########################################################################### # # RESOURCE.CFG - Sample Resource File for Nagios # # You can define $USERx$ macros in this file, which can in turn be used # in command definitions in your host config file(s). $USERx$ macros are # useful for storing sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, # etc. They are also handy for specifying the path to plugins and # event handlers - if you decide to move the plugins or event handlers to # a different directory in the future, you can just update one or two # $USERx$ macros, instead of modifying a lot of command definitions. # # The CGIs will not attempt to read the contents of resource files, so # you can set restrictive permissions (600 or 660) on them. # # Nagios supports up to 32 $USERx$ macros ($USER1$ through $USER32$) # # Resource files may also be used to store configuration directives for # external data sources like MySQL... # ########################################################################### # Sets $USER1$ to be the path to the plugins $USER1$=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins # Sets $USER2$ to be the path to event handlers #$USER2$=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/eventhandlers # Store some usernames and passwords (hidden from the CGIs) #$USER3$=someuser #$USER4$=somepassword # DB STATUS DATA # Note: These config directives are only used if you compiled # in database support for status data! # The user you specify here needs SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and # DELETE privileges on the 'programstatus', 'hoststatus', # and 'servicestatus' tables in the database. #xsddb_host=somehost #xsddb_port=someport #xsddb_database=somedatabase #xsddb_username=someuser #xsddb_password=somepassword #xsddb_optimize_data=1 #xsddb_optimize_interval=3600 # DB COMMENT DATA # Note: These config directives are only used if you compiled # in database support for comment data! # The user you specify here needs SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and # DELETE privileges on the 'hostcomments' and 'servicecomments' # tables in the database. #xcddb_host=somehost #xcddb_port=someport #xcddb_database=somedatabase #xcddb_username=someuser #xcddb_password=somepassword #xcddb_optimize_data=1 # DB DOWNTIME DATA # Note: These config directives are only used if you compiled # in database support for downtime data! # The user you specify here needs SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and # DELETE privileges on the 'hostdowntime' and 'servicedowntime' # tables in the database. #xdddb_host=somehost #xdddb_port=someport #xdddb_database=somedatabase #xdddb_username=someuser #xdddb_password=somepassword #xdddb_optimize_data=1 # DB RETENTION DATA # Note: These config directives are only used if you compiled # in database support for retention data! # The user you specify here needs SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and # DELETE privileges on the 'programretention', 'hostretention', # and 'serviceretention' tables in the database. #xrddb_host=somehost #xrddb_port=someport #xrddb_database=somedatabase #xrddb_username=someuser #xrddb_password=somepassword #xrddb_optimize_data=1