.PS thicklines_ bight = 1.8i bigwd = 1.6i lettersp = 0.2 overlap = 0.1 qminusl = 0.6 r = 0.3 ex = 0.12 del = 0.1 ddel = del * sqrt(2) eps = 0.01 widg = 1 F: box invis wid bigwd ht bight E: box invis wid bigwd ht bight G: box invis wid widg ht bight box wid G.ne.x-F.nw.x ht F.nw.y-F.sw.y with .sw at F.sw box wid last box.wid+2*eps ht last box.ht+2*eps with .c at last box.c line from F.ne+(-eps/2,0) to F.se+(-eps/2,0) line from F.ne+( eps/2,0) to F.se+( eps/2,0) line from E.ne+(-eps/2,0) to E.se+(-eps/2,0) line from E.ne+( eps/2,0) to E.se+( eps/2,0) box invis ht 0.2 wid 0.2 "\Large $F$" with .c at F.s + (0,-lettersp) box invis ht 0.2 wid 0.2 "\Large $E$" with .c at E.s + (0,-lettersp) box invis ht 0.2 wid 0.2 "\Large $G$" with .c at G.s + (0,-lettersp) XF: F.se + (-qminusl,qminusl) XE: E.se + (-qminusl,qminusl) line from (F.w,XF) to XF + (overlap,0) line from (XF,F.n) to XF + (0,-overlap) line from XF + (-r,0) to (XF.x-r,F.n.y) line dashed from XF to F.se line from (E.w,XE) to XE + (overlap,0) line from (XE,E.n) to XE + (0,-overlap) line from XE + (-r,0) to (XE.x-r,E.n.y) line dashed from XE to E.se line from XE + (0,r) to E.w.x,XE.y+r line from (G.w,XE) to (G.e,XE) "$q$" at F.sw + (-ex,ex/3) "$\ell$" at (F.w,XF) + (-ex,ex/3) "$t$" at (XF,F.n) + (-ex/2,ex) "$t$" at (XE,E.n) + (-ex/2,ex) "$n$$+$$p$$+$$m$" at G.ne + (0,ex) "\large $0$" at XF + (-r/2,(bight-qminusl)/2) "\large $0$" at XF + (qminusl/2,(bight-qminusl)/2) "\large $0$" at XE + (-r/2,(bight-qminusl)/2) "\large $0$" at XE + (qminusl/2,(bight-qminusl)/2) "$\left.\strut\right\} r$" at XE + (ex,r/2) "$\overbrace{\phantom{\hbox to 0.7in{}}}^{\hbox{$k$}}$" at \ F.nw + ((bigwd-qminusl-r)/2,ex*1.2) "$\overbrace{\phantom{\hbox to 0.7in{}}}^{\hbox{$k$}}$" at \ E.nw + (bigwd/2-qminusl/2-r/2,ex*1.2) line invis up 0.3 from F.nw thinlines_ for y = ddel to widg by ddel do { line down y left y from G.e.x,G.s.y+y } for y = last line.start.y+ddel to G.n.y by ddel do { line down widg left widg from G.e.x,y } for y = last line.end.y+ddel to G.n.y by ddel do { line up G.n.y-y right G.n.y-y from G.w.x,y } for x = del to XF.x-F.w.x-r by del do { line down bight-qminusl from E.w.x+x,E.nw.y line down bight-qminusl from F.w.x+x,F.nw.y } for y = XE.y+del to XE.y+r by del do { line from XE.x,y left r } for x = ddel to qminusl by ddel do { line left x down x from E.w.x+x,XE.y line left x down x from F.w.x+x,XF.y } for x = last line.start.x-F.w.x+ddel to XF.x-F.w.x by ddel do { line left qminusl down qminusl from E.w.x+x,XE.y line left qminusl down qminusl from F.w.x+x,XF.y } for x = last line.end.x-F.w.x+ddel to bigwd by ddel do { line up (bigwd-x)/2 right (bigwd-x)/2 from E.w.x+x,E.s.y line up (bigwd-x)/2 right (bigwd-x)/2 from F.w.x+x,F.s.y } .PE