========================================================================== @ASCII-file{ filename = "README", version = "3.00", date = "10 November 1992", ISO-date = "1992.11.10", time = "13:41:29.88 EST", author = "American Physical Society, and American Institute of Physics, and Optical Society of America", contact = "Christopher B. Hamlin", address = "APS Publications Liaison Office 500 Sunnyside Blvd. Woodbury, NY 11797", telephone = "(516) 576-2390", FAX = "(516) 349-7817", email = "mis@aps.org (Internet)", supported = "yes", archived = "pinet.aip.org/pub/revtex, Niord.SHSU,edu:[FILESERV.REVTEX]", keywords = "REVTeX, version 3.0, README, general information", codetable = "ISO/ASCII", checksum = "24068 234 1381 10322", docstring = "This file is the main README file for the REVTeX v3.0, macro set version 3.0, November 10 1992. The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 checksum as the first value, followed by the equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word count) utility output of lines, words, and characters. This is produced by Robert Solovay's checksum utility." } ========================================================================== % % ------------------------------------------------------------------- % % This file is the main README file for the REVTeX v3.0 macro set % % version 3.0, November 10 1992 % % ------------------------------------------------------------------- % % % IMPORTANT NOTICE: You are not allowed to change this readme file. % Copyright (c) 1992 by American Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, Optical Society of America. All rights reserved. Other files in this package are copyrighted as stated, and their rights are reserved by their respective owners. This version of REVTeX is a cooperative product of the American Physical Society (APS), American Institute of Physics (AIP), and Optical Society of America (OSA). The Joint Society Task Force, comprised of AIP and AIP Member Societies has appointed a REVTeX Working Group in order to coordinate the development and evolution of a joint electronic publishing product and mark-up language standards amongst the participating societies. Those authors interested in publishing articles in the journals of the American Astronomical Society should use AASTeX (the LaTeX-based mark-up developed by the American Astronomical Society). One of the primary objectives of the REVTeX Working Group is to make REVTeX and AASTeX as similar as possible. Authors will use many of the same mark-up tags in manuscripts prepared using either REVTeX or AASTeX. Style differences in the journals---for example, the manner in which citations are handled (numerical reference or author/date format)---require that authors actually write different text. Thus, it is important that authors identify the journal they intend to publish in and use the appropriate electronic publishing product. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RESTRICTIONS ON USE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Files in this package may only be distributed or changed according to the following restrictions. Distribution of unchanged versions: You are NOT ALLOWED to take money for the distribution or use of these files except for a nominal charge for copying, etc. Redistribution of unchanged files is allowed provided that all files listed in this readme file are distributed together. If you receive only some of these files from someone, complain! Generation and distribution of changed versions: The generation of changed versions of the files included in the packages is allowed under the following restrictions: - Rename the file before you make any changes to it. - Acknowledge the origin of the changed version in the file and keep the information that it (or a changed version) has to be distributed under the restrictions mentioned in this file. - Change any ERROR REPORT address so that we don't get error reports for files *not* maintained by us. The distribution of changed versions of the files included in the package is allowed under the following restrictions: - Provide the user with information how to obtain the original package or, even better, distribute it with your files. - Make sure that the changed versions contain a notice that prevents others from taking money for distribution or use of your files, i.e., they have to be distributed under the restrictions mentioned in this file. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REVTeX DISTRIBUTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Files in the complete REVTeX 3.0 distribution: (a) the general files: README % this file revtex.sty % main style file manintro.tex % introduction for input guide manend.tex % appendixes for input guide (b) AIP-specific files manaip.tex % AIP chapter for input guide (c) APS-specific files aps.sty % main society-specific style file for APS macros aps10.sty % internally called style for galley-format output aps12.sty % internally called style for preprint-format output apssamp.tex % sample file manaps.tex % APS chapter for input guide prabib.sty % internally called style for normal-style citations prbbib.sty % internally called style for PRB-style citations prsty.bst % Physical Review--style BibTeX style file reftest.tex % Citation and bibliography analyzer template.aps % template file; copy to filename.tex and edit that file version2.sty % style file for running v2.x REVTeX files in v3.0 (d) OSA-specific files osa.sty % Society-specific style file for OSA journals osa10.sty % Fonts and format style file for OSA journals osa12.sty % Fonts and format style file for OSA journals osabib.sty % Society file for bibliography style template.tex % OSA template for creating a manuscript sample.tex % a longer sample of REVTeX use manosa.tex % OSA chapter for input guide josaa.tex % sample JOSA A paper josab.tex % sample JOSA B paper aplop.tex % sample Applied Optics paper %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% GETTING STARTED %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% You must have TeX and LaTeX running to use these macros. All macros run on a standard LaTeX format. Installing to just test the macros can be accomplished by copying all the files into an unused directory, then changing to that directory. All the files and facilities of REVTeX should then be usable while you are in that directory. A more permanent installation would usually mean installing the .sty files and reftest.tex file into the directory where TeX usually looks for input files, the .bst files into the directory where BibTeX usually looks for its style files, and the rest of the files into a REVTeX working directory or a public directory, depending on your system setup. Care should be taken to avoid writing over files already present. The files in the REVTeX package have been named to help avoid this problem, but there can be no guarantee that our file names are unique. If you are permanently upgrading an older version of REVTeX (<3.0), the files from the old version should be removed first. You may delete these files or save them somewhere where they will not be found by TeX when it looks for style files. Here is a list of the older files: readme % make sure you only delete the REVTeX readme! revtex.sty aps.sty aps10.sty aps12.sty preprint.sty eqsecnum.sty smplea.tex smpleb.tex smplec.tex apguide.tex Older versions of REVTeX (<3.0) will not coexist with this version. The next thing you need to do is run LaTeX on the files for the input guide. The input guide consists of common introductory material (manintro.tex), society-specific chapters (manaps.tex for APS, manosa.tex for OSA, and manaip.tex for AIP), and common appendixes (manend.tex). Run LaTeX on, and print, manintro.tex, the desired society-specific chapters, and manend.tex. Gathering the printed material together in order will provide all needed information. There is a general table of contents in manintro.tex, and separate tables of contents in each society's chapter. Carefully read the intructions in the appropriate chapter of the Input Guide. The sample file(s) and template will also contain useful examples and explanations. You may get a number of "Underfull \hbox . . ." messages when running the documentation and samples; these are normal. Also, you may need to LaTeX these files three times to complete all references and build the table of contents. If needed, consult a local (La)TeX user or system support person for information on how to run LaTeX and print its output on your local system. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ERROR REPORTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Before you report an error please check that - the error isn't caused by obsolete versions of other software. LaTeX from 1986 is a good candidate; for example, negative indents (outdents) following an equation environment. - you use an original version of the package. If you think you have found a genuine bug please report it, together with the following information: - version of the REVTeX file(s) - version (date!) of your LaTeX - a short test file showing the behavior with all unnecessary coding removed. The log file showing the problem might also help. Errors should be reported to the person listed in your copy of the user guide.