* * http://the.cushman.net/ * * Currently maintained by Angles * * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id: compose.php,v 1.2 2003/11/22 22:58:33 varkoly Exp $ */ Header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); Header('Pragma: no-cache'); Header('Expires: Sat, Jan 01 2000 01:01:01 GMT'); $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags'] = array( 'currentapp' => 'email', 'noheader' => True, 'nofooter' => True, 'nonavbar' => True, 'noappheader' => True, 'noappfooter' => True ); include('../header.inc.php'); // we need a msg object BUT NO LOGIN IS NEEDED $my_msg_bootstrap = ''; $my_msg_bootstrap = CreateObject("email.msg_bootstrap"); $my_msg_bootstrap->set_do_login(False); $my_msg_bootstrap->ensure_mail_msg_exists('email: compose.php', 0); // time limit should be controlled elsewhere //@set_time_limit(0); $pass_the_ball_uri = ''; if ($GLOBALS['phpgw']->msg->get_isset_arg('fldball')) { $my_fldball = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->msg->get_arg_value('fldball'); $pass_the_ball_uri = '&fldball[folder]='.$my_fldball['folder'] .'&fldball[acctnum]='.$my_fldball['acctnum']; } elseif ($GLOBALS['phpgw']->msg->get_isset_arg('msgball')) { $my_msgball = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->msg->get_arg_value('msgball'); $pass_the_ball_uri = '&msgball[folder]='.$my_msgball['folder'] .'&msgball[acctnum]='.$my_msgball['acctnum'] .'&msgball[msgnum]='.$my_msgball['msgnum']; } else { $pass_the_ball_uri = '&fldball[folder]=INBOX' .'&fldball[acctnum]=0'; } header('Location: '.$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link( '/index.php', 'menuaction=email.uicompose.compose'. $pass_the_ball_uri. '&to='.$_GET[to]. '&cc='.$_GET[cc]. '&bcc='.$_GET[bcc]. '&subject='.$_GET[subject]. '&body='.$_GET[body]. '&personal='.$_GET[personal]. '&sort='.$_GET[sort]. '&order='.$_GET[order]. '&start='.$_GET[start])); if (is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->msg)) { $terminate = True; } else { $terminate = False; } if ($terminate == True) { // close down ALL mailserver streams $GLOBALS['phpgw']->msg->end_request(); // destroy the object $GLOBALS['phpgw']->msg = ''; unset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->msg); } // shut down this transaction $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit(False); ?>