# # .. # small and boldface (not all (1) -man's provide it) .de SB \&\&\\$1 \\$2 .. (1) # .. # small and boldface (not all (1) -man's provide it) .de SB \&\&\\$1 \\$2 .. (not # .. # small and boldface (not all (1) -man's provide it) .de SB \&\&\\$1 \\$2 .. -man's # .. # small and boldface (not all (1) -man's provide it) .de SB \&\&\\$1 \\$2 .. .B .B (1) - generate a PS page list of a PDF document .de # .. # small and boldface (not all (1) -man's provide it) .de SB \&\&\\$1 \\$2 .. MakeTeXMF MakeTeXMF (1) - generate Metafont source files MakeTeXPK MakeTeXPK (1) - generate PK bitmap fonts MakeTeXTFM MakeTeXTFM (1) - generate TeX font metric files MakeTeXls-R MakeTeXls-R (1) - update ls-R database for path searching SB # .. # small and boldface (not all (1) -man's provide it) .de SB \&\&\\$1 \\$2 .. \&\&\\$1 # .. # small and boldface (not all (1) -man's provide it) .de SB \&\&\\$1 \\$2 .. \\$2 # .. # small and boldface (not all (1) -man's provide it) .de SB \&\&\\$1 \\$2 .. afm2tfm afm2tfm (1) - translate Adobe font metrics to TeX font metrics all # .. # small and boldface (not all (1) -man's provide it) .de SB \&\&\\$1 \\$2 .. allcm allcm (1) - force the most important Computer\-Modern\-fonts to be calculated alldc alldc (1) - force the most important DC\-fonts to be calculated allneeded allneeded (1) - force the calculation of all fonts now needed amslatex amslatex (1) - structured text formatting and typesetting amstex amstex (1) - structured text formatting and typesetting and # .. # small and boldface (not all (1) -man's provide it) .de SB \&\&\\$1 \\$2 .. append_db append_db (1) - add single entry to TeX\-inputfiles\-database bibtex bibtex (1) - BibTeX, make bibliography files for (La)TeX boldface # .. # small and boldface (not all (1) -man's provide it) .de SB \&\&\\$1 \\$2 .. dmp dmp (1) - translate Troff output to low-level MetaPost input dvicopy dvicopy (1) - expand virtual fonts references in DVI files dvilj dvilj4 (1) - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP LaserJet printers dvilj2p dvilj4 (1) - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP LaserJet printers dvilj4 dvilj4 (1) - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP LaserJet printers dvilj4l dvilj4 (1) - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP LaserJet printers dvips dvips (1) - convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript dvired dvired (1) - print dvi-files dvitomp dvitomp (1) - translate DVI output to low-level MetaPost input dvitype dvitype (1) - verify and display DVI files in human-readable form epsffit epsffit (1) - fit encapsulated PostScript file (EPSF) into constrained size etex etex (1) - extended plain TeX extractres extractres (1) - filter to extract resources from a PostScript document fixdlsrps fixdlsrps (1) - filter to fix DviLaser/PS documents to work with PSUtils fixfmps fixfmps (1) - filter to fix Framemaker documents so PSUtils work fixmacps fixmacps (1) - filter to fix Macintosh documents with saner version of md fixpsditps fixpsditps (1) - filter to fix Transcript psdit documents so PSUtils work fixpspps fixpspps (1) - filter to fix PSPrint PostScript so PSUtils work fixscribeps fixscribeps (1) - filter to fix Scribe documents so PSUtils work fixtpps fixtpps (1) - filter to fix Tpscript documents to work with PSUtils fixwfwps fixwfwps (1) - filter to fix Word for Windows documents so PSUtils work fixwpps fixwpps (1) - filter to fix WP documents so PSUtils work fixwwps fixwwps (1) - filter to fix Windows Write documents so PSUtils work fontexport fontexport (1) - export fonts from the teTeX directory structure fontimport fontimport (1) - import fonts into the teTeX directory structure getafm getafm (1) - create an AFM file for a PostScript font. gftodvi gftodvi (1) - make proof sheets from generic fonts as DVI files gftopk gftopk (1) - translate generic font files to packed font files gftype gftype (1) - verify and display GF files in human-readable form gs gs (1) - Aladdin Ghostscript interpreter/previewer includeres includeres (1) - filter to include resources in a PostScript document info info (1) - GNU's hypertext system inimp mp (1) - MetaPost, a system for drawing pictures initex initex (1) - initial TeX for making format (.fmt) files it) # .. # small and boldface (not all (1) -man's provide it) .de SB \&\&\\$1 \\$2 .. kpsewhich kpsewhich (1) - perform path lookup and expansion lacheck lacheck (1) - A consistency checker for LaTeX documents. lamstex lamstex (1) - structured text formatting and typesetting latex latex (1) - structured text formatting and typesetting mag mag (1) - computes fontsizes and magsteps .de Ex .sp .RS .nf .ft C .. .de Xe .RE .sp .fi .. makeindex makeindex (1) - a general purpose, formatter-independent index processor makempx makempx (1) - typeset labels in MetaPost pictures with TeX or Troff mf mf (1) - Metafont, a language for font and logo design mft mft (1) - translate Metafont sources to TeX for pretty-printing mp mp (1) - MetaPost, a system for drawing pictures mpost mpost (1) - MetaPost, a language for drawing PostScript pictures mpto mpto (1) - extract labels in MetaPost pictures for typesetting newer newer (1) - compare file modification times patgen patgen (1) - generate hyphenation patterns for use with TeX pdf2dsc .B (1) - generate a PS page list of a PDF document pdf2ps pdf2ps (1) - Aladdin Ghostscript PDF to PostScript translator pfb2pfa pfb2pfa (1) - convert a type1 pfb file (binary MSDOS) into a pfa (ASCII) pk2bm pk2bm (1) - create a bitmap from a TeX pkfont pktogf pktogf (1) - translate packed font files to generic font files pktype pktype (1) - verify and display PK files in human-readable form pltotf pltotf (1) - translate property lists to TeX font metric files pooltype pooltype (1) - verify and display WEB string pool files provide # .. # small and boldface (not all (1) -man's provide it) .de SB \&\&\\$1 \\$2 .. ps2ascii ps2ascii (1) - Aladdin Ghostscript PostScript or PDF to ASCII translator ps2epsi ps2epsi (1) - generate conforming postscript ps2frag ps2frag (1) - extract text fragments from EPS file ps2pdf ps2pdf (1) - Aladdin Ghostscript PostScript to PDF translator ps2pk ps2pk (1) - creates a TeX pkfont from a type1 PostScript font psbook psbook (1) - rearrange pages in PostScript file into signatures psmerge psmerge (1) - filter to merge several PostScript files into one psnup psnup (1) - multiple pages per sheet psresize psresize (1) - multiple pages per sheet psselect psselect (1) - select pages from a PostScript file pstops pstops (1) - shuffle pages in a PostScript file slitex slitex (1) - make LaTeX slides small # .. # small and boldface (not all (1) -man's provide it) .de SB \&\&\\$1 \\$2 .. t1ascii t1ascii (1) - convert type-1 font from binary to ASCII t1asm t1asm (1) - assemble type-1 font t1binary t1binary (1) - convert type-1 font from ASCII to binary t1disasm t1disasm (1) - disassemble type-1 font tangle tangle (1) - translate WEB sources to Pascal source code tex tex (1) - TeX, a language for text formatting and typesetting texconfig texconfig (1) - configures teTeX texhash texhash (1) - rebuild TeX\-inputfiles\-database texi2html texi2html (1) - a Texinfo to HTML converter tftopl tftopl (1) - translate TeX font metric files to property lists tie tie (1) - merge or apply WEB change files unpost unpost (1) - extract POST resources from Mac PostScript file vftovp vftovp (1) - translate virtual fonts to virtual property lists virmp mp (1) - MetaPost, a system for drawing pictures virtex virtex (1) - virgin TeX for production typesetting vptovf vptovf (1) - translate virtual property lists to virtual fonts weave weave (1) - translate WEB sources to TeX for pretty-printing xdvi xdvi (1) - DVI Previewer for the X Window System