\makeatletter %%% This is a demonstration cfg file for myletter.cls %%% There are two place to include your bank-connections %%% (or whatever you want) which are controlled by %%% the options bankhigh and banklow which set %%% @bankhi and @banklo %%% %%% I'm sorry but the makeatletter/makeatletter is needed %%% %%% %%% ***************************************************** %%% Important change: %%% Myletter.cls does no longer provide the ``:'' when %%% it prints a name (like subjectname). %%% it is much easier to add a ``:'' to the name than to %%% rewrite the commands to omit it. %%% ***************************************************** %% You may include logos and other graphic-material into %% your letterhead: %% %%\RequirePackage{graphics} %% \if@german is no longer supported (You have been warned) %% myletter.cls defines the following 5 language-names %% l@USenglish, l@english, l@german, l@austrian and l@french %% You should use these to write language-depending entries. %% (This is compatible to babel and makes a multilanguage setup %% easier) %% You may redefine the following variables %% %\renewcommand*{\yourrefname} {Ihr Zeichen:} %\renewcommand*{\yourmailname} {Ihr Schreiben vom:} %\renewcommand*{\myrefname} {Unser Zeichen:} %\renewcommand*{\mymailname} {Unser Schreiben vom:} %\renewcommand*{\customername} {Kundennummer } %\renewcommand*{\invoicename} {Rechnungsnummer } %\renewcommand*{\subjectname} {} %{Betr.} %\renewcommand*{\ccname} {Kopien an:} %\renewcommand*{\enclname} {Anlagen:} %\renewcommand*{\headtoname} {An} %\renewcommand*{\datename} {Datum} %\renewcommand*{\pagename} {Seite} %\renewcommand*{\telephonename} {Telefon} %\renewcommand*{\telefaxname} {FAX} \let\savedcaptions\captionsgerman \def\captionsgerman{\savedcaptions \renewcommand*{\myrefname} {Mein Zeichen:} } %% %% alternate definitions for the reference-line. %% use this if you do not need a mymail-entry. %% In fact you can do a lot of things with these %% 4 entries, e.g. setting \mymailname to {InvoiceNo} %% and using \mymail to display an invoiceno. %% You may change these lines but make sure that %% the combined length of the 4 fields is 1\leftfield %% or less. %\def\yref#1{\def\@yref{\parbox[t]{.33\leftfield} % {\scriptsize \yourrefname\\ \normalsize #1}} % reftrue} %\def\ymail#1{\def\@ymail{\parbox[t]{.33\leftfield} % {\scriptsize \yourmailname\\ \normalsize #1}} % reftrue} %\def\myref#1{\def\@myref{\parbox[t]{.33\leftfield} % {\scriptsize \myrefname\\ \normalsize #1}} % reftrue} %\let\mymail=\@gobbleone %%% Top of first page: left \sbox{\FIRM} {\parbox[t]{\leftfield} {\fontsize{17.28}{22pt}\fontseries{bx}\selectfont% Mein Name\hfill}} %%% Top of every other page \sbox{\firm} {\fontsize{10}{12pt}\selectfont\normalfont Mein Name} %%% Top of first page: right \sbox{\firmaddress} % Use either Text: {\parbox[t]{\rightfield}{% \fontsize{9}{10pt}\selectfont\normalfont Meine Stra{\ss}e 1\\ 12345 Meindorf}} % or graphic: %{\includegraphics{ourlogo}} %% and remember to adjust FIRM and firmaddress: %%% Top of first page: left + right %%% You may want to adjust the raisebox \sbox{\FIRMHEAD} {\usebox{\FIRM}\raisebox{3mm}{\usebox{\firmaddress}}} %%% Return address %%% one line version \sbox{\firmreturn} {\underline{\fontsize{7}{8pt}\selectfont \hskip5mm Mein Name $\cdot$ Meine Stra{\ss}e 1 $\cdot$ D--12345 Meindorf\hskip5mm}} %%% two line version %\sbox{\firmreturn} % {\underline{ % \fontsize{7}{8pt}\fontfamily{\sfdefault}\selectfont % \hskip3mm\parbox{65mm} % {\makebox[65mm][c] % {Fachschaft -- Maschinenbau $\cdot$ % \mbox{\raise .75ex \hbox{c}\kern -.15em /\kern -.125em % \smash{\lower .3ex \hbox{o}}} % AStA TU Braunschweig} % \makebox[65mm][c] % {Katharinenstra{\ss}e 1 $\cdot$ D--38106 Braunschweig}} % \hskip3mm}} %%% Firstpage footer %%% The code should be controlled by @banklo \sbox{\firmfoot} {\fontsize{9}{11pt}\selectfont %%% The following line may look nice in a FAX.CFG :-) %%% If you have a bad telephone-line try snail-mail!\\ \if@banklo \ifnum\language = \l@german Bankverbindung: \hspace{5mm} \parbox[t]{\rightfield}{\raggedright Undeutsche Landesbank Frankfurt, BLZ~123\,456\,78, Konto~1\,111\,007\\}% \hspace{5mm} \parbox[t]{\rightfield}{\raggedright Die Sparkasse Meindorf, BLZ~007\,123\,10, Konto~08\,15\\} \fi \fi} %%% Text displayed below the header on the right side %%% This should be controlled by @bankhi %%% This is the only place that will be re-evaluated for %%% every letter! Everything that changes for different %%% letters (in the same document) must go eihter here %%% or in the ref-line. \newcommand{\rightbox} {\parbox[t]{\rightfield} {\fontsize{9}{11pt}\selectfont \raggedright \ifx\fromname\@empty \else \ifnum \language = \l@german Sachbearbeiter: \fi \fromname\\ \fi \ifx\telephonenum\@empty \ifnum \language = \l@german \telephonename: 040 / 44\,17\,77 \else \telephonename: 49--40--44\,17\,77 \fi \else \telephonename: \telephonenum \fi\\[1.5ex] \ifx\telefaxnum\@empty \ifnum \language = \l@german \telefaxname: 040 / 44\,17\,77 \else \telefaxname: 49--40--44\,17\,77 \fi \else \telefaxname: \telefaxnum \fi\\[1.5ex] \ifx\@email\@empty e-mail Kein Mehl\\[1.5ex] \else e-mail: \@email \\[1.5ex] \fi \if@bankhi \ifnum \language = \l@german Bankverbindung:\\[1ex] Undeutsche Landesbank Frankfurt, BLZ~123\,456\,78, Konto~1\,111\,007\\[.5ex] Die Sparkasse L\"uneburg, BLZ~007\,123\,10, Konto~08\,15 \\[.5ex] \fi \fi %% If there is a ref-line but no refdate entry print %% the date in the rightfield %% Note: You may fake an empty refline using %% \reftrue instead of \[m]yref \[m]mail %% This is a real hack (TM) \ifx\@refdate\@empty \ifref \vspace{0.5ex} \normalsize\@date \fi \fi }} %% The labels defined in myletter.cls are what my printer likes: %% Onecolumn, 100mm * 50mm, 3mm separation. %% If you have different lables edit here: %\renewcommand*{\startlabels}{\labelcount\z@ % \pagestyle{empty}\let\@texttop\relax % The margins are calculated from the 1in,1in point, % thus negative values if the margins schould be smaller % \topmargin -60\p@ % \headsep \z@ % \oddsidemargin -35\p@ % \evensidemargin -35\p@ % \textheight 10in % \@colht\textheight \@colroom\textheight \vsize\textheight % \textwidth 550\p@ % You may have to increase columnsep if you use twocolumn % This is what letter.cls uses. % \columnsep 26\p@ % This does almost nothing since there is an explicit fonsize-command % in the text written. % \ifcase \@ptsize\relax % \normalsize % \or % \small % \or % \footnotesize % \fi % \baselineskip \z@ % \lineskip \z@ % \boxmaxdepth \z@ % \parindent \z@ % This is obvious, isn't it? % \twocolumn % \relax} %% This is how the label printed will look like. %% Note that specialmail will be written to the .aux-file %% when the letter is processed. The width used here is %% what letter.cls uses. %\renewcommand*{\mlabel}[2]{% % \parbox[b][2in][c]{262\p@}{% % \strut\ignorespaces\usebox{\firmreturn}\\ % \fontsize{12}{14pt}\selectfont % \parbox[t][1.2in][c]{3in}{#2} % }\par% %} \makeatother \endinput