libpresage1-0.9.1-150400.15.3.1<>,=gp9|J\ÒFZwuLHMNoj/DNA<QkiO@ gIw3 -s׸1Oь+_fR慊hxŧG}!-$\s)6<f-&;f7vm½>tYb%3 BC̴‘ V *ZvЩp5[`aZR'jCs5Sam@{ @s\L|)X~:S>I_=>@h?Xd " ^@DTXq      N dlvX~(89 : >@FGH IXY0\\]d^bc=defluvwxyz TClibpresage10.9.1150400.15.3.1Intelligent predictive text entry platform (shared library)Presage is an intelligent predictive text entry platform. A predictive text entry system attempts to improve the ease and speed of textual input by predicting words. Word prediction consists in computing which word tokens or word completions are most likely to be entered next. The system analyses the text already entered and combines the information thus extracted with other information sources to calculate the set of most probable tokens. Presage exploits redundant information embedded in natural languages to generate word predictions. The modular architecture allows its language model to be extended and customized to utilize statistical, syntactic, and semantic information sources. This package contains the shared library.gibs-power9-18 SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC GPL-2.0-only    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/`@``<@^?@^>^;^)]G@]] Z@Y@Wf@We7Wc@VxUٵT,@TN3bwiedemann@suse.commliska@suse.czi@marguerite.sui@marguerite.sustefan.bruens@rwth-aachen.dedimstar@opensuse.orgtchva Avoid corrupted .png files and fix reproducible builds (boo#1234897)- Fix one more GCC 11 warning.- redo presage-0.9.1-gcc11.patch (boo#1181881) * use noexcept(false) for "throw PresageException"- add presage-0.9.1-gcc11.patch (boo#1181881) * fix ISO C++17 does not allow dynamic exception specifications * fix come from Revert change of the source package name for the doc flavor. Different flavors require distinct package names for _multibuild to work properly.- Update presage-0.9.1-python3.patch: Adjust two more env python to for python3.- Export the include path to fix the build under python 3.8- Add presage-0.9.1-python3.patch, port python binding and apps to python3 - Rename subpackages: * dbus-1-presage -> python3-dbus-presage * python-presage -> python3-presage * pyprompter -> python3-pyprompter * python-presagemate -> python3-presagemate- Add explicit BuildRequires for pkg-config for doc flavor, otherwise configuration on Leap 15.x / SLE 15 fails. - Disable build and checks for tools/bindings when building API docs.- Make the package name dependent on the flavor, otherwise OBS can not track the packages correctly and keeps blocking until all flavors are finished. - Remove unnneded Requires: presage in devel subpackge- Split out API doc generation using multibuild. graphviz-gd has become quite heavy as a build dependency. - Cleanup specfile * remove defattr, use license macro * remove conditionals for EOLed distribution versions - Remove gpresagemate, it depends on the long deprecated XEVIE extension - Set she-bang for /usr/bin/presage_dbus_* to /usr/bin/python2- Drop obsolete and unused libgnome-devel BuildRequires: No longer needed.- Add presage-buildcycle.diff to break the build cycle preemptively. - Limit fdupes to not cross typical partition boundaries.- Request wx3 for building so we can move off wx2.8- add patch: presage-0.9.1-doxygen-no-freesans.patch * doxygen no longer ships with the FreeSans font * used to suppress the annoying fontconfig output - add BuildRequires ghostscript-fonts-std providing Helvetica, default for doxygen, which is also smaller in size than texlive-gnu-freefont-fonts that provides FreeSans- add patch: presage-0.9.1-gcc6.patch * fix boo#985362 * fix narrowing conversion from int to char inside {}- Add reproducible.patch to make build-compare work- update version 0.9.1 * see NEWS - drop: presage-0.9-automake-1.14.patch - drop: presage-0.9.0-automake_1.12_abuild.patch - add: presage-0.9.1-automake-1.12.patch - add: presage-0.9.1-automake-1.14.patch - drop: presage-swig-3.0.patch,upstreamed- Add presage-swig-3.0.patch: Fix build with SWIG 3.0.- fix build for factory * add patch: presage-0.9-automake-1.14.patch * automake 1.14 starts to check subdir-objects./sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigibs-power9-18 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=078b56b12296db91b137fa43c00bc491e08ab3da, strippedPPPPPPRRRRR R RR RR RRRRR RRR+$vjH{upuutf-8e5c1a1415d811aea39967117090b4f35bd0420e95bd9381939e9edd8f0476e78?7zXZ !t//]"k%]dv.g{iÆē9y~q 樀e{`u ۤDy^] +ca)-9:ܫ"e% jj}ʛmvi*98奂;T~>>`SQ˝7XՌ.gߐ;[ܞ >‹}E4Y+;U;;1ɽVDu(w!(IN>v6]r9HչE? ,_ݰ @-y3ªI%*6#4& Oav.h7xed^[[3ѬG"${r9}0lDKi,: $6 [hſEsx`'̦Skx>ub@ Ts !3v̂9|<p4ybWagsV$h?'(,Y'2Ԣl̾xBЮ 8LrԂ9dBUj"1чjQ*δL #hU9pgU ZXc8/>ޞy m_'j7Gn (ܚtach[KdqrD#0xTh91+5$g֡<^+3Fӱ-qӮnnkSshm88lVPC>)C1@1*4NEt/8ٲo &Gl| öņ",[S@]MNv=@oQ ^k^lhnn#3~SjLsuvyq78"Y]9Ӌ٨mX˴'hUϱ⥜|< bqP WJ:r[(]u`ba6qV;%5 IDUw?Tau KܿC; >aoivkVr@l&Ч[znJn A/ob!dM;Pp'a[VmW U 1 v~JtUHO.9/dx#gcZ{K3 f l&n"Idʾx<* =C< 6M#zzɃ@}&LwP@GvеK=G*9R7Tm!6Kk #*33-ʳX$n5hu) "]ѷ-vM($y8oTsb6X}=08! xUI̹ g?>Dŏ]@GcQ}D9@$ޘ`ajRh]l8E=wC:+0z\ ~}K@1/.($[IZdM}܂RY/fg!N^cP ȌauG\#S#2(+RYt ٥,5> \vPStv{zu^hV(9X| +W\=xSw>a#ȂSU9рHQ:|W{`e G0raLnHOx߅Vh.JEjĆa=EʥWsbVm! 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