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Bad PK file %s: %sunexpected eofSuch scaling will generate extremely poor output.rFont %s%s not found, characters will be left blank.Font %s%s not found, using %s instead.Font %s at %d not found; scaling %d instead.Loading pk font %s at %.1fpt expected prewrong id byteDesign size mismatch in font %scharacter code out of rangepacket length too small! unexpected commandFont %s at %d dpi has most likely been made improperly;%d characters have 0 escapements but non-trivial TFM widths.I'm stumbling along as best I can, but I recommend regeneratingthese fonts; the problem is probably that they are non-CM fonts(such as circle10 or line10) created with a MF with the CM basepreloaded .0A? c = comma-separated dimension pair (e.g., 3.1in,-41.5cm) # = number f = file s = string * = suffix, 0 to turn offmode s Set mode to spp #-# First-last page- Query interactively for optionsz* Hyperdvi to HyperPostScript Z* Compress bitmap fontsy # Multiply by dvi magnification Y # Vertical resolutionx # Override dvi magnification X # Horizontal resolution V* Send downloadable PS fonts as PK U* Disable string param trickt s Paper format T c Specify desired page sizes* Enclose output in save/restore S # Max section size in pagesr* Reverse order of pages R Run securelyq* Run quietlyp # First page P s Load config.$so f Output file O c Set/change paper offsetn # Maximum number of pages N* No structured commentsm* Manual feed M* Don't make fontsl # Last pagek* Print crop marks K* Pull comments from inclusionsj* Partially download Type 1'si* Separate file per sectionh f Add header file f H f Same as hf* Run as filter F* Send control-D at ende # Maxdrift value E* Create minimal EPSFd # Debugging D # Resolutionc # Uncollated copies C # Collated copiesb # Page copies, e.g., for posters B Print only even (TeX) pagesa* Conserve memory, not time A Print only odd (TeX) pages Translate the given DVI file to PostScript.Usage: dvips [OPTION]... FILENAME[.dvi]%s %s: %schecksumChecksum mismatch in %sAlloc %d ! no memory0123456789ABCDEFabcdef! out of string space! need an output file name to specify separate files%03dOptions: -d%d--help--versiondvips(k) 5.66aCopyright (C) 1997 Radical Eye Software. There is NO warranty. You may redistribute this software under the terms of the GNU General Public License and the Dvips copyright. For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING and dvips.h. Primary author of Dvips: T. Rokicki; -k maintainer: K. Berry.config.ps! Bad number of page copies option (-b).! can only print one to a thousand page copies! Bad number of copies option (-c).! Bad debug option (-d).I found a debug option that was not the first argument to the dvips command. Some debugging output may have been lost because of this. ! Bad maxdrift option (-e).-! Bad section size arg (-S).ode! Bad number of pages option (-n).both landscape and papersize specified; ignoring landscape! Bad page list specifier (-pp).).! Bad first page option (-p %d.%d! Bad last page option (-l landscapedvipsk 5.66a Copyright 1986-97 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) %s%lf! Bad magnification parameter (-x).! Bad number of collated copies option (-C).! Bad dpi parameter (-D).| lpr -P'. Try --help for more information.! Invalid option `) specified.! Second input filename (PRINTERconfig.cmr10DVIPSrinput file %s output file %s swmem %d texc.protex.proMissing DVI file argument (or -f). Try --help for more information. ! DVI file `%s' can't be opened.! DVI file must not be a pipe.finclude.protexps.prospecial.procolor.prohps.proCan't make it EPSF, sorryhead.tmp(-> %s) . Total memory allocated: %d .ArCan't open font metric file %s%s.tfmI will use cmr10.tfm instead, so expect bad output.cmr10! I can't find cmr10.tfm; please reinstall me with proper pathsDesign size mismatch in %s?ID%g/rf%%DVIPSBitmapFont: %s %s %g %d dfsdfE%%EndDVIPSBitmapFont $A;@@@@! internal error in downpsfont <%s>%%%%BeginFont: %s %%%%EndFont ! Bad DVI file: first byte not preamble! Bad DVI file: id byte not 2'' -> %s v@@@@wGA;@0A,9xA@! End of document before first specified page! Bad DVI file: expected bopbop at %d ! Too little VM in printerHave a section: %d pages at %d fontmem %d Scanning page %d ! DVI file contains unexpected command (%d)! Bad DVI file: no font selected! virtual recursion stack overflow! a non-existent virtual character is being used; check vf/tfm filesFont number %d not found ! no font selectedPage %d may be too complex to print Skipping page %d ! DVI file contains unexpected command (%d)letter0123456789ABCDEF %%BeginBinary:rCouldn't find figure file %s; continuing! Couldn't find header file %sFailure to execute %s; continuing <%shead.tmp.enc%%%%BeginDocument: %s %%%%BeginFont: %s %%%%BeginProcSet: %s premature EOF in MS-DOS font filesaw type other than 1, 2, or 3 in MS-DOS font filesaw non-MSDOS header in MSDOS font file! bad BeginBinary line in epsf! premature end of file in binary section! expected to see %%EndBinary at end of data %%%%EndDocument %%%%EndProcSet %.2f%g%dwarning: -k crop marks wanted, but no paper size specified; using defaultcrop.prono match for papersizeno match for special paper size found; using defaultwarning: -t selected paper may be too smallnote: -t selected paper may be too largew! couldn't open output pipe! couldn't open PostScript file%%!PS (but not EPSF; comments have been disabled) %%!PS (but not EPSF because of memory limits) %%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 %%!PS-Adobe-2.0 We tried, but couldn't make it EPSF.%%%%Creator: %s%%%%Title: %s -1%%%%Pages: %d%s DeA%%%%PageOrder: %sscend %%%%Orientation: Landscape %%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d %%%%BoundingBox: %s %%%%EndComments %%DVIPSCommandLine: %%+ "%s" %s %%DVIPSParameters: dpi=%dx%d, compressed, comments removed%%DVIPSSource: %s /SafetyEnclosure save def %%%%EndProlog %%%%BeginSetup %%%%Feature: *Resolution %ddpi %%%%Feature: *Resolution %dx%ddpi TeXDict begin end %%%%Feature: *ManualFeed True %%%%EndSetup %%DVIPSBeginSection TeXDictbegin@manualfeed@landscape@copiesbody.tmpuserdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if SafetyEnclosure restore %%%%EOF dvips%%DVIPSSectionPage: %d %%%%Page: %d %d bopeop %%%%+%%%%DocumentFonts:TeXDictbegin(%.99s)@startbosend [%d.] %%%%Trailer %%DVIPSSectionTrailer eos end%%DVIPSEndSection ! Out of stack space! virtual recursion stack overflow! synch! More pops than pushes?zGRA?P?Using PK font %s for <%s>. Font %s <%s> is resident. %s:%d: (%s) bad stringpsfonts.mapDVIPSRC$HOME/.dvipsrcconfig.rReading dvips config file `%s': %s:%d:%s @+ in config files must immediately following a @ lines%dmissing pagecopies to bpagecopies not between 1 and 1000missing swmem to m%smissing arg to Tmissing arg to Pmissing arg to pmissing arg to Vmissing arg to Smissing arg to Hmissing arg to Ddpi must be between 10 and 10000dvips -R option used, which disables E in configmissing numeric arg to XX arg must be between 10 and 10000missing numeric arg to YY arg must be between 10 and 10000%lfmissing arg to x or ymissing arg to emissing arg to hmissing arg to tlandscapeboth landscape and papersize specified; ignoring landscapestrange linewarning: no config file for `%s' encpfapfb.Z.gz<gzip -dr%s: <%s(%s)> failed succeeded ! recursive repeat count in pk file! error while unpacking; more bits than required %ld Illegal .ps command formatsetlinewidth! Too many points %ld %ld ! Malformed path expression %ld %ld %ld %ld %f %f Illegal arc specificationnparcellipsefil0 setgrayalistvCCT!@@Path less than 2 points - ignored[]setdash[] 0 setdash?flushpath(1): hh=%d, vv=%d, x=%d, y=%d, xPS=%d, yPS=%d flushpath(%d): hh=%d, vv=%d, x=%d, y=%d, xPS=%d, yPS=%d closepathAttempt to fill a non-closed path first point: x=%d, y=%d; last point: x=%d, y=%d %f Illegal format for dotted/dashed lineLength of dash/dot cannot be negativezD%f Illegal format for dotted/dashed splineSpline less than two points - ignoredrlrc@@Invalid character in .tx patternIllegal format for shade levelInvalid shade level%1.3f setgray1 setgray.Ar! Couldn't find header file %s%%VMusage:%d %ldAdding header file "%s" %ld Sending header file "%s" target.dct! bug! internal inconsistency in repack! no raster?PK %ld bytes, unpacked %ld, compressed %ld ! Bad VF file %s: %sunexpected eofr! out of string spaceLoading virtual font %s at %.1fpt expected prewrong id byteDesign size mismatch in font %sunexpected command in preamblenegative length packetpacket too longcharacter code out of rangemissing postamble60A?! Too many fonts in included psfiles0123456789ABCDEFabcdef%s Bad syntax in included font usage table No scaled size for included fontNo design size for included fontR@@@Missing data in VMusage commentAdding font '%s' from included postscript file '%s'. Font %s used in file %s is not in the mapping file.%%DocumentFonts: (atend)%%DocumentNeededFonts: %%+%%DocumentNeededResources: font Checking for fonts in '%s' r%*Font:%%VMusage:Checking for (atend) fonts in '%s' %%TrailerDid not find %%%%Trailer in included file '%s'. ()<>[]{}%//%scvnfstoreseacpopcallothersubrcallsubr.PFB.PFA.pfb.pfa/CharStrings/Subrs/LenIVError allocating memory dup %d %s put readonly def %s Debug: Char %d '%s' in %d Subr stringToken 'def' not found in %d Subr string Top: Back: ERROR: %d Subr %dth level> STACK: %s (%d) %d Error: %d Subr not found Error: not_defined_e%d in %s Debug: Char '%s' not used in WorkVector Debug for Char '%s' in Char string of '%s' File <%s> ended before all chars have been found. We scan %d Chars from %d Last seen token was '%s' Warning: %d char not choose during SEAC WARNING: Not all chars found. ERROR: Number not found for '%s' in <%s> ERROR: In <%s> keyword not found: %dth > '%s' Result for <%s>: %s %d (instead %d) exchgetintervalreadonly/Encoding ERROR in encoding vector in <%s>WARNING: '/Encoding' not found in <%s> Warning: after loading AFM file only %d chars found instead %d for <%s> Encoding: standard Encoding: not standard with reencode vector <%s> currentfile eexec0123456789abcdef%s EndCharMetricsStartCharMetricsNC.afm<%s>r Base vector <%s>.Error: %s is not a valid PFA file Error: %s is not a valid PFB file Error: %s has neither PFA nor PFB extensionError: '%s' not found in reencoding vector <%s> for <%s> Error during Load Vector in <%s> Found %d chars instead 256 Warning: Vector from <%s> for <%s> doesn't load Error: ending token 'def' not found in <%s> First number not found Second number not found First token not found Second token not found End of stack Number of char not found Name of char not found This is DVIPS, t1part module PPrescanning page %d ! DVI file contains unexpected command (%d)! Bad DVI file: no font selected! virtual recursion stack overflow! a non-existent virtual char is being used; check vf/tfm files! no font selected! End of document before first specified page! Bad DVI file: expected bop! arithmetic overflow in parameter, returning 10expected number in cmptpcmmspbpddccinnumber too large; 1000 used, assuming inches.expected units in TeXcolor Black color name too long; ignored! out of color stack spaceYou've mistakenly made a global color change to %s within nested colors on page %d. Will try to recover. Whitegsaveclippath fill grestoreR@wGA! synch! Out of stack space! More pops than pushes%d %d %d %dvR@wGA@RzGRA?previous html not closed with /ABad HMTL:!In html, /A found without previous ANo A in html specialhrefHREFnameNAMENot valid href or name html referenceNo string in qoutes No equal signImproper href. Missing closing double quoteImproper href. Missing opening double quote@can't malloc on stackstack empty; can't pop 6R@(\@(\@@@Oh no, link not found in target hashtableHPSdict begin /TargetAnchors %d dict dup begin (%s) [%d [%.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f] %d] def end targetdump-hook def Null pointer, oh no! (%s) [[%.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f] [%d %d %d [%d %d]] [%.0f %.0f %.0f]] pdfm [[%.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f] [%d %d %d [%d %d]] [%.0f %.0f %.0f]] (%s) pdfm head.tmpTeXDict begin %%%%EndSetup body.tmpaw!couldn't open file!Internal error: popped a null@(@@TEXSIZESwarning: kpathsea: last resort size %s not in ascending order, ignored. pkmftextfm_.cnfcompile-time paths.htexmf.cnfprogram config file environment variableapplication override variablegfTEXFONTSGLYPHFONTSGFFONTS.:/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts//gf/$MAKETEX_MODE//$KPATHSEA_DPI $MAKETEX_BASE_DPI $MAKETEX_MAG $MAKETEX_MODEMakeTeXPKTEXPKSPKFONTS.:{/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts,/var/tex/fonts}//pk/$MAKETEX_MODE//.:/teTeX/share/texmf/fontsbitmap font.afmAFMFONTS.:/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts//afm//.baseTEXMFINIMFBASES.:/teTeX/share/texmf/web2c.bibTEXBIBBIBINPUTS.:/teTeX/share/texmf/bibtex/bib//.bstBSTINPUTS.:/teTeX/share/texmf/bibtex/bst//TEXMFCNF.:$SELFAUTOLOC:$SELFAUTODIR:$SELFAUTODIR/share/texmf/web2c:$SELFAUTOPARENT:$SELFAUTOPARENT/share/texmf/web2c:/.$TETEXDIR:/./teTeX/share/texmf/web2c:$web2cdirls-RTEXMFDBS/teTeX/share/texmf.fmtTEXFORMATS.mapTEXFONTMAPS.:/teTeX/share/texmf/fontname.memMPMEMSMakeTeXMF.mfMFINPUTS.:/teTeX/share/texmf/metafont//:{/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts,/var/tex/fonts}//source//.mftMFTINPUTS.:/teTeX/share/texmf/mft//.poolMFPOOL.mpMPINPUTS.:/teTeX/share/texmf/metapost//MPPOOLMPSUPPORT.:/teTeX/share/texmf/metapost/supportMetaPost supportMakeOmegaOCP.ocpOCPINPUTS.:/teTeX/share/texmf/omega/ocp//MakeOmegaOFM.ofmOFMFONTS.:{/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts,/var/tex/fonts}//ofm//.oplOPLFONTS.:{/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts,/var/tex/fonts}//opl//.otpOTPINPUTS.:/teTeX/share/texmf/omega/otp//.ovfOVFFONTS.:{/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts,/var/tex/fonts}//ovf//.ovpOVPFONTS.:{/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts,/var/tex/fonts}//ovp//TEXINPUTSTEXPICTS.:/teTeX/share/texmf/tex//graphic/figure.epsi.epsMakeTeXTeX.tex.txi.texinfo.texi.dtx.ltxPSHEADERSTEXPSHEADERS.:/teTeX/share/texmf/dvips//:/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts//type1//PostScript header/font.proTEXDOCS.:/teTeX/share/texmf/doc//TeX system documentationTEXPOOLTEXSOURCES.:/teTeX/share/texmf/source//TeX system sourcesMakeTeXTFM.tfmTFMFONTS.:{/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts,/var/tex/fonts}//tfm//TRFONTS/usr/lib/font/devpostTroff fonts.pfaT1INPUTST1FONTS.:/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts//type1//type1 fonts.pfb.vfVFFONTS.:/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts//vf//TEXCONFIG.:/teTeX/share/texmf/dvips//dvips config.istINDEXSTYLETEXINDEXSTYLE.:/teTeX/share/texmf/makeindex//%s: fatal: kpse_init_format: Unknown format %dkdebug:Search path for %s files (from %s) = %s before expansion = %s (none) application override path = %s application config file path = %s texmf.cnf path = %s compile-time path = %s default suffix = %s other suffixes = %s (none) search only with suffix = %d numeric format value = %d runtime generation program = %s extra program args = %s program enabled = %d program enable level = %d kpse_find_filetex-file.cname && *namer%s file `%s' not founddo_linecnf.cprogram_invocation_short_name.texmf.cnfrwarning: %s: Last line ends with \. kpse_cnf_getrwarning: kpathsea: No usable entries in %s. kpathsea: See the manual for how to generate ls-Rkdebug:%s: %u entries in %d directories (%d hidden). ls-R hash table:%s: %u aliases. alias hash table:ls-Raliases/db:match(%s,%s) = %d kdebug:fopen(%s, %s) => 0x%lx fclose(0x%lx) => %d :warning: %s: Unmatched {. r@cincludewarning: %s:%u: Filename argument for include directive missing. %s:%u: Can't find fontname include file `%s'%s:%u: Fontname alias missing for filename `%s'texfonts.mapkdebug:hash_lookup(%s) => (nil) %ld%4d :%-5d %s=>%s%u buckets, %u nonempty (%u%%); %u entries, average chain %.1f. kpse_expand_defaultkdefault.cfallbackt?ǘ@333333??elementpath-elt.cpathTEXMFLOGa%lu %s kdebug:start search(file=%s, must_exist=%d, find_all=%d, path=%s). search(%s) =>FONTSHEADERSMAKEPKSIZESMAKETEX_BASE_DPI/MAKETEX_MODE.rlstat(%s) failed ... /[%s]%s%s -> [%s]%s%s %s%s[%s]%s%s%s -> %s%s[%s]%s%s ../..%s == %s%s%s%s%s %s == %s%s%s PATHKPATHSEA_DEBUGexeSELFAUTOLOCSELFAUTODIRSELFAUTOPARENTreadabledpi$KPATHSEA_DPI/$KPATHSEA_NAME.$KPATHSEA_FORMAT$KPATHSEA_NAME.$KPATHSEA_DPI$KPATHSEA_FORMATKPATHSEA_FORMATKPATHSEA_DPI@@KPATHSEA_NAME6@@TEX_HUSHallKPATHSEA_DPIMAKETEX_BASE_DPIset_maketex_magtex-make.cdpi != 0 && bdpi != 0%d+%d/%d-magstep\(%s%d.%d\)MAKETEX_MAGMISSFONT_LOGmissfont.logaTEXMFOUTPUT/kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to %s. kpathsea: Running %s rpclose(MakeTeXPK)warning: kpathsea: This is probably the Linux pclose bug; continuing. kpathsea: MakeTeXPK output `%s' instead of a filenamekpathseaMAKETEX_MODE " 2>/dev/nullsh -c "kpse_tilde_expandtilde.cnameHOME.warning: kpathsea: variable `%s' references itself (eventually). %s: No matching } for ${%s: Unrecognized variable construct `$%c'kpathsea version 3.0Email bug reports to tex-k@mail.tug.org. xfopenxfopen.cfilename && mode%s: xfclosefgetwd: %sfatal: memory exhausted (xmalloc of %u bytes). =xputenvxputenv.cold_item%s: fatal: putenv (%s) failed. %dfatal: memory exhausted (realloc of %u bytes). /do_subdirelt-dirs.c((elt[elt_length - 1]) == '/') || 0kdebug:path element %s => %s.fn_freefn.c((*f).str) != ((void *)0)fn_shrink_to((*f).length) > loc%s: %s: fatal: closedir failed. kdebug:dir_links(%s) => %ld icacYcScMcEc=c6c/c)c%c!ccccc cdd20g=B-gR@*g?'gB$g\"@!g33AgABgV@g=J*l%l lXXdvipsk 5.66a Copyright 1986-97 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) u}u|u:utttSttsssbsTssrrirYr%rqqaqqppdp@p)pp|uooabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789KfR??@(#)$Header: /usr/local/src/TeX/Dvips-5.0.2/RCS/drawPS.c,v 1.1 90/03/10 20:32:48 grunwald Exp $ (UCLA)?/.notdefad.encv1.59 beta (c)1994, 1996x jfa``dup`mοXyt``ȗƗ`s d EHh,uDH]$.>N^n~Ύގ.>N^n~Ώޏ.>N^n~ΐސ.>N^n~Αޑ`  pbT  PGCC: (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU) (GNU)Ԁ#l) TT`19  PB  KQV  D\pbpbxbxRjPP5p;w;~; 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