vim-9.1.1101-150500.20.21.1<>, OPg}p9|"B+;mtCs;7%Wa:Qat#R7%gXlN4WO:&R8TPV.|!G3:i~sd4}kĢ~/D NX>RUg?ȦȉɊTgmUz#v\\>pBRU3,Ӻ])mfjLI'JQ&12}Au 6Y=¨6cj3%a$fv`Uf.b9GD*HVGH_j>K7?7d  * !'$   8  L   $((+,%,%08%000(08093`:?'>@"B*FOGdHxIXTYpZ[\H]\^$sb&c'd(e(f(l(u(,v+@w0dx3xy6$z77,70797T7X7^7Cvim9.1.1101150500.20.21.1Vi IMprovedVim (Vi IMproved) is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor vi. Almost every possible command can be performed using only ASCII characters. Only the 'Q' command is missing (you do not need it). Many new features have been added: multilevel undo, command line history, file name completion, block operations, and editing of binary data.g}s390zp38J[SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC Vim \ --install /usr/bin/vim vim /usr/bin/vim-nox11 20 \ --slave /usr/bin/vi vi /usr/bin/vim-nox11if [ ! -e /usr/bin/vim-nox11 ] ; then /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove vim /usr/bin/vim-nox11 fi GXHZm!?X  j 2  Nj  R ? Xb { ,  u 'G|  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   /bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/[@f$eqe]@dܺ@dx@dldZ5dJcd'@ccR@c~ @cM@bb@`4@`.V^)@^@^2\@Zľ@ZlZ@Z%Z1@Z@V͛@V͛@VIV@V@VVŲ@V@V@VT@VV@V@V^VVuFVm]Vd#@VQ@VO @VCV VUU6@U@U@UnU@UUUx&U_@U>$U+UUQTT!TD@TfTr@T T TT|TTxcTk4T[bTBV@martin.schreiner@suse.commartin.schreiner@suse.commartin.schreiner@suse.comzbalogh@suse.comzbalogh@suse.comzbalogh@suse.comzbalogh@suse.comzbalogh@suse.comjehan.singh@suse.comzbalogh@suse.comzbalogh@suse.comzbalogh@suse.comzbalogh@suse.comzbalogh@suse.comzbalogh@suse.comzbalogh@suse.comzbalogh@suse.comzbalogh@suse.comlnussel@suse.delnussel@suse.delnussel@suse.deidonmez@su 9.1.1101 is a fix for: bsc#1229685 (CVE-2024-43790) bsc#1229822 (CVE-2024-43802) bsc#1230078 (CVE-2024-45306) bsc#1235695 (CVE-2025-22134) bsc#1236151 (CVE-2025-24014) bsc#1237137 (CVE-2025-1215) - Remove obsoleted patch: * vim-7.3-mktemp_tutor.patch - update to 9.1.1101 * insexpand.c hard to read * tests: Test_log_nonexistent only works on Linux * Update base-syntax, improve variable matching * Vim9: import with extends may crash * leaking memory with completing multi lines * --log with non-existent path causes a crash * if_perl: Perl 5.38 adds new symbols causing link failure * tests: matchparen plugin test wrongly named * Vim9: problem finding implemented method in type hierarchy * runtime(qf): Update syntax file, match second delimiter * tests: output of test ...win32_ctrl_z depends on python version * tests: fix expected return code for python 3.13 on Windows * tests: timeout might be a bit too small * tests: test_terminwscroll_topline2 unreliable * tests: No check when tests are run under Github actions * tests: plugin tests are named inconsistently * Vim9: import with extends may crash * completion doesn't work with multi lines * filetype: cmmt files are not recognized * Unable to persistently ignore events in a window and its buffers * improve syntax highlighting * setreg() doesn't correctly handle mbyte chars in blockwise mode * unexpected DCS responses may cause out of bounds reads * has('bsd') is true for GNU/Hurd * filetype: Mill files are not recognized * GUI late startup leads to uninitialized scrollbars * Add support for lz4 to tar & gzip plugin * Terminal ansi colors off by one after tgc reset * included syntax items do not understand contains=TOP * vim_strnchr() is strange and unnecessary * Vim9: len variable not used in compile_load() * runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, match :debuggreedy count prefix * Strange error when heredoc marker starts with "trim" * tests: test_compiler fails on Windows without Maven * 'diffopt' "linematch" cannot be used with {n} less than 10 * args missing after failing to redefine a function * Cannot control cursor positioning of getchar() * preinsert text completions not deleted with / * getchar() can't distinguish between C-I and Tab * tests: Test_termwinscroll_topline2 fails on MacOS * heap-use-after-free and stack-use-after-scope with :14verbose * no digraph for "Approaches the limit" * not possible to use plural forms with gettext() * too many strlen() calls in userfunc.c * terminal: E315 when dragging the terminal with the mouse * runtime(openPlugin): fix unclosed parenthesis in GetWordUnderCursor() * runtime(doc): Tweak documentation style a bit * tests: test_glvs fails when unarchiver not available * Vim always enables 'termguicolors' in a terminal * completion: input text deleted with preinsert when adding leader * translation(sr): Missing Serbian translation for the tutor * Superfluous cleanup steps in test_ins_complete.vim * runtime(netrw): correct wrong version check * Vim doesn't highlight to be inserted text when completing * runtime(netrw): upstream snapshot of v176 * runtime(dist/vim9): fix regressions in dist#vim9#Open * runtime(hyprlang): fix string recognition * make install fails because of a missing dependency * runtime(asm): add byte directives to syntax script * Vim doesn't work well with TERM=xterm-direct * runtime(filetype): commit 99181205c5f8284a3 breaks V lang detection * runtime: decouple Open and Launch commands and gx mapping from netrw * "nosort" enables fuzzy filtering even if "fuzzy" isn't in 'completeopt' * runtime(just): fix typo in syntax file * runtime(filetype): Improve Verilog detection by checking for modules definition * tests: off-by-one error in CheckCWD in test_debugger.vim * tests: no support for env variables when running Vim in terminal * too many strlen() calls in os_unix.c * insert-completed items are always sorted * crash after scrolling and pasting in silent Ex mode * Makefiles uses non-portable syntax * fuzzymatching doesn't prefer matching camelcase * filetype: N-Tripels and TriG files are not recognized * Vim9: Patch 9.1.1014 causes regressions * translation(sr): Update Serbian messages translation - updade to 9.1.1043 * [security]: segfault in win_line() * update helptags * filetype: just files are not recognized * Update base-syntax, match ternary and falsy operators * Vim9: out-of-bound access when echoing an enum * Vim9: imported type cannot be used as func return type * runtime(kconfig): updated ftplugin and syntax script * runtime(doc): rename last t_BG reference to t_RB * Vim9: comments are outdated * tests: fails with IPv6 * runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, fix is/isnot operator matching * Vim9: confusing error when using abstract method via super * make install fails when using shadowdir * Vim9: memory leak with blob2str() * runtime(tex): add texEmphStyle to texMatchGroup in syntax script * runtime(netrw): upstream snapshot of v175 * Vim9: compiling abstract method fails without return * runtime(c): add new constexpr keyword to syntax file (C23) * tests: shaderslang was removed from test_filetype erroneously * link error when FEAT_SPELL not defined * Coverity complains about insecure data handling * runtime(sh): update syntax script * runtime(c): Add missing syntax test files * filetype: setting bash filetype is backwards incompatible * runtime(c): Update syntax and ftplugin files * the installer can be improved * too many strlen() calls in screen.c * no sanitize check when running linematch * filetype: swc configuration files are not recognized * runtime(netrw): change netrw maintainer * wrong return type of blob2str() * blob2str/str2blob() do not support list of strings * runtime(doc): fix typo in usr_02.txt * Coverity complains about dereferencing NULL pointer * linematch option value not completed * string might be used without a trailing NUL * no way to get current selected item in a async context * filetype: fd ignore files are not recognized * v9.1.0743 causes regression with diff mode * runtime(doc): fix base64 encode/decode examples * Vim9: Patch 9.1.1013 causes a few problems * Not possible to convert string2blob and blob2string * Coverity complains about dereferencing NULL value * Vim9: variable not found in transitive import * runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme * Vim9: Regression caused by patch v9.1.0646 * runtime(lyrics): support milliseconds in syntax script * runtime(vim): Split Vim legacy and Vim9 script indent tests * Vim9: class interface inheritance not correctly working * popupmenu internal error with some abbr in completion item * filetype: VisualCode setting file not recognized * diff feature can be improved * tests: test for patch 9.1.1006 doesn't fail without the patch * filetype: various ignore are not recognized * tests: Load screendump files with "git vimdumps" * PmenuMatch completion highlight can be combined * completion text is highlighted even with no pattern found * tests: a few termdebug tests are flaky * [security]: heap-buffer-overflow with visual mode * runtime(doc): add package- helptags for included packages * Vim9: unknown func error with interface declaring func var * runtime(filetype): don't detect string interpolation as angular * ComplMatchIns highlight hard to read on light background * runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, highlight literal string quote escape * runtime(editorconfig): set omnifunc to syntaxcomplete func * tests: ruby tests fail with Ruby 3.4 * Vim9: leaking finished exception * runtime(tiasm): use correct syntax name tiasm in syntax script * filetype: TI assembly files are not recognized * too many strlen() calls in drawscreen.c * runtime(xf86conf): add section name OutputClass to syntax script * ComplMatchIns may highlight wrong text * runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, improve ex-bang matching * runtime(doc): clarify buffer deletion on popup_close() * filetype: shaderslang files are not detected * Vim9: not able to use comment after opening curly brace - update to 9.1.0993 * 9.1.0993: New 'cmdheight' behavior may be surprising * runtime(sh): fix typo in Last Change header * 9.1.0992: Vim9: double-free after v9.1.0988 * 9.1.0991: v:stacktrace has wrong type in Vim9 script * runtime(sh): add PS0 to bashSpecialVariables in syntax script * runtime(vim): Remove trailing comma from match_words * runtime(zsh): sync syntax script with upstream repo * runtime(doc): Capitalise the mnemonic "Zero" for the 'z' flag of search() * 9.1.0990: Inconsistent behavior when changing cmdheight * 9.1.0989: Vim9: Whitespace after the final enum value causes a syntax error * runtime(java): Quietly opt out for unsupported markdown.vim versions * runtime(vim): fix failing vim syntax test * 9.1.0988: Vim9: no error when using uninitialized var in new() * runtime(doc): update index.txt * 9.1.0987: filetype: cake files are not recognized * 9.1.0986: filetype: 'jj' filetype is a bit imprecise * runtime(jj): Support diffs in jj syntax * runtime(vim): Update matchit pattern, no Vim9 short names * 9.1.0985: Vim9: some ex commands can be shortened * 9.1.0984: exception handling can be improved * runtime(doc): update doc for :horizontal * runtime(doc): update index.txt, windows.txt and version9.txt * runtime(doc): Tweak documentation about base64 function * runtime(chordpro): update syntax script * 9.1.0983: not able to get the displayed items in complete_info() * runtime(doc): use standard SGR format at :h xterm-true-color * 9.1.0982: TI linker files are not recognized * runtime(vim): update vim generator syntax script * 9.1.0981: tests: typo in test_filetype.vim * 9.1.0980: no support for base64 en-/decoding functions in Vim Script * syntax(sh): Improve the recognition of bracket expressions * runtime(doc): mention how NUL bytes are handled * 9.1.0979: VMS: type warning with $XDG_VIMRC_FILE * 9.1.0978: GUI tests sometimes fail when setting 'scroll' options * 9.1.0977: filetype: msbuild filetypes are not recognized * 9.1.0976: Vim9: missing return statement with throw * 9.1.0975: Vim9: interpolated string expr not working in object methods * 9.1.0974: typo in change of commit v9.1.0873 * 9.1.0973: too many strlen() calls in fileio.c * runtime(sh): set shellcheck as the compiler for supported shells * runtime(doc): Fix enum example syntax * 9.1.0972: filetype: TI linker map files are not recognized * runtime(vim): Improve syntax script generator for Vim Script * 9.1.0971: filetype: SLNX files are not recognized * 9.1.0970: VMS: build errors on VMS architecture * runtime(doc): Fix documentation typos * runtime(doc): update for new keyprotocol option value (after v9.1.0969) * 9.1.0969: ghostty not using kitty protocol by default * 9.1.0968: tests: GetFileNameChecks() isn't fully sorted by filetype name * runtime(doc): update version9.txt for bash filetype * runtime(netrw): update last change header for #16265 * runtime(doc): fix doc error in :r behaviour * 9.1.0967: SpotBugs compiler setup can be further improved * 9.1.0966: Vim9: :enum command can be shortened * runtime(compiler): include a basic bash syntax checker compiler * 9.1.0965: filetype: sh filetype set when detecting the use of bash * runtime(doc): clarify ARCH value for 32-bit in INSTALLpc.txt * 9.1.0963: fuzzy-matching does not prefer full match * 9.1.0962: filetype: bun.lock file is not recognized * runtime(vim): update indentation plugin for Vim script * runtime(doc): tweak documentation style in helphelp.txt * runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, allow parens in default arguments * runtime(doc): mention auto-format using clang-format for sound.c/sign.c * runtime(help): fix typo s/additional/arbitrary/ * runtime(help): Add better support for language annotation highlighting * 9.1.0961: filetype: TI gel files are not recognized * 9.1.0960: filetype: hy history files are not recognized * translation(fi): Fix typoes in Finish menu translation * 9.1.0959: Coverity complains about type conversion * runtime(vim): Use supported syntax in indent tests * 9.1.0958: filetype: supertux2 config files detected as lisp * 9.1.0956: completion may crash, completion highlight wrong with preview window * 9.1.0955: Vim9: vim9compile.c can be further improved * runtime(doc): move help tag E1182 * runtime(graphql): contribute vim-graphql to Vim core * 9.1.0954: popupmenu.c can be improved * 9.1.0953: filetype: APKBUILD files not correctly detected * 9.1.0952: Vim9: missing type checking for any type assignment * 9.1.0951: filetype: jshell files are not recognized * runtime(dockerfile): do not set commentstring in syntax script * 9.1.0950: filetype: fennelrc files are not recognized * runtime(netrw): do not double escape Vim special characters * git: ignore reformatting change of netrw plugin * runtime(netrw): more reformating #16248 * runtime(doc): Add a note about handling symbolic links in starting.txt * 9.1.0949: popups inconsistently shifted to the left * git: ignore reformatting change of netrw plugin * runtime(netrw): change indent size from 1 to 2 * 9.1.0948: Missing cmdline completion for :pbuffer * runtime(tutor): Reformat tutor1 * 9.1.0947: short-description * 9.1.0946: cross-compiling fails on osx-arm64 * 9.1.0945: ComplMatchIns highlight doesn't end after inserted text * translation(sv): re-include the change from #16240 * 9.1.0944: tests: test_registers fails when not run under X11 * 9.1.0943: Vim9: vim9compile.c can be further improved * runtime(doc): Update README and mention make check to verify * translation(sv): partly revert commit 98874dca6d0b60ccd6fc3a140b3ec * runtime(vim): update base-syntax after v9.1.0936 * 9.1.0942: a few typos were found * 9.1.0941: ComplMatchIns doesn't work after multibyte chars * runtime(doc): Fix style in fold.txt * translation(sv): Fix typo in Swedish translation * 9.1.0940: Wrong cursor shape with "gq" and 'indentexpr' executes :normal * runtime(doc): fix some small errors * 9.1.0939: make installtutor fails * 9.1.0938: exclusive selection not respected when re-selecting block mode * 9.1.0937: test_undolist() is flaky * 9.1.0936: cannot highlight completed text * 9.1.0935: SpotBugs compiler can be improved * 9.1.0934: hard to view an existing buffer in the preview window * runtime(doc): document how to minimize fold computation costs * 9.1.0933: Vim9: vim9compile.c can be further improved * 9.1.0932: new Italian tutor not installed * runtime(doc): fix a few minor errors from the last doc updates * translation(it): add Italian translation for the interactive tutor * runtime(doc): update the change.txt help file * runtime(help): Add Vim lang annotation support for codeblocks * 9.1.0931: ml_get error in terminal buffer * 9.1.0930: tests: test_terminal2 may hang in GUI mode * 9.1.0929: filetype: lalrpop files are not recognized * 9.1.0928: tests: test_popupwin fails because the filter command fails * editorconfig: set trim_trailing_whitespace = false for src/testdir/test*.vim * 9.1.0927: style issues in insexpand.c * 9.1.0926: filetype: Pixi lock files are not recognized * runtime(doc): Add a reference to |++opt| and |+cmd| at `:h :pedit` * runtime(doc): add a note about inclusive motions and exclusive selection * 9.1.0925: Vim9: expression compiled when not necessary * 9.1.0924: patch 9.1.0923 causes issues * 9.1.0923: too many strlen() calls in filepath.c * 9.1.0923: wrong MIN macro in popupmenu.c * 9.1.0921: popupmenu logic is a bit convoluted * 9.1.0920: Vim9: compile_assignment() too long * 9.1.0919: filetype: some assembler files are not recognized * runtime(netrw): do not pollute search history with symlinks * 9.1.0918: tiny Vim crashes with fuzzy buffer completion * 9.1.0917: various vartabstop and shiftround bugs when shifting lines * runtime(typst): add definition lists to formatlistpat, update maintainer * 9.1.0916: messages.c is exceeding 80 columns * runtime(proto): include filetype plugin for protobuf * 9.1.0915: GVim: default font size a bit too small * 9.1.0914: Vim9: compile_assignment() is too long * 9.1.0913: no error check for neg values for 'messagesopt' * runtime(netrw): only check first arg of netrw_browsex_viewer for being executable * 9.1.0912: xxd: integer overflow with sparse files and -autoskip * 9.1.0911: Variable name for 'messagesopt' doesn't match short name * 9.1.0910: 'messagesopt' does not check max wait time * runtime(doc): update wrong Vietnamese localization tag * 9.1.0909: Vim9: crash when calling instance method - update to 9.1.0908 * refresh vim-7.3-mktemp_tutor.patch * 9.1.0908: not possible to configure :messages * 9.1.0907: printoptions:portrait does not change postscript Orientation * runtime(doc): Add vietnamese.txt to helps main TOC * 9.1.0906: filetype: Nvidia PTX files are not recognized * runtime(doc): updated version9.txt with changes from v9.1.0905 * 9.1.0905: Missing information in CompleteDone event * 9.1.0904: Vim9: copy-paste error in class_defining_member() * 9.1.0903: potential overflow in spell_soundfold_wsal() * runtime(netrw): do not detach when launching external programs in gvim * runtime(doc): make tag alignment more consistent in filetype.txt * runtime(doc): fix wrong syntax and style of vietnamese.txt * translation(it): update Italian manpage for vimtutor * runtime(lua): add optional lua function folding * Filelist: include translations for Chapter 2 tutor * translation(vi): Update Vietnamese translation * runtime(doc): include vietnamese.txt * runtime(tutor): fix another typo in tutor2 * runtime(doc): fix typo in vimtutor manpage * translation(it): update Italian manpage for vimtutor * translation(it): include Italian version of tutor chapter 2 * runtime(tutor): regenerated some translated tutor1 files * runtime(tutor): fix typo in Chapter 2 * 9.1.0902: filetype: Conda configuration files are not recognized * runtime(doc): Tweak documentation style a bit * runtime(tutor): update the tutor files and re-number the chapters * runtime(tutor): Update the makefiles for tutor1 and tutor2 files * 9.1.0901: MS-Windows: vimtutor batch script can be improved * runtime(doc): remove buffer-local completeopt todo item * 9.1.0900: Vim9: digraph_getlist() does not accept bool arg * runtime(typst): provide a formatlistpat in ftplugin * runtime(doc): Update documentation for "noselect" in 'completeopt' * 9.1.0899: default for 'backspace' can be set in C code * runtime(helptoc): reload cached g:helptoc.shell_prompt when starting toc * translation(ru): Updated messages translation * 9.1.0898: runtime(compiler): pytest compiler not included * 9.1.0897: filetype: pyrex files are not detected * runtime(compiler): update eslint compiler * 9.1.0896: completion list wrong after v9.1.0891 * runtime(doc): document changed default value for 'history' * 9.1.0895: default history value is too small * 9.1.0894: No test for what the spotbug compiler parses * 9.1.0893: No test that undofile format does not regress * translation(de): update German manpages * runtime(compiler): include spotbugs Java linter * 9.1.0892: the max value of 'tabheight' is limited by other tabpages * runtime(po): remove poDiffOld/New, add po-format flags to syntax file * 9.1.0891: building the completion list array is inefficient * patch 9.1.0890: %! item not allowed for 'rulerformat' * runtime(gzip): load undofile if there exists one * 9.1.0889: Possible unnecessary redraw after adding/deleting lines * 9.1.0888: leftcol property not available in getwininfo() * 9.1.0887: Wrong expression in sign.c * 9.1.0886: filetype: debian control file not detected * runtime(c3): include c3 filetype plugin * 9.1.0885: style of sign.c can be improved * 9.1.0884: gcc warns about uninitialized variable * runtime(apache): Update syntax directives for apache server 2.4.62 * translation(ru): updated vimtutor translation, update MAINTAINERS file * 9.1.0883: message history cleanup is missing some tests * runtime(doc): Expand docs on :! vs. :term * runtime(netrw): Fixing powershell execution issues on Windows * 9.1.0882: too many strlen() calls in insexpand.c * 9.1.0881: GUI: message dialog may not get focus * runtime(netrw): update netrw's decompress logic * runtime(apache): Update syntax keyword definition * runtime(misc): add Italian LICENSE and (top-level) README file * 9.1.0880: filetype: C3 files are not recognized * runtime(doc): add helptag for :HelpToc command * 9.1.0879: source is not consistently formatted * Add clang-format config file * runtime(compiler): fix escaping of arguments passed to :CompilerSet * 9.1.0878: termdebug: cannot enable DEBUG mode * 9.1.0877: tests: missing test for termdebug + decimal signs * 9.1.0876: filetype: openCL files are not recognized * 9.1.0875: filetype: hyprlang detection can be improved * 9.1.0874: filetype: karel files are not detected * 9.1.0873: filetype: Vivado files are not recognized * 9.1.0872: No test for W23 message * 9.1.0871: getcellpixels() can be further improved * 9.1.0870: too many strlen() calls in eval.c * 9.1.0869: Problem: curswant not set on gm in folded line * 9.1.0868: the warning about missing clipboard can be improved * runtime(doc): Makefile does not clean up all temporary files * 9.1.0867: ins_compl_add() has too many args * editorconfig: don't trim trailing whitespaces in runtime/doc * translation(am): Remove duplicate keys in desktop files * runtime(doc): update helptags * runtime(filetype): remove duplicated *.org file pattern * runtime(cfg): only consider leading // as starting a comment * 9.1.0866: filetype: LLVM IR files are not recognized * 9.1.0865: filetype: org files are not recognized * 9.1.0864: message history is fixed to 200 * 9.1.0863: getcellpixels() can be further improved * runtime(sh): better function support for bash/zsh in indent script * runtime(netrw): small fixes to netrw#BrowseX * 9.1.0862: 'wildmenu' not enabled by default in nocp mode * runtime(doc): update how to report issues for mac Vim * runtime(doc): mention option-backslash at :h CompilerSet * runtime(compiler): include a Java Maven compiler plugin * runtime(racket): update Racket runtime files * runtime(doc): improve indentation in examples for netrw-handler * runtime(doc): improve examples for netrw-handler functions * runtime(idris2): include filetype,indent+syntax plugins for (L)Idris2 + ipkg * runtime(doc): clarify the use of filters and external commands * 9.1.0861: Vim9: no runtime check for object member access of any var * runtime(compiler): update pylint linter * 9.1.0860: tests: mouse_shape tests use hard code sleep value * 9.1.0859: several problems with the GLVS plugin * 9.1.0858: Coverity complains about dead code * runtime(tar): Update tar.vim to support permissions * 9.1.0857: xxd: --- is incorrectly recognized as end-of-options * 9.1.0851: too many strlen() calls in getchar.c * 9.1.0850: Vim9: cannot access nested object inside objects * runtime(tex): extra Number highlighting causes issues * runtime(vim): Fix indent after :silent! function * 9.1.0849: there are a few typos in the source * runtime(netrw): directory symlink not resolved in tree view * runtime(doc): add a table of supported Operating Systems * runtime(tex): update Last Change header in syntax script * runtime(doc): fix typo in g:termdebug_config * runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, improve :normal highlighting * runtime(tex): add Number highlighting to syntax file * runtime(doc): Tweak documentation style a bit * 9.1.0848: if_lua: v:false/v:true are not evaluated to boolean * runtime(dune): use :setl instead of :set in ftplugin * runtime(termdebug): allow to use decimal signs * translation(it): Updated Italian vimtutor * runtime(compiler): improve cppcheck * git: git-blame-ignore-revs shown as an error on Github * 9.1.0847: tests: test_popupwin fails because of updated help file * 9.1.0846: debug symbols for xxd are not cleaned in Makefile * runtime(structurizr): Update structurizr syntax * runtime(8th): updated 8th syntax * runtime(doc): Add pi_tutor.txt to help TOC * runtime(compiler): add mypy and ruff compiler; update pylint linter * runtime(netrw): fix several bugs in netrw tree listing * runtime(netrw): prevent polluting the search history * 9.1.0845: vimtutor shell script can be improved * 9.1.0844: if_python: no way to pass local vars to python * 9.1.0843: too many strlen() calls in undo.c * runtime(doc): update default value for fillchars option * runtime(compiler): fix typo in cppcheck compiler plugin * runtime(doc): simplify vimtutor manpage a bit more * runtime(matchparen): Add matchparen_disable_cursor_hl config option * 9.1.0842: not checking for the sync() systemcall * 9.1.0841: tests: still preferring python2 over python3 * 9.1.0840: filetype: idris2 files are not recognized * 9.1.0839: filetype: leo files are not recognized * runtime(cook): include cook filetype plugin * runtime(debversions): Update Debian versions * patch 9.1.0838: vimtutor is bash-specific * runtime(doc): add help specific modeline to pi_tutor.txt * Filelist: vimtutor chapter 2 is missing in Filelist * 9.1.0837: cross-compiling has some issues * runtime(vimtutor): Add a second chapter- Fix for bsc#1234333 / bsc#1234214 / bsc#1234245. These three bugs all have the same root cause: Package 'xxd' has been obsoleted by Vim, as it provides the xxd files directly. However, because the "Obsoletes" entry was versioned, depending on which version of 'xxd' that is installed, the "Obsoletes" isn't actually triggered. Thus, there is a conflict between "vim" and "xxd" in these cases. Fixing this by removing the version completely. The 'vim' package should always replace 'xxd', even if people are migrating from an older SLE15 service pack which has the exact same version.- Fix for bsc#1231373 / CVE-2024-47814. - Fix for bsc#1229238 / CVE-2024-43374. - update to 9.1.0836 * 9.1.0836: The vimtutor can be improved * 9.1.0835: :setglobal doesn't work properly for 'ffu' and 'tsrfu' * 9.1.0834: tests: 2html test fails * 9.1.0833: CI: recent ASAN changes do not work for indent tests * 9.1.0832: :set doesn't work for 'cot' and 'bkc' after :setlocal * runtime(doc): update help-toc description * runtime(2html): Make links use color scheme colors in TOhtml * 9.1.0831: 'findexpr' can't be used as lambad or Funcref * Filelist: include helptoc package * runtime(doc): include a TOC Vim9 plugin * Filelist: ignore .git-blame-ignore-revs * 9.1.0830: using wrong highlight group for spaces for popupmenu * runtime(typst): synchronize updates from the upstream typst.vim * git: ignore reformatting commit for git-blame (after v9.1.0829) * 9.1.0829: Vim source code uses a mix of tabs and spaces * 9.1.0828: string_T struct could be used more often * 9.1.0827: CI: tests can be improved * runtime(doc): remove stray sentence in pi_netrw.txt * 9.1.0826: filetype: sway files are not recognized * runtime(doc): Include netrw-gp in TOC * runtime(doc): mention 'iskeyword' at :h charclass() * runtime(doc): update help tags * 9.1.0825: compile error for non-diff builds * runtime(netrw): fix E874 when browsing remote directory which contains `~` character * runtime(doc): update coding style documentation * runtime(debversions): Add plucky (25.04) as Ubuntu release name * 9.1.0824: too many strlen() calls in register.c * 9.1.0823: filetype: Zephyr overlay files not recognized * runtime(doc): Clean up minor formatting issues for builtin functions * runtime(netrw): make :Launch/Open autoloadable * runtime(netrw): fix regression with x mapping on Cygwin * runtime(netrw): fix filetype detection for remote files * 9.1.0822: topline might be changed in diff mode unexpectedly * CI: huge linux builds should also run syntax & indent tests * 9.1.0821: 'findexpr' completion doesn't set v:fname to cmdline argument * 9.1.0820: tests: Mac OS tests are too flaky * runtime(awk): Highlight more awk comments in syntax script * runtime(netrw): add missing change for s:redir() * 9.1.0819: tests: using findexpr and imported func not tested * runtime(netrw): improve netrw's open-handling further * runtime(netrw): fix syntax error in netrwPlugin.vim * runtime(netrw): simplify gx file handling * 9.1.0818: some global functions are only used in single files * 9.1.0817: termdebug: cannot evaluate expr in a popup * runtime(defaults): Detect putty terminal and switch to dark background * 9.1.0816: tests: not clear what tests cause asan failures * runtime(doc): Remove some completed items from todo.txt * 9.1.0815: "above" virtual text causes wrong 'colorcolumn' position * runtime(syntax-tests): tiny vim fails because of line-continuation * 9.1.0814: mapset() may remove unrelated mapping * 9.1.0813: no error handling with setglobal and number types * 9.1.0812: Coverity warns about dereferencing NULL ptr * 9.1.0811: :find expansion does not consider 'findexpr' * 9.1.0810: cannot easily adjust the |:find| command * 9.1.0809: filetype: petalinux config files not recognized * 9.1.0808: Terminal scrollback doesn't shrink when decreasing 'termwinscroll' * 9.1.0807: tests: having 'nolist' in modelines isn't always desired * 9.1.0806: tests: no error check when setting global 'briopt' * 9.1.0805: tests: minor issues in gen_opt_test.vim * 9.1.0804: tests: no error check when setting global 'cc' * 9.1.0803: tests: no error check when setting global 'isk' * 9.1.0802: tests: no error check when setting global 'fdm' to empty value * 9.1.0801: tests: no error check when setting global 'termwinkey' * 9.1.0800: tests: no error check when setting global 'termwinsize' * runtime(doc): :ownsyntax also resets 'spelloptions' * 9.1.0799: tests: gettwinvar()/gettabwinvar() tests are not comprehensive * runtime(doc): Fix wrong Mac default options * 9.1.0798: too many strlen() calls in cmdhist.c * 9.1.0797: testing of options can be further improved * 9.1.0796: filetype: libtool files are not recognized * (typst): add folding to typst ftplugin * runtime(netrw): deprecate and remove netrwFileHandlers#Invoke() * 9.1.0795: filetype: Vivado memory info file are not recognized * 9.1.0794: tests: tests may fail on Windows environment * runtime(doc): improve the :colorscheme documentation * 9.1.0793: xxd: -e does add one extra space * 9.1.0792: tests: Test_set_values() is not comprehensive enough * runtime(swayconfig): add flag for bindsym/bindcode to syntax script * 9.1.0791: tests: errors in gen_opt_test.vim are not shown * runtime(compiler): check for compile_commands in build dirs for cppcheck * 9.1.0790: Amiga: AmigaOS4 build should use default runtime (newlib) * runtime(help): Update help syntax * runtime(help): fix end of sentence highlight in code examples * runtime(jinja): Support jinja syntax as secondary filetype * 9.1.0789: tests: ':resize + 5' has invalid space after '+' * 9.1.0788: 27;u is not decoded to literal Escape in kitty/foot * 9.1.0787: cursor position changed when using hidden terminal * 9.1.0786: tests: quickfix update test does not test location list * runtime(doc): add some docs for file-watcher programs * CI: uploading failed screendumps still fails on Cirrus CI * 9.1.0785: cannot preserve error position when setting quickfix list * 9.1.0784: there are several problems with python 3.13 * 9.1.0783: 'spell' option setting has problems * 9.1.0782: tests: using wrong neomuttlog file name * runtime(doc): add preview flag to statusline example * 9.1.0781: tests: test_filetype fails * 9.1.0780: MS-Windows: incorrect Win32 error checking * 9.1.0779: filetype: neomuttlog files are not recognized * 9.1.0778: filetype: lf config files are not recognized * runtime(comment): fix commment toggle with mixed tabs & spaces * runtime(misc): Use consistent "Vim script" spelling * runtime(gleam): add ftplugin for gleam files * runtime(doc): link help-writing from write-local-help * 9.1.0777: filetype: Some upstream php files are not recognized * runtime(java): Define javaBlockStart and javaBlockOtherStart hl groups * runtime(doc): mention conversion rules for remote_expr() * runtime(tutor): Fix missing :s command in spanish translation section 4.4 * 9.1.0776: test_strftime may fail because of missing TZ data * translation(am): Add Armenian language translation * 9.1.0775: tests: not enough tests for setting options * 9.1.0774: "shellcmdline" doesn't work with getcompletion() * 9.1.0773: filetype: some Apache files are not recognized * 9.1.0772: some missing changes from v9.1.0771 * 9.1.0771: completion attribute hl_group is confusing * 9.1.0770: current command line completion is a bit limited * 9.1.0769: filetype: MLIR files are not recognized * 9.1.0768: MS-Windows: incorrect cursor position when restoring screen * runtime(nasm): Update nasm syntax script * 9.1.0767: A condition is always true in ex_getln.c * runtime(skill): Update syntax file to fix string escapes * runtime(help): highlight CTRL- correctly * runtime(doc): add missing usr_52 entry to toc * 9.1.0766: too many strlen() calls in ex_getln.c * runtime(doc): correct `vi` registers 1-9 documentation error * 9.1.0765: No test for patches 6.2.418 and 7.3.489 * runtime(spec): set comments and commentstring options * NSIS: Include libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll again * runtime(doc): clarify the effect of 'startofline' option * 9.1.0764: [security]: use-after-free when closing a buffer * runtime(vim): Update base-syntax file, improve class, enum and interface highlighting * 9.1.0763: tests: cannot run single syntax tests * 9.1.0762: 'cedit', 'termwinkey' and 'wildchar' may not be parsed correctly * 9.1.0761: :cd completion fails on Windows with backslash in path * 9.1.0760: tests: no error reported, if gen_opt_test.vim fails * 9.1.0759: screenpos() may return invalid position * runtime(misc): unset compiler in various ftplugins * runtime(doc): update formatting and syntax * runtime(compiler): add cppcheck linter compiler plugin * runtime(doc): Fix style in documents * runtime(doc): Fix to two-space convention in user manual * runtime(comment): consider &tabstop in lines after whitespace indent * 9.1.0758: it's possible to set an invalid key to 'wildcharm' * runtime(java): Manage circularity for every :syn-included syntax file * 9.1.0757: tests: messages files contains ANSI escape sequences * 9.1.0756: missing change from patch v9.1.0754 * 9.1.0755: quickfix list does not handle hardlinks well * runtime(doc): 'filetype', 'syntax' and 'keymap' only allow alphanumeric + some characters * runtime(systemd): small fixes to &keywordprg in ftplugin * CI: macos-12 runner is being sunset, switch to 13 * 9.1.0754: fixed order of items in insert-mode completion menu * runtime(comment): commenting might be off by one column * 9.1.0753: Wrong display when typing in diff mode with 'smoothscroll' * 9.1.0752: can set 'cedit' to an invalid value * runtime(doc): add `usr` tag to usr_toc.txt * 9.1.0751: Error callback for term_start() not used * 9.1.0750: there are some Win9x legacy references * runtime(java): Recognise the CommonMark form (///) of Javadoc comments * 9.1.0749: filetype: http files not recognized * runtime(comment): fix syntax error * CI: uploading failed screendump tests does not work Cirrus * 9.1.0748: :keep* commmands are sometimes misidentified as :k * runtime(indent): allow matching negative numbers for gnu indent config file * runtime(comment): add gC mapping to (un)comment rest of line * 9.1.0747: various typos in repo found * 9.1.0746: tests: Test_halfpage_longline() fails on large terminals * runtime(doc): reformat gnat example * runtime(doc): reformat ada_standard_types section * 9.1.0745: filetype: bun and deno history files not recognized * runtime(glvs): Correct the tag name of glvs-autoinstal * runtime(doc): include short form for :earlier/:later * runtime(doc): remove completed TODO * 9.1.0744: filetype: notmuch configs are not recognised * 9.1.0743: diff mode does not handle overlapping diffs correctly * runtime(glvs): fix a few issues * runtime(doc): Fix typo in :help :command-modifiers * 9.1.0742: getcmdprompt() implementation can be improved * runtime(docs): update `:set?` command behavior table * runtime(doc): update vim90 to vim91 in docs * runtime(doc): fix typo in :h dos-colors * 9.1.0741: No way to get prompt for input()/confirm() * runtime(doc): fix typo in version9.txt nrformat -> nrformats * runtime(rmd,rrst): 'fex' option not properly restored * runtime(netrw): remove extraneous closing bracket * 9.1.0740: incorrect internal diff with empty file * 9.1.0739: [security]: use-after-free in ex_getln.c * runtime(filetype): tests: Test_filetype_detection() fails * runtime(dist): do not output a message if executable is not found * 9.1.0738: filetype: rapid files are not recognized * runtime(modconf): remove erroneous :endif in ftplugin * runtime(lyrics): support multiple timestamps in syntax script * runtime(java): Optionally recognise _module_ import declarations * runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, improve folding function matches * CI: upload failed screendump tests also for Cirrus * 9.1.0737: tests: screendump tests may require a bit more time * runtime(misc): simplify keywordprg in various ftplugins * runtime(java): Optionally recognise all primitive constants in _switch-case_ labels * runtime(zsh,sh): set and unset compiler in ftplugin * runtime(netrw): using inefficient highlight pattern for 'mf' * 9.1.0736: Unicode tables are outdated * 9.1.0735: filetype: salt files are not recognized * 9.1.0734: filetype: jinja files are not recognized * runtime(zathurarc): add double-click-follow to syntax script * translation(ru): Updated messages translation * translation(it): updated xxd man page * translation(ru): updated xxd man page * 9.1.0733: keyword completion does not work with fuzzy * 9.1.0732: xxd: cannot use -b and -i together * runtime(java): Highlight javaConceptKind modifiers with StorageClass * runtime(doc): reword and reformat how to use defaults.vim * 9.1.0731: inconsistent case sensitive extension matching * runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, match Vim9 bool/null literal args to :if/:while/:return * runtime(netrw): delete confirmation not strict enough * 9.1.0730: Crash with cursor-screenline and narrow window * 9.1.0729: Wrong cursor-screenline when resizing window * 9.1.0728: [security]: heap-use-after-free in garbage collection with location list user data * runtime(doc): clarify the effect of the timeout for search()-functions * runtime(idlang): update syntax script * runtime(spec): Recognize epoch when making spec changelog in ftplugin * runtime(spec): add file triggers to syntax script * 9.1.0727: too many strlen() calls in option.c * runtime(make): add compiler/make.vim to reset compiler plugin settings * runtime(java): Recognise all available standard doclet tags * 9.1.0726: not using correct python3 API with dynamic linking * runtime(dosini): Update syntax script, spellcheck comments only * runtime(doc): Revert outdated comment in completeopt's fuzzy documentation * 9.1.0725: filetype: swiftinterface files are not recognized * runtime(pandoc): Update compiler plugin to use actual 'spelllang' * runtime(groff): Add compiler plugin for groff * 9.1.0724: if_python: link error with python 3.13 and stable ABI * 9.1.0723: if_python: dynamic linking fails with python3 >= 3.13 * 9.1.0722: crash with large id in text_prop interface * 9.1.0721: tests: test_mksession does not consider XDG_CONFIG_HOME * runtime(glvs): update GetLatestVimScripts plugin * runtime(doc): Fix typo in :help :hide text * runtime(doc): buffers can be re-used * 9.1.0720: Wrong breakindentopt=list:-1 with multibyte or TABs * 9.1.0719: Resetting cell widths can make 'listchars' or 'fillchars' invalid * runtime(doc): Update version9.txt and mention $MYVIMDIR - Update to 9.1.0718: * v9.1.0718: hard to know the users personal Vim Runtime Directory * v9.1.0717: Unnecessary nextcmd NULL checks in parse_command_modifiers() Maintainers: fix typo in author name * v9.1.0716: resetting setcellwidth( doesn't update the screen runtime(hcl,terraform): Add runtime files for HCL and Terraform runtime(tmux): Update syntax script * v9.1.0715: Not correctly parsing color names (after v9.1.0709) * v9.1.0714: GuiEnter_Turkish test may fail * v9.1.0713: Newline causes E749 in Ex mode * v9.1.0712: missing dependency of Test_gettext_makefile * v9.1.0711: test_xxd may file when using different xxd * v9.1.0710: popup window may hide part of Command line runtime(vim): Update syntax, improve user-command matching * v9.1.0709: GUIEnter event not found in Turkish locale runtime(sudoers): improve recognized Runas_Spec and Tag_Spec items * v9.1.0708: Recursive window update does not account for reset skipcol runtime(nu): include filetype plugin * v9.1.0707: invalid cursor position may cause a crash * v9.1.0706: test_gettext fails when using shadow dir CI: Install locales-all package * v9.1.0705: Sorting of fuzzy filename completion is not stable translation(pt): update Portuguese/Brazilian menu translation runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, match bracket mark ranges runtime(doc): Update :help :command-complete list * v9.1.0704: inserting with a count is inefficient runtime(doc): use mkdir -p to save a command * v9.1.0703: crash with 2byte encoding and glob2regpat() runtime(hollywood): update syn highlight for If-Then statements and For-In-Loops * v9.1.0702: Patch 9.1.0700 broke CI * v9.1.0701: crash with NFA regex engine when searching for composing chars * v9.1.0700: crash with 2byte encoding and glob2regpat() * v9.1.0699: "dvgo" is not always an inclusive motion runtime(java): Provide support for syntax preview features * v9.1.0698: "Untitled" file not removed when running Test_crash1_3 alone * v9.1.0697: heap-buffer-overflow in ins_typebuf * v9.1.0696: installing runtime files fails when using SHADOWDIR runtime(doc): fix typo * v9.1.0695: test_crash leaves Untitled file around translation(br): Update Brazilian translation translation(pt): Update menu_pt_br * v9.1.0694: matchparen is slow on a long line * v9.1.0693: Configure doesn't show result when not using python3 stable abi * v9.1.0692: Wrong patlen value in ex_substitute() * v9.1.0691: stable-abi may cause segfault on Python 3.11 runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, match :loadkeymap after colon and bar runtime(mane): Improve ManBS mapping * v9.1.0690: cannot set special highlight kind in popupmenu translation(pt): Revert and fix wrong Portuguese menu translation files translation(pt): revert Portuguese menu translation translation(br): Update Brazilian translations runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, improve :let-heredoc highlighting * v9.1.0689: buffer-overflow in do_search( with 'rightleft' runtime(vim): Improve heredoc handling for all embedded scripts * v9.1.0688: dereferences NULL pointer in check_type_is_value() * v9.1.0687: Makefile may not install desktop files runtime(man): Fix ManBS runtime(java): Make the bundled &foldtext function optional runtime(netrw): Change line on `mx` if command output exists runtime(netrw): Fix `mf`-selected entry highlighting runtime(htmlangular): add html syntax highlighting translation(it): Fix filemode of Italian manpages runtime(doc): Update outdated man.vim plugin information runtime(zip): simplify condition to detect MS-Windows * v9.1.0686: zip-plugin has problems with special characters runtime(pandoc): escape quotes in &errorformat for pandoc translation(it): updated Italian manpage * v9.1.0685: too many strlen( calls in usercmd.c runtime(doc): fix grammar in :h :keeppatterns runtime(pandoc): refine pandoc compiler settings * v9.1.0684: completion is inserted on Enter with "noselect" translation(ru): update man pages * v9.1.0683: mode( returns wrong value with mapping runtime(doc): remove trailing whitespace in cmdline.txt * v9.1.0682: Segfault with uninitialized funcref * v9.1.0681: Analyzing failed screendumps is hard runtime(doc): more clarification for the :keeppatterns needed * v9.1.0680: VMS does not have defined uintptr_t runtime(doc): improve typedchar documentation for KeyInputPre autocmd runtime(dist): verify that executable is in $PATH translation(it): update Italian manpages runtime(doc): clarify the effect of :keeppatterns after * v9.1.0677 runtime(doc): update Makefile and make it portable between GNU and BSD * v9.1.0679: Rename from w_closing to w_locked is incomplete runtime(colors): update colorschemes runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, improve :let-heredoc highlighting runtime(doc): Updating the examples in the xxd manpage translation(ru): Updated uganda.rux runtime(yaml): do not re-indent when commenting out lines * v9.1.0678: use-after-free in alist_add() * v9.1.0677 :keepp does not retain the substitute pattern translation(ja): Update Japanese translations to latest release runtime(netrw): Drop committed trace lines runtime(netrw): Error popup not always used runtime(netrw): ErrorMsg( may throw E121 runtime(tutor): update Makefile and make it portable between GNU and BSD translation: improve the po/cleanup.vim script runtime(lang): update Makefile and make it portable between GNU and BSD * v9.1.0676: style issues with man pages * v9.1.0675: Patch v9.1.0674 causes problems runtime(dosbatch): Show %%i as an argument in syntax file runtime(dosbatch): Add syn-sync to syntax file runtime(sql, mysql): fix E169: Command too recursive with sql_type_default = "mysql" * v9.1.0674: compiling abstract method fails because of missing return runtime(javascript): fix a few issues with syntax higlighting runtime(mediawiki): fix typo in doc, test for b:did_ftplugin var runtime(termdebug): Fix wrong test for balloon feature runtime(doc): Remove mentioning of the voting feature runtime(doc): add help tags for json + markdown global variables * v9.1.0673: too recursive func calls when calling super-class method runtime(syntax-tests): Facilitate the viewing of rendered screendumps runtime(doc): fix a few style issues * v9.1.0672: marker folds may get corrupted on undo * v9.1.0671 Problem: crash with WinNewPre autocommand * v9.1.0670: po file encoding fails on *BSD during make translation(it): Update Italian translation translation: Stop using msgconv * v9.1.0669: stable python ABI not used by default Update .gitignore and .hgignore files * v9.1.0668: build-error with python3.12 and stable ABI translations: Update generated po files * v9.1.0667: Some other options reset curswant unnecessarily when set * v9.1.0666: assert_equal( doesn't show multibyte string correctly runtime(doc): clarify directory of Vim's executable vs CWD * v9.1.0665 :for loop runtime(proto): Add indent script for protobuf filetype * v9.1.0664: console vim did not switch back to main screen on exit runtime(zip): zip plugin does not work with Vim 9.0 * v9.1.0663: zip test still resets 'shellslash' option runtime(zip): use defer to restore old settings runtime(zip): add a generic Message function runtime(zip): increment base version of zip plugin runtime(zip): raise minimum Vim version to * v9.0 runtime(zip): refactor save and restore of options runtime(zip): remove test for fnameescape runtime(zip): use :echomsg instead of :echo runtime(zip): clean up and remove comments * v9.1.0662: filecopy( may return wrong value when readlink( fails * v9.1.0661: the zip plugin is not tested. runtime(zip): Fix for FreeBSD's unzip command runtime(doc): capitalize correctly * v9.1.0660: Shift-Insert does work on old conhost translation(it): update Italian manpage runtime(lua): add/subtract a 'shiftwidth' after '('/')' in indentexpr runtime(zip): escape '[' on Unix as well * v9.1.0659: MSVC Makefile is a bit hard to read runtime(doc): fix typo in syntax.txt runtime(doc): -x is only available when compiled with crypt feature * v9.1.0658: Coverity warns about dereferencing NULL pointer. runtime(colors): update Todo highlight in habamax colorscheme * v9.1.0657: MSVC build time can be optimized * v9.1.0656: MSVC Makefile CPU handling can be improved * v9.1.0655: goaccess config file not recognized CI: update clang compiler to version 20 runtime(netrw): honor `g:netrw_alt{o,v}` for `:{S,H,V}explore` * v9.1.0654: completion does not respect completeslash with fuzzy * v9.1.0653: Patch v9.1.0648 not completely right * v9.1.0652: too many strlen( calls in syntax.c * v9.1.0651 :append * v9.1.0650: Coverity warning in cstrncmp() * v9.1.0649: Wrong comment for "len" argument of call_simple_func() * v9.1.0648: [security] double-free in dialog_changed() * v9.1.0647: [security] use-after-free in tagstack_clear_entry runtime(doc): re-format tag example lines, mention ctags --list-kinds * v9.1.0646: imported function may not be found runtime(java): Document "g:java_space_errors" and "g:java_comment_strings" runtime(java): Cluster optional group definitions and their group links runtime(java): Tidy up the syntax file runtime(java): Tidy up the documentation for "ft-java-syntax" runtime(colors): update habamax scheme - tweak diff/search/todo colors runtime(nohlsearch): add missing loaded_hlsearch guard runtime(kivy): Updated maintainer info for syntax script Maintainers: Add maintainer for ondir ftplugin + syntax files runtime(netrw): removing trailing slash when copying files in same directory * v9.1.0645: wrong match when searching multi-byte char case-insensitive runtime(html): update syntax script to sync by 250 minlines by default * v9.1.0644: Unnecessary STRLEN( when applying mapping runtime(zip): Opening a remote zipfile don't work runtime(cuda): source c and cpp ftplugins * v9.1.0643: cursor may end up on invalid position * v9.1.0642: Check that mapping rhs starts with lhs fails if not simplified * v9.1.0641: OLE enabled in console version runtime(thrift): add ftplugin, indent and syntax scripts * v9.1.0640: Makefile can be improved * v9.1.0639: channel timeout may wrap around * v9.1.0638: E1510 may happen when formatting a message for smsg() * v9.1.0637: Style issues in MSVC Makefile - Update apparmor.vim to latest version (from AppArmor 4.0.2) - add support for "all" and "userns" rules, and new profile flags - Update to 9.1.0636: * 9.1.0636: filetype: ziggy files are not recognized * 9.1.0635: filetype: SuperHTML template files not recognized * 9.1.0634: Ctrl-P not working by default * 9.1.0633: Compilation warnings with `-Wunused-parameter` * 9.1.0632: MS-Windows: Compiler Warnings Add support for Files-Included in syntax script tweak documentation style a bit * 9.1.0631: wrong completion list displayed with non-existing dir + fuzzy completion * 9.1.0630: MS-Windows: build fails with VIMDLL and mzscheme * 9.1.0629: Rename of pum hl_group is incomplete * 9.1.0628: MinGW: coverage files are not cleaned up * 9.1.0627: MinGW: build-error when COVERAGE is enabled * 9.1.0626: Vim9: need more tests with null objects include initial filetype plugin * 9.1.0625: tests: test output all translated messages for all translations * 9.1.0624: ex command modifiers not found * 9.1.0623: Mingw: errors when trying to delete non-existing files * 9.1.0622: MS-Windows: mingw-build can be optimized * 9.1.0621: MS-Windows: startup code can be improved * 9.1.0620: Vim9: segfauls with null objects * 9.1.0619: tests: test_popup fails * 9.1.0618: cannot mark deprecated attributes in completion menu * 9.1.0617: Cursor moves beyond first line of folded end of buffer * 9.1.0616: filetype: Make syntax highlighting off for MS Makefiles * 9.1.0615: Unnecessary STRLEN() in make_percent_swname() Add single-line comment syntax Add syntax test for comments Update maintainer info * 9.1.0614: tests: screendump tests fail due to recent syntax changes * 9.1.0613: tests: termdebug test may fail and leave file around Update base-syntax, improve :set highlighting Optionally highlight the :: token for method references * 9.1.0612: filetype: deno.lock file not recognized Use delete() for deleting directory escape filename before trying to delete it * 9.1.0611: ambiguous mappings not correctly resolved with modifyOtherKeys correctly extract file from zip browser * 9.1.0610: filetype: OpenGL Shading Language files are not detected Fix endless recursion in netrw#Explore() * 9.1.0609: outdated comments in Makefile update syntax script Fix flow mapping key detection Remove orphaned YAML syntax dump files * 9.1.0608: Coverity warns about a few potential issues Update syntax script and remove syn sync * 9.1.0607: termdebug: uses inconsistent style * 9.1.0606: tests: generated files may cause failure in test_codestyle * 9.1.0605: internal error with fuzzy completion * 9.1.0604: popup_filter during Press Enter prompt seems to hang translation: Update Serbian messages translation * 9.1.0603: filetype: use correct extension for Dracula * 9.1.0602: filetype: Prolog detection can be improved fix more inconsistencies in assert function docs * 9.1.0601: Wrong cursor position with 'breakindent' when wide char doesn't fit Update base-syntax, improve :map highlighting * 9.1.0600: Unused function and unused error constants * 9.1.0599: Termdebug: still get E1023 when specifying arguments correct wrong comment options fix typo "a xterm" -> "an xterm" * 9.1.0598: fuzzy completion does not work with default completion * 9.1.0597: KeyInputPre cannot get the (unmapped typed) key * 9.1.0596: filetype: devscripts config files are not recognized gdb file/folder check is now performed only in CWD. quote filename arguments using double quotes update syntax to SDC-standard 2.1 minor updates. Cleanup :match and :loadkeymap syntax test files Update base-syntax, match types in Vim9 variable declarations * 9.1.0595: make errors out with the po Makefile * 9.1.0594: Unnecessary redraw when setting 'winfixbuf' using wrong highlight for UTF-8 include simple syntax plugin * 9.1.0593: filetype: Asymptote files are not recognized add recommended indent options to ftplugin add recommended indent options to ftplugin add recommended indent options to ftplugin * 9.1.0592: filetype: Mediawiki files are not recognized * 9.1.0591: filetype: *.wl files are not recognized * 9.1.0590: Vim9: crash when accessing getregionpos() return value 'cpoptions': Include "z" in the documented default * 9.1.0589: vi: d{motion} and cw work differently than expected update included colorschemes grammar fixes in options.txt - Add "Keywords" to gvim.desktop to make searching for gvim easier - Removed patches, as they're no longer required (refreshing them deleted their contents): * vim-7.3-help_tags.patch * vim-7.4-highlight_fstab.patch - Reorganise all applied patches in the spec file. - Update to 9.1.0588: * 9.1.0588: The maze program no longer compiles on newer clang runtime(typst): Add typst runtime files * 9.1.0587: tests: Test_gui_lowlevel_keyevent is still flaky * 9.1.0586: ocaml runtime files are outdated runtime(termdebug): fix a few issues * 9.1.0585: tests: test_cpoptions leaves swapfiles around * 9.1.0584: Warning about redeclaring f_id() non-static runtime(doc): Add hint how to load termdebug from vimrc runtime(doc): document global insert behavior * 9.1.0583: filetype: *.pdf_tex files are not recognized * 9.1.0582: Printed line doesn't overwrite colon when pressing Enter in Ex mode * 9.1.0581: Various lines are indented inconsistently * 9.1.0580: :lmap mapping for keypad key not applied when typed in Select mode * 9.1.0579: Ex command is still executed after giving E1247 * 9.1.0578: no tests for :Tohtml * 9.1.0577: Unnecessary checks for v:sizeoflong in test_put.vim * 9.1.0576: tests: still an issue with test_gettext_make * 9.1.0575: Wrong comments in alt_tabpage() * 9.1.0574: ex: wrong handling of commands after bar runtime(doc): add a note for netrw bug reports * 9.1.0573: ex: no implicit print for single addresses runtime(vim): make &indentexpr available from the outside * 9.1.0572: cannot specify tab page closing behaviour runtime(doc): remove obsolete Ex insert behavior * 9.1.0571: tests: Test_gui_lowlevel_keyevent is flaky runtime(logindefs): update syntax with new keywords * 9.1.0570: tests: test_gettext_make can be improved runtime(filetype): Fix Prolog file detection regex * 9.1.0569: fnamemodify() treats ".." and "../" differently runtime(mojo): include mojo ftplugin and indent script * 9.1.0568: Cannot expand paths from 'cdpath' setting * 9.1.0567: Cannot use relative paths as findfile() stop directories * 9.1.0566: Stop dir in findfile() doesn't work properly w/o trailing slash * 9.1.0565: Stop directory doesn't work properly in 'tags' * 9.1.0564: id() can be faster * 9.1.0563: Cannot process any Key event * 9.1.0562: tests: inconsistency in test_findfile.vim runtime(fstab): Add missing keywords to fstab syntax * 9.1.0561: netbeans: variable used un-initialized (Coverity) * 9.1.0560: bindtextdomain() does not indicate an error * 9.1.0559: translation of vim scripts can be improved * 9.1.0558: filetype: prolog detection can be improved * 9.1.0557: moving in the buffer list doesn't work as documented runtime(doc): fix inconsistencies in :h file-searching * 9.1.0556: :bwipe doesn't remove file from jumplist of other tabpages runtime(htmlangular): correct comment * 9.1.0555: filetype: angular ft detection is still problematic * 9.1.0554: :bw leaves jumplist and tagstack data around * 9.1.0553: filetype: *.mcmeta files are not recognized * 9.1.0552: No test for antlr4 filetype * 9.1.0551: filetype: htmlangular files are not properly detected * 9.1.0550: filetype: antlr4 files are not recognized * 9.1.0549: fuzzycollect regex based completion not working as expected runtime(doc): autocmd_add() accepts a list not a dict * 9.1.0548: it's not possible to get a unique id for some vars runtime(tmux): Update syntax script * 9.1.0547: No way to get the arity of a Vim function * 9.1.0546: vim-tiny fails on CTRL-X/CTRL-A runtime(hlsplaylist): include hlsplaylist ftplugin file runtime(doc): fix typo in :h ft-csv-syntax runtime(doc): Correct shell command to get $VIMRUNTIME into shell * 9.1.0545: MSVC conversion warning * 9.1.0544: filetype: ldapconf files are not recognized runtime(cmakecache): include cmakecache ftplugin file runtime(lex): include lex ftplugin file runtime(yacc): include yacc ftplugin file runtime(squirrel): include squirrel ftplugin file runtime(objcpp): include objcpp ftplugin file runtime(tf): include tf ftplugin file runtime(mysql): include mysql ftplugin file runtime(javacc): include javacc ftplugin file runtime(cabal): include cabal ftplugin file runtime(cuda): include CUDA ftplugin file runtime(editorconfig): include editorconfig ftplugin file runtime(kivy): update kivy syntax, include ftplugin runtime(syntax-tests): Stop generating redundant "*_* 99.dump" files * 9.1.0543: Behavior of CursorMovedC is strange runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, improve :match command highlighting * 9.1.0542: Vim9: confusing string() output for object functions * 9.1.0541: failing test with Vim configured without channel * 9.1.0540: Unused assignment in sign_define_cmd() runtime(doc): add page-scrolling keys to index.txt runtime(doc): add reference to xterm-focus-event from FocusGained/Lost * 9.1.0539: Not enough tests for what v9.1.0535 fixed runtime(doc): clarify how to re-init csv syntax file * 9.1.0538: not possible to assign priority when defining a sign * 9.1.0537: signed number detection for CTRL-X/A can be improved * 9.1.0536: filetype: zone files are not recognized * 9.1.0535: newline escape wrong in ex mode runtime(man): honor cmd modifiers before `g:ft_man_open_mode` runtime(man): use `nnoremap` to map to Ex commands * 9.1.0534: completion wrong with fuzzy when cycling back to original runtime(syntax-tests): Abort and report failed cursor progress runtime(syntax-tests): Introduce self tests for screen dumping runtime(syntax-tests): Clear and redraw the ruler line with the shell info runtime(syntax-tests): Allow for folded and wrapped lines in syntax test files * 9.1.0533: Vim9: need more tests for nested objects equality CI: Pre-v* 9.0.0110 versions generate bogus documentation tag entries runtime(doc): Remove wrong help tag CTRL-SHIFT-CR * 9.1.0532: filetype: Cedar files not recognized runtime(doc): document further keys that scroll page up/down * 9.1.0531: resource leak in mch_get_random() runtime(tutor): Fix wrong spanish translation runtime(netrw): fix remaining case of register clobber * 9.1.0530: xxd: MSVC warning about non-ASCII character * 9.1.0529: silent! causes following try/catch to not work runtime(rust): use shiftwidth() in indent script * 9.1.0528: spell completion message still wrong in translations * 9.1.0527: inconsistent parameter in Makefiles for Vim executable * 9.1.0526: Unwanted cursor movement with pagescroll at start of buffer runtime(doc): mention $XDG_CONFIG_HOME instead of $HOME/.config * 9.1.0525: Right release selects immediately when pum is truncated. * 9.1.0524: the recursive parameter in the *_equal functions can be removed runtime(termdebug): Add Deprecation warnings * 9.1.0523: Vim9: cannot downcast an object * 9.1.0522: Vim9: string(object) hangs for recursive references * 9.1.0521: if_py: _PyObject_CallFunction_SizeT is dropped in Python 3.13 * 9.1.0520: Vim9: incorrect type checking for modifying lists runtime(manpager): avoid readonly prompt * 9.1.0519: MS-Windows: libvterm compilation can be optimized * 9.1.0518: initialize the random buffer can be improved * 9.1.0517: MS-Windows: too long lines in Make_mvc.mak runtime(terraform): Add filetype plugin for terraform runtime(dockerfile): enable spellchecking of comments in syntax script runtime(doc): rename variable for pandoc markdown support runtime(doc): In builtin overview use {buf} as param for appendbufline/setbufline runtime(doc): clarify, that register 1-* 9 will always be shifted runtime(netrw): save and restore register 0-* 9, a and unnamed runtime(termdebug): Refactored StartDebug_term and EndDebug functions runtime(java): Compose "g:java_highlight_signature" and "g:java_highlight_functions" * 9.1.0516: need more tests for nested dicts and list comparision * 9.1.0515: Vim9: segfault in object_equal() * 9.1.0514: Vim9: issue with comparing objects recursively runtime(termdebug): Change some variables to Enums runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, fix function tail comments * 9.1.0513: Vim9: segfault with object comparison - Update to 9.1.0512: * Mode message for spell completion doesn't match allowed keys * CursorMovedC triggered wrongly with setcmdpos() * update runtime files * CI: test_gettext fails on MacOS14 + MSVC Win * not possible to translate Vim script messages * termdebug plugin can be further improved * add gomod filetype plugin * hard to detect cursor movement in the command line * Optionally highlight parameterised types * filetype: .envrc & .prettierignore not recognized * filetype: Faust files are not recognized * inner-tag textobject confused about ">" in attributes * cannot use fuzzy keyword completion * Remove the group exclusion list from @javaTop * wrong return type for execute() function * MS-Windows: too much legacy code * too complicated mapping restore in termdebug * simplify mapping * cannot switch buffer in a popup * MS-Windows: doesn't handle symlinks properly * getcmdcompltype() interferes with cmdline completion * termdebug can be further improved * update htmldjango detection * Improve Turkish documentation * include a simple csv filetype and syntax plugin * include the the simple nohlsearch package * matched text is highlighted case-sensitively * Matched text isn't highlighted in cmdline pum * Fix typos in several documents * clarify when text properties are cleared * improve the vim-shebang example * revert unintended formatting changes for termdebug * Add a config variable for commonly used compiler options * Wrong matched text highlighted in pum with 'rightleft' * bump length of character references in syntax script * properly check mapping variables using null_dict * fix KdlIndent and kdlComment in indent script * Test for patch 9.1.0489 doesn't fail without the fix * Fold multi-line comments with the syntax kind of &fdm * using wrong type for PlaceSign() * filetype: Vim-script files not detected by shebang line * revert unintended change to zip#Write() * add another tag for vim-shebang feature * Cmdline pum doesn't work properly with 'rightleft' * minor style problems with patch 9.1.0487 * default completion may break with fuzzy * Wrong padding for pum "kind" with 'rightleft' * Update base-syntax, match shebang lines * MS-Windows: handle files with spaces properly * Restore HTML syntax file tests * completed item not update on fuzzy completion * filetype: Snakemake files are not recognized * make TermDebugSendCommand() a global function again * close all buffers in the same way * Matched text shouldn't be highlighted in "kind" and "menu" * fix wrong helptag for :defer * Update base-syntax, match :sleep arg * include Georgian keymap * Sorting of completeopt+=fuzzy is not stable * correctly test for windows in NetrwGlob() * glob() on windows fails with [] in directory name * rewrite mkdir() doc and simplify {flags} meaning * glob() not sufficiently tested * update return type for job_info() * termdebug plugin needs more love * correct return types for job_start() and job_status() * Update base-syntax, match :catch and :throw args * Include element values in non-marker annotations * Vim9: term_getjob() throws an exception on error * fuzzy string matching executed when not needed * fuzzy_match_str_with_pos() does unnecessary list operations * restore description of "$" in col() and virtcol() * deduplicate getpos(), line(), col(), virtcol() * Update g:vimsyn_comment_strings dump file tests * Use string interpolation instead of string concat * potential deref of NULL pointer in fuzzy_match_str_with_pos * block_editing errors out when using * Update base-syntax, configurable comment string highlighting * fix typos in syntax.txt * Cannot see matched text in popup menu * Update base-syntax, match multiline continued comments * clarify documentation for "v" position at line() * cmod_split modifier is always reset in term_start() * remove line-continuation characters * use shiftwidth() instead of &tabstop in indent script * Remove orphaned screen dump files * include syntax, indent and ftplugin files * CI: Test_ColonEight() fails on github runners * add missing Enabled field in syntax script * basic svelte ftplugin file * term_start() does not clear vertical modifier * fix mousemodel restoration by comparing against null_string * Added definitions of Vim scripts and plugins * Exclude lambda expressions from _when_ _switch-case_ label clauses * Fix saved_mousemodel check * Inconsistencies between functions for option flags * Crash when using autocmd_get() after removing event inside autocmd * Fix small style issues * add return type info for Vim function descriptions * Update Italian Vim manpage * disable the q mapping * Change 'cms' for C++ to '// %s' * fix type mismatch error * Fix wrong email address * convert termdebug plugin to Vim9 script - Update to 9.1.0470: * tests Test_ColonEight_MultiByte() fails sporadically * Cannot have buffer-local value for 'completeopt' * GvimExt does not consult HKEY_CURRENT_USER * typos in some comments * runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, allow whitespace before :substitute pattern * Missing comments for fuzzy completion * runtime(man): update Vim manpage * runtime(comment): clarify the usage of 'commentstring' option value * runtime(doc): clarify how fuzzy 'completeopt' should work * runtime(netrw): prevent accidental data loss * missing filecopy() function * no whitespace padding in commentstring option in ftplugins * no fuzzy-matching support for insert-completion * eval5() and eval7 are too complex * too many strlen() calls in drawline.c * filetype lintstagedrc files are not recognized * Vim9 import autoload does not work with symlink * Coverity complains about division by zero * tests test_gui fails on Wayland * Left shift is incorrect with vartabstop and shiftwidth=0 * runtime(doc): clarify 'shortmess' flag "S" * MS-Windows compiler warning for size_t to int conversion * runtime(doc): include some vim9 script examples in the help * minor issues in test_filetype with rasi test * filetype rasi files are not recognized * runtime(java): Improve the matching of lambda expressions * Configure checks for libelf unnecessarily * No test for escaping '<' with shellescape() * check.vim complains about overlong comment lines * translation(it): Update Italian translation * evalc. code too complex * MS-Windows Compiler warnings - Update to 9.1.0448: * compiler warning in eval.c * remove remaining css code * Add ft_hare.txt to Reference Manual TOC * re-generate vim syntax from generator * fix syntax vim bug * completion may be wrong when deleting all chars * getregionpos() inconsistent for partly-selected multibyte char * fix highlighting nested and escaped quotes in string props * remove the indent plugin since it has too many issues * update Debian runtime files * Coverity warning after 9.1.0440 * Not enough tests for getregion() with multibyte chars * Can't use blockwise selection with width for getregion() * update outdated syntax files * fix floating_modifier highlight * hare runtime files outdated * getregionpos() can't properly indicate positions beyond eol * function get_lval() is too long * Cannot filter the history * Wrong Ex command executed when :g uses '?' as delimiter * support floating_modifier none; revert broken highlighting * Motif requires non-const char pointer for XPM data * Crash when using '?' as separator for :s * filetype: cygport files are not recognized * make errors trying to access autoload/zig * Wrong yanking with exclusive selection and ve=all * add missing help tags file * Ancient XPM preprocessor hack may cause build errors * include basic rescript ftplugin file * eval.c is too long * getregionpos() doesn't handle one char selection * check for gdb file/dir before using as buffer name * refactor zig ftplugin, remove auto format * Coverity complains about eval.c refactor * Tag guessing leaves wrong search history with very short names * some issues with termdebug mapping test * update matchit plugin to v1.20 * too many strlen() calls in search.c * set commentstring option * update vb indent plugin as vim9script * filetype: purescript files are not recognized * filetype: slint files are not recognized * basic nim ftplugin file for comments * Add Arduino ftplugin and indent files * include basic typst ftplugin file * include basic prisma ftplugin file * include basic v ftplugin for comment support * getregionpos() wrong with blockwise mode and multibyte * function echo_string_core() is too long * hyprlang files are not recognized * add basic dart ftplugin file * basic ftplugin file for graphql * mention comment plugin at :h 'commentstring' * set commentstring for sql files in ftplugin * :browse oldfiles prompts even with single entry * eval.c not sufficiently tested * clarify why E195 is returned * clarify temporary file clean up * fix :NoMatchParen not working * Cannot move to previous/next rare word * add basic ftplugin file for sshdconfig * if_py: find_module has been removed in Python 3.12.0a7 * some screen dump tests can be improved * Some functions are not tested * clarify instal instructions for comment package * Unable to leave long line with 'smoothscroll' and 'scrolloff' * fix typo in vim9script help file * Remove trailing spaces * clarify {special} argument for shellescape() - update to 9.1.0413 * smoothscroll may cause infinite loop * add missing entries for the keys CTRL-W g and * update vi_diff.txt: add default value for 'flash' * typo in regexp_bt.c in DEBUG code * allow indented commands * Fix wrong define regex in ftplugin * Filter out non-Latin-1 characters for syntax tests * prefer scp over pscp * fix typo in usr_52.txt * too long functions in eval.c * warning about uninitialized variable * too many strlen() calls in the regexp engine * E16 fix, async keyword support for define * Stuck with long line and half-page scrolling * Divide by zero with getmousepos() and 'smoothscroll' * update and remove some invalid links * update translation of xxd manpage * Recursively delete directories by default with netrw delete command * Strive to remain compatible for at least Vim 7.0 * tests: xxd buffer overflow fails on 32-bit * Stop handpicking syntax groups for @javaTop * [security] xxd: buffer-overflow with specific flags * Vim9: not able to import file from start dir * filetype: mdd files detected as zsh filetype * filetype: zsh module files are not recognized * Remove hardcoded private.ppk logic from netrw * Vim9: confusing error message for unknown type * block_editing errors out when using del * add new items to scripts section in syntax plugin * Vim9: imported vars are not properly type checked * Wrong display with 'smoothscroll' when changing quickfix list * filetype: jj files are not recognized * getregionpos() may leak memory on error * The CODEOWNERS File is not useful * Remove and cleanup Win9x legacy from netrw * add MsgArea to 'highlight' option description * Cannot get a list of positions describing a region * Fix digit separator in syntax script for octals and floats * Update link to Wikipedia Vi page * clear $MANPAGER in ftplugin before shelling out * Fix typos in help documents * 'viewdir' not respecting $XDG_CONFIG_HOME * tests: Vim9 debug tests may be flaky * correct getscriptinfo() example * Vim9: could improve testing * test_sound fails on macos-12 * update Serbian menu * update Slovak menu * update Slovenian menu * update Portuguese menu * update Dutch menu * update Korean menu * update Icelandic menu * update Czech menu * update Afrikaans menu * update German menu * filetype: inko files are not recognized * filetype: templ files are not recognized * cursor() and getregion() don't handle v:maxcol well * Vim9: null value tests not sufficient * update Catalan menu * filetype: stylus files not recognized * update spanish menu localization * regenerate helptags * Vim9: crash with null_class and null_object * Add tags about lazyloading of menu * tests: vt420 terminfo entry may not be found * filetype: .out files recognized as tex files * filetype: Kbuild files are not recognized * cbuffer and similar commands don't accept a range * Improve the recognition of the "indent" method declarations * Fix a typo in usr_30.txt * remove undefined var s:save_cpoptions and add include setting * missing setlocal in indent plugin * Calculating line height for unnecessary amount of lines * improve syntax file performance * There are a few typos * Vim9: no comments allowed after class vars * CI: remove trailing white space in documentation * Formatting text wrong when 'breakindent' is set * Add oracular (24.10) as Ubuntu release name * Vim9: Trailing commands after class/enum keywords ignored * tests: 1-second delay after Test_BufEnter_botline() * update helptags for jq syntax * include syntax, ftplugin and compiler plugin * fix typo synconcealend -> synconcealed * include a simple comment toggling plugin * wrong botline in BufEnter * clarify syntax vs matching mechanism * fix undefined variable in indent plugin * ops.c code uses too many strlen() calls * Calling CLEAR_FIELD() on the same struct twice * Vim9: compile_def_function() still too long * Update Serbian messages * clarify the effect of setting the shell to powershell * Improve the recognition of the "style" method declarations * Vim9: problem when importing autoloaded scripts * compile_def_function is too long * filetype: ondir files are not recognized * Crash when typing many keys with D- modifier * tests: test_vim9_builtin is a bit slow * update documentation * change the download URL of "libsodium" * tests: test_winfixbuf is a bit slow * Add filetype, syntax and indent plugin for Astro * expanding rc config files does not work well * Vim9: vim9type.c is too complicated * Vim9: does not handle autoloaded variables well * minor spell fix in starting.txt * wrong drawing in GUI with setcellwidth() * Add include and suffixesadd * Page scrolling should place cursor at window boundaries * align command line table * minor fixes to starting.txt * fix comment definition in filetype plugin * filetype: flake.lock files are not recognized * runtime(uci): No support for uci file types * Support "g:ftplugin_java_source_path" with archived files * tests: Test_autoload_import_relative_compiled fails on Windows * Finding cmd modifiers and cmdline-specials is inefficient * No test that completing a partial mapping clears 'showcmd' * tests: test_vim9_dissamble may fail * Vim9: need static type for typealias * X11 does not ignore smooth scroll event * A few typos in test_xdg when testing gvimrc * Patch v9.1.0338 fixed sourcing a script with import * Problem: gvimrc not sourced from XDG_CONFIG_HOME * Cursor wrong after using setcellwidth() in terminal * 'showcmd' wrong for partial mapping with multibyte * tests: test_taglist fails when 'helplang' contains non-english * Problem: a few memory leaks are found * Problem: Error with matchaddpos() and empty list * tests: xdg test uses screen dumps * Vim9: import through symlinks not correctly handled * Missing entry for XDG vimrc file in :version * tests: typo in test_xdg * runtime(i3config/swayconfig): update syntax scripts * document pandoc compiler and enable configuring arguments * String interpolation fails for List type * No test for highlight behavior with 'ambiwidth' * tests: test_xdg fails on the appimage repo * tests: some assert_equal() calls have wrong order of args * make install does not install all files * runtime(doc): fix typos in starting.txt- Updated to version 9.1 with patch level 0330, fixes the following problems * Fixing bsc#1220763 - vim gets Segmentation fault after updating to version 9.1.0111-150500.20.9.1 - refreshed vim-7.3-filetype_spec.patch - refreshed vim-7.3-filetype_ftl.patch - Update spec.skeleton to use autosetup in place of setup macro. - for the complete list of changes see Updated to version 9.1 with patch level 0111, fixes the following security problems * Fixing bsc#1217316 (CVE-2023-48231) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48231: vim: Use-After-Free in win_close() * Fixing bsc#1217320 (CVE-2023-48232) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48232: vim: Floating point Exception in adjust_plines_for_skipcol() * Fixing bsc#1217321 (CVE-2023-48233) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48233: vim: overflow with count for :s command * Fixing bsc#1217324 (CVE-2023-48234) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48234: vim: overflow in nv_z_get_count * Fixing bsc#1217326 (CVE-2023-48235) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48235: vim: overflow in ex address parsing * Fixing bsc#1217329 (CVE-2023-48236) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48236: vim: overflow in get_number * Fixing bsc#1217330 (CVE-2023-48237) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48237: vim: overflow in shift_line * Fixing bsc#1217432 (CVE-2023-48706) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48706: vim: heap-use-after-free in ex_substitute * Fixing bsc#1219581 (CVE-2024-22667) - VUL-0: CVE-2024-22667: vim: stack-based buffer overflow in did_set_langmap function in map.c * Fixing bsc#1215005 (CVE-2023-4750) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4750: vim: Heap use-after-free in function bt_quickfix - for the complete list of changes see Updated to version 9.0 with patch level 2103, fixes the following security problems * Fixing bsc#1215940 (CVE-2023-5344) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-5344: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in vim prior to 9.0.1969. * Fixing bsc#1216001 (CVE-2023-5441) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-5441: vim: segfault in exmode when redrawing * Fixing bsc#1216167 (CVE-2023-5535) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-5535: vim: use-after-free from buf_contents_changed() * Fixing bsc#1216696 (CVE-2023-46246) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-46246: vim: Integer Overflow in :history command * Fixing bsc#1214922 (CVE-2023-4738) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4738: vim: heap-buffer-overflow in vim_regsub_both * Fixing bsc#1214924 (CVE-2023-4735) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4735: vim: OOB Write ops.c * Fixing bsc#1214925 (CVE-2023-4734) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4734: vim: segmentation fault in function f_fullcommand * Fixing bsc#1215004 (CVE-2023-4733) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4733: vim: use-after-free in function buflist_altfpos * Fixing bsc#1215006 (CVE-2023-4752) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4752: vim: Heap Use After Free in function ins_compl_get_exp * Fixing bsc#1215033 (CVE-2023-4781) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4781: vim: heap-buffer-overflow in function vim_regsub_both - drop patches: disable-unreliable-tests.patch ignore-flaky-test-failure.patch vim-8.1.0297-dump3.patch - dropped %check - most of tests didn't work correctly in OBS and maintenance burden of this was getting too big - for the complete list of changes see Use app icon generated from vimlogo.eps in source tarball; add higher res icons of sizes 128, 256, and 512px as png sources. Our current icons deviate from upstream flatpaks for example. - Updated to version 9.0 with patch level 1632 - for the complete list of changes see Updated to version 9.0 with patch level 1572, fixes the following security problems * Fixing bsc#1210996 (CVE-2023-2426) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-2426: vim: Use of Out-of-range Pointer Offset in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.1499. * Fixing bsc#1211256 (CVE-2023-2609) - VUL-1: CVE-2023-2609: vim: NULL Pointer Dereference prior to 9.0.1531 * Fixing bsc#1211257 (CVE-2023-2610) - VUL-1: CVE-2023-2610: vim: Integer Overflow or Wraparound prior to 9.0.1532 - for the complete list of changes see Fixing bsc#1211461 - L3: vim "eats" first character from prompt in xterm * Add: reorder-exit-raw-mode.patch * Swaps out_str_t_TE() and cursor_on() during exit to prevent missing characters in xterm prompt on exit.- Fixing bsc#1211144 - [Build 96.1] openQA test fails in zypper_migration - conflict between xxd and vim * Revert the creation standalone xxd packages- Updated to version 9.0 with patch level 1443, fixes the following security problems * Fixing bsc#1209042 (CVE-2023-1264) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-1264: vim: NULL Pointer Dereference vim prior to 9.0.1392 * Fixing bsc#1209187 (CVE-2023-1355) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-1355: vim: NULL Pointer Dereference prior to 9.0.1402. * Fixing bsc#1208828 (CVE-2023-1127) - VUL-1: CVE-2023-1127: vim: divide by zero in scrolldown() - drop vim-8.0-ttytype-test.patch as it changes test_options.vim which we remove during %prep anyway. And this breaks quilt setup. - for the complete list of changes see Updated to version 9.0 with patch level 1386, fixes the following security problems * Fixing bsc#1207780 - (CVE-2023-0512) VUL-0: CVE-2023-0512: vim: Divide By Zero in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.1247 * Fixing bsc#1208957 - (CVE-2023-1175) VUL-0: CVE-2023-1175: vim: Incorrect Calculation of Buffer Size * Fixing bsc#1208959 - (CVE-2023-1170) VUL-0: CVE-2023-1170: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in vim prior to 9.0.1376 * Fixing bsc#1208828 - (CVE-2023-1127) VUL-1: CVE-2023-1127: vim: divide by zero in scrolldown() - for the complete list of changes see Updated to version 9.0 with patch level 1234, fixes the following security problems * Fixing bsc#1207396 VUL-0: CVE-2023-0433: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in vim prior to 9.0.1225 * Fixing bsc#1207162 VUL-1: CVE-2023-0288: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.1189. * Fixing bsc#1206868 VUL-1: CVE-2023-0054: vim: Out-of-bounds Write in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.1145. * Fixing bsc#1206867 VUL-1: CVE-2023-0051: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.1144. * Fixing bsc#1206866 VUL-1: CVE-2023-0049: vim: Out-of-bounds Read in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.1143. - refreshed vim-7.4-highlight_fstab.patch - for the complete list of changes see Updated to version 9.0 with patch level 1040, fixes the following security problems * Fixing bsc#1206028 VUL-0: CVE-2022-3491: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow prior to 9.0.0742 * Fixing bsc#1206071 VUL-0: CVE-2022-3520: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow * Fixing bsc#1206072 VUL-0: CVE-2022-3591: vim: Use After Free * Fixing bsc#1206075 VUL-0: CVE-2022-4292: vim: Use After Free in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.0882. * Fixing bsc#1206077 VUL-0: CVE-2022-4293: vim: Floating Point Comparison with Incorrect Operator in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.0804. * Fixing bsc#1205797 VUL-0: CVE-2022-4141: vim: heap-buffer-overflow in alloc.c 246:11 * Fixing bsc#1204779 VUL-0: CVE-2022-3705: vim: use after free in function qf_update_buffer of the file quickfix.c - for the complete list of changes see Updated to version 9.0 with patch level 0814, fixes the following problems * Fixing bsc#1192478 VUL-1: CVE-2021-3928: vim: vim is vulnerable to Stack-based Buffer Overflow * Fixing bsc#1203508 VUL-0: CVE-2022-3234: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow prior to 9.0.0483. * Fixing bsc#1203509 VUL-1: CVE-2022-3235: vim: Use After Free in GitHub prior to 9.0.0490. * Fixing bsc#1203820 VUL-0: CVE-2022-3324: vim: Stack-based Buffer Overflow in prior to 9.0.0598. * Fixing bsc#1204779 VUL-0: CVE-2022-3705: vim: use after free in function qf_update_buffer of the file quickfix.c * Fixing bsc#1203152 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2982: vim: use after free in qf_fill_buffer() * Fixing bsc#1203796 VUL-1: CVE-2022-3296: vim: stack out of bounds read in ex_finally() in ex_eval.c * Fixing bsc#1203797 VUL-1: CVE-2022-3297: vim: use-after-free in process_next_cpt_value() at insexpand.c * Fixing bsc#1203110 VUL-1: CVE-2022-3099: vim: Use After Free in ex_docmd.c * Fixing bsc#1203194 VUL-1: CVE-2022-3134: vim: use after free in do_tag() * Fixing bsc#1203272 VUL-1: CVE-2022-3153: vim: NULL Pointer Dereference in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.0404. * Fixing bsc#1203799 VUL-1: CVE-2022-3278: vim: NULL pointer dereference in eval_next_non_blank() in eval.c * Fixing bsc#1203924 VUL-1: CVE-2022-3352: vim: vim: use after free * Fixing bsc#1203155 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2980: vim: null pointer dereference in do_mouse() * Fixing bsc#1202962 VUL-1: CVE-2022-3037: vim: Use After Free in vim prior to 9.0.0321 - ignore-flaky-test-failure.patch: Ignore failure of flaky tests - disable-unreliable-tests-arch.patch: Removed - for the complete list of changes see Updated to version 9.0 with patch level 0313, fixes the following problems * Fixing bsc#1200884 Vim: Error on startup * Fixing bsc#1200902 VUL-0: CVE-2022-2183: vim: Out-of-bounds Read through get_lisp_indent() Mon 13:32 * Fixing bsc#1200903 VUL-0: CVE-2022-2182: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow through parse_cmd_address() Tue 08:37 * Fixing bsc#1200904 VUL-0: CVE-2022-2175: vim: Buffer Over-read through cmdline_insert_reg() Tue 08:37 * Fixing bsc#1201249 VUL-0: CVE-2022-2304: vim: stack buffer overflow in spell_dump_compl() * Fixing bsc#1201356 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2343: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in GitHub repository vim prior to 9.0.0044 * Fixing bsc#1201359 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2344: vim: Another Heap-based Buffer Overflow vim prior to 9.0.0045 * Fixing bsc#1201363 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2345: vim: Use After Free in GitHub repository vim prior to 9.0.0046. * Fixing bsc#1201620 PUBLIC SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 Basesystem NEW --- SLE-15-SP4-Full-x86_64-GM-Media1 and vim-plugin-tlib-1.27-bp154.2.18.noarch issue * Fixing bsc#1202414 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2819: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in compile_lock_unlock() * Fixing bsc#1202552 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2874: vim: NULL Pointer Dereference in generate_loadvar() * Fixing bsc#1200270 VUL-1: CVE-2022-1968: vim: use after free in utf_ptr2char * Fixing bsc#1200697 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2124: vim: out of bounds read in current_quote() * Fixing bsc#1200698 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2125: vim: out of bounds read in get_lisp_indent() * Fixing bsc#1200700 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2126: vim: out of bounds read in suggest_trie_walk() * Fixing bsc#1200701 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2129: vim: out of bounds write in vim_regsub_both() * Fixing bsc#1200732 VUL-1: CVE-2022-1720: vim: out of bounds read in grab_file_name() * Fixing bsc#1201132 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2264: vim: out of bounds read in inc() * Fixing bsc#1201133 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2284: vim: out of bounds read in utfc_ptr2len() * Fixing bsc#1201134 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2285: vim: negative size passed to memmove() due to integer overflow * Fixing bsc#1201135 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2286: vim: out of bounds read in ins_bytes() * Fixing bsc#1201136 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2287: vim: out of bounds read in suggest_trie_walk() * Fixing bsc#1201150 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2231: vim: null pointer dereference skipwhite() * Fixing bsc#1201151 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2210: vim: out of bounds read in ml_append_int() * Fixing bsc#1201152 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2208: vim: null pointer dereference in diff_check() * Fixing bsc#1201153 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2207: vim: out of bounds read in ins_bs() * Fixing bsc#1201154 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2257: vim: out of bounds read in msg_outtrans_special() * Fixing bsc#1201155 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2206: vim: out of bounds read in msg_outtrans_attr() * Fixing bsc#1201863 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2522: vim: out of bounds read via nested autocommand * Fixing bsc#1202046 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2571: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow related to ins_comp_get_next_word_or_line() * Fixing bsc#1202049 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2580: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow related to eval_string() * Fixing bsc#1202050 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2581: vim: Out-of-bounds Read related to cstrchr() * Fixing bsc#1202051 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2598: vim: Undefined Behavior for Input to API related to diff_mark_adjust_tp() and ex_diffgetput() * Fixing bsc#1202420 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2817: vim: Use After Free in f_assert_fails() * Fixing bsc#1202421 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2816: vim: Out-of-bounds Read in check_vim9_unlet() * Fixing bsc#1202511 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2862: vim: use-after-free in compile_nested_function() * Fixing bsc#1202512 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2849: vim: Invalid memory access related to mb_ptr2len() * Fixing bsc#1202515 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2845: vim: Buffer Over-read related to display_dollar() * Fixing bsc#1202599 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2889: vim: use-after-free in find_var_also_in_script() in evalvars.c * Fixing bsc#1202687 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2923: vim: NULL Pointer Dereference in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.0240 * Fixing bsc#1202689 VUL-1: CVE-2022-2946: vim: use after free in function vim_vsnprintf_typval * Fixing bsc#1202862 VUL-1: CVE-2022-3016: vim: Use After Free in vim prior to 9.0.0285 Mon 12:00- Deleted patches: * restrict-shell-commands.patch * source-check-sandbox.patch * vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3778.patch * vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3796.patch * vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3872.patch * vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3927.patch * vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3928.patch * vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3984.patch * vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-4019.patch * vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-4193.patch * vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-46059.patch * vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0319.patch * vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0351.patch * vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0361.patch * vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0413.patch * vim-8.0.1568-globalvimrc.patch - Added patches: * vim-8.1.0297-dump3.patch * vim-8.2.2411-globalvimrc.patch * disable-unreliable-tests-arch.patch - Updated patches: * disable-unreliable-tests.patch * vim-7.3-filetype_changes.patch * vim-7.3-filetype_ftl.patch * vim-7.3-filetype_spec.patch * vim-7.3-gvimrc_fontset.patch * vim-7.3-help_tags.patch * vim-7.3-mktemp_tutor.patch * vim-7.3-name_vimrc.patch * vim-7.3-sh_is_bash.patch * vim-7.3-use_awk.patch * vim-7.4-disable_lang_no.patch * vim-7.4-filetype_apparmor.patch * vim-7.4-filetype_mine.patch * vim-7.4-highlight_fstab.patch * vim-8.0-ttytype-test.patch * vim-8.0.1568-defaults.patch * vim73-no-static-libpython.patch - Updated to version 8.2 with patch level 5038, fixes the following problems * Fixing bsc#1191770 VUL-0: CVE-2021-3875: vim: heap-based buffer overflow * Fixing bsc#1192167 VUL-0: CVE-2021-3903: vim: heap-based buffer overflow * Fixing bsc#1192902 VUL-0: CVE-2021-3968: vim: vim is vulnerable to Heap-based Buffer Overflow * Fixing bsc#1192903 VUL-0: CVE-2021-3973: vim: vim is vulnerable to Heap-based Buffer Overflow * Fixing bsc#1192904 VUL-0: CVE-2021-3974: vim: vim is vulnerable to Use After Free * Fixing bsc#1193466 VUL-1: CVE-2021-4069: vim: use-after-free in ex_open() in src/ex_docmd.c * Fixing bsc#1193905 VUL-0: CVE-2021-4136: vim: vim is vulnerable to Heap-based Buffer Overflow * Fixing bsc#1194093 VUL-1: CVE-2021-4166: vim: vim is vulnerable to Out-of-bounds Read * Fixing bsc#1194216 VUL-1: CVE-2021-4193: vim: vulnerable to Out-of-bounds Read * Fixing bsc#1194217 VUL-0: CVE-2021-4192: vim: vulnerable to Use After Free * Fixing bsc#1194872 VUL-0: CVE-2022-0261: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in vim prior to 8.2. * Fixing bsc#1194885 VUL-0: CVE-2022-0213: vim: vim is vulnerable to Heap-based Buffer Overflow * Fixing bsc#1195004 VUL-0: CVE-2022-0318: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in vim prior to 8.2. * Fixing bsc#1195203 VUL-0: CVE-2022-0359: vim: heap-based buffer overflow in init_ccline() in ex_getln.c * Fixing bsc#1195354 VUL-0: CVE-2022-0407: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in Conda vim prior to 8.2. * Fixing bsc#1198596 VUL-0: CVE-2022-1381: vim: global heap buffer overflow in skip_range * Fixing bsc#1199331 VUL-0: CVE-2022-1616: vim: Use after free in append_command * Fixing bsc#1199333 VUL-0: CVE-2022-1619: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in function cmdline_erase_chars * Fixing bsc#1199334 VUL-0: CVE-2022-1620: vim: NULL Pointer Dereference in function vim_regexec_string * Fixing bsc#1199747 VUL-0: CVE-2022-1796: vim: Use After in find_pattern_in_path * Fixing bsc#1200010 VUL-0: CVE-2022-1897: vim: Out-of-bounds Write in vim * Fixing bsc#1200011 VUL-0: CVE-2022-1898: vim: Use After Free in vim prior to 8.2 * Fixing bsc#1200012 VUL-0: CVE-2022-1927: vim: Buffer Over-read in vim prior to 8.2 * Fixing bsc#1070955 VUL-1: CVE-2017-17087: vim: Sets the group ownership of a .swp file to the editor's primary group, which allows local users to obtain sensitive information * Fixing bsc#1194388 VUL-1: CVE-2022-0128: vim: vim is vulnerable to Out-of-bounds Read * Fixing bsc#1195332 VUL-1: CVE-2022-0392: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in vim prior to 8.2 * Fixing bsc#1196361 VUL-1: CVE-2022-0696: vim: NULL Pointer Dereference in vim prior to 8.2 * Fixing bsc#1198748 VUL-1: CVE-2022-1420: vim: Out-of-range Pointer Offset * Fixing bsc#1199651 VUL-1: CVE-2022-1735: vim: heap buffer overflow * Fixing bsc#1199655 VUL-1: CVE-2022-1733: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in cindent.c * Fixing bsc#1199693 VUL-1: CVE-2022-1771: vim: stack exhaustion in vim prior to 8.2. * Fixing bsc#1199745 VUL-1: CVE-2022-1785: vim: Out-of-bounds Write * Fixing bsc#1199936 VUL-1: CVE-2022-1851: vim: out of bounds read- Minimal fix for Bug 1195004 - (CVE-2022-0318) VUL-0: CVE-2022-0318: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in vim prior to 8.2. / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0413.patch - Fixing bsc#1190570 CVE-2021-3796: vim: use-after-free in nv_replace() in normal.c / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3796.patch - Fixing bsc#1191893 CVE-2021-3872: vim: heap-based buffer overflow in win_redr_status() drawscreen.c / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3872.patch - Fixing bsc#1192481 CVE-2021-3927: vim: vim is vulnerable to Heap-based Buffer Overflow / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3927.patch - Fixing bsc#1192478 CVE-2021-3928: vim: vim is vulnerable to Stack-based Buffer Overflow / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3928.patch - Fixing bsc#1193294 CVE-2021-4019: vim: vim is vulnerable to Heap-based Buffer Overflow / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-4019.patch - Fixing bsc#1193298 CVE-2021-3984: vim: illegal memory access when C-indenting could lead to Heap Buffer Overflow / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3984.patch - Fixing bsc#1190533 CVE-2021-3778: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in regexp_nfa.c / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3778.patch - Fixing bsc#1194216 CVE-2021-4193: vim: vulnerable to Out-of-bounds Read / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-4193.patch - Fixing bsc#1194556 CVE-2021-46059: vim: A Pointer Dereference vulnerability exists in Vim 8.2.3883 via the vim_regexec_multi function at regexp.c, which causes a denial of service. / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-46059.patch - Fixing bsc#1195066 CVE-2022-0319: vim: Out-of-bounds Read in vim/vim prior to 8.2. / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0319.patch - Fixing bsc#1195126 CVE-2022-0351: vim: uncontrolled recursion in eval7() / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0351.patch - Fixing bsc#1195202 CVE-2022-0361: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in vim prior to 8.2. / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0361.patch - Fixing bsc#1195356 CVE-2022-0413: vim: use after free in src/ex_cmds.c / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0413.patch- install suse vimrc in /usr (boo#1182324, vim-8.0.1568-globalvimrc.patch)- source correct suse.vimrc file (boo#1182324)- stop owning /etc/vimrc so the old, distro provided config actually gets removed. Leaving it around leads to a duplicated autocmd for * .spec, leading to spec file template inserted twice. - own some dirs in vim-data-common so installation of vim-small doesn't leave not owned directories (boo#1173256). - Add vi as slave to update-alternatives so that every package has a matching "vi" symlink (bsc#1174564, boo#1176549).- Add restrict-shell-commands.patch to disable using interfaces in restricted mode, fixes bsc#1172225 CVE-2019-20807- introduce vim-small package with reduced requirements for small installations (boo#1166602). - BuildRequire pkg-config(krb5) instead of krb5-mini to be able to build against Tumbleweed repo.- Add source-check-sandbox.patch to fix CVE-2019-12735 boo#1137443- Pre-convert gvim icons, otherwise building vim depends on rsvg-convert -> librsvg -> cargo -> Rust -> LLVM - Cleanup SVG icon, make lines pixel-grid aligned - Correct RPM Group- Use %license instead of %doc [bsc#1082318]- instead of explicitly unsetting mouse, remove it from the defaults in the first place (boo#1079185, vim-8.0.1568-defaults.patch)- Switch to make -j1 clean to see if it fixes random build failures on Leap/SLE 15.- Updated to revision 1568, fixes the following problems * No test using a screen dump yet. * Screen dump test fails on MS-Windows. * Dead code found. * Assert_equalfile() does not close file descriptors. (Coverity) * Dump test fails when using a shadow directory. * Cannot use 24 bit colors in MS-Windows console. * Compiler warnings without termguicolors feature. * Libterm doesn't support requesting fg and bg color. * C syntax test fails when using gvim * C syntax test still fails when using gvim. * Quotestar test is flaky when using the GUI. * Xxd does not skip NUL lines when using ebcdic. * Popupmenu is too far left when completion is long. (Linwei) * No test for the popup menu positioning. * Popup menu positioning fails with longer string. * synpat_T is taking too much memory. * Terminal screen dump does not include cursor position. * With 'termguicolors' Normal color doesn't work correctly. * When using 'termguicolors' SpellBad doesn't show. * Screen dumps not included in distribution. * Using feedkeys() in a terminal window may trigger mappings. (Charles Sheridan) * Undo in the options window makes it empty. * Screen dump test script not included in distribution. * Various small problems in test files. * Various small problems in source files. * On Mac 'maxmemtot' is set to a weird value. * May leak file descriptors when executing job. * Cannot see what digraph is used to insert a character. * Custom plugins loaded with --clean. * Build error for some combination of features. * May not parse the t_RS response correctly, resulting in wrong characters in the input stream. * printf() does not work with only one argument. (Daniel Hahler) * No right-click menu in a terminal. * Build failure without GUI. * Build failure without GUI on MS-Windows. * Crash with rust syntax highligting. (Edd Barrett) * The terminal debugger can't set a breakpoint with the mouse. * Timeout of getwinposx() can be too short. (lilydjwg) * Too many #ifdefs. * Can't build Mac version without GUI. * Too many #ifdefs. * Cannot build Win32 GUI without IME. (John Marriott) * Can't build on older Mac, header file is missing.- Recommend vim-data so that colors can work by default- Updated to revision 1525, fixes the following problems * Compiler complains about uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck) * Missing -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 may cause problems if a library is compiled with it. * Cannot act on edits in the command line. * Acessing freed memory after window command in auto command. (gy741) * Still too many old style tests. * Segmentation fault when Ruby throws an exception inside :rubyfile command. * Slow redrawing with DirectX. * Endless loop when gui_mch_stop_blink() is called while blink_state is BLINK_OFF. (zdohnal) * It is difficult to set the python home directory properly for Python 2.7 and 3.5 since both use $PYTHONHOME. * Terminal test fails on some systems. (jonathonf) * Terminal test fails on some slow terminals. * When in silent mode too much output is buffered. * If $SHELL contains a space then the default value of 'shell' is incorrect. (Matthew Horan) * Timer test on travis Mac is still flaky. * Clojure now supports a shebang line. * Filetype detection test does not check all scripts. * Cannot handle change of directory. * Missing file in patch. * Missing another file in patch. * Missing yet another file in patch. * Test fails without 'autochdir' option. * Completing directory after :find does not add slash. * Python2 and python3 detection not tested. (Matej Cepl) * Older GTK versions don't have gtk_entry_get_text_length(). * Libvterm doesn't handle illegal byte sequence correctly. * Illegal memory access in del_bytes(). * When package path is a symlink adding it to 'runtimepath' happens at the end. * Integer overflow when using regexp pattern. (geeknik) * On MS-Windows CursorIM highlighting no longer works. * MS-Windows: nsis installer is a bit slow. * MS-Windows: D&D fails between 32 and 64 bit apps. * Visual C 2017 has multiple MSVCVER numbers. * Invalid memory access in read_redo(). (gy741) * Screen isn't always updated right away. * Redraw flicker when moving the mouse outside of terminal window. * Unnecessary condition for "len" being zero. * Insert mode completion state is confusing. * Patch missing change. * Clearing a pointer takes two lines. * Using feedkeys() does not work to test Insert mode completion. (Lifepillar) * Searchpair() might return an invalid value on timeout. * Reduntant conditions. * Weird autocmd may cause arglist to be changed recursively. * Accessing invalid memory with "it". (Dominique Pelle) * Test 14 fails. * Emacs tags no longer work. (zdohnal) * There is no easy way to get the global directory, esp. if some windows have a local directory. * Number of spell regions is spread out through the code. * The minimum width of the popup menu is hard coded. * Memory leak in balloon_split(). * Completion items cannot be annotated. * No autocmd triggered in Insert mode with visible popup menu. * Having 'pumwidth' default to zero has no merit. * Clearing a pointer takes two lines. * Getting the jump list requires parsing the output of :jumps. * Getjumplist() returns duplicate entries. (lacygoill) * Out-of-memory situation not correctly handled. (Coverity) * Possible NULL pointer dereference. (Coverity) * Out-of-memory situation not correctly handled. (Coverity) * In out-of-memory situation character is not restored. (Coverity) * Access memory beyond end of string. (Coverity) * Win32: the screen may be cleared on startup. * Debugger can't break on a condition. (Charles Campbell) * New version of HP NonStop (Tandem) doesn't like the default header for setenv(). * Timer test is a bit flaky. * The :drop command is not always available. * Test for failing drag-n-drop command no longer fails. * Cannot test if a command causes a beep. * Some code for the debugger watch expression is clumsy. * Warning for possibly using NULL pointer. (Coverity) * The jumplist is not always properly cleaned up. * Getting the list of changes is not easy. * BufWinEnter event fired when opening hidden terminal. * Errors for job options are not very specific. * Invalid memory acces with pattern using look-behind match. (Dominique Pelle) * Error messages suppressed after ":silent! try". (Ben Reilly) * Getchangelist() does not use argument as bufname(). * Cursor is in the wrong line when using a WinBar in a Terminal window. * Shift-Tab does not work in a terminal window. * Popup menu is positioned in the wrong place. (Davit Samvelyan, Boris Staletic) * Cannot write and read terminal screendumps. * Compiler warnings for uninitialized variables. (Tony Mechelynck) * Using :wqa exits even if a job runs in a terminal window. (Jason Felice)- Split vim-data into vim-data-common package for low-disk usage scenarios bsc#1078722 bsc#1078554 bsc#1075541 - Make set mouse= default in suse.vimrc bsc#1079185 bsc#1078564 bsc#1067890 bsc#1064068 bsc#1062691- Updated to revision 1442, fixes the following problems * Crash when calling term_start() with empty argument. * Crash when term_start() fails. * MS-Windows: vimtutor fails if %TMP% has special chars. * After ":copen" can't get the window-ID of the quickfix window. (FalacerSelene) * Illegal memory access after undo. (Dominique Pelle) * GTK: :promtfind does not put focus on text input. (Adam Novak) * Memory leak in test_arabic. * Not enough information about what Python version may work. * Pkg-config doesn't work with cross compiling. * Filetype detection test not updated for change. * If cscope fails a search Vim may hang. * Terminal window: some vterm responses are delayed. * Using ":undo 0" leaves undo in wrong state. * Using pointer before it is set.- Make vim require vim-data bsc#1077352 bsc#1075541 bsc#1074790- Sort with spec-cleaner - Add conditional to build with python2 in order to build with py3 only enviroment - Convert dependencies to pkgconfig style- Updated to revision 1428, fixes the following problems * No test for expanding backticks. * Cursor column is not updated after ]s. (Gary Johnson) * Accessing freed memory in vimgrep. * Accessing invalid memory with overlong byte sequence. * No fallback to underline when undercurl is not set. (Ben Jackson) * Error in return not caught by try/catch. * The timer_pause test is flaky on Travis. * execute() does not work in completion of user command. (thinca) * "gf" and don't accept ? and & in URL. (Dmitrii Tcyganok) * The :leftabove modifier doesn't work for :copen. * Compiler warning on 64 bit MS-Windows system.- ignore make check transient errors for PowerPC bypass boo#1072651- Update apparmor.vim (taken from AppArmor 2.12) * add support for the "smc" network keyword- Updated to revision 1417, fixes the following problems * Encoding empty string to JSON sometimes gives "null". * Build fails with --with-features=huge --disable-channel. * Too much highlighting with 'hlsearch' and 'incsearch' set. * Cannot intercept a yank command. * It is not easy to see if a colorscheme is well written. * Memory leak when CTRL-G in search command line fails. * Pattern with \& following nothing gives an error. * :packadd does not load packages from the "start" directory. * Warnings and errors when building tiny version. (Tony Mechelynck) * Color scheme check script shows up as color scheme. * Cannot build with GTK but without XIM. (Guido) * Crash with nasty autocommand. (gy741, Dominique Pelle) * Using freed buffer in grep command. (gy741, Dominique Pelle) * Invalid memory access on exit when autocommands wipe out a buffer. * Duplicated code for getting a typed character. CursorHold is called too often in the GUI. (lilydjwg) * Difficult to track changes to a quickfix list. * GUI: CursorHold may trigger before 'updatetime' when using timers. * Crash in setqflist(). * Buffer overflow in :tags command. * Hang when using count() with an empty string. * Reading invalid memory with CTRL-W :. * Using free memory using setloclist(). (Dominique Pelle) * Accessing freed memory in :cbuffer. * Accessing freed memory in :lfile. * Warning for unused function without timers feature. * Crash when searching for a sentence. * Test doesn't search for a sentence. Still fails when searching for start of sentence. (Dominique Pelle)- Updated to revision 1390, fixes the following problems * Balloon shows when cursor is in WinBar. * terminal test hangs, executing abcde. (Stucki) * Cannot drag status line or vertical separator of new terminal window. (UncleBill) * MS-Windows: drawing underline, curl and strike-throw is slow, mFallbackDC not properly updated. * Channel test for callback is flaky. * Shift-Insert doesn't always work in MS-Windows console. * Profile log may be truncated halfway a character. * No error when settting 'renderoptions' to an invalid value before starting the GUI. * CTRL-A does not work with an empty line. (Alex) * Window size wrong after maximizing with WinBar. (Lifepillar) * Cursor in terminal not always updated. * Cannot call a dict function in autoloaded dict. * Autoload script sources itself when defining function. * Configure check for selinux does not check for header file. * When recovering a file with "vim -r swapfile" the hit-enter prompt is at the top of the window. * ch_readraw() waits for NL if channel mode is NL. * Get "no write since last change" message if a terminal is open. * Local additions in help skips some files. (joshklod) * Not enough quickfix help; confusing winid. * Python 3.5 is getting old. * Cannot select modified buffers with getbufinfo(). * Wordcount test is old style. * Char not overwritten with ambiguous width char, if the ambiguous char is single width but we reserve double-width space. * getqflist() items are missing if not set, that makes it more difficult to handle the values. * DirectX scrolling can be slow, vertical positioning is off.- Updated to revision 1365, fixes the following problems * Libvterm ANSI colors can not always be recognized from the RGB values. The default color is wrong when t_RB is empty. * The Terminal highlighting doesn't work in a terminal. * Some users don't want to diff with hidden buffers. * Terminal window colors wrong when using Terminal highlighting. * Recovering does not work when swap file ends in .stz. * There is no easy way to get the window position. * When one channel test fails others fail as well.- Update to revision 1358 * Too many changes to list - Fixes CVE-2017-1000382 bsc#1065958 - Refresh patches: * disable-unreliable-tests.patch * vim-7.3-filetype_spec.patch * vim-7.4-disable_lang_no.patch * vim-7.4-highlight_fstab.patch * vim-8.0-ttytype-test.patch- Explicitly require python2-devel- Add disable-unreliable-tests.patch to disable unreliable tests bsc#1054723- Bump priorities so we can upgrade from 12.3- Updated to revision 627, fixes the following problems * Call for requesting color and ambiwidth is too early. (Hirohito Higashi) * "1gd" may hang. * Bracketed paste is still enabled when executing a shell command. (Michael Smith) * Can't run make with several jobs, creating directories has a race condition. * The cursor line number becomes negative when using :z^ in an empty buffer. (neovim #6557) * Building the command table requires Perl. * Running parallel make after distclean fails. (Manuel Ortega) * Get only one quickfix list after :caddbuf. * Using freed memory when resetting 'indentexpr' while evaluating it. (Dominique Pelle) * Can't build when configure choses "install-sh". (Daniel Hahler) * Warning for uninitialized variable. (John Marriott) * :simalt on MS-Windows does not work properly. * Duplicate test case for quickfix. * Cannot set the valid flag with setqflist(). * Moving folded text is sometimes not correct. * Illegal memory access with z= command. (Dominique Pelle) * Fold test hangs on MS-Windows. * Memory leak when executing quickfix tests. * Test_options fails when run in the GUI. * No test for mapping timing out. * Configure check for return value of tgetent is skipped. * job_stop() often assumes the channel will be closed, while the job may not actually be stopped. (Martin Gammelsæter) * :simalt still does not work. * Cannot add a context to locations. * Changes to eval functionality not documented. * If a job writes to a buffer and the user is typing a command, the screen isn't updated. When a message is displayed the changed buffer may cause it to be cleared. (Ramel Eshed) * Duplication of code for adding a list or dict return value. * Build failure when windows feature is missing. * Coverity warning for not checking return value of dict_add(). * Crash when complete() is called after complete_add() in 'completefunc'. (Lifepillar) * Off-by-one error in buffer size computation. * Building with gcc 7.1 yields new warnings. * diff mode is insufficiently tested * test_recover fails on some systems. * No test coverage for :spellrepall. * When gF fails to edit the file the cursor still moves to the found line number. * gF test fails on MS-Windows. * gF test fails still on MS-Windows. * The buffer that quickfix caches for performance may become invalid. (Daniel Hahler) * Cannot set the context for a specified quickfix list. * When creating a bufref, then using :bwipe and :new it might get the same memory and bufref_valid() returns true. * Cannot manipulate other than the current quickfix list. * For some people the hint about quitting is not sufficient. * The screen is redrawn when t_BG is set and used to detect the value for 'background'. * When t_u7 is sent a few characters in the second screen line are overwritten and not redrawn later. (Rastislav Barlik) * Package directories are added to 'runtimepath' only after loading non-package plugins. * The conf filetype detection is done before ftdetect scripts from packages that are added later. * float2nr() is not exactly right. * Using % with :hardcopy wrongly escapes spaces. (Alexey Muranov) * When setting the cterm background with ":hi Normal" the value of 'background' may be set wrongly. * Hardcopy test hangs on MS-Windows. * NFA regex engine handles [0-z] incorrectly. * In the GUI, when a timer uses feedkeys(), it still waits for an event. (Raymond Ko) * Since we only support GTK versions that have it, the ckeck for HAVE_GTK_MULTIHEAD is no longer needed. * The ":stag" command does not respect 'switchbuf'. * Using a text object to select quoted text fails when 'selection' is set to "exclusive". (Guraga) * The message "Invalid range" is used for multiple errors. * Warning for unused variable in tiny build. (Tony Mechelynck) * shellescape() always escapes a newline, which does not work with some shells. (Harm te Hennepe) * In the GUI the cursor may flicker. * When 'wrapscan' is off "gn" does not select the whole pattern when it's the last one in the text. (KeyboardFire)- Extend vimrc with mappings for 8-bit controls key escape sequences- Conflict with old vim versions to fix the upgrade from 12.3 boo#1036583- Updated to revision 566, fixes the following problems * :windo allows for ! but it's not supported. * Undefined behavior when using backslash after empty line. * Not enough test coverage for syntax commands. * Crash when getting the window position in tmux. * Cannot detect Bazel BUILD files on some systems. * Using freed memory in :caddbuf after clearing quickfix list. * Setting nocompatible for the tiny version moves the cursor. - Refresh and re-add vim-8.0-ttytype-test.patch- Updated to revision 559, fixes the following problems * Test_edit causes older xfce4-terminal to close. (Dominique Pelle) * Cppcheck warnings. * Edit test may fail on some systems. * Swap file exists briefly when opening the command window. * Extra line break in verbosefile when using ":echomsg". (Ingo Karkat) * Saving the redo buffer only works one time, resulting in the "." command not working well for a function call inside another function call. * No test for the 8g8 command. * Some etags format tags file use 0x01, breaking the parsing. * The typeahead buffer is reallocated too often. * Toupper and tolower don't work properly for Turkish when 'casemap' is empty. (Bjorn Linse) * Toupper/tolower test with Turkish locale fails on Mac. * Toupper and tolower don't work properly for Turkish when 'casemap' contains "keepascii". (Bjorn Linse) * Toupper/tolower test fails on OSX without Darwin. * Getting the window position fails if both the GUI and term code is built in. * GTK: using static gravities is not useful. * The :ownsyntax command is not tested. * Setting ttytype to xxx does not always fail as expected. - Remove vim-8.0-ttytype-test.patch, fixed upstream.- Update the update-alternatives code- Updated to revision 542, fixes the following problems * ml_get errors in silent Ex mode. (Dominique Pelle) * A large count on a normal command causes trouble. (Dominique Pelle) * There is no way to remove quickfix lists (for testing). * Storing a zero byte from a multi-byte character causes fold text to show up wrong. * Character classes are not well tested. They can differ between platforms. * Using a function pointer instead of the actual function, which we know. * GtkForm handling is outdated. * MS-Windows: when 'clipboard' is "unnamed" yyp does not work in a :global command. * dv} deletes part of a multi-byte character. (Urtica Dioica) * Folds are messed up when 'encodin' is "utf-8". * Coverity complains about possible negative value. * RISC OS support was removed long ago, but one file is still included. * When 'wildmenu' is set and 'wildmode' has "longest" then the first file name is highlighted, even though the text shows the longest match. * Line in test commented out. * Buffer overflow when 'columns' is very big. (Nikolai Pavlov) * Test with long directory name fails on non-unix systems. * Test with long directory name fails on Mac. * Abbreviation doesn't work after backspacing newline. (Hkonrk) * Defaults.vim does not work well with tiny features. (crd477) * Memory leak when exiting from within a user function. * Quickfix window not updated when freeing quickfix stack. * Illegal memory access with :z and large count. * No test for falling back to default term value. * Startup test fails on Mac. * Building unit tests fails. * Compiler warning on MS-Windows. * getpos() can return a negative line number. (haya14busa)- Update spec.skeleton with spec-cleaner- Updated to revision 514, fixes the following problems * Insufficient testing for statusline. * 'makeencoding' missing from the options window. * Git and hg see new files after running tests. (Manuel Ortega) * Options test does not always test everything. * Options test fails or hangs on MS-Windows. * 'cinoptions' cannot set indent for extern block. * "make shadow" creates an invalid link. * Quite a few beeps when running tests. * Clang version not correctly detected. * Some functions are not tested. * Running the options test sometimes resizes the terminal. * The packadd test does not create the symlink correctly and does not test the right thing. * The fnamemodify test changes 'shell' in a way later tests may not be able to use system(). * Using ":%argdel" while the argument list is already empty gives an error. (Pavol Juhas) * Not enough test coverage in Insert mode. * Dead code in #ifdef. * Patch shell command uses double quotes around the argument, which allows for $HOME to be expanded. (Etienne) * Terminal width is set to 80 in test3. * Diffpatch fails when the file name has a quote. * Getpgid is not supported on all systems. * The ";" command does not work after characters with a lower byte that is NUL. * Getting font name does not work on X11. * Some macros are in lower case, which can be confusing. * Part of fold patch accidentally included. * v:progpath is not reliably set. * Some macros are in lower case. * Some macros are in lower case. * Adding fold marker creates new comment. * Compiler warnings for comparing unsigned char with 256 always being true. (Manuel Ortega) * The mode test may hang in Test_mode(). (Michael Soyka) * Typo in MinGW test makefile. * Using :move messes up manual folds. * Potential crash if adding list or dict to dict fails. * Old fix for :move messing up folding no longer needed, now that we have a proper solution. * Can't build on HPUX. * Test 45 hangs on MS-Windows. * If an MS-Windows tests succeeds at first and then fails in a way it does not produce a test.out file it looks like the test succeeded. * Resetting 'compatible' in defaults.vim has unexpected side effects. (David Fishburn) * Can't find executable name on Solaris and FreeBSD. * Off-by-one error in using :move with folding. * There are still a few macros that should be all-caps. * Using g< after :for does not show the right output. (Marcin Szamotulski) * After aborting an Ex command g< does not work. (Marcin Szamotulski) * Compiler warnings on MS-Windows. * Not enough testing for help commands. * Exit callback test sometimes fails. * When a test fails and test.log is created, Test_edit_CTRL_I matches it instead of * No test covering arg_all(). * The client-server feature is not tested. * Not enough testing for the client-server feature. * Missing change to main.c. * The client-server test may hang when failing. * Tests use assert_true(0) and assert_false(1) to report errors. * remote_peek() is not tested. * The remote_peek() test fails on MS-Windows. * Unnecessary if statement. * The setbufvar() function may mess up the window layout. (Kay Z.) * Illegal memory access when using :all. (Dominique Pelle) * Using :lhelpgrep with an argument that should fail does not produce an error if the previous :helpgrep worked. * Not all windows commands are tested. * Crash and endless loop when closing windows in a SessionLoadPost autocommand. * The autocmd test hangs on MS-Windows. * Running tests leaves an "xxx" file behind. * Clipboard and "* register is not tested. * Splitting a 'winfixwidth' window vertically makes it one column smaller. (Dominique Pelle) * The quotestar test fails when a required feature is missing. * A failing client-server request can make Vim hang. * Crash with cd command with very long argument. * Build failure with older compiler on MS-Windows. * The quotestar test uses a timer instead of a timeout, thus it cannot be rerun like a flaky test. * Insufficient testing for folding. * Arabic support is not fully tested. * Two autocmd tests are skipped on MS-Windows. * taglist() does not prioritize tags for a buffer. * Quotestar test is still a bit flaky. * On MS-Windows ":!start" does not work as expected. * Coverity complains about possible NULL pointer. * Endless loop in updating folds with 32 bit ints. * Looking up an Ex command is a bit slow. * Failed window split for :stag not handled. (Coverity CID 99204) * Can't build with ANSI C. * Client-server tests fail when $DISPLAY is not set. * Coveralls no longer shows per-file coverage. * No link to results. * Typo in link to results. * Menuage for skipping client-server tests is unclear. * Check for available characters takes too long. * Getting name of cleared highlight group is wrong. (Matt Wozniski) * Script for creating cmdidxs can be improved.- Disable term=xxx test, does not work with any vim version * vim-8.0-ttytype-test.patch- Update apparmor.vim (taken from AppArmor 2.11) * add support for the "kcm" and "qipcrtr" network keywords * update change_profile rule highlighting- Build default vim without X11 support, use update-alternatives to prefer gvim if installed for X11 support.- Updated to revision 425, fixes the following problems * Packadd test does not clean up symlink. * Packadd test uses wrong directory name. * The E11 error message in the command line window is not translated. * The "zero count" error doesn't have a number. (Hirohito Higashi) * Xfontset and guifontwide are not tested. * Illegal memory access after "vapo". (Dominique Pelle) * Restoring help snapshot accesses freed memory. (Dominique Pelle) * GUI test fails on some systems. * Illegal memory access when 'complete' ends in a backslash. * Can't access b:changedtick from a dict reference. * Functions test fails. * Flags of :substitute not sufficiently tested. * Invalid memory access in :recover command. * :recover test fails on MS-Windows. * Illegal memory access with vi' * Not checking return valud of dict_add(). (Coverity) * When using complete() and typing a character undo is saved after the character was inserted. (Shougo) * Double free when compiled with EXITFREE and setting 'ttytype'. * b:changedtick can be unlocked, even though it has no effect. * Unlet command leaks memory. (Nikolai Pavlov) * islocked('d.changedtick') does not work. * Vim relies on limits.h to be included indirectly, but on Solaris 9 it may not be. (Ben Fritz) * When using CTRL-X CTRL-U inside a comment, the use of the comment leader may not work. (Klement) * When building with a shadow directory on macOS lacks the +clipboard feature. * Redrawing errors with GTK 3. * Not enough test coverage for Perl. * No test for concatenating an empty string that results from out of bounds indexing. * The condition for when a typval needs to be cleared is too complicated. * If [RO] in the status line is translated to a longer string, it is trunctted to 4 bytes. * Test to check that setting termcap key fails sometimes. * Using uninitialized memory when 'isfname' is empty. * Leaking memory when setting 'ttytype'. * Crash when setting 'guicursor' to weird value. * Invalid memory access in C-indent code. * 'number' and 'relativenumber' are not properly tested. * Sometimes VimL is used, which is confusing. * GUI initialisation is not sufficiently tested. * Tests fail on MS-Windows. * Travis is too slow to keep up with patches. * ]s does not move cursor with two spell errors in one line. * Might free a dict item that wasn't allocated. * Build fails with tiny features. * If configure defines _LARGE_FILES some include files are included before it is defined. * Not all options are tested with a range of values. * The 'balloondelay', 'ballooneval' and 'balloonexpr' options are not defined without the +balloon_eval feature. Testing that an option value fails does not work for unsupported options. * Invalid memory access when setting wildchar empty. * Leaking memory when setting v:completed_item. * More options are not always defined. * Build fails without +folding. * Invalid memory access when using :sc in Ex mode. (Dominique Pelle) * The "+ register is not tested. * Size computations in spell file reading are not exactly right. * Possible overflow when reading corrupted undo file. CVE-2017-6349 bsc#1027057 * Another possible overflow when reading corrupted undo file. CVE-2017-6350 bsc#1027053 * CTRL-Z and mouse click use CTRL-O unnecessary. * With 'linebreak' set and 'breakat' includes ">" a double-wide character results in "<<" displayed. * Diff mode is not sufficiently tested. * Warning in tiny build for unused variable. (Tony Mechelynck) * Misplaced #ifdef. (Christ van Willigen) * Timer test failed for no apparent reason. * No tests for arabic. * Tiny build has a problem with generating the options test. * compiler warnings * filtering lines through "cat", without changing the line count, changes manual folds. * Test for arabic does not check what is displayed. * When the window scrolls horizontally when the popup menu is displayed part of it may not be cleared. (Neovim issue #6184) * Arabic support is verbose and not well tested. * GUI test fails with Athena and Motif. * When the same tag appears more than once, the order is unpredictable. (Charles Campbell) * Tabs are not aligned when scrolling horizontally and a Tab doesn't fit. (Axel Bender) * Testing the + register fails with Motif. * 'balloonexpr' only works synchronously. * Cannot build with the viminfo feature but without the eval feature. * Illegal memory access with "t". * Crash when using balloon_show() when not supported. (Hirohito Higashi) * Some tests have a one second delay. * Test fails with missing balloon feature. * :map completion does not have . (Dominique Pelle) * GUI tests may fail. * Not enough testing for quickfix. * v:progpath may become invalid after ":cd". * The arabic shaping code is verbose. * Filtering folds with marker method not tested. * Updating folds does not work properly when inserting a file and a few other situations. * set_progpath is defined but not always used * Newer gettext/iconv library has extra dll file. * We can't change the case in menu entries, it breaks translations. * Menu test fails on MS-Windows. * Menu test fails on MS-Windows using gvim. * Balloon eval is not tested. * Balloon test fails on MS-Windows. * Setting v:progpath is not quite right. * Test for the clipboard fails sometimes. * ASAN logs are disabled and don't cause a failure. * Test for v:progpath fails on MS-Windows. * When running :make the output may be in the system encoding, different from 'encoding'. * Diff mode is displayed wrong when adding a line at the end of a buffer. * Python test fails with Python 3.6. * The effect of adding "#" to 'cinoptions' is not always removed. * Compiler warnings on MS-Windows. (Ajit Thakkar) * Build errors when building without folding. - Drop test87-python36.patch, fixed upstream.- Add test87-python36.patch to update test results for Python 3.6- Updated to revision 324, fixes the following problems * When a json message arrives in pieces, the start is dropped and the decoding fails. * Not enough testing for GUI functionality. * getcmdtype(), getcmdpos() and getcmdline() are not tested. * ":help :[range]" does not work. (Tony Mechelynck) * ":help z?" does not work. (Pavol Juhas) * No test for setting 'guifont'. * Small mistake in 7x13 font name. * Insert mode completion does not respect "start" in 'backspace'. * Warning for unused variable with small build. * When using the tiny version trying to load the matchit plugin gives an error. On MS-Windows some default mappings fail. * Possible overflow with spell file where the tree length is corrupted. CVE-2017-5953 bsc#1024724 * When running the command line tests there is a one second wait. * Illegal memory access with "1;y".- Updated to revision 311, fixes the following problems * Double free on exit when using a closure. (James McCoy) * Ex command range with repeated search does not work. (Bruce DeVisser) * When the GUI window is resized Vim does not always take over the new size. (Luchr) * Cannot stop diffing hidden buffers. (Daniel Hahler) * No tests for ":set completion" and various errors of the :set command. * Cannot set terminal key codes with :let. * Bracketed paste does not work in Visual mode. * Assign test fails in the GUI. * Invalid memory access when option has duplicate flag. * mode() not sufficiently tested. * Asan detects a memory error when EXITFREE is defined. (Dominique Pelle) * When using a symbolic link, the package path will not be inserted at the right position in 'runtimepath'. (Dugan Chen, Norio Takagi) * Cannot use an empty key in json. * Not enough testing for GUI functionality. * Linebreak tests are old style.- Updated to revision 296, fixes the following problems * Jumping to a tag that is a static item in the current file fails. (Kazunobu Kuriyama) * The test for :profile is slow and does not work on MS-Windows. * On MS-Windows the system() test skips a few parts. * Some syntax arguments take effect even after "if 0". (Taylor Venable) * Warning for an unused parameter when the libcall feature is disabled. Warning for a function type cast when compiling with -pedantic. * Some syntax arguments are not tested. * When completing a group name for a highlight or syntax command cleared groups are included. * No test for invalid syntax group name. * Order of complication flags is sometimes wrong. * Compiler warns for uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck) * After :undojoin some commands don't work properly, such as :redo. (Matthew Malcomson) * Test coverage for :retab insufficient. * Leaking file descriptor when system() cannot find the buffer. (Coverity) * Internally used commands for CTRL-Z and mouse click end up in history. (Matthew Malcomson) * When using :substitute with the "c" flag and 'cursorbind' is set the cursor is not updated in other windows. * Vim does not support bracketed paste, as implemented by xterm and other terminals. * Build fails if the multi-byte feature is disabled. * The buffer used to store a key name theoreticaly could be too small. (Coverity) * The Netbeans "specialKeys" command does not check if the argument fits in the buffer. (Coverity) * Leaking memory when syntax cluster id is unknown. (Coverity) * When a Cscope line contains CTRL-L a NULL pointer may be used. (Coverity) * When decoding JSON with a JS style object the JSON test may use a NULL pointer. (Coverity) * Build fails without the cscope feature. * No command line completion for :cexpr, :cgetexpr, :caddexpr, etc. * Ubsan reports errors for integer overflow. * Completion for :match does not show "none" and other missing highlight names. * Checking if PROTO is defined inside a function has no effect. * When a multi-byte character ends in a zero byte, putting blockwise text puts it before the character instead of after it. * Coverity gets confused by the flags passed to find_tags() and warnts for an uninitialized variable. * When 'fileformats' is changed in a BufReadPre auto command, it does not take effect in readfile(). (Gary Johnson) * When a block is visually selected and put is used on the end of the selection only one line is changed. * The test for patch 8.0.0224 misses the CR characters and passes even without the fix. (Christian Brabandt) * Crash when 'fileformat' is forced to "dos" and the first line in the file is empty and does not have a CR character. * When pasting test in an xterm on the command line it is surrounded by and . (Johannes Kaltenbach) * When freeing a buffer the local value of the 'formatprg' option is not cleared. * When using bracketed paste line breaks are not respected. * There are no tests for bracketed paste mode. * Pasting in Insert mode does not work when bracketed paste is used and 'esckeys' is off. * The paste test fails if the GUI is being used. * When several lines are visually selected and one of them is short, using put may cause a crash. (Axel Bender) * Memory leak detected when running tests for diff mode. * Gcc complains that a variable may be used uninitialized. Confusion between variable and label name. (John Marriott) * When setting wildoptions=tagfile the completion context is not set correctly. (desjardins) * When using bracketed paste autoindent causes indent to be increased. * The address sanitizer sometimes finds errors, but it needs to be run manually. * The clang build on CI fails with one configuration. * Vim defines a mch_memmove() function but it doesn't work, thus is always unused. * Completion of user defined functions is not covered by tests. * When making a character lower case with tolower() changes the byte cound, it is not made lower case. * When the user sets t_BE empty after startup to disable bracketed paste, this has no direct effect. * The generated zh_CN.cp936.po message file is not encoded properly. * Compiler warnings for int to pointer conversion. * Under some circumstances, one needs to type Ctrl-N or Ctrl-P twice to have a menu entry selected. (Lifepillar) * vim_strcat() cannot handle overlapping arguments. * When two submits happen quick after each other, the tests for the first one may error out. * When virtcol() gets a column that is not the first byte of a multi-byte character the result is unpredictable. (Christian Ludwig) * It is not so easy to write a script that works with both Python 2 and Python 3, even when the Python code works with both. * Characters below 256 that are not one byte are not always recognized as word characters. * When creating a session when winminheight is 2 or larger and loading that session gives an error. * When using an assert function one can either specify a message or get a message about what failed, not both. * When calling setpos() with a buffer argument it often is ignored. (Matthew Malcomson) * Tests fail because some changes were not included. * The keyword test file is not included in the archive. * The keyword test file is not included in the archive. * Tab commands do not handle count correctly. (Ken Hamada) * Build fails with tiny features. * Not enough test coverage for eval functions. * Farsi support is barely tested. * Farsi support is not tested enough. * Memory error reported by ubsan, probably for using the string returned by execute(). * May get ml_get error when :pydo deletes lines or switches to another buffer. (Nikolai Pavlov, issue #1421) * Compiler warning for using uninitialized variable. * A channel test sometimes fails on Mac. * May get ml_get error when :luado deletes lines or switches to another buffer. (Nikolai Pavlov, issue #1421) * May get ml_get error when :perldo deletes lines or switches to another buffer. (Nikolai Pavlov, issue #1421) * May get ml_get error when :rubydo deletes lines or switches to another buffer. (Nikolai Pavlov, issue #1421) * May get ml_get error when :tcldo deletes lines or switches to another buffer. (Nikolai Pavlov, closes #1421) * Crash on exit is not detected when running tests. * Dead code detected by Coverity when not using gnome. * When update_single_line() is called recursively, or another screen update happens while it is busy, errors may occur. * When checking for CTRL-C typed the GUI may detect a screen resize and redraw the screen, causing trouble. * Checking for FEAT_GUI_GNOME inside GTK 3 code is unnecessary. * The GUI test may trigger fontconfig and take a long time. * GUI test fails on MS-Windows. * With MSVC 2015 the dll name is vcruntime140.dll. * On MS-Windows setting an environment variable with multi-byte strings does not work well. * MS-Windows files are still using ARGSUSED while most other files have UNUSED. * When doing a Visual selection and using "I" to go to insert mode, CTRL-O needs to be used twice to go to Normal mode. (Coacher) * The return value of mode() does not indicate that completion is active in Replace and Insert mode. (Zhen-Huan (Kenny) Hu) * The Test_collapse_buffers() test failed once, looks like it is flaky. * Tests fail with tiny build on Unix. * When concealing is active and the screen is resized in the GUI it is not immediately redrawn. * Cannot access the arguments of the current function in debug mode. (Luc Hermitte) * Errors reported while running tests. * No test for "ga" and :ascii. * If a wide character doesn't fit at the end of the screen line, and the line doesn't fit on the screen, then the cursor position may be wrong. (anliting) * Visual block insertion does not insert in all lines. * The stat test is a bit slow. * Some tests have a one or three second wait. * Argument list is not stored correctly in a session file. (lgpasquale) * test_viml hangs. * Bracketed paste can only append, not insert.- Improve summary bsc#1021040- Add missing %changelog to spec.skeleton- Updated to revision 194, fixes the following problems * When compiling with EBCDIC defined the build fails. (Yaroslav Kuzmin) * For completion "locale -a" is executed on MS-Windows, even though it most likely won't work. * Setting language in gvim on MS-Windows does not work when libintl.dll is dynamically linked with msvcrt.dll. * Using :change in between :function and :endfunction fails. * When opening a buffer on a directory and inside a try/catch then the BufEnter event is not triggered. * test_command_count may fail when a previous test interferes, seen on MS-Windows. * 'formatprg' is a global option but the value may depend on the type of buffer. (Sung Pae) * Error E937 is used both for duplicate key in JSON and for trying to delete a buffer that is in use. * When 'cursorbind' and 'cursorcolumn' are both on, the column highlignt in non-current windows is wrong. * When 'cursorbind' and 'cursorline' are set, but 'cursorcolumn' is not, then the cursor line highlighting is not updated. (Hirohito Higashi) * Ubsan warns for using a pointer that is not aligned. * When in Ex mode and an error is caught by try-catch, Vim still exits with a non-zero exit code. * The system() test fails on MS-Windows. * The error message from assert_notequal() is confusing. * Building with a new Ruby version fails. * Using NOT_VALID for redraw_later() to update the cursor line/column highlighting is not efficient. * There are no tests for the :profile command. * Detecting duplicate tags uses a slow linear search. * Some systems do not have ruby_sysinit(), causing the build to fail. * Build fails with tiny features. * Accidentally removed #ifdef. * Profile tests fails if total and self time are equal.- Updated to revision 172, fixes the following problems * When a C preprocessor statement has two line continuations the following line does not have the right indent. (Ken Takata) * ":earlier" and ":later" do not work after startup or reading the undo file. * When the pattern of :filter does not have a separator then completion of the command fails. * To pass buffer content to system() and systemlist() one has to first create a string or list. * Running the channel test creates channellog. * system() test fails on MS-Windows. * system() test fails on OS/X. * When sorting zero elements a NULL pointer is passed to qsort(), which ubsan warns for. * Several float functions are not covered by tests. * No command line completion for ":syntax spell" and ":syntax sync". * On MS-Windows some float functions return a different value when passed unusual values. strtod() doesn't work for "inf" and "nan". * Using a NULL pointer when using feedkeys() to trigger drawing a tabline. * EMSG() is sometimes used for internal errors. * Build fails when using small features. * Build error on Fedora 23 with small features and gnome2. * Ruby 2.4 no longer supports rb_cFixnum. * Outdated and misplaced comments. * Ubsan warns for integer overflow. * JSON with a duplicate key gives an internal error. (Lcd) * str2nr() and str2float() do not always work with negative values. * Still some float functionality is not covered by tests. * For complicated string json_decode() may run out of stack space. * Channel test fails for using freed memory. * JS style JSON does not support single quotes. * The command selected in the command line window is not executed. (Andrey Starodubtsev)- Updated to revision 147, fixes the following problems * Not enough test coverage for syntax commands. * Test fails because of using :finish. * "2;'(" causes ml_get errors in an empty buffer. * Null pointer access reported by UBsan. * An address relative to the current line, ":.,+3y", does not work properly on a closed fold. * When using indent folding and changing indent the wrong fold is opened. * When 'maxfuncdepth' is set above 200 the nesting is limited to 200. * Small build fails. * Warning for unused argument. * Pasting inserted text in Visual mode does not work properly. * Nested function test fails on AppVeyor. * Normal colors are wrong with 'termguicolors'. * Line number of current buffer in getbufinfo() is wrong. * When using MSVC the GvimExt directory is cleaned twice. * Running tests on MS-Windows is a little bit noisy. * When using 'termguicolors' on MS-Windows the RGB definition causes the colors to be wrong. * searchpair() does not work when 'magic' is off.- Updated to revision 130, fixes the following problems * Not enough testing for entering Ex commands. * Display problem with 'foldcolumn' and a wide character. (esiegerman) * Cancelling completion still inserts text when formatting is done for 'textwidth'. (lacygoill) * Display test fails on MS-Windows. * Parallel make still doesn't work. (Lewis Muir) * Configure uses "ushort" while the Vim code doesn't.- Updated to revision 124, fixes the following problems * May not process channel readahead. (skywind) * Value of 'thesaurus' option not checked properly. * When using ch_read() with zero timeout, can't tell the difference between reading an empty line and nothing available. * Cannot use a semicolon in 'backupext'. (Jeff) * When reading channel output in a timer, messages may go missing. (Skywind) * The channel "drop" option is not tested. * Still checking if memcmp() exists while every system should have it now. * Drop command doesn't use existing window. * The :history command is not tested. * Tests 92 and 93 are old style. * When reading English help and using CTRl-] the language from 'helplang' is used. * Parallel make fails. (J. Lewis Muir) * No test for using CTRL-R on the command line. * Setting 'cursorline' changes the curswant column. (Daniel Hahler) * Internal error for assert_inrange(1, 1).- Updated to revision 101, fixes the following problems * When the input or output is not a tty Vim appears to hang. * When a channel callback consumes a lot of time Vim becomes unresponsive. (skywind) * Can't build on MS-Windows. * Popup menu always appears above the cursor when it is in the lower half of the screen. (Matt Gardner) * Options that are a file name may contain non-filename characters. * Some options are not strictly checked. * (after 8.0.0101) cannot set 'dictionary' to a path- Updated to revision 95, fixes the following problems * Problems with GTK 3.22.2 fixed in 3.22.4.- Export "TERM=linux" before running the test suite: vim does quite an extensive test relying on a full fledged terminal inside OBS, stdio is redirected to a serial console (where the build log is being recorded/extracted. Systemd set non-local tty by default to vt220 in upcoming versions (which the vi test suite fails to run on; this should be considered a vim bug).- Updated to revision 92, fixes the following problems * Using NUL instead of NULL. * Crash when using the preview window from an unnamed buffer. (lifepillar) * On Windows job_stop() stops cmd.exe, not the processes it runs. (Linwei) * When a match ends in part of concealed text highlighting, it might mess up concealing by resetting prev_syntax_id. * An exiting job is detected with a large latency. * New code for job_stop() breaks channel test on AppVeyor. * Conceal test passes even without the bug fix. * No test for what 8.0.0047 fixes. * On Windows job_stop() stops cmd.exe, not the processes it runs. (Linwei) * Minor comment and style deficiencies. * When setting 'filetype' there is no check for a valid name. * Tests fail without the 'keymap' features. * Positioning of the popup menu is not good. * Vim does not build on VMS systems. * When using an Ex command for 'keywordprg' it is escaped as with a shell command. (Romain Lafourcade) * Compiler warning for unused variable. * No digraph for HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS. * Compiler warning for comparing with unsigned. (Zoltan Arpadffy) * Normal test fails on MS-Windows. * Compiler warning for unused function in tiny build. (Tony Mechelynck) * when calling an operator function when 'linebreak' is set, it is internally reset before calling the operator function. * VMS has a problem with infinity. * Checking did_throw after executing autocommands is wrong. (Daniel Hahler) * Compiler warning for self-comparison. * Tests referred in Makefile that no longer exist. * Exit value from a shell command is wrong. (Hexchain Tong) * MS-Windows: Crash with long font name. (Henry Hu) * More comparisons between firstwin and lastwin. * Cannot make Vim fail on an internal error. * Using number for exception type lacks type checking. * Channel log has double parens ()(). * The GUI code is not tested by Travis. * Accessing freed memory in quickfix. * Accessing freed memory in quickfix. (Domenique Pelle) * The OS X build fails on Travis. * Inconsistent function names. * Extension for configure should be ".ac". * Using freed memory with win_getid(). (Domenique Pelle) * Using freed memory when adding to a quickfix list. (Domenique Pelle) * Using freed memory with recursive function call. (Dominique Pelle) * Cannot add a comment after ":hide". (Norio Takagi) * When the channel callback gets job info the job may already have been deleted. (lifepillar) * When a test fails in Setup or Teardown the problem is not reported. * Various problems with GTK 3.22.2. * Cursor moved after last character when using 'breakindent'. * Test_help_complete sometimes fails in MS-Windows console. * C indenting does not support nested namespaces that C++ 17 has. - Drop bsc-1008800.patch, fixed upstream.- Add bsc-1008800.patch to fix gvim rendering with recent gtk+ update. Fixes bsc#1008800. Patch by Jan Alexander Steffens.- Updated to revision 45, fixes the following problems * Cannot use overlapping positions with matchaddpos(). * No completion for ":messages". * Order of matches for 'omnifunc' is messed up. (Danny Su) * Detecting that a job has finished may take a while. * Get E924 when switching tabs. * OPEN_CHR_FILES not defined for FreeBSD using Debian userland files. * When Vim 8 reads an old viminfo and exits, the next time marks are not read from viminfo. (Ned Batchelder) * Whole line highlighting with matchaddpos() does not work. * When using Insert mode completion but not actually inserting anything an undo item is still created. (Tommy Allen) * When using Insert mode completion with 'completeopt' containing "noinsert" change is not saved for undo. (Tommy Allen) * When using Insert mode completion with 'completeopt' containing "noinsert" with CTRL-N the change is not saved for undo. (Tommy Allen) * In diff mode the cursor may end up below the last line, resulting in an ml_get error. * Calling job_stop() right after job_start() does not work.- Updated to revision 32, fixes the following problems * getwinvar() returns wrong Value of boolean and number options, especially non big endian systems. (James McCoy) * A string argument for function() that is not a function name results in an error message with NULL. (Christian Brabandt) * Netbeans test fails with Python 3. (Jonathonf) * ":lb" is interpreted as ":lbottom" while the documentation says it means ":lbuffer". * Vim 7.4 is still mentioned in a few places. * Popup complete test is disabled. * Unnecessary workaround for AppVeyor. * Crash when editing file that starts with crypt yeader. (igor2x) * On OSX Test_pipe_through_sort_all() sometimes fails. * Typos in comments. * Missing comma in list. * Crypt tests are old style. * Can't tell which part of a channel has "buffered" status. * Build fails. * Cannot get the number of the current quickfix or location list. * When using ":sleep" channel input is not handled. * Test_command_count is old style. * The regexp engines are not reentrant. * In the GUI when redrawing the cursor it may be on the second half of a double byte character. * If a channel in NL mode is missing the NL at the end the remaining characters are dropped. * "gd" and "gD" may find a match in a comment or string. * When the netbeans channel closes, "DETACH" is put in the output part. (Ozaki Kiichi) * Inconsistent use of spaces vs tabs in gd test. * Error format with %W, %C and %Z does not work. (Gerd Wachsmuth) * A channel is closed when reading on stderr or stdout fails, but there may still be something to read on another part. * Superfluous semicolons. * Code for MS-Windows is complicated because of the exceptions for old systems. * Mouse mode is not automatically detected for tmux. * After ":bwipeout" 'fileformat' is not set to the right default.- Updated to revision 3, fixes the following problems * getwinvar() returns wrong Value of boolean and number options, especially non big endian systems. (James McCoy)- Updated to revision 2, fixes the following problems * Intro screen still mentions version7. (Paul) * The netrw plugin does not work.- Update to version 8.0 * Crash on exit when EXITFREE is defined. (Dominique Pelle) * Valgrind reports using uninitialzed memory. (Dominique Pelle) * Test 86 and 87 fail with some version of Python. * Netbeans test fails when run from unpacked MS-Windows sources. * Netbeans test fails in shadow directory. * Not enough test coverage for Normal mode commands. * The example that explains nested backreferences does not work properly with the new regexp engine. (Harm te Hennepe) * Regexp fails to match when using "\>\)\?". (Ramel) * Reading past end of line when using previous substitute pattern. (Dominique Pelle) * Attempt to read history entry while not initialized. * Compiler warnings with Solaris Studio when using GTK3. * Memory leak in timer_start(). * Invalid memory access when formatting. (Dominique Pelle) * Checking for last_timer_id to overflow is not reliable. (Ozaki Kiichi) * Illegal memory access with ":1@". (Dominique Pelle) * Superfluous function prototypes. * Sort test sometimes fails. * Needless line break. Confusing directory name. * MS-Windows gvim.exe does not have DirectX support. * Test runner misses a comma.- Updated to revision 2347, fixes the following problems * submatch() does not check for a valid argument. * The 'langnoremap' option leads to double negatives. And it does not work for the last character of a mapping. * Can't use "." and "$" with ":tab". * With SGR mouse reporting (suckless terminal) the mouse release and scroll up/down is confused. * Warning for missing declaration of skip_vimgrep_pat(). (John Marriott) * Tests using the sleep time can be flaky. * Timer test sometimes fails. * Timer test sometimes fails. * Warning for assigning negative value to unsigned. (Danek Duvall) * Adding pattern to ":oldfiles" is not a generic solution. * Filter test fails. * Oldfiles test fails. * Tiny build fails. (Tony Mechelynck) * When cancelling the :ptjump prompt a preview window is opened for a following command. * Missing colon in error message. * Some error message cannot be translated. * In rare cases diffing 4 buffers is not enough. * Compiler warnings for signed/unsigned in expression. * Check for Windows 3.1 will always return false. (Christian Brabandt) * Compiler warnings in MzScheme code. * The script that checks translations can't handle plurals. * Coverity complains about null pointer check. * Coverity complains about not checking for NULL. * Two JSON messages are sent without a separator. * With 'incsearch' can only see the next match. * Channel test is flaky. * Build fails with small features. * Fail to read register content from viminfo if it is 438 characters long. (John Chen) * :filter does not work for many commands. Can only get matching messages. * When adding entries to an empty quickfix list the title is reset. * printf() isn't tested much. * printf() test fails on Windows. "-inf" is not used. * Build fails on MS-Windows. * Using CTRL-N and CTRL-P for incsearch shadows completion keys. * Using 'hlsearch' highlighting instead of matchpos if there is no search match. * Insufficient testing for NUL bytes on a raw channel. * Netbeans test doesn't read settings from file. * getbufinfo(), getwininfo() and gettabinfo() are inefficient. * getwininfo() and getbufinfo() are inefficient. * Command line completion on "find **/filename" drops sub-directory. * ":diffoff!" does not remove filler lines. * Command line test fails on Windows when run twice. * Memory leak in getbufinfo() when there is a sign. (Dominique Pelle) * New users have no idea of the 'scrolloff' option. * Starting diff mode with the cursor in the last line might end up only showing one closed fold. (John Beckett) * printf() doesn't handle infinity float values correctly. * Timer test fails sometimes. * When a child process is very fast waiting 10 msec for it is noticeable. (Ramel Eshed) * Part of ":oldfiles" command isn't cleared. (Lifepillar) * Comment in scope header file is outdated. (KillTheMule) * Generated files are outdated. * The tee program isn't included. Makefile contains build instructions that don't work. * The callback passed to ch_sendraw() is not used. * MS-Windows build instructions are clumsy. "dosbin" doesn't build. * When installing and $DESTDIR is set the icons probably won't be installed. * Compiler warning in tiny build. (Tony Mechelynck) * printf() handles floats wrong when there is a sign. * Not all systems understand %F in printf(). * Modelines in source code are inconsistent. * Sign test fails on MS-Windows when using the distributed zip archives. * Cscope test fails. * No tests for :undolist and "U" command. * When starting a job that reads from a buffer and reaching the end, the job hangs. * It is not possible to close the "in" part of a channel. * QuickFixCmdPre and QuickFixCmdPost autocommands are not always triggered. * Get warning for deleting autocommand group when the autocommand using the group is scheduled for deletion. (Pavol Juhas) * MS-Windows: some files remain after testing. * Default interface versions for MS-Windows are outdated. * When using "is" the mode isn't always updated. * In a timer callback the timer itself can't be found or stopped. (Thinca) * Marks, writefile and nested function tests are old style. * Default value for 'langremap' is wrong. * Several tests are old style. * Old charsearch test still listed in Makefile. * Crash when doing tabnext in a BufUnload autocmd. (Dominique Pelle) * Accessing freed memory when a timer does not repeat. * Appveyor 64 bit build still using Python 3.4 * Crash when autocommand moves to another tab. (Dominique Pelle) * Crash when deleting an augroup and listing an autocommand. (Dominique Pelle) * No error when deleting an augroup while it's the current one. * Insufficient testing for Normal mode commands. * Channel sort test is flaky. * Normal mode tests fail on MS-Windows. * When 'incsearch' is not set CTRL-T and CTRL-G are not inserted as before. * No way for a system wide vimrc to stop loading defaults.vim. (Christian Hesse) * Redraw problem when using 'incsearch'. * When a test is commented out we forget about it. * Access memory beyond the end of the line. (Dominique Pelle) * Using freed memory when using 'formatexpr'. (Dominique Pelle) * Crash when editing a new buffer and BufUnload autocommand wipes out the new buffer. (Norio Takagi) * Tiny build fails. * Illegal memory access when Visual selection starts in invalid position. (Dominique Pelle) * Freeing a variable that is on the stack. * Crash when BufWinLeave autocmd goes to another tab page. (Hirohito Higashi) * Error for min() and max() contains %s. (Nikolay Pavlov) * Coverity complains about not checking curwin to be NULL. * Using CTRL-X CTRL-V to complete a command line from Insert mode does not work after entering an expression on the command line. * Crash when stop_timer() is called in a callback of a callback. Vim hangs when the timer callback uses too much time. * Outdated comments in test. * On MS-Windows test_getcwd leaves Xtopdir behind. * taglist() is slow. (Luc Hermitte) * Running normal mode tests leave a couple of files behind. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) * taglist() is still slow. (Luc Hermitte) * Can't build with small features. (John Marriott) * Tab page test fails when run as fake root. * MS-Windows: Building with Ruby uses old version. * Tiny things. Test doesn't clean up properly. * Typo in MS-Windows build script. * Too many old style tests. * The "Reading from channel output..." message can be unwanted. Appending to a buffer leaves an empty first line behind. * For MinGW RUBY_API_VER_LONG isn't set correctly. Many default version numbers are outdated. * Autocommand test fails when run directly, passes when run as part of test_alot.- Updated to revision 2334, fixes the following problems * No tests for :undolist and "U" command. * When starting a job that reads from a buffer and reaching the end, the job hangs. * It is not possible to close the "in" part of a channel. * QuickFixCmdPre and QuickFixCmdPost autocommands are not always triggered. * Get warning for deleting autocommand group when the autocommand using the group is scheduled for deletion. (Pavol Juhas) * MS-Windows: some files remain after testing. * Default interface versions for MS-Windows are outdated. * When using "is" the mode isn't always updated. * In a timer callback the timer itself can't be found or stopped. (Thinca) * Marks, writefile and nested function tests are old style. * Default value for 'langremap' is wrong. * Several tests are old style. * Old charsearch test still listed in Makefile. * Crash when doing tabnext in a BufUnload autocmd. (Dominique Pelle) * Accessing freed memory when a timer does not repeat. * Appveyor 64 bit build still using Python 3.4 * Crash when autocommand moves to another tab. (Dominique Pelle) * Crash when deleting an augroup and listing an autocommand. (Dominique Pelle) * No error when deleting an augroup while it's the current one. * Insufficient testing for Normal mode commands. * Channel sort test is flaky. * Normal mode tests fail on MS-Windows. * When 'incsearch' is not set CTRL-T and CTRL-G are not inserted as before. * No way for a system wide vimrc to stop loading defaults.vim. (Christian Hesse) * Redraw problem when using 'incsearch'. * When a test is commented out we forget about it. * Access memory beyond the end of the line. (Dominique Pelle) * Using freed memory when using 'formatexpr'. (Dominique Pelle) * Crash when editing a new buffer and BufUnload autocommand wipes out the new buffer. (Norio Takagi) * Tiny build fails. * Illegal memory access when Visual selection starts in invalid position. (Dominique Pelle) * Freeing a variable that is on the stack. * Crash when BufWinLeave autocmd goes to another tab page. (Hirohito Higashi) * Error for min() and max() contains %s. (Nikolay Pavlov) * Coverity complains about not checking curwin to be NULL. * Using CTRL-X CTRL-V to complete a command line from Insert mode does not work after entering an expression on the command line. * Crash when stop_timer() is called in a callback of a callback. Vim hangs when the timer callback uses too much time. * Outdated comments in test. * On MS-Windows test_getcwd leaves Xtopdir behind.- Updated to revision 2295, fixes the following problems * The field names used by getbufinfo(), gettabinfo() and getwininfo() are not consistent. * Tab page tests are old style. * Test files have inconsistant modelines. * Startup test fails on Solaris. * There is no equivalent of 'smartcase' for a tag search. * ":oldfiles" output is a very long list. * The default ttimeoutlen is very long. * Crash when using funcref() with invalid name. (Dominique Pelle) * Can't build with +eval but without +quickfix. (John Marriott) * submatch() does not check for a valid argument. * The 'langnoremap' option leads to double negatives. And it does not work for the last character of a mapping. * Can't use "." and "$" with ":tab". * With SGR mouse reporting (suckless terminal) the mouse release and scroll up/down is confused. * Warning for missing declaration of skip_vimgrep_pat(). (John Marriott) * Tests using the sleep time can be flaky. * Timer test sometimes fails. * Timer test sometimes fails. * Warning for assigning negative value to unsigned. (Danek Duvall) * Adding pattern to ":oldfiles" is not a generic solution. * Filter test fails. * Oldfiles test fails. * Tiny build fails. (Tony Mechelynck) * When cancelling the :ptjump prompt a preview window is opened for a following command. * Missing colon in error message. * Some error message cannot be translated. * In rare cases diffing 4 buffers is not enough. * Compiler warnings for signed/unsigned in expression. * Check for Windows 3.1 will always return false. (Christian Brabandt) * Compiler warnings in MzScheme code. * The script that checks translations can't handle plurals. * Coverity complains about null pointer check. * Coverity complains about not checking for NULL. * Two JSON messages are sent without a separator. * With 'incsearch' can only see the next match. * Channel test is flaky. * Build fails with small features. * Fail to read register content from viminfo if it is 438 characters long. (John Chen) * :filter does not work for many commands. Can only get matching messages. * When adding entries to an empty quickfix list the title is reset. * printf() isn't tested much. * printf() test fails on Windows. "-inf" is not used. * Build fails on MS-Windows. * Using CTRL-N and CTRL-P for incsearch shadows completion keys. * Using 'hlsearch' highlighting instead of matchpos if there is no search match. * Insufficient testing for NUL bytes on a raw channel. * Netbeans test doesn't read settings from file. * getbufinfo(), getwininfo() and gettabinfo() are inefficient. * getwininfo() and getbufinfo() are inefficient. * Command line completion on "find **/filename" drops sub-directory. * ":diffoff!" does not remove filler lines. * Command line test fails on Windows when run twice. * Memory leak in getbufinfo() when there is a sign. (Dominique Pelle) * New users have no idea of the 'scrolloff' option. * Starting diff mode with the cursor in the last line might end up only showing one closed fold. (John Beckett) * printf() doesn't handle infinity float values correctly. * Timer test fails sometimes. * When a child process is very fast waiting 10 msec for it is noticeable. (Ramel Eshed) * Part of ":oldfiles" command isn't cleared. (Lifepillar) * Comment in scope header file is outdated. (KillTheMule) * Generated files are outdated. * The tee program isn't included. Makefile contains build instructions that don't work. * The callback passed to ch_sendraw() is not used. * MS-Windows build instructions are clumsy. "dosbin" doesn't build. * When installing and $DESTDIR is set the icons probably won't be installed. * Compiler warning in tiny build. (Tony Mechelynck) * printf() handles floats wrong when there is a sign. * Not all systems understand %F in printf(). * Modelines in source code are inconsistent. * Sign test fails on MS-Windows when using the distributed zip archives. * Cscope test fails.- Updated to revision 2225, fixes the following problems * When using matchaddpos() a character after the end of the line can be highlighted. * Can't build with +timers when +digraph is not included. * Recursive call to substitute gets stuck in sandbox. * printf() gives an error when the argument for %s is not a string. * printf() does not support binary format. * Sourcing a script where a character has 0x80 as a second byte does not work. * Buffer overflow when using latin1 character with feedkeys(). * Compiler warnings with older compiler and 64 bit numbers. * Crash when placing a sign in a deleted buffer.- Updated to revision 2216, fixes the following problems * The qf_init_ext() function is too big. * Compiler warning for initializing a struct. * There is still code and help for unsupported systems. * There is no way to get a list of the error lists. * When using ":vimgrep" may end up with duplicate buffers. * No proper testing of trunc_string(). * Coverage report is messed up by the unittests. * Can't run scripttests in the top directory. * Wrong part of #ifdef removed. * eval.c is too big. * Build fails. * eval.c is too big. * eval.c is too big. * Non-Unix builds fail. * Wrong file name. * qf_init_ext() is too big. * Using dummy variable to compute struct member offset. * eval.c is still too big. * Coverity warns for possible buffer overflow. * Compiler warns for uninitialzed variable. (John Marriott) * getcompletion() not well tested. * Compiler warning for char/char_u conversion. * Not all arguments of trunc_string() are tested. Memory access error when running the message tests. * spell.c is too big. * Missing change to include file. * The return value of type() is difficult to use. * substitute() does not support a Funcref argument. * rgb.txt is read for every color name. * One more place using a dummy variable. * No autocommand event to initialize a window or tab page. * Syntax error when dict has '>' key. * Cannot update 'tabline' when a tab was closed. * Running checks in po diretory fails. * Netbeans test fails on non-Unix systems. * When using PERROR() on some systems assert_fails() does not see the error. * Line numbers in the error list are not always adjusted. * Not much test coverage for digraphs. * Coverity complains about not restoring a value. * New digraph test makes testing hang. * Digraph tests fails on some systems. * Using the system default encoding makes tests unpredictable. * Digraph code test coverage is still low. * Keymap test fails with normal features. * Color handling of X11 GUIs is too complicated. * Using submatch() in a lambda passed to substitute() is verbose. * Coverity reports a resource leak when out of memory. * GTK 3 build fails with older GTK version. * Netbeans test fails once in a while. Leaving log file behind. * The color allocation in X11 is overly complicated. * Man test fails when run with the GUI. * Lambda functions show up with completion. * Warning from 64 bit compiler. * Text object tests are old style. * When a keymap is active only "(lang)" is displayed. * "cgn" and "dgn" do not work correctly with a single character match and the replacement includes the searched pattern. * Looping over windows, buffers and tab pages is inconsistant. * Tiny build with GUI fails. * Can't have "augroup END" right after ":au!". * Code duplication when unreferencing a function. * Configure reports default features to be "normal" while it is "huge". * Clang warns about missing field in initializer. * Misplaced equal sign. * Netbeans test is flaky. * Setting 'display' to "lastline" is a drastic change, while omitting it results in lots of "@" lines. * When there is an CmdUndefined autocmd then the error for a missing command is E464 instead of E492. (Manuel Ortega) * Defaults are very conservative. * getcompletion(.., 'dir') returns a match with trailing "*" when there are no matches. * Test for undo is flaky. * Tiny build fails. * Loading defaults.vim with -C argument. * The default vimrc for Windows is very conservative. * Deleting an augroup that still has autocmds does not give a warning. The next defined augroup takes its place. * Mac: can't build with tiny features. * Closures are not supported. * User defined functions can't be a closure. * No easy way to check if lambda and closure are supported. * Mac: don't get +clipboard in huge build. * No new style test for diff mode. * diffmode test leaves files behind, breaking another test. * Compiler warning for loss of data. * No tests for :diffget and :diffput * The short form of ":noswapfile" is ":noswap" instead of ":nos". * Memory leak when saving for undo fails. * Memory leak when using timer_start(). (Dominique Pelle) * Pending timers cause false memory leak reports. * More memory leaks when using partial, e.g. for "exit-cb". * test_partial has memory leaks reported. * Can't build with tiny features. * No error for using function() badly. * Various tiny issues. * Closure function fails. * Using function() with a name will find another function when it is redefined. * Test 86 and 87 fail. * :delfunction causes illegal memory access. * Tiny build fails. * Coverity reports bogus NULL check. * Leaking memory when redefining a function. * A funccal is garbage collected while it can still be used. * On MS-Windows quickix does not handle a line with 1023 bytes ending in CR-LF properly. * Win32: Using CreateThread/ExitThread is not safe. * Not enough testing for popup menu. CTRL-E does not always work properly. * test_alot fails. * Not much testing for cscope. * If a test leaves a window open a following test may fail. * Warning with MinGW 64. (John Marriott) * Quickfix test fails on MS-Windows. * No proper translation of messages with a count. * GUI test isn't testing much. * Test_communicate() fails sometimes. * Quotes make GUI test fail on MS-Windows. * Compiler warning. * Test_job_start_fails() is expected to report memory leaks, making it hard to see other leaks in test_partial. * Result of getcompletion('', 'cscope') depends on previous completion. * Insufficient testing for cscope. * setmatches() mixes up values. (Nikolai Pavlov) * Expression test fails without conceal feature. * Result of getcompletion('', 'sign') depends on previous completion. * match() and related functions tested with old style test. * It is not possible to use plugins in an "after" directory to tune the behavior of a package. * Startup test fails on MS-Windows. * Small build can't run startup test. * Small build can't run tests. * Not running the startup test on MS-Windows. * Startup test gets stuck on MS-Windows. * Cannot get information about timers. * MS-Windows build fails. * No test for "vim --help". * Can't test help on MS-Windows. * Adding duplicate flags to 'whichwrap' leaves commas behind. * Insufficient testing of cscope. * #ifdefs in main() are complicated. * No testing for -C and -N command line flags, file arguments, startuptime. * No test for reading from stdin. * Reading from stdin test fails on MS-Windows. * There is no easy way to stop all timers. There is no way to temporary pause a timer. * Compiler warning for unused variable. * Color Grey40 used in startup but not in the short list. * Sign tests are old style. * Tests that use RunVim() do not actually perform the test. * Test glob2regpat does not test much. * Timers test is flaky. * glob2regpat test fails on Windows. * Completion does not work properly with some plugins. * Cannot detect encoding in a fifo. * When startup test fails it's not easy to find out why. GUI test fails with Gnome. * No automatic prototype for vim_main2(). * Generating prototypes with Cygwin doesn't work well. * With Gnome when the GUI can't start test_startup hangs. * Sign tests don't cover enough. * MS-Windows: The vimrun program does not support Unicode. * glob2regpat test doesn't test everything on MS-Windows. * All functions are freed on exit, which may hide leaks. * Test alot sometimes fails under valgrind. (Dominique Pelle) * In the GUI the cursor is hidden when redrawing any window, causing flicker. * Cannot get all information about a quickfix list. * The sign column disappears when the last sign is deleted. * Build fails with small features. * Test fails with normal features. * It is not easy to get information about buffers, windows and tabpages. * 'wildignore' always applies to getcompletion(). * Warning for unused function. * The +xpm feature is not sorted properly in :version output. * Test for mappings is old style. * Cannot map . (Stephen Riehm) * On OSX configure mixes up a Python framework and the Unix layout. * Mouse support is not automatically enabled with simple term. * Mark " is not set when closing a window in another tab. (Guraga) * Cannot highlight the "~" lines at the end of a window differently. * A font that uses ligatures messes up the screen display. * It's not easy to find out if a window is a quickfix or location list window. * Test fails without the +sign feature.- Updated to revision 2045, fixes the following problems * Looking up a buffer by number is slow if there are many. * Netbeans file authentication not tested. * GTK: display updating is not done properly and can be slow. * setbufvar() causes a screen redraw. * filter() and map() either require a string or defining a function. * Memory leak when using a function callback.- Updated to revision 2033, fixes the following problems * Memory access error when reading viminfo. (Dominique Pelle) * "gd" hangs in some situations. (Eric Biggers) * Not all quickfix tests are also done with the location lists. * Background is not drawn properly when 'termguicolors' is set. * Coverity warns for unreachable code. * Win32: Cannot compile with XPM feature using VC2015 * The Man plugin doesn't work that well. * File list does not include new XPM libraries. * Viminfo continuation line with wrong length isn't skipped. (Marius Gedminas) * Using Ctrl-A with double-byte encoding may result in garbled text. * Minor problems with the quickfix code. * Quickfix long lines test not executed for buffer. * Ruby test is old style. * Cscope interface does not support finding assignments. * Not all parts of the quickfix code are tested. * No test for what 7.4.1948 fixes. * Using 32-bit Perl with 64-bit time_t causes memory corruption. (Christian Brabandt) * When using CTRL-W f and pressing "q" at the ATTENTION dialog the newly opened window is not closed. * Perl interface has obsolete workaround. * Perl interface preprocessor statements not nicely indented. * Crash when running test_channel.vim on Windows. * Unicode standard 9 was released. * When 'insertmode' is reset while doing completion the popup menu remains even though Vim is in Normal mode. * Two test files for increment/decrement. * Running Win32 Vim in mintty does not work. * The quickfix init function is too big. * When using a job in raw mode to append to a buffer garbage characters are added. * Coverity reports a resource leak. * Falling back from NFA to old regexp engine does not work properly. (fritzophrenic) * Invalid memory access with "\. * When the netbeans channel is closed consuming the buffer may cause a crash. * Using ":insert" in an empty buffer sets the jump mark. (Ingo Karkat) * It is not easy to see unrecognized error lines below the current error position. * On Solaris select() does not work as expected when there is typeahead. * GUI has a problem with some termcodes. * On MS-Windows large files (> 2Gbyte) cause problems. * Number variables are not 64 bits while they could be. * With 64 bit changes don't need three calls to sprintf(). * Large file test does not delete its output. * Getting value of binary option is wrong. (Kent Sibilev) * 'errorformat' is parsed for every call to ":caddexpr". Can't add to two location lists asynchronously. * No testing for Farsi code. * Viminfo file contains duplicate change marks. * farsi.c and arabic.c are included in a strange way. * Not all quickfix features are tested. * Missing changes in VMS build file. * Compiler warns for loss of data. * When copying unrecognized lines for viminfo, end up with useless continuation lines. * When updating viminfo with file marks there is no time order. * filter() and map() only accept a string argument. * Cscope items are not sorted. * glob() does not add a symbolic link when there are no wildcards. * Values for true and false can be confusing. * Not all TRUE and FALSE arguments are tested. * True-false test fails. * GUI: cursor drawn in wrong place if a timer callback causes a screen update. (David Samvelyan) * Capturing the output of a command takes a few commands. * Cannot easily scroll the quickfix window. * When writing buffer lines to a job there is no NL to NUL conversion. * evalcmd() doesn't work recursively. * Evalcmd test fails. * Tiny build fails. (Tony Mechelynck) * Crash when passing number to filter() or map(). * Still cursor flickering when a callback updates the screen. (David Samvelyan) * GUI: cursor displayed in the wrong position. * After using evalcmd() message output is in the wrong position. (Christian Brabandt) * Crash when using tabnext in BufUnload autocmd. (Norio Takagi) * Running the tests leaves a viminfo file behind. * evalcmd() has a confusing name. * Messages test fails. * There is a :cbottom command but no :lbottom command. * It is not easy to get a list of command arguments. * Test for getcompletion() does not pass on all systems. * Using "noinsert" in 'completeopt' breaks redo. * Using "noinsert" in 'completeopt' does not insert match. * When a file gets a name when writing it 'acd' is not effective. (Dan Church) * Warning from MinGW about _WIN32_WINNT redefined. (John Marriott) * When there are many errors adding them to the quickfix list takes a long time. * buf_valid() can be slow when there are many buffers. * When ignoring case utf_fold() may consume a lot of time. * Can't build without +autocmd feature. * Still too many buf_valid() calls. * Warnings from 64 bit compiler. * buflist_findname_stat() may find a dummy buffer. * More buf_valid() calls can be optimized. * The cursor blinking stops or is irregular when receiving date over a channel and writing it in a buffer, and when updating the status. * Reference counting for callbacks isn't right. * Can't build with +eval but without +menu. * cppcheck warns for using index before limits check. * printf() does not work with 64 bit numbers. * ARCH must be set properly when using MinGW. * The list_lbr_utf8 test fails if ~/.vim/syntax/c.vim sets 'textwidth' to a non-zero value. * Build fails with 64 bit MinGW. (Axel Bender) * 'cscopequickfix' option does not accept new value "a".- Updated to revision 1938, fixes the following problems * Updating marks in a quickfix list is very slow when the list is long. * When waiting for a character is interrupted by receiving channel data and the first character of a mapping was typed, the mapping times out. * When receiving channel data 'updatetime' is not respected. * Wrong computation of remaining wait time in RealWaitForChar() * When umask is set to 0177 Vim can't create temp files. * GUI: When channel data is received the cursor blinking is interrupted. * Channel reading very long lines is slow. * balloon eval only gets the window number, not the ID. * Cannot easily get the window ID for a buffer. * Cannot get the window ID for a mouse click. * Cannot use a window ID where a window number is expected. * Invoking mark_adjust() when adding a new line below the last line is pointless. * Various typos, long lines and style mistakes. * User commands don't support modifiers. * GTK 3: cursor blinking doesn't work well. * Using CTRL-] in the help on "{address}." doesn't work. * Win32: the "Disabled" menu items would appear enabled. * No test for collapsing buffers for a channel. Some text is lost. * When writing viminfo merging current history with history in viminfo may drop recent history entries. * Some compilers can't handle a double semicolon. * Collapsing channel buffers and searching for NL does not work properly. * Warnings from 64 bit compiler. * Netbeans uses uninitialzed pointer and freed memory. * Doubled semicolons. * Tests using external command to delete directory. * Recent history lines may be lost when exiting Vim. * No test for using setqflist() on an older quickfix list. * When ":doautocmd" is used modelines are used even when no autocommands were executed. * Executing autocommands while using the signal stack has a high chance of crashing Vim. * The effect of the PopupMenu autocommand isn't directly visible. * No proper test for what 7.4.1906 fixes. * History lines read from viminfo in different encoding than when writing are not converted. * Not enough testing for parsing viminfo lines. * Register contents is not merged when writing viminfo. * Missing test changes. * vim_time() not included when needed. * Ruby 2.4.0 unifies Fixnum and Bignum into Integer. * Command line editing is not tested much. * Missing "void" for functions without argument. * Viminfo does not merge file marks properly. * Possible crash with many history items. * Compiler warning for signed/unsigned. * Overwriting pointer argument. * Inconsistent indenting and weird name. * Can't build without +spell but with +quickfix. * Using both old and new style file mark lines from viminfo. * When writing viminfo the jumplist is not merged with the one in the viminfo file. * Compiler warning about uninitialzed variable. * New style tests not executed with MinGW compiler. * When using the GUI search/replace a second match right after the replacement is skipped. * Off-by-one error in bounds check. * No test for directory stack in quickfix. * When writing viminfo numbered marks were duplicated. - Refresh vim-7.3-filetype_spec.patch- Link to perl directly instead of dlopen'ing it.- vim must require %{?libperl_requires}, if perl is not updated with vim in lockstep, the following error occurs: vim: error while loading shared libraries: and the program stops working. (boo#982869)- Updated to revision 1883, fixes the following problems * Python: encoding error with Python 2. * Memory leaks in test49. * Invalid memory access when exiting with EXITFREE defined. * Memory leak in test_matchstrpos. * Setting really_exiting causes memory leaks to be reported. * Appending to the quickfix list while the quickfix window is open is very slow. * When a callback adds a timer the GUI doesn't use it until later. * Comparing functions and partials doesn't work well. * Typing "k" at the hit-enter prompt has no effect. * Whether a job has exited isn't detected until a character is typed. After calling exit_cb the cursor is in the wrong place. * Channel test is flaky. * Appending to a long quickfix list is slow. * Check for line break at end of line wrong. * Cppcheck found 2 incorrect printf formats.- Updated to revision 1862, fixes the following problems * Using a partial for timer_start() may cause a crash. * Compiler warnings with 64 bit compiler. * string() with repeated argument does not give a result usable by eval().- Updated to revision 1859, fixes the following problems * Tests involving Python are flaky. * Ubsan detects a multiplication overflow. * Getting an item from a NULL dict crashes. * Can't build with Strawberry Perl 5.24 (obsoletes perl-5.24.patch) * Still trying to read from channel that is going to be closed. * GUI freezes when using a job. * test_syn_attr fails when using the GUI. * Unix: Cannot run all tests with the GUI. * Crash when job and channel are in the same dict while using partials. * When setting 'termguicolors' the Ignore highlighting doesn't work. * Valgrind reports memory leak for job that is not freed. * When a channel appends to a buffer that is 'nomodifiable' there is an error but appending is done anyway. * When a channel writes to a buffer it doesn't find a buffer by the short name but re-uses it anyway. * Cannot use a function reference for "exit_cb".- Update apparmor.vim (taken from AppArmor 2.10.1) * add support for the "unspec" network keyword- Updated to revision 1842, fixes the following problems * non-antialiased misnamed. * When timer_stop() is called with a string there is no proper error message. * Memory leak in debug commands. * Cannot use an Ex command for 'keywordprg'. * Possible crash when conceal is active. * When splitting and closing a window the status height changes. * When using a partial on a dictionary it always gets bound to that dictionary. * The BufUnload event is triggered twice, when :bunload is used with `bufhidden` set to `unload` or `delete`. * Functions specifically for testing do not sort together. * Cannot get the items stored in a partial. * When using packages an "after" directory cannot be used. * The code to reallocate the buffer used for quickfix is repeated. * get() works for Partial but not for Funcref.- Fix build with perl 5.24 (perl-5.24.patch)- Updated to revision 1829, fixes the following problems * No error when invoking a callback when it's not safe. * May try to access buffer that's already freed. * No message on channel log when buffer was freed.- Updated to revision 1826, fixes the following problems * The screen is not updated if a callback is invoked when closing a channel. * Help completion adds @en to all matches except the first one. * Compiler warnings when sprintf() is a macro. * Removing language from help tags too often. * Redirecting stdout of a channel to "null" doesn't work. * When a job is no longer referenced and does not have an exit callback the process may hang around in defunc state. * When job writes to buffer nothing is written. * Callbacks are invoked when it's not safe.- Updated to revision 1816, fixes the following problems * 'guicolors' is a confusing option name. * Quickfix doesn't handle long lines well, they are split. * GTK3 doesn't handle menu separaters properly. * Can't use Vim as MANPAGER. * Running tests in shadow dir fails. * 'termguicolors' option missing from the options window. * Test_out_close_cb sometimes fails. * Using wrong feature name to check for 'termguicolors'. * Using wrong short option name for 'termguicolors'. * Sending DETACH after a channel was closed isn't useful. * Netbeans channel gets garbage collected. * Memory access error when running test_quickfix. * A channel may be garbage collected while it's still being used by a job. * Looping over a null list throws an error. - Refresh vim-7.4-filetype_mine.patch- Updated to revision 1796, fixes the following problems * Cannot use ch_read() in the close callback. * Leading white space in a job command matters. * Channel could be garbage collected too early. * Color name decoding is implemented several times. * Some character classes may differ between systems.- Updated to revision 1786, fixes the following problems * When using the term truecolor feature, the t_8f and t_8b termcap options are not set by default. * Using negative index in strcharpart(). * Warnings reported by cppcheck. * synIDattr() does not respect 'guicolors'. * strcharpart() does not work properly with some multi-byte characters. * The old regexp engine doesn't handle character classes correctly. * Compiled-in colors do not match rgb.txt.- Updated to revision 1778, fixes the following problems * When using complete() it may set 'modified' even though nothing was inserted. * When using feedkeys() in a timer the inserted characters are not used right away. * Undo options are not together in the options window. * Arguments of setqflist() are not checked properly. * No "closed", "errors" and "encoding" attribute on Python output. * Cannot use true color in the terminal. * Newly added features can escape the sandbox. * When using the term truecolor feature, the t_8f and t_8b termcap options are not set by default.- Updated to revision 1754, fixes the following problems * When a buffer gets updated while in command line mode, the screen may be messed up. * Crash when 'tagstack' is off. (Dominique Pelle) * When adding to the quickfix list the current position is reset. * "noinsert" in 'completeopt' is sometimes ignored * syntax not set when using ":buf" and 'filetype' set manually- Updated to revision 1749, fixes the following problems * Cannot detect a crash in tests when caused by garbagecollect(). * The help for functions require a space after the "(". * The Perl interface cannot use 'print' operator for writing directly in standard IO. * It is not easy to get a character out of a string. * Python: turns partial into simple funcref. * Folds may close when using autocomplete. * Test fails when not using utf-8. * It is not possible to only see part of the message history. It is not possible to clear messages. * Count for ":messages" depends on number of lines. * syn-cchar defined with matchadd() does not appear if there are no other syntax definitions which matches buffer text. * Not testing utf-8 characters. * strgetchar() does not work correctly. * Clang warns for uninitialzed variable. (Michael Jarvis) * Python: Converting a sequence may leak memory. * Memory leak in Perl. * Coverity: missing check for NULL pointer. * "gD" does not find match in first column of first line. * When using GTK 3.20 there are a few warnings.- Updated to revision 1726, fixes the following problems * Crash when calling garbagecollect() after starting a job. * When using try/catch in 'tabline' it is still considered an error and the tabline will be disabled. * Tabline test fails in GUI. * Compiler errors for non-ANSI compilers. * ANSI compiler complains about string length.- Updated to revision 1721, fixes the following problems * Leaking memory when opening a channel fails. * Coverity: not using return value of set_ref_in_item(). * Leaking memory when there is a cycle involving a job and a partial. * Tests fail without the job feature.- Updated to revision 1716, fixes the following problems * When using try/catch in 'statusline' it is still considered an error and the status line will be disabled. * For plugins in packages, plugin authors need to take care of all dependencies. * GTK GUI doesn't work on Wayland. * Non-GUI specific settings in the gvimrc_example file. * Double free when a partial is in a cycle with a list or dict. * 'autochdir' doesn't work for the first file.- Updated to revision 1710, fixes the following problems * feedkeys('i', 'x') gets stuck, waits for a character to be typed. * Building the Perl interface gives compiler warnings. * ":syn reset" clears the effect ":syn iskeyword". (James McCoy) * When using :stopinsert in a silent mapping the "INSERT" message isn't cleared. * Display problems when the 'ambiwidth' and 'emoji' options are not set properly or the terminal doesn't behave as expected. * :packadd does not work the same when used early or late. * Using freed memory when parsing 'printoptions' fails. * Using freed memory with "wincmd p". (Dominique Pelle) * Cannot use empty dictionary key, even though it can be useful. * New regexp engine does not work properly with EBCDIC. * Not all output of an external command is read.- Updated to revision 1691, fixes the following problems * When reading JSON from a channel all readahead is used. * channel_get_all() does multiple allocations. * When writing buffer lines to a pipe Vim may block. * Completion doesn't work well for a variable containing "#". * When help exists in multiple languages, adding @ab while "ab" is the default help language is unnecessary. * The Dvorak support is a bit difficult to install. * The justify plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used. * The editexisting plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used. * The swapmous plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used. * The shellmenu plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used. * A reference to the removed file_select plugin remains. * Coverity: copying value of v_lock without initializing it. * Coverity warns for not checking name length (false positive). * Coverity warns for fixed size buffer length (false positive). * Coverity: no check for NULL. * README text is slightly outdated. * There is no easy way to get all the information about a match. * When running tests $HOME/.viminfo is written. * The channel close_cb option does not work. * MzScheme does not support partial. * Ruby interface has inconsistent coding style. * Can't compile with the conceal feature but without multi-byte. * When switching to a new buffer and an autocommand applies syntax highlighting an ml_get error may occur.- Updated to revision 1665, fixes the following problems * When 'F' is in 'shortmess' the prompt for the encryption key isn't displayed. * When binding a function to a dict the reference count is wrong. * Invoking garbage collection may cause a double free. * Crash when an autocommand changes a quickfix list. * Handling emoji characters as full width has problems with backwards compatibility. * Terminating file name has side effects. * Using string() on a partial that exists in the dictionary it binds results in an error. * When a dict contains a partial it can't be redefined as a function. * Using Python vim.bindeval() on a partial doesn't work. * Using freed memory after setqflist() and ":caddbuffer". * Compiler has a problem copying a string into di_key[]. * The matchit plugin needs to be copied to be used. * Quickfix test fails. * Old style test for fnamemodify(). * Users who loaded matchit.vim manually have to change their startup. * Crash when using expand('%:S') in a buffer without a name. * remote_expr() hangs. * Crash when using partial with a timer. * On Unix in a terminal: channel messages are not handled right away. * A plugin does not know when VimEnter autocommands were already triggered. * has('patch-7.4.1') doesn't work. * No test for special characters in channel eval command. * No test for an invalid Ex command on a channel. * Crash in :cgetexpr. * Crash when calling job_start() with a NULL string.- Updated to revision 1635, fixes the following problems * Quickfix code using memory after being freed. * Using channel timeout instead of request timeout. * Timers don't work on Unix. * Not checking for failed open(). * Memory leak when out of memory. * When starting the GUI fails a swap file is left behind. * Timer with an ":echo" command messes up display. * Although emoji characters are ambiguous width, best is to treat them as full width. * Catching exception that won't be thrown. * Having type() handle a Funcref that is or isn't a partial differently causes problems for existing scripts. * Comparing a function that exists on two dicts is not backwards compatible. * string() doesn't handle a partial. * Contents file is only for Amiga distro. * Compiler warnings for non-virtual destructor. * The versplit feature makes the code uneccessary complicated. * Can't build with small features. * Still can't build with small features. * Still quickfix test in old style. * Build fails with tiny features. * Malformed channel request causes a hang. * When a JSON message is split it isn't decoded. * Starting job with output to buffer changes options in the current buffer. * When 'fileformats' is set in the vimrc it applies to new buffers but not the initial buffer. * Emoji characters are not considered as a kind of word character. * Channel test doesn't work with Python 2.6. * Channel demo doesn't work with Python 2.6. * All Channels share the message ID, it keeps getting bigger. * Can't get info about a channel. * Trying to close file descriptor that isn't open. * Missing changes to structs. * Channel out_cb and err_cb are not tested. * 64-bit Compiler warning. * Handling emoji characters as full width has problems with backwards compatibility. * Unicode table for double width is outdated. * Compiler doesn't understand switch on all enum values. * List of test targets is outdated. * If the help tags file was removed "make install" fails. * Vertical movement after CTRL-A ends up in the wrong column. * Channel test is a bit flaky.- Updated to revision 1591, fixes the following problems * Crash when using function reference. * Using ":call dict.func()" where the function is a partial does not work. * Get E923 when using function(dict.func, [], dict). * Warning for unitinialized variable. * Partial is not recognized everywhere. * Nesting partials doesn't work. * Compiler warnings with 64 bit compiler. * Old style test for quickfix. * Combining dict and args with partial doesn't always work. * Warning for shadowed variable. * The quickfix title is truncated.- Updated to revision 1579, fixes the following problems * Passing cookie to a callback is clumsy. * Dict options with a dash are more difficult to use. * Missing update to proto file. * ":helptags ALL" crashes. * An empty list in function() causes an error. * Crash when assert_equal() runs into a NULL string. * Crash in assert_fails(). * Using CTRL-] in help on option in parentheses doesn't work. * Using old style tests for quickfix. * There is no way to avoid the message when editing a file. * No test for ":help". * Setting 'compatible' in test influences following tests. * Tests get stuck at the more prompt. * ":undo 0" does not work. * Write error of viminfo file is not handled properly. * Cannot pass "dict.Myfunc" around as a partial. * There is no way to invoke a function later or periodically.- Updated to revision 1558, fixes the following problems * Using "ever" for packages is confusing. * Specifying buffer number for channel not implemented yet. * MS-Windows job_start() closes wrong handle. * Compiler warning for unitinialized variable. * MS-Windows channel leaks file descriptor. * Using feedkeys() with an empty string disregards 'x' option. * Compiler warning for shadowed variable. * The feedkeys test has a one second delay. * Cannot re-use a channel for another job. * Too many feature flags for pipes, jobs and channels. * Selection with the mouse does not work in command line mode. * Too much code in eval.c. * Channel test is a bit flaky. * Missing job_info(). * job_start() with a list is not tested. * Channel log methods are not tested. * On Win32 escaping the command does not work properly. * GTK3: horizontal cursor movement in Visual selection not good. * Sticky type checking is more annoying than useful. * Getting a cterm highlight attribute that is not set results in the string "-1". * Two tests fail. * Cannot load packages early. * Cannot generate help tags in all doc directories. * ":colorscheme" does not use 'packpath'. * ":runtime" does not use 'packpath'. * Completion for :colorscheme does not use 'packpath'. * List of test targets incomplete. * "make install" changes the help tags file, causing it to differ from the repository. * Windows cannot be identified. * It is not easy to find out what windows display a buffer.- Switch back to GTK+2 because GTK+3 interface seems to be slower.- Updated to revision 1525, fixes the following problems * Statusline highlighting is sometimes wrong. * "J" fails if there are not enough lines. * Channel output to file not implemented yet. * Channel test is a bit flaky. * Channel with disconnected in/out/err is not supported. * Channel test: Waiting for a file to appear doesn't work. * Cannot write channel err to a buffer. * On a high resolution screen the toolbar icons are too small.- Updated to revision 1510, fixes the following problems * Crash when starting a job fails. * Keeping both a variable for a job and the channel it refers to is a hassle. * Channel test fails on AppVeyor.- Updated to revision 1506, fixes the following problems * No error message when :packadd does not find anything. * Garbage collection with an open channel is not tested. * Writing last-but-one line of buffer to a channel isn't implemented yet. * Crash when using ch_getjob(). * No test for reading last-but-one line. * When channel log is enabled get too many "looking for messages" log entries. * Job cannot read from a file.- Updated to revision 1498, fixes the following problems * ":loadplugin" is not optimal, some people find it confusing. * Not using key when result from hangul_string_convert() is NULL. * "inline" is not supported by old MSVC. * Compiler warning for unused function. * Visual-block shift breaks multi-byte characters. * No command line completion for ":packadd". * Wrong callback invoked for zero-id messages. * clr_history() does not work properly. * Crash when built with GUI but it's not active. * Cursor drawing problem with GTK 3. * Error for locked item when using json_decode().- Updated to revision 1485, fixes the following problems * When using hangulinput with utf-8 a CSI character is misintepreted. * Function arguments marked as unused while they are not. * Test_reltime is flaky, it depends on timing. * ":loadplugin" doesn't take care of ftdetect files. * No test for ":loadplugin". * Cannot add a pack direcory without loading a plugin. * "timeout" option not supported on ch_eval*(). * A one-time callback is not used for a raw channel. * Channel "err-io" value "out" is not supported. * Job input from buffer is not implemented.- Updated to revision 1474, fixes the following problems * Sort test doesn't test with "1" argument. * Channel test sometimes fails, especially on OS/X. * Coverity reports missing restore. * Missing out-of-memory check. And Coverity warning. * Can't build without the autocommand feature. * Compiler warnings without the float feature.- Updated to revision 1467, fixes the following problems * Error when reading fails uses wrong errno. Keeping channel open after job stops results in test failing. * The "out-io" option for jobs is not implemented yet. * When encoding JSON, turning NaN and Infinity into null without giving an error is not useful. * JSON encoding doesn't handle surrogate pair. * Can't get buffer number of a channel. * Using empty name instead of no name for channel buffer. * Memory corruption when 'encoding' is not utf-8. * Crash when using json_decode(). * Memory leak when using ch_read(). * JSON tests fail if 'encoding' is not utf-8. * Json encoding still fails when encoding is not utf-8. * Vim hangs when a channel has a callback but isn't referenced. * Test 87 fails with Python 3.5. * Opening a channel with select() is not done properly. * When a JSON channel has a callback it may never be cleared. * When the argument of sort() is zero or empty it fails.- Updated to revision 1421, fixes the following problems * When calling ch_close() the close callback is invoked, even though the docs say it isn't. * Using "u_char" intead of "char_u", which doesn't work everywhere. * Tests slowed down because of the "not a terminal" warning. * May free a channel when a callback may need to be invoked.- Disable sniff support, its unmaintained.- Updated to revision 1410, fixes the following problems * The close-cb option is not implemented yet. * Perl eval doesn't work properly on 64-bit big-endian machine. * Having 'autochdir' set during startup and using diff mode doesn't work. * GTK 3 is not supported. * Completion menu flickers. * Leaking memory in cs_print_tags_priv(). * json_encode() does not handle NaN and inf properly. * Leaking memory in cscope interface.- Updated to revision 1397, fixes the following problems * When the Job exit callback is invoked, the job may be freed too soon. * Starting a job hangs in the GUI. * Can't sort inside a sort function.- Drop vim-7.1.314-CVE-2009-0316-debian.patch, Python 2.7 has the appropriate fix.- Updated to revision 1385, fixes the following problems * Job and channel options parsing is scattered. * Channel test ch_sendexpr() times out. * Can't remove a callback with ch_setoptions(). * Channels don't have a queue for stderr. * X11 GUI callbacks don't specify the part of the channel. * Channel read implementation is incomplete. * Calling a Vim function over a channel requires turning the arguments into a string. * ch_setoptions() cannot set all options. * Can't change job settings after it started. * The job exit callback is not implemented. * Can't get the job of a channel. * It is not easy to use a set of plugins and their dependencies.- Updated to revision 1353, fixes the following problems * Compiler warnings in build with -O2. * When there is any error Vim will use a non-zero exit code. * When the test server fails to start Vim hangs. * When the port isn't opened yet when ch_open() is called it may fail instead of waiting for the specified time. * The test script lists all functions before executing them.- Updated to revision 1345, fixes the following problems * Crash when using channel that failed to open. * Crash when closing the channel in a callback. * Channel test fails on non-darwin builds. * Channel NL mode is not supported yet. * It's difficult to add more arguments to ch_sendraw() and ch_sendexpr(). * Can't compile with +job but without +channel.- Updated to revision 1328, fixes the following problems * Cursor changes column with up motion when the matchparen plugin saves and restores the cursor position. (Martin Kunev) * "\%1l^#.*" does not match on a line starting with "#". * Channel with pipes doesn't work in GUI. * Crash when unletting the variable that holds the channel in a callback function. * Can't compile with +job but without +channel.- Updated to revision 1294, fixes the following problems * copy() and deepcopy() fail with special variables. * Encoding {'key':} to JSON doesn't give an error. * assert_false(v:false) reports an error. * When jsonencode() fails it still returns something. * jsonencode() is not producing strict JSON. * Crash when evaluating the pattern of ":catch" causes an error. * The job feature isn't available on MS-Windows. * ch_open() with a timeout doesn't work correctly. * ch_sendexpr() does not use JS encoding. - Remove vim-7.3-diff_check.patch- Updated to revision 1194, fixes the following problems * New lines in the viminfo file are dropped. * Old style tests for the argument list. * Generated function prototypes still have __ARGS(). * Wrong argument to assert_exception() causes a crash. * Illegal memory access when using :copen and :cclose. * When running gvim in the foreground some icons are missing. * Recognizing does not work when the language is Turkish. * Using searchpair() with a skip expression that uses syntax highlighting sometimes doesn't work. * Cannot define keyword characters for a syntax file. * Can't sort on floating point numbers. * Default features are conservative. * Conflict for "chartab". * Using the local value of 'errorformat' causes more problems than it solves. * 'langmap' applies to the first character typed in Select mode. * Langmap test fails with normal build. * Autocommands triggered by quickfix cannot always get the current title value. * No support for JSON. * Build with normal features fails. * Coverity warns for NULL pointer and ignoring return value. * type() does not work for v:true, v:none, etc. * Automatically generated function prototypes use __ARGS. * No error for jsondecode('"'). * ":argadd" without argument is supposed to add the current buffer name to the arglist. * Missing error number in MzScheme. * Expressions "0 + v:true" and "'' . v:true" cause an error. * No tests for "is" and "isnot" with the new variables. * This doesn't give the right result: eval(string(v:true)). * No test for new behavior of v:true et al. * The +channel feature is not in :version output. * empty() doesn't work for the new special variables. * test_writefile and test_viml do not delete the tempfile. * Crash with invalid argument to glob2regpat(). * free_tv() can't handle special variables. * Error messages for security context are hard to translate. * The channel feature isn't working yet. * Can't build with FEAT_EVAL but without FEAT_MBYTE. * Compiler warning for not using return value of fwrite().- Updated to revision 1130, fixes the following problems * Repeating CTRL-A doesn't work. * No tests for :hardcopy and related options. * When making a change while need_wait_return is set there is a two second delay. * With 'rightleft' and concealing the cursor may move to the wrong position. * Vim can create a directory but not delete it. * When using ":next" with an illegal file name no error is reported. * Using {ns} in variable name does not work. (lilydjwg) * delete() does not work well with symbolic links. * delete(x, 'rf') does not delete files starting with a dot. * No longer get "." and ".." in directory list. * argidx() has a wrong value after ":%argdelete". (Yegappan Lakshmanan) * delete(x, 'rf') fails if a directory is empty. (Lcd) * Using ":argadd" when there are no arguments results in the second argument to be the current one. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) * There is no perleval(). * Can only get the directory of the current window. * Python None value can't be converted to a Vim value. * Memory leak in :vimgrep.- Updated to revision 1087, fixes the following problems * Wrong way to check for unletting internal variables. * The Tcl interface can't be loaded dynamically on Unix. * Crash when using an invalid command. * CTRL-A does not work well in right-left mode. * Using "." to repeat CTRL-A in Visual mode increments the wrong numbers. * The CTRL-A and CTRL-X commands do not update the '[ and '] marks. * Crash with an extremely long buffer name. * CTRL-A and CTRL-X work badly with blockwise visual selection- Updated to revision 1066, fixes the following problems * Segfault when unletting "count". * Illegal memory access with weird syntax command. (Dominique Pelle) * Typos in the :options window. * Compiler warning for ignoring return value of fwrite(). * When a spell file has single letter compounding creating suggestions takes an awful long time.- Updated to revision 1046, fixes the following problems * The fix in patch 7.3.192 is not tested. * When a symbolic link points to a file in the root directory, the swapfile is not correct. * Vim overwrites the value of $PYTHONHOME. * The local value of 'errorformat' is not used for ":lexpr" and ":cexpr". * The column is not restored properly when the matchparen plugin is used in Insert mode and the cursor is after the end of the line. * When there is a backslash in an option ":set -=" doesn't work. * An Ex range gets adjusted for folded lines even when the range is not using line numbers. * Using "q!" when there is a modified hidden buffer does not unload the current buffer, resulting in the need to abandon it again. * g-CTRL-G shows the word count, but there is no way to get the word count in a script.- Updated to revision 1004, fixes the following problems * searchpos() always starts searching in the first column, which is not what some people expect. (Brett Stahlman) * Leaking memory when hash_add() fails. Coverity error 99126.- Updated to revision 979, fixes the following problems * When pasting on the command line line breaks result in literal characters. This makes pasting a long file name difficult. * When using :diffsplit the cursor jumps to the first line. * Using ":sort" on a very big file sometimes causes text to be corrupted. (John Beckett) * test_cdo fails when using another language than English. * When changing the crypt key the blocks read from disk are not decrypted.- Updated to revision 972, fixes the following problems * Test 87 doesn't work in a shadow directory. * Configure doesn't work with a space in a path. * test86 and test87 are flaky in Appveyor. * Rare crash in getvcol(). (Timo Mihaljov) * The asin() function can't be used. * Memory leak when there is an error in setting an option.- Updated to revision 963, fixes the following problems * Crash when dragging with the mouse. * Segfault reading unitialized memory. * X11 and GTK have moure mouse buttons than Vim supports. * Memory leak when encountering a syntax error. * vt52 terminal codes are not correct. * There is no way to ignore case only for tag searches. * test_tagcase breaks for small builds. * Writing tests for Vim script is hard. * New style testing is incomplete. * Missing changes in source file. * Test_listchars fails with MingW. (Michael Soyka) * Can't build when the insert_expand feature is disabled. * When using 'colorcolumn' and there is a sign with a fullwidth character the highlighting is wrong. (Andrew Stewart) * v:errors is not initialized. * Sorting number strings does not work as expected. (Luc Hermitte) * 'lispwords' is tested in the old way. * When a test script navigates to another buffer the .res file is created with the wrong name. * When using Lua there may be a crash. (issue #468) * Vim doesn't recognize .pl6 and .pod6 files. * A few more file name extensions not recognized. * Test_tagcase fails when using another language than English. * Vim checks if the directory "$TMPDIR" exists. * When setting 'term' the clipboard ownership is lost. * Test107 fails in some circunstances. * Cannot run the tests with gvim. Cannot run individual new stests. * test_listlbr_utf8 sometimes fails.- Updated to revision 935, fixes the following problems * Test 94 fails on some systems. * test_utf8 has confusing dummy command. * Crash when using longest completion match.- Updated to revision 930, fixes the following problems * When a BufLeave autocommand changes folding in a way it syncs undo, undo can be corrupted. * Python interface can produce error "vim.message' object has no attribute 'isatty'". * Libraries for dynamically loading interfaces can only be defined at compile time. * Compiler complains about type punned pointer. * t_Ce and t_Cs are documented but not supported. (Hirohito Higashi) * Wrong indenting for C++ constructor. * No utf-8 support for the hangul input feature. * New compiler warning: logical-not-parentheses * When removing from 'path' and then adding, a comma may go missing. (Malcolm Rowe) * When running out of memory while copying a dict memory may be freed twice. (ZyX) * Compiler warning for comparing signed and unsigned. * A digit in an option name has problems. * The dll options are not in the options window. * The rubydll option is not in the options window. * Missing proto file update. (Randall W. Morris) * Leaking memory with ":helpt {dir-not-exists}". * Prototypes not always generated. * User may yank or put using the register being recorded in. * Completing the longest match doesn't work properly with multi-byte characters. * Ruby crashes when there is a runtime error. * A clientserver message interrupts handling keys of a mapping. * "gv" after paste selects one character less if 'selection' is "exclusive". * MS-Windows: Most users appear not to like the window border. - Refresh vim-7.3-sh_is_bash.patch- Updated to revision 898, fixes the following problems * Build failure when using dynamic python but not python3. * Indentation of array initializer is wrong. * On MS-Windows the iconv DLL may have a different name. * C indenting is wrong below a "case (foo):" * vimrun.exe is picky about the number of spaces before -s. * Custom command line completion does not work for a command containing digits. * Editing a URL, which netrw should handle, doesn't work. * Freeze and crash when there is a sleep in a remote command. (Karl Yngve Lervåg) * The 'fixendofline' option is set on with ":edit".- Updated to revision 889, fixes the following problems * Crash when changing the 'tags' option from a remote command. (Benjamin Fritz) * 'smarttab' is also effective when 'paste' is enabled. (Alexander Monakov) * May get into an invalid state when using getchar() in an expression mapping. * Vim leaks memory, when 'wildignore' filters out all matches. * Compiler warning for unused variable. (Tony Mechelynck) * Not obvious how to contribute. * ":find" sometimes fails. (Excanoe) * Coverity error for clearing only one byte of struct. * Can't see line numbers in nested function calls. * Test 49 fails. * When leaving the command line window with CTRL-C while a completion menu is displayed the menu isn't removed. * Block-mode replace works characterwise instead of blockwise after column 147. (Issue #422) * When doing an upwards search without wildcards the search fails if the initial directory doesn't exist. * Using uninitialized memory for regexp with back reference. (Dominique Pelle) * The OptionSet autocommands are not triggered from setwinvar(). * Triggering OptionSet from setwinvar() isn't tested.- Updated apparmor.vim (taken from AppArmor 2.10.0) * add support for the "ib" and "mpls" network keywords- Updated to revision 865, fixes the following problems * GTK: font glitches for combining characters * "zt" still doesn't work well with filler lines. (Gary Johnson) * Dragging the current tab with the mouse doesn't work properly. * It's a bit clumsy to execute a command on a list of matches. * Vim doesn't recognize all htmldjango files. * Filetype detection is outdated. * pango_shape_full() is not always available. * Still problems with pango_shape_full() not available. * plines_nofill() used without the diff feature.- Updated to revision 854, fixes the following problems * When '#' is in 'isident' the is# comparator doesn't work. * Compiler warning for possible loss of data. * "vi)d" may leave a character behind. * CTRL-A on hex number in Visual block mode is incorrect. * Moving the cursor in Insert mode starts new undo sequence. * does not show up. * Saving and restoring the console buffer does not work properly. * "zt" in diff mode does not always work properly. (Gary Johnson) * Missing information about runtime files.- Updated to revision 843, fixes the following problems * Xxd doesn't have a license notice. * The ruler shows "Bot" even when there are only filler lines missing. (Gary Johnson) * CTRL-A in Visual mode doesn't work properly with "alpha" in 'nrformat'. * After CTRL-V CTRL-A mode isn't updated. (Hirohito Higashi) * With a sequence of commands using buffers in diff mode E749 is given. (itchyny) * Invalid memory access when using "exe 'sc'". * Gcc sanitizer complains about using a NULL pointer to memmove(). * It is not possible to save and restore character search state. * Illegal memory access with "sy match a fold". * Invalid memory access when doing ":call g:". * Invalid memory access when doing ":fun X(". * Invalid memory access in file_pat_to_reg_pat(). * 'linebreak' breaks c% if the last Visual selection was block. (Chris Morganiser, Issue 389) * Invalid memory access in file_pat_to_reg_pat. * Cursor moves after CTRL-A on alphabetic character. * Invalid memory access for ":syn keyword x a[". * Crash when using "syn keyword x c". (Dominique Pelle) * Crash when clicking in beval balloon. (Travis Lebsock) * Resetting 'encoding' when doing ":set all&" causes problems. (Bjorn Linse) Display is not updated. * When expanding `=expr` on the command line and encountering an error, the command is executed anyway. * $HOME in `=$HOME . '/.vimrc'` is expanded too early. * More side effects of ":set all&" are missing. (Björn Linse) * gettabvar() doesn't work after Vim start. (Szymon Wrozynski) * Comparing utf-8 sequences does not handle different byte sizes correctly. * Can't compile without the crypt feature. (John Marriott) - Refresh vim-7.3-diff_check.patch- Updated to revision 803, fixes the following problems * Repeating a change in Visual mode does not work as expected. (Urtica Dioica) * Accessing memory before an allocated block. * Using freed memory when triggering CmdUndefined autocommands. * Test for ":diffoff" doesn't catch all potential problems. * Using "A" in Visual mode while 'linebreak' is set is not tested. * C indent does not support C11 raw strings. (Mark Lodato)- Updated to revision 797, fixes the following problems * Using freed memory and crash. (Dominique Pellej) * Test fails when the autochdir feature is not available. Test output contains the test script. * The buffer list can be very long. * Can only conceal text by defining syntax items. * Can't specify when not to ring the bell. * The 'fixeol' option is not copied to a new window. * Warning from 64 bit compiler. * Crash when using more lines for the command line than 'maxcombine'.- Updated to revision 788, fixes the following problems * CTRL-A and CTRL-X in Visual mode do not always work well. * :diffoff only works properly once. * Behavior of :diffoff is not tested. * Background color response with transparency is not ignored. * Search does not handle multi-byte character at the start position correctly. * 'langmap' is used in command-line mode when checking for mappings. Issue 376. * When using the CompleteDone autocommand event it's difficult to get to the completed items. * It is not possible to avoid using the first item of completion. * Equivalence class for 'd' does not work correctly. * Coverity warns for uninitialized variable. * Using CTRL-A in a line without a number moves the cursor. May cause a crash when at the start of the line. (Urtica Dioica) * Compiler complains about uninitialized variable and clobbered variables. * line2byte() returns one less when 'bin' and 'noeol' are set. * Still a few problems with CTRL-A and CTRL-X in Visual mode. * copy_chars() and copy_spaces() are inefficient. * Using both "noinsert" and "noselect" in 'completeopt' does not work properly. * On some systems automatically adding the missing EOL causes problems. Setting 'binary' has too many side effects. * It is not possible for a plugin to adjust to a changed setting. * snprintf() isn't available everywhere.- Updated to revision 763, fixes the following problems * Appending in Visual mode with 'linebreak' set does not work properly. Also when 'selection' is "exclusive". (Ingo Karkat) * Using CTRL-A in Visual mode does not work well. (Gary Johnson) * It is not easy to count the number of characters. * Cannot detect the background color of a terminal. * When 'conceallevel' is 1 and quitting the command-line window with CTRL-C the first character ':' is erased. * Spelling mistakes are not displayed after ":syn spell". * The request-background termcode implementation is incomplete. * Comment for may_req_bg_color() is wrong. (Christ van Willegen)- Updated to revision 752, fixes the following problems * When setting the crypt key and using a swap file, text may be encrypted twice or unencrypted text remains in the swap file. * The tab menu shows "Close tab" even when it doesn't work. * The cursor line is not always updated for the "O" command. * ml_get error when using "p" in a Visual selection in the last line. * Wrong argument for sizeof(). * In a string "\U" only takes 4 digits, while after CTRL-V U eight digits can be used. * ":1quit" works like ":.quit". (Bohr Shaw) * When using += with ":set" a trailing comma is not recognized. (Issue 365) * Cannot specify a vertical split when loading a buffer for a quickfix command. * "p" in Visual mode causes an unexpected line split. * No tests for Ruby and Perl. * The entries added by matchaddpos() are returned by getmatches() but can't be set with setmatches(). (Lcd) * ":[count]tag" is not always working. (cs86661) * ":cnext" may jump to the wrong column when setting 'virtualedit=all' * For some options two consecutive commas are OK. (Nikolay Pavlov) * It is not obvious how to enable the address sanitizer. * Unicode 8.0 not supported.- Make Perl support dynamic bsc#804070- Updated to revision 729, fixes the following problems * Illegal memory access when there are illegal bytes. * ":let list += list" can change a locked list. * Autocommands triggered by quickfix cannot get the current title value. * Overflow when adding MAXCOL to a pointer. * When 'list' is set Visual mode does not highlight anything in empty lines. (mgaleski) * 0x202f is not recognized as a non-breaking space character. * For indenting, finding the C++ baseclass can be slow. * ":call setreg('"', [])" reports an internal error. * Occasional crash with 'list' set.- Updated to revision 712, fixes the following problems * Out-of-bounds read, dectected by Coverity. * Not freeing memory when encountering an error. * The filename used for ":profile" must be given literally. * Various problems with locked and fixed lists and dictionaries. * E315 when trying to delete a fold. (Yutao Yuan) * Fold can't be opened after ":move". (Ein Brown) * Compiler warning for using uninitialized variable. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto) * Joining an empty list does uneccessary work. * Compiler warning for start_dir unused when building unittests. * Searching for a character matches an illegal byte and causes invalid memory access. (Dominique Pelle) * Can't build with Ruby 2.2. * Window drawn wrong when 'laststatus' is zero and there is a command-line window. (Yclept Nemo) * Undo files can have their executable bit set. * gettext() is called too often. * ":tabmove" does not work as documented. * It is not possible to make spaces visibible in list mode.- Updated to revision 694, fixes the following problems * When starting several Vim instances in diff mode, the temp files used may not be unique. (Issue 353) * When there are illegal utf-8 characters the old regexp engine may go past the end of a string. * "zr" and "zm" do not take a count. * There is no way to use a different in Replace mode for a terminal. * When "$" is in 'cpo' the popup menu isn't undrawn correctly. (Issue 166) * Memory access errors when changing indent in Ex mode. Also missing redraw when using CTRL-U. (Knil Ino) * Can't build with MzScheme. * Session file is not correct when there are multiple tab pages. * Running tests changes the .viminfo file.- Updated to revision 683, fixes the following problems * When using --remote the directory may end up being wrong. * CTRL-W in Insert mode does not work well for multi-byte characters. * MS-Windows: When Vim is minimized the window height is computed incorrectly. * The search highlighting and match highlighting replaces the cursorline highlighting, this doesn't look good. * Typo in the vimtutor command.- Updated to revision 676, fixes the following problems * When 'ruler' is set the preferred column is reset. (Issue 339) * Using freed memory when g:colors_name is changed in the colors script. (oni-link) * Using "0 CTRL-D" in Insert mode may have CursorHoldI interfere. (Gary Johnson) * When 'M' is in the 'cpo' option then selecting a text object in parenthesis does not work correctly. * When using netbeans a buffer is not found in another tab. * When 'compatible' is reset 'numberwidth' is set to 4, but the effect doesn't show until a change is made. * 'linebreak' does not work properly with multi-byte characters. * There is a chance that Vim may lock up. * 'colorcolumn' isn't drawn in a closed fold while 'cursorcolumn' is. (Carlos Pita) * Can't use a glob pattern as a regexp pattern. * When netbeans is active the sign column always shows up. * Using 'cindent' for Javascript is less than perfect. * Warning for shadowing a variable. * When completing a shell command, directories in the current directory are not listed. * The first syntax entry gets sequence number zero, which doesn't work. (Clinton McKay) * Missing changes in one file. * When a FileReadPost autocommand moves the cursor inside a line it gets moved back. - Refresh vim73-no-static-libpython.patch- Updated to revision 658, fixes the following problems * The tabline menu was using ":999tabnew" which is now invalid. * When using "gf" escaped spaces are not handled. * Stratus VOS doesn't have sync(). * When splitting the window in a BufAdd autocommand while still in the first, empty buffer the window count is wrong. * ":bufdo" may start at a deleted buffer. * Compiler complains about ignoring return value of fwrite(). (Michael Jarvis) * Configure check may fail because the dl library is not used. * Can't match "%>80v" properly for multi-byte characters. * Xxd lacks a few features. * Insert mode completion with complete() may have CTRL-L work like CTRL-P. * glob() and globpath() cannot include links to non-existing files. (Charles Campbell) * Text deleted by "dit" depends on indent of closing tag. (Jan Parthey) * Missing changes for glob() in one file. * Compiler warnings for pointer mismatch. * 'formatexpr' is evaluated too often.- Updated to revision 640, fixes the following problems * When using Insert mode completion combined with autocommands the redo command may not work. * The default conceal character is documented to be a space but it's initially a dash. (Christian Brabandt) * 7.4.592 breaks the netrw plugin, because the autocommands are skipped. * Marks are not restored after redo + undo. * If no NL or CR is found in the first block of a file then the 'fileformat' may be set to "mac". (Issue 77) * A search with end offset gets stuck at end of file. (Gary Johnson) * Incorrectly read the number of buffer for which an autocommand should be registered. * Can't build with Lua 5.3 on Windows. * Combination of linebreak and conceal doesn't work well. * After deleting characters in Insert mode such that lines are joined undo does not work properly. (issue 324)- Updated to revision 629, fixes the following problems * For complicated list and dict use the garbage collector can run out of stack space. * Syntax error. * The NFA engine does not implement the 'redrawtime' time limit. * Vim hangs when freeing a lot of objects. * Wrong ":argdo" range does not cause an error. * luaV_setref() is missing a return statement. (Ozaki Kiichi) * luaV_setref() not returning the correct value. * Compiler warning for unitinialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck) * Returning 1 in the wrong function. (Raymond Ko) * Compiler warning for unused argument. * Crash with pattern: \(\)\{80000} (Dominique Pelle) * May leak memory or crash when vim_realloc() returns NULL. * Possible NULL pointer dereference. * The last screen cell is not updated. * Compiler warning for variable might be clobbered by longjmp. * Coverity warning for Out-of-bounds read. - Remove vim-speedup-gc.patch, fixed upstream- Updated to revision 608, fixes the following problems * Compiler warnings for unitinialized variables. (John Little) * Can't match "%>80v" properly. (Axel Bender) * Range for :bdelete does not work. (Ronald Schild) * Parallel building of the documentation html files is not reliable. * Conceal does not work properly with 'linebreak'. (cs86661) * ":0argedit foo" puts the new argument in the second place instead of the first. * Using ctrl_x_mode as if it contains flags. * test_listlbr_utf8 fails when the conceal feature is not available. * When doing ":e foobar" when already editing "foobar" and 'buftype' is "nofile" the buffer is cleared. (Xavier de Gaye) * Crash when searching for "x\{0,90000}". (Dominique Pelle) * Using a block delete while 'breakindent' is set does not work properly. * The test_command_count test fails when using Japanese. * Tiny build doesn't compile. (Ike Devolder) * Cannot change the result of systemlist(). * Out-of-memory error. * Memory wasted in struct because of aligning. * It is not possible to have feedkeys() insert characters. * ":set" does not accept hex numbers as documented. * 'foldcolumn' may be set such that it fills the whole window, not leaving space for text. * Running tests changes viminfo. * The # register is not writable, it cannot be restored after jumping around. * May crash when using a small window. * Compiler warnings for unused variables.- Add vim-speedup-gc.patch to improve garbage collection performance. Based on (boo#899747)- Modify vim-7.3-filetype_changes.patch to expand tabs when editing * .changes files (bnc#900839)- Update suse.vimrc to stop remembering file positions for git commit cases. This fixes bnc#538369 and based on msys commits 1ef258e and 65ffc90.- Updated to revision 580, fixes the following problems * Ex range handling is wrong for buffer-local user commands. * Segfault with wide screen and error in 'rulerformat'. (Ingo Karkat) * No test for replacing on a tab in Virtual replace mode. * FEAT_OSFILETYPE is used even though it's never defined. * Ranges for arguments, buffers, tabs, etc. are not checked to be valid but limited to the maximum. This can cause the wrong thing to happen. * :argdo, :bufdo, :windo and :tabdo don't take a range. * Non-ascii vertical separater characters are always redrawn. * Giving an error for ":0wincmd w" is a problem for some plugins. * Having CTRL-C interrupt or not does not check the mode of the mapping. (Ingo Karkat) * Building with dynamic library does not work for Ruby 2.2.0 * Can't build with tiny features. (Ike Devolder) * Address type of :wincmd depends on the argument. * Mapping CTRL-C in Visual mode doesn't work. (Ingo Karkat) * No error for eval('$'). * Unicode character properties are outdated. * Redrawing problem with 'relativenumber' and 'linebreak'. * Matching with a virtual column has a lot of overhead on very long lines. (Issue 310) * Using getcurpos() after "$" in an empty line returns a negative number. * Wrong cursor positioning when 'linebreak' is set and lines wrap. * ":52wincmd v" still gives an invalid range error. (Charles Campbell)- Updated to revision 560, fixes the following problems * Tests fail with small features plus Python. * Crash when computing buffer count. Problem with range for user commands. Line range wrong in Visual area. * Cannot build with tiny and small features. (Taro Muraoka) * Crash when doing a range assign. * Using a range for window and buffer commands has a few problems. Cannot specify the type of range for a user command. * Since patch 7.4.232 "1,3s/\n//" joins two lines instead of three. (Eliseo Martínez) Issue 287 * Warnings for unused arguments when compiling with a combination of features. * Highlighting for multi-line matches is not correct. * Repeated use of vim_snprintf() with a number. * Using "vit" does not select a multi-byte character at the end correctly. * Function name not recognized correctly when inside a function. * curs_rows() function is always called with the second argument false. * "ygn" may yank too much. (Fritzophrenic) Issue 295. * Langmap applies to Insert mode expression mappings. * Various small issues. * Missing part of patch 7.4.519. * test_close_count may fail for some combination of features. * Failed commands in Python interface not handled correctly. * One more small issue. * When the X server restarts Vim may get stuck. * Appending a block in the middle of a tab does not work correctly when virtualedit is set. * Memory leak using :wviminfo. Issue 296.- use SUSE LINUX GmbH everywhere- Updated to revision 537, fixes the following problems * With a wrapping line the cursor may not end up in the right place. (Nazri Ramliy) * Using status line height in width computations. * Crash when using syntax highlighting. * Sun PCK locale is not recognzed. * When using "vep" a mark is moved to the next line. (Maxi Padulo, Issue 283) * Specifying wrong buffer size for GetLongPathName(). * When the X11 server is stopped and restarted, while Vim is kept in the background, copy/paste no longer works. (Issue 203) * When using ":ownsyntax" spell checking is messed up. (Issue 78) * map() leaks memory when there is an error in the expression. * matchstr() fails on long text. Daniel Hahler) * Still confusing regexp failure and NFA_TOO_EXPENSIVE. * Crash when using matchadd() (Yasuhiro Matsumoto) * No test for what 7.4.517 fixes. * Many commands take a count or range that is not using line numbers. * Comments about parsing an Ex command are wrong. * When using 'incsearch' "2/pattern/e" highlights the first match. * ":hardcopy" leaks memory in case of errors. * Warnings when compiling if_ruby.c. * Can't build with tiny features. * Test 63 fails when using a black&white terminal. * Value of v:hlsearch reflects an internal variable.- Updated to revision 516, fixes the following problems * When generating ja.sjis.po the header is not correctly adjusted. * Users are not aware their encryption is weak. * "-fwrapv" argument breaks use of cproto. * Generating proto for if_ruby.c uses type not defined elsewhere. * Crash because reference count is wrong for list returned by getreg(). * Memory access error. (Dominique Pelle) * In a help buffer the global 'foldmethod' is used. (Paul Marshall) * Completing a function name containing a # does not work. Issue 253.- Updated to revision 507, fixes the following problems * Setting the local value of 'backupcopy' empty gives an error. (Peter Mattern) * Compiler warning. * Crash when expanding a very long string. * CTRL-W } does not open preview window. (Erik Falor) * 'linebreak' does not work well together with Visual mode. * Issue 26: CTRL-C does not interrupt after it was mapped and then unmapped. * The "precedes" entry in 'listchar' will be drawn when 'showbreak is set and list is not. * Cursor movement is incorrect when there is a number column/sign/fold column and 'sbr' is displayed. * Can't compile on a system where Xutf8SetWMProperties() is not in the X11 library. Issue 265. * When using ":%diffput" and the other file is empty an extra empty line remains. * Using byte length instead of character length for 'showbreak'. * When 'balloonexpr' results in a list, the text has a trailing newline. (Lcd) * A 0x80 byte is not handled correctly in abbreviations. * Abbreviations don't work. (Toothpik) * Check for writing to a yank register is wrong. * ":sign jump" may use another window even though the file is already edited in the current window. * test_mapping fails for some people. * Cursor movement still wrong when 'lbr' is set and there is a number column. (Hirohito Higashi) * Cannot specify the buffer to use for "do" and "dp", making them useless for three-way diff. * When winrestview() has a negative "topline" value there are display errors. * In Insert mode, after inserting a newline that inserts a comment leader, CTRL-O moves to the right. (ZyX) Issue 57. * A TextChanged autocommand is triggered when saving a file. (William Gardner) * Cursor shape is wrong after a CompleteDone autocommand. * XPM isn't used correctly in the Cygwin Makefile. * With some regexp patterns the NFA engine uses many states and becomes very slow. To the user it looks like Vim freezes. * substitute() can be slow with long strings. * Test 72 still fails once in a while. * Typo in file pattern. * Language mapping also applies to mapped characters. * Cannot append a list of lines to a file.- Updated apparmor.vim (taken from AppArmor 2.9.0) * add support for 'hat' keyword * fix highlighting of comments in alias and link rules/bin/sh/bin/shvim-basevim-enhancedvim-pythonxxds390zp38 1740078482  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~9.1.1101-150500.   exvivimvivimeditexgvimtutorrviewrvimviviewvimvim-nox11vimdiffvimtutorvitmpxxdvimREADME.txtREADME_src.txtREADME_unix.txtsuse.vimrcvimrc_example1vimrc_example2vimLICENSEdaman1ex.1.gzgview.1.gzgvim.1.gzgvimdiff.1.gzrgview.1.gzrgvim.1.gzrview.1.gzrvim.1.gzview.1.gzvim.1.gzvimdiff.1.gzvimtutor.1.gzdeman1ex.1.gzgview.1.gzgvim.1.gzrgview.1.gzrgvim.1.gzrview.1.gzrvim.1.gzview.1.gzvim.1.gzfrman1eview.1.gzevim.1.gzex.1.gzgview.1.gzgvim.1.gzgvimdiff.1.gzrgview.1.gzrgvim.1.gzrview.1.gzrvim.1.gzview.1.gzvim.1.gzvimdiff.1.gzvimtutor.1.gzxxd.1.gzitman1eview.1.gzevim.1.gzex.1.gzgview.1.gzgvim.1.gzgvimdiff.1.gzrgview.1.gzrgvim.1.gzrview.1.gzrvim.1.gzview.1.gzvim.1.gzvimdiff.1.gzvimtutor.1.gzxxd.1.gzjaman1eview.1.gzevim.1.gzex.1.gzgview.1.gzgvim.1.gzgvimdiff.1.gzrgview.1.gzrgvim.1.gzrview.1.gzrvim.1.gzview.1.gzvim.1.gzvimdiff.1.gzvimtutor.1.gzxxd.1.gzeview.1.gzevim.1.gzex.1.gzgview.1.gzgvim.1.gzgvimdiff.1.gzrgview.1.gzrgvim.1.gzrview.1.gzrvim.1.gzvi.1.gzview.1.gzvim.1.gzvimdiff.1.gzvimtutor.1.gzvitmp.1.gzxxd.1.gzplman1eview.1.gzevim.1.gzex.1.gzgview.1.gzgvim.1.gzgvimdiff.1.gzrgview.1.gzrgvim.1.gzrview.1.gzrvim.1.gzview.1.gzvim.1.gzvimdiff.1.gzvimtutor.1.gzxxd.1.gzruman1eview.1.gzevim.1.gzex.1.gzgview.1.gzgvim.1.gzgvimdiff.1.gzrgview.1.gzrgvim.1.gzrview.1.gzrvim.1.gzview.1.gzvim.1.gzvimdiff.1.gzvimtutor.1.gzxxd.1.gztrman1eview.1.gzevim.1.gzex.1.gzgview.1.gzgvim.1.gzgvimdiff.1.gzrgview.1.gzrgvim.1.gzrview.1.gzrvim.1.gzview.1.gzvim.1.gzvimdiff.1.gzvimtutor.1.gzsiteaftersyntaxautoloadcolorsdocftdetectpluginsyntaxcolorscompilerdocftpluginimportdistindentkeymaplangmacrospackpluginprintskeletonsspellsyntaxtoolstutor/bin//etc/alternatives//usr/bin//usr/share/doc/packages//usr/share/doc/packages/vim//usr/share/licenses//usr/share/licenses/vim//usr/share/man//usr/share/man/da//usr/share/man/da/man1//usr/share/man/de//usr/share/man/de/man1//usr/share/man/fr//usr/share/man/fr/man1//usr/share/man/it//usr/share/man/it/man1//usr/share/man/ja//usr/share/man/ja/man1//usr/share/man/man1//usr/share/man/pl//usr/share/man/pl/man1//usr/share/man/ru//usr/share/man/ru/man1//usr/share/man/tr//usr/share/man/tr/man1//usr/share/vim//usr/share/vim/site//usr/share/vim/site/after//usr/share/vim/vim91//usr/share/vim/vim91/import/-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://          cannot open `/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/vim-9.1.1101-150500.20.21.1.s390x/etc/alternatives/vi' (No such file or directory)cannot open `/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/vim-9.1.1101-150500.20.21.1.s390x/etc/alternatives/vim' (No such file or directory)POSIX shell script, ASCII text executableELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=a0338e367fd137925c6bdb353202aea7203abece, strippedPOSIX shell script, UTF-8 Unicode text executableELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=83c504946d4a4faff14ec842df919b1c9558cc66, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=6e551bcdc4b18a6a63a07dc35a38241331a93659, strippeddirectoryASCII textASCII text, with CRLF, LF line terminatorsISO-8859 text, with escape sequencestroff or preprocessor input, ISO-8859 text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)troff or preprocessor input, UTF-8 Unicode text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)RRRRRRRRRR R R RR RRRR RRRRRRRRRRRR RRRR R R;`y5?WfRz_F#GjxN*m>0-sgmFn;<ߏKZ܆JV06I3K=w?Ɂ@$':eҮe`(ayDEc5T;qEV$7Ҷ}36.XSo;l]/{4O(\3=0hL:hic>Sjճ QfvE-P$)KEîck^ZI<* y,H.pXjlBlB W{&f͝v!o_l#/`Tɀ/x^筹?g0jbm+xSkO.\E]u(i!.+%t9+n}ǐh1T:393R?@{ܕ3%~(hH\OW|L/%5f_p8K.RHJxhM,λB^d33vE OU^ Q] |iy=}i.$6O[>ic" q^Cea&n~# a[DuHYv[=V1*Ixꭵe ,4̢ub}1_}Js#_ru-R&1K#kd0%$.#b'LY5 `xyF#h6鴭gV!Y莃=aWv|{Q}p>]q5S04յ%nꚒ-)򉙝LY焛sn\~>(WyڔdVx_zYk4Lt8#NYR{ ` XG{Ҙtܦm3#?b!&[&jr`TUA+? 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