%% %% This is file `csybimos.mf', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% circ.dtx (with options: `csybimos') %% Copyright 1997 Andreas Tille / Sebastian Tannert %% %% This file is part of the CIRC package %% ------------------------------------- %% This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. %% %% For error reports concerning UNCHANGED versions of this file no %% more than one year old, see CIRC.DVI. %% %% IMPORTANT COPYRIGHT NOTICE: %% %% You are NOT ALLOWED to distribute this file alone. %% %% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that it %% is distributed together with all the files listed in circ.txt. %% %% If you receive only some of these files from someone, complain! %% %% You are NOT ALLOWED to change this file. input csym; designsize:=1lLE#; def mosfet = % ok z0=(0,0); x1=x2=x3=x4; y2-y1=mos_SD; y4-y3=mos_sd; .5[z2,z1]=.5[z4,z3]; y6=y4; y7=y3; x4-x6=x3-x7; .5[z8,z9]=.5[z6,z7]=z5; x9=x8; y8-y6=mos_soSD; x10=x11; x0+mos_Gsub=x10+mos_ox=x7; x1-x0=mos_GSx; y0=y10=y1+mos_GSy; y6-y11=y10-y7; z12=.5[z1,z2]; z6=.5[z13,z8]; z7=.5[z14,z9]; z15-z16=z8-z13; z5=.5[z15,z16]; pickup pencircle scaled mos_rad; drawdot round(z3); pickup pensquare scaled normalline; draw z1--z3--z7; draw z2--z4--z6; draw z0--z10--z11; draw z5--z12--z3; pickup pensquare scaled thickline; enddef; def mosfet_V = % ok mosfet; draw z8--z9; enddef; def mosfet_A = % ok mosfet; draw z8--z13; draw z9--z14; draw z15--z16; enddef; def fet = % ok z0=(0,0); z1=z0+(fet_Gsub,0); y2=y1; x2=x3=x4=x0+fet_GSx; y3=y2-fet_GSy; z2-z3=z4-z5; y4-y3=fet_SD; y6=y5; x1=x6; x8=x7; y8=y1-fet_soSD; .5[z4,z3]=.5[z5,z2]; .5[z7,z8]=.5[z1,z6]; z9=z1-(fet_sarr+tri_lt,0); pickup pensquare scaled normalline; draw z0--z1--z2--z3; draw z6--z5--z4; pickup pensquare scaled thickline; draw z7--z8; enddef; def transistor_without_basis = % "uberarbeiten numeric pl; pl:=.5(tst_ht-tst_iht); z1-z2=(0,tst_iht); z0=.5[z1,z2]; z3=tst_fac[z0,z1]; z4=tst_fac[z0,z2]; z5=z1+(tst_wd,0); z6=z2+(tst_wd,0); z7=z5+(0,pl); z8=z6+(0,-pl); z9=tst_dis[z4,z6]; pickup pensquare scaled normalline; draw z1--z2; draw z3--z5--z7; draw z4--z6--z8; pickup pencircle scaled thinline; triangle(z9,tst_rad,tri_phi,angle(z6-z4)); enddef; def npn_no_basis = % "uberarbeiten numeric tst_rad,tst_dis; tst_rad:=-tri_lt; tst_dis:=npn_dis; z0=(0,0); transistor_without_basis; enddef; def pnp_no_basis = % "uberarbeiten numeric tst_rad,tst_dis; tst_rad:=tri_lt; tst_dis:=pnp_dis; z0=(0,0); transistor_without_basis; enddef; def npn = % "uberarbeiten numeric tst_rad,tst_dis; tst_rad:=-tri_lt; tst_dis:=npn_dis; z0=(tst_wd,0); z20=(0,0); transistor_without_basis; pickup pensquare scaled normalline; draw z20--z0; enddef; def pnp = % "uberarbeiten numeric tst_rad,tst_dis; tst_rad:=tri_lt; tst_dis:=pnp_dis; z0=(tst_wd,0); z20=(0,0); transistor_without_basis; pickup pensquare scaled normalline; draw z20--z0; enddef; "Transistor NPN ohne Basis"; eightchars(0) (npn_no_basis) (tst_wd#,.5tst_ht#,.5tst_ht#,0); "Transistor PNP ohne Basis"; eightchars(8) (pnp_no_basis) (tst_wd#,.5tst_ht#,.5tst_ht#,0); "Transistor NPN"; eightchars(16) (npn) (tst_wd#+tst_wd#,.5tst_ht#,.5tst_ht#,0); "Transistor PNP"; eightchars(24) (pnp) (tst_wd#+tst_wd#,.5tst_ht#,.5tst_ht#,0); "FET n-Kanal"; eightchars(32) (fet; pickup pencircle scaled thinline; triangle(z1,tri_lt,tri_phi,180); ) (fet_GSx#,fet_GSy#,fet_SD#-fet_GSy#,0); "FET p-Kanal"; eightchars(40) (fet; pickup pencircle scaled thinline; triangle(z9,tri_lt,tri_phi,0); ) (fet_GSx#,fet_GSy#,fet_SD#-fet_GSy#,0); "MOSFET n-Kanal V"; eightchars(48) (mosfet_V; pickup pencircle scaled thinline; triangle(z5,tri_lt,tri_phi,0); ) (mos_GSx#,mos_GSy#,mos_SD#-mos_GSy#,0); "MOSFET p-Kanal V"; eightchars(56) (mosfet_V; pickup pencircle scaled thinline; triangle(z12,tri_lt,tri_phi,180); ) (mos_GSx#,mos_GSy#,mos_SD#-mos_GSy#,0); "MOSFET n-Kanal A"; eightchars(64) (mosfet_A; pickup pencircle scaled thinline; triangle(z5,tri_lt,tri_phi,0); ) (mos_GSx#,mos_GSy#,mos_SD#-mos_GSy#,0); "MOSFET p-Kanal A"; eightchars(72) (mosfet_A; pickup pencircle scaled thinline; triangle(z12,tri_lt,tri_phi,180); ) (mos_GSx#,mos_GSy#,mos_SD#-mos_GSy#,0); end;