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Use builtin texts!ShowDVIOutfitMoveResolutionAbout ...Open againOpen new ...Auto load againSave as IFF file ...Shell commandsPrint/cancel print pageWB to frontHideSave configQuitNew CLIExecute CommandTeX-ScriptARexx TeX-ShellSet ENV:TEXFORMATSpecialHostCopyLaceScrollbarFull pageMeasure windowBorder lineSet margins4 color screenPage scrollbarUnitColorClone WB colorScreen Prefs ...inchcmptSearch string ...Prev pageNext pageFirst pageLast page== Page Counter ==Jump to page numberClear page counter== Use Pysical Pagenumbers ==Use order of the dvi-fileCan't open library '%s' (version >= %ld)!Can't open the "console.device"?!Can't get new object '%s'!Can't close the Screen! Please close all windows and send a ^C to me.You must first close all your windows!no error?monitor for display mode not availableyou need newer custom chips for display modecouldn't get normal memorycouldn't get chip memorypublic screen name already useddon't recognize display mode requestedunknown errorcan't open screen: "%s"!Can't find screen "%s"! Will try workbench screen...Can't lock public-screen!Can't get visual info!Can't get draw info!Can't open window!Top/left corner (for ENTER...) set.Searchstring "%s" not found.Search canceled.ShowDVI message Abort print page?Ok|CancelAbort printing...Print aborted!Print current page.ShowDVI File: %s Page: %d / %d ShowDVI V%s%c no file Unavailable modeUnknown mode nameInternal error!Not enough chip-memory!Building full page...Not enough memory!Can't save page to the clipboard!Can't save page to iff-file "%s"!No signal available!Notify of file '%s' don't work! %s I use own notify routine.Top/left margin set.ShowDVI already running! (You can't set any options) Can't access file '%s'!Start of ARexx-command failed!ARexx comamnd '%s' failed with return code %d!Division by zero!!Can't set ENV: variable "%s"!There are problems in the config-file!Attention: This is a beta-test version!Internal error: "%s"!incorrect Map-widthNo DVI-File loaded!Where is my DVI-File?!Unknown sub-menu!?Filename:Enter Command and its ArgumentsExecute Command OutputCan't execute command!Use which Public-Screen?Don't find Public-Screen "%s"! Could I use Workbench-Screen?ShowDVI TeX-ShellCan't start "%s"!Start SpecialHostUnknown SubItem (%d, %d, %d)Unknown SubMenu (%d, %d, %d)Unknown Menu (%d, %d, %d)Can't open the help-file "%s"!ShowDVI Menu HelpFound no help for menu (%d, %d, %d)!?Internal error: can't find Menu-Entry (%d, %d, %d) [%d]Confused about requester!ShowDVI About/Help WindowCan't open About-Requester window!I need the 'req.library'!ShowDVI RequestOKCancelShowDVI fatal messageSomething is wrong... %s Better I quit!Sorry, not enough ChipMem... %s I must quit!Lack of memory? %s Program terminate!Internal error... %s Program terminate!Program is totally confused! %s Better I quit!Really quit?Yes|NoThe file "%s" isn't a DVI-File!can't allocate filerequest-structureLoad new DVI-FileCan't found file "%s"!Can't initialize AslRequest!Please input your format-file name.This is not allowed while printing!Can't setup application icon!Enter a stringEnter a number*** Can't open ShowDVI configuration file "%s"!Loading ShowDVI configuration file "%s".Writing ShowDVI configuration file "%s".No ARexx command for function key %d!missing 'on' or 'off'!read '%s' instead of 'on' or 'off'!Unknown keyword '%s' in config-file!ModeID %x not available!Illegal color value!Error in colors parameter!Error in parameters for default resolutionStrange value for the resolution-menu!Read '%s' instead of 'cm', 'in' or 'pt'!Illegal app-icon position '%s'!Illegal screen size '%s' (min: 540x200)!Illegal screen size '%s'!Illegal monitor size '%s'!Illegal window position '%s'!Illegal window size '%s'!Illegal maximal dvibuf size '%s'!; This is a machine generated configuration file for ShowDVI V%s RGB values of background colorRGB values of foreground colorRGB values of color 2RGB values of color 3state of scrollbarsdraw border lineinterlacebeep on warningsexit prog on ESCexit prog immediatelyuse pop-up-menuis the pop-up-menu "intelligent"pop-up-menu with topaz 11use middle-mouse-button for pop-up menuon == use physical numberingactivate window => load file againuse own screenname of the ShowDVI public screen (default: ShowDVI-PubScr)name of the public screen (default: Workbench)position of the main window (x, y) (-1, -1 default pos)size of the main window (x, y) (-1, -1 default size)position at the ShowDVI screen (x, y) (-1, -1 default pos)window size at ShowDVI screen (x, y) (-1, -1 default size)use 4 color screenuse color 2 as backgroundclone the wb colorsused unitapplication-icon on/off".info" file for the app-iconposition 0,0 => use default positionScript-file (only for OS 2.0)Script-file, start the TeX-server (only for OS 2.0)screen size. 0,0 => clone wb-sizescreen mode (pal|ntsc|productivity|a2024|workbench) or mode-idmonitor size (x, y)use always fast-ram for the bitmap (slower scrolling)use 'smart-refresh' window (needs more chip-mem, faster)what's the max size for caching the whole DVI file in ram?default start resolutionentries for the resolution menuConfiguration saved.Can't save configuration!Pen number for foreground color (0..255)Pen number for background color (0..255)Error in color-pen definition!Measure WindowCan't open MessWin!Width:Height:Delta-X:X-Koo: Delta-Y:Y-Koo: Magnification: %4dARexx reply code '%ld'!ShowDVI - Execute TeX-ScriptShowDVI - new CLIScreen _Width:Screen _Height:Back_ground:_Overscan Size_DVI-Page Size_Use_CancelUse Own _Screen_4 Col Screen:Change Screen _ModeScreen Mode:I need the gadtools.library version 37.x or higher. Please update your operating system software!Screen PreferencesCan't open Screen Preference window.Insert search text...Search in progress...Text found...Can't open search window.Strin_g to search:_search_cancelNo file specified!Building bitmap ...stack overflowstack underflowPRE occurs within fileReached POST command in DVI file!POST_POST with no preceding POSTDVI file error!You are already on the first page.You are already on the last page.page %d not found!PRE doesn't occur first--are you sure this is a DVI file?DVI format = %d, can only process DVI format %d filesLoading DVI file "%s".Incomplete DVI file: can't preload fonts!Scanning DVI file ...print help informationadditional dir for fontlibs/pk-filessize of the fontmemorystart at pagehorizontal offset `num'[true]`unit'(unit out of: pt|cm|in|pc|dd|cc|bp|mm|mi|cp)vertical offset `num'[true]`unit'preload all fontsstarting resolution in DPImore output to the logfileclose logfile after every linelogfile namedon't create logfileset the task priorityshow author nameDVI-fileLast compiled: %susage: %s Can't find DVI-file "%s"not enough memory (%d bytes)! Program aborted with error code %d! User aborted program! Program terminated without errors. Print finished.FATAL-- Log file (%s) created.Line buffer overflow! (%d)*** BREAK*** BREAK (wait for IO to complete)Call Metafont via "%s".Can't open "%s"! In this print mode the whole bitmap must be in the memory!Can't allocate enough memory for bitmap!page is splitted in %d partsSave page number %d of file %s to the clipboard %sSave page number %d of file %s to %sCan't write page to iff-file "%s"!\special too long -- ignored.Can't allocate memory for \special -- ignored.Picture out of left border! (x=%ld)Picture out of right border!No memory for special-bitmap copy!Unknown picture locating!?Illegal .ps command format: %sToo many points defined - ignored %sMalformed path command - ignored %sBad end of DVI fileBad byte value in font defsPOST_POST missing after fontdefsPOST missing at head of postamble - DVI file not complete Page dimensions: horizontal: %2.2fin, %4d pixels, %3lu points, %8ld DVI units, vertical : %2.2fin, %4d pixels, %3lu points, %8ld DVI units.Magnification = %ld; %ld pixels per DVI unit.Offsets: horizontal: %2.2fin (%2.1ftruein), %4d pixels, horizontal: %2.2fin (%2.1fin), %4d pixels, vertical : %2.2fin (%2.1ftruein), %4d pixels. vertical : %2.2fin (%2.1fin), %4d pixels.Horizontal/vertical resolution: %d / %d dpi.DVI stack too small, can only handle size %d! %d pages in document. *** Can't open library "%s"!*** File "%s" is no font library!Warning: File "%s" is an old font library!*** To many link levels!*** Error during reading flib-directory!Bad PK file %s: %sunexpected eofexpected prewrong id byteChecksum mismatchcharacter code out of rangepacket length too smallNot enough memory for char! unexpected commandRelease all unpacked chars (%ld bytes for %ld chars)internal error in my_sprintf!unknown format spec in format-string!string overflow in my_sprintf!Error while reading search list for font libraries!Error while reading search list for PK files!Font %ld is undefinedFont %s (%ld) is already definedFont %s (%ld) is undefinedReloading font %-10s (%3ld dpi) (font memory used: %3ld%%)Load a loaded font?? (%s,%ld) Loading font %-10s (%3ld dpi).Internal error: library structure mismatchedLoading font %-10s (%3ld dpi). (font memory used: %3ld%%) found at: dir '%s', library '%s' found at: dir '%s', pk-file '%s'memory error!?!** Substituted font %-10s: %3ld --> %3ld dpi.**** Font %-10s (%3ld dpi) not found! ******** Font %-10s (%3ld x %3ld dpi) not found! ****** Trying to substitute font %-10s: %3ld --> %3ld dpi.Predefined font in library? This feature is not implemented!**** predefined font %-10s (%3ld dpi) not found!internal error (fmt_str == NULL)!%ld bytes used for %ld unpacked chars.The search path for fontlibraries has %ld entries:The search path for pk-files has %ld entries:-------- start of fontdef file --------flib %lu %s ; library foundflib %lu %s ; library only defined; ** flib %lu %s ; library *not* foundfont %s %lu %s ; font foundfont %s %lu %s ; font predefined; ** font %s %lu %s ; predefined font *not* found; %ld base pk-directories are predefined; %ld pk-directories are predefined-------- end of fontdef file --------*** Can't open font/flib configuration file "%s"!Loading font/flib configuration file "%s".Can't parse line "%s"!Too few arguments for the "%s" command!Not a valid integer "%s"!Can't read dpi of the "font" command!Unknown keyword "%s" in font configuration file!Font %-10s (%3ld dpi) removed.Font %-10s (%3ld dpi) removed. (font memory used: %3ld%%)Error in "fontvols" file. Missing %s! (line %d)first `.'Copy font "%s" (%ld dpi) to font cache "%s".Can't copy pk-font to font cache!Bad number of arguments line %d: "%s".Bad on/off switch in line %d: "%s".Can't parse line %d: "%s".Can't parse line %d: "%s", ignoring it.Illegal argument to keyword '%s' : "%s".recursive repeat count in pk fileerror while unpacking; more bits than required"%s" port already exists!can't open printer port %s!"CreateExtIO" failed!You print with the generic printer: Name : '%s', Version = %d, Revision = %d Resolution: X = %d dpi, Y = %d dpi, density = %d MaxXDots=%d, MaxYDots=%d.no printer errorprinting aborted.printer cannot output graphics.print dimensions illegal.no memory for internal variables.no memory for print puffer.(unknown printer error)Printer-Error: %sTrying to clear printer.Zero failed!Line overflow in GetOptError!*** Error: %s*** Error: Keyword %.20s (%.50s)no option-string given!missing number!"%.20s" is no number!missing real number!"%.20s" is no real number!missing TeX dimension!"%.20s" not a TeX dimension!Unknown parameter type!Wrong parameter. '%.20s' instead of (on/off)!No parameter expected (%.20s)!Unknown keyword "%.20s"!Too many arguments in the environment string!No memory for the environment string!Supernumerary file "%.20s"!Can't get '%s.info'!Parameter required! %.50s (def.: %.50s%.50s (def.: (press for more help) ? wait for picture...I have expected AC_REPLY_SPECIAL, I found %d!Return from "special" program: %d!I expected AC_REPLY_TPIC, I found %d!I expected AC_REPLY_BITMAP, I found %d!picture receivedFound no "special" program!Can't create "special" reply-port!No DVI filename given!Can't open DVI-file '%s'!Incomplete DVI file: can't print in reverse order!Incomplete DVI file!%d is an undefined commandNo landscape with generic printer!Different x/y resolution: can't print in landscape modus! Printer "%s":Printer ID: %s Missing keyword '%s'.%s: Incomplete printer description ends line %d!Use this with %sdraft, %soptimization. resolution %d/%d dpi. paper width is %d pica characters. print in %d pass(es), pin grouping %d bitmap height : %d default buffer_size %d. Use the move-to-point (ESC '$') command. The whole line is sent in one graphics command. Skip large white areas with spaces.%s: Bad resolution in line %d '%s'! Use '' or '/'.%s: Unknown blanking method requested in line %d '%s'%s: illegal parameter for keyword %s in line %d: %s%s: Grouping must be in range [1..3] (is %ld)!Can't open printer configuration file "%s"!Reading DVIprint printer configuration file "%s".That's all!Available printers are : Config File: Maximal value for "grouping" is 6!Printing with : %s%s: Unknown printer configuration.This printer doesn't allow output redirection.Can't open output file "%s"!Printer type flag not set!%s: Keyword specified twice in line %d "%s"!%s: Keyword out of context in line %d "%s"!Can't write to output file!Wrong number of copies! (1..99)Should I print at least one page or not?Wrong resolution format '%s'! Use 'RES nr' or 'RES hnr/vnr'.Neither 'odd' nor 'even' pages, what's left ?Density must be in the range [1..7]!Memory for bitmap set to the minimum: %ld.Please try '%s help' and '%s printer help [Showprinters]' first.Unknown paper size '%s'!Sorry: TWOUP doesn't work together with REVERSE.Att: %s overwrites the PAPER option.usa a graphical user interfacefontlibs & pk-files dirmax size of the bitmap(0 == unlimited size)size of the printer bufferstop at pagenumber of pages to printprint only all 'odd' pagesprint only all 'even' pagesfrom/to numbers are physical numbersprinter typeoptimize printer output?print in draft modusprinter density(only for the 'generic' printer)print unidirectionalnumber of copies (only HP printer)print in landscape modusprint two pages at one paper sheetoffset between the two pages in TWOUP modeprint pages in book-order (together with TWOUP)print pages to IFF-filesno formfeed at the end of last pageprint in reverse orderbitmap resolution(Only for special effects! Use RES n or RES h/v)page width (normally not needed)page height (normally not needed)fast-mode(needs under 1.3 the 'puffer.device')mark all used fonts (filenote)output to file, not to printer(if IFF and "OutTo=CLIP" -> page go to the clipboard)show printer definitionsprinter accountingstart automatically (if necessary) SpecialHostuse public screenuse specific paper size(use something like A3, A4, B3, ...)TeX printer driver for PasTeXPrint a DVI-Filed DVI-fileSelect a DVI-fileg Print pages:f from:t to:n Number of pages to print:# copies:_printp_refsCan't open MUI application!allfrom/toDVIprint messages_closeMessagesDVIprint printPrint_Messagesall pagesfirst pagelast pagefrompagetoFatal ErrorFatal Error!Catalog Problemlocale.libraryPasTeX.catalogenglish intuition.library### Locale String not found! ###/ ,g6",g A,@NB , g @,lNB "l,xNbB,_Nu/" ,gJ g l ,lN @ ,_NuH"|KlHFABFHF  f*h`RF F@e ,gJgJg l "M,lN*@ L`@NuNq,. of//,./,(HxHxaNOp)@.hNuDVIprint.printersany no #printer%14sID_str%40sdraftoptimizeresolution%sgfx_strskipsskip_strheight%dgroupingblank%10spaper_widthinit_strexit_strprtbuffer%ld init_str gfx_str skips skip_str exit_str %hd/%hd%c%hd%cPOINTSPACESGFXpkw_int() : Illegal switch!%s: %hd byte(s) : LOW HIGH DECIMAL NUMBER NR100 NR10 NR1 %02Xhelp?&l0Lw/ &o oJ.hg2 ( P"KaTJg,.gJ.tg/ aXO`B.h.&_Nu/ &o o J.g//,./,(HxHxa@O`l,.g2 K"l.Xa Jgp)@.d`Hp)@.t,.g:/ Hxa.PO`,,.g / HxaPO,.f Ka )@.xp)@.t.&_Nu"o oJ.dg Pg.NuH ,.*of/ /,./,(HxHxa O`TJ.df <.$ B,.gJ.|g/,.|Hxa vPO,.gLJgH,.f@K` -g /Hxa HPOJf/,./,(HxHxa O`,.g$",.l ,.pAd/0/0Hxa O ,.g$,.f0,.H2,.H//Hxa 0,.H.Hxa O ,.g2,.H A"l.aJ ,.g2,.H A"l.a00,.H2,.H//Hxa f0,.H.Hxa VO ,.g2,.H A"l.a ,.g2,.H A"l.a ,.g2,.H A"l.a ,.g /Hxa PO0,.HSg Sg Sg`Hx` Hx`Hxa XO,.g",.gA.x)H$.9|..,.f@ ,.|g @a B.| ,.xg @a ,.fA.xp?rQK.lBBBB.B.dL NuH./|,. o*of//,./,(Hx` -.g//,./,(HxHxa O -UgUg`6,.g ,.\g|`"R)G.l`,.g ,.`f|`R)G.p -.Jfp)@.dL Nu/ ,.*o f/ /,./,(HxHxa TO`N,.g/ /,./,(HxHxa 0O`*,.g" ,.|g @a ^ Ma @a)@.|.*_Nu,. og p.rf//,./,(HxHxa ONu,.f.NuYO/ ,.&o og//,./,(HxHxa O`|,.gnHoHl.Hl.Hz0/ aoUOgHHoHl.Hz / aoSOg( <at/ /,./,(/HxHxa &O`9l...`p)@.d&_XONu/ *o -. o g//,./,(HxHxaO`,.ga 8 @J"@g -r gBr gNr@gZg  g`Xp9@.A)H.`Fp9@.A)H.`4p9@.A)H.`"p9@.A)H.`p9@.A)H. -.`p)@.d*_NuH,.&o og//,./,(HxHxaO`l,.g^ KC~a}Jf~`> KCa|Jf~`, KCa|Jf~`/ /,./,(HxHxaO9G..`p)@.dLNuQOH0&,.$o( o$*o g//,./,(HxHxaVO`l,.g^Ho JCa XOJg/ /,.//,(HxHxaO`2 /at$<@$v,l2NNr9A..`p)@.dLd PONuH$*o -.$o og//,./,(HxHxaO`x,.gj -Qggf:)R.`B 9@.`: rlro//,(HxHxaXO 9@.`Hz*HxapPO -.`p)@.dL$NuYOH.0H//Hz*IHl$/H$alO,z`p5PG$mr lj@0;N &4BPHz/ allPO`\Hz/ al^PO`NHz/ alPPO`@Hz/ alBPO`2Hz/ al4PO`$Hz/ al&PO`p5P/Hz/ alO ܀RESGJGfZHl$aXOL(XONuYO/ l$ h mHxHxa$POJfJ$g l$0(o2(?AH r a)@.L2/HbNNNX2NPNUdNXhNWN,N0NN,NXpaH4/IB/B./@@*H)@.`Ap aJg @BAp;aJg @BR.&ME @Rr gr gJfP`+g k/ / N,.POg*.``AC|"2+fp _gJgAf +g @"HA|ahHoJHoHoHoHo/ adO.gA"SasJfr« g _f k/ / NPO`Ҿg/ /,.HxFa`+gVAC~asJf~`ACaspJf~pg k// / N`rHo/,.HxGHxaO`\ kHoJHoHo/ / NO`@Jf,.g/ /,.HxHa\O .`/ /,.HxIaO pFA"oa(Jg ,.gL,Nu%13s %sonoff 0x%x%c%d%cLOWHIGHNR100NR10NR1ESCFS'%c'/ *H @RA p0g @RA p0f *_NuYO/ /H`&I` fB`RJfRJf &_XONu @RgJg Nu/ *H @RJf *_NuQO/ /Ip*o @RgJgg R @RJf`*_PONuH4/HC*Han&@/@"@ Maa/@ @RgJg$Mf&J @RJf K&o @RgJg$H~` JCpap|Jf,Ho Ho Hz/ abJSOfRp"/`0Ho Ho Hzz/ abSOfRp"/` JCZapJfRp` JC@apJfRp` JC(apJfRp` JCapJfRp` JCapnJfRp`n JCapRJfRp`R JCap6JfRp`6Ho Hz/ aa*SO fRp `/ //HxJaO &J @RJf K&o @RgJg$H*ofp L,NuNqNNpNhNXN@paH02$o4/I G$Ho$Ho0Hz//H,a`UOfnA$CpanJf p$G(`p$E`D R"Kao6Jf6 *agH /,/Aag|L ,l2Naf^ o p`PJfpLL NuA0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A0rA1rA2rA3rA4rA5rA6rA7rptbpcmmminmipcspddcc%f%6strueSYS:/ %sonoff%ld%ficon.library on|off str number real TeX-dim%.50s%.20s%s [] %.20s|%.20s %.50s%.50s%.2fin) %s/ &H`( +o a'@ B +o a'@B +f&_NuH./ *oHoA "oa@XOA"HJfS oHx^Hxa*PO RfHoHx_a`6Jf/- Hx_aPO`/- /Hx`avO HoHzaPOL Nu H4.*H o$| ($h/HS&Im l@0;N0vp$BS o` g. 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