@rem /i INITEX @rem store in FMT file: @rem /o use characters (not hexadecimal notation) in the output @rem /r control characters are read unchanged @rem (normally 0-8, 10-11, 14-31, 127, 255 are not allowed) @rem /cmaz2pl special conversion of input characters @rem (probably partially overridden by /r option) @rem /mt13000 room for hyphenation data; @rem this is the number required for running INITEX @rem on english+polish patterns @rem default is 10000; maximum allowed by emTeX is 65500 @rem /mf65500 room for fonts; @rem default is 32766; maximum allowed by emTeX is 65500 @rem @rem NOTE! The latter two settings must be repeated (/mt with slightly @rem smaller value) in the command line of TeX before any other @rem parameters. @rem Example: @rem tex286 /mt12000 /mf65500 &lamex myfile.lmx @rem @rem BJ & MR @rem tex286 /i/o/r /cmaz2pl /mt13000 /mf65500 lamex.tex