% French Torture Test with LaTeX, manually loaded style (main style: book) % and with a lot of options of style that might have any impact. % Copyright GUTenberg-Bernard Gaulle as in french.doc % % May probably require a BIG-TeX version % \ifx\documentclass\undefined \documentstyle[mylist,mya4,twocolumn,array,cite,overcite% ,float,newfloat% chose one! last is the default one. %,endfloat% french is not running with it, obscure reasons... % jdm5548@diamond.tamu.edu informed 01/22/92 ]{book} \else \documentclass[twocolumn]{book} \usepackage{mylist,mya4,array,cite,overcite,float, %newfloat, ==> n'est plus compatible avec 2e ? 08/29/95 french} \fi \setlength{\textwidth}{410pt}%% \let\iflatex\iftrue \input french.sty \frenchtest \end{document} %% %% checksum = "54578 26 95 920" %%