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Change file ended after @x! Change file ended before @y! Where is the matching @y?%s%ld%s! Hmm... of the preceding lines failed to match! MF file ended during a change! Change file ended without @z! Where is the matching @z?%s%s%s! Sorry, byte memory capacity exceededname! Incomplete string will be ignored! Invalid character will be ignored%s%ld! Line had to be broken (output l.):! Only symbolic tokens should appear after %%%! Change file entry did not match%s: Oops; not enough arguments. prog_name_end && prog_versionprintversion.cprintversionandexit%s%s %s Copyright (C) 1997 %s. There is NO warranty. You may redistribute this softwareunder the terms of the GNU General Public LicenseDVIcopy and the %s copyright.For more information about these matters, see the filesnamed COPYING and the %s source. Primary author of %s: %s; Web2c maintainer: K. Berry. Try `%s --help' for more information. 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