% pdchyex.tex 1.4 1995/03/30 -- some British hyphenations %%%@TeX-definition-file { %%% filename = "$texmf/tex/plain/pdcmac/pdchyex.tex", %%% version = "1.4", %%% date = "1995/03/30", %%% package = "pdcmac 1.0", %%% author = "P. Damian Cugley", %%% email = "damian.cugley@comlab.ox.ac.uk", %%% address = "Oxford University Computing Laboratory, %%% Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK", %%% codetable = "USASCII", %%% keywords = "TeX, plain TeX, macros", %%% supported = "Maybe", %%% abstract = "A non-exhaustive set of hyphenation exceptions %%% designed to make TeX with American hyphenation %%% tables produce some British hyphenations. %%% This file was generated by running %%% plain TeX on pdcmisc.dtx", %%% copyright = "Copyright (c) 1991, 1995 P. Damian Cugley", %%% copying = "DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS FILE. %%% Distribute pdcmisc.dtx only as part of the %%% package it came in.", %%% dependencies = "", %%%} \message{1.4 } \lefthyphenmin=2 \righthyphenmin=3 \uchyph=0 \hyphenation{ le-gend le-gends re-adjust re-appear exact-ing abs-cess abs-cess-es abs-cessed ana-lyse ana-lyses ana-lysis ana-lyses appear-ance appear-ances bio-graphy celeb-rate celeb-rates celeb-rations cor-respond-ence depend-ent des-pise des-pises dis-pised dimin-ish dimin-ish-es dimin-ish-ed dis-connect dis-connect-ed dis-connects forget-ting gener-ally haemor-rhage illus-trate immedi-ate immedi-ately immport-ance inexplic-able inter-pret inter-est inter-ested inter-est-ing minis-ter origin-ally philo-sophy philo-sophic philo-sophic-ally prim-ary prob-ably semb-lance calm-est debt-ors fea-ther fea-thers post-humous lamb-like poingn-ant tough-ish ach-ing archaeo-logy etymo-logy philo-logist psycho-logist tauto-logy zoolo-gist art-iest cig-ar-ette bio-logy bio-chem-is-try boy-friend brit-ain brit-ish com-ic com-ics cug-ley dogs-body dor-mouse gai-man graph-ic immedie-ate immedi-ate immedi-ately issue mckean mis-hap mis-haps news-letter news-paper night-crawler origin-ally origin-ator phys-ique phys-iques porn-o-graphy porn-o-graphic rec-om-mend-ation Ser-geant ser-geant Sien-kie-wicz spon-tan-e-ous spon-tan-e-ously stop-ped strip-ped teen-ager teen-agers tem-per-men-tal Thatch-er-ism Thatch-er-ite under-ground under-grounds var-i-able venge-ance warp-smith warp-smiths whirl-pool }