\documentclass{beamer} %\documentclass[handout]{beamer} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{ngerman} %\usepackage{txfonts} \usepackage[scaled]{frutiger} \usetheme{Marburg} \newcommand{\ProTeXt}{{\usefont{T1}{fbl}{m}{n}%\fontsize{18}{18} \selectfont% proT\kern -.175em\lower .5ex\hbox {E}\kern -.1emXt}} \pgfdeclareimage[height=0.5cm]{logo}{feulogo} \logo{\pgfuseimage{logo}} \beamertemplateshadingbackground{white!10}{blue!10} \title{\ProTeXt\ --- yet another \TeX-Collection?} %\subtitle{{\scriptsize "`Gaukler, Narren, Histrionen -- alles hofft, es möge lohnen."'}} \author{Th. Feuerstack/\\ K. Höppner} \date{March 9, 2005} %\institute{\textbf{Universitätsrechenzentrum}} %\titlegraphic{\includegraphics[width=3cm]{acrobatidcolored}} \begin{document} \selectlanguage{USenglish} \originalTeX \frame{\maketitle} \section{Prelude on the stage} %%% One Frame... \frame{ \frametitle{Prelude on stage} The year 2005 -- the whole world seems is occupied by M\$-Wordians. \begin{itemize} \item[\textbf{\Large \textcolor{red}{?}}]<2-> Really the whole world?\\[0.5em] \item<3-> According to our experience there are still some TeX interested individuals\\[0.5em] \item[\textbf{\Large \textcolor{green}{!}}]<4-> And lately they become even more\ldots \end{itemize} } %%% ... ends here! %%% One Frame... \frame{ \frametitle{Prelude on stage} Compared to the mainstream users named above, the coming \TeX-user suffers from a handicap which usually is an advantage, i.e.: \begin{itemize} \item[\textbf{\Large \textcolor{green}{\Pisymbol{pzd}{52}}}]<2-> A complete \TeX-environment is highly adjustable to the user's needs. Everybody can choose the editor, \TeX-engine, postprocessing tools, \ldots\ she/he likes best.\\[0.5em] \item[\textbf{\Large \textcolor{red}{\Pisymbol{pzd}{56}}}]<3-> Unfortunately most ``rookies'' are no more accustomed to such conditions, because ``modern software'' claims an ``All-in-One''-Status. \end{itemize} } %%% ... ends here! %%% One Frame... \frame{ \frametitle{The ``Furthermore you also need'' situation} Lets imagine someone asks you, how to find an entrance in \TeX. So you'll point him to \begin{itemize} \item<2-> an easy to install \TeX-implementation\ldots\\[0.5em] \item<3-> \ldots\ an easy to use editor to compose his texts\ldots\\[0.5em] \item[]<6->\textcolor{red}{\hphantom{.}\hrulefill\hphantom{.}} \item<4-> \ldots\ additional information and How-To's to learn the way \TeX\ works\ldots\\[0.5em] \item<5-> \ldots\\[2em] \item[\textbf{\Large \textcolor{red}{!}}]<7-> As to us, most ``someones'' give up between the items 2 and 3 and fade\ldots \end{itemize} } %%% ... ends here! %%% One Frame... \frame{ \frametitle{A picture of this situation} \begin{small} \begin{itemize} \item[]<2-> If the goal is something like this\ldots\\[0.2em] \includegraphics[width=0.65\textwidth]{MS05w}\\[1em] \item[]<3-> \ldots we'll have to provide a starting-kit to let our ``someone'' enter the game.\\[0.2em] \includegraphics[width=0.65\textwidth]{startset}\\[1em] \end{itemize} \end{small} } %%% ... ends here! \section{The general Setup of the kit} %%% One Frame... \frame{ \frametitle{What is actually needed?} Depending on our experiences (and therefore included in \ProTeXt): \begin{itemize} \item An easy to install \TeX-implementation for \textsl{Windows} \item[\textbf{\Large \textcolor{green}{\Pisymbol{pzd}{220}}}]<2-> \textsl{MiK\TeX} \item<3-> A simple to use editor with hooks to \TeX \item[\textbf{\Large \textcolor{green}{\Pisymbol{pzd}{220}}}]<4-> \textsl{WinEdt, \TeX nicCenter} \item<5-> Postprocessing tools like Ghostscript and GSView\\[2em] \item<6-> A short description how to combine these things\textbf{\Large \textcolor{red}{!}} \end{itemize} } %%% ... ends here! %%% One Frame... \frame{ \frametitle{Practical Demonstration} \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{blaudram} } %%% ... ends here! \section{Things to discuss} %%% One Frame... \frame{ \frametitle{What could/should be changed in future releases?} \begin{itemize} \item<2-> Which editor ist the easiest/the best?\\[1em] \item<3-> Is there a \textsl{free} graphical frontend for Ghostscript?\\[1em] \item<4-> Are there any volunteers to translate the Install-Doc into additional languages?\\ (Many thanks to Steve Peter, Grzegorz Doma\'{n}ski and Denis Bitouz\'{e}!) \end{itemize} } %%% ... ends here! %%% One Frame... %% \frame{ %% \frametitle{} %% \begin{itemize} %% \item %% \end{itemize} %% } %%% ... ends here! \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: