\documentclass[a5paper]{report} \usepackage{hhcount} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{7} \setcounterformat\fcpageseries{#1}{% \fcorfinally \fcformat{#1}\fcdice \fcordespair} % Now page numbers will appear as dice. \setcounterformat\fcchapterseries{#1-#2-#3-#4-#5-#6}{% \fcverbose{\fcprefix{#6}{subparagraph~}}{}% $_{\fcformat{#6}{\fcloweralpha}}$% \fcor \fcverbose{\fcprefix{#5}{paragraph~}}{}% \fcformat{#5}{\fcbigroman}% \fcorfinally \fcverbose{% \fcprefix{#1}{chapter~}% \fcprefix{#2}{section~}% \fcprefix{#3}{subsection~}% \fcprefix{#4}{subsection~}% }{}% \fcformat{#1}{\fcbigalpha}[-]% \fcformat{#2}{\fctabdigit}% \fcformat{#3}[.]{\fctabdigit}% \fcformat{#4}{\fcloweralpha}% \fcverbose{% \fcprefix{#5}[ ]{paragraph~}% \fcprefix{#6}[ ]{subparagraph~}% }{}% \fcformat{#5}[\fcverbose{}{-}]{\fcbigroman}% $_{\fcformat{#6}[]{\fcloweralpha}}$% \fcordespair } \begin{document} \chapter{About chapter headings} There is not much I can tell you about it. Just look and enjoy the merits of Herman Haverkort's fancy counter package.\label{chapterh} \section{About section headings} There is not much I can tell you about it. Just look and enjoy the merits of Herman Haverkort's fancy counter package.\label{sectionh} \subsection{About subsection headings} There is not much I can tell you about it. Just look and enjoy the merits of Herman Haverkort's fancy counter package.\label{subsectionh} \subsubsection{About subsubsection headings} There is not much I can tell you about it. Just look and enjoy the merits of Herman Haverkort's fancy counter package.\label{subsubsectionh} \paragraph{About paragraph headings} There is not much I can tell you about it. Just look and enjoy the merits of Herman Haverkort's fancy counter package.\label{paragraphh} \subparagraph{About subparagraph headings} There is not much I can tell you about it. Just look and enjoy the merits of Herman Haverkort's fancy counter package.\label{subparagraphh} Now I will present some examples of fancy in-text references: \ref{chapterh} on page \pageref{chapterh}, \ref{sectionh} on page \pageref{sectionh}, \ref{subsectionh} on page \pageref{subsectionh}, \ref{subsubsectionh} on page \pageref{subsubsectionh}, \ref{paragraphh} on page \pageref{paragraphh} and finally \ref{subparagraphh} on page \pageref{subparagraphh}. \end{document}