% Dummy French Torture Test with LaTeX (main style: book) % Copyright GUTenberg-Bernard Gaulle as in french.doc % % This is test to see if all macros are well dummy defined. % Caution: french.tst file must be full 7bit. % %% %% checksum = "49606 39 161 1412" %% \ifx\documentclass\undefined \documentstyle[mylist,twocolumn,%french,% french style is removed a4]{book} % Do protect \verb to avoid pbs \global\let\AvORI\verb% Let normal LaTeX \verb protected ............... \verb \gdef\verb{\protect\AvORI} \let\vers\verb \else \documentclass[twocolumn]{book} \usepackage{mylist,%french,% french style removed a4} \fi \setlength{\textwidth}{410pt}%% \input mypsfig.sty \let\iflatex\iftrue \errorstopmode\nofiles \input french.dmy % french macros are dummy \def\kathmandouais{} % \let\backslash\relax% \backslash used in my text, turn around. \french% passons en francais s'il existe, sinon on aura des erreurs de cesure. %\frenchtest \input french.tst % load the test file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Remember were are not in French here, so we must % % obtain a lot of warning messages with \overfull % % and \underfull hbox too... % % But no fatal error! % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{document}