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D!0I$!8 x'ŒÌČ Ō$ $ŒÌČ! @<840,($ H'<h'!'D䃙&'$ ! .<Ec4C! @/$ !!d#e ''!' !@x$ !( '<>'!pDE <`>'!'ṗD @D  '<>'!` <='!'T(, (' '<='!'p!Td$(,$' !(@ '<@='!'@<840,($ !-$!!XE! >@ !0@4T! @' !@!@,@( "@$ !(`@$$D +R@Db&1&B@+V@+@!@ȇ @<840,($ H'<;'!' <4 $ < ('<@;'!!8!0  $< ;'!\!( $<;'!'0,($ ! !R!@@! ` '"$ @b@s2! 0,($ !8'<@:'!'0,($ ! !!@(R! `@' !0#$ `b@s2! 0,($ !8'<9'!'0,($ ! !!@4R! `@' !0#$ `b@s2! 0,($ !8'<8'!'l$(, $'䇂聙D $!x <$!x 9$!x 6$!x 5$!x 1$!x 0$!x -$!x +$!x *$!x )$!x #$!x $!x $!x $!x $!x $!x $!x $<'!'<\'! ]9'  'applet not found%s Usage: busybox [function] [arguments]... or: [function] [arguments]... BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix utilities into a single executable. Most people will create a link to busybox for each function they wish to use, and BusyBox will act like whatever it was invoked as. Currently defined functions: , zsysctl - configure kernel parameters at runtime Options: -n Use this option to disable printing of the key name when printing values. -w Use this option when you want to change a sysctl setting. -p Load in sysctl settings from the file specified or /etc/sysctl.conf if none given. -a Display all values currently available. -A Display all values currently available in table form.sysctl [-n] variable ... sysctl [-n] -w variable=value ... sysctl [-n] -a sysctl [-n] -p (default /etc/sysctl.conf) sysctl [-n] -A [-fqbDUA] [-c count] [-w timeout] [-I device] [-s sender] target Ping hosts by ARP requests/replies. Options: -f Quit on first ARP reply -q Be quiet -b Keep broadcasting, don't go unicast -D Duplicated address detection mode -U Unsolicited ARP mode, update your neighbours -A ARP answer mode, update your neighbours -c count Stop after sending count ARP request packets -w timeout Time to wait for ARP reply, in seconds -I device Outgoing interface name, default is eth0 -s sender Set specific sender IP address target Target IP address of ARP request[OPTION]... [program-text] [FILE ...] Options: -v var=val assign value 'val' to variable 'var' -F sep use 'sep' as field separator -f progname read program source from file 'progname'FILE [SUFFIX] Strips directory path and suffixes from FILE. If specified, also removes any trailing SUFFIX.[OPTION]... [FILE] Uncompress FILE (or standard input if FILE is '-' or omitted). Options: -c Write output to standard output -f ForceFILE Uncompress to stdout.[-u] [FILE]... Concatenates FILE(s) and prints them to stdout. Options: -u ignored since unbuffered i/o is always used[-R] MODE[,MODE]... FILE... Each MODE is one or more of the letters ugoa, one of the symbols +-= and one or more of the letters rwxst. Options: -R Changes files and directories recursively.NEWROOT [COMMAND...] Run COMMAND with root directory set to NEWROOT. Clear screen.[-l] [-s] FILE1 [FILE2] Compare files. Compares FILE1 vs stdin if FILE2 is not specified. Options: -l Write the byte numbers (decimal) and values (octal) for all differing bytes. -s quiet mode - do not print[OPTION]... SOURCE DEST Copies SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY. -a Same as -dpR -d Preserves links -p Preserves file attributes if possible -f force (implied; ignored) - always set -i interactive, prompt before overwrite -R,-r Copies directories recursively-d[#] -c -f -b -d [#] -l [#] -S -L logfile -f -b -c dir -d num debug level -l num log level (8 - default) -S log to syslogd (default) -L file log to file -f run in fordeground -b run in background (default) -c dir working dir[-c dir] {file|-}|[-u|-l|-e|-d user] file replace crontab from file - replace crontab from stdin -u user specify user -l [user] list crontab for user -e [user] edit crontab for user -d [user] delete crontab for user -c dir specify crontab directory[OPTION]... [FILE]... Prints selected fields from each input FILE to standard output. Options: -b LIST Output only bytes from LIST -c LIST Output only characters from LIST -d CHAR Use CHAR instead of tab as the field delimiter -s Output only the lines containing delimiter -f N Print only these fields -n Ignored[OPTION]... [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]] [+FORMAT] Displays the current time in the given FORMAT, or sets the system date. Options: -R Outputs RFC-822 compliant date string -d STRING Displays time described by STRING, not `now' -I[TIMESPEC] Outputs an ISO-8601 compliant date/time string. TIMESPEC=`date' (or missing) for date only, `hours', `minutes', or `seconds' for date and, time to the indicated precision. -s Sets time described by STRING -r FILE Displays the last modification time of FILE -u Prints or sets Coordinated Universal Time[if=FILE] [of=FILE] [bs=N] [count=N] [skip=N] [seek=N] [conv=notrunc|noerror|sync] Copy a file, converting and formatting according to options if=FILE read from FILE instead of stdin of=FILE write to FILE instead of stdout bs=N read and write N bytes at a time count=N copy only N input blocks skip=N skip N input blocks seek=N skip N output blocks conv=notrunc don't truncate output file conv=noerror continue after read errors conv=sync pad blocks with zeros Numbers may be suffixed by c (x1), w (x2), b (x512), kD (x1000), k (x1024), MD (x1000000), M (x1048576), GD (x1000000000) or G (x1073741824).[-hmk] [FILESYSTEM ...] Print the filesystem space used and space available. Options: -h print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 243M 2G ) -m print sizes in megabytes -k print sizes in kilobytes(default)FILENAME Strips non-directory suffix from FILENAME[-c] [-n LEVEL] [-s SIZE] Prints or controls the kernel ring buffer Options: -c Clears the ring buffer's contents after printing -n LEVEL Sets console logging level -s SIZE Use a buffer of size SIZE[-aHLdclsxhmk] [FILE]... Summarizes disk space used for each FILE and/or directory. Disk space is printed in units of 1024 bytes. Options: -a show sizes of files in addition to directories -H follow symbolic links that are FILE command line args -L follow all symbolic links encountered -d N limit output to directories (and files with -a) of depth < N -c output a grand total -l count sizes many times if hard linked -s display only a total for each argument -x skip directories on different filesystems -h print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 243M 2G ) -m print sizes in megabytes -k print sizes in kilobytes(default)[-neE] [ARG ...] Prints the specified ARGs to stdout Options: -n suppress trailing newline -e interpret backslash-escaped characters (i.e., \t=tab) -E disable interpretation of backslash-escaped characters[-i ] [-p aa:bb:cc:dd[:ee:ff]] 00:11:22:33:44:55 [-i ] [-p aa:bb:cc:dd[:ee:ff]] 00:11:22:33:44:55 Options: -b Send wake-up packet to the broadcast address. -D Increase the debug level. -i ifname Use interface IFNAME instead of the default 'eth0'. -p Append the four or six byte password PW to the packet. A password is only required for a few adapter types. The password may be specified in ethernet hex format or dotted decimal (Internet address) [-iu] [-] [name=value]... [command] Prints the current environment or runs a program after setting up the specified environment. Options: -, -i start with an empty environment -u remove variable from the environmentEXPRESSION Prints the value of EXPRESSION to standard output. EXPRESSION may be: ARG1 | ARG2 ARG1 if it is neither null nor 0, otherwise ARG2 ARG1 & ARG2 ARG1 if neither argument is null or 0, otherwise 0 ARG1 < ARG2 ARG1 is less than ARG2 ARG1 <= ARG2 ARG1 is less than or equal to ARG2 ARG1 = ARG2 ARG1 is equal to ARG2 ARG1 != ARG2 ARG1 is unequal to ARG2 ARG1 >= ARG2 ARG1 is greater than or equal to ARG2 ARG1 > ARG2 ARG1 is greater than ARG2 ARG1 + ARG2 arithmetic sum of ARG1 and ARG2 ARG1 - ARG2 arithmetic difference of ARG1 and ARG2 ARG1 * ARG2 arithmetic product of ARG1 and ARG2 ARG1 / ARG2 arithmetic quotient of ARG1 divided by ARG2 ARG1 % ARG2 arithmetic remainder of ARG1 divided by ARG2 STRING : REGEXP anchored pattern match of REGEXP in STRING match STRING REGEXP same as STRING : REGEXP substr STRING POS LENGTH substring of STRING, POS counted from 1 index STRING CHARS index in STRING where any CHARS is found, or 0 length STRING length of STRING quote TOKEN interpret TOKEN as a string, even if it is a keyword like `match' or an operator like `/' ( EXPRESSION ) value of EXPRESSION Beware that many operators need to be escaped or quoted for shells. Comparisons are arithmetic if both ARGs are numbers, else lexicographical. Pattern matches return the string matched between \( and \) or null; if \( and \) are not used, they return the number of characters matched or 0. Return an exit code of FALSE (1).[PATH...] [EXPRESSION] Search for files in a directory hierarchy. The default PATH is the current directory; default EXPRESSION is '-print' EXPRESSION may consist of: -follow Dereference symbolic links. -name PATTERN File name (leading directories removed) matches PATTERN. -print Print (default and assumed). -type X Filetype matches X (where X is one of: f,d,l,b,c,...) -perm PERMS Permissions match any of (+NNN); all of (-NNN); or exactly (NNN) -mtime TIME Modified time is greater than (+N); less than (-N); or exactly (N) days -newer FILE Modified time is more recent than FILE's -inum N File has inode number N Displays the amount of free and used system memory[options] remote-host local-file remote-file Retrieve a remote file via FTP. Options: -c, --continue Continue a previous transfer -v, --verbose Verbose -u, --username Username to be used -p, --password Password to be used -P, --port Port number to be used[options] remote-host remote-file local-file Store a local file on a remote machine via FTP. Options: -v, --verbose Verbose -u, --username Username to be used -p, --password Password to be used -P, --port Port number to be used[-r|--reset] [DEVICE] Redirects system console output to DEVICE (default: /dev/tty). Options: -r Reset output to /dev/console.[OPTIONS]... Parse command options -a, --alternative Allow long options starting with single - -l, --longoptions=longopts Long options to be recognized -n, --name=progname The name under which errors are reported -o, --options=optstring Short options to be recognized -q, --quiet Disable error reporting by getopt(3) -Q, --quiet-output No normal output -s, --shell=shell Set shell quoting conventions -T, --test Test for getopt(1) version -u, --unquoted Do not quote the output[-ihHnqvs] PATTERN [FILEs...] Search for PATTERN in each FILE or standard input. Options: -H prefix output lines with filename where match was found -h suppress the prefixing filename on output -i ignore case distinctions -l list names of files that match -n print line number with output lines -q be quiet. Returns 0 if result was found, 1 otherwise -v select non-matching lines -s suppress file open/read error messages[OPTION]... FILE Uncompress FILE (or standard input if FILE is '-'). Options: -c Write output to standard output -f Force read when source is a terminal -t Test compressed file integrity[OPTION]... [FILE]... Compress FILE(s) with maximum compression. When FILE is '-' or unspecified, reads standard input. Implies -c. Options: -c Write output to standard output instead of FILE.gz -d Decompress -f Force write when destination is a terminal[OPTION]... [FILE]... Print first 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. Options: -n NUM Print first NUM lines instead of first 10 -c NUM output the first NUM bytes -q never output headers giving file names -v always output headers giving file names[-[bcdefnosvx]] [OPTION] FILE The hexdump utility is a filter which displays the specified files, or the standard input, if no files are specified, in a user specified format -b One-byte octal display -c One-byte character display -d Two-byte decimal display -e FORMAT STRING -f FORMAT FILE -n LENGTH Interpret only length bytes of input -o Two-byte octal display -s OFFSET Skip offset byte -v display all input data -x Two-byte hexadecimal display Print out a unique 32-bit identifier for the machine.[OPTION] {hostname | -F FILE} Get or set the hostname or DNS domain name. If a hostname is given (or FILE with the -F parameter), the host name will be set. Options: -s Short -i Addresses for the hostname -d DNS domain name -f Fully qualified domain name -F FILE Use the contents of FILE to specify the hostname[OPTIONS]... [USERNAME] Print information for USERNAME or the current user Options: -g prints only the group ID -u prints only the user ID -n print a name instead of a number -r prints the real user ID instead of the effective ID[-a] [
] configure a network interface Options: [[-]broadcast [
]] [[-]pointopoint [
]] [netmask
] [dstaddr
] [hw ether
] [metric ] [mtu ] [[-]trailers] [[-]arp] [[-]allmulti] [multicast] [[-]promisc] [txqueuelen ] [[-]dynamic] [up|down] ... Init is the parent of all processes.[OPTION]... MODULE [symbol=value]... Loads the specified kernel modules into the kernel. Options: -f Force module to load into the wrong kernel version. -k Make module autoclean-able. -v verbose output -q quiet output -L Lock to prevent simultaneous loads of a module -o NAME Set internal module name to NAME -x do not export externs[-cgmops] [sources] Copies files and set attributes Options: -c copy the file, default -d create directories -g set group ownership -m set permission modes -o set ownership -p preserve date -s strip symbol tables[ OPTIONS ] { address | link | route | tunnel } { COMMAND | help } ip [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help } where OBJECT := { link | addr | route | tunnel } OPTIONS := { -f[amily] { inet | inet6 | link } | -o[neline] }[-signal] process-id [process-id ...] Send a signal (default is SIGTERM) to the specified process(es). Options: -l List all signal names and numbers.[-q] [-signal] process-name [process-name ...] Send a signal (default is SIGTERM) to the specified process(es). Options: -l List all signal names and numbers. -q Do not complain if no processes were killed.[-c n] [-n] Kernel logger. Options: -c n Sets the default log level of console messages to n. -n Run as a foreground process.[OPTION] TARGET... LINK_NAME|DIRECTORY Create a link named LINK_NAME or DIRECTORY to the specified TARGET You may use '--' to indicate that all following arguments are non-options. Options: -s make symbolic links instead of hard links -f remove existing destination files -n no dereference symlinks - treat like normal file[OPTION]... [MESSAGE] Write MESSAGE to the system log. If MESSAGE is omitted, log stdin. Options: -s Log to stderr as well as the system log. -t TAG Log using the specified tag (defaults to user name). -p PRIORITY Enter the message with the specified priority. This may be numerical or a ``facility.level'' pair.[OPTION]... [username] [ENV=VAR ...] Begin a new session on the system Options: -f Do not authenticate (user already authenticated) -h Name of the remote host for this login. -p Preserve environment. Print the name of the current user.[OPTION]... Shows the messages from syslogd (using circular buffer). Options: -f output data as the log grows[-1AacCdeFilnpLRrSsTtuvwxXhk] [filenames...] List directory contents Options: -1 list files in a single column -A do not list implied . and .. -a do not hide entries starting with . -C list entries by columns -c with -l: show ctime -d list directory entries instead of contents -e list both full date and full time -F append indicator (one of */=@|) to entries -i list the i-node for each file -l use a long listing format -n list numeric UIDs and GIDs instead of names -p append indicator (one of /=@|) to entries -L list entries pointed to by symbolic links -R list subdirectories recursively -r sort the listing in reverse order -S sort the listing by file size -s list the size of each file, in blocks -T NUM assume Tabstop every NUM columns -t with -l: show modification time -u with -l: show access time -v sort the listing by version -w NUM assume the terminal is NUM columns wide -x list entries by lines instead of by columns -X sort the listing by extension -h print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 243M 2G ) List the currently loaded kernel modules.[OPTION] [FILEs...] or: md5sum [OPTION] -c [FILE] Print or check MD5 checksums. Options: With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. -c check MD5 sums against given list The following two options are useful only when verifying checksums: -s don't output anything, status code shows success -w warn about improperly formated MD5 checksum lines[OPTION] DIRECTORY... Create the DIRECTORY(ies) if they do not already exist Options: -m set permission mode (as in chmod), not rwxrwxrwx - umask -p no error if existing, make parent directories as needed[OPTIONS] name Creates a named pipe (identical to 'mknod name p') Options: -m create the pipe using the specified mode (default a=rw)[OPTIONS] NAME TYPE MAJOR MINOR Create a special file (block, character, or pipe). Options: -m create the special file using the specified mode (default a=rw) TYPEs include: b: Make a block (buffered) device. c or u: Make a character (un-buffered) device. p: Make a named pipe. MAJOR and MINOR are ignored for named pipes.[-knqrsv] [MODULE ...] Used for high level module loading and unloading. Options: -k Make module autoclean-able. -n Just show what would be done. -q Quiet output. -r Remove module (stacks) or do autoclean. -s Report via syslog instead of stderr. -v Verbose output.[FILE ...] More is a filter for viewing FILE one screenful at a time.[flags] DEVICE NODE [-o options,more-options] Mount a filesystem. Autodetection of filesystem type requires the /proc filesystem be already mounted. Flags: -a: Mount all filesystems in fstab. -o option: One of many filesystem options, listed below. -r: Mount the filesystem read-only. -t fs-type: Specify the filesystem type. -w: Mount for reading and writing (default). Options for use with the "-o" flag: async/sync: Writes are asynchronous / synchronous. atime/noatime: Enable / disable updates to inode access times. dev/nodev: Allow use of special device files / disallow them. exec/noexec: Allow use of executable files / disallow them. suid/nosuid: Allow set-user-id-root programs / disallow them. remount: Re-mount a mounted filesystem, changing its flags. ro/rw: Mount for read-only / read-write. bind: Use the linux 2.4.x "bind" feature. There are EVEN MORE flags that are specific to each filesystem. You'll have to see the written documentation for those filesystems.[OPTION]... SOURCE DEST or: mv [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY Rename SOURCE to DEST, or move SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY. Options: -f don't prompt before overwriting -i interactive, prompt before overwrite[OPTIONS] [IP] [port] Netcat opens a pipe to IP:port Options: -l listen mode, for inbound connects -p PORT local port number -i SECS delay interval for lines sent -e PROG program to exec after connect (dangerous!)[-laenrtuwx] Netstat displays Linux networking information. Options: -l display listening server sockets -a display all sockets (default: connected) -e display other/more information -n don't resolve names -r display routing table -t tcp sockets -u udp sockets -w raw sockets -x unix sockets[HOST] [SERVER] Queries the nameserver for the IP address of the given HOST optionally using a specified DNS server[-aBbcDdeFfHhIiLlOovXx] [FILE] Write an unambiguous representation, octal bytes by default, of FILE to standard output. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.[OPTION] [name] Change a user password. If no name is specified, changes the password for the current user. Options: -a Define which algorithm shall be used for the password. (Choices: des, md5) -d Delete the password for the specified user account. -l Locks (disables) the specified user account. -u Unlocks (re-enables) the specified user account.process-name [OPTION] [process-name ...] Lists the PIDs of all processes with names that match the names on the command line. Options: -s display only a single PID.[OPTION]... host Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts. Options: -c COUNT Send only COUNT pings. -s SIZE Send SIZE data bytes in packets (default=56). -q Quiet mode, only displays output at start and when finished.NEW_ROOT PUT_OLD Move the current root file system to PUT_OLD and make NEW_ROOT the new root file system.FORMAT [ARGUMENT...] Formats and prints ARGUMENT(s) according to FORMAT, Where FORMAT controls the output exactly as in C printf. Report process status This version of ps accepts no options. Print the full filename of the current working directory.[-sp] HOST Get and possibly set the system date and time from a remote HOST. Options: -s Set the system date and time (default). -p Print the date and time.pathname ... Returns the absolute pathnames of given argument.[-d] Reboot the system. Options: -d delay interval for rebooting. Resets the screen.[OPTION]... FILE... Remove (unlink) the FILE(s). You may use '--' to indicate that all following arguments are non-options. Options: -i always prompt before removing each destination -f remove existing destinations, never prompt -r or -R remove the contents of directories recursively[OPTION]... DIRECTORY... Remove the DIRECTORY(ies), if they are empty.[OPTION]... [MODULE]... Unloads the specified kernel modules from the kernel. Options: -a Remove all unused modules (recursively)[{add|del|delete}] Edit the kernel's routing tables. Options: -n Dont resolve names. -e Display other/more information. -A inet Select address family.[-efinr] pattern [files...] Options: -e script add the script to the commands to be executed -f scriptfile add script-file contents to the commands to be executed -i edit files in-place -n suppress automatic printing of pattern space -r use extended regular expression syntax If no -e or -f is given, the first non-option argument is taken as the sed script to interpret. All remaining arguments are names of input files; if no input files are specified, then the standard input is read. Source files will not be modified unless -i option is given.[N]... Pause for a time equal to the total of the args given, where each arg can have an optional suffix of (s)econds, (m)inutes, (h)ours, or (d)ays.[-n] [FILE]... Sorts lines of text in the specified files Options: -n sort numerics[-afo] [-n length] [file ... ] Display printable strings in a binary file. Options: -a Scan the whole files (this is the default). -f Precede each string with the name of the file where it was found. -n N Specifies that at least N characters forms a sequence (default 4) -o Each string is preceded by its decimal offset in the file.[-a|g] [-F DEVICE] [SETTING]... Without arguments, prints baud rate, line discipline, and deviations from stty sane. Options: -F DEVICE open device instead of stdin -a print all current settings in human-readable form -g print in stty-readable form [SETTING] see manpage[OPTIONS]... [VALUE]... [OPTION]... Linux system and kernel logging utility. Note that this version of syslogd ignores /etc/syslog.conf. Options: -m MIN Minutes between MARK lines (default=20, 0=off) -n Run as a foreground process -O FILE Use an alternate log file (default=/var/log/messages) -S Make logging output smaller. -R HOST[:PORT] Log to IP or hostname on PORT (default PORT=514/UDP) -L Log locally and via network logging (default is network only) -C [size(KiB)] Log to a circular buffer (read the buffer using logread)[OPTION]... [FILE]... Print last 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. Options: -c N[kbm] output the last N bytes -n N[kbm] print last N lines instead of last 10 -f output data as the file grows -q never output headers giving file names -s SEC wait SEC seconds between reads with -f -v always output headers giving file names If the first character of N (bytes or lines) is a '+', output begins with the Nth item from the start of each file, otherwise, print the last N items in the file. N bytes may be suffixed by k (x1024), b (x512), or m (1024^2).-[czjxtvO] [-f TARFILE] [-C DIR] [FILE(s)] ... Create, extract, or list files from a tar file. Options: c create x extract t list Archive format selection: z Filter the archive through gzip j Filter the archive through bzip2 File selection: f name of TARFILE or "-" for stdin O extract to stdout C change to directory DIR before operation v verbosely list files processed[OPTION]... [FILE]... Copy standard input to each FILE, and also to standard output. Options: -a append to the given FILEs, do not overwrite -i ignore interrupt signals (SIGINT)[OPTION] Telnetd listens for incoming TELNET connections on PORT. Options: -p PORT listen for connections on PORT (default 23) -l LOGIN exec LOGIN on connect (default /bin/sh) -f issue_file Display issue_file instead of /etc/issue.EXPRESSION or [ EXPRESSION ] Checks file types and compares values returning an exit code determined by the value of EXPRESSION.[OPTION]... HOST [PORT] Transfers a file from/to a tftp server using "octet" mode. Options: -l FILE Local FILE. -r FILE Remote FILE. -g Get file. -p Put file. -b SIZE Transfer blocks of SIZE octets.[OPTION]... COMMAND [ARGS...] Runs the program COMMAND with arguments ARGS. When COMMAND finishes, COMMAND's resource usage information is displayed Options: -v Displays verbose resource usage information.[-d ] top provides an view of processor activity in real time. This utility reads the status for all processes in /proc each and shows the status for however many processes will fit on the screen. This utility will not show processes that are started after program startup, but it will show the EXIT status for and PIDs that exit while it is running.[-c] FILE [FILE ...] Update the last-modified date on the given FILE[s]. Options: -c Do not create any files[-cds] STRING1 [STRING2] Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters from standard input, writing to standard output. Options: -c take complement of STRING1 -d delete input characters coded STRING1 -s squeeze multiple output characters of STRING2 into one character[-dnrv] [-m max_ttl] [-p port#] [-q nqueries] [-s src_addr] [-t tos] [-w wait] host [data size] trace the route ip packets follow going to "host" Options: -d set SO_DEBUG options to socket -n Print hop addresses numerically rather than symbolically -r Bypass the normal routing tables and send directly to a host -v Verbose output -m max_ttl Set the max time-to-live (max number of hops) -p port# Set the base UDP port number used in probes (default is 33434) -q nqueries Set the number of probes per ``ttl'' to nqueries (default is 3) -s src_addr Use the following IP address as the source address -t tos Set the type-of-service in probe packets to the following value (default 0) -w wait Set the time (in seconds) to wait for a response to a probe (default 3 sec.). Return an exit code of TRUE (0).[flags] FILESYSTEM|DIRECTORY Unmount file systems Flags: -a Unmount all file systems -r Try to remount devices as read-only if mount is busy -f Force umount (i.e., unreachable NFS server)[OPTION]... Print certain system information. With no OPTION, same as -s. Options: -a print all information -m the machine (hardware) type -n print the machine's network node hostname -r print the operating system release -s print the operating system name -p print the host processor type -v print the operating system version[OPTION]... [INPUT [OUTPUT]] Discard all but one of successive identical lines from INPUT (or standard input), writing to OUTPUT (or standard output). Options: -c prefix lines by the number of occurrences -d only print duplicate lines -u only print unique lines -f N skip the first N fields -s N skip the first N chars (after any skipped fields)[-opts[modifiers]] file[.zip] [list] [-x xlist] [-d exdir] Extracts files from ZIP archives. Options: -l list archive contents (short form) -n never overwrite existing files (default) -o overwrite files without prompting -p send output to stdout -q be quiet -x exclude these files -d extract files into this directory Display the time since the last boot.N Pause for N microseconds.[FILE]... Uudecode a file that is uuencoded. Options: -o FILE direct output to FILE[OPTION] [INFILE] REMOTEFILE Uuencode a file. Options: -m use base64 encoding per RFC1521COMMAND [OPTIONS] ... vconfig lets you create and remove virtual ethernet devices. Options: add [interface-name] [vlan_id] rem [vlan-name] set_flag [interface-name] [flag-num] [0 | 1] set_egress_map [vlan-name] [skb_priority] [vlan_qos] set_ingress_map [vlan-name] [skb_priority] [vlan_qos] set_name_type [name-type][OPTION] [FILE]... edit FILE. Options: -R Read-only- do not write to the file.[OPTION]... [FILE]... Print line, word, and byte counts for each FILE, and a total line if more than one FILE is specified. With no FILE, read standard input. Options: -c print the byte counts -l print the newline counts -L print the length of the longest line -w print the word counts[-c|--continue] [-q|--quiet] [-O|--output-document file] [--header 'header: value'] [-Y|--proxy on/off] [-P DIR] url wget retrieves files via HTTP or FTP Options: -c continue retrieval of aborted transfers -q quiet mode - do not print -P Set directory prefix to DIR -O save to filename ('-' for stdout) -Y use proxy ('on' or 'off')[COMMAND ...] Locates a COMMAND.[COMMAND] [OPTIONS] [ARGS...] Executes COMMAND on every item given by standard input. Options: -p Prompt the user about whether to run each command -r Do not run command for empty readed lines -x Exit if the size is exceeded -0 Input filenames are terminated by a null character -t Print the command line on stderr before executing it.[OPTION]... [STRING]... Repeatedly outputs a line with all specified STRING(s), or 'y'.FILE Uncompress to stdout.[arpingashawkbasenamebunzip2busyboxbzcatcatchmodchrootclearcmpcpcrondcrontabcutdatedfdirnamedmesgduechoegrepetherwakeenvexprfalsefgrepfindfreeftpgetftpputgetconsgetoptgrepgunzipgzipheadhexdumphostidhostnameifconfiginitinsmodinstallkillkillallklogdlnloggerloginlognamelogreadlslsmodmd5summkdirmkfifomknodmodprobemoremountmvncnetstatnslookuppasswdpidofpingpivot_rootprintfpspwdrdaterealpathrebootresetrmrmdirrmmodroutesedsleepsortstringssttysysctlsyslogdtailtarteetelnetdtesttftptoptouchtraceroutetrueumountunameuniqunzipuptimeusleepuudecodeuuencodevconfigviwcwgetwhichxargsyeszcat%s Usage: %s %s %s No help available. --helpThis applet requires root priviledges!cfcompressed data not read from terminal. Use -f to force it..bz2Invalid extensionCouldn't remove %scftdCouldn't stat file %s/dev/null.gz.tgzError inflatingInvalid magic      cf123456789dqcompressed data not written to a terminal. Use -f to force compression.txC:f:OpvkchjT:X:z%0*lo%s: socket ignored%s: file is the archive; skippingRemoving leading '/' from member namesustar root%s: Unknown file type%s: Cannot openCouldnt stat tar fileFailed to create gzip pipe/bin/gzip-fCould not exec gzip processFailed to vfork gzip processError exit delayed from previous errorsCouldnt wait ?-%sc~tx:t~cx:x~ct:X*:T*Cowardly refusing to create an empty archiveCouldnt chdir to %sCreating bzip2 compressed archives is not currently supported.%s: Not found in archive inflating: %s %9u %02u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u %s lnopqd:Archive: %s Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ----Couldnt chdirInvlaide zip magicUnsupported compression method %d Invalid compressed data--crc errorInvalid compressed data--length error -------- -------%9d %d files |@@@@@@@@<@@@X@d@p@Couldnt remove old fileCouldnt stat old file%s not created: newer or same age file existsCouldnt remove old file %sCouldnt create hard linkextract_archive: %sCannot create symlink from %s to '%s'Cannot create node %sUnrecognised file type%s %d/%d%10u %4u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u %s -> %sShort readData integrity error when decompressing.Compressed file ends unexpectedlyDecompression failedUnknown compression method %d??       !1Aa  0@`cc #+3;CScsinflate_codes error 1inflate_codes error 2Incomplete literal treeincomplete distance treebad block type %d inflate error %dwritecrc errorIncorrect lengthustarInvalid tar magicInvalid tar header checksumpax is not tarIgnoring GNU extension type %cUnknown typeflag: 0x%xInvalid gzip magicSeek failureCan't create pipeFork failedinvalid mode: %scannot change root directory to %sSHELL-icannot execute %scmp: EOF on %s %.0s%.0s%d %3o %3o %s %s differ: char %d, line %d slpdRfiarb:c:f:d:snb~bcf:c~bcf:f~bcfyou must specify a list of bytes, characters, or fieldsonly one type of list may be specifiedHelp ntok is null for starting position! What do I do? invalid byte or field listmissing list of positionsthe delimiter must be a single charactersuppressing non-delimited lines makes sense only when operating on fieldsa delimiter may be specified only when operating on fieldsd~ds:s~dsRs:ud:r:I::TZ=UTC0hoursminutessecondsFile '%s' not found. %d:%d:%d%d.%d-%d:%d:%d%d.%d-%d:%d%d.%d.%d-%d:%d:%d%d.%d.%d-%d:%d%2d%2d%2d%2d%d%2dcannot set date%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%z%Y-%m-%dT%HZ%Y-%m-%dT%H%z%Y-%m-%d%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y%f%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%SkDMDGDbs=count=seek=skip=if=of=conv=notruncsyncnoerrorinvalid conversion `%s'%ld+%ld records in %ld+%ld records out 1k-blocks%s: can't find mount point.rootfs/dev/root%-21s%9s %9s %9s %3ld%% %s h-km:k-hm:m-hkhmk Size1M-blocksFilesystem%11s%-15sUsed Available Use%% Mounted on %s %s POSIXLY_CORRECTh-km:k-hm:m-hk:H-L:L-H:s-d:d-saHkLsxd:lchmtotalneEignore-environmentunsetu*+iu:putenvnon-numeric argumentdivision by zerowarning: unportable BRE: `%s': using `^' as the first character of a basic regular expression is not portable; it is being ignored&too few argumentssyntax errorquotematchindexsubstr(*+<===!=>=> ==> %s <== n:c:qv%lx %cid=%u%cid=%u(%s)u~g:g~urnug%u directorypreserve-timestampsstripgroupowners~d:d~s-10755cdpsg:m:o:coulnt create %scannot change ownership of %scannot change permissions of %sstrip failedsfngetlogin @` 0@!`P` Cadil1gnsxAkcetuSXrvFpLRhT:w:|/@=%7ld %4ld %-10s %-8.8s %-8.8s%-8d %-8d%4d, %3d %9ld %24.24s %6.6s %5.5s %4.4s -> %1c%s: %02xscwthe -s option is meaningful only when verifying checksumsthe -w option is meaningful only when verifying checksumsonly one argument may be specified when using -cInvalid format%s: OK %s: FAILED WARNING: %d of %d computed checksums did NOT matchCouldnt close file %s%s %s parentsm:pinvalid mode `%s' `pcubcannot overwrite %sdirectory with %sdirectorynon-cannot remove `%s'interactiveforcef-i:i-ffimv: overwrite `%s'? unable to rename `%s'  aBbcDdeFfHhIiLlOoXxv16/1 "%3_u " "\n"4/4 " %010u " "\n"2/8 " %21.14e " "\n"4/4 " %14.7e " "\n"4/4 " %08x " "\n"4/4 " %11d " "\n"8/2 " %6d " "\n"4/4 " %011o " "\n""%07.7_Ao ""%07.7_ao "" ""%07.7_ao " 8/2 "%06o " "\n"-+ #fiRrcannot remove `.' or `..'nruBintrquiteraseeol2startstopsusprprntweraselnextflushparenbparoddcs5cs6cs7cs8hupclhupcstopbcreadclocalcrtsctsignbrkbrkintignparparmrkinpckistripinlcrigncricrnlixonixofftandemiuclcixanyimaxbelopostolcucocrnlonlcronocronlretofillofdelnl1nl0cr3cr2cr1cr0tab3tab2tab1tab0bs1bs0vt1vt0ff1ff0isigicanoniextenechoecrteraseechokechonlnoflshxcasetostopechoprtprteraseechoctlctlechoechokecrtkillrows %d; columns %d;%d %d COLUMNS%s = %s;min = %d; time = %d;min = %d; time = %d; %lx:%lx:%lx:%lx:%xonly one device may be specifiedagF:verbose and stty-readable output styles are mutually exclusivemodes may not be set when specifying an output style%s: couldn't reset non-blocking modemissing argument to `%s'^-undefispeedospeedrowscolscolumnssizespeed%lx:%lx:%lx:%lx%n:%x%ninvalid argument `%s'%s: unable to perform all requested operationstimeminswtcheoleofdeccrtLCASElcasetabsdecctlqcbreaklitoutpass8rawcookedsaneeknloddpparityevenp %s%s: no size information for this device%lu %lu ispeed %lu baud; ospeed %lu baud;%lu speed %lu baud; ==> %s <== fn:c:qs:vreadno filesiawa-r-w-x-e-d-c-b-p-u-g-k-t-z-n-h-O-G-L-S-eq-ne-ge-gt-le-lt-nt-ot-ef-a-o%s: out of range%s: bad numberargument expectedclosing paren expectedmissing ]unknown operandAAdAAAAA A A AA,AtAAAAtAAAA|AAAAAAA|A(A|AAA A|A|A|A4ATAHATAhAA<ASTRING2 cannot be emptyAsnrvmpacannot get system namef:s:cdu%7d endLine too longShort fileABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/= begin begin-base64 No `begin' lineABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=`!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`-base64begin%s %o %s ` end ==== sourcestatNULLtotal %7u %s lwcL %s/dev/tty/dev/consoleopenioctl TIOCCONSc(K[?25hPATH/bin/sbin/usr/bin/usr/sbin/usr/local/bin%.6g%.6g CONVFMTOFMTFS*OFSORSRS*RTFILENAMESUBSEPARGINDARGCARGVERRNOFNRNRNF*IGNORECASE*ENVIRON$*Invalid format specifier?Unexpected tokenUnexpected end of stringDivision by zeroMath support is not compiled inCall to undefined functionPossible syntax errorNot an arrayToo few arguments for builtinInternal error()/>>>|++--++--$===+=-=*=/=%=^=+-**=**/%^*!=>=<=><!~~&&||?:in,|+-!]{}; ifdoforbreakcontinuedeleteprintprintfnextnextfilereturnexitwhileelseclosesystemfflushatan2cosexpintlograndsinsqrtsrandgensubgsubindexlengthmatchsplitsprintfsubsubstrsystimestrftimetolowertouppergetlinefuncfunctionBEGINENDA,AAAA(~A}AAAAAA|A(AAA܎AAAAA|AAAAAAxAAA(AA`AAЃAAAA`AAAA A A A A A@AhAAApAA8AAHAXAA`AAAAAHA(AAAAAADAAlAAA/dev/stdin/dev/stdout/dev/stderr%s:%i: %sdiouxXeEfgGpopen%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %YRSTARTRLENGTHWarning: unrecognized option '-W %s' ignored F:v:f:W:cmd. line?AAAsed: Filename required for -i XXXXXX; unterminated match expressionEmpty filename get_address: no address found in string missing commandbad option in substitution expressionaiconly a beginning address can be specified for edit commandsrwCommand only uses one address:btdDgGhHlnNpPqx={}Unsupported command %cWrite failed. Unterminated {No previous regexp.Can't find label for jump to `%s'--versionThis is not GNU sed version 4.0irne:f:bad format in substitution expressionAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA|A4AAAAAAAAAAA,AAAAhAAhAAAAtAA~hCRcdy><^%$0bBeEftH-k{L+j} invalid argument `%s' to `%s'option `%s' requires an argumentgBgBgBhBgBhBhBhBhBhBgBhBhBhBgBhBhBgB-follow-print-name-type-perm-mtime-xdevcould not stat '.'could not stat '%s'-newerfile %s not found-inum%s%c%i%cH-h:e*:f*:C-ABlnqvscFiHhe:f:LA:B:CEinvalid context length argument%s:%s: exited with status 255; aborting%s: stopped by signal %d%s: terminated by signal %dvforkargument line too longsingledoubleunmatched %s quote+trn:s:e::px0can not fit single argument within argument list size limitargument list too long ?.../sbin/reboot/bin/umount -a -r/sbin/init/dev/vc/2/dev/vc/3/dev/vc/4/etc/init.d/rcS/dev/Bad inittab entry: %sHOME=/PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbinSHELL=/bin/shUSER=rootsysinitrespawnaskfirstwaitoncectrlaltdelshutdownrestartdevice '%s' does not exist.Bummer, can't open %sCan't fork!~`!$^&*()=|\{}[];"'<>?exec Starting pid %d, console %s: '%s'Bummer, could not run '%s': %mThe system is going down NOW !!Sending SIGTERM to all processes.Sending SIGKILL to all processes.Please stand by while rebooting the system.The system is halted. Press Reset or turn off powerexec of '%s' failed: %mMemory allocation failure/etc/inittabReloading /etc/inittab-qCONSOLEconsole/dev/tts/%d/dev/vc/%d/dev/vc/0TERMlinuxTERM=vt102TERM=linuxinit started: %sError checking free memorySorry, your computer does not have enough memory.Process '%s' (pid %d) exited. Scheduling it for restart. Please press Enter to activate this console. d:/var/spool/cron/crontabssunmontuewedthufrisatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatjanfebmaraprmayjunjulaugsepoctnovdecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecIfailed user %s parsing %s IMaximum number of lines reached for user %s cron.updateunable to find %s ignoring %s Unable to open current dir! f-b:b-f:S-L:L-Sl:L:fbSc:daemon %s 2.3.2 dillon, started, log level %d Itime disparity of %d minutes detected  process already running: %s %s couldn't fork, user %s failed to get uid for %sUSERHOME %s for user %s chdir failed: %s: %m/var/spool/cronunable to exec, user %s cmd %s -c %s USER %s pid %3d cmd %s failed to get uid for %schdir failed: %s %suser %s unknownonly the superuser may specify a user-c option: superuser onlygetpwuidpipeforkunable to open %sunable to read replacement filecannot change dir to %sno crontab for %s/var/spool/cron/crontab.%dVISUAL/bin/viexecunable to create %s%s.newunable to create %s/%sunable to append to %s/%s%s: afon:{%s}: %7lo real %E user %u sys %Treal %e user %U sys %S Command being timed: "%C" User time (seconds): %U System time (seconds): %S Percent of CPU this job got: %P Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): %E Average shared text size (kbytes): %X Average unshared data size (kbytes): %D Average stack size (kbytes): %p Average total size (kbytes): %K Maximum resident set size (kbytes): %M Average resident set size (kbytes): %t Major (requiring I/O) page faults: %F Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: %R Voluntary context switches: %w Involuntary context switches: %c Swaps: %W File system inputs: %I File system outputs: %O Socket messages sent: %s Socket messages received: %r Signals delivered: %k Page size (bytes): %Z Exit status: %xcannot forkcannot run %serror waiting for child processCommand stopped by signal %d Command terminated by signal %d Command exited with non-zero status %d %ldm %ld.%02lds%ld%lu%%?%%%ld.%02ld%ldh %ldm %02ldswrite error$Id: insmod.c,v 1.118 2004/05/26 11:38:46 andersen Exp $$Id: insmod.c,v 1.118 2004/05/26 11:38:46 andersen Exp $ PBBBBB1.port must be >0.nprobes must be >0.tos must be 0 to 255.wait must be >1 sec.dm:np:q:rs:t:w:vpacket size must be 0 <= s < %d.SO_SNDBUFIP_HDRINCLunknown host %straceroute to %s (%s) from %s, %d hops max, %d byte packets %2d traceroute: wrote %s %d chars, ret=%d %s (%s) %g ms ! !N !H !P !F !S *@@CԺCԺCԺCԺCԺCԺCԺCԺC@CxCԺCC̹CCCCԺCCPCCCCXCCCVLAN_PLUS_VIDVLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PADDEV_PLUS_VIDDEV_PLUS_VID_NO_PADaddremset_name_type set_flagset_egress_mapset_ingress_map/proc/net/vlan/configopen %sif_name >= %d chars socket or ioctl error for %squietpassive-ftpoutput-documentheaderdirectory-prefixABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/buffer overflowhttp://httpftp://tfpnot an http or ftp url: %sfdopen()bad header line: %s%s%s %-20.20s %3d%% **********************************************************************************************************************************************************|%.*s%*s| %5d %c%c - stalled - --:-- ETA%2d:%02d:%02d ETA*cqO::P:Y:extra_headers buffer too small(need %i)ftp_proxyhttp_proxyindex.htmlcannot specify continue (-c) without a filename (-O)too many redirectionshtGET %stp://%s:%d/%s HTTP/1.1 GET /%s HTTP/1.1 Host: %s User-Agent: Wget Authorization: Basic %s Proxy-Authorization: Basic %s Range: bytes=%ld- Connection: close no response from serverserver returned error %d: %stransfer-encodingcontent-length %s is garbagechunkedserver wants to do %s transfer encodingcontent-lengthanonymous:busybox@ftp login: %sCDUPSIZE /SIZE value is garbagePASV: %sRETR /RETR: %snetwork read error KMGTPY@.A-familyinet6invalid protocol family-4-6-0-oneline\defaultany"%s" may be inet address, but it is not allowed in this context.an inet address is expected rather than "%s".an IP address is expected rather than "%s"Command line is not complete. Try option "help"argument "%s" is wrong: %sduplicate "%s": "%s" is the second value.either "%s" is duplicate, or "%s" is a garbage./proc/net/psched%*08x%*08x%08x%08xbuffersused%6s%13ld%13ld%13ld%13ld%13ld Mem:%6s%13ld%13ld%13ld Swap:Total:%6s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s shared%2d) %-16sbad signal name '%s'Bad PID '%s'Could not kill pid '%d'%s: no process killedCould not kill pid '%ld'%s%ld PID Uid VmSize Stat Command%5d %-8s %s %5d %-8s %6ld %s [%s] error: Unknown parameter '%s' /proc/sys//etc/sysctl.confwarning: %s(%d): invalid syntax, continuing... error: unable to open preload file '%s' error: unable to open directory '%s' error: unknown error %d setting key '%s' error: permission denied on key '%s' error: '%s' is an unknown key error: Malformed setting '%s' error: '%s' must be of the form name=value error: unknown error %d reading key '%s' %s%.*s = ?/procchdir('/proc')scandir('/proc')/proc not be mounted?cpu %lu %lu %lu %lumeminfoMemTotal: %lu %s Mem: %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %luMemFree: %lu %s MemShared: %lu %s Buffers: %lu %s Cached: %lu %s loadavg%f %f %ffailed to read '%s'Mem: %ldK used, %ldK free, %ldK shrd, %ldK buff, %ldK cached Load average: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f (State: S=sleeping R=running, W=waiting)  PID USER STATUS RSS PPID %%CPU %%MEM COMMAND %6ldM%7ld%5d %-8s %s %s %5d %2d.%d %2u.%u %d day%s, %2d:%02d, %d min, load average: %ld.%02ld, %ld.%02ld, %ld.%02ld %02d:%02d:%02d up Login timed out after %d seconds. -f permission deniedf:h:p on `%.100s' from `%.200s' on `%.100s'Login incorrectinvalid password for `%s'%s System closed for routine maintenance. [Disconnect bypassed -- root login allowed.] /dev/%sunable to determine TTY name, got %s root login %s @des%s: %s %s-%s+%s:%s%sa:dluUnknown user %s can't change pwd for `%s'Permission denied. password locked for `%s'The password for `%s' cannot be changed. Changing password for %s Old password:incorrect password for `%s'Incorrect password. Enter the new password (minimum of 5, maximum of 8 characters) Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers. Enter new password: Warning: weak password (continuing).Re-enter new password: Passwords do not match. $1$The password for %s is unchanged. can't setuid(0)Cannot change ID to root. an error occurred updating the password fileAn error occurred updating the password file. password for `%s' changed by user `%s'Password changed.PS1=$ PS2=> PS4=+ eerrexitfnoglobIignoreeofiinteractivemmonitornnoexecsstdinxxtracevverboseCnoclobberaallexportbnotifyunounsetqquietprofileend of file);;`dodoneelifelseesacfithen}3.3:6alias2bg3break2cd0chdir3continue3eval3exec3exit7export2false2fg0hash0help2jobs2kill0let4local0pwd2read7readonly3return3set3shift3times3trap2true0type0ulimit2umask2unalias3unset2waittime(seconds)file(blocks)data(kbytes)stack(kbytes)coredump(blocks)memory(kbytes)locked memory(kbytes)nofilesvmemory(kbytes)builtinsh: turning off NDELAY mode You have stopped jobs. %s: %d: %d: %mCan't open %sOut of file descriptorsCannot set tty process group (%m)}%%##${#${"}$(...)"$(...)"$(()) | ; && || if ; then ; else ; fiwhile until ; do ; done in () { ... }<<...case ) ;; esac>|>>>&<&<>Illegal option -%cNo arg for -%c option%s: %s not found unaliasLPNo such job: %sNo current jobNo previous job%s: ambiguousjob %s not created under job controlcan't shift that manyparameter not set or null%.*s: %s%s | %sCurrent option settings %-16s%s Illegal option -o %s%s=%s Usage: kill [-s sigspec | -signum | -sigspec] [pid | job]... or kill -l [exitstatus]invalid signal number or name: %sls:invalid signal number or exit status: %s%m (core dumped)Done(%d)Done[%d] [%d] Running%s%*c%s | %*c%d %lldSyntax error: %s%s unexpected (expecting %s)Bad fd numberIllegal eof marker for << redirectionMissing '))'Unterminated quoted stringMissing '}'Bad substitutionEOF in backquote substitutionBad for loop variableBad function namecan't access tty; job control turned off BusyBox v1.00 (2005.06.01-21:22+0000) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. trap -- %s %s %s: bad trapCannot fork Built-in commands: ------------------- %c%s%.*s: is read only%.*s: bad variable nameOLDPWDPWDCDPATHcan't cd to %s%s%s%.*s%s vf%ldm%ld.%.3lds%cp:rarg countIFS%.4o Illegal mode: %sunlimited %lld HSatfdscmlpnvwtoo many arguments%-20s error setting limit (%m)exponent less than 0divide by zeroexpression recursion loop detectedexpression expectedPipe call failedDirectory nonexistentcannot create %s: %sNo such filecannot open %s: %s Use "exit" to leave shell. PS1=\w \$ PPID-c requires an argument/etc/profile.profileENV%builtinfunc%s not defined in %s is a shell keyword is an alias for %s a tracked alias for is%s %s is a shell functionspecial is a %sshell builtin: not found PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/binIFS= newlineredirectionword;&&&|||(!caseforifinuntilwhile{       ()&|;@=Illegal number: %s%s: not found   %s <<=>>=<< >>,||&&!=*<=k>=K== |=B&="*=/=#%=C+=-=--3^=b++**/!0< >+=|& */.%N+ --^~,?:$)4(HOME !"$&'()*-/:;<=>?[\]`|}~   ^D8^D^D^D^D^D^D^D^D^D^DX^D^D^D^D^D_D_D_D_D_D_D_D_D_D8_D`DD`Dl`Dl`Dl`Dl`Dl`Dl`D`Dl`Dl`D`Dl`D`D`D`DTaDTaDTaDTaDTaD aD aDTaDTaDaDDDЅDЅDxD\DhDPDDDD8D DDDDDDD,DDD DDDD}-+?=8DDDDxDDDD8DD./../%*sKernel log daemon exiting.c:nkernelklogd started: BusyBox v1.00 (2005.06.01-21:22+0000)klogd: Error return from sys_sycall: %d - %m. unknown facility name: %sunknown priority name: %sp:st:Can't find circular bufferCan't get access to circular buffer from syslogdCan't get access to semaphone(s) for circular buffer from syslogdsemop[SMrdn]semop[SMrup]malloc failedauthauthprivcronkernlprmailmarknewssecuritysysloguucplocal0local1local2local3local4local5local6local7alertcritdebugemergerrnonenoticepanicwarnwarning/var/log/messagesExiting Syslogd!shmgetshmatsemgetBuffer already allocated just grab the semaphore?semop[SMwdn]Weird! Can't find the terminator token??? Weird! Can't find the terminator token from the beginning??? semop[SMwup]Bummer, can't print: cannot create socket<%d>%s.%s<%d> %s%s %s %s %s System log daemon exiting.-- MARK --m:nO:s:Sb:R:LC::Couldn't get file descriptor for socket /dev/logCould not connect to socket /dev/logCould not set permission on /dev/logsyslogd started: BusyBox v1.00 (2005.06.01-21:22+0000)select errorUNIX socket errorcn:s: --longoptionsquiet-outputshellunquotedalternative+ao:l:n:qQs:Tu --%s -%cGETOPT_COMPATIBLE-+, empty long option after -l or --long argumentbashtcshcshunknown shell after -s or --shell argumentmissing optstring argument"%07.7_ax " 16/1 "%03o " "\n""%07.7_ax " 16/1 "%3_c " "\n""%07.7_ax " 8/2 " %05u " "\n""%07.7_ax " 8/2 " %06o " "\n""%07.7_ax " 8/2 " %04x " "\n""%07.7_ax " 8/2 "%04x " "\n""%07.7_Ax "bcdoxe:f:n:s:v--More-- (%d%% of %ld bytes)autoo:rt:wafnv%s on %s type %s (%s) /etc/fstab Cannot read /etc/fstabswapnfsnfsmount failed/etc/filesystems/proc/filesystemsMounting %s on %s failedCan't find %s in /etc/fstab asyncatimedefaultsnoautodevdiratimenoatimenodevnodiratimenoexecnosuidremountsuidmove%s is write-protected, mounting read-onlyexcessively long option argument%s%saddr=%srsizewsizetimeoretransacregminacregmaxacdirminacdirmaxactimeoretrymountportmounthost ,mountprogmountversnfsprognfsversversprotoWarning: Unrecognized proto= option.namlenWarning: Option namlen is not supported.addrunknown nfs mount parameter: %s=%d bgfgsofthardposixctoaclockWarning: option nolock is not supported.unknown nfs mount option: %s%s NFSv%d not supported!got bad hp->h_length?%s:%s failed, reason given by server: %sNFS over TCP is not supported.nfs socketnfs bindresvportnfs connectunknown nfs status return value: %dexcessively long host:dir argumentwarning: multiple hostnames not supporteddirectory to mount not in host:dir formatgot bad hp->h_lengthtimeout connecting to time serversp%s did not send the complete timeCurrent time matches remote time.Could not set time of dayforced umount of %s failed!%s busy - remounted read-onlyCannot remount %s read-onlyCannot open %sCouldn't umount %s on %s: %s unable to stat `%s'm:bb_xasprintfcannot set groupscannot set group idcannot set user id%s%s%s`%s' and `%s' are the same file%s: omitting directory`%s' is not a directorycannot create directory `%s'unable to open directory `%s'unable to change permissions of `%s'unable to open `%s'unable to remove `%s'unable to close `%s'internal error: unrecognized file typeunable to create `%s'cannot create fifo `%s'cannot create symlink `%s'unable to preserve ownership of `%s'unable to preserve times of `%s'unable to preserve permissions of `%s'Unable to read all dataRead errorno valid shadow passwordPassword: icmp\0\a\b \b \n \r \t \vdiouxX.#-+ 0123456789cdiouxXeEfgGnulsohstxetxeotenqackbelbs_ht_lf_vt_ff_cr_so_si_dledcldc2dc3dc4naksynetbcanem_subescfs_gs_rs_us%03odelstdinbad byte count for conversion character %s.%%s requires a precision or a byte count.bad conversion character %%%s. byte count with multiple conversion characters. -0+#bad format {%s}could not stat '/'/devcould not open '/dev'xjVp $ν|*ƇGF0FؘiD[\"kqCy!Ib%@@QZ^&Ƕ]/SD!7Ç ZEogL*B9q"am 8D꾤K`Kp~('09|eVD")*C#9Y[e }]O~o,CN~S5:*ӆ                  0kMGT%Lu%Lu.%d%cdefaultunspecUNSPECDARPA Internet%n%Lu%u%u%u%u%n%n%n%Lu%u%u%u%u%u%Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%n%n%Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%u%Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%u%u%Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%u%uUP BROADCAST DEBUG LOOPBACK POINTOPOINT NOTRAILERS RUNNING NOARP PROMISC ALLMULTI SLAVE MASTER MULTICAST 10base210baseTAUI100baseT100baseTX100baseFXpppPoint-Point ProtocolEthernetloopLocal Loopback[NONE SET]%02X-/proc/netNo usable address families found.warning: no inet socket availableSIOCGIFCONF/proc/net/devWarning: cannot open %s. Limited output.compressedDevice not found%s: error fetching interface information: %s %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02XX bytes:%Lu (%Lu.%u %sB)%s%-9.9s Link encap:%s HWaddr %s Media:%s(auto) %s addr:%s P-t-P:%s Bcast:%s Mask:%s [NO FLAGS] MTU:%d Metric:%dRX packets:%Lu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu frame:%lu compressed:%lu TX packets:%Lu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu carrier:%lu collisions:%lu compressed:%lu txqueuelen:%d R TInterrupt:%d Base address:0x%lx Memory:%lx-%lx DMA chan:%x  @KiMiGiTicannot get system information%H:%M:%S%A, %d %B %Y login: set permissions ofcreateCannot %s directory `%s'rwxSTst?pc?d?b?-?l?s???/proc/mountsunknown group name: %sunknown user name: %sunknown %cid %ldno changetoo simplea palindromecase changes onlytoo similiarrotatedtoo shortBad password: %s.  8$II augorwxXstinvalid number `%s'abfnrtv\ \\Can't open /proc/proc/%d/proc/%d/stat%*s (%15c%c %d %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %lu %lu %*s %*s %*s %ld %*s %*s %*s %*s %ld/proc/%d/cmdline%s: is a directory%s: descend into directory `%s'? %s: remove directory `%s'? %s: remove `%s'? unable to cd to %s' for user %s' cannot cd to home directory or /warning: cannot change to home directory LOGNAME/bin:/usr/bin/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin EXITHUPINTILLABRTFPEKILLSEGVPIPEALRMUSR1USR2CHLDCONTSTOPTSTPTTINTTOUTRAPIOTEMTBUSSYSURGIOPOLLCLDXCPUXFSZVTALRMPROFPWRWINCHSIGUnable to connect to remote host (%s)getcwd()Pxregcomp: %s2Kn,X   `  %KBusyBox v1.00 (2005.06.01-21:22+0000) multi-call binarymemory exhaustedinvalid date `%s'%s: input/output error -- %mWrite ErrorNames longer than %d chars not supported.(unknown)can`t create raw socketpermission denied. (are you root?)/var/tmp/shadow/var/tmp/passwd/etc/nologin/etc/motdstandard inputstandard output-/bin/shbb_xstrndup bugH0hHTHH%HH@BlfHHʚ;fH@8HiLHuHdHpHsHg'HmHo'Hm!Hp|"Hi"Hf#HXHHH8H#H,#HL#H`#HxHx#H#H#HGHJH<< H HQTH%H4$H8$H@$HH$HH H(H(HP$H(HX$H`$H h$H p$H x$H$H$H (H(H$H$H$H0$H0$H0 $H00$H$H $H@$H$H$H$H$H$H$H$H%H %H@%H%H$%H,%H4%H <%HD%HL%H T%H\%Hd%Hl%Ht%H|%H %H@%H%H%H%H%H%H%H%H%H%H%H%H %H %H@@%H@%H%H%H%H%H H%H&H &H &H@ &H(&H0&H8&H@&H L&HT&H \&Hd&H )H )H (H (H (H(H(H (H (H (H (H (H (H (H (H (H(HTH%HJH)H)H)H)HPH)H)H)H)H *H*H*HH *H *H*H*H *H *H$*H (*H HtHAH|H,*H0*H4*H8*H<*H @*H!D*HH*HL*HdH"P*H#T*H$`H%]H&8 Hr3H;H ;H;H;H;H;H ;H$;H(;H,;H0;H4;H8;H<;H@;HD;HH;HL;HP;HT;HX;H\;Hd;Hl;Ht;H|;H;H;H;H;H;H;H;HDHDHEH EH,EH4EHEHpEHpEHP>EH|EHdEH`:EHEHLDȅHSE̅H\EԅHdE܅HYEHLIEHEHEHEHE HEH9E HE(H=E0HE8HE@HTDHHdEPHEXHȵE`HT7ElHEtHlPE|HtHfHdHsHcІHmH lPHpHnHvH wH,DdH@HhH\HHPHH HHdTH%HJHH H,HLHlHHȜHМHܜHHHlLHHHHHH H Hh4H(HH]H0H HHHHHHH̨HԨHHHHHxKHHHHH(H4HHHHaHHHHH H H H|GHİH̰H԰HܰHHHHHH HHH H H H$H,H0H8H@HHHPHTH0HhH|HHHHHH H0H@HPH`HlH|HH HA H0C HE HA HC H$C HD HC HC HA HH{F HC Hg@ H@ H?A HЀF HAA HD$HBA$ H D0 H] [-p aa:bb:cc:dd[:ee:ff]] 00:11:22:33:44:55 Use '-u' to see the complete set of options. ether-wake.c: v1.08 3/31/2003 Donald Becker, http://www.scyld.com/usage: ether-wake [-i ] [-p aa:bb:cc:dd[:ee:ff]] 00:11:22:33:44:55 oH$oHoHoHoHoHpH,pH@pHTpH4cfdd H ЏHD hH pH xHddP\H\H@|H HPHHIH0tHXHH0HHH8H ȖH(\pHЖH@ؖHHHHHHHHH H(H0H8HH`SHAGbGBHGGCЌG jA<,CIAGAPGAG%GFG@@G8ZFaGADG_G?ApGAF`GPG$,@GH0GF GwBGGDt.DFBGGDG=GЋGGpAGGUGGGSGpGp@`GPAYGPGH{F@G0GbG GG~ApNG0FGGG@hAp@DGG0FЊGG1GGGP_GGGpG`GPG@G0GA G`G,G'GFн@0_@GGЉGPzDGGhGG`}AG`GF9GlAG,pG@AH`GFPG@G0GC G@D@WGGGaGЈGG`^GG}Ad]AGdGGpG(PG`G@ DPG@G4G A9G0G4G0F GDGCGGGЇGWGPaGG$dBtBAAAG0GGGpGgDfG`GPG@G0G GxATC4FGGGP\ D@2G;GGІGFGTA0FGC^GpAG@^C iC@F+G2GGGjDpGd#AD`G @PG@G0G GGGG,@GpЅG_@GGpCGGG<@8, c@GpG`GPG`,@Gp@0GDF GGDGGG0cGGЄG bGe@%GFGGEDG@GGdA`FpG`G!GFGPG@G0G\@cG GG@pH FZG FGP@'AvGLGYGFGFЃGGGG%AGhAAG^FFpG4,AFb@`G RGPGAD8(D@G!0G G|GAGG0CGGЂGGaFG&GGAGGHGGFpGgG`GH`DeGPG@G0GA GYDIGGGQFGG܂AD FЁGGGGCGHGGA?A8AA PBA BA?8EAIAKA `LA`MAMA`NANA(PA@QAdYA@d]AH cA8dAHhAhA8 jA(kA0lA?XpA80tA(tA(uA(xuA?@xAP`}A }A(~A( A0pA0 ADA(܂A@A A(8AtAA0xA0`A(AA0A@AHA0A A(A0A A A TA A8 A(̬A (A8APAAlA0|A0A(A(A(lAHAAAP@A A0A8hA8A8A` A(A A(`A A@A TAA A(A8A0A|AA((AtA A0A DA(4A A $A0A(\AHXAtA A(TA0XA(A \A0AA0@A8tAH0A(A A \A( A0(AXtB B XB0 B8 B@8BhB 4B(BXB8,B0B?0@B0AB0CBFB`JB $KB(C E  ?E(?E ?E0AE BE(BE ,CE?8|FE FE?8LIE0dLE LE0,NEhlPE(RE(SE0UEXE(YE(ZE 00[E[E [Eh\E \E ]E?8`E(8bE(@dE dE8gE hE$}E(T~EXE@dEE0pE0dE E0lE@E dE0LE(КE0ĜE?8@E8E(E((E ġE(pETE@E E0E0