This file is: iso/README This directory contains sources for LaTeX class and package files for producing ISO standard documents in general. Several parts of ISO 10303 have been published by ISO from camera ready copy generated from the macros in this directory. Many editors of ISO documents do not have the latest version of LaTeX. Therefore, both LaTeX2e and LaTeX v2.09 are supported. The originals are maintained in directory /pub/step/latex/current at or URL The principal files are: isoe.ins Installation script for isoe.dtx isoe.dtx Commented source of ISO general LaTeX files isosty.tex User manual for ISO general files If you want your own working copies of of these files, copy the above files to a directory of your own and then do the following. o To generate the working class/package/style files: Run LaTeX2e on the .ins file(s). This will produce files with extensions .cls and/or .clo and/or .sty and/or .tex and/or .drv. o To generate typeset versions of the commented source file(s): Run LaTeX2e on the .dtx file(s), then process the resulting .dvi file(s) o To generate typeset versions of the user manuals: If not already done, generate the class/package/style files. Run LaTeX on the .tex files and print per normal. If you are willing to take a chance you could instead just add this directory to your TEXINPUTS environment variable so as to pick up the relevant class/style files automatically when you run LaTeX on your documents. CHANGES FROM 1st RELEASE LaTeX FILES ==================================== The following is a (possibly incomplete) list of the changes to the LaTeX commands for producing ISO documents from the initial release LaTeX files. o The commands \standard{}, \yearofedition{} and \languageofedition{} must be put in the preamble (otherwise the running heads get messed up). o Several new clause heading commands have been introduced. o The \example{}, \note{} and \anote{} commands have been changed into environments (e.g. \begin{example} ... \end{example} instead of \example{...}). o The start of the `Normative references' clause has been changed. o A new landscape environment is provided that prints all enclosed pages in landscape mode rather than portrait mode. o A new environment is provided that automatically splits lon tables across pages. o The parameters to the \reference command have changed o ??????????? Peter Wilson Catholic University of America and NIST June 1996 END OF iso/README