The file contains instructions on compilation and installation of TeXview-kp. Installation ************ TeXview-kp 0.30 relies on a working installation of web2c. Most prominent, it should be able to execute kpsewhich from a csh. For the -ipc, -ipc-start option of tex to work, TeXview has to be in the csh's path. Installation ------------ Put in any of /LocalApps, ~/Apps. The only condition is that 'csh -c "which TeXview"' should find a path to TeXview. Otherwise, tex is not able to launch TeXview when using -ipc-start. [ Note: You may also set the variable IPCSERVERCMD in texmf.cnf or in your environment. The default is open 'open `which TeXview`'. Possible examples are: export IPCSERVERCMD="open \`which HyperTeXview\`" (in a zsh) or IPCSERVERCMD = open `which HyperTeXview` (in texmf.cnf) to launch HyperTeXview instead.] Furthermore, TeXview must be able to find texmf.cnf. Normally, it should automatically figure this out. [ For what it's worth: If you're using the SELFAUTO* mechanism of kpathsea, you can put the TeXview executable ( into the directory where the other TeX binaries live, renamed to "texview" (!), and place a symbolic (!) link from texview to TeXview then doesn't need kpsewhich to find texmf.cnf.] Environment settings -------------------- If TeXview-kp is launched from the Workspace or using tex's -ipc-start option (i.e. in all normal cases), it will always use the settings of the csh's environment, whatever shell you're using. .cshrc is the place to set things like TEXINPUTS. This means that you may have to set things twice if you're regularly working with an other shell than csh, once for TeXview, and once for Nevertheless, with web2c most configuration can and should be done in the configuration file texmf.cnf. Look at the web2c documentation. Diagnosing problems ------------------- Setting the default "debugon" to a numeric value enables debug output on the console. Try "dwrite TeXview debugon 7". Setting an environment variable KPATHSEA_DEBUG to a numeric value enables kpathsea debug output to the console. E.g. "export KPATHSEA_DEBUG=7; ~/Apps/". Refer to the kpathsea documentation. A message "kpsewhich not found" on the console signals that TeXview was not able to execute kpsewhich in order to find texmf.cnf. Check if kpsewhich is in your csh's path. Reporting bugs or problems -------------------------- Send bug reports to Gregor Hoffleit . Please include information about the TeXview-kp version (info panel) and the version and source of your TeX installation. Gregor Hoffleit See also