% arabdocf.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section [Coding examples for Arabic]% {Coding examples for Arabic%} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \footnote {Most of the examples are taken from: Wolfdietrich Fischer, Grammatik des Klassischen Arabisch, 2.~Auflage, Verlag Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1987.}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \index{Fischer, Wolfdietrich} \let < \oldbra \setarab % choose the language conventions \fullvocalize % all diacritics on \transtrue % additionally switch on the transliteration \arabtrue % print Arabic text ... is on anyway \showtrue % give also the input coding %\spreadtrue % spread out the Arabic writing if necessary \spreadfalse \begin{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [The short vowels \fatha, \kasra, \damma] are denoted, as in the transliteration, by the small letters \verb>a, i, u>: \index{vowels!short} \index{a (\fatha)} \index{i (\kasra)} \index{u (\damma)} \index{.\harakat} , <_dahaba>, <^sariba>, \\ , <`a.zuma>, <`alu>, , , . %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [The long vowels {\em \=a, \=\i, \=u\/}] are denoted by capitals \verb>A, I, U> or by \verb"aa, iy, uw": \index{vowels!long} \index{A} \index{I} \index{U} \index{aa} \index{iy} \index{uw} , , , \\ ; , . %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [{\em Alif maq\d{s}\=ura\/}] is coded as \verb>_A> or \verb>Y>. \index{.\alif!.\maqsura} \index{Y} \index{_A} , <_dikrY>, <`al_A>, . %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [Silent \alif:] The plural suffixes {\em -\=u, -aw\/} of the verb are denoted \verb>UA>, \verb>aW> or \verb>aWA>:% \index{.\alif!silent} \index{UA} \index{aW} \index{aWA} , , \\ , . \newpage %{\footnotesize %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [The defective notation of {\em \=a, \=\i, \=u\/}] can be indicated by \verb>_a, _i, _u> and leads to the appropriate spelling: \index{defective writing} \index{_a} \index{_i} \index{_u} \index{.\alif!Qur'an} \index{.\alif!dagger} \index{.\alif!small} \index{.\alif!small!below} \index{.\damma!inverted} , , \\ however: , ; <_dih_i>, , , , \\ , <.sAl_i>; ; \\ , <'il_ahuN>, \\ , <_tal_a_tuN>, \\ , , <'al-ll_ahu>, \\ <'al-rra.hm_anu>, <_d_alika>. To reproduce the historical writing correctly, a silent long vowel or \alif\ \maqsura\ after \verb"_a" receives no \sukun\ and is ignored in the transliteration: <.sal_aUTuN>, <.hay_aUTuN>,\\ , ,\\ , ,\\ , . %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [The short vowel {\em u\/}] can be written as a long vowel by \verb>_U>: \index{_U} <'_UlY>, <'_UlA'i>, <'_UlU>, \\ <'_UlAka>, <'_UlA'ika>. %} % footnotesize %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [{\em Tanw\={\i}n\/}:] The plural suffixes {\em -un, -in, -an\/} are written \verb>-uN, -iN, -aN> or \verb>aNA>. Silent \alif\ in {\em -an\/} may be indicated by \verb>A> or omitted; if necessary it is supplied from the context. \index{.\tanween} \index{.\alif!silent} \index{uN} \index{iN} \index{aN} \index{aNA} , , , \\ , <^gamIlaTaN>, \\ <'i_daN>, . There is a special case: \index{NU} ; <`amruNU>, <`amriNU>, \\ however: <`amraN>. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [{\em Tanw\={\i}n fat\d{h}a\/}] is traditionally put on the last consonant even if a silent \alif\ follows. Some modern conventions, and also Persian practice, require to put it on the \alif\ in this case. This behaviour may be switched on by \verb"\newtanwin", and off by \verb"\oldtanwin". \verb"\newtanwin" mode is the default for Persian. \index{\newtanwin} \index{\oldtanwin} \index{.\tanween!.\fatha} \newtanwin %\verb"\newtanwin" , <'i_daN>. \oldtanwin %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [A silent \alif\ \maqsura] after \tanwin\ is written \verb>aNY> or \verb>aN_A>: \index{.\tanween} \index{.\alif!silent} \index{.\alif!.\maqsura} \index{.\alif!.\maqsura!silent} \index{aN_A} \index{aNY} , ; compare: , <'al-fat_A>. %\pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [{\em T\=a' marbu\d{t}a\/}] is denoted by \verb>T>: \index{T} \index{.\tah\ \marbuta} , , \\ ; , \\ , . %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [{\em Hamza\/}] is indicated by \verb>'>; the appropriate carrier is determined by the context: \index{.\hamza} \index{.\hamza!carrier} <'amruN>, <'ibiluN>, <'u_htuN>; \\ , <'ar'asu>, , \\ ; , <'ab'usuN>, \\ , ; , \\ <'as'ilaTuN>, , , \\ , ; , \\ , , , \\ <^say'uN>, <^say'iN>, <^say'aN>; \\ , , \\ , <_ha.tI'aTuN>. \newpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [Old {\em Hamza\/} convention:] In an older writing style that is used, e.g., in some Qur'an editions, the \hamza\ is sometimes put below its carrier or on the connecting line. This style may be switched on by \verb"\oldhamza" (and off again by \verb"\newhamza"): \index{\oldhamza} \index{\newhamza} \index{.\hamza!old style} \oldhamza <'as'ilaTuN>, , , \\ , <^say'aN>, <_ha.tI'aTuN>. \newhamza %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [{\em Madda\/}] in the context {\em '\=a\/} is generated automatically: \index{.\shadda} \index{'A} <'AkiluN>, , . To reproduce the historic writing correctly, it can also be explicitly written in other contexts: <'a.sdiq~A'uh_u>; \\ , . %\newpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [{\em \v{S}adda\/}:] A double consonant must be written twice, even if it is coded by more than one character: \index{.\shadda} , , , , , \\ <.sabiyyuN>, <`aduwwuN>. %{\footnotesize Instead of \verb/iyy, uww/ one can also write \verb/Iy, Uw/: <.sabIyuN>, <`adUwuN>. %} % footnotesize %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [Assimilation:] the definite article may be always written \verb>al->; a following ``sun letter'' must be written twice like in the Arabic spelling. The transliteration and the use of \sukun\ are adjusted accordingly: \index{definite article} \index{assimilation} <'al-ddAru>, <'al-rra^gulu>, \\ <'al-ssanaTu>, <'al-nnAru>; \\ <'al-^gAru>, <'al-bAbu>; \\ <'al-llaylaTu>, <'al-llisAnu>, \\ <'al-ll_ahu>. \newpage The article may also be written in the assimilated form, with identical result: <'ad-dAru>, <'ar-ra^gulu>, \\ <'as-sanaTu>, <'an-nAru>. %{\footnotesize In some special cases the literal spelling must be used: <'alla_dI>, <'alla_dIna>, <'allatI>; however: <'al-lla_dAni>, <'al-llatAni>, \\ <'al-llawAtI>. %} % footnotesize %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [{\em Wa\d{s}la\/}:] an auxiliary vowel at the beginning of a word is always written, but in the middle of a sentence generally without \hamza. If a vowel precedes the word, the auxiliary vowel will be omitted in the transliteration, and the \wasla\ sign will be used in the spelling: \index{.\wasla} , .\footnote {In vowelized writing, it may sometimes be advisable to introduce a \kashida\ to prevent the vowel marks from bumping into each other.} This also works across word boundaries: , , \\ . An auxiliary vowel at the end of the preceding word may be separated by a hyphen: , \\ , \\ . This also works for the article preceding \alif\ {\em al-wa\d{s}l\/}: <'al-i-ismu>, <'al-i-i^stirA'u>, and even if the auxiliary vowel is omitted in the spelling: , \\ . \newpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [The particles {\em li-} and {\em la-}] must be combined with the article except before \lam: \index{la-} \index{li-} , ;\footnote {The ligature otherwise produced automatically looks ugly and has been broken by \verb"|".} however: , . %\pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [The Name of God] is written with a special ligature if it is recognized from the input sequence \verb>ll_ah>: \index{.\Allah\ (spelling)} <'al-ll_ahu>, . %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [Increased spacing ({\em Tatw\={\i}l\/})] between adjoining characters may be produced by a double hyphen \verb>-->; note the position of the vowel marks: \index{.\tatweel} \index{.\kashida} , , . , %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [Ties between words] are indicated by a single hyphen: \index{hyphen} , , \\ , , \\ , , \\ <.tAla-mA>, , <`alA-ma>. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [A single hyphen at the beginning or end of a word] will enforce the use of the joining form of the first resp. the last character, if that form exists (for special uses only): \index{hyphen} \novocalize , <-s>, <-s->, \\ , <-h>, <-h->, \\ , <-d>, , <-lA> \\ <1400 h-> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [Digit sequences] are written in the natural order: \index{numbers} <1234567890> \newpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [Ligatures] are generated automatically; they can be suppressed by \verb>|>: \index{ligature} \index{ligature!breaking} \fullvocalize <'al-'islAmu>; \\ <'al-^gAru>, <'al|^gAru>; \\ <_tumma>, <_tu|mma>; \\ , . %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item [Abbreviations and emphasis] %inside an Arabic Environment are indicated by \verb/\emphasize:/ \index{emphasis} \index{abbreviation} \setarab \novocalize <\emphasize .sl`m> <\emphasize ab||^g> If necessary, use grouping by curly braces: \index{grouping} <\emphasize {`alayhi as-salAmu}> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{description} \transfalse \showfalse \endinput %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%