%%% ==================================================================== %%% @LaTeX-file{ %%% author = "Alan Jeffrey", %%% version = "1.315", %%% date = "30 January 1994, %%% time = "17:29:16 GMT, %%% filename = "testmath.tex", %%% address = "School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences %%% University of Sussex %%% Brighton BN1 9QH %%% UK", %%% telephone = "+44 273 606755 x 3238", %%% FAX = "+44 273 678188", %%% checksum = "???", %%% email = "alanje@cogs.sussex.ac.uk", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "font installation example", %%% supported = "yes", %%% abstract = "This document tests the Adobe Times fonts and %%% the ptmcm math fonts.", %%% docstring = "The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 %%% checksum as the first value, followed by the %%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word %%% count) utility output of lines, words, and %%% characters. This is produced by Robert %%% Solovay's checksum utility.", %%% package = "fontinst", %%% dependencies = "mathptm.sty" %%% } %%% ==================================================================== \documentclass{article} \usepackage{mathptm} % THIS LINE BELONGS IN timesmat.sty \title{A math test document} \author{Alan Jeffrey} \date{30 January 1994} \raggedbottom \newcommand{\testsize}[1]{ #1 \texttt{\string#1}: $a_{c_e}, b_{d_f}, C_{E_G}, 0_{1_2}, a_{0_a}, 0_{a_0}, \sum_{i=0}^\infty$ \\ } \newcommand{\testdelims}[3]{\sqrt{ #1|#1\|#1\uparrow #1\downarrow#1\updownarrow#1\Uparrow#1\Downarrow #1\Updownarrow#1\lfloor#1\lceil #1(#1\{#1[#1\langle #3 #2\rangle#2]#2\}#2) #2\rceil#2\rfloor#2\Updownarrow#2\Downarrow #2\Uparrow#2\updownarrow#2\downarrow#2\uparrow #2\|#2| }\\} \newcommand{\testglyphs}[1]{ \begin{quote} #1a#1b#1c#1d#1e#1f#1g#1h#1i#1j#1k#1l#1m #1n#1o#1p#1q#1r#1s#1t#1u#1v#1w#1x#1y#1z #1A#1B#1C#1D#1E#1F#1G#1H#1I#1J#1K#1L#1M #1N#1O#1P#1Q#1R#1S#1T#1U#1V#1W#1X#1Y#1Z #10#11#12#13#14#15#16#17#18#19 #1\Gamma#1\Delta#1\Theta#1\Lambda#1\Xi #1\Pi#1\Sigma#1\Upsilon#1\Phi#1\Psi#1\Omega #1\alpha#1\beta#1\gamma#1\delta#1\epsilon #1\varepsilon#1\zeta#1\eta#1\theta#1\vartheta #1\iota#1\kappa#1\lambda#1\mu#1\nu#1\xi#1\omicron #1\pi#1\varpi#1\rho#1\varrho #1\sigma#1\varsigma#1\tau#1\upsilon#1\phi #1\varphi#1\chi#1\psi#1\omega #1\partial#1\ell#1\imath#1\jmath#1\wp \end{quote} } \newcommand{\sidebearings}[1]{ $|#1|$ } \newcommand{\subscripts}[1]{ $#1_\circ$ } \newcommand{\supscripts}[1]{ $#1^\circ$ } \newcommand{\scripts}[1]{ $#1^\circ_\circ$ } \newcommand{\vecaccents}[1]{ $\vec#1$ } \newcommand{\tildeaccents}[1]{ $\tilde#1$ } \ifx\omicron\undefined \let\omicron=o \fi \begin{document} \maketitle \subsection*{Introduction} This document tests the math capabilities of a math package. \subsection*{Fonts} Math italic: \[ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz \] Text italic: \[ \mathit{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz} \] Roman: \[ \mathrm{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz} \] Bold: \[ \mathbf{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz} \] Calligraphic: \[ \mathcal{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ} \] Sans: \[ \mathsf{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz} \] Typewriter: \[ \mathtt{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz} \] Greek: \[ \Gamma\Delta\Theta\Lambda\Xi\Pi\Sigma\Upsilon\Phi\Psi\Omega \alpha\beta\gamma\delta\epsilon\varepsilon\zeta\eta\theta\vartheta \iota\kappa\lambda\mu\nu\xi\omicron\pi\varpi\rho\varrho \sigma\varsigma\tau\upsilon\phi\varphi\chi\psi\omega \] Do these line up appropriately? \[ \forall \mathcal{B} \Gamma \mathbf{D} \exists \mathtt{F} G \mathcal{H} \Im \mathbf{J} \mathsf{K} \Lambda M \aleph \emptyset \Pi \mathit{Q} \Re \Sigma \mathtt{T} \Upsilon \mathcal{V} \mathbf{W} \Xi \mathsf{Y} Z \quad a \mathbf{c} \epsilon \mathtt{i} \kappa \mathbf{m} \nu o \varpi \mathsf{r} s \tau \mathit{u} v \mathsf{w} z \quad \mathtt{g} j \mathsf{q} \chi y \quad b \delta \mathbf{f} \mathtt{h} k \mathsf{l} \phi \] \subsection*{Glyph dimensions} These glyphs should be optically centered: \testglyphs\sidebearings These subscripts should be correctly placed: \testglyphs\subscripts These superscripts should be correctly placed: \testglyphs\supscripts These subscripts and superscripts should be correctly placed: \testglyphs\scripts These accents should be centered: \testglyphs\vecaccents As should these: \testglyphs\tildeaccents \subsection*{Symbols} These arrows should join up properly: \[ a \hookrightarrow b \hookleftarrow c \longrightarrow d \longleftarrow e \Longrightarrow f \Longleftarrow g \longleftrightarrow h \Longleftrightarrow i \mapsto j \] These symbols should of similar weights: \[ \pm + - \mp = / \backslash ( \langle [ \{ \} ] \rangle ) < \leq > \geq \] Are these the same size? \[\textstyle \oint \int \quad \bigodot \bigoplus \bigotimes \sum \prod \bigcup \bigcap \biguplus \bigwedge \bigvee \coprod \] Are these? \[ \oint \int \quad \bigodot \bigoplus \bigotimes \sum \prod \bigcup \bigcap \biguplus \bigwedge \bigvee \coprod \] \subsection*{Sizing} The subscripts should be appropriately sized: \begin{quote} %\testsize\tiny %\testsize\scriptsize %\testsize\footnotesize %\testsize\small \testsize\normalsize %\testsize\large %\testsize\Large %\testsize\LARGE %\testsize\huge %\testsize\Huge \end{quote} \subsection*{Delimters} Each row should be a different size, but within each row the delimiters should be the same size. First with \verb|\big|, etc: \[\begin{array}{c} \testdelims\relax\relax{a} \testdelims\bigl\bigr{a} \testdelims\Bigl\Bigr{a} \testdelims\biggl\biggr{a} \testdelims\Biggl\Biggr{a} \end{array}\] Then with \verb|\left| and \verb|\right|: \[\begin{array}{c} \testdelims\left\right{\begin{array}{c} a \end{array}} \testdelims\left\right{\begin{array}{c} a\\a \end{array}} \testdelims\left\right{\begin{array}{c} a\\a\\a \end{array}} \testdelims\left\right{\begin{array}{c} a\\a\\a\\a \end{array}} \end{array}\] \subsection*{Spacing} This paragraph should appear to be a monotone grey texture. Suppose $f \in \mathcal{S}_n$ and $g(x) = (-1)^{|\alpha|}x^\alpha f(x)$. Then $g \in \mathcal{S}_n$; now (\emph{c}) implies that $\hat g = D_\alpha \hat f$ and $P \cdot D_\alpha\hat f = P \cdot \hat g = (P(D)g)\hat{}$, which is a bounded function, since $P(D)g \in L^1(R^n)$. This proves that $\hat f \in \mathcal S_n$. If $f_i \rightarrow f$ in $\mathcal S_n$, then $f_i \rightarrow f$ in $L^1(R^n)$. Therefore $\hat f_i(t) \rightarrow \hat f(t)$ for all $t \in R^n$. That $f \rightarrow \hat f$ is a \emph{continuous} mapping of $\mathcal S_n$ into $\mathcal S_n$ follows now from the closed graph theorem. \emph{Functional Analysis}, W.~Rudin, McGraw--Hill, 1973. {\itshape This paragraph should appear to be a monotone grey texture. Suppose $f \in \mathcal{S}_n$ and $g(x) = (-1)^{|\alpha|}x^\alpha f(x)$. Then $g \in \mathcal{S}_n$; now (\emph{c}) implies that $\hat g = D_\alpha \hat f$ and $P \cdot D_\alpha\hat f = P \cdot \hat g = (P(D)g)\hat{}$, which is a bounded function, since $P(D)g \in L^1(R^n)$. This proves that $\hat f \in \mathcal S_n$. If $f_i \rightarrow f$ in $\mathcal S_n$, then $f_i \rightarrow f$ in $L^1(R^n)$. Therefore $\hat f_i(t) \rightarrow \hat f(t)$ for all $t \in R^n$. That $f \rightarrow \hat f$ is a \emph{continuous} mapping of $\mathcal S_n$ into $\mathcal S_n$ follows now from the closed graph theorem. \emph{Functional Analysis}, W.~Rudin, McGraw--Hill, 1973.} The text in these boxes should spread out as much as the math does: \[\begin{array}{c} \framebox[.95\width][s]{For example $x+y = \min\{x,y\} + \max\{x,y\}$ is a formula.} \\ \framebox[.975\width][s]{For example $x+y = \min\{x,y\} + \max\{x,y\}$ is a formula.} \\ \framebox[\width][s]{For example $x+y = \min\{x,y\} + \max\{x,y\}$ is a formula.} \\ \framebox[1.025\width][s]{For example $x+y = \min\{x,y\} + \max\{x,y\}$ is a formula.} \\ \framebox[1.05\width][s]{For example $x+y = \min\{x,y\} + \max\{x,y\}$ is a formula.} \\ \framebox[1.075\width][s]{For example $x+y = \min\{x,y\} + \max\{x,y\}$ is a formula.} \\ \framebox[1.1\width][s]{For example $x+y = \min\{x,y\} + \max\{x,y\}$ is a formula.} \\ \framebox[1.125\width][s]{For example $x+y = \min\{x,y\} + \max\{x,y\}$ is a formula.} \\ \end{array}\] This document is \copyright~1994 Alan Jeffrey. Did that `\copyright' sign work? \end{document}