gvim-7.4.326-13.4.1<>,ԉ\~̸/=„;K(ɃcO4uL rʚ";DSaeל6'*dl"CM(mNV:S%nq,8i@$(Bg!M-W [ؗˣ?րXԿ~9Y4n p"?A1xLΟa| K>= ?d  #x| D h    H`d&& &( 8 r9 r:erBFG(HpIXY0Z[\]^bcdJeOfTlVuhvwxyD/zCgvim7.4.32613.4.1A GUI for ViCopy and modify /usr/share/vim/current/gvimrc to ~/.gvimrc if needed. Package gvim contains the largest set of features of vim, which is graphical windows and language interpreter, like python, ruby, or perl. You need package vim for the help and other documentation too. If you want less features, you might want to install vim instead.\~lamb19(openSUSE Leap 42.3openSUSEVimhttp://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Editors/Vihttp://www.vim.org/linuxx86_64(ځA큤\~Y\~Y\~Y\~Y\~Y\~Y\~Y\~Y\~Y\~Y\~Y\~Y\~Y\~Y\~Y\~Y\~Y\~Yabbdbef70fb039c9d4f1473b81c811b9237990e13aa7db4585d9eed164a520ad73e4613b7f28e680c48917ad11edbaafbb5de5c69831c4f411d2d962d99d27b7a99e023e0e740c2d0a93235009191028abbdbef70fb039c9d4f1473b81c811b915a993017f77435643cd32291e7bd436gvimgvimgvimgvimgvimgvimgvimgvimgvimgvimIrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootvim-7.4.326-13.4.1.src.rpmapplication()application(gvim.desktop)config(gvim)gvimgvim(x86-64)gvim-basegvim-enhancedgvim_clientmimehandler(application/x-shellscript)mimehandler(text/english)mimehandler(text/plain)mimehandler(text/x-c)mimehandler(text/x-c++)mimehandler(text/x-c++hdr)mimehandler(text/x-c++src)mimehandler(text/x-chdr)mimehandler(text/x-csrc)mimehandler(text/x-java)mimehandler(text/x-makefile)mimehandler(text/x-moc)mimehandler(text/x-pascal)mimehandler(text/x-tcl)mimehandler(text/x-tex)vivim_client@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   config(gvim)gvim_clientlibICE.so.6()(64bit)libSM.so.6()(64bit)libX11.so.6()(64bit)libXt.so.6()(64bit)libacl.so.1()(64bit)libacl.so.1(ACL_1.0)(64bit)libc.so.6()(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.11)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.14)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.15)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.4)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.4)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.7)(64bit)libdl.so.2()(64bit)libdl.so.2(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit)libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0()(64bit)libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0()(64bit)libglib-2.0.so.0()(64bit)libgobject-2.0.so.0()(64bit)libgpm.so.2()(64bit)libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0()(64bit)libm.so.6()(64bit)libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit)libpango-1.0.so.0()(64bit)libperl.so()(64bit)libpthread.so.0()(64bit)libpthread.so.0(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit)libtinfo.so.5()(64bit)perlperl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.18.2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)vim-datarpmlib(PayloadIsLzma)7.4.326-\@YMYJ_X@XAX5W~Tk@S.S@S,Sr @SpSB@S=M@S;S0@S.S!Sc@S @S S@Rb@RR@RR&R@RRidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comfcrozat@suse.comkukuk@suse.deidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comsleep_walker@suse.czidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comschwab@linux-m68k.orgidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comopensuse@cboltz.deidonmez@suse.comrobin.roth@kit.eduidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comkkaempf@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comschwab@suse.deidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comschwab@suse.deidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.commls@suse.deidonmez@suse.comopensuse@cboltz.deidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comcoolo@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.commkoegler@auto.tuwien.ac.atidonmez@suse.comopensuse@cboltz.deidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comlnussel@suse.deidonmez@suse.comcfarrell@suse.comopensuse@cboltz.deseife+obs@b1-systems.comsaschpe@suse.deidonmez@suse.comgregkh@opensuse.orgmvyskocil@suse.czidonmez@suse.comcoolo@suse.comidonmez@suse.comcoolo@suse.comidonmez@suse.comaj@suse.deidoenmez@suse.deidoenmez@suse.deaj@suse.deaj@suse.dereddwarf@opensuse.orgidonmez@suse.comcrrodriguez@opensuse.orgdmueller@suse.deidonmez@suse.comopensuse@cboltz.deidonmez@suse.comopensuse@cboltz.deidonmez@novell.comidonmez@novell.comaj@suse.deidoenmez@novell.comidoenmez@novell.comstian@viskjer.netopensuse@cboltz.deopensuse@cboltz.defreespacer@gmx.defreespacer@gmx.defisiu@opensuse.orgaj@suse.deaj@suse.deaj@suse.dewerner@suse.devuntz@opensuse.orgprusnak@suse.czcoolo@novell.commmarek@suse.czwerner@suse.deprusnak@suse.cz- Add source-check-sandbox.patch to fix CVE-2019-12735 boo#1137443- Add CVE-2017-6349.patch to fix a possible overflow bsc#1027057- Add CVE-2017-6350.patch to fix a possible overflow bsc#1027053- Add CVE-2017-5953.patch to fix possible overflow with corrupted spell file CVE-2017-5953 bsc#1024724- Add vim-speedup-yaml.patch to speed up YAML syntax higlighting bsc#1018870- Add CVE-2016-1248.patch to fix a arbitrary command execution vulnerability (bsc#1010685 CVE-2016-1248)- Add vim-python35.patch to fix build with Python 3.5 boo#988903- Update license tag to use SPDX 1.2.- Don't link non-gui version against X11, we don't need it [bnc#886237]- Updated to revision 326, fixes the following problems * When using ":diffsplit" on an empty file the cursor is displayed on the command line. * When increasing the size of the lower window, the upper window jumps back to the top. (Ron Aaron) * getpos()/setpos() don't include curswant. * Can't use winrestview to only restore part of the view. * Cannot figure out what argument list is being used for a window. * Changing the return value of getpos() causes an error. (Jie Zhu) * Completion messages can get in the way of a plugin. * Fixes for computation of topline not tested. * Warning from 64-bit compiler. * Crash when starting gvim. Issue 230. * Check for whether a highlight group has settings ignores fg and bg color settings. * Crash when putting zero bytes on the clipboard. * Possible crash when an BufLeave autocommand deletes the buffer. * Using "msgfmt" is hard coded, cannot use "gmsgfmt". * Substitute() with zero width pattern breaks multi-byte character. * In Ex mode, cyrillic characters are not handled. (Stas Malavin) * When starting the gui and changing the window size the status line may not be drawn correctly. * Can't build Tiny version. (Elimar Riesebieter)- Updated to revision 307, fixes the following problems * Setting 'langmap' in the modeline can cause trouble. E.g. mapping ":" breaks many commands. (Jens-Wolfhard Schicke-Uffmann) * When 'relativenumber' is set and deleting lines or undoing that, line numbers are not always updated. (Robert Arkwright) * Error messages are inconsistant. (ZyX) * When 'spellfile' is set the screen is not redrawn. * Pattern with repeated backreference does not match with new regexp engine. (Urtica Dioica) * A non-greedy match followed by a branch is too greedy. (Ingo Karkat) * Searching for "a" does not match accented "a" with new regexp engine, does match with old engine. (David Bürgin) "ca" does not match "ca" with accented "a" with either engine. * It is not possible to ignore composing characters at a specific point in a pattern. * Memory leak from result of get_isolated_shell_name(). * Can't have a funcref start with "t:". * When running configure twice DYNAMIC_PYTHON_DLL may become empty. * Still a scrolling problem when loading a session file. * Signs placed with 'foldcolumn' set don't show up after filler lines. * When using double-width characters the text displayed on the command line is sometimes truncated. * Cannot always use Python with Vim. * Making 'ttymouse' empty after the xterm version was requested causes problems. (Elijah Griffin) * getchar(0) does not return Esc. * Can't build without the +termresponse feature.- minor tweaks of spec.skeleton- Updated to revision 283, fixes the following problems * Smack support detection is incomplete. * Configure check for smack doesn't work with all shells. (David Larson) * Using systemlist() may cause a crash and does not handle NUL characters properly. * Compiler warning, possibly for mismatch in parameter name. * Configure fails if $CC contains options. * Warning for misplaced "const". * It is possible to define a function with a colon in the name. It is possible to define a function with a lower case character if a "#" appears after the name. * When updating the window involves a regexp pattern, an interactive substitute to replace a "\n" with a line break fails. (Ingo Karkat) * Duplicate code in regexec(). * GCC 4.8 compiler warning for hiding a declaration (Francois Gannaz) * Can't define a function starting with "g:". Can't assign a funcref to a buffer-local variable. * Can't call a global function with "g:" in an expression. * Test 62 fails. * The '[ mark is in the wrong position after "gq". (Ingo Karkat) * Using exists() on a funcref for a script-local function does not work. * CTRL-U in Insert mode does not work after using a cursor key. (Pine Wu) * Comparing pointers instead of the string they point to. * Using just "$" does not cause an error message. * "make autoconf" and "make reconfig" may first run configure and then remove the output. * When doing ":update" just before running an external command that changes the file, the timestamp may be unchanged and the file is not reloaded. * When changing the type of a sign that hasn't been placed ther is no error message. * The fish shell is not supported. * Using ":sign unplace *" may leave the cursor in the wrong position (Christian Brabandt) * globpath() returns a string, making it difficult to get a list of matches. (Greg Novack) * When using a session file the relative position of the cursor is not restored if there is another tab. (Nobuhiro Takasaki) * When a session file has more than one tabpage and 'showtabline' is one the positions may be slightly off. * Compiler warning about unused variable. (Charles Cooper)- Updated to revision 253, fixes the following problems * Crash for "vim -u NONE -N -c '&&'". * Configure message for detecting smack are out of sequence. * When passing input to system() there is no way to keep NUL and NL characters separate. * Cannot distinguish between NL and NUL in output of system(). * Some test files missing from distribution. * Crash when BufAdd autocommand wipes out the buffer. * Critical error in GTK, removing timer twice. * Crash when using cpp syntax file with pattern using external match. (Havard Garnes)- Updated to revision 244, fixes the following problems * ":tjump" shows "\n" as "\\n". * The string returned by submatch() does not distinguish between a NL from a line break and a NL that stands for a NUL character. * getreg() does not distinguish between a NL used for a line break and a NL used for a NUL character. * Cannot use setreg() to add text that includes a NUL. * The smack feature causes stray error messages.- Updated to revision 239, fixes the following problems * Compilation problems on HP_nonStop (Tandem). * Inconsistency: ":sp foo" does not reload "foo", unless "foo" is the current buffer. (Liang Li) * Compiler warnings. (Tony Mechelynck) * When src/auto/configure was updated, "make clean" would run configure pointlessly. * It's not easy to remove duplicates from a list. * When 'relativenumber' or 'cursorline' are set the window is redrawn much to often. (Patrick Hemmer, Dominique Pelle) * Test 105 does not work in a shadow dir. (James McCoy) * Quickfix doesn't resize on ":copen 20". (issue 199) * The Ruby directory is constructed from parts. * Still using an older autoconf version. * /usr/bin/grep on Solaris does not support -F. * Dynamic Ruby doesn't work on Solaris. * Cursurline highlighting not redrawn when scrolling. (John Marriott) * Can't build with Ruby 1.8. * Compiler warnings when building with Python 3.2. * Using ":let" for listing variables and the second one is a curly braces expression may fail. * Error when using ":options". * An error in ":options" is not caught by the tests. * ":%s/\n//" uses a lot of memory. (Aidan Marlin) * Escaping special characters for using "%" with a shell command is inconsistant, parenthesis are escaped but spaces are not. * Can't get the command that was used to start Vim. * It is not easy to get the full path of a command. * It's not that easy to check the Vim patch version. * When some patches was not included has("patch-7.4.123") may return true falsely. * Vim does not support the smack library. * ":e +" does not position cursor at end of the file.- Updated to revision 213, fixes the following problems * The cursor report sequence is sometimes not recognized and results in entering replace mode. * Mercurial picks up some files that are not distributed. * When repeating a filter command "%" and "#" are expanded. * Visual block mode plus virtual edit doesn't work well with tabs. (Liang Li) * ":lu" is an abbreviation for ":lua", but it should be ":lunmap". (ZyX) * Now that the +visual feature is always enabled the #ifdefs for it are not useful. * It's not possible to open a new buffer without creating a swap file.- Clean up after the testsuite- Updated to revision 205, fixes the following problems * Typos in messages. * Python tests fail. * Can't build Vim with Perl when -Dusethreads is not specified for building Perl, and building Vim with --enable-perlinterp=dynamic. * (issue 197) ]P doesn't paste over Visual selection. * Too many #ifdefs in the code. * 'lispwords' is a global option. * Parsing 'errorformat' is not correct. * A mapping where the second byte is 0x80 doesn't work. * ":mksession" writes command to move to second argument while it does not exist. When it does exist the order might be wrong.- Now that python3 is fixed, reenable test87- Updated apparmor.vim (taken from AppArmor 2.8.3) * Fixes the attach_disconnected flag- Updated to revision 192, fixes the following problems * Warning for type-punned pointer. (Tony Mechelynck) * Older Python versions don't support %ld. * When using 'pastetoggle' the status lines are not updated. (Samuel Ferencik, Jan Christoph Ebersbach) * Building with mzscheme and racket does not work. (David Chimay) * match() does not work properly with a {count} argument. * Clang gives warnings. * Insert in Visual mode sometimes gives incorrect results. (Dominique Pelle) * Delete that crosses line break splits multi-byte character. * SIZEOF_LONG clashes with similar defines in header files. * Compiler warning for unused argument. * Compiler warning for using %lld for off_t. * Escaping a file name for shell commands can't be done without a function. * Memory leak when giving E853. - Disable test87 until python 3.4 is fixed (http://bugs.python.org/issue20763)- enable xterm_clipboard again, restoring features present in openSuSE 12.3- Updated to revision 178, fixes the following problems * Some help tags don't work with ":help". (Tim Chase) * Redo does not set v:count and v:count1. * The blowfish code mentions output feedback, but the code is actually doing cipher feedback. * When using scrollbind the cursor can end up below the last line. (mvxxc) * Compiler warnings for Python interface. (Tony Mechelynck) * When a wide library function fails, falling back to the non-wide function may do the wrong thing. * Dictionary.update() thows an error when used without arguments. Python programmers don't expect that. * Compiler warning for unused variable. (Tony Mechelynck) * The J command does not update '[ and '] marks. (William Gardner)- Updated to revision 169, fixes the following problems * Running tests in shadow dir doesn't work. * By default, after closing a buffer changes can't be undone. * Auto-loading a function for code that won't be executed. * Fixes are not tested. * Can't compile with Ruby 2.1.0. * ":sleep" puts cursor in the wrong column. (Liang Li) - Dropped vim-7.4-ruby21.patch, fixed upstream- Updated to revision 161, fixes the following problems * Crash in Python exception handling.- Updated to revision 160, fixes the following problems * TextChangedI is not triggered. * getregtype() does not return zero for unknown register. * When starting Vim with "-u NONE" v:oldfiles is NULL. * Get E685 error when assigning a function to an autoload variable. (Yukihiro Nakadaira) * :keeppatterns is not respected for :s. * Python: slices with steps are not supported. * Python: Cannot iterate over options. * Compiler warning for pointer type. * Still a problem with auto-loading. * ":keeppatterns /pat" does not keep search pattern offset. * Error number used twice. (Yukihiro Nakadaira) * Pattern containing \zs is not handled correctly by substitute(). * Completion hangs when scanning the current buffer after doing keywords. (Christian Brabandt)- Use Unix line endings in vim-7.3-filetype_ftl.patch (bnc#815840)- Updated to revision 142, fixes the following problems * Clang warns for using NUL. * Spurious space in MingW Makefile. * Directory change messages are not recognized. * Crash when using :cd in autocommand. (François Ingelrest) * Crash when wiping out buffer triggers autocommand that wipes out only other buffer. * Problems when building with Borland: st_mode is signed short; can't build with Python; temp files not ignored by Mercurial; building with DEBUG doesn't define _DEBUG.- Fix dynamic loading of Ruby for Ruby 2.1 Add patch vim-7.4-ruby21.patch- Updated to revision 131, fixes the following problems * ":help s/\_" reports an internal error. (John Beckett) * Completing a tag pattern may give an error for invalid pattern. * Python: When vim.eval() encounters a Vim error, a try/catch in the Python code doesn't catch it. (Yggdroot Chen) * "zG" and "zW" leave temp files around on MS-Windows. * ColorScheme autocommand matches with the current buffer name. * "gUgn" cannot be repeeated. (Dimitar Dimitrov) * Memory leak in Python OptionsAssItem. (Ken Takata) * New GNU make outputs messages about changing directory in another format. * When using Zsh expanding ~abc doesn't work when the result contains a space. * When a mapping starts with a space, the typed space does not show up for 'showcmd'. * It's possible that redrawing the status lines causes win_redr_custom() to be called recursively. * Can't build with Perl 5.18 on Linux. (Lcd 47) * Completion doesn't work for ":py3d" and ":py3f". (Bohr Shaw) * Compiler warnings for "const" and incompatible types. * getline(-1) returns zero. (mvxxc) * Relative line numbers mix up windows when using folds. * Syncbind causes E315 errors in some situations. (Liang Li)- Updated to revision 103, fixes the following problems * Unexpected behavior change related to 'virtualedit'. (Ingo Karkat) * When using ":'<,'>del" errors may be given for the visual line numbers being out of range. * Append in blockwise Visual mode with "$" is wrong. * NFA regexp doesn't handle backreference correctly. * Using \1 in pattern goes one line too far. (Bohr Shaw, John Little) * Crash when interrupting "z=".- Updated to revision 092, fixes the following problems * Reading past end of the 'stl' string. * byteidx() does not work for composing characters. * set_last_cursor() may encounter w_buffer being NULL. (Matt Mkaniaris) * Declaration has wrong return type for PyObject_SetAttrString(). * Crash when using invalid key in Python dictionary. * When replacing a character in Visual block mode, entering a CR does not cause a repeated line break. * When recording, the character typed at the hit-enter prompt is recorded twice. (Urtica Dioica) * After inserting comment leader, CTRL-\ CTRL-O does move the cursor. (Wiktor Ruben) * Cannot right shift lines starting with #. * Passing limits around too often. * Crash when using Insert mode completion. * Setting undolevels for one buffer changes undo in another. * When undo'ing all changes and creating a new change the undo structure is incorrect. (Christian Brabandt) * Locally setting 'undolevels' is not tested. * "cgn" does not wrap around the end of the file. (Dimitrov Dimitrov) * A script cannot detect whether 'hlsearch' highlighting is actually displayed. * Missing documentation for v:hlsearch. * Wrong logic when ANALYZE is "yes". * Using "gf" in a changed buffer suggests adding "!", which is not possible. (Tim Chase) * It's hard to avoid adding a used pattern to the search history. * Python: interrupt not being properly discarded. (Yggdroot Chen) * When inserting text in Visual block mode and moving the cursor the wrong text gets repeated in other lines. * Skipping over an expression when not evaluating it does not work properly for dict members. * When spell checking is enabled Asian characters are always marked as error. * When editing a file in a directory mounted through sshfs Vim doesn't set the security context on a renamed file. - Drop vim-7.4-python-decl.patch, patch upstream now.- vim-7.4-python-decl.patch: Use correct return type of PyObject_SetAttrString- Updated to revision 052, fixes the following problems * Can't use Tcl 8.6. * When using input() in a function invoked by a mapping it doesn't work. * Recent clang version complains about -fno-strength-reduce. * In Ex mode, when line numbers are enabled the substitute prompt is wrong. * "gn" selects too much for the pattern "\d" when there are two lines with a single digit. (Ryan Carney) * Syntax highlighting a Yaml file causes a crash. (Blake Preston) * With 'fo' set to "a2" inserting a space in the first column may cause the cursor to jump to the previous line.- Updated to revision 045, fixes the following problems * NFA engine does not capture group correctly when using \@>. (ZyX) * Using "\ze" in a sub-pattern does not result in the end of the match to be set. (Axel Bender) * Using "zw" and "zg" when 'spell' is off give a confusing error message. (Gary Johnson) * Valgrind error on exit when a script-local variable holds a reference to the scope of another script. * Visual selection does not remain after being copied over. (Axel Bender) * When using ":setlocal" for 'spell' and 'spellang' then :spelldump doesn't work. (Dimitar Dimitrov) * substitute() does not work properly when the pattern starts with "\ze".- Remove unused buildrequires on systemd- Updated to revision 035, fixes the following problems * Equivalence classes are not working for multi-byte characters. * An error in a pattern is reported twice. * The -mno-cygwin argument is no longer supported by Cygwin. * ":diffoff!" resets options even when 'diff' is not set. (Charles Cooper) * NFA engine does not match the NUL character. (Jonathon Merz) * When the terminal has only 20 lines test 92 and 93 overwrite the input file. * Using "p" in Visual block mode only changes the first line.-Updated to revision 027, fixes the following problems * Crash with invalid argument to mkdir(). * Cannot find out if "acl" and "xpm" features are supported. multi-byte characters. * File name buffer too small for utf-8. * ":help !!" does not find the "!!" tag in the help file. (Ben Fritz) * When completing item becomes unselected. (Shougo Matsu) * NFA engine matches too much with \@>. (John McGowan) * NFA regexp: Using \ze in one branch which doesn't match may cause end of another branch to be wrong. (William Fugh) * Deadlock while exiting, because of allocating memory. * When root edits a file the undo file is owned by root while the edited file may be owned by another user, which is not allowed. (cac2s) * Reading before start of a string. * Clang warning for int shift overflow. * Another valgrind error when using CTRL-X CTRL-F at the start of the line. (Dominique Pelle)- add libperl_requires, as we link against libperl and thus need a specific version of perl- Updated to revision 009, fixes the following problems * Character classes such as [a-z] to not react to 'ignorecase'. Breaks man page highlighting. (Mario Grgic) * Pattern with two alternative look-behind matches does not match. (Amadeus Demarzi) * Memory access error in Ruby syntax highlighting. (Christopher Chow) * When closing a window fails ":bwipe" may hang. * Using "vaB" while 'virtualedit' is set selects the wrong area. (Dimitar Dimitrov) * mkdir("foo/bar/", "p") gives an error message. (David Barnett) * Creating a preview window on startup leaves the screen layout in a messed up state. (Marius Gedminas) * New regexp engine can't be interrupted. * When a file was not decrypted (yet), writing it may destroy the contents.- update apparmor.vim (taken from AppArmor 2.8.2) * add network vsock- Overhaul vim.spec * Remove (g)vim-{base, enchanced} subpackages * Dynamically load Python, Ruby so we can support all of them without different subpackages. * Python3 support (bnc#817774). * LUA support. * Disable TCL as it cannot be linked dynamically.- Update to version 7.4 * A new, faster regular expression engine. * More than a thousand fixes and small improvements. - Drop vim-7.3-grub.patch, applied upstream - Refresh the following patches * vim-7.4-disable_lang_no.patch * vim-7.4-filetype_apparmor.patch * vim-7.4-filetype_mine.patch * vim-7.4-highlight_fstab.patch- add explicit buildrequire on krb5-mini to avoid cycles- Updated to revision 962, fixes the following problems * No completion for :xmap and :smap. (Yukihiro Nakadaira) * Compiler warning for uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck) * E381 and E380 make the user think nothing happened. * Init stack works differently on 64 bit systems. * Ruby 1.8: Missing piece for static linking on 64 bit systems. * More can be shared between Python 2 and 3. * Python: not easy to get to window number. * Using Py_BuildValue is inefficient sometimes. * Python: Can't get position of window. * Stuff in if_py_both.h is ordered badly. * Python: SEGV in Buffer functions. * Python: Negative indices were failing. * External program receives the termrespone. * Python: List of buffers is not very useful. * Sometimes get stuck in waiting for cursor position report, resulting in keys starting with [ not working. * Python: No iterator for vim.list and vim.bufferlist. * Python: no easy access to tabpages. * Python: Stack trace printer can't handle messages. * Python exceptions have problems. * Python: It's not easy to change window/buffer/tabpage. * Python: string exceptions are deprecated. * No check if PyObject_IsTrue fails. * Python: Not enough tests. * Python vim.bindeval() causes SIGABRT. * Python does not have a "do" command like Perl or Lua. * Python: Iteration destructor not set. * Missing error number. * Compiler warning for unused variable. * Tests 86 and 87 fail when using another language than English. * Python tests are not portable.- Updated to revision 929, fixes the following problems * An empty nl.po file does not work with an old msgfmt. * Compiler warning for size_t to int. * Trying to create a fontset handle when 'guifontset' is not set. * No test for what 7.3.918 fixes. * Check for X11 header files fails on Solaris. * Python interface can't easily access options. * Typos in source files. * Autocommands are triggered by setwinvar() et al. Missing BufEnter on :tabclose. Duplicate WinEnter on :tabclose. Wrong order of events for :tablose and :tabnew. * Missing combining characters when putting text in a register. * Can't build with strict C compiler. * Compiler warning for unused variable. Not freeing unused string.- Updated to revision 918, fixes the following problems * The "sleep .2" for running tests does not work on Solaris. * Python uses IndexError when a dict key is not found. * Possible crash when using a list in Python. * Duplicate Python code. * Python code in #ifdef branches with only minor differences. * Python: Access to Vim variables is not so easy. * Typing a ":" command at the hit-enter dialog does not work if the "file changed" dialog happens next. * Still a crash when writing viminfo. * ~/.viminfo is messed up when running tests. * When reading a file with encoding conversion fails at the end the next encoding in 'fencs' is not used. * Using freed memory when pasting with the mouse (Issue 130). * When a path ends in a backslash appending a comma has the wrong effect. * Repeating an Ex command after using a Visual motion does not work.- Updated to revision 905, fixes the following problems * Can't build with Ruby 2.0 on a 64 bit system. * Test 79 fails on Windows. (Michael Soyka) * Merging viminfo history doesn't work well. * Still merging problems for viminfo history. * Crash when using b:, w: or t: after closing the buffer, window or tabpage. * Using wrong RUBY_VER causing Ruby build to break. * Valgrind error in test 91. (Issue 128) * Memory leaks in Lua interface. * Configure doesn't always find the shared library. * Memory leak reported by valgrind in test 91. * #if indents are off. * Not obvious that some mouse features are mutual-exclusive. * Outdated comment, ugly condition. * When deleting last buffer in other tab the tabline is not updated. * Crash on exit writing viminfo. (Ron Aaron) * Using memory freed by the garbage collector. * Crash when writing viminfo. (Ron Aaron)- Updated to revision 888, fixes the following problems * Double free for list and dict in Lua. (Shougo Matsu) * Can't build with multi-byte on Solaris 10. * No tests for Visual mode operators, what 7.3.879 fixes. * Filename completion with 'fileignorecase' does not work for multi-byte characters.- Updated to revision 884, fixes the following problems * Build problem with some combination of features. * #if indents are off. * Forward searching with search() is broken. * 'fileignorecase' is missing in options window and quickref. * When using an ex command in operator pending mode, using Esc to abort the command still executes the operator. (David Bürgin) * When writing viminfo, old history lines may replace lines written more recently by another Vim instance. * Python list does not work correctly. * CursorHold may trigger after receiving the termresponse. * Can't build with some combination of features. * Compiler warning for variable shadowing another. (John Little)- Updated to revision 874, fixes the following problems * Mouse position may be wrong. * Not serving the X selection during system() isn't nice. * Matchparen does not update match when using auto-indenting. (Marc Aldorasi) * When at the hit-return prompt and using "k" while no text has scrolled off screen, then using "j", an empty line is displayed. * bufwinnr() matches buffers in other tabs. * Compiler warnings when using MingW 4.5.3. * search('^$', 'c') does not use the empty match under the cursor. * On some systems case of file names is always ignored, on others never. * Comparing file names does not handle multi-byte characters properly.- Updated to revision 865, fixes the following problems * Compiler warnings. * When calling system() multi-byte clipboard contents is garbled. * The QuitPre autocommand event does not trigger for :qa and :wq. * "gv" selects the wrong area after some operators. * 'ambiwidth' must be set by the user. * When using --remote-expr try/catch does not work. (Andrey Radev) * ":setlocal number" clears global value of 'relativenumber'. * Dragging the status line can be slow. * Problem with 'ambiwidth' detection for ANSI terminal. * Can't build without the mouse feature. * Mouse position may be wrong.- Updated to revision 854, fixes the following problems * Compiler warning. * In the terminal the scroll wheel always scrolls the active window. * Ruby 2.0 has a few API changes. * "xxd -i" fails on an empty file. * Clipboard does not work on Win32 when compiled with Cygwin. * Empty lines in :version output when 'columns' is 320. * Insufficient testing for mksession. * Some files missing in the list of distributed files. * "\@ is not expanded properly with DBCS encoding. * Can only move to a tab by absolute number. * Crash when $HOME is not set * "ygt" tries to yank instead of giving an error. * ":vimgrep" does not obey 'wildignore'.- don't package /var/run/vi.recover anymore (bnc#765288)- Update to patchlevel 566, fixes the following problems * Redo after completion does not work correctly when refresh. * ":profdel" should not work when the +profile feature is disabled. * Crash when an autocommand wipes out a buffer when it is hidden. * The cursor is in the wrong line after using ":copen". * 'efm' does not handle Tabs in pointer lines. * When spell checking the German sharp s is not seen as a word character. * When using an InsertCharPre autocommand autoindent fails. * Gvim does not work when 'guioptions' includes "f". * Using a count before "v" and "V" does not work. * ":diffupdate" doesn't check for files changed elsewhere. * Using "z=" on a multi-byte character may cause a crash. * 'wildignorecase' only applies to the last part of the path. * No completion for :history command. * Cannot use CTRL-E and CTRL-Y with "r". * ":vimgrep" fails when 'autochdir' is set.- license update: SUSE-Vim Choose a license from the list at http://www.spdx.org/licenses or from the list linked at http://license.opensuse.org- update apparmor.vim (taken from AppArmor 2.8) * update list of capabilities and network protocols- specfile hack to fix build with newer perl(?) on Factory- Add a vim-python subpackage that only enables Python interpreter support (and X11 clibboard, too), for users that don't want the extra dependencies of vim-enhanced (basically the perl, ruby and tcl base packages)- Try to fix bnc#753907- add patchlevel to package version. This makes it easier for proper version to be determined, and to let other repos properly handle "which version is newer than the other" without having to rely on the Release number, which osc does not keep track of cross-repos. Side effect, openSUSE:Tumbleweed can properly include vim now.- remove pointless systemd dependency and run the tmpfiles binary only in case it exists- Update to patchlevel 456, fixes the following problems * Using many continuation lines can be slow. * Pasting in the command line is slow. * Undo broken when pasting close to the last line. * Crash when a BufWinLeave autocommand closes the only other window. * ":all!" and ":sall!" give error E477, even though the documentation says these are valid commands. * Vim does not support UTF8_STRING for the X selection. * Compiler warnings to size casts in Perl interface. * Search history lines are duplicated. * "it" and "at" don't work properly with a dash in the tag name. * DBCS encoding in a user command does not always work. * When a user complete function returns -1 an error message is given. * Completion of functions stops once a dictionary is encountered. * Storing a float in a session file has an additional '&'. * Pasting in Visual mode using the "" register does not work. * Multi-byte characters in b:browsefilter are not handled correctly. * ":helpgrep" does not trigger QuickFixCmd* autocommands. * ":cd" doesn't work when the path contains wildcards. * When placing a mark while starting up a screen redraw messes up the screen. * Mapping CTRL-K in Insert mode breaks CTRL-X CTRL-K for dictionary completion.- vim needs more than what gtk requires - so buildrequire pkgconfig(xt)- Update to patchlevel 382, fixes the following problems * IME characters are inserted twice. * C-indenting wrong for a function header. * C-indenting wrong for static enum. * No support for bitwise AND, OR, XOR and invert. * A tags file with an extremely long name may cause an infinite loop.- add autoconf as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency- Update to patchlevel 372, fixes the following problems * Crash when using a large Unicode character in a file that has syntax highlighting. * :wundo and :rundo use a wrong checksum. * When using a command line mapping to with file name completion to go one directory up, 'wildchar' is inserted.- Move require of systemd to base package since the base postinstall needs it.- Update to patchlevel 364, fixes the following problems * C indenting is wrong after #endif followed by a semicolon. * ml_get error when using ":g" with folded lines. * Accessing memory after it is freed when EXITFREE is defined. * Interrupting the load of an autoload function may cause a crash. * Command line completion shows dict functions. * Using "o" with 'cindent' set may freeze Vim. * ":set backspace+=eol" doesn't work when 'backspace' has a backwards compatible value of 2. * When completing methods dict functions and script-local functions get in the way. * Text formatting uses start of insert position when it should not. * Block of code after ":lua << EOF" may not work. * When running out of memory during startup trying to open a swapfile will loop forever. * "call range(1, 947948399)" causes a crash * When dropping text from a browser on Vim it receives HTML even though "html" is excluded from 'clipboard' * When switching language with ":lang" the window title doesn't change until later. * Problem with GUI startup related to XInitThreads. * No mouse support for urxvt. * Using getchar() in an expression mapping doesn't work well. * Screen doesn't update after resizing the xterm until a character is typed. * When a tags file specifies an encoding different from 'enc' it may hang and using a pattern doesn't work. * When 'imdisable' is reset from an autocommand in Insert mode it doesn't take effect. * Using "." to repeat a Visual delete counts the size in bytes, not characters. * Indent after "public:" is not increased in C++ code. * "vit" selects wrong text when a tag name starts with the same text as an outer tag name. * When longjmp() is invoked if the X server gives an error the state is not properly restored. * When skipping over code from ":for" to ":endfor" get an error for calling a dict function. * When command line wraps the cursor may be displayed wrong when there are multi-byte characters. * When jumping to a help tag a closed fold doesn't open. * A duplicated function argument gives an internal error. * Completion for ":compiler" shows color scheme names. * The default 'errorformat' does not ignore some "included from" lines.- vim doesn't support -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 , we must use level 1, see http://goo.gl/g9d8F for details.- Use Requires instead of Requires(post).- Create tmpfiles during install - Fix tmpfiles handling - Own directory /var/run/vi.recover- Set tinfo as the terminal library for openSUSE > 12.1 since it has been splitted from ncurses- Move spec skeleton functionality into /etc/vimrc (bnc#720898)- vim-enhanced,gvim: Never ever link against static libpython this happends because %{_libdir}/python$vesion/config is searched first and picks libpython.a instead of .so ...- fix detection of email addresses in .changes files- Update to official patchlevel 322 Following bugs are fixed: * Redobuff doesn't always include changes of the completion leader. * "C" on the last line deletes that line if it's blank. * Calling debug.debug() in Lua may cause Vim to hang. * Crash when 'colorcolumn' is set and closing buffer. * Opening a window before forking causes problems for GTK. * Complete function isn't called when the leader changed. * Writing to 'verbosefile' has problems, e.g. for :highlight. * Python 3 doesn't support slice assignment. * When closing a window there is a chance that deleting a scrollbar triggers a GUI resize, which uses the window while it is not in a valid state. * Auto-loading a function while editing the command line causes scrolling up the display. * Python doesn't parse multi-byte argument correctly. * Built-in colors are different from rgb.txt. * Can't load Perl 5.14 dynamically. * When writing to an external command a zombie process may be left behind. * When filtering text with an external command Vim may not read all the output. * Crash when using fold markers and selecting a visual block that includes a folded line and goes to end of line. (Sam Lidder) * Configure doesn't work properly with Python3. * When a BufWriteCmd autocommand resets 'modified' this doesn't change older buffer states to be marked as 'modified' like ":write" does. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)- apparmor.vim update - support "deny $filename x" rules - apparmor.vim generated from AppArmor 2.7 beta2- Update to official patchlevel 289 * python3 fixes * Fix: Crash when using "zd" on a large number of folds. * Fix: Mapping no longer works. * Fix: After using "expand('%:8')" the buffer name is changed. * Fix: With GTK, when gvim is full-screen and a tab is opened and using a specific monitor configuration the window is too big. * Fix: Passing the file name to open in VisVim doesn't work. * Fix: A BOM in an error file is seen as text. * Fix: ":put =list" does not add an empty line for a trailing empty item. * Fix: 'shellcmdflag' only works with one flag. * Fix: Vim freezes when executing an external command with zsh.- apparmor.vim update - allow pux and PUx rules - add some new capabilities - fix pattern for variable names (allow numbers, except for first char) - apparmor.vim generated from AppArmor trunk aka 2.7 beta- Update to official patchlevel 266 * Fix python 3.2 detection * Python: Errors in Unicode characters not handled nicely. * "gH" deletes the current line, except when it's the last line. * "echo 'abc' > ''" returns 0 or 1, depending on 'ignorecase'. * The coladd field is not reset when setting the line number for a ":call" command. * When editing a file such as "File[2010-08-15].vim" an E16 error is given. * Equivalence classes only work for latin characters. * CursorHold triggers on an incomplete mapping. * G++ error message errornously recognized as error. * When the current directory name contains wildcard characters, such as "foo[with]bar", the tags file can't be found. * When storing a pattern in search history there is no proper check for the separator character. * In Gvim with iBus typing space in Insert mode doesn't work.- Update to official patchlevel 243 * Fix multiple illegal memory accesses * Fix: Using CTRL-R CTRL-W on the command line may insert only part of the word. * Fix: Python corrects the cursor column without taking 'virtualedit' into account. * Fix: Python 3 doesn't compile without +multi_byte * Fix: ";" gets stuck on a "t" command, it's not useful. * Fix: ":scriptnames" and ":breaklist" show long file names. * Fix: ":wundo" and ":rundo" don't unescape their argument * Fix: "2gj" does not always move to the correct position. * Fix: On a 64 bit system "syn sync fromstart" is very slow. * Fix: Can't pass dict to sort function. * Fix: Text from the clipboard is sometimes handled as linewise, but not consistently. * Fix: Inside an "if" a ":wincmd" causes problems.- Use /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d instead of /etc/tmpfiles.d.- Update to official patchlevel 189 - Drop outdated README.SUSE- Run spec-cleaner and fix build on SLE 10- add vim-7.3-filetype_mine.patch to enable syntax highlighting in .mine files. E.g. %{name}.spec.mine files generated by "osc pull"- update apparmor.vim to better match the syntax of AppArmor 2.5 - support audit and deny for capability, network, link - fixed rlimit syntax - various small fixes- update apparmor.vim to match (most of) the AppArmor 2.5 syntax - package apparmor.vim as separate source file, no longer as part of vim-7.3-filetype_apparmor.patch- add disable_gcc_warning_eval_c.patch http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-packaging/2010-11/msg00182.html - add disable_lang_no.patch - update spec file- update to version 7.3 - clean up the additional vim patches and files - remove vim-7.2-lang.tar.bz2 (obsolete) - remove vim-7.2-extra.tar.bz2 (obsolete) - remove ANNOUNCEMENT.vim-7.2 (obsolete) - remove vim-7.0-no_nb.patch (obsolete) - remove remove-terrible-hack.patch (obsolete) - remove php.patch (obsolete) - remove lib64.patch (obsolete) - remove vim-7.2.257.patch (obsolete) - remove flex-array.patch (responsible for broken build) - disable lzma.patch (partly supported) - add ANNOUNCEMENT.vim-7.3 - renew official patches from upstream - renew gvimrc_fontset.patch - renew highlight_fstab.patch - renew sh_is_bash.patch - renew filetype_ftl.patch - renew help_tags.patch - renew use_awk.patch - renew name_vimrc.patch - renew mktemp_tutor.patch - renew ruby_ldflags_configure.patch - renew grub.patch - renew filetype_apparmor.patch - renew diff_check.patch - renew filetype_changes.patch - update spec file- Update spec.skeleton- Add vim.conf for tmpfs mounting via systemd.- BuildRequire gpm-devel- Fix rpmlint warnings about duplicate files. - Remove now obsolete option --with-xusetheXWindowSystem. - Do not record build time in binary- Add screen control sequences to inputrc (bnc#598903)- Use the icon from the tarball instead of our custom icon. It looks much better. - Drop gvim.png from the source package.- build data subpackage as noarch- updated patches to apply with fuzz=0- add patch vim-7.2.257.patch to hide gtk assertions (bnc#536535).- Avoid network based systems calls during ~/.vimrc (bnc#538768)- added Recommends, Suggests, Freshens, EssentialFor, Supplements and Enhances to .spec preamble keywords (added to filetype_spec.patch)gvim-basegvim-enhancedlamb19 1560248012 7.4.326- -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://build.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Maintenance:10386/openSUSE_Leap_42.3_Update/391174b7e832958670ac1fa76d27b949-vim.openSUSE_Leap_42.3_Updatedrpmlzma5x86_64-suse-linuxASCII textELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/l, for GNU/Linux 3.0.0, BuildID[sha1]=68e799379e6acdf7455fbe2548dd5ff9975d27b1, strippeddirectoryPNG image data, 48 x 48, 4-bit colormap, non-interlacedRRRRR RR RRR R R RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPP P PP PPPPPPPPPP P S`q egBl:?0]"k%Qf `;*WsM#fd?6D$`93tra"ɯAa 4q1,0،LaR4zu\;[#Xη u #JS Ĺ3a^]RI):Mm^ޟc=S`8,4ƚ+ {WElK'RA,ZDR3PKe%3zIoΦ+_}B), w8uZ˦1n3,$Tqy[խX "jrlLɇ:t7N˰x `ж/޴u`a_6_sRGIfBQ'0o1%̣?Z?gpK/׎6-Z>ի >*M2:v)";IK n +C=)wXf ]"UkB mK3Iq<aFF,Fd0 _ *td4d/zΐѐ¢%@ȋўBRHYU Py0lΤGjЋTh%orpޣ<.WgV j򞰭 X4ȅw3 B)d;6жvpѾ"g:JO&ҁeGLb1nj5YS0_r "ԼBotmjŝyttTG}yLm?X%{eqJprAPKًi)( 6`6pHQdN?$R閁iCkU\˗n5)]ImR ).`B3]U"ks^ڍq< 0"1e S39:t,  P8bZK^xYS[푝\>`q9=~d =F,>7C[?_LEw(U#ĸH)[k Ct_Oᘠ"?p{CFQMj390 c{.(*s|xxX>BoY}͠=PK%,mN^E(MvNk赇"5-* I8PLU%?L-+b617@#YN-]Wr!hKVJj4p'~j}]i 6ߕxs\F$a6Ngo3Ӊ4c혞sĿ~ܯ28_`hZ |MNu~ҩsqZ+MIø oB0܅?1SGˆ=NeV#"XYW7Q^Cȟ~bNܷ^wб﷐KhAI,tBi׍;`󏁤 5`kn <;1U@嶗Y1_ ='0kq攇"Ћ2R@Nk3baRE%,q=%> p#[MA8 ŃɼJBzUr!x 31KeBO \_**]߷B3r8(yֹTs2 =]\'R/j:@^A8zpmPo@Pz͚Livz [_'" uu)j ]`tvM .Nl~gΉP/?ZVd+!gvL@ (egg喝|ϓ 'I݇&0_߬"[4jm'X_=*8rX,, n)an WnuHf 5t{DEsRCd`R왪0ܑDt( 4:tjھg$OBckr8OA\0bDXz$Ut'ytVdsQݘX%3fΔ} ԌA*IۣYa)8Npb?.;4Ge`X"`քLNH ߝc.ZA ܟ}@DA !IAyl=CcjePu@SB3:.Nk^όIj k_4xIHNJ>-o:%]& h\Nc!g>’yMcD9!u`bBVXrezp~KU VxV)֛Q9y{T!|{" >+=B? n}C{DQebZ72OxUtΫKE(͑ sl ],':O 64VC r5DHq] sV{b]6\X,UDE[3AgN1[|?}U{Y¦uB̡!g P1᪱ij9B6}?oIvNMh(Hx D3݋g/\`P\ Ci/(ٗLlq Sm&FjHs-+J#rMKg.\ Pc_IL{f!$yMR fr~tPe@y-%yLR0ы`'ARu]eWi3V)B.%Y^XIO"ZnY2{*V7xJ] k",SW\hfr5(o(627~g߭}Ua;Pnz/a`5%3+|'n;ƭҪ5,}CC+)ڮRzF\Cy~lmL\õ]bVSNErdW`V#i ܵrV>s:}&xgUĞNpG4xRM, *A?ySjhlmb)iQHQ_E92N%icY_}=qXhO-<Tc!O.Ԣ04') bAJ/z[-kF>ܙ_5ƙi M-CNQBÅIhcC&E"$lߗ+< {[=}V kJ2]Ĥ4,Bw 7`**{ya ƞ7[SC4'JugsBg  6V)U!,WTr#_"YK,8\^@n;^M9$KJ{iw:S)~s!Γ5w8:^6@L &4zoiwSxҐvDoUX 恬0^*uN#.}5/QZ!?iX4D[zr $-pea^ҖY9-= 6kKZ+)PnDs0};NӬ8WYaW}U]:қ۟@0R`ei䥚Eqnd@/^Wvb)>nfm;YQH*ms"=4:_~W6MtQ+z}34weI?t'rocÍ`pOYGI^T "9xrzl^ɯeIjAK % CXg(U(0L3q/6a*NOi,1k$U  3aLtbZhF]f˔Nx;ZI %:Mou8WתR$AJck\uPO`'  8?gxSmURpikEfk4}R(@!5c+7\[,Cؕ @j[Eb(2 ~>1 :^h_ȒmPT>Hթ~:ӲͧZ7s,q p=UG<lug۵ Flom>-4/#~/S94ӊZ@٫<n+Ŀ BsnްcԜҳ01&cBV%H<^zt#8d:v+"vpxQ^O=,MK8aWҜ@;kMu6UsG:0djEm XvnHo< {}Zr-Yog\[Os/1VF`79%eT3k<"Լ|H+*-U:cF,Fm-;[ϢO8 1c3V{t|_vL4l nYoݧ*P6r {wralmv&C>~7wb]D|99C}zc-꽎C1ܻGo#}.ӊ5eNPª#&\P?in֌fz]<2!qq}'u7i¼};Cbb$ {j܅Fbag#&2_YTBhKfre3}ĎI[К<#ȼ5r9cbDw RWޠr1nkLN !ӺǷpkPszo>쪐rџeČQ[B*z(l2iw0C0^j3{'l@@u *|XWZn5BJQv7rPڍk6Ci3Nbwg^&vMݓ|ls\,¼_ v?6L?F"TSiiU604)e8MVDx/p;$y`qN#k/9 7qSI f(ao?QT8WdFvd!C]ދ'Ƅl)"H`g/6Q{| pI;3Hxr\m60il e *Kӏ[↋bv.o.LYcq IK$T/晽 &R\YQjx'I"h^DAٰ6̣:|7E>~&/#/DoVU3f 1?<ϝu2>BE0jo %'mD%|>S&6}6;t^.\؋|VE}+#֪JvB=ZnS<]}Ef!^F^5F]I`%cvzQFjzTi0XKdž)h:&w"X>jԀlE8{$f '@am,]' X gk6=(U8q,#\{E ̄|ӐmnsWZ7c"X-z ٪tV_Gjs+yjeU(t;yQp3sJ_cu}#B}GLh6a;s_c}ٌ($+e3b 4#wfFp{E+L0"SK~9$LUEa m=4iu1slնR$v qCCH8H8aG,=_ML@ ӸXxXW7d 9!]*r::30x ܶ*px F>~i],f?6cnU>&p\Mdr'6—XoN_e^1-MgȄ|ژٯIb#7a͹oܽ{hAuEcۯ6:u{s*tW>y~+n@TA1a-Ϣjb yAM!\sd@ys>T-L:}W*RxL=Šo#PfM!E0mҺ]az](:Z(VlkUFQ7afH$Ld/쁗!?^ޏm^ jqzSFDiJEj1G@Dai ^FIE>PQkm4qf1< \,؉1ptl" NDMx^[xiHqiԂIrKjBYM}^]ΕJ&ʜ_bE IAhl=m}F[oͫ ;:{[2g,트/g~FHug!a7g6RG #ɂm,lɭ7a3%PG݊UDE_|g2&F utWE[7Ch2h:KK=2QXUUx< aѵ(Kҳ_ն0bnCDhaEJ__$wz>h -;ÄLdraX1n+nwl#R҅P_D u$Zl ef,YvvitFNE* N'W\ 1 ZJ]ӛCCvrL9=&V)آXYden. 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