\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{times} \usepackage[definethebibliography]{easybib.old} \let\package\texttt % so \package{foo} comes out in \tt \let\envname\textsf % so \envname{foo} comes out as \sf \newbox\tempbox \def\BOX{% \setbox\tempbox\hbox\bgroup \begin{minipage}{0.9\textwidth} } \def\endBOX{% \end{minipage} \egroup \par\bigskip \begin{center} \fboxsep=10pt\fbox{\box\tempbox} \end{center} \bigskip\par } \title{The package \package{easybib}} \author{Enrico Bertolazzi\\\\ Laboratorio di Matematica Applicata\\ Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale\\ Universit\`a degli Studi di Trento\\ Mesiano, Trento, Italy\\\\ \texttt{bertolaz@ing.unitn.it}} \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} The package \package{easybib} introduce some new items for easy customization of the bibliography. \end{abstract} \section{Some examples with \package{easybib}} Load the package using the usual syntax: \begin{BOX} \begin{verbatim} \documentclass{article} . . \usepackage[definethebibliography]{easybib} . . \end{verbatim} \end{BOX} The option \verb+definethebibliography+ permits to override the default \envname{thebibliography} environment. The package introduce a complex form of \verb+\bibitem+ command as the following example shows: \begin{BOX} \begin{verbatim} \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{PIPPO} \by Pippo \paper Le avventure di Pippo \jour Topolino \page 120--123 \vol 3 \yr 1996 \addr Via Verdi \enditem \bibitem{PIPPOA} \bysame \paper Le avventure di Pippo 2 \jour Topolino \page 122--33 \vol 4 \yr 1997 \addr Via Verdi \enditem \bibitem{PAPERINO} \by Paperino \book Viaggio Allucinante \page 200-234 \yr 2023 \editor Editrice Mia \moreref \book Viaggio Allucinante 2 \page 23--34 \yr 2026 \editor Editrice Mia \enditem[.] \end{thebibliography} \end{verbatim} \end{BOX} do the following output: \begin{BOX} \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{PIPPO} \by Pippo \paper Le avventure di Pippo \jour Topolino \page 120-123 \vol 3 \yr 1996 \addr Via Verdi \enditem \bibitem{PIPPOA} \bysame \paper Le avventure di Pippo 2 \jour Topolino \page 122--33 \vol 4 \yr 1997 \addr Via Verdi \enditem \bibitem{PAPERINO} \by Paperino \book Viaggio Allucinante \page 200-234 \yr 2023 \editor Editrice Mia \moreref \book Viaggio Allucinante 2 \page 23--34 \yr 2026 \editor Editrice Mia \enditem[.] \end{thebibliography} \end{BOX} \section{The command `bibitem'} The complete form of the \verb+\bibitem+ command is the following \begin{verbatim} \bibitem`[custom label]'{LABEL} \by Author name \bysame \book Title of the book \paper Title of the paper \toappear \editor editorial \jour Journal name \page pages number \vol volume \yr pubblication year \addr pubblication address \enditem`[optional puctation]` (default ;) \end{verbatim} all the items \verb+\by+, \verb+\bysame+,\verb+\book+, \verb+\paper+, \verb+\toappear+, \verb+\editor+, \verb+\jour+, \verb+\page+, \verb+\vol+, \verb+\yr+, \verb+\addr+ are optional arguments. The \verb+\moreref+ command permit to write more reference to the same author[s]. \section{Changing the appearance} When displayed the item follows the rule \begin{center} [format command] + [item value] + [puctation] \end{center} The \verb+[format command]+ is an unspecified command that takes one argument. The default rule for the defined item is the following \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|} \hline item & format command & punctation \\ \hline \verb+\by+ & \verb+\textbf+ & , \\ \verb+\bysame+ & \verb+\@bib@bysame+ & , \\ \verb+\book+ & \verb+\textsc+ &, \\ \verb+\paper+ & \verb+\textit+ &, \\ \verb+\toappear+ & \verb+\@bib@toappear+ &, \\ \verb+\editor+ & \verb+\relax+ &, \\ \verb+\jour+ & \verb+\relax+ &, \\ \verb+\page+ & \verb+\relax+ &, \\ \verb+\vol+ & \verb+\textbf+ &, \\ \verb+\yr+ & \verb+\relax+ &, \\ \verb+\addr+ & \verb+\relax+ &, \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} where \begin{verbatim} \def\@bib@toappear#1{to appear on \textit{#1}} \def\@bib@bysame#1{#1\hbox to3em{\hrulefill}} \end{verbatim} you can change the default format by the command \begin{verbatim} \bibsetfmt{command name}{formatcmd}{punctation} for example \bibsetfmt{by}{\textbf}{:} \end{verbatim} \section{Adding items} It is impossible to define all the possible items for an hypotetical user, so that I have added the possibility to introduce new items. The command is the following \begin{verbatim} \bibinsertbefore{berfore item}{item name}{format command}{punctation} \end{verbatim} and this is an example of use \begin{BOX} \begin{verbatim} \def\Aut#1{\textsc{Author #1}} \def\Tit#1{\textit{\textbf{Title #1}}} \bibinsertbefore{by}{preby}{\Aut}{:} \bibinsertbefore{book}{prebook}{\Tit}{:} \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{PIPPO1} \by Pippo \paper Le avventure di Pippo \jour Topolino \page 120-123 \vol 3 \yr 1996 \addr Via Verdi \preby \prebook \enditem \bibitem{PAPERINO1} \by Paperino \book Viaggio Allucinante \page 200-234 \yr 2023 \editor Editrice Mia \preby \prebook \enditem[.] \end{thebibliography} \end{verbatim} \end{BOX} \begin{BOX} \def\Aut#1{\textsc{Author #1}} \def\Tit#1{\textit{\textbf{Title #1}}} \bibinsertbefore{by}{preby}{\Aut}{:} \bibinsertbefore{book}{prebook}{\Tit}{:} \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{PIPPO1} \by Pippo \paper Le avventure di Pippo \jour Topolino \page 120-123 \vol 3 \yr 1996 \addr Via Verdi \preby \prebook \enditem \bibitem{PAPERINO1} \by Paperino \book Viaggio Allucinante \page 200-234 \yr 2023 \editor Editrice Mia \preby \prebook \enditem[.] \end{thebibliography} \end{BOX} to introduce an item at the end of the list use \verb+{}+ as first argument of \verb+\bibinsertbefore+. \end{document}