%%%======================================================================== %%% @TeX-font-encoding-file{ %%% author = "Alan Jeffrey", %%% version = "1.305", %%% date = "09 January 1994", %%% time = "23:00:51 GMT", %%% filename = "OMS.etx", %%% address = "School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences %%% University of Sussex %%% Brighton BN1 9QH %%% UK", %%% telephone = "+44 273 606755 x 3238", %%% FAX = "+44 273 678188", %%% checksum = "???", %%% email = "alanje@cogs.sussex.ac.uk", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "encoding, math, TeX, PostScript", %%% supported = "yes", %%% abstract = "This is the math symbol encoding as a TeX font %%% encoding file, for use with the fontinst %%% font installation package.", %%% docstring = "The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 %%% checksum as the first value, followed by the %%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word %%% count) utility output of lines, words, and %%% characters. This is produced by Robert %%% Solovay's checksum utility.", %%% package = "fontinst", %%% dependencies = "fontinst.sty, ltugboat.sty", %%% } %%%======================================================================== % % 29 Dec 1993, v1.30: Created file. % % 3 Jan 1994, v1.301: Moved from ltugboat class to article. % % 6 Jan 1994, v1.303: Corrected a fontdimen bug. % % 8 Jan 1994, v1.304: Renamed radicallowered to radicallow and % perpendicularinverse to perpendicularinv. % % 9 Jan 1994, v1.305: Renamed emptyset to emptysetstress, to distinguish % the geometric and the humanist emptyset symbols. Renamed some % glyphs to use the same names as Lucida New Math. \relax \documentstyle[fontdoc,twocolumn]{article} \title{The \TeX\ math symbol encoding vector} \author{Alan Jeffrey} \date{9 January 1994} %\address{School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences \\ % University of Sussex \\ % Falmer \\ % Brighton \\ % BN1 9QH \\ % UK} %\netaddress{alanje@cogs.susx.ac.uk} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} This document describes the \TeX\ math symbol (OMS) encoding. \encoding \needsfontinstversion{1.305} \comment{\section{Default values}} \setstr{codingscheme}{TEX MATH SYMBOLS} \setint{italicslant}{0} \ifisglyph{x}\then \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \else \setint{xheight}{500} \fi \comment{\section{Default font dimensions}} \setint{fontdimen(1)}{\int{italicslant}} % italic slant \setint{fontdimen(2)}{0} % interword space \setint{fontdimen(3)}{0} % interword stretch \setint{fontdimen(4)}{0} % interword shrink \setint{fontdimen(5)}{\int{xheight}} % x-height \setint{fontdimen(6)}{1000} % quad \setint{fontdimen(7)}{0} % extra space after . \comment{The following font dimensions are taken from cmsy10.} \setint{fontdimen(8)}{677} \setint{fontdimen(9)}{394} \setint{fontdimen(10)}{444} \setint{fontdimen(11)}{686} \setint{fontdimen(12)}{345} \setint{fontdimen(13)}{413} \setint{fontdimen(14)}{363} \setint{fontdimen(15)}{289} \setint{fontdimen(16)}{150} \setint{fontdimen(17)}{247} \setint{fontdimen(18)}{386} \setint{fontdimen(19)}{50} \setint{fontdimen(20)}{2390} \setint{fontdimen(21)}{1010} \setint{fontdimen(22)}{250} \comment{\section{The encoding} There are 128 glyphs in this encoding.} \setslot{minus} \comment{The subtraction symbol `$-$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{periodcentered} \comment{The centered dot symbol `$\cdot$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{multiply} \comment{The multiplication symbol `$\times$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asteriskmath} \comment{The centered asterisk symbol `$*$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{divide} \comment{The division symbol `$\div$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{diamondmath} \comment{The diamond symbol `$\diamond$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{plusminus} \comment{The plus or minus symbol `$\pm$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{minusplus} \comment{The minus or plus symbol `$\mp$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{circleplus} \comment{The circled plus symbol `$\oplus$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{circleminus} \comment{The circled minus symbol `$\ominus$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{circlemultiply} \comment{The circled multiplication symbol `$\otimes$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{circledivide} \comment{The circled oblique symbol `$\oslash$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{circledot} \comment{The circled dot symbol `$\odot$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{circlecopyrt} \comment{The large circle symbol `$\bigcirc$' used for building the copyright symbol `\copyright'.} \endsetslot \setslot{openbullet} \comment{The circle symbol `$\circ$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bullet} \comment{The bullet symbol `$\bullet$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{equivasymptotic} \comment{The asymptotic equals symbol `$\asymp$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{equivalence} \comment{The equivalence symbol `$\equiv$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{reflexsubset} \comment{The subset or equals symbol `$\subseteq$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{reflexsuperset} \comment{The superset or equals symbol `$\supseteq$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{lessequal} \comment{The less or equals symbol `$\leq$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{greaterequal} \comment{The greater or equals symbol `$\geq$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{precedesequal} \comment{The precedes or equals symbol `$\preceq$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{followsequal} \comment{The follows or equals symbol `$\succeq$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{similar} \comment{The similar symbol `$\sim$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{approxequal} \comment{The approximate equality symbol `$\approx$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{propersubset} \comment{The subset symbol `$\subset$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{propersuperset} \comment{The superset symbol `$\supset$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{lessmuch} \comment{The much less symbol `$\ll$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{greatermuch} \comment{The much greater symbol `$\gg$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{curlyless} \comment{The precedes symbol `$\prec$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{curlygreater} \comment{The follows symbol `$\succ$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowleft} \comment{The left arrow symbol `$\leftarrow$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowright} \comment{The right arrow symbol `$\rightarrow$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowup} \comment{The up arrow symbol `$\uparrow$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowdown} \comment{The down arrow symbol `$\downarrow$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowboth} \comment{The horizontal arrow symbol `$\leftrightarrow$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrownortheast} \comment{The north-east arrow symbol `$\nearrow$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowsoutheast} \comment{The south-east arrow symbol `$\searrow$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{similarequal} \comment{The similar or equal symbol `$\simeq$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowdblleft} \comment{The double left arrow symbol `$\Leftarrow$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowdblright} \comment{The double right arrow symbol `$\Rightarrow$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowdblup} \comment{The double up arrow symbol `$\Uparrow$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowdbldown} \comment{The double down arrow symbol `$\Downarrow$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowdblboth} \comment{The double horizontal arrow symbol `$\Leftrightarrow$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrownorthwest} \comment{The north-west arrow symbol `$\nwarrow$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowsouthwest} \comment{The south-west arrow symbol `$\swarrow$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{proportional} \comment{The proportional symbol `$\propto$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{prime} \comment{The prime symbol `$\prime$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{infinity} \comment{The infinity symbol `$\infty$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{element} \comment{The set membership symbol `$\in$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{owner} \comment{The backwards set membership symbol `$\ni$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{triangle} \comment{The upwards triangle symbol `$\bigtriangleup$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{triangleinv} \comment{The downwards triangle symbol `$\bigtriangledown$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{negationslash} \comment{The arrow negation symbol `$/$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{mapstochar} \comment{The maps to building block symbol `$\mapstochar$', used to build `$\mapsto$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{universal} \comment{The universal quantification symbol `$\forall$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{existential} \comment{The existential quantification symbol `$\exists$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{logicalnot} \comment{The negation symbol `$\neg$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{emptysetstress} \comment{The `stressed' empty set symbol `$\emptyset$', which should look like a zero with a slash. The `emptyset' symbol is a circle with a slash.} \endsetslot \setslot{Rfraktur} \comment{The upper case Fraktur R symbol `$\Re$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Ifraktur} \comment{The upper case Fraktur I symbol `$\Im$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{latticetop} \comment{The inverted perpendicular symbol `$\top$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{perpendicular} \comment{The perpendicular symbol `$\perp$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{aleph} \comment{The aleph symbol `$\aleph$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{A} \comment{The letter `{A}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{B} \comment{The letter `{B}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{C} \comment{The letter `{C}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{D} \comment{The letter `{D}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{E} \comment{The letter `{E}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{F} \comment{The letter `{F}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{G} \comment{The letter `{G}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{H} \comment{The letter `{H}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{I} \comment{The letter `{I}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{J} \comment{The letter `{J}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{K} \comment{The letter `{K}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{L} \comment{The letter `{L}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{M} \comment{The letter `{M}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{N} \comment{The letter `{N}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{O} \comment{The letter `{O}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{P} \comment{The letter `{P}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Q} \comment{The letter `{Q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{R} \comment{The letter `{R}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{S} \comment{The letter `{S}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{T} \comment{The letter `{T}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{U} \comment{The letter `{U}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{V} \comment{The letter `{V}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{W} \comment{The letter `{W}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{X} \comment{The letter `{X}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Y} \comment{The letter `{Y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Z} \comment{The letter `{Z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{union} \comment{The set union symbol `$\cup$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{intersection} \comment{The set intersection symbol `$\cap$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{unionmulti} \comment{The multiset union symbol `$\uplus$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{logicaland} \comment{The meet symbol `$\wedge$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{logicalor} \comment{The join symbol `$\vee$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{turnstileleft} \comment{The turnstile symbol `$\vdash$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{turnstileright} \comment{The backwards turnstile symbol `$\dashv$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{floorleft} \comment{The left floor symbol `$\lfloor$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{floorright} \comment{The right floor symbol `$\rfloor$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ceilingleft} \comment{The left ceiling symbol `$\lceil$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ceilingright} \comment{The right ceiling symbol `$\rceil$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceleft} \comment{The left brace symbol `$\{$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceright} \comment{The right brace symbol `$\}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{angleleft} \comment{The left angle bracket symbol `$\langle$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{angleright} \comment{The right angle bracket symbol `$\rangle$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bar} \comment{The vertical bar symbol `$|$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bardbl} \comment{The parallel vertical bars symbol `$\parallel$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowbothv} \comment{The vertical arrows symbol `$\updownarrow$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowdblbothv} \comment{The double vertical arrows symbol `$\Updownarrow$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{backslash} \comment{The backwards oblique symbol `$\backslash$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{wreathproduct} \comment{The Wreath product symbol `$\wp$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{radicallow} \comment{The lowered radical symbol `$\surd$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{coproduct} \comment{The textstyle coproduct symbol `$\coprod$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{gradient} \comment{The inverted Delta symbol `$\nabla$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{integral} \comment{The textstyle integral symbol `$\plainint$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{unionsq} \comment{The square union symbol `$\sqcup$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{intersectionsq} \comment{The square intersection symbol `$\sqcap$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{subsetsqequal} \comment{The square subset or equal symbol `$\sqsubseteq$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{supersetsqequal} \comment{The square superset or equal symbol `$\sqsupseteq$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{section} \comment{The section symbol `$\S$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dagger} \comment{The dagger symbol `$\dag$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{daggerdbl} \comment{The double dagger symbol `$\ddag$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{paragraph} \comment{The paragraph symbol `$\P$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{club} \comment{The club suit symbol `$\clubsuit$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{diamond} \comment{The diamond suit symbol `$\diamondsuit$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{heart} \comment{The heart suit symbol `$\heartsuit$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{spade} \comment{The spade suit symbol `$\spadesuit$'.} \endsetslot \endencoding \end{document}