%% %% This is file `csywidko.mf', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% circ.dtx (with options: `csywidko') %% Copyright 1997 Andreas Tille / Sebastian Tannert %% %% This file is part of the CIRC package %% ------------------------------------- %% This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. %% %% For error reports concerning UNCHANGED versions of this file no %% more than one year old, see CIRC.DVI. %% %% IMPORTANT COPYRIGHT NOTICE: %% %% You are NOT ALLOWED to distribute this file alone. %% %% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that it %% is distributed together with all the files listed in circ.txt. %% %% If you receive only some of these files from someone, complain! %% %% You are NOT ALLOWED to change this file. input csym; designsize:=.5lLE#; def resistor = numeric pl; pl:=.5(res_lt-res_wd); z0=(0,0); z1=z0+(pl,0); z2=z1+(res_wd,0); z3=z2+(pl,0); z4-z5=z6-z7=(0,res_ht); z1=.5[z4,z5]; z2=.5[z6,z7]; z8=z0+(res_x,-res_y); pickup pensquare scaled normalline; draw z0--z1; draw z2--z3; draw z4--z6--z7--z5--cycle; enddef; def resistor_var = {{ addxTF(shifted -z8 rotated -90); resistor; pickup pensquare scaled normalline; arrow(z8,res_ara,0,res_phi,arr_lt,arr_phi) (pickup pencircle scaled normalline); }} enddef; def capacitor = pickup pensquare scaled normalline; numeric pl; pl:=.5(cap_lt-cap_spc); z0=(0,0); z1=z0+(pl,0); z2=z1+(cap_spc,0); z3=z2+(pl,0); z4-z5=z6-z7=(0,cap_ht); z1=.5[z4,z5]; z2=.5[z6,z7]; draw z0--z1; draw z2--z3; draw z4--z5; draw z6--z7; enddef; def capacitor_var = capacitor; noarrowTF; pickup pencircle scaled thinline; arrow(.5[z1,z2],cap_ara,cap_arb,cap_phi,arr_lt,arr_phi)(); enddef; def electrolytic_capacitor = pickup pensquare scaled normalline; numeric pl; pl:=.5(cap_lt-cap_spc-cap_wd); z0=(0,0); z1=z0+(pl,0); z2=z1+(cap_spc,0); z3=z2+(cap_wd,0); z4=z3+(pl,0); z5-z6=z7-z8=z9-z10=(0,cap_ht); z1=.5[z5,z6]; z2=.5[z7,z8]; z3=.5[z9,z10]; draw z0--z1; draw z3--z4; draw z5--z6; draw z7--z9--z10--z8--cycle; enddef; "Widerstand"; twochars(0)(resistor)(.5res_ht#,res_lt#,.5res_ht#); "Widerstand variabel"; eightchars(8)(resistor_var)(res_y#,res_lt#-res_x#,res_x#,res_o#); "Kondensator"; twochars(128)(capacitor)(.5cap_ht#,cap_lt#,.5cap_ht#); "Kondensator variabel"; twochars(130)(capacitor_var)(.5cap_ht#,cap_lt#,.5cap_ht#); "Elektrolyt-Kondensator"; fourchars(136)(electrolytic_capacitor)(z4)(.5cap_ht#,cap_lt#,.5cap_ht#); end;