.TH AFM2TFM 1 "Apr 9, 1997" "Dvips(k)" \" -*- nroff -*- .SH NAME afm2tfm \- translate Adobe font metrics to TeX font metrics .SH SYNOPSIS .B afm2tfm FILE[.afm] [OPTION]\|.\|.\|. [FILE[.tfm]] .br .SH WARNING This manual page is no longer being maintained and may be inaccurate or incomplete. It was generated automatically from the output of .RB "`\|" "afm2tfm \-\-help" "\|'" and .RB "`\|" "afm2tfm \-\-version" "\|'." .PP For complete and current documentation, refer to the Info file .RB "`\|" dvips "\|'" or the manual .IR "Dvips: A DVI driver" . Both are made from the Texinfo source file .RB "`\|" dvips.texi "\|'," which is now the authoritative documentation source. .PP .SH DESCRIPTION Convert an Adobe font metric file to TeX font metric format. .PP .SH OPTIONS Try .RB "`\|" "afm2tfm \-\-help" "\|'" for a summary of available options. .PP .TP .B \-c REAL use REAL for height of small caps made with -V [0.8] .TP .B \-e REAL widen (extend) characters by a factor of REAL .TP .B \-O use octal for all character codes in the vpl file .TP .B \-p ENCFILE read/download ENCFILE for the PostScript encoding .TP .B \-s REAL oblique (slant) characters by REAL, generally <<1 .TP .B \-t ENCFILE read ENCFILE for the encoding of the vpl file .TP .B \-T ENCFILE equivalent to -p ENCFILE -t ENCFILE .TP .B \-u output only characters from encodings, nothing extra .TP .B \-v FILE[.vpl] make a VPL file for conversion to VF .TP .B \-V SCFILE[.vpl] like -v, but synthesize smallcaps as lowercase .TP .B \-\-help print this message and exit. .TP .B \-\-version print version number and exit. .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" .RB "`\|" kpathsea "\|', " .RB "`\|" web2c "\|', " .RB "`\|" dvips "\|', " .RB "`\|" fontname "\|'" and .RB "`\|" tds "\|', " entries in .BR info(1) . .PP .I "Kpathsea: A library for path searching" .RB ( kpathsea.texi ), .br .I "Web2c: A TeX implementation" .RB ( web2c.texi ), .br .I "Dvips: A DVI driver" .RB ( dvips.texi ), .br .I "Filenames for TeX fonts" .RB ( fontname.texi ), .br .I "A Directory Structure for TeX files" .RB ( tds.texi ). .PP URL: .B http://www.tug.org/web2c/ .PP .SH BUGS Email bug reports to .BR tex-k@mail.tug.org . .PP .SH AUTHORS Try .RB "`\|" "afm2tfm \-\-version" "\|'" for author and version information. .PP Primary author of afm2tfm: T. Rokicki; -k maintainer: K. Berry. .PP .SH COPYING Copyright (C) 1997 Radical Eye Software. .PP There is NO warranty. You may redistribute this software under the terms of the GNU General Public License and the afm copyright. .PP For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING and the afm source. .PP