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(style file . (change file %s%ld%c (No errors were found.)(Did you see the warning message above?)(Pardon me, but I think I spotted something wrong.)(That was a fatal error, my friend.)plain.mftUsage: mft [OPTION]... MFNAME[.mf] Translate MFNAME to TeX for printing, using the mftmac.tex macros. Output goes to basename of MFNAME extended with `.tex'. -change=CHFILE apply the change file CHFILE as with tangle and weave -style=MFTNAME use MFTNAME instead of plain.mft -help display this help and exit -version output version information and exit This is MFT, Version 2.0D.E. Knuthmft: Need exactly one file argument.\input mftmac! Input line too long! Where is the matching @x?! Change file ended after @x! Change file ended before @y! Where is the matching @y?! Hmm... of the preceding lines failed to match! MF file ended during a change! Change file ended without @z! Where is the matching @z?! Sorry, byte memory capacity exceeded! Incomplete string will be ignored! 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Primary author of %s: %s; Web2c maintainer: K. Berry. $Revision: 3.17 $$Revision: 1.34 $$Revision: 1.5 $$Revision: 3.42 $$Revision: 1.9 $$Revision: 3.17 $$Revision: 1.34 $$Revision: 1.5 $$Revision: 3.42 $$Revision: 1.9 $ (Web2c 7.0)$Revision: 3.17 $$Revision: 1.34 $$Revision: 1.5 $$Revision: 3.42 $$Revision: 1.9 $$Revision: 3.17 $$Revision: 1.34 $$Revision: 1.5 $$Revision: 3.42 $$Revision: 1.9 $POSIXLY_CORRECT%s: option `%s' is ambiguous %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: unrecognized option `--%s' %s: unrecognized option `%c%s' %s: illegal option -- %c %s: invalid option -- %c %s: option requires an argument -- %c %s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous %s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument $Revision: 3.17 $$Revision: 1.34 $$Revision: 1.5 $$Revision: 3.42 $$Revision: 1.9 $$Revision: 3.17 $$Revision: 1.34 $$Revision: 1.5 $$Revision: 3.42 $$Revision: 1.9 $$Revision: 3.17 $lstat(%s) failed ... 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