%& latex 2e %%% %%% File: lapictures.tex %%% %%% mfpic alfa Tue 28 May 1996 %%% % Magnify to same scale as pictures.tex : % (Use of \mag is against the law of LaTeX, but Bugs Bunny set a precedent.) \mag=\magstep1 \documentclass[12pt]{article} \input mfpic \setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt} \begin{document} \opengraphsfile{lapics} \headshape{1}{1}{true} \mftitle{Commutative Diagram example.} % A-----D % |\ /| % | C-F | % |/ \| % B- - -E % \mbox{\centering\parfillskip=0pt plus1fill % \begin{center} \noindent \fbox{% \begin{mfpic}[12]{0}{10}{0}{10} \tcaption[2.0,1.0]{{\it Figure 1:} Commutative diagram example.} \tlabel[cc](1,9){A} \tlabel[cc](1,1){B} \tlabel[cc](3,5){C} \tlabel[cc](9,9){D} \tlabel[cc](9,1){E} \tlabel[cc](7,5){F} \arrow\lines{(1,8.5), (1,1.5)} % A -> B. \arrow\lines{(1.5,8.5), (2.5,5.5)} % A -> C. \arrow\lines{(2.5,4.5), (1.5,1.5)} % C -> B. \arrow\lines{(1.5,9), (8.5,9)} % A -> D. \arrow\lines{(9,8.5), (9,1.5)} % D -> E. \arrow\lines{(8.5,8.5), (7.5,5.5)} % D -> F. \arrow\lines{(7.5,4.5), (8.5,1.5)} % F -> E. \arrow\lines{(3.5,5), (6.5,5)} % C -> F. % B- - ->E : \dotted\arrow[r90][b-12pt]\arrow[b15pt]\reverse\arrow\lines{(1.5,1), (8.5,1)} \end{mfpic}% } % \end{center} \mftitle{Function Plot with Cartesian Axes.} \noindent \fbox{% \begin{mfpic}[20]{-3}{3}{-3}{3} \axes \function{-2,2,0.1}{((x**3)-x)/3} \tcaption{{\it Figure 2:} Function Plot with Cartesian Axes.} \end{mfpic}% } \mftitle{Parametric Function Plot, and Filled Circle.} \noindent \fbox{% \begin{mfpic}[30]{-1}{1}{-1}{1} \parafcn{0,6,0.1}{cosd(150t) * dir(90t)} \gfill\circle{(0,0),0.25} \tcaption{{\it Figure 3:} Parametric Function Plot, and Filled Circle.} \end{mfpic}% } \mftitle{Bar Graph.} \noindent \fbox{% \begin{mfpic}[20]{-0.5}{4}{-0.5}{4} \axes \shade\draw\rect{(0,0),(1,0.5)} \darkershade \shade\draw\rect{(1,0),(2,1)} \hatch\draw\rect{(2,0),(3,2)} \tcaption{{\it Figure 4:} Bar Graph.} \end{mfpic}% } \mftitle{Pie Chart.} \noindent \fbox{% \begin{mfpic}[30]{-1}{1.4}{-1}{1.1} \gfill\sector{(0.3,0.2), 1, 0,60} \shade\sector{(0,0), 1, 60,105} \turtle{(0,0), \plr{(1,105)}} \sector{(0,0), 1, 60,360} \tcaption{{\it Figure 5:} Pie Chart.} \end{mfpic}% } \noindent Unindented text here. \mftitle{Circle with Arrow.} \noindent \fbox{% \begin{mfpic}[20]{-1}{1}{-1}{1} \arrow\circle{(0,0),1} \tcaption{{\it Figure 6:} Circle with Arrow.} \end{mfpic}% } \mftitle{Use of hatch, draw, lclosed, connect, curve, point, reverse, lines.} \noindent \fbox{% \begin{mfpic}[20]{-1}{1}{-1}{1} \hatch\draw\lclosed\connect \curve{(1,0), (0.5,0.25), (0.5,0.5), (0,0.75)} \point{(0,0)} \endconnect \reverse\lines{(-0.5,0.5), (-0.5,-0.5), (0.5,-0.75)} \tcaption{{\it Figure 7:} Use of hatch, draw, lclosed, connect, curve, point, reverse, lines.} \end{mfpic}% } \closegraphsfile \end{document} %%% %%% EOF lapictures.tex %%%