --- Clipping and Filling. % (safely filled) interior of contour c, % where c is in _pixel_ coordinates; % adapted from _The METAFONTbook_'s "safefill". % plain.mf defines `.t_' as `transformed currenttransform'; % currenttransform compensates for the aspect ratio of _pixels_, % and is set in mode_setup, which is called near the top of % grafbase.mf; see above. % (Reference: _The METAFONTbook_, page 269.) vardef interior expr c = save vs; picture vs; vs=nullpicture; interim turningcheck := 0; addto vs contour (c.t_) withpen nullpen; cull vs dropping (0,0); vs enddef; % (safely filled) interiors of contours cc[], % where cc[] are in _pixel_ coordinates; vardef interiors suffix cc = save vss; picture vss; vss=nullpicture; for i=1 upto cc: orto (vss, interior cc[i]); endfor vss enddef; % derived bitmap operations. % clip picture vt to interior of cycle c, % where c is in _pixel_ coordinates. def clipto (suffix vt) expr c = mono (vt); andto (vt, interior c); enddef; % clip picture vt to interiors of cycles in path array cc, % where c is in _pixel_ coordinates. def clipsto (suffix vt, cc) = mono (vt); andto (vt, interiors cc); enddef; % clip copy of picture vt to interior of cycle c, % where c is in _pixel_ coordinates, % return result (which is a `subpicture' of vt). vardef clip (suffix vt) expr c = mono (vt); vt picand (interior c) enddef; % fill region inside c in picture vt, % where c is in _pixel_ coordinates. vardef picfill (suffix vt) expr c = mono (vt); orto (vt, interior c); enddef; % unfill region inside c in picture vt, % where c is in _pixel_ coordinates. vardef picunfill (suffix vt) expr c = mono (vt); subto (vt, interior c); enddef; % (return) reverse video of vt inside c, % where c is in _pixel_ coordinates. vardef picneg (suffix vt) expr c = mono (vt); (interior c) picsub vt enddef; % Rendering Paths --- Drawing and Filling. % draw path f in picture v using pen q, % where f is in _pixel_ coordinates. def shpath (suffix v) (expr q) (expr f) = interim turningcheck := 0; addto v doublepath (f.t_) withpen q; enddef; % draw path d safely, return picture of drawing, % where d is in _pixel_ coordinates. % (Courtesy of Uwe Bonnes.) numeric minpenwd; minpenwd := 0.01pt; vardef picpath expr d = save vs; picture vs; vs=nullpicture; if penwd > minpenwd: shpath (vs, drawpen) (d); mono (vs); fi vs enddef; % drawing a path d safely in picture vt, % where d is in _pixel_ coordinates. def picdraw (suffix vt) expr d = addto vt also (picpath d); enddef; % drawing a path d safely, % where d is in _pixel_ coordinates. def safedraw expr d = picdraw (active_plane) d; if ClipOn: clipsto (active_plane, ClipPath); fi enddef; % filling a region, the interior of c, safely, % where c is in _pixel_ coordinates. def safefill expr c = if cycle c: picfill (active_plane) c; if ClipOn: clipsto (active_plane, ClipPath); fi else: % so we can see something safedraw c; fi enddef; % erasing a region (the interior of c) safely, % where c is in _pixel_ coordinates. % - really works this time - def safeunfill expr c = if cycle c: picunfill (active_plane) c; if ClipOn: clipsto (active_plane, ClipPath); fi else: % so we can see something safedraw c; fi enddef; % draw path f and return path f, % where f is in _graph_ coordinates. vardef drawn expr f = safedraw zconv (f); f enddef; % fill contour c and return contour c, % where c is in _graph_ coordinates. vardef filled expr c = safefill zconv (c); c enddef; % unfill contour c and return contour c, % where c is in _graph_ coordinates. vardef unfilled expr c = safeunfill zconv (c); c enddef; %% Shading and Hatching. % Shading % - expressed mainly in _pixel_ coordinates. % A closed path representing one dot of unit size % (one pixel across is recommended). path dotpath; % Initially, set dotpath to a circle. dotpath := fullcircle; % Return picture that renders specified apath path to specified scale. % We use ceiling to ensure visibility. vardef setdot (expr apath) (expr scale) = if cycle apath: interior else: if debug: errhelp ("I hope you don't mind"); errmessage ("setdot with open `boundary', drawing curve instead"); fi picpath fi (apath scaled ceiling (scale)) enddef; % Picture containing one dot. picture onedot; % Initially, set onedot to picture of initial dotpath scaled 0.5pt. onedot := setdot (dotpath, 0.5pt); % Draw picture w at position p in picture v, % where p is in _pixel_ coordinates. def picdot (suffix v) (expr w) (expr p) = addto v also (w shifted (hroundpair (p.t_))); enddef; % Draw the onedot picture % at position p (in _pixel_ coordinates) % in active drawing plane. def pixdot (expr p) = picdot (active_plane, onedot, p); enddef; % Draw the onedot picture % at position p (in _graph_ coordinates) % in active drawing plane. def ourdot (expr p) = pixdot (zconv (p)); enddef; % Whether to show bounding boxes (for debugging purposes). boolean showbbox; showbbox := false; % Calculate tight bounding box points (ll, ur) for path g. % g is in _pixel_ coordinates. vardef tightbbox (expr g) (suffix ll, ur) = % vertical tangent: def vtang (expr x) = (x, -infinity)--(x, infinity) enddef; % horizontal tangent: def htang (expr y) = (-infinity, y)--(infinity, y) enddef; % xlimit(x) = true iff vtang(x) does not intersect path g: vardef xlimit (expr x) = (xpart (g intersectiontimes (vtang(x))) < 0) enddef; % ylimit(y) = true iff htang(y) does not intersect path g: vardef ylimit (expr y) = (xpart (g intersectiontimes (htang(y))) < 0) enddef; save minx, maxx, miny, maxy; numeric minx, maxx, miny, maxy; minx := (solve xlimit (-infinity, xpart point 1 of g)); maxx := (solve xlimit ( infinity, xpart point 1 of g)); miny := (solve ylimit (-infinity, ypart point 1 of g)); maxy := (solve ylimit ( infinity, ypart point 1 of g)); ll := (minx, miny); ur := (maxx, maxy); if showbbox: safedraw (rect (ll, ur)); fi enddef; % calculate tight bounding box points (ll, ur) for path array g. % g is in _pixel_ coordinates. vardef tbbox (suffix g) (suffix ll, ur) = save gll, gur; pair gll, gur; for i=1 upto g: tightbbox (g[i], gll[i], gur[i]); endfor gll = gur = g; ll := minpair (gll); ur := maxpair (gur); if showbbox: safedraw (rect (ll, ur)); fi enddef; % calculate loose bounding box points (ll, ur) for path g. % g is in _pixel_ coordinates. vardef bbox (expr g) (suffix ll, ur) = ur := ll := point 0 of g; save p; pair p[]; for i=0 upto length g: p1 := point i of g; p2 := precontrol i of g; p3 := postcontrol i of g; p := 4; p4 := ll; ll := minpair (p); p4 := ur; ur := maxpair (p); endfor if showbbox: safedraw (rect (ll, ur)); fi enddef; % shade interior of path f with dots, % of pre-specified shape and size (see setdot macro), % spaced sp apart, % where f is in _graph_ coordinates, % and sp is in _pixel_ coordinates. % Return f. vardef shade (expr sp) expr f = save g; path g; g := zconv (f); if not cycle g: % so we can see something safedraw g; message "attempt to shade open curve; drawing curve instead"; elseif sp<=0: safefill g; else: save ll, ur; pair ll, ur; bbox (g, ll, ur); ll := sp * (ceilingpair (ll/sp)); save mn; pair mn; mn := floorpair ((ur-ll)/sp); m := xpart mn; n := ypart mn; twosp := 2*sp; save p; pair p[]; p2 := ll; picture v; v := nullpicture; for i=0 upto m: p3 := p2 if odd i: + (0,sp) fi; for j=0 upto n: if (not odd (i+j)): picdot (v, onedot, p3); p3 := p3 + (0,twosp); fi endfor p2:=p2+(sp,0); endfor addto active_plane also clip(v) g; fi f enddef; % Given: % a picture variable v_c, % an affine transform CT, % a spacing sp, % and an upright box (with edges xa, xb, ya, yb) % specified in the coordinate system that CT determines. % Then: % hatch the interior of the box in the picture, % using lines that in that coordinate system are horizontal % and spaced sp units apart. % Notes: % 1. sp must be strictly positive. % 2. CT, xa, xb, ya, yb, and sp are in _pixel_ coordinates. % 3. xa, xb, ya, and yb are the left, right, bottom and top % edges of the box. vardef thatchf (suffix v_c) (expr CT, sp, xa, xb, ya, yb) = % Number of hatch lines. save m; numeric m; m := ceiling (abs (yb - ya) / sp); save p; pair p[]; % In Pixel Coords. % Hatch lines have same alignment, spacing and orientation. % Displacement from one hatch line to the next. p1 := sp * up; % Y coordinate of first hatch line. save yc; numeric yc; yc := sp * ceiling (ya/sp); % Endpoints of first hatch line. p2 := (xa, yc); p3 := (xb, yc); for i=1 upto m: % The next source line does all the drawing. shpath (v_c, hatchpen) ((p2--p3) transformed CT); p2 := p2+p1; p3 := p3+p1; endfor enddef; % Hatch interior of path f % with lines at angle theta, % spaced sp apart. % where f is in _graph_ coordinates, % and sp is in _pixel_ coordinates. vardef thatch (expr sp, theta) expr f = % g is in _pixel_ coordinates. save g; path g; g := zconv (f); if not cycle g: % so we can see something message "attempt to hatch open curve; drawing curve instead"; safedraw g; elseif sp<=0: safefill g; else: save v_c; picture v_c; v_c := nullpicture; save CT; transform CT; CT := identity rotated theta; save ll, ur; pair ll, ur; bbox (g transformed inverse CT, ll, ur); save xa, xb, ya, yb; numeric xa, xb, ya, yb; (xa, ya) = ll; (xb, yb) = ur; % Hatch interior of bounding box. thatchf (v_c, CT, sp, xa, xb, ya, yb); % Clip to interior of path g. addto active_plane also clip(v_c) g; % v_c; fi f enddef; % Hatch interior of path f with horizontal lines spaced sp apart. % where f is in _graph_ coordinates, % and sp is in _pixel_ coordinates. vardef hhatch (expr sp) expr f = thatch (sp, 0 deg) f enddef; % Hatch interior of path f with vertical lines spaced sp apart. % where f is in _graph_ coordinates, % and sp is in _pixel_ coordinates. vardef vhatch (expr sp) expr f = thatch (sp, 90 deg) f enddef; % Left-hatch interior of path f with lines spaced sp apart, % where f is in _graph_ coordinates, % and sp is in _pixel_ coordinates. % Return f. vardef lhatch (expr sp) expr f = thatch (sp, -45 deg) f enddef; % Right-hatch interior of path f with lines spaced sp apart, % where f is in _graph_ coordinates, % and sp is in _pixel_ coordinates. % Return f. vardef rhatch (expr sp) expr f = thatch (sp, 45 deg) f enddef; % Cross-hatch interior of path f with lines spaced sp apart, % where f is in _graph_ coordinates, % and sp is in _pixel_ coordinates. vardef xhatch (expr sp) expr f = lhatch (sp) rhatch (sp) f enddef; %% Tiles. % environment for a tile `atile', drawn with unit length % `unit', with width `width' units and height `height' units. % If `clipon' is true, clip the drawing to the tile's % (width x height) boundary. def tile (suffix atile) (expr unit, width, height, clipon) = picture atile.pic; atile.pic=nullpicture; % for reference by `tess' macro: numeric atile.wd, atile.ht; atile.wd=width; atile.ht=height; begingroup save active_plane; def active_plane = atile.pic enddef; save wtr; transform wtr; wtr = identity scaled unit; save ClipOn; boolean ClipOn; if clipon: ClipOn := true; save ClipPath; path ClipPath[]; ClipPath = 1; ClipPath[1] = ((0,0)--(width,0)--(width,height)--(0,height)--cycle) transformed wtr; else: ClipOn := false; fi enddef; def endtile = endgroup enddef; % test whether atile is really a tile. def is_tile (suffix atile) = ((picture atile.pic) and (numeric atile.wd) and (numeric atile.ht) and (boolean atile.clipon)) enddef; % tesselation of interior of closed path c, % using tile `atile'. % c is in _graph_ units. % return c. vardef tess (suffix atile) expr c = save g; path g; g := zconv (c); if cycle g: save ll, ur; pair ll, ur; bbox (g, ll, ur); save a, b; numeric a, b; if not is_tile (atile): errhelp ("Please check the faulty definition of the `tile'"); errmessage ("tess given invalid tile"); fi a = atile.wd; b = atile.ht; save m[], n[]; numeric m[], n[]; m1 = floor ((xpart ll) / a); m2 = ceiling ((xpart ur) / a); n1 = floor ((ypart ll) / b); n2 = ceiling ((ypart ur) / b); save vs; picture vs; vs := nullpicture; % fill vs with rectangular tesselation large enough % to cover interior of g: for i=m1 upto m2: for j=n1 upto n2: addto vs also (atile.pic shifted (i*a, j*b); endfor endfor % trim tesselation to interior of g: clipto (vs) g; addto active_plane also vs; else: % so we can see something safedraw g; message "attempt to tesselate open curve; drawing curve instead"; fi c enddef; %% Dots and Dashes. % Draw dashed curve along path f; % f is in _graph_ coordinates; % return f. vardef dashed (expr dlen, dgap) expr f = save dashsize; numeric dashsize; dashsize := dlen; save dashgap; numeric dashgap; dashgap := dgap; save g; path g; g := zconv (f); save dp; numeric dp; path dp[]; dashlist (dp) (g); for i=1 upto dp: safedraw dp[i]; endfor f enddef; % Draw dotted curve along path f; % f is in _graph_ coordinates; % return f. vardef dotted (expr dsize, dgap) expr f = save dotgap; numeric dotgap; dotgap := dgap; save g; path g; g := zconv (f); save dp; numeric dp; pair dp[]; dotlist (dp) (g); onedot := setdot (dotpath, dsize); for i=1 upto dp: pixdot (dp[i]); endfor f enddef; %% Points. % ptwd is a numeric scale factor, % b is a pair; % return a path representing % a point % with diameter ptwd % located at b. % All quantities are in _pixel_ units. vardef bpoint (expr ptwd, b) = fullcircle scaled ptwd shifted b enddef; % Draw discs with _pixel_ diameter ptwd % at the _graph_ locations listed in the text t. % If filled is true, make the discs black, % otherwise make them white with a black boundary. vardef pointd (expr ptwd, filled) (text t) = save f; path f; % in _graph_ coords. for a=t: f := bpoint (ptwd, zconv (a)); if filled: safefill f; else: safeunfill f; safedraw f; fi endfor enddef; %% Arrows. % arrowheads are in _pixel_ coordinates. newinternal hdwdr, hdten; interim hdwdr := 1; interim hdten := 1; boolean hfilled; hfilled := false; % wr is in _pixel_ coordinates; % tens is a pure number; % fil is _boolean_. def headshape (expr wr, tens, fil) = interim hdwdr := wr; interim hdten := tens; hfilled := fil; enddef; % initial arrowhead shape. headshape (1, 1, false); % front, back and hdwdr are in _pixel_ coords. vardef head (expr front, back, hdwdr, tens, filled) = save p, side; pair p[], side; side := (hdwdr/2) * ((front-back) rotated 90); p1 := back + side; p2 := back - side; save f; path f; f := p1..tension tens..{front-back}front{back-front}..tension tens..p2; if filled: safefill (f--cycle); fi safedraw f; enddef; % hlen, hrot and hback are in _pixel_ coords. % f is in _graph_ coords. % return f. vardef headpath (expr hlen, hrot, hback) expr f = save g; path g; g := zconv (f); save P; pair P[]; P2 := point (length g) of g; P1 := direction (length g) of g; if P1 <> (0,0) : P3 := ((unitvector (P1)) rotated hrot); P4 := P2 - (hback * P3); P5 := P4 - (hlen * P3); head (P4, P5, hdwdr, hdten, hfilled); if debug: message " DEBUG "; message "P1 to P5 :"; show P1, P2, P3, P4, P5; message " GUBED "; fi fi f enddef; % hlen is in _pixel_ coordinates; % f is in _graph_ coords. def arrowdraw (expr hlen) (expr f) = safedraw zconv (f); store (trash) headpath (hlen, 0, 0pt) f; enddef; %% Axes, Axis Tic Marks, and Grid. % hlen is in _pixel_ coords. % axes are described by xneg, xpos, yneg and ypos, % which are in _graph_ coords. def axes (expr hlen) = arrowdraw (hlen) ((0,yneg) .. (0,ypos)); arrowdraw (hlen) ((xneg,0) .. (xpos,0)); enddef; % Axis Tic Marks are at right angles to axes, % and have length len. % len is in _pixel_ Y coords. % t is a list of _graph_ X coords. vardef xmarks (expr len) (text t) = % P is position on axis, tic is tic mark. save tic, P; pair tic, P; tic := (len/2) * unitvector (vconv (right)) rotated 90; for a=t: P := zconv (a * right); safedraw (((-tic)..tic) shifted P); endfor enddef; % len is in _pixel_ X coords. % t is a list of _graph_ Y coords. vardef ymarks (expr len) (text t) = save tic, P; pair tic, P; tic := (len/2) * unitvector (vconv (up)) rotated 90; for a=t: P := zconv (a * up); safedraw (((-tic)..tic) shifted P); endfor enddef; % Grid. % Draw dots at each grid coordinate. % xspace, yspace = spacings between grid coordinates, in _graph_ coords. vardef grid (expr xspace, yspace) = for x=xneg step xspace until xpos: for y=yneg step yspace until ypos: ourdot ((x, y)); endfor endfor enddef; %% Upright Rectangles. % coordinate-independent. vardef rect (expr ll, ur) = ll--(xpart ll,ypart ur)-- ur--(xpart ur,ypart ll)--cycle enddef; %% Path Construction. % coordinate-independent. % general path construction vardef mkpath (expr smooth,cyclic) (suffix pts) = if smooth: mksmooth (cyclic, pts) else: mkpoly (cyclic, pts) fi enddef; %% Polylines, including Polygons. % coordinate-independent. % polyline construction % pts is both an array of pairs or paths, % and a count of its members (from 1 to pts). vardef mkpoly (expr cyclic) (suffix pts) = for i=1 upto pts-1: pts[i]-- endfor pts[pts] if cyclic: --cycle fi enddef; vardef polyline (expr cyclic) (text t) = textpairs (p,t); mkpoly (cyclic, p) enddef; %% Smooth Curves. % coordinate-independent. % smooth path construction vardef mksmooth (expr cyclic) (suffix pts) = if cyclic: pts[1]{pts[2]-pts[pts]} else: pts[1] fi for i=2 upto pts-1: ..pts[i]{pts[i+1]-pts[i-1]} endfor if cyclic: ..pts[pts]{pts[1]-pts[pts-1]}..cycle else: ..pts[pts] fi enddef; vardef curve (expr cyclic) (text t) = textpairs (p,t); mksmooth (cyclic, p) enddef; % quadratic B-splines. % p[] == B-spline control points, % p in number. vardef openqbs (text t) = textpairs (p,t); for i=1 upto p-2: 0.5[p[i],p[i+1]] ..controls 1/6[p[i+1],p[i]] and 1/6[p[i+1],p[i+2]].. endfor 0.5[p[p-1],p[p]] enddef; vardef closedqbs (text t) = textpairs (p,t); p[p+1]:=p1; p[p+2]:=p2; for i=1 upto p: 0.5[p[i],p[i+1]] ..controls 1/6[p[i+1],p[i]] and 1/6[p[i+1],p[i+2]].. endfor cycle enddef; % cubic B-splines. vardef mkopencbs (suffix b) = for i=1 upto b-3: (b[i]+4b[i+1]+b[i+2])/6 ..controls 1/3[b[i+1],b[i+2]] and 2/3[b[i+1],b[i+2]].. endfor (b[b-2]+4b[b-1]+b[b])/6 enddef; vardef opencbs (text t) = textpairs (b,t); mkopencbs (b) enddef; vardef mkclosedcbs (suffix b) = b[b+1]:=b1; b[b+2]:=b2; for i=1 upto b: (b[i]+4b[i+1]+b[i+2])/6 ..controls 1/3[b[i+1],b[i+2]] and 2/3[b[i+1],b[i+2]].. endfor cycle enddef; vardef closedcbs (text t) = textpairs (b,t); mkclosedcbs (b) enddef; %% Path Closure. % coordinate-independent. %% QUESTION: How to close open paths while retaining their original shape? % path f closed by line segment. vardef lclosed expr f = f if not cycle f: --cycle fi enddef; % close path f in manner of mksmooth. vardef sclosed expr f = if cycle f: f else: save n; numeric n; n := length f; % number of Bezier segments in f if n <= 1: % single Bezier segment (n=1), or single point (n=0) f..cycle else: % (n >= 2) (point 0 of f){(point 1 of f)-(point infinity of f)} ..(subpath (1,n-1) of f) ..(point infinity of f){(point 0 of f)-(point (n-1) of f)} ..cycle fi fi enddef; % path f closed by bezier. vardef bclosed expr f = f if not cycle f: ..cycle fi enddef; % conversion of Bezier segment key points, z, % to cubic B-spline control points, b. def ztob (suffix z, b) = save b; pair b[]; b := 4; b1 = 6z1-7z2+2z3; b2 = 2z2- z3; b3 = - z2+2z3; b4 = 2z2-7z3+6z4; enddef; % closure of path f by a cubic B-spline. vardef cbclosed expr f = if cycle f: f else: save p; pair p[]; p1 := point 0 of f; p2 := postcontrol 0 of f; p3 := precontrol 1 of f; p4 := point 1 of f; ztob (p,a); n := length f; p1 := point (n-1) of f; p2 := postcontrol (n-1) of f; p3 := precontrol infinity of f; p4 := point infinity of f; ztob (p,b); b1 := b3; b2 := b4; b3 := a1; b4 := a2; f..mkopencbs(b)..cycle fi enddef; %% Circles and Ellipses. % coordinate-independent. vardef ellipse (expr center, radx, rady, angle) = save t; transform t; t:=identity xscaled (2*radx) yscaled (2*rady) rotated angle shifted center; fullcircle transformed t enddef; def circle (expr center,rad) = ellipse (center,rad,rad,0) enddef; %% Circular Arcs. % coordinate-independent. % center-point-sweep form of arc vardef arc (expr center, from, sweep) = save f; path f; f := from; if (center<>from) and (sweep<>0): n := ceiling (abs(sweep)/45) + 1; if n<3: n := 3; fi theta := sweep/(n-1); save p,q; pair p,q; p := from; for i=2 upto n: p := p rotatedabout (center, theta); q := (p-center) rotated 90; if theta<0: q := -q; fi f := f..p{unitvector q}; endfor fi f enddef; % (0.5)[from,to] is mid point of chord across arc. % cotd (sweep/2) is the displacement of ... def arccenter (expr from, to, sweep) = ((0.5)[from,to] if (sweep mod 360) <> 0: + ((cotd (sweep/2)) * ((to-from) rotated 90) / 2) fi) enddef; % point-point-sweep form of arc vardef arcpps (expr from, to, sweep) = save center; pair center; center := arccenter (from,to,sweep); arc (center, from, sweep) enddef; % modified polar -- % center, angle, angle, radius vardef arcplr (expr center, frtheta, totheta, rad) = save from; pair from; from:=center+rad*(dir frtheta); arc (center, from, totheta-frtheta) enddef; % center-point-sweep form def arccps (expr center, from, theta) = (arc (center, from, theta)) enddef; % point-point-point form vardef arcppp (expr first, second, third) = save sweep; numeric sweep; sweep:=2*(angle(third-second)-angle(second-first)); sweep:=sweep mod 720; if sweep > 360: sweep:=sweep-720; fi critical:=5; if abs(sweep) <= critical: % center may blow out save p; pair p[]; p:=3; p1:=first; p2:=second; p3:=third; mksmooth (false,p) else: save m, d, center; pair m[], d[], center; m1:=(0.5)[first,second]; d1:=(second-first) rotated 90; m2:=(0.5)[second,third]; d2:=(third-second) rotated 90; center = m1+whatever*d1 = m2+whatever*d2; arc (center,first,sweep) fi enddef; %% Polar Coordinates. % coordinate-independent. % polar to rectangular conversion: (r,th) -> (x,y) = r * dir (th). vardef polar (expr p) = (xpart p) * dir (ypart p) enddef; %% Turtle. % coordinate-independent. % Argument t is a list of graph coord. pairs. % First item in list t is starting point, % rest are successive moves. vardef turtle (text t) = save p; pair p[]; p:=0; for a=t: p[incr p] := if p<>1: p[p-1] + fi a; endfor mkpoly (false, p) enddef; %% Sectors. % coordinate-independent. vardef sector (expr center, rad, frtheta, totheta) = save from; pair from; if debug: message " DEBUG "; message "sector's center, rad, frtheta, totheta: "; show center, rad, frtheta, totheta; message " GUBED "; fi from:=center+rad*(dir frtheta); if debug: message " DEBUG "; message "sector's from: "; show from; message " GUBED "; fi center -- arc (center,from,totheta-frtheta) -- cycle enddef; %% Utility Functions. % coordinate-independent. % the identity function. def id (expr x) = x enddef; %% Plotting of functions. % coordinate-independent. % In these macros, if the boolean argument `smooth' then the path % returned will be a B\'ezier, otherwise it will be a polyline. % In mkfcn, for example, the parameter values determining the points % through which the path interpolates begin at bmin, and step by bst % until bmax is reached or exceeded. % mkfcn: convert function `pf : (x, y) = pf (t)' to a path. % pf : numeric -> pair. % domain interpreted as parameter values, % codomain as cartesian coordinate pairs. vardef mkfcn (expr smooth) (expr bmin, bmax, bst) (text pf) = save p; pair p[]; p := 0; for bv = bmin step bst until bmax+(bst/2): p[incr p] := pf (bv); endfor mkpath (smooth, false, p) enddef; let tfcn = mkfcn; % parafcn: like tfcn, but the text argument is a literal pair % expression `(fa(t), fb(t))' in the literal `t'. vardef parafcn (expr smooth) (expr bmin, bmax, bst) (text pf) = save p; pair p[]; p := 0; for t = bmin step bst until bmax+(bst/2): p[incr p] := pf; endfor mkpath (smooth, false, p) enddef; % xfcn: convert function `fx : y = f (x)' to a path. % fx : numeric -> numeric. % domain interpreted as X coordinate, % codomain as Y coordinate. % Return the path. vardef xfcn (expr smooth) (expr xmin, xmax, st) (text fx) = def fp (expr x) = (x, fx(x)) enddef; mkfcn (smooth) (xmin, xmax, st) (fp) enddef; % function: like xfcn, but the text argument is a literal numeric % expression `fx(x)' in the literal `x'. vardef function (expr smooth) (expr xmin, xmax, st) (text fx) = def fp (expr x) = (x, fx) enddef; mkfcn (smooth) (xmin, xmax, st) (fp) enddef; % rfcn: convert function `ft : r = ft (\theta)' to a path. % ft : numeric -> numeric. % domain interpreted as angle in degrees, % codomain as radial distance from origin. vardef rfcn (expr smooth) (expr tmin, tmax, st) (text ft) = def fq (expr t) = (ft(t) * (dir t)) enddef; mkfcn (smooth) (tmin, tmax, st) (fq) enddef; % plrfcn: like rfcn, but the text argument is a literal numeric % expression `ft(t)' in the literal `t' which represents the % angle \theta. vardef plrfcn (expr smooth) (expr tmin, tmax, st) (text ft) = def fq (expr t) = (ft * (dir t)) enddef; mkfcn (smooth) (tmin, tmax, st) (fq) enddef; %% Overlays - taken from MFbook, p 295. (Bruce Leban) picture totalpicture; boolean totalnull, currentnull; def clearit = currentpicture := totalpicture := nullpicture; currentnull := totalnull := true; enddef; def keepit = mono (currentpicture); addto totalpicture also currentpicture; currentpicture := nullpicture; totalnull := currentnull; currentnull := true; enddef; def addto_currentpicture = currentnull := false; addto currentpicture enddef; def mergeit (text do) = if totalnull: do currentpicture elseif currentnull: do totalpicture else: begingroup save v; picture v; v:=currentpicture; mono (v); addto v also totalpicture; do v endgroup fi enddef; def shipit = mergeit (shipout) enddef; def showit_ = mergeit (show_) enddef; def show_ suffix v = display v inwindow currentwindow enddef; %%% %%% end grafbase.mf %%%