% French Torture Test with Babel of LaTeX (main style: book) % Copyright GUTenberg-Bernard Gaulle as in french.doc % % DOESN'T RUN WITH BABEL 3.5Beta. as of 07/03/95 % % Warning: we assume that babel.sty is loading french.sty (and not % francais.sty as in current version) and that captions are ours. % Warning: to allow babel to run correctly with french, its "sanitize" macro % could not be let asis and has been forced to \relax. Thus it may % introduce differencies for other languages. % \advance\hoffset by -10pt% marge droite (chez moi) pas totalement imprimee \documentclass[twocolumn,a4paper]{book}% \usepackage[french]{mybabel}% just few mods \usepackage{mysmall,mypsfig,mylist} \let\frhyphex\relax% should not be used with babel 3.5! \setlength{\textheight}{225mm}% a4paper is a little shorter...than a4.sty \advance\hoffset by 40pt% for better placement \listfiles \setlength{\textwidth}{410pt}%% \catcode`\@=11 \let\Stop\undefined\ifx\@@end\undefined\let\@@end\end\fi \ifx\endfrench\switchtolanguage %%% This test is now wrong %%% \typeout{ANOMALIE \string: extension french active ici.}\Stop %%%\expandafter\@@end \fi \def\LPLAIN{lplain} \ifx\fmtname\LPLAIN\else\relax \def\LPLAIN{LaTeX2e} \ifx\fmtname\LPLAIN\else\relax \typeout{**********************************************} \typeout{ANOMALIE \string: nom de format LaTeX (\fmtname) invalide.} \typeout{CORRIGER pour avoir \fmtname=\LPLAIN\space ou ancien nom.} \Stop% Vous devez avoir dans ltvers.dtx : \def\fmtname{LaTeX2e} ! \expandafter\@@end \expandafter\fi \fi \catcode`\@=12 \let\iflatex\iftrue \def\SmsG{\typeout% {\string<\string<--------------------------------------------------------}} \def\FmsG{\typeout% {--------------------------------------------------------\string>\string>}} {\SmsG\obeyspaces \typeout{( Test de torture du style \frenchname} \typeout{(Ce test genere deliberement quelques messages d'erreur. )} \typeout{(Pour vous permettre de distinguer les messages d'erreur )} \typeout{(normaux de ceux qui sont anormaux, j'ai encadre, comme )} \typeout{(ici, ces messages \string; ne vous en preoccupez pas. --bg )} \FmsG}% \def\french{\selectlanguage{french}}% never do so! \def\english{\selectlanguage{english}}% you would lose format defs. \frenchtest \ifx\endfrench\switchtolanguage\else \typeout{ANOMALIE \string: extension french inactive ici.}\Stop\fi \end{document}