%From haccme@milton.u.washington.edu Wed Sep 4 20:26:57 1991 %From: haccme@milton.u.washington.edu (Thomas Ridgeway) %Newsgroups: comp.text.tex %Subject: Devanagari font variation %Keywords: TeX METAFONT devanagri Velthuis font %Date: 4 Sep 91 18:00:33 GMT %Organization: University of Washington, Seattle %Here is a quick variation on Frans Velthuis' now-freely-available %devanagari metafont (which can be found in ~/tex on june.cs.washington.edu %in devnag.tar.Z or devnag.zip --- unix users warning: devnag.tar %has MSDOS text files.) (This message may cross an earlier message from %Pierre MacKay passing along news of the availability of the package). % cut wherever good Metafont sense would indicate at each end :) % This is file dvpn10.mf % a trivial variation of dvng10.mf to resemble devanagari % written with an ordinary writing pen --- we get usable results --- % illustrating that Frans Velthuis' font is truly a well-designed % meta-font which can serve as a basis for numerous fonts of % difference appearance Tom Ridgeway % below this line this file is identical to file dvng10.mf % except for lines containing %HACC%, including this one numeric slant; slant=1/8; %HACC% mode_setup; currenttransform:=currenttransform slanted slant; %HACC% ht# := 2mm#; rm# := 0.6mm#; brm# := 0.9mm#; twd# := 1.4mm#; uwidth# := twd#; define_pixels(rm,twd,uwidth,brm); define_whole_pixels(ht); rot = 135; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % the following parameters determine the line-thicknes. % the line-thicknes varies between thin# and thick#, depending on the % angle between the pen and the direction of writing. % for strokes in subscripts it varies between subthick# and thin#. thick# := 0.7pt#; thin# := 0.4pt#; %HACC% subthick# := .6pt#; %HACC% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% font_size 10pt#; font_quad 1.5twd#+rm#; font_x_height .7rm#; font_normal_space:=1.2twd#; font_normal_stretch:=.6twd#; font_normal_shrink:=.4twd#; font_identifier:="DVPN10"; %HACC% \input defs \input dnchars %-- %- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - %Humanities & Arts Computing Ctr/NorthWest Computing Support Center %DR-10 University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 USA phone: (206)-543-4218 %ridgeway@blackbox.hacc.washington.edu // haccme@milton.u.washington.edu