1. Copy drbd.conf cp /usr/share/doc/packages/drbd/drbd.conf /etc 2. Edit /etc/drbd.conf Compare with Reference, drbd.conf and adjust. Remember to use uname -n for name of Node. Set IP Address, watch for Port if you are running other services, as running drbd on port 139 will/would interfere with Samba for example. Also watch for Firewall settings. 4. Copy /etc/drbd.conf to second Node scp /etc/drbd.conf power720-3.hwlab.suse.de:/etc/ 5. Start drbd on both nodes power720-2:# rcdrbd start power720-3:# rcdrbd start 6. Check drbd on both nodes power720-2:# cat /proc/drbd power720-3:# cat /proc/drbd 7. Correct any errors, if in doubt contact rschmid@suse.de 8. Make drbd to be started at every boot on both nodes power720-2:# insserv drbd power720-3:# insserv drbd 9. Make one Node primary drbdsetup /dev/drbd0 primary --do-what-I-say 10. Watch sync watch cat /proc/drbd (abort with CTRL+C) 11. Ready as soon as sync is done, compare output to Reference, drbd.status 12. Create filesystem on Device on Primary node power720-2:# mkfs.reiserfs /dev/drbd0