% ASTROSYM.MAC : AstroSym (Version 1.00, May 1, 1992) - file 3 of 7 % Peter Schmitt eMail: a8131dal@awiuni11.bitnet % Institute of Mathematics, University of Vienna Vienna, Austria %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% variables numeric r,R,D, a,b, s,t; %H,V, pair TL,Tl,TC,Tr,TR, tL,tl,tC,tr,tR, CL,Cl,CC,Cr,CR, bL,bl,bC,br,bR, BL,Bl,BC,Br,BR; pair BB,MM,TT, mm, LL,RR, ll,rr, HH,VV, vv,nn; pair vP,hP, vp,hp, vd,hd; %%%%%%%% macros def PEN = pickup pencircle scaled 2P enddef; def SPEN = pickup pensquare scaled 2P enddef; def RPEN = pickup penrazor scaled 2P enddef; def Pen = pickup pencircle scaled 2p; enddef; def corrections = vP:=(0,P); hP:=(P,0); vp:=(0,p); hp:=(p,0); vd:=vP-vp; hd:=hP-hp; enddef; def Corners (expr lft_corr, rt_corr, bot_corr, top_corr) = BL := (0+lft_corr,-d+bot_corr); BR := (w-rt_corr,-d+bot_corr); TL := (0+lft_corr, h-top_corr); TR := (w-rt_corr, h-top_corr); enddef; def corners = Corners (P,P,P,P); enddef; def Centers (expr x_ratio,y_ratio) = BC:=bot x_ratio[BL,BR]; TC:=top x_ratio[TL,TR]; CL:=lft y_ratio[BL,TL]; CR:= rt y_ratio[BR,TR]; CC:=y_ratio[BC,TC]; enddef; def Centers (expr x_ratio,y_ratio) = BC:=x_ratio[BL,BR]; TC:=x_ratio[TL,TR]; CL:=y_ratio[BL,TL]; CR:=y_ratio[BR,TR]; CC:=y_ratio[BC,TC]; enddef; def centers = Centers (1/2,1/2); enddef; def TOP (expr lft_ratio,rt_ratio) = Tl:=lft_ratio[TL,TR]; Tr:=rt_ratio[TL,TR]; enddef; def BOT (expr lft_ratio,rt_ratio) = Bl:=lft_ratio[BL,BR]; Br:=rt_ratio[BL,BR]; enddef; def HOR (expr lft_ratio,rt_ratio) = BOT(lft_ratio,rt_ratio); TOP(lft_ratio,rt_ratio); enddef; def Bot (expr ratio) = bl:=ratio[Bl,Tl]; bC:=ratio[BC,TC]; br:=ratio[Br,Tr]; enddef; def Top (expr ratio) = tl:=ratio[Bl,Tl]; tC:=ratio[BC,TC]; tr:=ratio[Br,Tr]; enddef; def LFT (expr bot_ratio,top_ratio) = bL:=bot_ratio[BL,TL]; tL:=top_ratio[BL,TL]; enddef; def RT (expr bot_ratio,top_ratio) = bR:=bot_ratio[BR,TR]; tR:=top_ratio[BR,TR]; enddef; def Fill (expr boundary) = fill boundary; draw boundary; enddef; def ARROW (expr base,top, breadth, lcorr,bcorr) = vv := top-base; nn := breadth*(vv rotated 90)/2; BB := base; TT := top; LL := base+nn-lcorr*vv; RR := base-nn-lcorr*vv; ll := .5[base,top]+(1-bcorr)*nn/2; rr := .5[base,top]-(1-bcorr)*nn/2; enddef; def arrow (expr base,top, breadth, lcorr,bcorr) = ARROW (base,top, breadth, lcorr,bcorr); Fill ( LL{dir angle(ll-LL)}..{dir angle(TT-ll)}TT & TT{dir angle(rr-TT)}..{dir angle(RR-rr)}RR & RR{dir angle(BB+lcorr*vv-RR)}..BB..{dir angle(LL-BB-lcorr*vv)}LL ..cycle ); enddef; def Arrow (expr base,top, breadth, lcorr,bcorr) = ARROW (base,top, breadth, lcorr,bcorr); draw LL{dir angle(ll-LL)}..{dir angle(TT-ll)}TT & TT{dir angle(rr-TT)}..{dir angle(RR-rr)}RR; draw BB--TT; enddef; def cross (expr base,top, breadth, base_corr) = vv := (top-base-(0,base_corr)); nn := breadth*(vv rotated 90)/2; BB := base; TT := top; MM := .5[base+(0,base_corr),top]; LL := MM-nn; RR := MM+nn; draw LL--RR; draw BB--TT; enddef; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% end of ASTROSYM.MAC %%%