Jan 2001 README for ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/people/kgw/7.0/ieee1394/linux-2.2.16 =========================================================== This directory contains customized 2.2.16 Linux kernels based on the precompiled kernels contained in the SuSE Linux 7.0-i386 distribution and successfully used for testing the combination of - a Terratec Cameo 400 DV IEEE1394 Hostadapter card - a the Digital video camera JVC GR-DVL100 EG on a system running a SuSE Linux 7.0-i386 installation. The applications used in the tests are available under the URL: ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/people/kgw/7.0/ieee1394/apps Kernel sources ============== 2.2.16 sources from the lx_suse package of the SuSE Linux 7.0-i386 distribution. The package is also downloadable from the URL ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/7.0/suse/d1/lx_suse.rpm Patch ===== The kernel source subdirectory drivers/ieee1394 is replaced by the contents of the archive ieee1394-001211.tgz available in this directory. To build the kernel, next copy the appropriate config.* file to /kernelsource/maindir/.config and run (as usual): make menuconfig (exit, save new config.) make dep make clean (if needed) make bzImage The contents of ieee1394-001211.tgz are dated Dec 11, 2000 from cvs.linux1394.sourceforge.net, downloaded according to the instructions on: http://linux1394.sourceforge.net/howtos.html#upgrade by means of the following two commands (to issue in an empty local working directory): cvs "-d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.linux1394.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/linux1394" login cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.linux1394.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/linux1394 co ieee1394 The ieee1394 drivers can also be built as modules from these sources. Unfortunately, however, the resulting modules cannot be loaded (the modprobe command will just hang). Because of this the drivers were compiled into the kernel. With this kernel, the above hardware combination worked.