This is Info file auctex, produced by Makeinfo-1.55 from the input file auc-tex.texi.  File: auctex, Node: Parsing Files, Next: I18n, Prev: Multifile, Up: Top Automatic Parsing of TeX files. ******************************* AUC TeX depends heavily on being able to extract information from the buffers by parsing them. Since parsing the buffer can be somewhat slow, the parsing is initially disabled. You are encouraged to enable them by adding the following lines to your `.emacs' file. (setq TeX-parse-self t) ; Enable parse on load. (setq TeX-auto-save t) ; Enable parse on save. The later command will make AUC TeX store the parsed information in an `auto' subdirectory in the directory each time the TeX files are stored, *note Automatic Local::.. If AUC TeX finds the pre-parsed information when loading a file, it will not need to reparse the buffer. The information in the `auto' directory is also useful for multifile documents *note Multifile::., since it allows each file to access the parsed information from all the other files in the document. This is done by first reading the information from the master file, and then recursively the information from each file stored in the master file. The variables can also be done on a per file basis, by changing the file local variables. % Local Variables: % TeX-parse-self: t % TeX-auto-save: t % End: Even when you have disabled the automatic parsing, you can force the generation of style information by pressing `C-c C-n'. This is often the best choice, as you will be able to decide when it is necessary to reparse the file. - User Option: TeX-parse-self Parse file after loading it if no style hook is found for it. - User Option: TeX-auto-save Automatically save style information when saving the buffer. - Command: TeX-normal-mode ARG (`C-c C-n') Remove all information about this buffer, and apply the style hooks again. Save buffer first including style information. With optional argument, also reload the style hooks. When AUC TeX saves your buffer, it will by default convert all tabs in your buffer into spaces. To disable this behaviour, insert the following in your `.emacs' file. (setq TeX-auto-untabify nil) - User Option: TeX-auto-untabify Automatically remove all tabs from a file before saving it. Instead of disabling the parsing entirely, you can also speed it significantly up by limiting the information it will search for (and store) when parsing the buffer. You can do this by setting the default values for the buffer local variables `TeX-auto-regexp-list' and `TeX-auto-parse-length' in your `.emacs' file. ;; Only parse \documentstyle information. (setq-default TeX-auto-regexp-list 'LaTeX-auto-minimal-regexp-list) ;; The documentstyle command is usually near the beginning. (setq-default TeX-auto-parse-length 2000) This example will speed the parsing up significantly, but AUC TeX will no longer be able to provide completion for labels, macros, environments, or bibitems specified in the document, nor will it know what files belong to the document. These variables can also be specified on a per file basis, by changing the file local variables. % Local Variables: % TeX-auto-regexp-list: TeX-auto-full-regexp-list % TeX-auto-parse-length: 999999 % End: - User Option: TeX-auto-regexp-list List of regular expressions used for parsing the current file. - User Option: TeX-auto-parse-length Maximal length of TeX file that will be parsed. The pre-specified lists of regexps are defined below. You can use these before loading AUC TeX by quoting them, as in the example above. - Constant: TeX-auto-empty-regexp-list Parse nothing - Constant: LaTeX-auto-minimal-regexp-list Only parse documentstyle. - Constant: LaTeX-auto-label-regexp-list Only parse LaTeX labels. - Constant: LaTeX-auto-regexp-list Parse common LaTeX commands. - Constant: plain-TeX-auto-regexp-list Parse common plain TeX commands. - Constant: TeX-auto-full-regexp-list Parse all TeX and LaTeX commands that AUC TeX can use.  File: auctex, Node: I18n, Next: Automatic, Prev: Parsing Files, Up: Top Internationalization ******************** There are several problems associated with editing non-English TeX with GNU Emacs. Modern versions of GNU Emacs and TeX are usable for European (Latin, Cyrillic, Greek) based languages, but special versions of TeX and Emacs are needed for Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. * Menu: * European:: Using AUC TeX for European languages. * Japanese:: Japanese TeX  File: auctex, Node: European, Next: Japanese, Prev: I18n, Up: I18n Using AUC TeX for European languages. ===================================== First you will need a way to write non-ASCII characters. You can either use macros, or teach TeX about the ISO character sets. I prefer the later, it has the advantage that the usual the standard emacs word movement and case change commands will work. `isolatin1.sty' Support for ISO 8859 Latin 1. Available by ftp from the host as `/pub/tex/macros/latex/contrib/misc/isolatin1.sty'. `latin2.sty' Support for ISO 8859 Latin 2. Available by ftp from the host as `/pub/tex/macros/latex/contrib/latin2.sty'. To be able to display non-ASCII characters you will need an appropriate font and a version of GNU Emacs capable of displaying 8-bit characters. I believe all emacs versions except plain Emacs 18 are capable of this. For GNU Emacs 19, *note European Display: (emacs)European Display.. Other relevant packages are: `remap' Supports lots of different 7-bit and 8-bit character sets for GNU Emacs 19. Mostly useful if you have seldomly used character sets, or need to use different character set for keyboard, buffer, and display. An overkill if you just need ISO 8859 Latin 1. Currently in alpha test, but available by ftp from the host in `/packages/auctex/'. To get dead keys for TeX, install remap and insert the following in your `.emacs' or `site-start.el' file. (require 'remap) (defvar all-dead-keys "~'`^" "Dead keys used by remap") (remap-define-map "Dead Key" (apply 'append (mapcar 'remap-dead-map all-dead-keys))) (remap-define-map "TeX Dead Key" (remap-map "Dead Key" (remap-add "Ascii" "~TeX"))) (setq remap-setup-alist '(("7-bit" "Raw" "L1" "US" "Ctrl" "~TeX") ("8-bit" "Raw" "L1" "L1" "Ctrl" "Raw") ("Dead/7" "Dead Key" "L1" "US" "Ctrl" "~TeX") ("Dead/8" "Dead Key" "L1" "L1" "Ctrl" "Raw") ("TeX" "TeX Dead Key" "L1" "US" "Ctrl" "Raw"))) You can now enable TeX dead keys with `M-x remap-setup-choose RET TeX RET' A compromise is to use use an European character set when editing the file, and convert to TeX macros when reading and writing the files. `iso-tex.el' This file automatically converts between ISO 8859 Latin 1 encoding and LaTeX encodings of West European characters. It is available by ftp from in the directory `/pub/gene/Emacs'. `iso-cvt.el' Much like `iso-tex.el' but is bundled with Emacs 19.23 and later. AUC TeX supports style files for several languages. Each style file may modify some AUC TeX to better support the language, and will run a language specific hook that will allow you to for example change ispell dictionary, or run code to change the keyboard remapping. The following will for example choose a Danish dictionary for documents including the `dk.sty' file. This requires parsing to be enabled, *note Parsing Files::.. (add-hook 'TeX-language-dk-hook (function (lambda () (ispell-change-dictionary "danish")))) The following style files are recognized. `dk' Runs style hook `TeX-language-dk-hook'. `dutch' Runs style hook `TeX-language-nl-hook'. `german' Runs style hook `TeX-language-de-hook'. Gives `"' word syntax and makes the " key insert a literal `"'. `plfonts' `plhb' Runs style hook `TeX-language-pl-hook'. Gives `"' word syntax and makes the " key insert a literal `"'. Pressing " twice will insert `"<' or `">' depending on context.  File: auctex, Node: Japanese, Prev: European, Up: I18n Japanese TeX ============ To write Japanese text with AUC TeX you need to have versions of TeX and Emacs that support Japanese. There exist at least two variants of TeX for Japanese text, and AUC TeX can be used with both, as well as with the two Japanese-aware Emacses, NEMACS and MULE. To use the Japanese TeX variants, simply enter `japanese-tex-mode', `japanese-latex-mode', or `japanese-slitex-mode', and everything should work. If not, send mail to Shinji Kobayashi (`', who kindly donated the code for supporting Japanese in AUC TeX. None of the primary AUC TeX maintainers understand Japanese, so they can not help you.  File: auctex, Node: Automatic, Next: Style Files, Prev: I18n, Up: Top Automatic Customization *********************** Since AUC TeX is so highly customizable, it makes sense that it is able to customize itself. The automatic customization consists of scanning TeX files and extracting symbols, environments, and things like that. The automatic customization is done on three different levels. The global level is the level shared by all users at your site, and consists of scanning the standard TeX style files, and any extra styles added locally for all users on the site. The private level deals with those style files you have written for your own use, and use in different documents. You may have a `~/lib/TeX/' directory where you store useful style files for your own use. The local level is for a specific directory, and deals with writing customization for the files for your normal TeX documents. If compared with the environment variable `TEXINPUTS', the global level corresponds to the directories built into TeX. The private level corresponds to the directories you add yourself, except for `.', which is the local level. * Menu: * Automatic Global:: Automatic Customization for the Site * Automatic Private:: Automatic Customization for a User * Automatic Local:: Automatic Customization for a Directory By default AUC TeX will search for customization files in all the global, private, and local style directories, but you can also set the path directly. This is useful if you for example want to add another person's style hooks to your path. Please note that all matching files found in `TeX-style-path' are loaded, and all hooks defined in the files will be executed. - User Option: TeX-style-path List of directories to search for AUC TeX style files. Each must end with a slash. By default, when AUC TeX searches a directory for files, it will recursively search through subdirectories. - User Option: TeX-file-recurse If not nil, search TeX directories recursively. By default, AUC TeX will ignore files name `.', `..', `SCCS', `RCS', and `CVS'. - User Option: TeX-ignore-file Regular expression matching file names to ignore. These files or directories will not be considered when searching for TeX files in a directory.  File: auctex, Node: Automatic Global, Next: Automatic Private, Prev: Automatic, Up: Automatic Automatic Customization for the Site ==================================== Assuming that the automatic customization at the global level was done when AUC TeX was installed, your choice is now: will you use it? If you use it, you will benefit by having access to all the symbols and environments available for completion purposes. The drawback is slower load time when you edit a new file and perhaps too many confusing symbols when you try to do a completion. You can disable the automatic generated global style hooks by setting the variable `TeX-auto-global' to nil. - User Option: TeX-macro-global Directories containing the site's TeX style files. - User Option: TeX-style-global Directory containing hand generated TeX information. Must end with a slash. These correspond to TeX macros shared by all users of a site. - User Option: TeX-auto-global Directory containing automatically generated information. For storing automatic extracted information about the TeX macros shared by all users of a site.  File: auctex, Node: Automatic Private, Next: Automatic Local, Prev: Automatic Global, Up: Automatic Automatic Customization for a User ================================== You should specify where you store your private TeX macros, so AUC TeX can extract their information. The extracted information will go to the directories listed in `TeX-auto-private' Use `M-x TeX-auto-generate' to extract the information. - User Option: TeX-macro-private Directories where you store your personal TeX macros. Each must end with a slash. This defaults to the directories listed in the `TEXINPUTS' and `BIBINPUTS' environment variables. - User Option: TeX-auto-private List of directories containing automatically generated information. Must end with a slash. These correspond to the personal TeX macros. - Command: TeX-auto-generate TEX AUTO (`M-x TeX-auto-generate') Generate style hook for TEX and store it in AUTO. If TEX is a directory, generate style hooks for all files in the directory. - User Option: TeX-style-private List of directories containing hand generated information. Must end with a slash. These correspond to the personal TeX macros.  File: auctex, Node: Automatic Local, Prev: Automatic Private, Up: Automatic Automatic Customization for a Directory ======================================= AUC TeX can update the style information about a file each time you save it, and it will do this if the directory `TeX-auto-local' exist. `TeX-auto-local' is by default set to `"auto/"', so simply creating an `auto' directory will enable automatic saving of style information. The advantage of doing this is that macros, labels, etc. defined in any file in a multifile document will be known in all the files in the document. The disadvantage is that saving will be slower. To disable, set `TeX-auto-local' to nil. - User Option: TeX-style-local Directory containing hand generated TeX information. Must end with a slash. These correspond to TeX macros found in the current directory. - User Option: TeX-auto-local Directory containing automatically generated TeX information. Must end with a slash. These correspond to TeX macros found in the current directory.  File: auctex, Node: Style Files, Next: Installation, Prev: Automatic, Up: Top Writing Your own Style Support ****************************** *Note Automatic:: for a discussion about automatically generated global, private, and local style files. The hand generated style files are equivalent, except that they by default are found in `style' directories instead of `auto' directories. * Menu: * Simple Style:: A Simple Style File * Adding Macros:: Adding Support for Macros * Adding Environments:: Adding Support for Environments * Adding Other:: Adding Other Information * Hacking the Parser:: Automatic Extraction of New Things If you write some useful support for a public TeX style file, please send it to us.  File: auctex, Node: Simple Style, Next: Adding Macros, Prev: Style Files, Up: Style Files A Simple Style File =================== Here is a simple example of a style file. ;;; book.el - Special code for book style. (TeX-add-style-hook "book" (function (lambda () (setq LaTeX-largest-level (LaTeX-section-level ("chapter")))))) This file specifies that the largest kind of section in a LaTeX document using the book document style is chapter. The interesting thing to notice is that the style file defines an (anonymous) function, and adds it to the list of loaded style hooks by calling `TeX-add-style-hook'. The first time the user indirectly tries to access some style specific information, such as the largest sectioning command available, the style hooks for all files directly or indirectly read by the current document is executed. The actual files will only be evaluated once, but the hooks will be called for each buffer using the style file. - Function: TeX-add-style-hook STYLE HOOK Add HOOK to the list of functions to run when we use the TeX file STYLE.  File: auctex, Node: Adding Macros, Next: Adding Environments, Prev: Simple Style, Up: Style Files Adding Support for Macros ========================= The most common thing to define in a style hook is new symbols (TeX macros). Most likely along with a description of the arguments to the function, since the symbol itself can be defined automatically. Here are a few examples from `latex.el'. (TeX-add-style-hook "latex" (function (lambda () (TeX-add-symbols '("arabic" TeX-arg-counter) '("label" TeX-arg-define-label) '("ref" TeX-arg-label) '("newcommand" TeX-arg-define-macro [ "Number of arguments" ] t) '("newtheorem" TeX-arg-define-environment [ TeX-arg-environment "Numbered like" ] t [ TeX-arg-counter "Within counter" ]))))) - Function: TeX-add-symbols SYMBOL ... Add each SYMBOL to the list of known symbols. Each argument to `TeX-add-symbols' is a list describing one symbol. The head of the list is the name of the symbol, the remaining elements describe each argument. If there are no additional elements, the symbol will be inserted with point inside braces. Otherwise, each argument of this function should match an argument of the TeX macro. What is done depends on the argument type. If a macro is defined multiple times, AUC TeX will chose the one with the longest definition (i.e. the one with the most arguments). Thus, to overwrite '("tref" 1) ; one argument you can specify '("tref" TeX-arg-label ignore) ; two arguments `ignore' is a function that does not do anything, so when you insert a `tref' you will be prompted for a label and no more. `string' Use the string as a prompt to prompt for the argument. `number' Insert that many braces, leave point inside the first. `nil' Insert empty braces. `t' Insert empty braces, leave point between the braces. `other symbols' Call the symbol as a function. You can define your own hook, or use one of the predefined argument hooks. `list' If the car is a string, insert it as a prompt and the next element as initial input. Otherwise, call the car of the list with the remaining elements as arguments. `vector' Optional argument. If it has more than one element, parse it as a list, otherwise parse the only element as above. Use square brackets instead of curly braces, and is not inserted on empty user input. A lot of argument hooks have already been defined. The first argument to all hooks is a flag indicating if it is an optional argument. It is up to the hook to determine what to do with the remaining arguments, if any. Typically the next argument is used to overwrite the default prompt. `TeX-arg-conditional' Implements if EXPR THEN ELSE. If EXPR evaluates to true, parse THEN as an argument list, else parse ELSE as an argument list. `TeX-arg-literal' Insert its arguments into the buffer. Used for specifying extra syntax for a macro. `TeX-arg-free' Parse its arguments but use no braces when they are inserted. `TeX-arg-eval' Evaluate arguments and insert the result in the buffer. `TeX-arg-file' Prompt for a tex or sty filename, and use it without the extension. Run the file hooks defined for it. `TeX-arg-label' Prompt for a label completing with known labels. `TeX-arg-macro' Prompt for a TeX macro with completion. `TeX-arg-environment' Prompt for a LaTeX environment with completion. `TeX-arg-cite' Prompt for a BibTeX citation. `TeX-arg-counter' Prompt for a LaTeX counter. `TeX-arg-savebox' Prompt for a LaTeX savebox. `TeX-arg-file' Prompt for a filename in the current directory, and use it without the extension. `TeX-arg-input-file' Prompt for a filename in the current directory, and use it without the extension. Run the style hooks for the file. `TeX-arg-define-label' Prompt for a label completing with known labels. Add label to list of defined labels. `TeX-arg-define-macro' Prompt for a TeX macro with completion. Add macro to list of defined macros. `TeX-arg-define-environment' Prompt for a LaTeX environment with completion. Add environment to list of defined environments. `TeX-arg-define-cite' Prompt for a BibTeX citation. `TeX-arg-define-counter' Prompt for a LaTeX counter. `TeX-arg-define-savebox' Prompt for a LaTeX savebox. `TeX-arg-corner' Prompt for a LaTeX side or corner position with completion. `TeX-arg-lr' Prompt for a LaTeX side with completion. `TeX-arg-tb' Prompt for a LaTeX side with completion. `TeX-arg-pagestyle' Prompt for a LaTeX pagestyle with completion. `TeX-arg-verb' Prompt for delimiter and text. `TeX-arg-pair' Insert a pair of numbers, use arguments for prompt. The numbers are surrounded by parentheses and separated with a comma. `TeX-arg-size' Insert width and height as a pair. No arguments. `TeX-arg-coordinate' Insert x and y coordinates as a pair. No arguments. If you add new hooks, you can assume that point is placed directly after the previous argument, or after the macro name if this is the first argument. Please leave point located after the argument you are inserting. If you want point to be located somewhere else after all hooks have been processed, set the value of `exit-mark'. It will point nowhere, until the argument hook sets it.  File: auctex, Node: Adding Environments, Next: Adding Other, Prev: Adding Macros, Up: Style Files Adding Support for Environments =============================== Adding support for environments is very much like adding support for TeX macros, except that each environment normally only takes one argument, an environment hook. The example is again a short version of `latex.el'. (TeX-add-style-hook "latex" (function (lambda () (LaTeX-add-environments '("document" LaTeX-env-document) '("enumerate" LaTeX-env-item) '("itemize" LaTeX-env-item) '("list" LaTeX-env-list))))) The only hook that is generally useful is `LaTeX-env-item', which is used for environments that contain items. It is completely up to the environment hook to insert the environment, but the function `LaTeX-insert-environment' may be of some help. The hook will be called with the name of the environment as its first argument, and extra arguments can be provided by adding them to a list after the hook. For simple environments with arguments, for example defined with `\newenvironment', you can make AUC TeX prompt for the arguments by giving the prompt strings in the call to `LaTeX-add-environments'. For example, if you have defined a `loop' environment with the three arguments FROM, TO, and STEP, you can add support for them in a style file. %% loop.sty \newenvironment{loop}[3]{...}{...} ;; loop.el (TeX-add-style-hook "loop" (function (lambda () (LaTeX-add-environments '("loop" "From" "To" "Step"))))) If an environment is defined multiple times, AUC TeX will chose the one with the longest definition. Thus, if you have an enumerate style file, and want it to replace the standard LaTeX enumerate hook above, you could define an `enumerate.el' file as follows, and place it in the appropriate style directory. (TeX-add-style-hook "latex" (function (lambda () (LaTeX-add-environments '("enumerate" LaTeX-env-enumerate foo))))) (defun LaTeX-env-enumerate (environment &optional ignore) ...) The symbol `foo' will be passed to `LaTeX-env-enumerate' as the second argument, but since we only added it to overwrite the definition in `latex.el' it is just ignored. - Function: LaTeX-add-environments ENV ... Add each ENV to list of loaded environments. - Function: LaTeX-insert-environment ENV [ EXTRA ] Insert environment of type ENV, with optional argument EXTRA.  File: auctex, Node: Adding Other, Next: Hacking the Parser, Prev: Adding Environments, Up: Style Files Adding Other Information ======================== You can also specify bibliographical databases and labels in the style file. This is probably of little use, since this information will usually be automatically generated from the TeX file anyway. - Function: LaTeX-add-bibliographies BIBLIOGRAPHY ... Add each BIBLIOGRAPHY to list of loaded bibliographies. - Function: LaTeX-add-labels LABEL ... Add each LABEL to the list of known labels.  File: auctex, Node: Hacking the Parser, Prev: Adding Other, Up: Style Files Automatic Extraction of New Things ================================== The automatic TeX information extractor works by searching for regular expressions in the TeX files, and storing the matched information. You can add support for new constructs to the parser, something that is needed when you add new commands to define symbols. For example, in the file `macro.tex' I define the following macro. \newcommand{\newmacro}[5]{% \def#1{#3\index{#4@#5~cite{#4}}\nocite{#4}}% \def#2{#5\index{#4@#5~cite{#4}}\nocite{#4}}% } AUC TeX will automatically figure out that `newmacro' is a macro that takes five arguments. However, it is not smart enough to automatically see that each time we use the macro, two new macros are defined. We can specify this information in a style hook file. ;;; macro.el - Special code for my own macro file. ;;; Code: (defvar TeX-newmacro-regexp '("\\\\newmacro{\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]+\\)}{\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]+\\)}" (1 2) TeX-auto-multi) "Matches \newmacro definitions.") (defvar TeX-auto-multi nil "Temporary for parsing \\newmacro definitions.") (defun TeX-macro-cleanup () ;; Move symbols from `TeX-auto-multi' to `TeX-auto-symbol'. (mapcar (function (lambda (list) (mapcar (function (lambda (symbol) (setq TeX-auto-symbol (cons symbol TeX-auto-symbol)))) list))) TeX-auto-multi)) (defun TeX-macro-prepare () ;; Clear `Tex-auto-multi' before use. (setq TeX-auto-multi nil)) (add-hook 'TeX-auto-prepare-hook 'TeX-macro-prepare) (add-hook 'TeX-auto-cleanup-hook 'TeX-macro-cleanup) (TeX-add-style-hook "macro" (function (lambda () (TeX-auto-add-regexp TeX-newmacro-regexp) (TeX-add-symbols '("newmacro" TeX-arg-macro (TeX-arg-macro "Capitalized macro: \\") t "BibTeX entry: " nil))))) ;;; macro.el ends here When this file is first loaded, it adds a new entry to `TeX-newmacro-regexp', and defines a function to be called before the parsing starts, and one to be called after the parsing is done. It also declares a variable to contain the data collected during parsing. Finally, it adds a style hook which describes the `newmacro' macro, as we have seen it before. So the general strategy is: Add a new entry to `TeX-newmacro-regexp'. Declare a variable to contain intermediate data during parsing. Add hook to be called before and after parsing. In this case, the hook before parsing just initializes the variable, and the hook after parsing collects the data from the variable, and adds them to the list of symbols found. - Variable: TeX-auto-regexp-list List of regular expressions matching TeX macro definitions. The list has the following format ((REGEXP MATCH TABLE) ...), that is, each entry is a list with three elements. REGEXP. Regular expression matching the macro we want to parse. MATCH. A number or list of numbers, each representing one parenthesized subexpression matched by REGEXP. TABLE. The symbol table to store the data. This can be a function, in which case the function is called with the argument MATCH. Use `TeX-match-buffer' to get match data. If it is not a function, it is presumed to be the name of a variable containing a list of match data. The matched data (a string if MATCH is a number, a list of strings if MATCH is a list of numbers) is put in front of the table. - Variable: TeX-auto-prepare-hook List of functions to be called before parsing a TeX file. - Variable: TeX-auto-cleanup-hook List of functions to be called after parsing a TeX file.  File: auctex, Node: Installation, Next: History, Prev: Style Files, Up: Top Installation of AUC TeX *********************** Before you do anything else, make sure that you have the latest version of TeXinfo installed. It is available by ftp from `'. You need at least version 2.16. First, you should edit the file `tex-site.el' to fit your local site. You do this by looking at the customization section in the beginning of `tex.el' and copy the definitions that are wrong for your site to `tex-site.el'. Do *not* edit `tex.el' directly, or you will have to do all the work over again when you upgrade AUC TeX. Be sure to get the following two variables right, or you will not be able to complete the installation procedure: - User Option: TeX-lisp-directory The directory where you want to install the AUC TeX lisp files. - User Option: TeX-macro-global Directories containing the site's TeX style files. You probably also need to change `TeX-command-list' to make sure that the commands used for starting TeX, printing, etc. work on your system. Finally, edit `TeX-printer-list' to contain the printers available at your site. The best way to change `TeX-macro-global', `TeX-command-list', `TeX-printer-list' and the other customization variables is to copy their definitions from `tex.el' to `tex-site.el' and change them there. This way, when you upgrade AUC TeX you can keep the old `tex-site.el' file so you don't need to customize it again. Now copy `tex-site.el' to somewhere where emacs can find it, the best place is in the `.../emacs/site-lisp/' which is automatically searched in newer emacsen. Alternatively, you can insert the code from `tex-site.el' directly into your `.emacs' or `site-start.el' file, if you want to save the overhead of opening another file. Next, edit the file `Makefile' in the AUC TeX directory to set up paths for installation of the files. Be sure that `bindir' Is set to the directory where you want the LaCheck binary to be installed. `infodir' Is set to the directory where you want the AUC TeX "info" documentation to be installed. `aucdir' Is set to the directory where you want the lisp files for AUC TeX to be installed. This *must* be the same directory as you specified for `TeX-lisp-directory' in `tex-site.el'. If you unpacked AUC TeX in that directory (`TeX-lisp-directory'), you should set `aucdir' to `.' in order to avoid copying the byte compiled lisp files. If you already have an old version of AUC TeX in that directory, you must delete it before installing the new version. Otherwise the wrong version of the files may be loaded during the byte compilation. `mandir' Is set to the directory where you want to install the (unformatted) man page for LaCheck. `CC' Is the compiler you want to use for compiling the LaCheck program. Is set to `gcc' by default. Change this is `cc' or whatever your system compiler is called if you do not have GCC installed. Then type `make all', and the whole thing will be `made'. If this succeeds, type `make install', and it will be installed. Now, tell the users to insert (require 'tex-site) in their `.emacs' files if they want to use AUC TeX. If you use a modern emacs, you can do this for them by inserting the above line in the `.../emacs/site-lisp/site-start.el' file. To extract information from your sites TeX macros, type `M-x TeX-auto-generate-global' in your emacs. This will only work if you have set `TeX-macro-global' correctly in `tex-site.el'.  File: auctex, Node: History, Next: Projects, Prev: Installation, Up: Top The History of AUC TeX ********************** See the file `history.texi' for older changes. News in 9.3 =========== * There is now a menu in `LaTeX-math-minor-mode'. Bug fixes.  File: auctex, Node: Projects, Next: Credit, Prev: History, Up: Top Wishlist ******** This is a list of projects for AUC TeX. Bug reports and requests we can not fix or honor right away will be added to this list. If you have some time for emacs lisp hacking, you are encouraged to try to provide a solution to one of the following problems. It might be a good idea to mail me first, though. * Create template for (first) line of tabular environment. * I think prompting for the master is the intended behaviour. It corresponds to a `shared' value for TeX-master. There should probably be a `none' value which wouldn't query for the master, but instead disable all features that relies on TeX-master. This default value for TeX-master could then be controled with mapping based on the extension. * `C-c '' should alway stay in the current window, also when it find a new file. * `LaTeX-fill-environment' does not indent the closing `\end'. * Rewrite `ltx-help.el' and put it in `latex.el'. Fix also: From: Denby Wong 1) change documentation regarding where to get the latest version (at CTAN at for me) under info/latex2e-help-texinfo/ 2) change or provide choice over which version to use. There are three references to the info node "(latex)" in the file which should be "(latex2e)" for the new file. From: Piet van Oostrum One of the annoying things of latex-help is that if you ask for \LARGE, you get \large if you have case-fold-search=t. This is really info's problem as it doesn't reset it for a search of the node, but it would be easy to stick a (let (case-fold-search) in latex-help. * It should be possible to insert a default preamble containing e.g. `usepackage' declarations, perhaps depending on the document class. * Multiple argument completion for `\bibliography'. In general, I ought to make `,' special for these kind of completions. * Do not overwrite emacs warnings about existing auto-save files when loading a new file. * Suggest `makindex' when appropriate. * Maybe the regexp for matching a TeX symbol during parsing should be `"\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]+\\|.\\)"' -- `' Peter Thiemann. * AUC TeX should be able to parse LaTeX2e `.cls' files. Here are the regexps by `' Peter Thiemann. ("\\\\DeclareRobustCommand{?\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]+\\)}?\\[\\([0-9]+\\)\\]\ \\[\\([^\]\\\\\n\r]+\\)\\]" (1 2 3) LaTeX-auto-optional) ("\\\\DeclareRobustCommand{?\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]+\\)}?\\[\\([0-9]+\\)\\]" (1 2) LaTeX-auto-arguments) ("\\\\DeclareRobustCommand{?\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]+\\)}?" 1 TeX-auto-symbol) ("\\\\DeclareFixedFont{?\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]+\\)}?" 1 TeX-auto-symbol) ("\\\\Declare\\(Text\\|Old\\)FontCommand{?\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]+\\)}?" 2 TeX-auto-symbol) ("\\\\DeclareMath\\(Symbol\\|Delimiter\\|Accent\\|Radical\\){?\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]+\\)}?" 2 TeX-auto-symbol) ;;; it is also valid to declare just a single symbol, e.g. <, ;;; with \DeclareMathSymbol but it is not necessary to register that here ("\\\\DeclareText\\(Command\\|Symbol\\|Accent\\|Composite\\){?\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]+\\)}?" 2 TeX-auto-symbol) * Use index files (when available) to speed up `C-c C-m include RET'. * Option not to calculate very slow completions like for `C-c C-m include RET'. * AUC TeX should not parse verbatim environments. * Font menu should be created from `TeX-font-list'. * Installation procedure written purely in emacs lisp. * Format LaTeX comment blocks. * Included PostScript files should also be counted as part of the document. * The argument to `\verb' may be broken when filling if it contains a space. This should be fixed or documented. Suggested by several people. * The parser should catch warnings about undefined crossreferences. Suggested by Richard Hirsch `'. * A nice hierarchical by-topic organization of all officially documented LaTeX macros, available from the menu bar. * Make ``' check for math context in `LaTeX-math-mode'. and simply self insert if not in a math context. * Make `TeX-insert-dollar' more robust. Currently it can be fooled by `\mbox''es and escaped double dollar for example. * LaTeX formatting should skip `verbatim' environments. * `TeX-command-default' should be set from the master file, if not set locally. Suggested by Peter Whaite `'. * Make AUC TeX work with `crypt++'. Suggested by Chris Moore `'. * Fix bug with `TeX-show-environment' from hidden document environment. * Function to check if you are in math mode (between two dollar signs). Suggested by Jan Erik Odegard `' * The `Spell' command should apply to all files in a document. Maybe it could try to restrict to files that have been modified since last spell check? Suggested by Ravinder Bhumbla `'. * Make . check for abbreviations and sentences ending with capital letters. * Use Emacs 19 minibuffer history to choose between previewers, and other stuff. Suggested by John Interrante `'. * Make features. A new command `TeX-update' (`C-c C-u') could be used to create an up-to-date dvi file by repeatedly running BibTeX, MakeIndex and (La)TeX, until an error occurs or we are done. An alternative is to have an `Update' command that ensures the `dvi' file is up to date. This could be called before printing and previewing. * Documentation of variables that can be set in a style hook. We need a list of what can safely be done in an ordinary style hook. You can not set a variable that AUC TeX depends on, unless AUC TeX knows that it has to run the style hooks first. Here is the start of such a list. `LaTeX-add-environments' `TeX-add-symbols' `LaTeX-add-labels' `LaTeX-add-bibliographies' `LaTeX-largest-level' * Correct indentation for tabular, tabbing, table, math, and array environments. * Optional special indentation after an `\item'. \begin{itemize} \item blabalaskdfjlas lajf adf lkfjl af jasl lkf jlsdf jlf \item f lk jldjf lajflkas flf af \end{itemize} * Completion for counters and sboxes. * Outline should be (better) supported in TeX mode. At least, support headers, trailers, as well as TeX-outline-extra. * `TeX-header-start' and `TeX-trailer-end'. We might want these, just for fun (and outlines) * Plain TeX and LaTeX specific header and trailer expressions. We should have a way to globally specify the default value of the header and trailer regexps. * Add support for original `TeX-mode' keybindings. A third initialization file (`tex-mode.el') containing an emulator of the standard `TeX-mode' would help convince some people to change to AUC TeX. * Make `TeX-next-error' parse ahead and store the results in a list, using markers to remember buffer positions in order to be more robust with regard to line numbers and changed files. This is what `next-error' does. (Or did, until Emacs 19). * When `LaTeX-environment' is given an argument, change the current environment. Be smart about `\item[]' versus `\item ' and labels like `fig:' versus `tab:'. * Check out if lightning completion from Ultra TeX is anything for us. * Finish the TeXinfo mode. For one thing, many TeXinfo mode commands do not accept braces around their arguments. * BibTeX mode. * Support for AMSLaTeX style files. * Hook up the letter environment with `bbdb.el'. * Make the letter environment hook produce `documentstyle' too.  File: auctex, Node: Credit, Next: Key Index, Prev: Projects, Up: Top Credit ****** A big smile and thanks should go to all the folks who cheered me up, during the long hours of programming... sorry folks, but I can't help including the list below, of comments I've got... Kresten Krab Thorup `' I'd like to say that I'm very much enjoying using auc-tex. Thanks for the great package! `' I really enjoy working with auc-tex. `' Thanks for your great package. It's indispensable now! Thanks! `' Thanks for your time and for what appears to be a great and useful package. Thanks again `' Thanks for providing auc-tex. `' I really enjoy using the new emacs TeX-mode you wrote. I think you did a great job. `' I am having fun with auc-tex already. `' Thanks for your work on auc-tex, especially the math-minor mode. `' I like your auc-tex elisp package for writing LaTeX files - I am especially impressed by the help with error correction. `' Thanks so much! `' I >really< like the macro, particularly the hooks for previewing and the error parsing! `' All in all I am pleased with your package. Thanks a lot.  File: auctex, Node: Key Index, Next: Function Index, Prev: Credit, Up: Top Key Index ********* * Menu: * ": Quotes. * $: Quotes. * LFD: Marking and formatting. * TAB: Marking and formatting. * C-c %: Commenting. * C-c ;: Commenting. * C-c LFD: Itemize-like. * C-c {: Quotes. * C-c C-c: Commands. * C-c C-d: Multifile. * C-c C-e: Environments. * C-c C-f: Font Specifiers. * C-c C-f C-b: Font Specifiers. * C-c C-f C-c: Font Specifiers. * C-c C-f C-c: Font Specifiers. * C-c C-f C-e: Font Specifiers. * C-c C-f C-i: Font Specifiers. * C-c C-f C-r: Font Specifiers. * C-c C-f C-s: Font Specifiers. * C-c C-f C-t: Font Specifiers. * C-c C-k: Control. * C-c C-l: Control. * C-c C-m: Completion. * C-c C-n: Parsing Files. * C-c C-q C-e: Marking and formatting. * C-c C-q C-p: Marking and formatting. * C-c C-q C-r: Marking and formatting. * C-c C-q C-s: Marking and formatting. * C-c C-r: Commands. * C-c C-s: Sectioning. * C-c C-w: Debugging. * C-c ]: Environments. * C-c ^: Control. * C-c `: Debugging. * C-c ~: Mathematics. * M-TAB: Completion. * M-g: Marking and formatting. * M-q: Marking and formatting.  File: auctex, Node: Function Index, Next: Variable Index, Prev: Key Index, Up: Top Function Index ************** * Menu: * LaTeX-add-bibliographies: Adding Other. * LaTeX-add-environments: Adding Environments. * LaTeX-add-labels: Adding Other. * LaTeX-close-environment: Environments. * LaTeX-env-item: Adding Environments. * LaTeX-environment: Environments. * LaTeX-format-environment: Marking and formatting. * LaTeX-format-paragraph: Marking and formatting. * LaTeX-format-region: Marking and formatting. * LaTeX-format-section: Marking and formatting. * LaTeX-indent-line: Marking and formatting. * LaTeX-insert-environment: Adding Environments. * LaTeX-insert-item: Itemize-like. * LaTeX-math-mode: Mathematics. * LaTeX-section: Sectioning. * LaTeX-section-heading: Sectioning. * LaTeX-section-label: Sectioning. * LaTeX-section-section: Sectioning. * LaTeX-section-title: Sectioning. * LaTeX-section-toc: Sectioning. * TeX-add-style-hook: Simple Style. * TeX-add-symbols: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-cite: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-conditional: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-coordinate: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-corner: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-counter: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-define-cite: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-define-counter: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-define-environment: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-define-label: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-define-macro: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-define-savebox: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-environment: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-eval: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-file: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-file: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-free: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-input-file: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-label: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-literal: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-lr: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-macro: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-pagestyle: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-pair: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-savebox: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-size: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-tb: Adding Macros. * TeX-arg-verb: Adding Macros. * TeX-auto-generate: Automatic Private. * TeX-command-master: Commands. * TeX-command-region: Commands. * TeX-comment-paragraph: Commenting. * TeX-comment-region: Commenting. * TeX-complete-symbol: Completion. * TeX-electric-macro: Completion. * TeX-font: Font Specifiers. * TeX-header-end: Multifile. * TeX-home-buffer: Control. * TeX-insert-braces: Quotes. * TeX-insert-dollar: Quotes. * TeX-insert-macro: Completion. * TeX-insert-quote: Quotes. * TeX-kill-job: Control. * TeX-next-error: Debugging. * TeX-normal-mode: Parsing Files. * TeX-recenter-output-buffer: Control. * TeX-save-document: Multifile. * TeX-toggle-debug-bad-boxes: Debugging.