\begin{tabbing} \hspace{2.1in} \= darrow$\;$ \= \kill \tt AND\_gate({\sl n}) \> log \> basic `and' gate, 2 or {\sl n\/} inputs \\ \tt AND\_ht \> log \> height of basic `and' and `or' gates \\ \tt AND\_wd \> log \> width of basic `and' and `or' gates \\ \tt BUFFER\_gate({\sl linespec}) \> log \> basic buffer, 1 input or as a 2-terminal element \\ \tt BUF\_ht \> log \> basic buffer gate height \\ \tt BUF\_wd \> log \> basic buffer gate width \\ \tt Cos({\sl integer}) \> gen \> cosine function, {\sl integer\/} degrees \\ \tt E\_ \> gen \> the constant $e$ \\ \tt G\_hht\_ \> log \> gate half-height \\ \tt HOMELIB\_ \> all \> directory containing libraries \\ \tt L\_unit \> log \> logic-element grid size \\ \tt NAND\_gate({\sl n}) \> log \> `nand' gate, 2 or {\sl n\/} inputs \\ \tt NOR\_gate({\sl n}) \> log \> `nor' gate, 2 or {\sl n\/} inputs \\ \tt NOT\_gate({\sl linespec}) \> log \> `not' gate, 1 input or as a 2-terminal element \\ \tt NXOR\_gate({\sl n}) \> log \> `nxor' gate, 2 or {\sl n\/} inputs \\ \tt N\_diam \> log \> diameter of `not' circles \\ \tt OR\_gate({\sl n}) \> log \> `or' gate, 2 or {\sl n\/} inputs \\ \tt Point\_({\sl integer}) \> gen \> sets direction cosines in degrees \\ \tt Rect\_({\sl radius},{\sl angle}) \> gen \> (deg) polar-to-rectangular conversion \\ \tt Sin({\sl integer}) \> gen \> sine function, {\sl integer\/} degrees \\ \tt XOR\_gate({\sl n}) \> log \> `xor' gate, 2 or {\sl n\/} inputs \\ \tt above\_ \> gen \> string position above relative to current direction \\ \tt abs\_({\sl number}) \> gen \> absolute value function \\ \tt amp({\sl linespec}) \> cct \> amplifier \\ \tt battery({\sl linespec},n) \> cct \> n-cell battery, default 1 cell \\ \tt below\_ \> gen \> string position relative to current direction \\ \tt bi\_tr({\sl linespec},L|R,P,E) \> cct \> left or right, N or P-type bipolar transistor, without or with envelope \\ \tt b\_current({\sl label},{\sl pos},{\sl dir}) \> cct \> draw and label branch-current arrow \\ \tt capacitor({\sl linespec},C) \> cct \> capacitor, straght or curved-plate\\ \tt clabel({\sl label},{\sl label},{\sl label}) \> cct \> centre triple label \\ \tt consource({\sl linespec},V|I) \> cct \> blank or voltage or current-controlled source\\ \tt cross( at {\sl location}) \> gen \> plots a small cross \\ \tt crosswd\_ \> gen \> cross dimension \\ \tt csdim\_ \> cct \> controlled-source width \\ \tt d\_fet({\sl linespec},L|R,P,E) \> cct \> left or right, N or P depletion MOSFET, without or with envelope\\ \tt darrow({\sl linespec},t,t,{\sl width}) \> darrow \> double arrow\\ \tt delay({\sl linespec}) \> cct \> delay element \\ \tt delay\_rad\_ \> cct \> delay radius \\ \tt dend( at {\sl location}) \> darrow \> close (or start) double line \\ \tt diff\_({\sl a},{\sl b}) \> gen \> difference function \\ \tt dimen\_ \> cct \> size parameter for circuit elements \\ \tt dimension\_({\sl linespec},{\sl offset},{\sl label},{\sl label wid},% {\sl tic offset}) \\ \> gen \> macro for dimensioning diagrams \\ \tt diode({\sl linespec} ,Z|BD) \> cct \> diode, normal or zener or bi-directional \\ \tt dlabel({\sl long},{\sl lat},{\sl label},{\sl label},{\sl label}) \\ \> cct \> general triple label \\ \tt dleft \> darrow \> double line left turn \\ \tt dline({\sl linespec},t,t,{\sl width}) \> darrow \> double line \\ \tt dlinewid \> darrow \> width of double lines \\ \tt dn\_ \> gen \> sets down relative to current-direction \\ \tt dot( at {\sl location}) \> gen \> draw a dot \\ \tt dotrad\_ \> gen \> dot radius \\ \tt down\_ \> gen \> sets current direction to down \\ \tt dright \> darrow \> double arrow right turn \\ \tt dtee({\tt `}{\sl direction}{\tt '}) \> darrow \> double arrow tee junction\\ \tt dtor\_ \> gen \> degrees to radians conversion constant \\ \tt e\_ \> gen \> .e relative to current direction \\ \tt e\_fet({\sl linespec},L|R,P,E) \> cct \> left or right, N or P enhancement MOSFET, without or with envelope\\ \tt ebox({\sl linespec},{\sl length},{\sl ht}) \> cct \> two-terminal box element with adjustable dimensions \\ \tt eleminit\_({\sl linespec}) \> cct \> internal line initialization \\ \tt elen\_ \> cct \> default element length \\ \tt fill\_({\sl number}) \> gen \> fill macro, 0=black, 1=white \\ \tt gamp({\sl linespec}) \> cct \> general amplifier \\ \tt gap({\sl linespec}) \> cct \> gap with dots \\ \tt glabel\_ \> cct \> internal general labeller \\ \tt gpic\_ \> gpic \> defined to signify gpic is being used \\ \tt grid\_({\sl x},{\sl y}) \> log \> absolute grid location \\ \tt ground( at {\sl location},T) \> cct \> ground, without stem for nonblank 2nd arg\\ \tt hop(L|R,at {\sl location}) \> cct \> conductor crossing another to left or right\\ \tt hoprad\_ \> cct \> hop radius \\ \tt ht\_ \> gen \> height relative to current direction \\ \tt inductor({\sl linespec},W,{\sl n},M) \> cct \> inductor, narrow or wide, 4 or {\sl n} arcs, without or with magnetic core \\ \tt integrator({\sl linespec}) \> cct \> integrating amplifier \\ \tt j\_fet({\sl linespec},L|R,P,E) \> cct \> left or right, N or P JFET, without or with envelope\\ \tt left\_ \> gen \> left with respect to current direction \\ \tt linethick\_({\sl number}) \> gen \> set line thickness in points \\ \tt ljust\_ \> gen \> ljust with respect to current direction \\ \tt llabel({\sl label},{\sl label},{\sl label}) \> cct \> triple lable on left side of the element \\ \tt loc\_({\sl x}, {\sl y}) \> gen \> location adjusted for current direction \\ \tt lt\_ \> gen \> left with respect to current direction \\ \tt manhattan \> gen \> sets direction cosines for left, right, up, down \\ \tt mfpic\_ \> mfpic \> defined to signify mfpic is being used \\ \tt n\_ \> gen \> .n with respect to current direction \\ \tt ne\_ \> gen \> .ne with respect to current direction \\ \tt neg\_ \> gen \> unary negation \\ \tt nw\_ \> gen \> .nw with respect to current direction \\ \tt opamp({\sl linespec},{\sl label},{\sl label}) \> cct \> operational amplifier with $-,$ $+$ or other internal labels \\ \tt point\_({\sl angle}) \> gen \> (radians) set direction cosines \\ \tt polar\_({\sl x},{\sl y}) \> gen \> rectangular-to polar conversion \\ \tt prod\_({\sl a},{\sl b}) \> gen \> binary multiplication \\ \tt project({\sl x},({\sl y},({\sl z}) \> gen \> 3D to 2D projection \\ \tt psset\_({\sl PSTricks settings}) \> gen \> set PSTricks parameters \\ \tt pstricks\_ \> pstricks \> defined to signify PSTricks is being used \\ \tt pt\_ \> gen \> big point size \\ \tt rect\_({\sl radius},{\sl angle}) \> gen \> (radians) polar-rectangular conversion \\ \tt resistor({\sl linespec},n) \> cct \> resistor, n peaks, default 3 \\ \tt right\_ \> gen \> set current direction right \\ \tt rjust\_ \> gen \> right justify with respect to current direction \\ \tt rlabel({\sl label},{\sl label},{\sl label}) \> cct \> triple lable on right side of the element \\ \tt rpoint\_({\sl angle}) \> gen \> (radians) set direction cosines \\ \tt rpos\_({\sl position}) \> gen \> Here + {\sl position} \\ \tt rt\_ \> gen \> right with respect to current direction \\ \tt rtod\_ \> gen \> constant, degrees/radian \\ \tt rvec\_({\sl x},{\sl y}) \> gen \> location relative to current direction \\ \tt s\_ \> gen \> .s with respect to current direction \\ \tt se\_ \> gen \> .se with respect to current direction \\ \tt setview({\sl azimuth},{\sl (radians) elevation}) \\ \> gen \> set projection viewpoint \\ \tt shadebox({\sl box specification}) \> gen \> box with edge shading \\ \tt sign\_({\sl number}) \> gen \> sign function \\ \tt source({\sl linespec},V|I|AC|{\sl string}) \> \> \\ \> cct \> source, blank or voltage or current or AC or labelled\\ \tt sourcerad\_ \> cct \> source radius \\ \tt sp\_ \> gen \> evaluates to medium space for gpic strings \\ \tt sum\_({\sl a},{\sl b}) \> gen \> binary sum \\ \tt svec\_({\sl x},{\sl y}) \> log \> scaled and rotated grid coordinate vector \\ \tt sw\_ \> gen \> .sw with respect to current direction \\ \tt switch({\sl linespec},L|R,C|O) \> cct \> SPST switch left or right, blank or closing or opening arrow\\ \tt thicklines\_({\sl number}) \> gen \> set line thickness in points\\ \tt thinlines\_({\sl number}) \> gen \> set line thickness in points \\ \tt transformer({\sl linespec},L|R,n) \> cct \> 2-winding transformer, left or right, n arcs \\ \tt twopi\_ \> gen \> $2\pi$ \\ \tt up\_ \> gen \> set current direction up \\ \tt up\_\_ \> gen \> up with respect to current direction \\ \tt vec\_({\sl x},{\sl y}) \> gen \> position rotated with respect to current direction \\ \tt vrot\_({\sl x},{\sl y},{\sl xcosine},{\sl ycosine}) \> gen \> rotation operator \\ \tt vscal\_({\sl number},{\sl x},{\sl y}) \> gen \> vector scale operator \\ \tt w\_ \> gen \> .w with respect to current direction \\ \tt wid\_ \> gen \> width with respect to current direction \\ \tt xtal({\sl linespec}) \> cct \> quartz crystal \\ \end{tabbing}