
\let\package\texttt % so \package{foo} comes out in \tt
\let\envname\textsf % so \envname{foo} comes out as \sf



\title{The packages \package{easyvector}}
\author{Enrico Bertolazzi\\\\
  Laboratorio di Matematica Applicata\\
  Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale\\
  Universit\`a degli Studi di Trento\\
  Mesiano, Trento, Italy\\\\


The \package{easyvector} package is a simple
macro package that provides a C-like syntax for writing vectors or matrices.


\section{Some examples with \package{easyvector}}
Load the package in the usual way:
The package option \texttt{spacesep} means that the separator for 
the indices is \verb+\smallspace+ instead of ``$,$''~(comma).

The package option \texttt{definevectors} means that the command
\verb+\aa+\ldots\verb+\zz+ and \verb+\AA+\ldots\verb+\ZZ+
are predefined as vectors. It also define the commands
\verb+\Balpha+, \verb+\Bbeta+ and so on, as bold greek vectors.
The latex commands \verb+\aa+, \verb+\AA+, \verb+\gg+,
\verb+\l+, \verb+\ss+, \verb+\SS+\, \verb+\tt+ are saved in the 
commands \verb+\oldxx+ where \verb+xx+ is the name of
the old command.

\section{Use of the \texttt{\char`\\newvector} command}
The general syntax of \verb+\newvector+ command is
In the first case,
it creates the new command (macro) \verb+\cmd+ which executes
\verb+a+ when in scalar mode, and \verb+b+ when in vector mode.
In the second case 
it creates a new command \verb+\cmd+ which substitutes the letter
\verb+\mathit{a}+ when in scalar, mode and \verb+\mathbf{a}+ when
in vector mode.
Scalar mode is activated when \verb+\cmd+ is immediately followed
by~$[$. In scalar mode everything between $[$~and~$]$ (with
balancing) is assumed to be indices. For example
the commands
\[ \W = (\W[i,j]), \qquad \X = (\X[i,j;k])\]
\[ \W = (\W[i,j]), \qquad \X = (\X[i,j;k])\]
The structure of the $[\ldots]$ command is the following
where \verb+i,j,...,k+ are subscripts and
\verb+x,y,...,z+ are superscripts.
The character $,$~is used as a separator between different indices, and
the character $;$~separates subscripts and superscripts.
There are no limits on the number of indices, and the code is reentrant,
as the following example illustrates
\[ \av = \pmatrix{ \av[1,1] & \av[1,2] \cr
                   \av[2,1] & \av[2,2] \cr}, \qquad
   \bv = \left\{ \bv[\gamma,\bv[i,j;k];a] \right\}
\[ \av = \pmatrix{ \av[1,1] & \av[1,2] \cr
                   \av[2,1] & \av[2,2] \cr}, \qquad
   \bv = \left\{ \bv[\gamma,\bv[i,j;k];a] \right\}

\section{Use of the \texttt! command}
In some circumstances it is useful to force vector
mode also when using indices. It is possible by using the character~\verb+!+
\[ \zzz[1,2,3] \neq \zzz![1,2,3] \]
which produces the following output:
\[ \zzz[1,2,3] \neq \zzz![1,2,3] \]

\section{Use of the \texttt{\char`\\newcustomvector} command}
In some circumstances this command can be useful, e.g.,
\[ \aaa[1,2,3] = \aaa[3,2,1] \]
which produces
\[ \aaa[1,2,3] = \aaa[3,2,1] \]

\textbf{Important:} For the old user (version $< 0.6$) 
the command \verb+\customindex+ 
is suppressed and the \verb+\newcustomvector+ is used instead.
