cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc cc cc cc pmxa.for Version 1.1 - 3 February 1997 cc cc cc cc A production of Dr. Don's PC and cc cc Harpsichord Emporium ( cc cc cc cc This is noware: No fee, no guarantee. cc cc cc cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc parameter (nm=7) logical loop,usefig integer nn(nm),list(4,200),ipl(nm,200),nodur(nm,200), * nnl(nm),itsofar(nm),nib(nm,15),lastbar(0:75),nbarss(75) common /comnotes/ nnodur,wminnh(300),nnpd(2000),durb(2000), * nptr(301),ibarcnt,ieminb(300),iemaxb(300),mbrest,ibarmbr, * ibaroff common /compage/ widthpt,ptheight,nsyst,nflb,ibarflb(0:20), * isysflb(0:20),npages,nfpb,ipagfpb(0:10),isysfpb(0:10), * isig,usefig real*4 elsk(300),celsk(0:300),elss(75) character*128 lineq character*24 basenameq,inameq(nm) logical rest(nm,200),firstline,fbon,isvolt common /comget/ lastchar,fbon,issegno,ihead,isheadr,nline,isvolt logical lastchar,newmeter,newmb(300),issegno,bottreb,isheadr common /all/ iv,list,nnl,nv,ibar,ipl,mtrnuml, * nodur,jn,lenbar,iccount,nbars,itsofar,nib,nn, * rest,lenbr0,lenbr1,firstline,newmeter common /linecom/ elskb common /cblock/ * etatop,etabot,etait,etatc,etacs1,hgtin,hgtti,hgtco, * xilbn,xilbtc,xilhdr,xilfig,a,b,inbothd,inhnoh common /commvl/ nvmx(nm),ivmx(nm,2),ivx,fbar lastchar = .false. do 42 ibarcnt = 1 , 300 wminnh(ibarcnt) = -1. 42 continue print*,'Please type a basename (<9 characters, no dots): ' read(*,'(a)')basenameq idot = index(basenameq,'.') if (idot .ne. 0) then basenameq = basenameq(1:idot-1) end if lbase = index(basenameq,' ')-1 data wtimesig,wclef,wkeysig, a20,whead20 , abig20 * / 0.72 , 0.8 , 0.25, 0.3 , 0.3 , 0.38 / open(10,file=basenameq(1:lbase)//'.pmx') read(10,*)nv,noinst,mtrnuml,mtrdenl,mtrnmp,mtrdnp,xmtrnum0,isig, * npages,nsyst,musicsize,fracindent if (npages .gt. nsyst) then print*,'npages > nsyst in input. Please fix the input.' stop end if c c fbar = afterruleskip/elemskip c apt = width of small accidental + space in points (= 6 at 20pt) c abigpt = width of big accidental + space in points (= 7.6 at 20pt) c fbar = 1. c fbar = 1.333 c if ( fbar = 1.20 apt = a20*musicsize abigpt = abig20*musicsize wheadpt = whead20*musicsize c c Need the following stuff to set the line counter c read(10,'(a)')inameq(1) rewind(10) do 25 nline = 1 , 100 read(10,'(a)')lineq if (lineq .eq. inameq(1)) go to 27 25 continue print*,'Problem in first few lines of input file' stop 27 continue do 6 iinst = 2 , noinst read(10,'(a)')inameq(iinst) 6 continue read(10,'(a128)')lineq if (index(lineq,' ') .ne. nv+1) then print*, * 'I found something wrong where the clefs are supposed to be.' stop end if c c Must check if clef for voice 1 is treble, since it affects vertical spacing c bottreb = lineq(1:1).eq.'t' read(10,'(a128)')lineq lpath = index(lineq,' ')-1 if (lineq(lpath:lpath).ne.'/'.and. * lineq(lpath:lpath).ne.char(92)) then print*, * 'Last character of pathname is neither / nor '//char(92)//' .' print*,'Do you want to continue? ("y" to continue)' read(*,'(a)')lineq if (lineq(1:1).ne.'y' .and. lineq(1:1).ne.'Y') stop end if nline = nline+noinst+1 ifig = 0 usefig = .true. lenbeat = ifnodur(mtrdenl,'x') lenmult = 1 if (mtrdenl .eq. 2) then lenbeat = 16 lenmult = 2 end if lenbr1 = lenmult*mtrnuml*lenbeat lenbr0 = lenmult*xmtrnum0*lenbeat+.1 mtrnuml = 0 if (lenbr0 .ne. 0) then ibaroff = 1 lenbar = lenbr0 else ibaroff = 0 lenbar = lenbr1 end if ibarcnt = 0 nptr(1) = 1 iccount = 128 nflb = 0 nfpb = 0 ipagfpb(0) = 1 isysfpb(0) = 1 ibarflb(0) = 1 isysflb(0) = 1 c c Initialize for loop over lines c firstline = .true. newmeter = .false. ihead = 0 30 loop = .true. issegno = .false. nbars = 0 ibarmbr = 0 3 do 4 iv = 1 , nv nvmx(iv) = 1 ivmx(iv,1) = iv itsofar(iv) = 0 nnl(iv) = 0 do 5 j = 1 , 200 rest(iv,j) = .false. 5 continue 4 continue iv = 1 ivx = 1 fbon = .false. isvolt = .false. 2 if (loop) then c c Within this short loop, nv voices are filled up for the duration of a block. c On exit (loop=.false.) the following are set: nnl(nv),itsofar(nv) c nodur(..),rest(..). nnl will later be c increased and things slid around as accidental skips are added. c call getnote(loop,ifig) if (lastchar) go to 20 go to 2 end if do 10 ibar = 1 , nbars ibarcnt = ibarcnt+1 nptr(ibarcnt+1) = nptr(ibarcnt) newmb(ibarcnt) = .false. if (newmeter.and.ibar.eq.1) newmb(ibarcnt) = .true. c c Above is only for spacing calcs later on. Remember new meter can only occur c at START of a new input line (ibar = 1) c if (ibar .ne. ibarmbr) then print*,'Now processing bar #',ibarcnt-ibaroff else write(*,'(a19,i4,a1,i4)')' Multibar rest, bars', * ibarcnt-ibaroff,'-',ibarcnt-ibaroff+mbrest-1 ibaroff = ibaroff-mbrest+1 end if if (firstline .and. then if (ibar .eq. 1) then lenbar = lenbr0 else lenbar = lenbr1 end if end if if (ibar .gt. 1) then c c For bars after first, slide all stuff down to beginning of arrays c do 11 iv = 1 , nv do 11 kv = 1 , nvmx(iv) ivx = ivmx(iv,kv) ioff = nib(ivx,ibar-1) do 12 ip = 1 , nib(ivx,ibar)-ioff nodur(ivx,ip) = nodur(ivx,ip+ioff) rest(ivx,ip) = rest(ivx,ip+ioff) 12 continue 11 continue end if do 67 iv = 1 , nv do 67 kv = 1 , nvmx(iv) ioff= 0 if( = nib(ivmx(iv,kv),ibar-1) 67 continue call makeabar() elsk(ibarcnt) = elskb 10 continue firstline = .false. newmeter = .false. go to 30 20 continue c c Vertical analysis. c if (npages .eq. 0) then if (nsyst .eq. 0) then print*,'When npages=0, must set nsyst=bars/syst, not 0' stop end if nsyst = (ibarcnt-1)/nsyst+1 if (nv .eq. 1) then nsystpp = 12 else if (nv .eq. 2) then nsystpp = 7 else if (nv .eq. 3) then nsystpp = 5 else if (nv .eq. 4) then nsystpp = 3 else nsystpp = 2 end if npages = (nsyst-1)/nsystpp+1 end if nflb = nflb+1 ibarflb(nflb) = ibarcnt+1 isysflb(nflb) = nsyst+1 heightil = ptheight*4./musicsize c c Set up dummy forced page after last real one c nfpb = nfpb+1 ipagfpb(nfpb) = npages+1 isysfpb(nfpb) = nsyst+1 open(12,file='pmxtex.dat') write(12,'(a)')basenameq(1:lbase) write(12,*)lbase write(12,'(8f10.5/f10.5,3i5)')fbar,apt,abigpt,wheadpt,etait, * etatc,etacs1,etatop,etabot,inbothd,inhnoh,isig write(12,*)npages,widthpt,ptheight,nsyst do 8 ifpb = 1 , nfpb c c Each time thru this loop is like a single score with several pages c npages = ipagfpb(ifpb)-ipagfpb(ifpb-1) nsyst = isysfpb(ifpb)-isysfpb(ifpb-1) nomnsystp = (nsyst-1)/npages+1 nshort = nomnsystp*npages-nsyst c write(12,*)npages,widthpt,ptheight,nsyst do 7 ipage = 1 , npages nsystp = nomnsystp if (ipage .le. nshort) nsystp = nsystp-1 xilfrac = 0. xiltxt = 0. if (ipage.eq.1 .and. then c c Needn't zero out ihead after printing titles if we only allow titles at top? c if (iand(ihead,1) .eq. 1) then xiltxt = xiltxt+hgtin*4/musicsize xilfrac = xilfrac+etait end if if (iand(ihead,2) .eq. 2) then xiltxt = xiltxt+hgtti*4/musicsize xilfrac = xilfrac+etatc end if if (iand(ihead,4) .eq. 4) then xiltxt = xiltxt+hgtco*4/musicsize xilfrac = xilfrac+etacs1 else c c Use double the title-composer space if there is no composer c xilfrac = xilfrac+etatc end if end if D = xilfrac+nsystp-1+etatop+etabot C = nsystp*(nv-1) xN = heightil - xiltxt - 4*nsystp*nv - (nsystp-1)*xilbn if (bottreb) xN = xN-(nsystp-1)*xilbtc if (ihead.eq.0 .and. isheadr) then xN = xN - xilhdr isheadr = .false. end if if (ifig .eq. 1) then xN = xN - nsystp*xilfig end if glueil = (xN-b*C)/(D+a*C) omegaG = (b*D+a*xN)/(D+a*C) c c G = N/(D + omega * C) = glueil, (1) c N = scaleable height (\interlignes) = height - htext - staff heights - xil c xil = extra interliges = (nsy-1)*xilbn + 10 if header and no titles c + (nsy-1)*xiltcb for treble clef bottoms c + nsy*xilfig for figures c D = omega-indep factors for scalable height = nsy-1 (intersystem glue) c + etatop + etabot + etatxt + c C*omega = nsy*(nv-1)*omega (\interstaff part) c But (empirically) omega*G = a*G + b (2) c with a=1.071 and b=2.714 c Solving (1) and (2) gives c G = (N-b*C)/(D+a*C) , omega*G = (b*D+a*N)/(D+a*C) c Pass to pmxb omega*G (=\interstaff-4) c (etatop,bot,it,tc,cx)*G as inputs to \titles c c glueil = (heightil-xiltxt-nsystp*(xil+4*nv)) c * /(nsystp*(1+gfact*(nv-1))-1+etatop+etabot+xilfrac) c xnsttop = glueil*etatop c xintstaff = 4+gfact*glueil write(12,*)nsystp,max(0.,etatop*glueil),omegaG+4 7 continue 8 continue c c Done with vertical, now do horizontals c celsk(1) = elsk(1) do 21 ibar = 2 , ibarcnt celsk(ibar) = celsk(ibar-1)+elsk(ibar) 21 continue lastbar(0) = 0 ibar1 = 1 wmins = -1. iflb = 1 c c Return nsyst to it's total value c nsyst = isysfpb(nfpb)-1 do 22 isyst = 1 , nsyst if (isyst .eq. isysflb(iflb)) iflb = iflb+1 ibarb4 = lastbar(isyst-1) if (isyst .eq. 1) then c elsstarg = celsk(ibarcnt)/(nsyst-fracindent)*(1-fracindent) elssold = celsk(ibarcnt)/(nsyst-fracindent)*(1-fracindent) elsstarg = celsk(ibarflb(1)-1)/(isysflb(1)-1-fracindent) * *(1-fracindent) celskb4 = 0. else celskb4 = celsk(ibarb4) c elsstarg = (celsk(ibarcnt)-celskb4)/(nsyst-isyst+1) elssold = (celsk(ibarcnt)-celskb4)/(nsyst-isyst+1) elsstarg = (celsk(ibarflb(iflb)-1)-celskb4) * /(isysflb(iflb)-isyst) end if diff1 = abs(elsstarg-elsk(ibarb4+1)) do 23 ibar = ibarb4+2 , ibarcnt diff = elsstarg-(celsk(ibar)-celskb4) if (abs(diff) .ge. diff1) go to 24 diff1 = abs(diff) 23 continue 24 ibar = ibar-1 lastbar(isyst) = ibar nbarss(isyst) = ibar-ibarb4 c c elss is the # of elemskip in the system from notes, not ruleskips or ask's c elss(isyst) = celsk(ibar)-celskb4 write(12,'(i5)')lastbar(isyst-1)+1 fsyst = wclef+iabs(isig)*wkeysig+2./musicsize c c Add extra fixed space for double bar c if (isyst .eq. nsyst) fsyst = fsyst+4.5/musicsize c c Add extra fixed space for initial time signature c if (isyst .eq. 1) fsyst = fsyst+wtimesig c c Add extra fixed space for time signature changes c do 26 ibars = ibarb4+1 , lastbar(isyst) if (newmb(ibars)) fsyst = fsyst+wtimesig 26 continue wdpt = widthpt if (isyst .eq. 1) wdpt = widthpt*(1-fracindent) wsyspt = wdpt-fsyst*musicsize-0.4*nbarss(isyst) c c Checks for min spacing c Get range of NOtes def'ns required, also min allowable space c iemin = 1000 iemax = 0 do 45 ibar = ibar1 , ibar1+nbarss(isyst)-1 iemin = min(iemin,ieminb(ibar)) iemax = max(iemax,iemaxb(ibar)) if (wminnh(ibar).ge.0.) wmins = wminnh(ibar) 45 continue if (wmins .lt. 0) wmins = 0.3 wminpt = (1+wmins)*0.3*musicsize c c Find min,max actual duration for this system & # of notes c dtmin = 1000. dtmax = 0. nns = 0 do 43 iptr = nptr(ibar1) , nptr(ibar1+nbarss(isyst))-1 dtmin = min(dtmin,durb(iptr)) dtmax = max(dtmax,durb(iptr)) nns = nns + nnpd(iptr) 43 continue elmin0 = wsyspt*feon(dtmin)/(elss(isyst)+fbar*nbarss(isyst)) if (elmin0 .ge. wminpt) then sumelsk = elss(isyst) eonk = 0. ewmxk = 1. else elmin1 = wsyspt/(fbar*nbarss(isyst)/feon(dtmax)+nns) if (elmin1 .le. wminpt) then print*,'In system #',isyst,' cannot meet min. space rqmt' eonk = 0.9 else eonk = min(.9,(wminpt-elmin0)/(elmin1-elmin0)) end if ewmxk = feon(dtmax)**eonk c c Recompute poenom! c sumelsk = 0 do 44 iptr = nptr(ibar1) , nptr(ibar1+nbarss(isyst))-1 sumelsk = sumelsk * + nnpd(iptr)*feon(durb(iptr))**(1-eonk)*ewmxk 44 continue end if poenom = wsyspt/(sumelsk+fbar*nbarss(isyst)) c write(12,'(i5,1p5e12.3,2i5)') nbarss(isyst),sumelsk,poenom, c * fsyst,eonk,ewmxk,iemin,iemax write(12,'(1pe12.5/i5,4e12.3,2i5)') poenom,nbarss(isyst), * sumelsk,fsyst,eonk,ewmxk,iemin,iemax ibar1 = ibar1+nbarss(isyst) 22 continue close(12) open(13,file='pmxtex.fig') write(13,'(i5)')ifig close(13) print*,'Done with first pass. Now run pmxb.' end subroutine getnote(loop,ifig) parameter (nm=7) common /all/ iv,list(4,200),nnl(nm),nv,ibar, * ipl(nm,200),mtrnuml, * nodur(nm,200),jn,lenbar,iccount,nbars,itsofar(nm), * nib(nm,15),nn(nm), * rest(nm,200),lenbr0,lenbr1,firstline,newmeter common /comnotes/ nnodur,wminnh(300),nnpd(2000),durb(2000), * nptr(301),ibarcnt,ieminb(300),iemaxb(300),mbrest,ibarmbr, * ibaroff common /comget/ lastchar,fbon,issegno,ihead,isheadr,nline,isvolt common /compage/ widthpt,ptheight,nsyst,nflb,ibarflb(0:20), * isysflb(0:20),npages,nfpb,ipagfpb(0:10),isysfpb(0:10), * isig,usefig common /commvl/ nvmx(nm),ivmx(nm,2),ivx,fbar logical lastchar,firstline,rest,loop,newmeter,fbon,issegno, * isheadr,fulbrp,usefig,isvolt character*128 lineq character*1 charq,dotq,dumq,durq,charlq character*51 literq(2) data literq * /'Literal TeX string cannot start with 4 backslashes!', * 'TeX string must have <80 char, end with backslash !'/ 1 call getchar(lineq,iccount,charq) if (charq .ne. ' ') charlq = charq if (lastchar) then if (charlq .ne. '/') then print*,'Last non-blank character is not "/"' stop end if return end if if (charq .eq. ' ') then go to 1 else if (charq.eq.'%' .and. iccount.eq.1) then iccount = 128 go to 1 else if ((ichar(charq).ge.97.and.ichar(charq).le.103) .or. * charq.eq.'r') then c c This is a note/rest. Increase note count, then loop 'til blank c nnl(ivx) = nnl(ivx)+1 dotq = 'x' numnum = 0 c c Check if this is 'r ' and previous note was full-bar-pause c fulbrp = charq.eq.'r' .and. lineq(iccount+1:iccount+1) .eq.' ' * .and. nnl(ivx).gt.1 .and. rest(ivx,nnl(ivx)-1) .and. * nodur(ivx,nnl(ivx)-1) .eq. lenbar 2 call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) ic = ichar(durq) if (ic.le.57 .and. then c c Digit c if (numnum .eq. 0) then nnodur = ic-48 numnum = 1 go to 2 else if (numnum .eq. 1) then numnum = 2 go to 2 else call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * '>2 digits in note symbol!') stop end if else if (durq.eq.'d') then dotq = durq go to 2 else if (index('+-',durq) .gt. 0) then if (charq .ne. 'r') go to 2 call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) call readnum(lineq,iccount,durq,dum) if (durq .ne. ' ') then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * '+/-(number) in rest symbol must be followed by blank!') stop end if else if (index('fsnulare',durq) .gt. 0) then go to 2 else if (durq .eq. 'p') then fulbrp = charq.eq.'r' if (.not. fulbrp) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'You entered "p"; I expected "rp"!') stop else if (lineq(iccount+1:iccount+1).ne.' ') then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'You entered "rp" followed by non-blank!') stop end if go to 2 else if (durq .eq. 'b') then if (charq .ne. 'r') then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'You entered "b"; I expected "rb"!') stop else if (numnum .eq. 2) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'You entered "r" & "b" with two numbers!') end if go to 2 else if (durq .eq. 'x') then c c xtuplet: Set all durations to 0 except last one. c call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (index('123456789',durq) .eq. 0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'First char after "x" in xtuplet must be "1"-"9"!') stop end if call readnum(lineq,iccount,durq,fnum) if (fnum .gt. 99) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Xtuplet cannot have more than 99 notes!') stop else if (index(' n',durq) .eq. 0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Only legal characters here are " " or "n"!') stop end if ntup = int(fnum+.1) do 6 itup = 2 , ntup nodur(ivx,nnl(ivx)) = 0 nnl(ivx) = nnl(ivx)+1 110 call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (durq.eq.' ') then go to 110 else if (durq.eq.'s') then 15 call getchar(lineq,iccount,dumq) if (index('udl',dumq) .gt. 0) then go to 15 else if (index('+-',dumq) .gt. 0) then iccount = iccount+1 call readnum(lineq,iccount,durq,fnum) if (int(fnum+.5) .gt. 15) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Magnitude of slur height adjustment cannot exceed 15!') stop end if iccount = iccount-1 go to 15 else if (dumq .ne. ' ') then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Illegal character in slur symbol!') stop end if go to 110 else if (index('0123456789#-nx',durq) .gt. 0) then c c We have a figure. Only allow on 1st note of xtup c if (itup .ne. 2) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Figure in xtup only allowed on 1st note!') stop else if (durq.eq.'x') then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'No floating figures in xtuplets!') stop end if if (usefig) ifig = 1 26 call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (index('0123456789#-n',durq) .gt. 0) then go to 26 else if (durq .ne. ' ') then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Illegal character in figure in xtuplet!') stop end if go to 110 else if (durq .eq. char(92)) then call chklit(lineq,iccount,literr) if (literr .gt. 0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * literq(literr)) stop end if go to 110 end if if (index('abcdefg',durq) .eq. 0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'In xtup, this character should be "a-g"!') stop end if 7 call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (index('+-sfn',durq) .gt. 0) go to 7 6 continue c c 6==End of loop for xtuplet input c else if (durq .eq. 'm') then c c Multi-bar rest: next 1 or two digits are # of bars. c if (iv .gt. 1) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Cannot have multibar rest if nv>1!') stop else if (mod(itsofar(iv),lenbar) .ne. 0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Multibar rest must start at beginning of bar!') stop else if (ibarmbr .gt. 0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Only one multibar rest allowed per block!') stop end if c c For some purposes, pretend its one bar only c nodur(iv,nnl(iv)) = lenbar ibarmbr = nbars+1 mbrest = 0 20 call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (ichar(durq).ge.48.and.ichar(durq).le.57) then mbrest = 10*mbrest+ichar(durq)-48 go to 20 end if if (durq .ne. ' ') then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Illegal character after "rm"!') stop end if else if (durq .ne. ' ') then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Illegal character!') stop end if if (charq .eq. 'r') rest(ivx,nnl(ivx)) = .true. if ( .and. .not.fulbrp) then nodur(ivx,nnl(ivx)) = ifnodur(nnodur,dotq) else if (fulbrp) then nodur(ivx,nnl(ivx)) = lenbar fulbrp = .false. end if c c If inside forced beam, check if note is beamable c if (fbon.and.(rest(ivx,nnl(ivx)).or.nodur(ivx,nnl(ivx)).ge.16)) * then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Unbeamable thing in forced beam!') stop end if itsofar(ivx) = itsofar(ivx)+nodur(ivx,nnl(ivx)) if (mod(itsofar(ivx),lenbar) .eq. 0) then nbars = nbars+1 if (nbars .gt. 15) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Cannot have more than 15 bars in an input block!') stop end if nib(ivx,nbars) = nnl(ivx) if (firstline .and. then c c Just finished the pickup bar for this voice. c if (itsofar(ivx) .ne. lenbr0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Pickup bar length disagrees with mtrnum0!') stop end if lenbar = lenbr1 itsofar(ivx) = 0 end if end if else if (charq .eq. 'z') then call getchar(lineq,iccount,charq) 25 call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (index('nfs+-12345678dre',durq) .gt. 0) go to 25 if (durq .ne. ' ') then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Illegal character in chord note!') stop end if else if (charq .eq. 'G') then ngr = 1 9 call getchar(lineq,iccount,charq) if (index('123456789',charq) .gt. 0) then call readnum(lineq,iccount,durq,fnum) ngr = int(fnum+.1) iccount = iccount-1 go to 9 else if (index('ulxs',charq) .gt. 0) then go to 9 else if (charq .eq. 'm') then call getchar(lineq,iccount,charq) if (index('01234',charq) .eq. 0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'A digit less than 5 must follow "m" in a grace note!') stop end if go to 9 end if c c At this point, charq is first note name in rest c do 19 igr = 1 , ngr numnum = 0 if (igr .gt. 1) call getchar(lineq,iccount,charq) if (index('abcdefg',charq) .eq. 0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'In a grace, character should be "a"-"g"!') stop end if 18 call getchar(lineq,iccount,charq) if (charq .ne. ' ') then if (index('+-1234567',charq) .gt. 0) then if (numnum .eq. 1) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Only one of "+-1234567" allowed here in grace!') stop end if numnum = 1 go to 18 else if (index('nfs',charq) .gt. 0) then go to 18 end if c c Digits are possible octave numbers c call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Illegal character after note name in grace!') stop end if 19 continue else if (charq .eq. char(92)) then call chklit(lineq,iccount,literr) if (literr .gt. 0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * literq(literr)) stop end if else if (charq .eq. 'o') then c c "o" symbol must come AFTER the affected note c call getchar(lineq,iccount,dumq) if (index('stmgx+Tupf)',dumq) .eq. 0 ) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Illegal ornament!') stop end if if (dumq .eq. 'g') then if (issegno) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Sorry, only one "segno" per input block!') stop else if (ivx .ne. 1) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'segno can only be in voice 1!') stop end if issegno = .true. 12 call getchar(lineq,iccount,dumq) if (dumq.eq.'-' .or. * (ichar(dumq).ge.48.and.ichar(dumq).le.58)) go to 12 if (dumq .ne. ' ') then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Illegal character in segno ornament symbol!') stop end if else if (dumq .eq. 'T') then c c Trill. may be followed by 't' and/or number. read 'til blank c 22 call getchar(lineq,iccount,dumq) if (dumq .ne. ' ') go to 22 end if else if (charq .eq. 's' .or. charq .eq. 't') then 8 call getchar(lineq,iccount,dumq) if (index('udl',dumq) .gt. 0) then go to 8 else if (index('+-',dumq) .gt. 0) then if (charq .eq. 't') then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * '"+|-" for slur height only allowed in "s"-slurs!') stop end if iccount = iccount+1 call readnum(lineq,iccount,durq,fnum) if (int(fnum+.5) .gt. 15) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Magnitude of slur height adjustment cannot exceed 15!') stop end if iccount = iccount-1 go to 8 else if (dumq .ne. ' ') then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Illegal character in slur symbol!') stop end if else if ((ichar(charq).ge.48.and.ichar(charq).le.57) .or. * index('#-nx',charq) .gt. 0) then c c We have a figure. Must come AFTER the note it goes under c if (charq.eq.'x' .and.lineq(iccount+1:iccount+1).eq.' ') then iccount = iccount+1 call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Cannot have a blank after "x" here!') stop end if if (usefig) ifig = 1 5 call getchar(lineq,iccount,charq) if (charq .ne. ' ') go to 5 else if (charq .eq. '[') then if (fbon) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Started forced beam while another was open!') stop end if fbon = .true. 17 call getchar(lineq,iccount,charq) if (index('ul',charq) .gt. 0) then go to 17 else if (index('+-',charq) .gt. 0) then iccount = iccount+1 call readnum(lineq,iccount,durq,fnum) iccount = iccount-1 go to 17 else if (charq .ne. ' ') then if (index('0123456789',charq) .gt. 0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'After "[", digits must now be preceeded by "+" or "-"!') print*,'You will have to edit older sources to meet this rqmt,' print*,'but it was needed to allow 2-digit height adjustments.' print*,'Sorry for the inconvenience. --The Management' else call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Illegal character after [!') end if stop end if else if (charq .eq. ']') then call getchar(lineq,iccount,charq) if (charq .eq. ' ') then if (fbon) then fbon = .false. else call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Forced beam stop with no corresponding start!') stop end if else if (charq .eq. '[') then if (.not.fbon) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * '"][" can only go in forced beam!') stop end if else call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * '"]" must be followed by blank or "["!') stop end if else if (index('lhw',charq) .gt. 0) then isheadr = charq .eq. 'h' call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (durq .eq. ' ') then if (charq .ne. 'w') then c c Header or lower string. c if (iccount .ne. 2) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * '"h" or "l" must be first character in line!') stop end if c c just read past it. c read(10,'(a)')charq nline = nline+1 iccount = 128 else call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Symbol "w" (width) must be followed by a digit!') stop end if else c c Height or width change spec. Check if at start of piece. c if (ibarcnt .gt. 0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Symbol must go at top of first input block!') stop end if call readnum(lineq,iccount,durq,dimen) c c Check units. Convert to points c if (durq .eq. ' ' .or. durq .eq. 'p') then dimen = dimen+.5 else if (durq .eq. 'i') then dimen = dimen*72+.5 else if (durq .eq. 'm') then dimen = dimen/25.4*72+.5 else call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Illegal unit; must be "p","i",or"m"!') stop end if if (charq .eq. 'h') then ptheight = int(dimen) else widthpt = int(dimen) end if end if else if (charq .eq. 'm') then c c Time signature change. Only allow at beginning of block. c mtrnuml, mtrdenl (logical) and p (printable) will be input. c mtrnuml=0 initially. (In common) c c Check whether at beginning of a block c if ( .or. nnl(1).ne.0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Meter change only OK in voice 1, at start of block!') stop end if newmeter = .true. call readmeter(lineq,iccount,mtrnuml,mtrdenl) call readmeter(lineq,iccount,mtrnmp,mtrdnp) c c Read past printed time signature; not used in pmxa. c lenbeat = ifnodur(mtrdenl,'x') lenmult = 1 if (mtrdenl .eq. 2) then lenbeat = 16 lenmult = 2 end if lenbar = lenmult*mtrnuml*lenbeat mtrnuml = 0 else if (charq .eq. 'C') then call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (.not.(index('tsmanrb',durq).gt.0 .or. * (ichar(durq).ge.48 .and. ichar(durq).le.54))) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Must have t,s,m,a,n,r,b or 1-6 after C!') stop end if else if (charq .eq. 'R') then if (ivx .ne. 1) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Repeats can only go in voice 1!') stop end if 10 call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (index('lrdD',durq) .gt. 0) go to 10 if (durq .ne. ' ') then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Illegal character after "R" (repeat/double bar)!') stop end if else if (charq .eq. 'V') then c c Ending c if (iv .ne. 1) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Voltas are only allowed in voice #1!') stop else if (isvolt) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'There is more than one volta in this input block.!') print*,'This may work in a score, but WILL NOT work in parts.' print*, *'Safest to have only 1 volta per block, at the start of the block' pause 'Hit return to continue.' end if isvolt = .true. 11 call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (durq .ne.' ') go to 11 else if (charq .eq. 'B') then continue else if (charq .eq. 'P') then if ( .or. nnl(1).ne.0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Only allowed at beginning of block!') stop end if 16 call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (durq.eq.'l'.or.durq.eq.'r'.or.(ichar(durq).ge.48 .and. * ichar(durq).le.57)) go to 16 if (durq .ne. ' ') then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Only "l", "r", or digit allowed after "P"!') stop end if else if (charq .eq. 'W') then call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (durq .ne. '.') then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Next char after " W" must be "."!') stop end if call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (ichar(durq).ge.48 .or. ichar(durq).le.57) then wminnh(ibarcnt+nbars+1) = .1*(ichar(durq)-48) else call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Next char after " W." must be 0-9!') stop end if else if (charq .eq. 'T') then c c Titles c call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (index('itc',durq) .eq. 0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Must put "i", "t", or "c" after "T"!') stop end if ihead = ihead+2**(index('itc',durq)-1) c c Maybe a number after 'Tt', but ignore here. Read past string on next line. c read(10,'(a)')charq nline = nline+1 iccount = 128 else if (charq .eq. 'A') then 27 call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (index('rbs',durq) .gt. 0) then go to 27 else if (durq .eq. 'a') then call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) call readnum(lineq,iccount,durq,fbar) iccount = iccount-1 go to 27 else if (durq .ne. ' ') then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'The only legal entries after "A" are "r,s,b,a"!') stop end if else if (charq .eq. 'K') then call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (index('+-',durq) .eq. 0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * '"K" (transpose) must be followed by "+,-"!') stop end if iccount = iccount+1 call readnum(lineq,iccount,durq,fnum) if (durq .eq. '+') then isign = 1 else if (durq .eq. '-') then isign = -1 else call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * '1st number after "K" must be followed by "+,-"!') stop end if iccount = iccount+1 call readnum(lineq,iccount,durq,fnum) isig = isign*int(fnum+.1) else if (charq .eq. '|') then c c Optional bar symbol c if (mod(itsofar(ivx),lenbar).ne.0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Bar line marker out of place!') stop end if else if (charq .eq. '/') then if (fbon) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Block ended with forced beam open!') stop end if c c Perform time checks c if (mod(itsofar(ivx),lenbar).ne.0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Block duration not divisible by lenbar!') stop else if ( .and. itsofar(ivx).ne.itsofar(1)) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Block duration not equal to voice 1!') stop end if call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (durq .eq. ' ' .and. iv.eq.nv) then c c End of input block c loop = .false. else c c Start a new voice c if ( .and. firstline) lenbar = lenbr0 nbars = 0 if (durq .eq. ' ') then c c New voice is on next staff c iv = iv+1 ivx = iv else c c New voice is on same staff. Set up for it c ivx = nv+1 do 23 iiv = 1 , nv if (nvmx(iiv) .eq. 2) ivx = ivx+1 23 continue nvmx(iv) = 2 ivmx(iv,2) = ivx itsofar(ivx) = 0 nnl(ivx) = 0 do 24 j = 1 , 200 rest(ivx,j) = .false. 24 continue end if end if else if (charq .eq. 'S') then c c New nsyst: for use with partmaker scor2prt, for parts w/ diff # of systs. c if (ibarcnt .gt. 0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * '"S" can only be in first input block!') stop end if call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) call readnum(lineq,iccount,durq,fnsyst) nsyst = int(fnsyst+.1) if (durq .eq. 'P') then c c New npages for parts. Assuming <10. c call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (index('123456789',durq) .eq. 0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Symbol after "P" must be a digit!') stop end if npages = ichar(durq)-48 end if else if (charq .eq. 'L') then nflb = nflb+1 ibarflb(nflb) = ibarcnt+nbars+1 call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) call readnum(lineq,iccount,durq,sysflb) isysflb(nflb) = int(sysflb+.1) if (npages .eq. 0) then print*,'WARNING! You forced a line break at line ', * isysflb(nflb),' but npage = 0. Continue?' read(*,'(a)') charq if (index('yY',charq) .eq. 0) stop else if (isysflb(nflb) .gt. nsyst) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Forced line break at non-existant system!') stop end if if (durq .eq. 'P') then c c Forced page break here, get page number. c call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (index('23456789',durq) .eq. 0) then call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Need digit to define forced page break!') stop end if nfpb = nfpb+1 ipagfpb(nfpb) = ichar(durq)-48 isysfpb(nfpb) = isysflb(nflb) end if else if (charq .eq. 'F') then usefig = .false. else call errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarcnt-ibaroff+nbars+1, * 'Illegal character!') stop end if return end subroutine getchar(lineq,iccount,charq) common /comget/ lastchar,fbon,issegno,ihead,isheadr,nline,isvolt logical lastchar,issegno,isheadr,isvolt,fbon c c Gets the next character out of lineq*128. If pointer iccount=128 on entry, c then reads in a new line. Resets iccount. Ends program if no more input. c character*1 charq character*128 lineq if (iccount .eq. 128) then read(10,'(a128)',end=999)lineq iccount = 0 nline = nline+1 end if iccount = iccount+1 charq = lineq(iccount:iccount) return 999 continue lastchar = .true. return end function ifnodur(idur,dotq) character*1 dotq if (idur .eq. 6) then ifnodur=1 else if (idur .eq. 3) then ifnodur=2 else if (idur .eq. 1) then ifnodur=4 else if (idur .eq. 8) then ifnodur=8 else if (idur .eq. 4) then ifnodur=16 else if (idur .eq. 2) then ifnodur=32 else if (idur .eq. 0) then ifnodur=64 else if (idur .eq. 16) then c c Only used for denominator of time signatures, not for notes c ifnodur=4 else print*,'You entered an invalid note-length value:',idur stop end if if (dotq .eq. 'd') ifnodur = ifnodur*3/2 return end subroutine makeabar() parameter (nm=7) common /all/ iv,list(4,200),nnl(nm),nv,ibar, * ipl(nm,200),mtrnuml, * nodur(nm,200),jn,lenbar,iccount,nbars,itsofar(nm), * nib(nm,15),nn(nm), * rest(nm,200),lenbr0,lenbr1,firstline,newmeter common /linecom/ elskb common /comnotes/ nnodur,wminnh(300),nnpd(2000),durb(2000), * nptr(301),ibarcnt,ieminb(300),iemaxb(300),mbrest,ibarmbr, * ibaroff common /commvl/ nvmx(nm),ivmx(nm,2),ivx,fbar logical rest,firstline,newmeter,intup,herext integer it(nm),cnn(nm),istart(20),istop(20),itstart(20), * nspace(20),nindex(20) elskb = 0. ieminb(ibarcnt) = 1000 iemaxb(ibarcnt) = 0 do 1 iv = 1 , nv do 1 kv = 1 , nvmx(iv) ivx = ivmx(iv,kv) if (ibar .gt. 1) then nn(ivx) = nib(ivx,ibar)-nib(ivx,ibar-1) else nn(ivx) = nib(ivx,ibar) end if 1 continue c c initialize list note counter, time(iv), curr. note(iv) c ilnc = 1 do 4 iv = 1 , nv do 4 kv = 1 , nvmx(iv) ivx = ivmx(iv,kv) cnn(ivx) = 1 2 list(1,ilnc) = ivx list(2,ilnc) = cnn(ivx) list(3,ilnc) = 0 it(ivx) = nodur(ivx,cnn(ivx)) if (nodur(ivx,cnn(iv)).eq.0) then c c To keep all notes of xtup together, get another note from this voice c ilnc = ilnc+1 cnn(ivx) = cnn(ivx)+1 go to 2 end if if (it(ivx) .eq. lenbar) it(ivx) = 1000 ilnc = ilnc+1 4 continue c c Build the list c 5 continue c c Determine which voice comes next from end of notes done so far. c itmin is the earliest ending time of notes done so far c itmin = 1000 do 6 iv = 1 , nv do 6 kv = 1 , nvmx(iv) ivx = ivmx(iv,kv) itminn = min(itmin,it(ivx)) if(itminn .lt. itmin) then itmin = itminn ivnext = ivx end if 6 continue if (itmin .eq. 1000) go to 7 list(1,ilnc) = ivnext cnn(ivnext) = cnn(ivnext)+1 list(2,ilnc) = cnn(ivnext) list(3,ilnc) = itmin c c Check if this voice is done c if (cnn(ivnext) .eq. nn(ivnext)) then it(ivnext) = 1000 else it(ivnext) = it(ivnext)+nodur(ivnext,cnn(ivnext)) end if ilnc = ilnc+1 go to 5 7 continue ntot = ilnc-1 do 8 in = 1 , ntot-1 list(4,in) = list(3,in+1)-list(3,in) 8 continue list(4,ntot) = nodur(list(1,ntot),list(2,ntot)) c c Debug writes c c write(*,'(26i3)')(list(1,in),in=1,ntot) c write(*,'(26i3)')(list(2,in),in=1,ntot) c write(*,'(26i3)')(list(3,in),in=1,ntot) c write(*,'(26i3)')(list(4,in),in=1,ntot) c write(*,'(26i3)')(nodur(list(1,in),list(2,in)),in=1,ntot) c c Done w/ list. A kluged up loop for building note blocks: c ib = 1 istart(1) = 1 nspace(1) = 0 in = 1 9 continue if (in .eq. ntot) then if (nspace(ib) .eq. 0) nspace(ib)=list(4,in) istop(ib) = ntot c c Now we flow out of this if and into block-building c else if (nspace(ib) .eq. 0) then c c nspace hasn't been set yet, so tentatively set: c nspace(ib) = list(4,in) if (nspace(ib) .eq. 0) then in=in+1 else istop(ib) = in end if go to 9 else if (list(4,in+1) .eq. 0) then c c This is not the last note in the group, so c in = in+1 go to 9 else if (list(4,in+1) .eq. nspace(ib)) then c c Keep spacing the same, update tentative stop point c in = in+1 istop(ib) = in go to 9 end if c c At this point istart and istop are good, so close out block c itstart(ib) = list(3,istart(ib)) nindex(ib) = kindxf(nspace(ib)) ieminb(ibarcnt) = min(ieminb(ibarcnt),nindex(ib)) iemaxb(ibarcnt) = max(iemaxb(ibarcnt),nindex(ib)) elsperns = feon(float(nspace(ib))) if (istop(ib) .eq. ntot) then nnsk = (lenbar-itstart(ib))/nspace(ib) else nnsk = (list(3,istop(ib)+1)-itstart(ib))/nspace(ib) end if elskb = elskb+elsperns*nnsk if (nptr(ibarcnt+1) .gt. nptr(ibarcnt)) then call catspace(float(nspace(ib)),nnsk) else c c This is the first entry for this bar c nnpd(nptr(ibarcnt)) = nnsk durb(nptr(ibarcnt)) = nspace(ib) nptr(ibarcnt+1) = nptr(ibarcnt+1)+1 end if if (istop(ib) .eq. ntot) go to 15 c c End of spatial accounting for now c ib = ib+1 istart(ib) = istop(ib-1)+1 in = istart(ib) c c Set tentative block space for new block c nspace(ib) = list(4,in) istop(ib) = in go to 9 15 continue nb = ib c write(*,'(24i3)')(istart(ib),istop(ib),ib=1,nb) c c Run through blocks, correcting elskb as needed for xtuplets c do 100 ib = 1 , nb herext = .false. intup = .false. do 101 in = istart(ib) , istop(ib) if (nodur(list(1,in),list(2,in)) .eq. 0) then if (.not.herext) then c c New window with some number of xtups starts here. c ntupm = 0 herext = .true. itxstart = list(3,in) end if if (.not.intup) then c c New xtup starts here c ntup = 0 intup = .true. end if ntup = ntup+1 go to 101 else if (intup) then c c xtup ends here c ntup = ntup+1 lxtup = nodur(list(1,in),list(2,in)) if (ntup .ge. ntupm) ntupm=ntup intup = .false. end if if (herext .and. * (in.eq.istop(ib).or.list(3,in+1).ne.itxstart)) then c c Finished with all notes starting where xtup starts, so close out. c ixtend = itxstart+lxtup c c Compute "natural" length (in *elemskips) of xtuplet c elxtup = ntupm*feon(lxtup/1./ntupm) c c Compute natural lengths of other stuff spanning same time interval c if (ixtend .le. list(3,istop(ib))+list(4,istop(ib))) then c c xtup is contained in a single block c nsk = lxtup/nspace(ib) elother = nsk*feon(lxtup/1./nsk) else c c xtup spills over to next block c ltime = itstart(ib+1)-itxstart nsk = ltime/nspace(ib) elother = nsk*feon(float(nspace(ib))) do 103 iib = ib+1 , nb if (ixtend .le. * list(3,istop(iib))+list(4,istop(iib))) then ltime = ixtend-itstart(iib) nsk = ltime/nspace(iib) elother = elother+nsk*feon(float(nspace(iib))) go to 104 else ltime = list(3,istop(iib))+list(4,istop(iib)) * -itstart(iib) nsk = ltime/nspace(iib) elother = elother+nsk*feon(float(nspace(iib))) end if 103 continue end if 104 continue elskb = elskb+dim(elxtup,elother) if (elxtup .gt. elother) then c c Need to adjust catalog of tspaces c call catspace(float(lxtup)/ntupm,ntupm) call catspace(float(lxtup),-1) end if herext = .false. ntupm = 0 end if 101 continue 100 continue c c Eliminate any zeroes in nnpd. Manual loop since upper limit may change. c iptr = nptr(ibarcnt) 105 continue if (iptr .gt. nptr(ibarcnt+1)-1) go to 106 if (nnpd(iptr) .eq. 0) then nptr(ibarcnt+1) = nptr(ibarcnt+1)-1 do 107 iiptr = iptr , nptr(ibarcnt+1)-1 nnpd(iiptr) = nnpd(iiptr+1) durb(iiptr) = durb(iiptr+1) 107 continue else iptr = iptr+1 end if go to 105 106 continue return end function feon(time) c feon = max(1.8,1.+alog(time/2)/.69315) feon = sqrt(time/2) return end function kindxf(nspace) kindxf = 2*alog(nspace*1.)/0.69315 + 1.3 return end function tspace(ie) if (mod(ie,2).eq.0) then tspace = .75*2.**(ie/2) else tspace = sqrt(2.**(ie-1)) end if return end subroutine catspace(tspace,nnsk) common /comnotes/ nnodur,wminnh(300),nnpd(2000),durb(2000), * nptr(301),ibarcnt,ieminb(300),iemaxb(300),mbrest,ibarmbr, * ibaroff do 16 iptr = nptr(ibarcnt) , nptr(ibarcnt+1)-1 if (abs(tspace-durb(iptr)) .lt. 0.001) then c c Must increment old entry c nnpd(iptr) = nnpd(iptr)+nnsk return end if 16 continue c c Didn't find current duration, must add a new entry c do 18 iptr = nptr(ibarcnt) , nptr(ibarcnt+1)-1 if (tspace .lt. durb(iptr)) then c c New entry will go at this iptr. Bump up the rest c do 19 jptr = nptr(ibarcnt+1)-1 , iptr , -1 nnpd(jptr+1) = nnpd(jptr) durb(jptr+1) = durb(jptr) 19 continue nnpd(iptr) = nnsk durb(iptr) = tspace nptr(ibarcnt+1) = nptr(ibarcnt+1)+1 return end if 18 continue c c New entry goes at the end c nnpd(nptr(ibarcnt+1)) = nnsk durb(nptr(ibarcnt+1)) = tspace nptr(ibarcnt+1) = nptr(ibarcnt+1)+1 return end subroutine chklit(lineq,iccount,literr) character*128 lineq character*1 charq literr = 0 itype = 1 17 call getchar(lineq,iccount,charq) if (charq .eq. char(92)) then itype = itype+1 if (itype .gt. 3) then literr = 1 return end if go to 17 end if lenlit = itype 18 call getchar(lineq,iccount,charq) if (charq.eq.char(92)) then call getchar(lineq,iccount,charq) if (charq .ne. ' ') then c c Starting a new tex command withing the string c lenlit = lenlit+2 if (lenlit .gt. 80) then literr = 2 return c print*,'TeX string must have <80 char, end w/ " ' c * //char(92)//'"' c stop end if go to 18 end if else lenlit = lenlit+1 if (lenlit .gt. 80) then literr = 2 return end if go to 18 end if return end subroutine readnum(lineq,iccount,durq,fnum) character*128 lineq character*1 durq i1 = iccount 1 call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (index('0123456789.',durq) .gt. 0) go to 1 i2 = iccount-1 if (i2 .lt. i1) then print*,'Found "'//durq//'" instead of number' stop end if icf = i2-i1+49 read(lineq(i1:i2),'(f'//char(icf)//'.0)')fnum return end subroutine readmeter(lineq,iccount,mtrnum,mtrden) character*128 lineq character*1 durq call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (durq .eq. '-') then c c Negative numerator is used only to printed; signals vertical slash c call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) mtrnum = -(ichar(durq)-48) else if (durq .eq. 'o') then c c Numerator is EXACTLY 1 c mtrnum = 1 else mtrnum = ichar(durq)-48 if (mtrnum .eq. 1) then c c Numerator is >9 c call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) mtrnum = 10+ichar(durq)-48 end if end if call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) if (durq .eq. 'o') then mtrden = 1 else mtrden = ichar(durq)-48 if (mtrden .eq. 1) then call getchar(lineq,iccount,durq) mtrden = 10+ichar(durq)-48 end if end if return end subroutine errmsg(lineq,iccount,ibarno,msgq) common /comget/ lastchar,fbon,issegno,ihead,isheadr,nline,isvolt logical lastchar,fbon,issegno,isheadr,isvolt character*128 lineq character*78 outq character*128 msgq if (iccount .le. 78) then outq = lineq(1:78) iposn = iccount else outq = '... '//lineq(55:128) iposn = iccount-50 end if print* ndigbn = int(log10(ibarno+.1)+1) ndignl = int(log10(nline+.1)+1) lenmsg = index(msgq,'!')-1 write(*,'(a15,i'//char(48+ndignl)//',a6,i'//char(48+ndigbn)// *',a)')' ERROR in line ',nline,', bar ',ibarno,': '//msgq(1:lenmsg) i10 = iposn/10 i1 = iposn-10*i10 write(*,'('//char(48+i10)//char(48+i1)//'x,a)')char(25) print*,outq(1:78) write(*,'('//char(48+i10)//char(48+i1)//'x,a)')char(24) return end block data common /compage/ widthpt,ptheight,nsyst,nflb,ibarflb(0:20), * isysflb(0:20),npages,nfpb,ipagfpb(0:10),isysfpb(0:10), * isig,usefig common /cblock/ * etatop,etabot,etait,etatc,etacs1,hgtin,hgtti,hgtco, * xilbn,xilbtc,xilhdr,xilfig,a,b,inbothd,inhnoh logical usefig data ptheight,widthpt, * etatop,etabot,etait,etatc,etacs1,hgtin,hgtti,hgtco, * xilbn,xilbtc,xilhdr,xilfig,a,b,inbothd,inhnoh * / 740. , 524. , * .50 , .25 , 0.4 , 0.4 , 0.2 , 12. ,21. , 12., * 4 , 1.6 ,5.,5.7,1.071,2.714,16 ,16 / end