\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \documentclass[foldmarks,a4paper,bankhigh,banklow]{myletter} \usepackage{german} % Options: % a4paper: The only size that works:-) % bankhigh: Bankconnections top right % banklow : Bankconnections in footer % foldmarks: Enable printing of foldmarks. Does work now! % %%Changelog: %% 1.3c First attempt to internationalise the class %% 1.3d myref and mymail added. I've written in comp.text.tex %% that they are available but they weren't. %% [m]y{ref|mail} line changed %% Documented the fact that only A4 is supported %% Started cleaning up (removed unused code) %% 1.3e Now \usepackage{german} %% is the correct way to include german.sty %% The language-dependend stuff is moved to the cfg-file %% Please update your cfg-files (see default) %% Telefax-support added. %% pagestyle{headings} is working now %% 1.3f The language-dependend stuff is now really %% language-depending and not german.sty depending. It's %% back in the class but may be overwritten in the cfg-file %% French caption are now supported, please check if they %% are correct, I don't know french, just copied them from %% script_l. %% Changed the ref-line again, it's now almost like DIN %% 676 but suggestions to change it are in the cfg-file %% 1.3g Changed the layout of the reference-line again: %% Now you have 2 standard-layouts: %% without refdatename: %% 4 columns with yref ymail myref mymail %% Each .25 textwidth %% with refdatename: %% 5 columns with yref ymail myref mymail refdate %% You should *not* use refdatename after a ref-item %% is defined. %% When there is no ref-item, the date is shown at the end %% of the subject-entry %% (When you have a ref-entry but no refdatename, the %% date will appear in the rightbox. You may change this %% in the cfg-file %%1.4 Synced with letter.cls 1.2v [1994/12/++] %% changed @ref to ref to support faked ref-lines %% Subjects may now be longer than one line. %% Note: My e-mail-address has changed %%1.4a Removed the ``:'' from the [m]y{ref|mail} commands and put %% them into the corresponding name. Please change local %% configuration files. %% Foldmarks are supposed to work now. %% (When copying from another class one should copy everything:-) %% Changed the way \name and \signature work: %% Now \name sets fromname *and* fromsig if fromsig is %% empty and only fromname if fromsig is nonempty. %% If you call \signature{} after \name you will overwrite fromsig %% and get an empty signature (as desired) %% Thus the need of \signature{ } is removed %% Myletter no longer asumes fixed language asignments like %% USenglish=0 german=1, it uses l@LANGUAGE now (and defines %% unknown languages to 255) this should be compatible with %% babel (not tested). It does work with german.sty 2.5b %% (This is where I got the code) if@german no longer supported! %% \makelabels does work now, but it supports only the %% (strange) format I'm using. The only interface (for now) %% is in the cfg-file. %% Problem with multilanguage-files detected: %% You should either put no language-specific stuff %% into a box (like the footer in my default.cfg) %% In this case you my use multiple languages in one %% dcoument. %% Or, when you have to put language-dependent stuff into %% a box, use only *one* language per document and %% *specify the language before the begin document* %%1.4b Synced with Letter.cls 1.2s (LaTeX 1995/06/01) %\usename{default} % Specify the name of the .cfg-file % If not given default.cfg will be used %\pagestyle{headings} \makelabels %% This document will use the english page-layout throughout %% the file (only visible in the footer) even if it contains %% an English and two German letters. %% The rightfield will be ok for all three letters. %% %% There is no way to circumvent this, since the height of the %% footer is needed at the \begin{letter} to set the pagestyle. %% \selectlanguage{english} \begin{document} \begin{letter}{DANTE e.V.\\Postfach 101840\\69120 Heidelberg} % \telephone{0531 / 89 34 39 } % \telefax{} % Please note: Old number no longer valid % \email{i0080108@ws.rz.tu-bs.de } % \mailbox{ } \name{A. Kielhorn } % \signature{\vspace{-1cm} Extra large Sig.\\ Could be a picture % with your \emph{real} signature.\\(Axel Kielhorn) } % \specialmail{ Einschreiben } % \refdatename{Braunschweig, den} %% %% If you want to use refdatename you have to set it first and %% define yref & co later! (Yes, this is ugly, still thinking %% about a better way) %% % \yref{ } % \ymail{1.6.1994} % \myref{ak/AK} % \mymail{1.6.1994} % \reftrue \subject{LaTeX2e Letter-style} \opening{Dear friends,} % this is a demonstration-letter for my new myletter-class. It is based on letter.cls and liletter (Stefan Lindner Letter Style, distributed with Atari \TeX) with some additions from script\_l.sty. (Now scrlettr.cls) It supports everything needed like your-ref, your-mail, my-ref, my-mail, subject and of course configurable name and signature. (Version 1.3g: Layout changed) Everything site-depending like header, footer or returnaddress went into a .cfg-file. The \verb|\usename| command selects a configuration file and enables you do have different information for business and privat letters. You may even set up a .cfg-file for your husband. Obsolete Commands: The \verb|\address| and \verb|\locations| commands which used to set \verb|\fromaddress| and \verb|fromlocation| are no longer defined because they were never used. Define your address and location in the \verb|.cfg| file which is more flexible. Someone showed me how to use \verb|\makelabels| and now they are supported. They are hardcoded to the labels I'm using, but you may change them in the cfg-file Language-dependend captions are now available in English, German and French. Other languages are supported using the cfg-file. Deficiencies: Only DIN A4 paper is supported now. This may change in future versions. \closing{Keep \TeX ing} \cc{de.comp.tex\\comp.text.tex} \encl{myletter.cls\\default.cfg} \ps P.S. see default.cfg for more information \end{letter} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \selectlanguage{german} \begin{letter}{DANTE e.V.\\Postfach 101840\\69120 Heidelberg} \telephone{0531 / 89 34 39 } \email{i0080108@ws.rz.tu-bs.de } \name{A. Kielhorn } \signature{} %% %% this will produce an empty signature %% \specialmail{ Einschreiben } % \refdatename{Braunschweig, den} %% If you want to use refdatename you have to set it first and %% define yref & co later! % \yref{ } % \ymail{1.6.1994} % \myref{ak/AK} % \mymail{1.6.1994} % \reftrue \subject{LaTeX2e Letter-class} \opening{Liebe \TeX-Gemeinde,} % dies ist ein Demonstrationsbrief f"ur meine neue Letter-Klasse f"ur \LaTeXe. Sie basiert auf \texttt{letter.cls} und \texttt{liletter.sty} (Stefan Lindner) sowie einigen Erweiterungen aus \texttt{scrlettr.cls}. Unterst"utzt werden folgende Einstellungen: \begin{itemize} \item Ihre Zeichen \verb|\yref{}| \item Ihr Schreiben vom \verb|\ymail{}| \item Unsere Zeichen \verb|\myref{}| \item Unser Schreiben vom \verb|\mymail{}| \item Sachbearbeiternamen \verb|\name{}| \item Unterschrift \verb|\signature{}| \end{itemize} Im Gegensatz zu "alteren Stilen wurde alles ver"anderliche in eine \verb|.cfg|-Datei ausgelagert. Somit ist ein Update der Klasse m"oglich ohne alles neu anpassen zu m"ussen.\footnote{Zumindest in der Theorie:-)} Ich rate daher von einer Ver"anderung der Datei \texttt{myletter.cls} ab. Begr"undete Erg"anzungs- bzw. "Anderungsw"unsche werden in sp"atere Versionen "ubernommen und stehen damit allen Anwendern zur Verf"ugung. Es k"onnen mehrere Konfigurationdateien angelegt werden. Sie werden durch den Befehl \verb|\usename{}| im Vorspann ausgew"ahlt. (z.B. f"ur interne Schreiben, private Post etc.) Einige Befehle der \verb|letter|-Klasse wurden entfernt, da die L"osung mit Konfigurationsdatein flexibler ist. Es handelt sich dabei um die Befehle \verb|\address| und \verb|\location|. Da die Bundespost inzwischen nur noch Umschl"age im Format DIN~680 und DIN~A4 transportiert und letztere in der Fenster-Ausf"uhrung selten sind, habe ich auch den \verb|\makelabels|-Befehl "uberarbeitet. Geplant ist noch eine Anpassung an verschiedene Etikettenformate. Neben Deutsch wird auch Englisch und Franz"osich unterst"utzt. Weiter Sprachen lassen sich in der Konfigurationdatei zuf"ugen. \closing{Mit \TeX nischen Gr"u"sen} \encl{myletter.cls\\default.cfg} \ps P.S. Weitere Informationen in der Datei \verb|default.cfg| \end{letter} \begin{letter}{Erika Mustermann\\Um die Ecke 2\\[0.5ex] 27182 Berlin} \name{A. Kielhorn } \signature{\vspace{-1cm} Extra large Sig.\\ Could be a picture with your \emph{real} signature.\\(Axel Kielhorn) } \subject{Dummy Brief} \opening{Hallo Erika,} dies ist ein Test-Brief. \closing{Bleib musterg"ultig} \end{letter} \end{document}