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Add patches from upstream to fix a security issue by enforcing that the owner client of the output node can see the input node and viceversa, otherwise, it could happen that a portal sets permissions so only the screenshared stream can be seen but wireplumber might link the camera nonetheless (boo#1213682): * 0001-impl-link-enforce-permissions-in-links.patch * 0002-impl-link-only-check-permission-changes-for-owners.patch - Add rebased patch from upstream to avoid division by 0 and other issues with invalid values (glfo#pipewire/pipewire#2953): * 0001-alsa-guard-against-some-invalid-values.patch - Add rebased patch from upstream to fix causing an overflow resulting in choppy sound in some cases (glfo#pipewire/pipewire#2680): * 0001-spa-Fix-audioconvert-overflow-when-scaling.patch- Reorder BuildRequires and space conditions a bit better in the spec file.- Update to version 0.3.49: * Highlights - Sample rate switching should work again. - pw-dot can now use the output of pw-dump to render a graph. - Bluetooth A2DP streaming was improved that would reduce stuttering on some devices. - A JACK bug was fixed that would sometimes make it impossible to add more tracks in Ardour. (#1714) - Many bugfixes and improvements. * PipeWire - Fix a potential crash when NULL params were configured. - Add some simple functional tests to avoid some recent regressions. Improve the test framework for this as well. - Improvements to the poll loop to avoid some use-after-free scenarios. - Fix samplerate switching again. - setlocale is not called anymore from the pipewire library. This should be called by the application. (#2223) - pw_init() and pw_deinit() can now be nested and called multiple times. - pw_stream will now report the resampler delay in the pw_time.queued field. * modules - module-filter-chain now supports arbitrary many properties and will use property hints to assign them the right type. - The ROC modules now accept a sink/source_properties parameter. - The module-rt can now also be built without RT-Kit support. - module-echo-cancel can now use a fraction to specify the delay for more precise control. * SPA - The channelmixer will now do upmixing by default and will not use normalization. It will also use a simple upmixing algorithm that duplicates channels by default. A more interesting upmix method is also available (PSD) but needs to be enabled manually. (#861) - Add SSE optimized (de)interleave functions for 32 bits samples with and without byteswap. - JSON parsing of empty strings will now give an invalid number instead of 0. - JSON numbers are now parsed and serialized in a locale independent way so that , and . are not mixed up. - The resampler will now report the resample delay and queued samples as the extra delay. * tools - pw-cat will read more dsf files correctly and will not crash at the end. - pw-top now has a man page. - pw-dot can now use the output of pw-dump to render a graph. * bluetooth - Improve interactions with oFono. - Fix recovery with slow connections. - Improve frame size of AptX-ll. - A2DP can now use any quantum and will flush packets in smaller chunks when needed to adapt. This improves stuttering in some cases. * pulse-server - The server configuration can now be placed in pulse.properties section, which also makes it possible to have custom overrides. - Implement FIX_ flags for capture as well. - Small fixes and improvements in module loading. * JACK - Clear the last error before executing a new action or else we could end up with error from a previous action. This causes some problems in Ardour where adding a track would fail after some time. (#1714) - Rebase reduce-meson-dependency.patch.- Update to version 0.3.48: * Highlights - Fix IEC958 passthrough again. - Fix pulse-server crashes when playing a sample. - Support for more a more advanced upmixing algorithm. - filter-chain now supports arbitrary many ports. - Fix multichannel support in WINE (with new WirePlumber). - Many bugfixes and improvements. * PipeWire - The work queue is now created in the context so we can fail early and avoid further error checking in various places. - Fix a potential use after free with threaded loops. - The protocol now has a message footer. This is used to pass around global state such as the last registered object serial number. This can be used to detect when a client tries to bind to old (but reused) object ids. This avoids some races in the session manager but also when binding objects. - The zero-denormals CPU flag is now not touched anymore unless explicitly selected by the user. Denormals are avoided in filter-chain now in software. If the zero-denormals are now only configured in the data thread. This should fix issues with luajit. - Configuration parsing will not actually fail on errors. - pw-top now correctly clips unicode characters. - Many places now use a dynamic POD builder to support arbitrary large property sets. - pw-stream now support PropInfo parameters so that they can announce custom properties. - Serial number are now also set on metadata and session-manager objects. * SPA - audioadapter is now smarter when trying to fixate the format. It will use the PortConfig format to fill in any wildcards. This results in the least amount of conversions when the stream can handle it. It also is part of a fix (also requires a session manager fix) for WINE multichannel support. - Fix 5.1 to 2 channels mixing. It was using the volume of the stereo pair on all channels. - Fix some weird volume issues when a source is capturing and channelmixing. - Add stereo to 7.1 upmixing. - The channelmix parameters can be changed at runtime now. - Many improvements to the upmixing algorithms. Rear channels are now constructed from the ambient sound and can have delay and phase shift applied to them to improve spacialisation. The stereo channels can be filtered so that the dialogue is more concentrated in the centre channel. * modules - Module X11 bell received cleanups and improvements. - The module now has a private method to schedule unload later. This simplifies cleanup in many modules. - module-filter-chain now handles arbitrary many ports and control ports. - Fix a bug in RAOP where it was reading from the wrong port. * pulse-server - Nodes with the DONT_MOVE property should fail with -EINVAL when they are moved. - Fix a segfault when playing a sample. - The _FIX flags in pulse-server also now ignore the configured sample format, just like pulseaudio does. - Fix IEC958 passthrough again. It got accidentally broken since 0.3.45 with a fix for another issue. - Fix module-null-sink device.description. * Bluetooth - Don't try to connect HSP/HFP when no backend is available. - Drop patches already included upstream: * 0001-revert-loop-remove-destroy-list.patch * 0002-pulse-server-free-pending-sample-reply.patch - Rebase reduce-meson-dependency.patch. - Enable pulseaudio-setup use on openSUSE Leap 15.4. - Some spec clean-up.- Add 0001-revert-loop-remove-destroy-list.patch: fix MPD crash. - Add 0002-pulse-server-free-pending-sample-reply.patch: fix "fast volume change".- Update to version 0.3.47: * Fix a bug in pulse-server that caused cached notifications to play multiple times. * Remove a check and warnings to catch leaked listeners on the proxy. This might access invalid memory and cause infinite loops in older wireplumber. - Rebase reduce-meson-dependency.patch.- Update to version 0.3.46: * Highlights: - Fix a critical bug in pipewire-pulse buffer size handling that made some apps (MuseScore, ... ) stutter. - Fix a critical bug where devices would not show when the kernel was compiled without VERBOSE_PROCSFS. - JACK clients will now use lock-quantum by default. This makes sure that all dynamic quantum changes are disabled while a JACK app is running. The only way to force a quantum chance is through a JACK app or with the metadata. - Almost all limits on number of ports, clients and nodes are removed. - A Dummy fallback sink is now automatically created when there are no other sinks. This avoids stalling browsers. - Sound sharing with Zoom should work better. A new WirePlumber release might be required. - Many more fixes and improvements. * PipeWire - Update docs with new config overrides. - The rule matching logic was moved to config and code is now shared with pulse-server and JACK. - Add new Romanian translation. - When a quantum is forced with metadata, any node that asked to lock-quantum is ignored so that the quantum change can happen. - Fix a bug where a mixer was removed twice, leading to potential memory corruption. - The port limits on nodes and filters are now removed. Some code was simplified. - Fix a potential leak because listeners where removed while they could be emitted. - Improve context.exec and avoid zombie processes. * Modules - The RAOP module now has a default latency of 2 seconds, like PulseAudio. - The echo-cancel module now uses the plugin loader to load the backends. This makes it possible to add custom, out of tree, echo cancel plugins. * Tools - Improve help of pw-link. - Output to stdout and error to stderr. Use setlinebuf for stdout to improve piping between apps. (#2110) * SPA - Improve removing sources when dispatching. Also improve performance now that a destroy loop can be removed. (#2114) - Fix an fd leak in the logger when logging to a file. - Improve loop enter/leave checks and support recursive loops. * pulse-server - Clamp various buffer attributes to the max length. Fixes some issues with various applications. (#2100) - Module properties are now remapped correctly from their pulseaudio variant to the PipeWire ones. - Fix module index in introspect. Use the right index when loaded from our internal modules. (#2101) - Improve argument parsing and node.description. (#2086) - The sink-index should now be filled in correctly when playing a sample. (#2129) - module-always-sink is now implemented and loaded by default. (#1838) - Add support for loading some modules only once. - Module load and unload now does extra sync to make it appear synchronous, like in PulseAudio. This improves sounds sharing in Zoom. * ALSA - Fix critical bug where alsa devices would not show when the kernel was compiled without VERBOSE_PROCFS. - Some corner cases were fixed in the ALSA timing code. When the capture node is follower, it will now not try to read too much data and xrun but it will instead produce a cycle of silence. - Various fixes and improvements to make ALSA devices resync to the driver more quickly and accurately. * JACK - Add an option to name the default device as system to improve compatibility with some applications, - Use lock-quantum by default. This makes sure that all dynamic quantum changes are disabled while a JACK app is running. The only way to force a quantum chance is through a JACK app or with the metadata. - It is now possible to do IPC calls from the data thread. Note that this is a very bad idea but required for compatibility with JACK2. * GStreamer - GStreamer sink will now set a default channelmap to make it possible to remap to the channel layout of the device. - Update patch for further uses of "new" meson features used by upstream: * reduce-meson-dependency.patch- Run ldconfig for pipewire-libjack-0_3 * The JACK libraries are made available system-wide using /etc/ld.so.conf.d. Hence, ldconfig should be run to make sure the dynamic linker picks them up.- Update to version 0.3.45: * Highlights - Zoom, telegram and other apps should be able to play sound again. - Implement a better way to force and lock JACK buffersize. - Default sink and source names and properties are improved. - The config loader can now load and merge fragments in conf.d directories for easier user configuration of config files. - Many small bug fixes and improvements. * PipeWire - pw-cli can now also send Commands to nodes. This can be used to Suspend a device, for example. - The eventfd was removed from loops and invoke is now used to stop the loop, this saves an fd. - New Alpine CI target to test musl builds, various build fixes. - Add force-quantum and force-rate properties. - The config loader can now load and merge fragments in conf.d directories. (#207) - resource error methods can be called without a resource and then just log an error message. - link-factory can now also work from the config. (#2095) * modules - module-simple-protocol has better argument parsing and can handle channelmap now. (#2068) It's also possible to configure latency and rate. - The native protocol now does extra checks for invalid data. (#2070) * ALSA - TI2902 chips as found in various Behringer cards should have inputs again. - Better handling of busy devices in udev, retry when the inotify close event is emited. * SPA - plugins now handle alignment properly and only expect the max alignment required for the CPU. (#2074) * Bluetooth - SBC-XQ is now enabled for the JBL Endurance RUN BT headset. - Support for non-hexadecimal XAPL version strings to improve compatibility. - Use HCI commands again to probe the adapter msbc capability. This improves compatibility with some adapters. (#2030) - Set the right startup volume. - Better A2DP source idle handling. - Fix a timer bug in SCO sink that could cause busy looping. * pulse-server - A playback issue when the tlength > maxlength was fixed. (#2069) This affected Zoom and other applications. - The STREAM_BUFFER_ATTR command is now implemented. - Module names are improved. (#2076) - Many small fixes and improvements. - Fix a pavucontrol crash with invalid channels. (#1442) * JACK - Use the new force-quantum and force-rate properties in the JACK API to switch quantum and ensure it can't change for the lifetime of the JACK app. (#2079) - Rebase patch: * reduce-meson-dependency.patch- pipewire should be a true dependency, not just recommended (e.g., so that any setup that use no-recommends, like MicroOS, also work)- Add patch to reduce the meson requirement so we can build pipewire with Leap 15.3. This will be dropped as soon as Leap 15.4 is released or if it becomes too hard to maintain (whatever happens before): * reduce-meson-dependency.patch- Update to version 0.3.44: * Highlights: - It is now possible to run a minimal PipeWire server without a session manager, enough to run JACK clients. - The maximum buffer size is now configurable and can be larger than the previously hardcoded limit of 8192 samples. When using high sample rates, the larger buffer size can avoid xruns. - The default maximum latency was reduced from 170ms to 42ms. This should improve overall latency for application that ask for a large latency, such as notifications. - Better JACK compatibility. Patchbays should now get less confused about ports appearing and disappearing. - Fix some bluetooth crashes. - Fix some races in ALSA device detection. - Many bug fixes and improvements all over the place. * PipeWire: - Bump the meson requirement to 0.59.0. - pw-top now reports correct times for filter-chain and loopback. - max-quantum is now also scaled with the rate. A new quantum-limit property was added as a hard limit for the quantum. This makes it possible to configure for larger than 8192 buffer sizes. Note than many JACK applications have a hardcoded 8192 limit. - The max-quantum was reduced to 2048, This gives a 42ms default latency. - pw-filter can now return a NULL buffer from _get_dsp_buffer() - Add a PIPEWIRE_RATE and PIPEWIRE_QUANTUM env variable to set the graph rate and the graph quantum and rate respectively. - Fix a potential file descriptor leak in the connection. - A new minimal.conf file was added to demonstrate a static setup of a daemon that doesn't require a session manager and is able to run JACK applicaions. - Nice levels are now only changed on the servers, not the clients. - Add an option to suspend nodes when idle. - Make it possible to avoid quantum and rate changes with pw-metadata. This is essential in a locked down system. - Handle mixer port errors better and fail to create the link instead of silently not working. - Nodes that are moved to a driver now have all the linked nodes moved as well. This makes it possible to run some graphs without a driver, such as paplay -> zita-j2n. - pw-cli and pw-dump can now also list objects by name, serial and object.path using glob style pattern matching. * modules: - filter-chain can now also configure parameters by index. - Fix the client name of module-protocol-simple. - module-rtkit was merged into module-rt. This makes it easier to ship a default config that works on more systems by default. - module-adapter can now configure the adapter node from the config. Previously, this was a task only performed by the session manager. - module-metadata can now also create metadata object from the config file. - The ROC module should now work again. - An X11-bell module was added to handle X11 bell events. - filter-chain and loopback modules now have better unique default names for the streams, which makes it possible to save and restore their volumes independently. - module-echo-cancel now has properties to control the delay and buffer size. * ALSA: - The monitor names are now correctly parsed. - The default period size for batch devices is limited now to avoid large latency. - The unused min/max-latency properties were removed. - Internal latency is now also configurable with params at runtime. - The udev rule for TI2902 was removed because it causes problems. - Fix a race where some devices would sometimes be missing. - Add some more timeouts to work around a race in udev device permission changes when switching VTs. * SPA: - Fix potential infinite loop in audioconvert. - The spa-resample tools can now also use optimised implementations. - Fix a potential crash in resampler. - audioconvert can now also handle F64 formats. - The channelmixer now does normalization by default to avoid clipping when downmixing is active. - The channelmixer will now generate LFE channels when the lfe_cutoff frequency is set, even when upmix is disabled. - The channelmixer will now always generate FC when the target has it. - Adapter now reports latency correctly, even after linking the monitor ports. - Reduce memory usage and preallocated memory in some of the audioconvert nodes. - Many properties are now exposed in adapter, such as the resample quality. - The resampler and channelmixer can now be disabled. * V4L2: - pw-v4l2 now also works for ffplay. - Take product names from udev now that the kernel returns generic name. * JACK: - The jack pkgconfig file now has the jack_implementation=pipewire variable to be able to distinguish jack implementations. - jconvolver now starts correctly again. - The object.serial is now used for the port_id. This makes it easier to track old objects in the cache. - Add a dummy jacknet implementation. - A bug in the port allocation was fixed that would make it impossible to allocate ports at some point. * Bluetooth: - Bluetooth profiles are now saved properly by the session manager. - Improved profile detections, increased timeouts for slow devices. - Implement HFP call indicator for improved compatibility. - Handle the case where bluez does not set the adapter or address properties on the device instead of crashing. - Improved support for setting the profile from the session manager. * pulse-server: - Monitor sources now have the device.class=monitor for better compatibility. - Behaviour after seeking is improved. The algorithm for requesting bytes from the client was simplified and improved. - module-ladspa-sink implements the control argument now. - A potential memory leak in the message queue was fixed. - Use the object.serial for the pulseaudio object index. The index is not supposed to be reused and this would cause problems with some clients. - Servers should now again be able to listen in IPv4. - module-x11-bell was added. - There is now support for per-application quirks and properties in the pipewire-pulse.conf file. Per-application latency and buffering properties can also be configured. - Fix a regression in telegram sounds not playing. - Drop patches already included upstream: * 0001-alsa-improve-rate-selection.patch * 0001-audioconvert-avoid-infinite-loop.patch * 0001-bluez5-dont-create-device-if-adapter-is-missing.patch * 0001-bluez5-handle-missing-device-and-adapter-in-quirks.patch * 0001-jack-remember-last-return-from-jack_get_buffer_size.patch * 0001-loop-invoke-immediately-when-loop-is-not-running.patch * 0001-merger-also-reconfigure-when-monitor-changes.patch * 0001-pulse-server-show-monitor-sources-with-device_class_monitor.patch * 0001-pw-metadata-handle-NULL-props-from-metadata-object.patch * 0001-raop-fix-errno-check.patch- Add several more patches from upstream - BlueZ may be missing adapter information for devices in some cases. Ignore devices without specified adapter: * 0001-bluez5-dont-create-device-if-adapter-is-missing.patch - Fix a case when pipewwire could never call callbacks or even block forever when loop is not running: * 0001-loop-invoke-immediately-when-loop-is-not-running.patch - Reconfigure when monitor changes * 0001-merger-also-reconfigure-when-monitor-changes.patch - Handle NULL props from metadata object * 0001-pw-metadata-handle-NULL-props-from-metadata-object.patch - Improve rate selection so we don't select an invalid rate when the default is set or the card is already opened in an unsupported rate: * 0001-alsa-improve-rate-selection.patch- Add several patches from upstream - Avoid an infinite loop when enumerating params of the converter: * 0001-audioconvert-avoid-infinite-loop.patch - When the device or adapter is NULL, skip the quirk checks instead of crashing: * 0001-bluez5-handle-missing-device-and-adapter-in-quirks.patch - Remember the last returned value from jack_get_buffer_size and only emit a buffersize change event when something new is configured. This fixes startup of jconvolver. * 0001-jack-remember-last-return-from-jack_get_buffer_size.patch - Better emulation of pulseaudio which shows monitor sources with device.class=monitor so now pipewire does that too: * 0001-pulse-server-show-monitor-sources-with-device_class_monitor.patch - Fix an errno check: * 0001-raop-fix-errno-check.patch- Added more baselibs packages and their dependencies- Update to version 0.3.43: * Highlights: - Flatpak apps such as Ardour can now remove links again. - Many fixes to pulse-server. Memory usage should be improved. Some crashes are fixed. Underrun handling should work better. Better compatibility with GStreamer based applications after seeking. - Many of the samplerate and quantum changes bugs in previous releases were fixed. This fixes some issues where the microphone would fail to work. - Many more small fixes and improvements all over the place.- Revert the merge of spa-plugins and modules into the library package. - Move some of the files between packages where they make more sense. - Rename the modules subpackage to modules-%{apiver_str} so it can be versioned more easily (there still are some unversioned files in the package, but it's a step in the right direction)- Remove unneccesary Conflicts with packages that are Obsoleted- Update to version 0.3.42: * Highlights - Fixes a bug in pulse-server underrun handling that broke qemu and orca. - A fix was added to pulse-server to handle quantum changes gracefully. - Fix module-echo-cancel again. - Fix a bug where the bluetooth headset capture was producing noise.- Remove the dependency on wireplumber-audio which was pulling in pulseaudio. We'll require wireplumber-audio directly from wireplumber. - Remove pipewire-rpmlintrc since the filters don't apply anymore- Merge the pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2 and pipewire-modules packages into the libpipewire package just as the fedora packages do and simplify the filelist a bit by using some recursive listing instead of explicitly listing all files.- Use the gcc9-c++ compiler in SLE/Leap so it builds successfully.- Update to version 0.3.41: * Highlights - Improved compatibility for flatpaks. Flatpaks with newer PipeWire version can connect to an older server in all cases. - A new RAOP module was added to stream to Apple Airplay devices. - OBS can now capture from the monitor devices again when using WirePlumber. - Improved JACK compatibility. Improved stability in Carla and Ardour when changing buffer size. Improved latency calculations and playback latency in Ardour. - Improved pulse-server handling of underruns and buffer size changes. - Many bugfixes and improvements. * PipeWire - The systemd service files now have better names. - client.access permission checks are improved. - Fix some memory leaks in error paths. - Objects now have a global serial number that is unique for the lifetime of the server. - Make clock.rate, clock.allowed-rates and clock.quantum runtime tunable parameters with the settings metadata. - Add some additional memory checks in client-node to avoid sending invalid memory to clients. (#1859) - Improve buffer memory allocation. If one of the nodes is a remote node, ensure we only use memory that can be shared. - Version checks when binding to objects is removed. This means that newer clients can now bind to older servers, which is a typical case for a flatpak. - A bug in the latency calculations was fixed where it would in some cases report the wrong minumum latency. * modules - module-echo-cancel has voice-detection enabled now. - module-raop-sink and module-raop-discover to stream audio to an Apple Airplay device. - module-filter-chain now has preliminary support for LV2 plugins. * SPA - The audio resampler now has improved buffer size calculations. In some cases it was too small and would cause distortions. - More checks are done when doing volume changes so that the channelmap is correct. - Audioadapter now exposes most config options with params so that they can be adjusted at runtime. - The resampler can now calculate the expected input buffer size before receiving the first buffer, which avoids some confusion when starting streams. - Support was added for some 10bit video formats. - MONO channel handling was improved. - Most plugins now set a clock name and this is configurable where it makes sense. The clock.system.monotonic clock name is used for most plugins that use the system clock for timing. * pulse-server - implement module-raop-discover - Use STREAM_CAPTURE_SINK property when capturing from a monitor source to better inform the session manager. This fixes some issues where OBS would capture from the microphone instead of the output monitor. - Limit the amount of cache messages to 16MB and don't add large memory blocks to the cache. This should fix some excessive memory usage that people reported. - Fix a potential memory leak when cleaning up a client. - Do some additional checks to avoid buffer overruns. - Improve recovery from underruns better. (#1857) This improves seeking in gnome-music. - Improve recovery when the quantum is forced larger that the stream configured latency. - The prebuf state is now handled correctly. * JACK - A per type object cache is now implemented. This ensures that port objects remain valid for a longer time because many JACK applications inspect objects after they are destroyed. This improves catia/carla compatibility. - Recompute the latencies when the buffer-size changes. Fix some cases where we would end up with negative latencies. - Handle regcomp errors to avoid some crashes later. - Latency calculations are improved a lot. - More care is taken to not call a process callback while a buffer size change is pending. This fixes some crashes in Carla, which expect that all clients are paused when one handles the buffersize callback. - Loopback links to a client are now handled correctly and without latency. This fixes playback latency in ardour6 (#1839) * ALSA - ALSA devices now keep track of the samplerate of the card and ensure that all PCM use the same rate. This is a workaround for a kernel bug that is fixed in 5.16. - Refactor the ALSA plugin a little. - The ALSA plugin now reports correct delay for a capture PCM. (#1697) - The ALSA nodes now expose all config options with params that can be changed at runtime. - The ALSA node has a configurable clock name. Adaptive resampling to match clock rates is avoided when the driver has the same clock name as the ALSA node. This can be used to link alsa devices together with a word clock.- Drop server packages from baselibs.conf. Only the client parts are needed in there.- Minor aesthetic changes in the spec file- Enable AAC support for Leap 15.4+- Replace the Recommends wireplumber to a Suggests since there's already a Require dependency on a pipewire-session-manager and when in doubt the Suggested package is selected.- Unconditionally enable AAC support now that fdk-aac-free is in Factory (adapted from SR 936225 by Neal Gompa )- Makes sure if we're using wireplumber and pulseaudio that we don't enable the audio devices in pipewire by requiring wireplumber-audio or pulseaudio if wireplumber is installed - Better integration with PulseAudio (bsc#1188516) made by tiwai: * Add Requires pulseaudio-setup package for the extra setups in the %post section * Add the missing Recommends alsa-plugins-pulse to pipewire-pulseaudio package- Update to version 0.3.40: * Highlights: - Producers and consumers can now incrementally negotiate a format by narrowing down the options. This can be used to select an optimal combination of format and modifiers. - Driver nodes such as the consumer of a headless compositor can now throttle the speed based on a new trigger_done event. - Headless compositors can now signal a damage event to consumers to start the processing of the graph. - Compatibility improvements in JACK. - Draining and resuming is now working correctly in pulse and alsa. - Many bugfixes and improvements. * PipeWire: - Many BSD fixes. - clang compilation fixes. - Fix map implementation on big-endian machines. - Improve tracking of param changes in pw-stream. - Add support for renegotiation. With this change, producer and consumer can incrementally renegotiate a format until it is fixed. This will be used to do complex negotiation of DRM modifiers. - Add a trigger-done event in the stream. This can be used to know when processing of the complete graph has finished after issuing a trigger_process() and it can be used to throttle processing. - Add a RequestProcess node event and command. This can be used by non-driver nodes to suggest to a driver to start processing. One case is where a compositor can emit this event as a result of a screen update to let the headless compositor start an update. - Fix zeroconf sample format. - pw-mon outputs to stderr now and has colors. * SPA: - Fix compilation on ppc and armv7. - Fix port type check for ALSA seq midi ports so that they are not falsely listed as hardware. - Fix crash when running SSE code on unsupported HW. - The libcamera plugin was rewritten. It now supports hotplug, format enumeration and an easier to read codebase. - Fix compatibility some more for cards with 64 channels. * pulse-server: - Flush data in pause in combine-sink to avoid stray audio fragments. - Fix a race where not all objects were removed correctly. - The latency calculations and setup was improved to more closely match pulseaudio behaviour. PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC should now resemble pulseaudio more closely. - The drained reply is now sent only once and new data will be accepted once the drain completes. - Fix a potential crasher bug where the stream started processing before the setup was completed. - The server will now drop the client connections when the pipewire connection is lost. * JACK: - Rework the jack_port_get_buffer() method to return the same memory when called multiple times during the process() callback. This makes things work on a new Hydrogen. - Add an option to disable showing the monitor ports. - JACK ports are now sorted per node/client and port_id. This should more closely match JACK behaviour and avoid random port order. * v4l2: - Fix v4l2 LD_PRELOAD script. - Make sure we destroy the proxy when the global is destroyed. * ALSA: - _prepare should exit the draining state. - Fix the precision of the _delay function by taking into account the amount of queued samples are the correct samplerate. - Drop patches fixed upstream: * 0001-cpu-fix-compilation-on-some-architectures.patch * 0001-map-make-_insert_at-fail-on-a-removed-item.patch * 0002-map-use-uintptr_t-for-the-next-pointer.patch- Recommend wireplumber so it's preferred to pipewire-media-session- Add patches from upstream to fix build in s390x: * 0001-map-make-_insert_at-fail-on-a-removed-item.patch * 0002-map-use-uintptr_t-for-the-next-pointer.patch- Use readline-devel instead of pkgconfig(readline) so it can be built in Leap15.3/SLE15-SP3- Fix %systemd_user_post using the now separated pipewire-media-session.service- Update to version 0.3.39 * Highlights - media-session is now moved into a separate module to speed up its deprecation in favour of WirePlumber. - There is now an LD_PRELOAD v4l2 emulation library to run some existing v4l2 applications on top of PipeWire. - Filter-chains should now flush out remaining samples when paused. There is now also the option to let a filter-chain drain so that long filters such as reverbs can fade out properly. - Stability and compatibility improvements in JACK apps. - Better Bluetooth compatibility with more devices. - libcamera plugin improvements. - Many bugfixes and improvements all over the map. * PipeWire - Fix compilation on ARM. - Log topics are added to most modules. - Documentation updates. Many improvements to the layout. Reorganisation of the modules and groups. - Share a work queue for all links and nodes. This removes the need for a separate eventfd per link and per node. - Catch errors in the map implementation. - Add option to compile without dbus support. - Fix biquad frequency. It was using the wrong sample rate. - Fix a potential crash when destroying nodes, in some cases the node would not be deactivated properly. - Add some more helpers for dealing with properties and their values. - Implement flush and reset on virtual sinks/sources. - Make it possible to let virtual sinks/filter-chains run and drain after being idle. - Fix a bug where the quantum could exceed the maximum because it was scaled with the sample rate. - Fix channel_map parsing in module-zeroconf-discover so that the remote channel map is used. - pw-stream errors emitted on the proxy are reported but not fatal any more. They are usually used by the session manager to signal status to the client but otherwise does not really cause an error on the client. - Links now also store the output and input node id in the global properties so that applications can parse and use them regardless of how the link was made. (#1723) - pw-stream and pw-filter now have an event to notify commands. - The echo-cancel module can now operate on larger quantums. - pw-cat now uses the right metadata to find the default devices in --list-targets. * media-session - Don't try to remix unpositioned streams when linking. This ensures that linking to Pro-Audio nodes does not remix the stream channels but links them as they are, one by one. - media-session is now moved to a separate module to accelerate its deprecation in favour of WirePlumber. * SPA - Many libcamera improvements, handle MemFd buffers, handle errors gracefully. - Small improvements to make interface fall-backs easier to implement. - Add support to enable flush-to-zero and denormals-are-zero to avoid high CPU usage when dealing with denormals. - AUX13 channels are no longer reported as AUX12. (#1727) - Devices with more than 32 channels in Pro-Audio mode now only uses AUX channels. - Improve windowing function of the resampler to reduce aliasing and improve the quality. * JACK - Port connect callbacks will not only be emitted after the port has negotiated buffers, which improves compatibility with applications that try to use the port right after the callback (jack_midi_latency_test). - Fix crash when midi ports were removed and being monitored, like in Ardour. * pulse-server - The pulse tunnel will now use the specified format/rate/channels. - Improve lookup of default source and fall back to the monitors when no sources are available. - Mark some nodes as network nodes so that we can set the NETWORK flag correctly. * GStreamer - The GStreamer element not releases the buffers in the stream again in all cases so that they can be reused by other streams. * v4l2 - Add a v4l2 LD_PRELOAD library to emulate v4l2 system calls on top of PipeWire. This is tested with firefox and GStreamer and is known to not work with Chrome. * Bluetooth - AAC compatibility improvements. - Disable hardware volume for "Tribit MAXSound Plus" and "SoundCore mini". - Add quirk to disable faststream. Disable faststream on "FiiO BTR3". - Add a dummy AVRCP player to improve compatibility with some devices. - Remove patch: * 0001-fix-compilation-on-ARM.patch - Add patch from upstream: * 0001-cpu-fix-compilation-on-some-architectures.patch- Add patch from upstream to fix compilation on ARM (boo#1191600): * 0001-fix-compilation-on-ARM.patch- Update to version 0.3.38: * Highlights - Topic based logging was added to improve debugging. - An off-by-one error was fixed in the audio resampler that could cause distortion when downsampling. - Various bluetooth compatibility improvements. - More fixes and improvements. * PipeWire - module-pulse-tunnel now has better default latency to make it work better in more cases. There is also an option to configure the desired latency. - pw-cli now has readline support. - Topic based logging was added. Log lines can now be filtered by topic using wildcards. This should improve debugging. - The systemd service files should now have better descriptions. - Fix a crash in module-zeroconf-discover when unloading. - Fix a crash in filter-chain when using unaligned memory. * ALSA - Sync the udev rules and profiles with pulseaudio. - Fix a memory leak. * SPA plugins - An off-by-one error was fixed in the resampler that could cause distortion when downsampling. (#1646) * Bluetooth - Avoid probing the native backend because it might block for DBus activation. This fixes some long startup times. - Fix the kernel version check, 5.14.x kernels should also support mSBC. - Fix FastStream microphone support in more cases. - Add workaround for Intel AX200. - SCO sink should now also work in follower mode. * PulseAudio server - Make the service file require a session manager.- Add BuildRequires: pkgconfig(readline) so pw-cli is built with readline support- Update to version 0.3.37: * Highlights - Capture and playback is now avoided even more on unavailable devices. This should fix some issues where an unusable microphone was selected by default. It should now also again be possible to select an unavailable device as the default. - Native DSD audio playback is now supported. pw-cat can now also play DSF files with the -d option. - JACK stability improvements with buffer-size and samplerate changes in some apps. - Many cleanups and bugfixes all over the place. * PipeWire - pw-metadata -d does not cause an infinite loop anymore. (#1622) - Increase some plugin buffer sizes to fix some issues with many channels. (#1620) - Protect the global plugin list with a lock. Make sure pw_init() is locked. Fixes some issues with concurrent ALSA plugin usage. * media-session - Unavailable devices can be set as the default again. (#1624) - Do a better check if a device has available routes and avoid selecting devices with unavailable routes as default. - Media-session was moved to its own directory. It used to live in examples but it is past the example stage and it interferes with the build options for the real examples. * Bluetooth - The hardware quirk database is now loaded by the plugin instead of the session manager. This makes it also work with wireplumber. * ALSA - The ALSA mixer now handles device removal much better. (#1627) * libcamera - Many fixes and improvement to the libcamera plugin. (#1513) * pulse-server - Improve compatibility with pulseaudio module arguments. - Parse channel_map arguments in module-loopback. (#1486) * JACK - Delay emiting the samplerate and buffersize callbacks until the client is active. This fixes some crashes with Carla and other JACK apps. - Drop patches already included upstream: * 0001-media-session-dont-use-after-free-if-linking-node-removed.patch * 0002-update-version-number-as-well.patch- Add patches from upstream to fix an "use-after-free" error and to set the version number correctly: * 0001-media-session-dont-use-after-free-if-linking-node-removed.patch * 0002-update-version-number-as-well.patch- Update to version 0.3.36: * Highlights - A quick update with mostly only bugfixes and small improvements. - Capture and playback is now avoided on unavailable devices. This should fix some issues where an unusable microphone was selected by default. - MIDI output should not stop randomly now. - The GStreamer elements are much improved, cheese should work a lot better now. - Virtual sinks and sources should now always show up immediately. - JACK processing is now delayed until buffersize and samplerate are emited. This should improve stability of many JACK apps. - JACK transport sync is now implemented correctly so that preroll in bitwig works. * PipeWire - The module dir environment variable can now contain multiple paths. - Documentation now contains dot graphs of dependencies. (#1585) - config min/max/default quantum values are now scaled with the samplerate. - A potential crash was fixed where destroyed memory was still used by a node. This could cause crashes in cheese. * pipewire-media-session - Only allow passthrough for passthrough formats (S/PDIF) for now. (#1587) - Improve bluetooth profile autoswitch. - Don't try to route audio to nodes with unavailable routes. * ALSA - Pass the right AES bits to the alsa device when opening an S/PDIF stream. - Fix a bug in the MIDI bridge port management logic. When a port was added and immediately removed, output would stop. * GStreamer - The GStreamer source now handles the flushing state correctly. - All blocking operations now have a 30 seconds timeout, to avoid infinite locks. * Plugins - V4l2 Device formats and controls are now passed on the node, just like with audio devices. - audioconvert now also exposes the softMute property. * JACK - Improve stability when changing buffer size and sample rate dynamically by pausing the processing until the application has handled the callback. - Improve handling of timebase master. When the master was moved to another driver, it did not attempt to become a new timebase master on the new driver. (#1589) - Implement transport sync to make preroll in bitwig work. (#1589) * pulse-server - Fix an issue where virtual sinks/sources would not show up immediately. (#1588)- Update to version 0.3.35: * Highlights: - S/PDIF passthrough over optical or HDMI is now implemented. - Some critical fixes to MIDI, draining of streams and various modules. - skypeforlinux should work better now after adding it to the quirks database. - Bluetooth codecs are now in separate plugins to make it easier to ship them. * PipeWire: - Drain was fixed in pw-stream. In some cases it would not clear the drain state correctly. Fixes the issue where speaker-test would only play one channel. - Loopback connections to a driver will now activate the driver. This fixes an issue where MIDI connections between devices or some applications (puredata) would not get any MIDI messages. (#1559)x. - The audiomixer can now mix more formats. Together with the passthrough improvements this can be used to avoid conversions to/from the DSP format in some cases. - Make sure we idle drivers when removing a node from it in all cases. JACK clients could keep a driver node busy. - Add new methods to accumulate object info. The old one was difficult to use when applications need to accumulate multiple changes. - A new interface to load modules has been added. Plugins can use this to ask the host (PipeWire) to load spa plugins. - Increase param buffer size to handle larger params. Nodes with a large number of channels would sometimes not have properties. (#1574) - Concurrent link negotiation that caused some links to not work, is now avoided. This fixes monitor ports in Ardour6. - Small tweaks to how the quantum and rate are handled when nodes move between drivers. Make node.lock-quantum work with node.latency * PipeWire modules: - The convolver plugin in filter-chain has been optimized some more. - The echo-cancel stream properties were improved so that it actually can remember the streams it links to. (#1557) - module-pulse-tunnel had the buffer attributes wrong and would cause high latency with older pulseaudio servers. (#1434) - module-roc had the properties configured wrongly, which would cause it to not work at all in most cases. (#1538) - There is now an example of a 7.1 virtual surround sink using the hesuvi impulse responses. - The convolver now supports dirac pulses as the IR. * ALSA: - UCM config is now cached per device, using up less memory. It also temporarily works around a problem in alsa-lib that is now being patched and rolled out. Should stop devices from disappearing when logging out and back in. (#1553) - Fix the MIDI clock rate matching. It was too sensitive to small changes and would spiral out of control and break MIDI rather quickly. * pipewire-media-session: - The media session can now save and restore IEC958 (S/PDIF) codecs for the sinks. - Passthrough of IEC958 (S/PDIF) content is now possible. If the client and the sink contain a compatible set of codecs, an exclusive connection can be made between client and sink to pass the encoded S/PDIF content directly to the device. - Use new introspection info update methods to suspend nodes in all cases. Sometimes, nodes would fail to suspend because the state info was not evaluated. - The media session can now work in non-DSP mode, which will try to avoid any audio conversions between client and device when possible. But, this will also disable compatibility with JACK applications. * Bluetooth - Bluetooth codecs are now compiled into separate plugins which are dynamically loaded. This makes it possible to change the plugin implementation or ship plugins separately without having to recompile the bluetooth module. * PulseAudio server - Delay stream create reply until the stream is linked to a sink/source. - The device-restore extension is now implemented. This makes it possible to configure the IEC958 (S/PDIF) codecs supported by the sink with pavucontrol. - skypeforlinux now uses the same quirks as teams to make the sinks show up in all cases. This fixes the issue of not being able to hear the remote end in skypeforlinux. * JACK - Improve catia and carla compatibility by caching objects a little longer after being removed. (#1531) - JACK ports now notify the negotiated format correctly. - A potential deadlock was fixed when multiple threads would perform a call that would require a roundtrip. - Improve bufsize callback, it should not be called right after doing activate() but only when the buffersize changes later. - Add tweak to disable the process lock. Some older apps might not expect it. (#1576) * Docs - man pages are now generated with rst2man. - DMA-BUF docs were updated. - Documentation updates. - Replace BuildRequires xmltoman with docutils (rst2man) - Update libcamera Buildrequires.- Add BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcap) since it's being searched by the build scripts. - Replace BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libopenaptx) with libfreeaptx since openaptx has a license issue - Use bcond_with to enable/disable the usage of libcamera (the defaults are not changed: it's disabled in Leap since upstream doesn't recommend enabling it yet and enabled in TW since we can allow some experimental support there) - Changes suggested by darix.- Update to version 0.3.34: * Highlights - Fixes some critical issues with previous release. Such as devices not showing up and default devices being lost. - Support for consumer driver streams to make the producer v-sync to the consumer monitor in a headless compositor setup. - Improvements to routing of streams. - Bluetooth battery status support for head-set profile and using Apple extensions. aptX-LL and FastStream codec support was added. - Internal latency of ALSA devices can now be configured. - A fast convolver was added to the filter-chain to implement virtual surround sinks or reverbs. * PipeWire - Add support for streams that are driver nodes for the graph. This was already possible for source streams but it is now also possible for playback streams. This can be used to let a producer v-sync to the consumer monitor in a headless compositor setup. (#1484) - State files are now stored in XDG_STATE_HOME instead of XDG_CONFIG_HOME. They will still be loaded from the config home if they are not in the new state home, to ease migration. - Set a driver on inactive nodes to make transport work in xjadeo. (#1491) - Fix parsing of filter-chain controls. - A new FFT based convolver was added to module-filter-chain. It uses a 0-latency 2 stage convolver with small FFT for the head and a large FFT for the tail of the convolution. A convolution can be used to implement IR based reverbs, HRIR surround sound or other convolution based operations. An example HRIR virtual surround sound sink has been added as well. - module-filter-chain was reworked a bit to support more config options for the plugins. - Endian conversion and alaw/ulaw formats are now supported for streams. - pw-cat will now suggest a samplerate for the graph. - SPA_PLUGIN_DIR can now search in multiple paths separated with a ':'. - Passthrough mode has been worked on and has been partially merged. S/PDIF definitions have been added and ALSA devices updated to report and configure S/PDIF formats. The session manager changes to fully configure and enable passthrough mode will hopefully be merged next time. - Fix a race in pw-stream where it would not always emit the right events. * ALSA - Fix volume changed check. It was checking against the wrong value and this could cause rounding errors. - The ALSA plugin now also uses RT scheduling. - Fix the behringer UMC202 usb device id, it was using a generic TI chip ID that caused problems. - Fix USB devices that don't show up anymore. Use an ALSA workaround to fix this. (#1478) - Add a rule for the new firmware of Sennheiser GSX 1200. - ALSA sink and source can now use ProcessLatency param to configure the internal latency. The latencyOffsetNsec property is also exposed so that the latency can be adjusted in pavucontrol as well. * media-session - Fix a critical issue where the default device was not remembered anymore when it was removed. - Fix the issue where some apps need to be restarted when nodes go away and reappear. - Improve routing of streams. Streams that have a specific target set will now be moved to the target when it appears instead of staying on the fallback. - Small memory leak fixes. - Try to switch back to the user selected profile after finishing a Bluetooth recording. * Bluetooth - Add support for HF indicator 2 battery status. - Add support for XAPL battery status. - Set the Communication intended role for HFP profile. - Enable SBC-XQ by default if not disabled by quirks. - Fix some potential crashes due to excessive polling. - Add aptx-LL codec and enable duplex for aptx-LL devices. - Add FastStream codec. This is a codec that can use a duplex SBC channel. * PulseAudio server - Suggests a samplerate for the graph. - Support for handling S/PDIF (IEC958) formats was added. This will start working when the session manager supports configuring streams and nodes in passthrough mode. - Be smarter when handling devices without a negotiated format yet so that they are visible as well. This makes virtual devices show up immediately. * ALSA plugin - Now suggests a samplerate for the graph. * JACK - The jack.pc file can only be generated with meson >= 0.59.0. When the jack-devel option is enabled, it will generate an error with older meson. - Small stability improvements when connecting/disconnecting in Ardour.- Update to version 0.3.33: * Highlights - Better support for virtual sinks/sources for Pro Audio profile. - Better DMA-BUF format modifier negotiation. - Support multiple sample rates in the graph. Not enabled by default yet. - Bluetooth can now automatically switch between headset and audio profile. - Documentation updates. - Many improvements and crasher fixes. * PipeWire - Make AUX channels an official channel map, use this for the PRO audio profile so that we can name the channels. This make it possible to define virtual sources and sinks for Pro Audio devices in a more reliable way. - Fix scheduling of some virtual sinks/sources. (#1407) - Fix potential corruption of ringbuffer because of multiple concurrent writers. This might be the cause for many reported crashes. (#1451) - Don't place sockets in $HOME. (#1443) - Improve DMA-BUF negotiation. Add a flag to avoid fixation of a property so that producers can negotiate more efficiently. This is used to negotiate DMA-BUF modifiers, which should make more efficient use of the GPU. (#1084) - Add support for multipe sample rates. The graph can switch when IDLE to one of the supported rates. Add an option to lock the rate as well. This is not enabled by default yet because of driver bugs that need to be worked around first. - Add node.lock-quantum property that can be used to lock the quantum in place. - Improve latency reporting in the loopback module. - Make new client-node method to send the peer port id to the mixer. This can be used to know where the buffers entering the mixer are coming from. (#1471) * Tools - pw-top should now also correctly show bluetooth devices. (#1540) * media-session - Handle unset of the default node. - Added a module that can switch the bluetooth profile to headset profile when a stream wants to record from it. * JACK - Only call the jack callbacks when the client is active. Some JACK applications don't expect callbacks before the client is active and crash (x42-dpl). (#1461) - Emit client unregister event. - Add per-client match rules in the config file to set app specific configuration and tweaks. (#1456) - Use peer_id to implement jack_port_get_buffer() from one of our peer ports to get the data before it enters the mixer. Makes the capture monitors work in Ardour6.8. (#1471) * Bluetooth - Add some broken kernel versions to the mSBC blocklist - Avoid looping and consuming CPU when we can't write to the BT socket. - Use libfreeaptx instead of libopenaptx. - Fix rounding errors in HW volume conversion. * PulseAudio server - implement module-switch-on-connect to emulate pulseaudio behaviour of new devices. Some desktop environments expect this behaviour and break otherwise. - Fix stream cleanup, make sure the stream is stopped before destroying it. Might be cause for some of the reported crashes. - Update message API to use the JSON format. * Other - Many documentation updates. - Many cleanups and small improvements. - Support the latest libcamera version. (#1435) - Drop pipewire-fix-libcamera-build.patch, merged upstream.- Move with-{alsa,jack,pulseaudio} from the media-session package to the packages that implement each support.- Add patch pipewire-fix-libcamera-build.patch: fix build with latest libcamera. - Do no build libcamera support on Leap 15.3 or lower (too old libcamera) and change name of BuildRequires from camera to libcamera. - Update minimal version for alsa buildrequires.- Update to 0.3.32: * Highlights - Real-time priority handling for threads was reworked. Freewheeling will now drop RT priorities to avoid being killed. - Problems with filter chains and echo-cancel being linked in a loop was fixed. - alsamixer should now be able to see the mixer controls again. - JACK has seen some latency reporting improvements that make Ardour report latencies correctly. - Many bugfixes and improvements. * PipeWire - Fix a bug in the neon audio resampler code. - There is now a node.link-group property to relate linked streams. this can be used to track the dataflow with coupled streams. - Fix a crash when recalculating latency on a destroyed port. (#1371) - Filter chains and other modules that create streams can now also be added to the daemon config itself. (#1309) - Fix some potential deadlocks in timerfd. (#1377) - Feedback links are skipped when recalculating latency to avoid loops. - The dummy driver and null-sink now stop the timerfd when following another driver instead of generating useless graph wakeups. - rt.limit was increased to 2 seconds. Some applications got killed because they run lengthy code in the Real-Time thread. (#1344) - Fix s24_32 to float, it was not sign extending properly. (#1393) - The performance of the feedback loop check algorithm was improved a lot, making complex graphs start much much faster. - The zeroconf publish module now doesn't republish nodes every time the volume changes. (#1406) - A potential memory corruption error has been fixed in the loop that could cause random crashes. - Mempools can now be created from multiple threads at the same time. * media-session - Loops in coupled streams are now avoided. (#1394) - Port changes for inactive profiles are ignored now by the default-route module. (#1403) * ALSA - Make sure tha alibpref is not part of the device node name because it is random. (#1362) - Fixed an off-by-one that could cause midi events to end up with a wrong timestamp and thus being discarded by some apps. (#1395) - Fix some memory leaks when destroying a card object. * JACK - Fix some invalid cycle wakeups that could cause JACK application to run with a 0 buffer size. (#1386) - JACK can now use rtkit to manage realtime priorities on threads. - The Real-time priority is dropped when entering freewheel mode to make sure we don't get killed when using too much CPU. - jack_recompute_total_latencies() is now implemented, fixing the latency reporting in Ardour. (#1388) - Fix some overflows in time calculations. - Ensure frame_rate in position is never 0. - Graph callbacks are now emitted as well. * Bluetooth - RTP payload type is now set correctly for aptX, LDAC and SBC, which should improve compatibility with devices that care about this. * PulseAudio server - There is now a quirks database to deal with bad clients. The database is builtin but can be made external later. Teams is now lied to and told all sink/sources use s16 samples to make it show all sinks/sources. Firefox is forced to remove the DONT_MOVE flag on capture streams so that you can move firefox streams with other tools. - The UNDERFLOW warnings are now made into info log messages to not spam the log too much. Many application just let things underrun and PulseAudio did not warn about this either. (#910) * ALSA plugin - The alsa plugin now uses the right metadata for finding the default source and sink, which makes the volume controls reappear. (#1384) * Other - Cleanups in pulse-server and pipewire. - Documentation additions.- Make the jack replacement libraries really replace jack libraries just like Fedora does (adding the path to the pipewire replacement libraries to ld.so.conf.d and conflicting with jack). - Remove the spec code that forced the packages not to provide the jack libraries. They seem to be ready to replace jack libraries now. - Add a pipewire-libjack-0_3-devel package with development files for pipewire's jack replacement. - Enable the libcamera module- Add %pre and %post sections to the new media-session subpackage. - Move the references to the media-session service from the workaround in pipewire's %post section to the workaround in the new subpackage's %post section.- Update to 0.3.31: * Highlights - Fixes for alsa-lib 1.2.5 - New pulseaudio modules: module-avahi-zeroconf, module-pipe-source, module-roc-sink, module-roc-source - JACK has seen massive stability improvements. Locking and correctness wrt to callbacks and has been reworked. Also thread priorities have improved. - Handle various crashes and lockups when running out of file descriptors. - Bluetooth now uses a hardware database to disable non-working features on listed devices. - Scheduling quantum and rate can now be changed dynamically with pw-metadata. - Many bugfixes and improvements. * PipeWire - Improve cleanup of context in error cases. - There is now a pw-test framework for improved unit tests. - Improve property serialization to valid JSON. - Fix some macros to work with better with coverity. - Metadata permissions are checked now. Clients need the M permission on an object to be able to set metadata for it. - The core metadata object will now remove metadata for removed objects, the implementor does not need to worry about that anymore. - Audioadapter will now follow the rate of the graph with the resampler adjusting itself dynamically. - Core now has a metadata implementation helper. A context will expose a metadata with settings that can be changed at runtime. This can be used to change the lowlevel or graph quantum and samplerate on the fly. - An infinite loop was fixed in the audio converter. - Handle out-of-fds more gracefully. Handle truncated control data by dropping the client connection. - Fix profiler crash with many streams. - Improve latency handling in pw-filter. There is now a default handler and a ProcessLatency parameter to simplify latency reporting. - Latency reporting was improved in devices and streams. - And example sink/source was added. * ALSA - hardware mute and volume are now properties on the Route param to make things easier. - More fixes for alsa-ucm 1.2.5. * Tools - spa-json-dump now properly encodes string and keys - pw-dump now shows the correct subject of the metadata. * PulseAudio server - Ensure the node.description is set, some applications crash otherwise (TeamSpeak). - Module loading and unloading was improved. - module-avahi-zeroconf was implemented. - module-pipe-source was implemented - module-roc-sink and module-roc-source was implemented - The maximum amount of connections has been limited to 64, like pulseaudio. - Handle out-of-fds more gracefully. - Fix overflow of read/write pointers. - source and sink state are now decoupled from the monitor state and will report IDLE when not playing anything. * media-session - Port switching should now happen to/from the port that actually changed. * JACK - The locking was reviewed. All callbacks are not emited from the PipeWire thread with the lock released and the process function will be disabled for the duration of the callback. This ensures that no two callbacks are called at the same time. - Improve internal consistency and try to never call callbacks with invalid objects. - Monitor port can now be accessed with system:monitor_%d - client threads are now created with SCHED_FIFO and module-rt is used to create the other RT threads. This should avoid SIGKILL from RTKit in some cases. * Bluetooth - Various bugfixes to improve connections to devices. - Handle delayed UUID connection. - There is now a hardware database that can disable features in listed devices. - Use libusb to detect availability of mSBC. * ALSA - The virtual device name can now also contain a media role. - Add BuildRequires(libusb-1.0) to detect mSBC support for Bluetooth. - Move media-session to a separate package (similar to Fedora), allowing to switch to another session manager.- added pipewire-alsa to baselibs.conf pipewire-alsa-32bit is needed to run BIT.TRIP Runner 2 from Steam, which is a 32bit application and uses ALSA.- Move %{_udevrulesdir}/90-pipewire-alsa.rules to the main pipewire package (boo#1187108)- Update to 0.3.30+git~342ae0b64 (55 commits after 0.3.30) in order to include https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pipewire/pipewire/-/merge_requests/748 and https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pipewire/pipewire/-/merge_requests/749 to fix building on Leap 15.3- Update to 0.3.30 * This is a quick emergency release to fix some severe problems with the previous release. * Highlights - Recording from a monitor port should work again. - JACK applications should now be more stable again. - Freewheeling should not lock up anymore. - Fix lockups in many pulseaudio apps. - module-echo-cancel was implemented in pipewire-pulse - Many other stability fixes. * PipeWire - Improve module path logic. - Improve logger formatting * PulseAudio server - Make sure to pass 64 bits values for time on ARM 32 bits to avoid protocol errors. - Avoid a crash when unloading module-combine-sink. - Avoid overflow in requested bytes, resulting in stalled audio. - Implement module-echo-cancel. * Bluetooth - Handle latency parameters instead of failing. * JACK - Fix locking in many places to avoid deadlocks and crashes. - Fix port rename. - Stop freewheeling correctly instead of deadlocking.- Update to 0.3.29 * Highlights - Latency reporting is now implemented. - Many documentation updates and cleanups. - module-combine-sink was added to PulseAudio server. - Better handling of multichannel input profiles. - Fix 100% volume issue when monitor suspends or profile changes in some cases. - Bugfixes and crashes * PipeWire - A new module-rt was added to acquire real-time scheduling priviledges without using RTKit. - Documentation fixes and updates. Docs are now using a custom theme. - There is now a MANDATORY flag on properties that influence how properties are filtered. - Filter-chain now parses the LADSPA_PATH correctly when it contains a colon separated list. - Move `#pipewire` IRC channel to oftc.net. - Fix an error where param changes were not emited in all cases. - Implement Latency reporting. Latency values are propagated through the graph so that each node knows the latency to the output/input device. Synchronization in pw-stream has been updated to use this. - Some more upmix cases are added so that LFE, SIDE and REAR can be generated from a mono channel as well. - pw-stream and pw-filter will now emit the process event from the real-time thread in a safe way, potentially avoiding some of the harder to debug crashes. - Fix potential stack overflow with serialize_dict. - Add PIPEWIRE_NO_CONFIG to run without custom config files. - The WebRTC echo canceler was added. Next versions will integrate this better. * PulseAudio server - module-combine-sink was implemented. - Fix some segfaults when DBus connections fail. - Support for listening on IPv6 was added. - Fix a bug where many flushes could result in requests for too much data from the client, causing sync, latency and garbled sound problems after many seeks. * ALSA - Also probe input paths for multichannel mappings. This makes multichannel input ports show up in more cases. - Fix headphones/front volume issue on some cards. - Fix max volume issue when profile changes. - Fix issue with UCM local config that was not available when the device was opened in the server but the UCM was opened by the session manager. Fixes alsa 1.2.5 compatibility. * JACK - Implement latency reporting with the new Latency params. - Add BuildRequires: pkgconfig(webrtc-audio-processing) which is required by the new WebRTC echo canceler. - Remove patch which is already included: * 0001-alsa-mixer-only-use-switch-to-mute-Front-in-the-Headphone-path.patch- Add patch from upstream to use the independent switch to mute Lineout or Speaker instead of setting the volume, which on some soundcards might be shared by Headphone and Lineout or Headphone and Speaker (fixes boo#1186572): * 0001-alsa-mixer-only-use-switch-to-mute-Front-in-the-Headphone-path.patch- Introduce a workaround for systems where %systemd_user_post didn't enable the user services correctly due to different reasons . This workaround is only executed once, and only if it's really needed. In order to execute only once a lock file is created in /var/lib/pipewire. The lockfile can be removed when the workaround is removed. Everyone who upgraded their TW system between (aprox.) the 14th of January and the 16th of March and who didn't enable the services manually is affected by this. It also happens for everyone who installed a new TW system since (aprox.) the 14th of January and also for everyone doing a new installation of SLE15-SP3 / Leap 15.3 from the iso (new installations using online repositories will work fine once the fix in systemd-presets-common-SUSE is released). Fixes boo#1184852, boo#1183012 and boo#1186561.- Update to 0.3.28 * Highlights - Freewheeling was implemented. This makes it possible to export projects in ardour. - A new powerful filter-chain module was added that can be used to created all kinds of filter-chains from ladspa and builtin plugins. - Many more pulseaudio modules are now implemented: module-ladspa-sink, module-ladspa-source, module-pipe-sink, module-tunnel-sink, module-tunnel-source, module-zeroconf-discover - Fix a bug where devices would not appear after logout/login. - Fix a bug where the volume was reset to 0 and devices would have no audio. - Config files are now installed in the data dir, system overrides in /etc/pipewire and $HOME are checked first. * PipeWire - Implement freewheeling for JACK clients - Add filter-chain module that can be used to construct arbitrary graphs from ladspa and builtin plugins. - Add new property to easily set algorithm params - Add module-pulse-tunnel to tunnel audio to and from a PulseAudio compatible server. - Add a avahi zeroconf discover module, create pulse-tunnel when PulseAudio devices are announced. - Config files are now installed in the data dir, system overrides in /etc/pipewire and $HOME are checked first. - Applications now have their monitor ports named with the "monitor" prefix to avoid confusion with the output ports. - LICENSE clarifications. * GStreamer - fixes to the pipewiresink plugin. * SPA plugins - Fix a bug where the volume was reset to 0 - Add events to dbus plugin. This can be used to detect dbus disconnects. * Media-session - Handle dbus disconnect. - Handle device reservation errors. * PulseAudio server - Implement module-ladspa-sink and a new PipeWire-only module-ladspa-source - Implement module-pipe-sink - Implement module-tunnel-sink and module-tunnel-source - Fix a bug with module argument parsing - Implement module-zeroconf-discover * ALSA plugin - improve error handling- Add %bcond_with aptx conditional to let 3rd parties to enable aptX support.- Add %bcond_with aac conditional to let 3rd parties to enable AAC support.- Update to 0.3.27 * Highlights - Fix bug that caused bluetooth devices to stop working. - Fix session-manager crash when switching users caused by the DBus plugin cleanup errors. - Improve volume handling of monitor ports. - Fix GStreamer v4l2 support. - Implement module-remap-sink and module-remap-source in pipewire-pulse. - More fixes and improvements. * PipeWire - Move the loopback code into a module. Use this in pw-loopback and pipewire-pulse. Fix some cleanup crashes. - A dummy echo-cancel module was added. Later versions will include the webrtc echo-canceler. - State files don't have the X permission anymore. - Move i18n core into a private header file. - Stream can now advertize properties and receive property updates. - Fix an issue where the wrong index was used to address a port. It caused Bluetooth devices to stop working. * SPA plugins - Only do LFE filtering on channels we created. - Improve name and description of devices. - Improve cleanup in DBus connections and sources to avoid crash when destroying. - Improved volume handling. Hardware, Software and Monitor volumes are now properly separated and handled. - Support for S8 and S8P formats was added. * Tools - pw-cli can now also create Struct from JSON arrays. * Session-manager - The session manager can now also create passive links. This makes is possible to suspend effect chains together with the sinks when not in use. - Match rules now check the complete property value instead of only the start. - Handle multiple pending param enumerations, take only last result. This fixes some volume update issues. * GStreamer plugins - GStreamer plugins now advertize handling DMABUF explicitly. This is currently the only way to avoid a memcpy for v4l2 devices. * Device support - sync ACP with pulseaudio, merge upstream patch instead of our hack to workaround missing duplex devices. - V4l2 devices don't expose their fd anymore. Previously the fd and mmap offsets were passed to the client to access the buffer memory but that could create security issues. * Bluetooth - Don't unregister the profiles on shutdown because this can cause delay, just close the dbus connection. - Bluetooth devices now try to use the global samplerate from the graph. * PulseAudio server - Implement remap-sink and remap-source modules using the new loopback module.- Disable gstreamer device provider by now because the timestamp bug makes cheese video record abnormally longer than it should be (rh#1884260). - Replace all tab characters to space.- Add %systemd_ordering so systemd is installed before pipewire on fresh installations. This allows to set the service presets correctly on new systems since the %systemd_user_* macros don't do anything if systemd is not installed (boo#1185459).- Update to 0.3.26: + Highlights: - I18n support, with translations merged from PulseAudio. - New pw-link tool. - Many Bluetooth improvements, support for hardware volumes. - Support for 64 channel devices. - Stability fixes and improvements. + PipeWire improvements: - The link factory can now also make links between nodes and ports by name so that it can be used in scripts. - Add module-protocol-simple that can stream raw audio on a socket. - Added i18n support. Merge PulseAudio translations for the ACP library so that we don't cause regressions. - Support more than 19 channels in the channel mixer. This makes all channels usable on 32 and 64 channel cards. - Detect if we're running in a VM and allow for tweaking some settings such as the max-quantum to make things work better in VMs. - Fix a potential crash when connecting a client and updating permissions. - Fix a potential crash when trying to link incompatible ports. - Lingering links in error will now be destroyed automatically. + Tools: - Added new pw-link tool to list and monitor ports and to list, monitor, create and destroy links between them. - pw-cli can now also list params by name. - pw-dump now outputs Spa:String:JSON types in metadata as properly parsed and formatted JSON so that tools can parse the metadata values using a JSON parser. + Session-manager: - Add logind support. The bluetooth monitor can only be started for one user at the time, so use logind detect active seats. - ALSA icon names were improved to match what PulseAudio does. - Improve the bluetooth icon name. Also use the device alias as the device description, like PulseAudio. + Device support: - When devices become inaccessible, they are now removed from the PipeWire graph. - Fix datatype selection for buffers in v4l2 and libcamera. + Bluetooth: - Various memory leaks and crashes are fixed. - Added support for AVRCP hardware volume. - Added support for HSP/HFP hardware volume. + PulseAudio server: - Fix module-loopback connections to monitor ports. - Implement module-native-protocol-tcp. - Handle nodes and streams with > 32 channels. The PulseAudio API only supports up to 32 channels so only make those 32 first channels available with the PA API. - Implement module-simple-protocol-tcp. - Improve events emitted by the server. - Improvements to channels and channel_map properties on modules. One can imply the other and they should match when both given. - null-sink will now have their volume work correctly by default. + JACK: JACK developement files can now optionally be installed.- Update to 0.3.25: + This is a bugfix release that is API and ABI compatible with - previous 0.3.x releases. + Highlights - Many stability improvements. - Plug fd leak in flatpak detection - add pw-loopback tool and support module-loopback - volume restore for virtual sinks/sources or other sink/sources without hardware volume. - Fix cracks and pops in audio capture. - Many bluetooth improvements and compatibity fixes. + PipeWire improvements - Hex encode invalid SEC_LABEL properties to avoid generating invalid json. - Small fixes to how nodes are started to avoid crashes. - Make sure ports are only scheduled after being fully negotiated to avoid crashes. - Implement coverity into CI, fix some bugs detected by coverity. - Plug leak in flatpak detection. - Fix crash when removing globals in some cases. - Fix crash because the mixer info was not removed from a port in all cases. - Add PIPEWIRE_AUTOCONNECT environment variable to disable stream autoconnect. Also add a config option to disable autoconnect. - Improve wildcard in format helpers. - Add env variable to disable journald logging. + Tools - Add a new pw-loopback tool to loop a capture device to a playback device. - Display localized strings correctly in pw-top - Add some more options to pw-dot + Session-manager - When a new node is configured and some stream have this as the default target, move them to it. - Fix some crashes. - Implement volume restore on nodes without routes. This makes it possible to restore volume on purely software nodes like null-sinks. - Also try to suspend errored nodes so that they may leave the error state and be reused again. - Break endless link loops when something went wrong. + Device support - Fix monitor volumes, they are now separate from the hardware volume. - Fix cracks and pops in alsa capture caused by mismatch between resampler and capture source. - Add start-delay config option to alsa sink. - Ensure the PipeWire midi ports start from a higher number so that the lower port numbers are available to apps as before. + Bluetooth - source devices are now removed when idle - Support using pipewire as Audio Gateway. - LDAC encoding quality can be configured now - Implement codec switching for HFP - Implement codec switching with new device property. - Improved stability and compatibility - Autoconnect device profiles at startup - Add AAC bitrate mode configuration - Make it possible to use an A2DP source as an input device. You can then use your phone as an A2DP microphone, for example. - Remove battery reporting when RFCOMM connections is closed. + PulseAudio server - Add some workarounds for Blueman - Set correct errno values, fixes a hang in load-module of a non-existing module - Try to not send inconsistent information to clients. - Fix some crashes. - Add support for the new send-message API, use this to switch bluetooth codecs. - Fix draining by making sure we are started. - Handle 0 sink and source as the default sink/source. - Implement module-loopback + JACK - Fix some memory leaks when closing a client - Add self-connect config option to limit where clients can connect themselves. - Don't crash when apps call _port_get_buffer() on a port that is not their own but simply return NULL. This fixes a crash in Ardour6. - Improve client added/removed callbacks. Sometimes it would emit a client remove when there were still ports for the client. - make sure midi port names are stable across reboots.- Enable or disable the ldac codec depending if ldacBT is available or not to fix build in s390x (where it's not available) - Add some more information and fix indentation on previous changelog entries.- Update to 0.3.24: + This is a bugfix release that is API and ABI compatible with previous 0.3.x releases. + Highlights - Many JACK midi improvements and device support. - Fixes in gnome-control-center default sink/source handling. - Many small performance improvements in alsa device handling and latency. There should also be less cracks/pops and xruns now. - More bluetooth compatibility improvements. + PipeWire improvements - Implement simple upmixing - Disable the resampler when not used. This improves latency and CPU usage. - Handle max-quantum on devices and try to not make the quantum larger than the device buffer size. - improvements to how nodes and links are activated. It should now result in less xruns and cracks/pops. - meson uses the feature options everywhere now - Handle volume remap in the channelmixer. This fixes the channels on multichannel devices. - Try to escape invalid JSON string characters - Keep better track of changed parameters in audioconvert. - Improve config files, make arrays where needed. - Respect NO_COLOR where possible - Support in-place config file parsing to avoid allocations and improve startup performance. - There is no a config option to enable non-power-of-two quantums. - Preliminary support for upmixing and generating LFE channels. + Session-manager - default nodes are not stored as JSON in the metadata. This is more readable and introspectable. - More default-nodes and default-routes improvements. port switching should work better now. - Wait until all devices are scanned before linking clients. - Fixes some crashes - Sinks (monitors) can now be set as default sources. + Device support - Fix startup timers for alsa devices. - Improve timers in alsa when quantum changes. It should cause less xruns and cracks. - Fix UCM setup of capture devices. - Only disable IRQ in alsa when not batch. For batch devices the hw pointers are updated each IRQ so we need to keep them enabled. This massively improves latency on USB batch devices to the same level as JACK (with small enough period size). + Bluetooth - Improvements to profile switches. - Improvements to volume handling. - Fixes for A2DP sources - Add support for battery status when available. - Many other small improvements. + PulseAudio server - handle NULL in set_default_sink/source to clear the default - Implement a workaround for gnome-control-center when setting the default sink/source. It also sets the target in stream-restore to the new default. This fixes moving streams in gnome-control-center. - Fix some races by replying to some requests after the operation completed. - Prefer formats of the extended format API. - Create a pid file on startup to improve compatibility with apps that look for it. - Capture streams can now be moved to monitors with pavucontrol - Fixes for crashes + JACK - jack clients can now connect to the 'default' server - Move midi ports back to the midi client - Only mark midi hardware ports as terminal/physical - Use the same midi names as a2jmidid - match system ports in get_ports. - Improve compatibility with some apps that require a fixed latency. - Beginnings of the libjackserver implementation. - Switch off libopenaptx and fdk-aac (because they are patent-encumbered) and libcamera (problems in building).- systemd-rpm-macros doesn't have a consistent versioning between distributions, so better assume it's updated enough to support %systemd_user_pre- Add systemd rpm macros for pipewire.service as well as pipewire.socket . - Use the new %systemd_user_pre macro on %pre to be able to recognize when a service was installed for the first time and enable it on %systemd_user_post (boo#1183012)- Update to version 0.3.23: + Highlights - Fixes for some critical bugs in last release. - Fix bug where audio was not drained properly at the end of playback, causing repeating sound. - Profile and route switching was improved and should mimic more what pulseaudio did. - Various fixes for xruns in capture and playback. - Bluetooth now supports delay adjustment and various other improvements. - The pulseaudio server now correctly identifies AC3 and DTS streams and returns a not supported error instead of playing static. - Multichannel support was improved in the alsa plugin and the channel mixer. Channels should now play on the right speakers in all cases. + PipeWire improvements - Small fixes and improvements in JSON parsing and encoding. - Improvements to param handling in audioconverter. It would previously not always notify of changes. - Avoid updating some properties that we use internally such as the object id and the node.id. - log.level in the config files is now actually used. - the PIPEWIRE_LATENCY env variable should always override any application settings in filter/stream/jack. - The config file can now contain filer and stream properties to, for example, control the resampler, mixer and latency. - Add sandboxing to the systemd services - Various FreeBSD fixes. - Improve draining and a way to exit the drain state as well. - Many multichannel fixes. Channel remapping should now be correct. - Fix bug with repeating audio at the end of playback because the drain in the resampler was not draining all channels. - RTKit default rt.prio has been increased to 88. This will likely still be clamped to 20 until distros increase the max priority. + Session-manager - Don't try to switch to Pro Audio profile, this should be a user choice only. - Don't crash when metadata was disabled such as when not using the audio features of pipewire. - Rework the profile and route handling. - Add systemd unit files for the media-session - Device names should now also have sane names so that tab pactl completion works on them. + Device support - Fix ALSA format enumeration in more cases. Use the channels and rate as a filter. - Make sure the graph doesn't ever use buffers larger than the alsa device buffer size or we get xruns. - Tuning of the alsa device timeout handling and dynamic resampler. There should now not be any xruns when streams appear and disappear or when the quantum changes. - Fix bug in alsa device when reassigning to a new driver, in some cases the dynamic resampler was not activated and things would drift out of sync and fail. - Fixes in quantum changes for ALSA capture and how the resampler is drained and fed with the new samples. + Bluetooth - Delay adjustment has been implemented now. Bluetooth devices should now be more synchronized with video due to proper delay reporting. Because BT delays can be large, it can cause hickups in some players. - Fix volume in bluetooth devices. - Codec switch improvements. + PulseAudio server - Latency offset adjustment is now implemented and functional for bluetooth devices. It is not working for alsa devices yet. - Handle unsupported formats. Previously we would accept encoded formats and play noise. This fixes AC3 playback in vlc. - Move some of the configurable parameters to the config file. - Fix a fatal use after free when playing samples - Improve module handling. loaded modules now show up in the list of modules and can be unloaded. This also prepares the core for more module implementations later. + ALSA plugin - Fix drain with very large buffers, we need to manually start the stream before draining. - Fix the channel layout handling. - Improve compatibility with apps that expect the poll to only return when there is activity. - Fix drain for capture + JACK - Add a config option to shorten and filter client names - Increase the length of the client name size and make sure we don't exceed the allocated size. - We now include our own jack header files so we can build without depending on another jack-devel package. We don't yet install the headers or provide pkgconfig files. - Move alsa-card-profiles to modules subpackage, they are always needed.- Build/install the `pw-top` tool: + Add pkgconfig(ncurses) BuildRequires to satisfy the build deps of pw-top.- Do not provide pulseaudio, but pulseaudio-daemon so we can specify in the patterns that we prefer the pulseaudio package (boo#1182730)- Update to version 0.3.22: + Highlights - Per client config files replace the module-profiles. It's now possible to tweak settings and load custom modules. - Pro Audio card profile support. You can now select the Pro Audio profile and have raw device access with the maximum number of channels and no mixer controls. This is the usual setup for managing high end Pro Audio cards. - Many fixes and improvements in the JACK library to make devices look and integrate better. - Many bluetooth improvements. Playback should be more reliable and better synchronized. Support for the HFP HF profile. - Small fixes and improvements all over the map. + PipeWire improvements - Add support for restrictions requested by a client. This makes it possible to implement Flatpak policy for emulated PulseAudio clients as well. - Fix removal of params in objects. Previously they would not be removed from the cache. - Remove mlock warnings by default. There is an option to enable them again if you want to check if your system is optimized. - Remove LimitMEMLOCK lines from the service files. They can only lower the system settings and are thus not useful. - Implement per-client config files. Each pipewire client will now read a config file that you can use to configure the context of the client. - Implement state and config load/save in pipewire. This is used by the session manager or other apps. - Make an option to disable dbus support. - Add tool to convert pipewire config to JSON. + Session-manager - Give all permissions to Manager flatpak apps. In the future we will use the Permission store to remember user settings. - Improvements to default audio/sink handling. - Add option to configure device suspend time. - Small fixes in route handling. + Device support - Complain when ACP profile files are not found and use a fallback in order to get something working. - Add volume support to monitor ports. - Fix resume from suspend for ALSA in more cases. - ALSA ACP cards now have a Pro Audio profile that exposes the raw card devices. + Bluetooth - Enable A2DP delay reporting. This improves audio/video sync when playing audio over bluetooth. - Fix stuttering in A2DP source - Tweak buffer size and latency settings to avoid stuttering - More work on HSP and HFP support - Fix initial profile configuration - Add HFP HF support + PulseAudio server - Small tweaks in capture packet size to avoid crashes in some apps. - Detect Flatpak apps and requests the flatpak permissions from the session manager. This means that Flatpak pulseaudio apps will now run with reduced permissions. + ALSA plugin - Reduce min buffer size in the plugin for lower possible latency. + JACK - implement some missing methods to make qjackctl work again. - Use the context data thread instead of making our own. This fixes the issue where the data thread was not given RT priority correctly. - Pass extra jack flags around in port properties. This makes CV ports in carla work. - Many tweaks to the port names and aliases. Unwanted characters are filtered out, giving better names to jack apps. Default device names are now equal to those seen in pulseaudio apps. - Add an option to make a separate client for the monitor ports of a device. This makes it more usable in apps. - add support for system:playback_N and system:capture_N port names for apps that hardcode these port names.- Re-add the Provides: pulseaudio; patterns-base now suggests pulseaudio, which should help zypp in doing a smarter decision (boo#1182730).- ldacBT only builds on little endian architectures, so we can't buildrequire it on big endian systems like s390, s390x or ppc64.- Remove the pulseaudio provides from pipewire-pulseaudio: We first need to ensure our KDE patterns (and others) become smart enough to favor pulseaudio until we are ready for the switch (boo#1182730).- Update to version 0.3.21: + Highlights - Many PulseAudio compatibility fixes. Handling of corked streams, the prebuf setting, seek modes and stream flags are now implemented correctly. - Ports and Profiles are now managed by the session manager and can save and restore previous settings. ALSA device handling has been tweaked for maximum compatibility at the expense of latency. There are tuning options in the config file. - Improved Bluetooth support. HSP is disabled by default because it is old and deprecated and in some cases causes conflicts with the newer HFP profile. Codec switching is now implemented as well. PipeWire accepts donations with liberapay now. + PipeWire improvements - Improve draining in pw-stream. pw-stream now uses busy metadata by default. This makes sure that no writer can write to buffers when readers are still busy. - Fix handling of empty array/choice instead of failing. - Fix crashes when creating properties from empty strings. - Make it possible to pass an array to module-access access.allowed variables - Fix small bug in argument parsing in pw-cat + Session-manager - Restore route volumes in all cases, also when switching routes. - Use a default route volume for unknown routes instead of letting the system decide on a default. Improve profile handling. Don't try to restore unavailable profiles. Implement the profile switching in the session manager now. - Fix handling of Virtual sources as defaults. - Handle port switching in the session manager. Implement save and restore of default ports per profile. + GStreamer - Fix a crash with zero SPA_PARAM_BUFFERS_size + Device support - v4l2-source will now respect the requested memory types. - ALSA buffering has been tweaked. USB devices should have less XRuns by default. Parameters can be tweaked to decrease the latency on capable devices. Also fix a case where a quantum change would cause an xrun. - Fix mute in bluetooth devices bluetooth devices are not paused in idle anymore for improved compatibility. - Codec switching for bluetooth is implemented along with config options to select the codecs manually. - HSP for bluetooth is now disabled by default. Most devices support the newer HFP profile and some devices fail when both are available. - Reduce the amount of events the ALSA plugins emit by bundling them. + PulseAudio server - Implement the suspend command - Fixes volume in sample info - Fix playback of samples, sometimes samples would be clipped short. Also implement the target sink for the sample. - Use rate match to feed samples. This way the latency can be kept to a minimum. - Latency has been tuned some more, more closely emulating pulseaudio behaviour. - Improve default sink/source handling. Make sure all events are sent correctly when defaults change. - Handle underrun better without causing sync issues. Make sure to pause in corked state. - Implement rewind due to seeks, fixes GStreamer seeking. - Do not remove alsa-card-profiles, they are required- Provide pulseaudio by pipewire-pulseaudio: there are various packages in the distro that require pulseaudio, but essentially, they should be happy with pipewire-pulseaudio as a replacement. Do not provide the symbol though, as we do not (yet) want to automatically migrate users over.- Add pkgconfig(ldacBT-abr) and pkgconfig(ldacBT-enc) BuildRequires: Build bluetooth ldac codec support.- Update to version 0.3.20: + Highlights - Latency was reduced in ALSA and PulseAudio and time reporting has improved a lot. - Bluetooth now has a native HFP backed, SBC XQ and mSBC support. - Many bugfixes and improvements, improved device support. + PipeWire improvements - pw-dump can now dump all objects such as Endpoints - pw-dump has a -m option to monitor changes - pw-dump can now dump metadata - pw-stream can now use the rate-match io to exactly produce the required number of samples for the current cycle. When using this feature, a stream can achieve the same low-latency as pw-filter. - spa-acp-tool can now load a custom profile-set and correctly parses the volume updates - There is now a nofail option when loading modules - The connection has been made reentrant to fix some strange random problems with metadata. - Turn some errors into warnings or simply info. - Executables are now built with PIE - S24OE formats should work now (MAudio FastTrack Pro) - Remove mlock warnings. Add support for mlockall with a config option. + Session-manager - There are now config files for bluez and v4l2 modules - Improve ALSA device and node properties - Bluetooth devices have better properties now. - The default device routing has been improved. + Device support - Port priorities are updated for UCM devices - ACP devices notify change in routes in all cases - There is now RW support in ALSA devices to increase compatibility. - Many improvements to Bluetooth. SBC XQ support can now be enabled with a config option. mSBC can be enabled with an option. - Bluetooth devices not expose Routes so that they look more like how PulseAudio handles them - Gracefully handle missing profile-sets - There is now a native HFP backend - Improve card names in some cases. - pause-on-idle is now disabled for ALSA devices. This can reduce pops and clicks when the device is stopped. + ALSA plugin - Use rate-match to reduce the latency - Implement a _delay() function to get smoother timestamps. - Fix property parsing. Fixes volume changes in alsamixer. + PulseAudio server - Use rate-match to reduce the latency. This also reduces the buffering in audioconvert and improves timestamp reporting. - Implement rate changes now that we have rate-match support. - pactl stats will now work - Fix excessive memory usage when a capture client doesn't read fast enough.- Update to version 0.3.19: + Highlights - Startup after login should be fixed now with inotify used to wait for permissions. - Channels should be mapped correctly now. - Many bluetooth improvements in LDAC, AptX-HD. AAC was also added. Headsets should work better now. - pipewire-libpulse was removed. It is now completely replaced by pipewire-pulse. - Fix a crasher bug in pipewire-pulse and some memory leaks. - Fix a bug with feedback loop that would cause 100% CPU. - A new pw-top tool to display real-time graph performance. - The example session manager now has config files. - The config file format was changed to use the SPA JSON tokenizer. This makes it more flexible and extensible. + PipeWire improvements - Fix debug of id in format channels - Audioconvert should now remap channels correctly in all cases. - Feedback loops were not scheduled correctly and would cause 100% CPU usage. - Small improvements to the profiler to also log incomplete graph status. - a new tool pw-top was added that prints real-time performance stats of the graph. - the rtkit module now sets the nice level to -11 + Session-manager - The session manager would sometimes link dont-reconnect nodes to another node, which would leak monitor streams in pipewire-pulse. - The session manager now has configuration files. Config files can also be placed in the user home directory to make custom configurations. - The session managers now creates unique device and node names for alsa and v4l2 devices. + Device support - Many improvements in Bluetooth codecs, LDAC stuttering, AptX-HD negotiation, LDAC ABR support - Bluetooth supports AAC audio now. - Many fixes to Bluetooth SCO transport used in headsets. - inotify support in device monitors - ACP was synced with the latest pulseaudio code - Fix a bug in enumeration of device ports. - PulseAudio server - seek flags and offset are now supported, making gstreamer pulse elements work better. - Fix a crasher bug in pipewire-pulse, we sometimes would write too much to the ringbuffer - Fix some memory leaks in error cases. - Fix handling of NULL string to locate default sink/source + JACK layer - Ports can also be found with the aliases now, making qjackctl work in more cases. - Changes from PipeWire 0.3.18: + Highlights - More work in the PulseAudio server. It should be compatible with more applications. - Bluetooth now support extra codecs such as AptX/HD and LDAC. - Support for virtual sources and sink was improved a lot. - Added a new pw-dump tool to dump the objects in JSON formats and for filtering them with tools like jq. - Many more stability fixes and improvements. + PipeWire improvements - Silence some harmless warnings - pw-cli can now be used to set parameters. - Streams now perform the correct channel mapping when linked to non-standard multichannel devices. Previously channels would get swapped. - port, node and device params are now cached in the server. This avoids opening and closing devices whenever some client enumerates formats, which improves performance a lot, especially in cases where opening a device is slow. - Add a command to keep a device open during negotiation. This is used to enumerate and set a format while opening the device just once, improving performance. - The null-sink scheduling was fixed. - A memory corruption bug was fixed in format conversion, this could cause crashes, silent channels or other undefined behaviour. - There is now a simple JSON parser. + Session-manager - Settings files are now stored in JSON. With the json parser this is easier to parse and extend + Device support - Bluetooth now supports additional codecs: LDAC, AptX and AptX HD. LDAC is known to not work very well yet. - ALSA devices will now default to the max supported channels if nothing else is specified. This makes it possible to use 8+ channel cards with the alsa-pcm module, which is not supported with the default alsa-acp module. - Enable mSBC support in oFono. - Add an option to disable hardware mixers - ALSA now improves support for batch devices. - The udev rules had references to Pulseaudio removed in order to not create conflicts. - Fix a potential crash in bluetooth devices when disconnecting. - UCM cards now use HW volume when possible. + PulseAudio server - The id can now be used as the name to locate cards and devices - Report streams with planar formats as well - Better error reporting when stream create fails - module-null-sink can now handle channels, rate and channel_map properties - Add support for 3 types of virtual devices: source, sink and duplex. - set-port was fixed - Some buffer parameters were tweaked to improve performance, compatibility and stuttering with lower latency. - NULL can be used as a name for the device sink/source - Support lookup of monitor names - Set properties more like pulseaudio so that some clients (Teamspeak) don't crash anymore - Changes from PipeWire 0.3.17: + Highlights - Fix crasher bug for kwin when screensharing stopped. - Massive improvements and compatibility fixes in the PulseAudio server. - The session manager now has a config directory in /etc/pipewire/media-session.d/ It will look for files there to activate session manager modules. Packagers can use this to only activate the audio modules when the PulseAudio server, libjack.so or the alsa modules are installed. + PipeWire improvements - We now clear hooks before adding them. Some application did not clear them and had random data for the destroy callback. - Return -ENOENT from unknown resources so apps can handle this better. It's a common problem when an app tries to introspect and object but it disappeared before the message reached the server. Apps should ignore this. - channelmap information is now passed with the volume settings. - DMABuf is not mmapp()ed anymore with the FLAG_MAP_BUFFERS in the stream or filter. This is because DMABuf usually requires more that just a simple mmap and is better left for the application. - increase the maximum number of ports for a client-node. - adapter and node-factory now support the linger option to keep the objects alive after the creating client disconnected. + Device support - ALSA now handles error in close(), like when unplugging a USB device. + Session-manager - The session manager is now handling DONT_RECONNECT streams without a target node. They get connected to a default node once and then fail to reconnect. - The session manager now exposes the stream setting as metadata. This makes it possible for other components, such as pulse-server to use this information. Information is stored as a json object for easier consumption. - The session manager now has a config directory in /etc/pipewire/media-session.d/ packagers can use this + PulseAudio server - Pulse server now acquire the dbus name. - Improvements in timing and compatibility with many apps. - The stream-restore extension is now implemented so that the event volume can be configured. - Many stability fixes and improvements. - Fix some issues with module-load/unload - Changes from PipeWire 0.3.16: + Highlights - Fix screensharing for old 0.2 clients - Many pulse-server improvements. There is now a pipewire-pulse binary that is the prefered solution for PulseAudio compatibility. The replacement libpulse libraries are now deprecated. This also makes audio in Flatpak work. + PipeWire improvements - Fix cleanup of listeners everywhere. Force remove of listeners in _destroy to avoid crashes. - Add support for a journald logger module. - Various memory leak fixes - Silence some warnings that spammed the logs. - Fix flush in pw_stream. This fixes small glitches when switching streams in music players. - Various FreeBSD fixes and improvements. - Fix some crashes when destroying objects. + Device support - Reload the ALSA configuration when creating a node so that hotplugged devices work in all cases. - Fix memory leaks in ACP library. This also fixes issues where the mixer device was not closed. - Bluetooth now has support for the mSBC codec for SCO source and sink. + pulse-server - Many introspection and compatibility improvements. It should now be as good or better than the replacement library. - Implement sample cache to make notification events work. + JACK layer - handle errors when linking, fixes jack_connect hang when the ports were already linked. - Drop patches do-not-use-snd_pcm_ioplug_hw_avail.patch and fix-memfd_create-call.patch, no longer needed on SLE/Leap which have updated glibc / alsa. - Drop do-not-install-alsa-config-files.patch, remove files at install time instead. - pw-pulse wrapper is gone, remove all mentions of it. - Package pulseaudio replacement in a subpackage and drop pipewire-libpulse-0_3 (pipewire will use pulseaudio libraries directly). - Create an alsa subpackage and move alsa pipewire plugin to this subpackage.- Update to version 0.3.15: + Highlights - This is a quick update to fix critical issues with the 0.3.14 update, which broke screen sharing and accidentally enabled the experimental pulse-server. - Fix some compatibility issues in pulse-server with pavucontrol and fix an issue that would block the complete server. + PipeWire improvements - Permission checks for new clients are now done from a global context, which makes it possible to assign initial permissions to objects. - Handle EINTR everywhere - Fix an issue with the node state changes where a quick pause/play would hang a client. + Session manager improvements - Disable the bluez5 and pulse-bridge modules by default because they interfere with pulseaudio. These options should only be enabled if pulseaudio is removed or disabled in the system. - Fix an issue where the session manager could end up in infinite recursion while scanning for things to do. - The session manager will now always configure nodes to remix to the channel configuration of the device. This fixes the case where mono streams would only end up on one channel of a stereo device. + Device support - Initial merge of A2DP extra codec support using the new bluez5 API. + pulse-server - Create the runtime directory when it doesn't exist. - Don't ever block the server, use non-blocking IO everywhere. - Fill description of profiles with the name if not otherwise set, this fixes a crash in pavucontrol. - the connection debug catergory will now also debug pulse messages. - Respect the no_remix flag to make the control panel channel check work. + ALSA plugin - implement pause- Update to version 0.3.14: + Highlights - This release focuses on bugfixes and stability improvements. - A new experimental pulse-server module was added. This module implements the pulseaudio protocol on top of PipeWire and can be used to make flatpaks work with PipeWire. It looks like this might be a better way forward compared to the libpulse.so replacement library. - A2DP bluetooth was reworked. Playback should work a lot better now. Support was also added to automatically link an A2DP source to a playback device, which makes it possible to use PipeWire as a bluetooth receiver as well. - Improvements to the routing and volume restore features of the session manager. + PipeWire improvements - The channelmixer does not normalize volumes anymore. Volumes are only normalized for monitoring streams now. - Streams can actually start in the inactive state now. - The channelmixer can now also convert volume updates from one channel layout to another. This makes saved volumes work even when streams have different channel layouts. - Clients are only registered after the properties have been updated. - Links now have a new active state. - Drivers can now also specify a minimum quantum. This makes it possible for bluetooth devices to specify an optimum quantum for the given codec settings and MTU. - The amount of data sent over the socket was reduced by only sending the data that changed. - Client objects are now exposed after they uploaded their properties, which makes the new object more useful. + Tools improvements - pw-cat will now add metadata to the PipeWire streams. + Session manager improvements - Fix crashes when reading bad data in stored settings. - volume and routing is improved. Settings are now remembered per application or media-role. - The session manager remembers the last device used per stream - Fix a bug when moving streams where it could sometimes end up with linking a stream to multiple devices. - Use RTKit to set realtime priority on the data thread in the session manager. This improves performance of the pulse-server and bluetooth devices. - Add a new property to mark streams that want to capture from the monitor of the default sink. - NODE_TARGET can now also contain the node name. This avoids some lookups in the pulseaudio layer when selecting target nodes by name. - the -e and -d options are more usable now and can be used to add and remove modules from the default list of modules. + Device support - v4l2: add some workarounds for buggy drivers. Add Limited support for droidcam. - ACP: improve selection of default port and profiles. - ACP: add support for using the hardware mixer for more than 8 channel streams. - ACP: support the new port type and availability group found in PulseAudio. - A2DP bluetooth timings were reworked. Automatic linking of A2DP sources was added to make it possible for PipeWire to act as a bluetooth receiver. The code was reworked to allow other codecs such as APTX and LDAC in the future. - Try harder to recover from ALSA errors. + GStreamer improvements - Fix some crashes in the monitor that cause gnome-initial-setup to crash. + PulseAudio layer improvements - Many compatibility improvements. Improved playback in chrome. Fix a crash in firefox when the daemon is stopped. - Fix a leak in the formats. - Fix !ADJUST_LATENCY streams like paplay. - Make the device option in paplay work. - Fix volume/mute notifications, this makes plasma volume updates work again. - Do the conversion between PulseAudio cubic volumes and PipeWire linear volumes. Volume levels should behave now like they did with PulseAudio. + JACK layer improvements - Return an error when we run out of midi events. Some application rely on this behaviour. + ALSA plugin improvements - The ALSA plugin now also supports the node name in the playback_node and capture_node properties.- Rename 99-pipewire-default.conf to 99-pipewire-default.conf.example so it's disabled by default and all ALSA I/O doesn't get redirected to pipewire (which was only overrided by pulseaudio's configuration in alsa-plugins-pulse casually). Thanks to Takashi Iwai for noticing (boo#1178104, boo#1177166 and probably boo#1175584) - Add baselibs.conf (boo#1177555)- Update to version 0.3.13: + PipeWire improvements - Add pw-reserve tool to reserve or monitor a device on DBus. - Install spa-resample, a tool to resample a file. - Install spa-acp-tool, a tool to inspect the card profile. - Various fixes and improvements - Fix a bug in pw-stream where a capture stream could run out of buffers and become silent. - Rework the processing loops in the adapter and stream. There is now less latency in PulseAudio and ALSA layers. + Session manager improvements - Improve the device reservation code. We now try to acquire the device using the dbus device reservation API before we probe the device. This avoids conflicts with a running PulseAudio where devices would disappear (because they were locked by the other process). - Don't fail on invalid input from the config files. - Audio devices now have the same name as what PulseAudio would assign. + Device support - v4l2: try to use the format before enumerating the size and framerate. Some drivers don't check the format and might now work better. - v4l2: Fall back to MMAP when EXPBUF fails. Fix MMAP access, just export the fd and the mapoffset. This should make more devices work. - Fix crash in ALSA Card Profile (ACP) code. - ACP: fix selection of default profile. Prefer any possibly available profile over 'Off'. This makes some card at least start with something. - Fix soft volume. After setting the volume to 0, it would stay at 0 until pushed over the max volume. This should fix various volume related issues. + PulseAudio layer improvements - Rework the buffering and latency measurements and tweak the buffer attributes. This should make browsers and media players work better. This should also improve speechd performance. + JACK layer improvements - Fix compilation against newer JACK. - Rebase patch: + do-not-install-alsa-config-files.patch- Update to version 0.3.12: + PipeWire improvements - The channelmap converter now handles unknown and strange channel layouts much better. - The resampler is now cleared correctly, avoiding clicks and pops at the start of sound. - Fixes for various crasher bugs. (paplay drain, vlc shutdown, pactl info, ...) - Fix a race condition in the node state changes that caused all kinds of sync and other issues (vlc, mpv, ...) - Improve the binary name property of applications - Fix the scheduling again of nodes that always need a driver such as the jack clients. + Session manager improvements - Fix routing to default nodes. Sometimes nodes were not routed to the default node (bluetooth) + Device support - Disable channelmap from ALSA by default. This is what PulseAudio does and thus provides better compatibility. - Fix a bug in how the resampler was used in the ALSA source, causing distortion and errors when using low latency capture clients. (Discord, webrtc, ...) - Small bluetooth improvements. More work is needed for reliable bluetooth playback. + GStreamer plugins - The device provider now stops the processing loop before shutting down, which avoids crashes (gnome-initial-setup). + PulseAudio layer improvements - The buffer attributes were reworked to ensure compatibility with many more applications such as mpv and audacious. - The pulseaudio layer will now try hard to not hand out invalid channel maps to the application. (avoids crashes in gnome-volume-control). The channel map will now also look more like what PulseAudio does. - The @DEFAULT_SINK/SOURCE/MONITOR@ wildcards now work. This fixes the problem with volume keys when they are bound to scripts using pactl and the default sink/source wildcards. - The PIPEWIRE_LATENCY environment variable now works again - Fix some leaks of ports and port info. Also fix the leak of the context when the mainloop is stopped. - The sink/source format_info array is now filled up completely, this is actually not implemented yet in the real PulseAudio. + JACK layer improvements - jack now returns version 3.0.0 and has PipeWire in the version string so that apps can report this. - Drop patch: + 0001-alsa-dont-change-the-resampler-delay-value.patch- Update to version 0.3.11: + PipeWire improvements - Properly cleanup the mixer structures when a port is removed, this should fix client crashes related to port config changes and other random crashes. - Optimize the preferred formats in the audio converter. Higher quality formats with higher performance are chosen first. - Make sure the time reported by pw_stream is always increasing, even when the driver and clock changes. - There is now also a system service and socket that can be used to enable PipeWire systemwide. This is however not recommended and disabled by default. - Fix channelmixer 5.1 to stereo mix matrix. It was not reading the conversion matrix correctly and cause channels to be dropped. The channelmixer will now also normalize the volume, like what pulseaudio does. - The channelmixer will now just copy channels when no layout has been given. It has also optimized paths for this. This makes it possible for apps to request > 8 channels from the alsa plugin (ardour). - Port, Node and Link will now also emit an error on the resources in addition to updating the error in the info. This would make it easier to track negotiation errors in the session manager later. - many small fixes and cleanups. - Fix compatibility: - DOSBox: fix crash because of double free in pw_stream + Session manager improvements - The session manager will now try to configure the client to the channel configuration of the sink/source. It will only do this for downmixing, never for upmixing and also never when the client has the dont-remix property set. It will also renegotiate the channel layout when moving a stream to a new sink/source. - Configuration state is now saved in XDG_CONFIG_HOME. Previously it was saved in $HOME/.pipewire-media-session/ You can migrate the state by moving the files to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pipewire-media-session (or $HOME/.config/pipewire-media-session as a fallback when XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set). + Device support - Bluetooth sources and sinks should work better now. - There is now also a new bluetooth backend using hsphfpd. - fix the ALSA UCM Off profile for alsa pcm devices - improve ALSA port and profile switching. The ACP device will now switch to the best port and profile when availability changes. + PulseAudio layer improvements - Implement some more callbacks. The pulse layer will now also notify applications of stream moved, started and latency changes. - Fix error code when an object was not found. We now return PA_ERR_NOENTITY instead of PA_ERR_INVALID. - Add some support for loading new null sinks. Applications such as pulseeffects use this. Note that pulseeffects does not yet work reliably but can start now. - Improve handling of profile and port updates, it should work much more reliable now. Apps should now also again receive volume updates from sinks/sources. - Fix compatibility: - openal-soft 1.20 - pavucontrol (checks PA_ERR_NOENTITY) + JACK layer improvements - improve default source and sink handling. It was not updated correctly in all cases. - add samplerate and period to the pw-jack wrapper to easily configure the desired samplerate and perdiod for the app. + ALSA plugin improvements - Add a mixer entry in the alsa config file. - Implement support for planar types, rework the processing function to make it more robust. - refuse to load the alsa plugin when linked against 0.2. This catches some old apps linked against 0.2 that want to use the alsa plugin. - Fix compatibility: - linphone (ALSA SIGFPE when _status() is called before _prepare()). - Includes fix for a division by 0 error (boo#1176515): + 0021-alsa-protect-against-SIGPFE.patch - Add patch from upstream to fix audio stutters in discord and probably other applications when using alsa directly. + 0001-alsa-dont-change-the-resampler-delay-value.patch- Update to version 0.3.10: + Many improvements to the pulse layer. - GStreamer pulsesink element now works. - Fixes some segfaults. - Enable rtkit for client threads. - fixes capture of monitor stream by name - implement some more extensions, this makes paman work and removes some warnings. + Many improvements to the GStreamer elements - negotiation rework, avoid calling GStreamer methods from the PipeWire callbacks because they might block and cause deadlocks. - Add support for non-string property values. - improve stability after buffer and format renegotiation. - Rework the device provider. - pipewiresink can now provide a stream that can be consumed by apps like cheese. + Many improvements to the JACK layer: - Rework the buffer_size callbacks. Make sure we call the callback from a 'safe' thread and that we don't call the process callback while the application is handling the callback. This improves stability in apps like Carla when PipeWire dynamically changes the buffer size. - Improve compatibility with apps that call get_buffer_frames() with a 0 size (calfjackrack) - JACK can now create nodes that can be set as a sink/source in PulseAudio/ALSA apps (you can make an effects rack and set that as default sink for apps). + Added a group id property for nodes. This makes it possible to schedule nodes with the same driver even when they are otherwise not linked together. To make this work well a new flag needed to be added to nodes to signal when they are ready for processing. Together with the GStreamer fixes, this makes things like: gst-launch-1.0 -v pipewiresrc path=51 stream-properties="props,node.group=1" ! audio/x-raw ! pipewiresink stream-properties="props,node.group=1" work as expected with PipeWire managing the resampling to keep the clocks of the devices in sync. This can later also be used to force devices to be grouped together to create a JACK-like scheduling group. + Streams and filter now use PIPEWIRE_NODE and PIPEWIRE_LATENCY env variables as fallback. + ACP add per device port list. This makes UCM devices expose the right ports. + Fix some segfaults in ACP and UCM. + make pw-cat use the metadata to find default devices. + The media session can now save and load audio device Profiles and Routes (volumes), stream volumes and the default sink and sources.- Update to version 0.3.9: + Fix bad audio in chrome + Remove some errors that are not real errors. + Fix 100% cpu when disconnecting devices. + Improve pulseaudio introspection of formats + Fix JACK metadata handling, carla can now monitor the port it creates and insert midi. + Add a new permission bit (M) that is needed to be able to configure metadata on an object. Improve security of metadata some more, only allow metadata on objects that are visible to the client setting the metadata. + Add support for videocrop in the GStreamer elements. + Improve handling of the runtime directory for the server sockets. Add some reasonable fallback when XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set, as suggested in the spec. + Improve ALSA device names from ACP. + Fix various crasher bugs. One in the pulse layer, one in the session manager. + Make alsa plugin respect the PIPEWIRE_REMOTE env variable. + Various compile fixes.- Update to version 0.3.8: + Fix an embarrassing crasher in the JACK layer when metadata keys were removed. + Make it possible to add properties to jack clients with a PIPEWIRE_PROPS env variable. This can be used to make JACK nodes look like a device (like an effects rack). + Improvements in the session manager in how it links ports. Now it will try to link matching channels first and be more intelligent otherwise. The session manager will also configure the stream to the device port configuration when needed. + Add ofono backend for Bluetooth HeadSet support. + Improve default source and sink handling. They are now stored with their id, instead of name, in the metadata. This makes it work better with JACK because of JACK's limited name length. + Improve environment variables to make it possible to create and connect to servers other than "pipewire-0". Implement this in pulseaudio, JACK and alsa layers. + Add an alsa mixer plugin so that alsamixer works with PipeWire. It will configure the default source/sink volumes. + Fix capture devices. There was something wrong with how the resampler was used that caused corruption in the signal when the resampler was active. + We now ship alsa card paths, profile-sets configuration files and udev rules so that we don't have to rely on the pulseaudio ones. + Many build and stability fixes. - Update to version 0.3.7: + Improved PulseAudio compatibility. The alsa card profile code was reused from PulseAudio. Devices now support all profiles, ports, jack detection, UCM and hardware mixers that PulseAudio implements. There should not be (almost) any difference between PipeWire and PulseAudio in how it presents and manages devices. Other missing API pieces such as the default sink/source and move_stream are implemented now. At this point it should be possible to replace PulseAudio with the compatibility layer for those who want to try. + Many fixes and improvements to the GStreamer elements. pipewiresrc now has the ability to periodically resend the last frame. This makes it possible for use-cases like screensharing to only update the screen on changes while still keeping the client side encoder busy. PipeWire elements can now also share a connection between them. + Improvements to the bluetooth nodes. Dynamically adding and removing devices should work much smoother now. Many fixes and improvements to a2dp and sco nodes. + Reduced memory usage by using less pre-allocated memory where possible. JACK clients are especially using less memory. + Support for passive links is added again. These are links that don't cause the associated driver to become active. This makes it possible to have blocks of effects+sinks go to suspend as a group when not in use. + Both consumers and producers can now ask to renegotiate the format. This required some cleanups and improvements to how links and node states were handled. More work is needed to implement more use cases. + Important fixes to how memory is shared with clients. Memory was not correctly freed in all cases, which would result in reuse of the wrong memory. + Support for planar formats for audio and video was added. + Improved error handling in the session manager. + Metadata is now used to manage default audio source and sink devices. The session manager will try to link streams to the default device. Changing the default device will move streams to the new device. PulseAudio and JACK layers respect the default source/sinks. + Metadata is used to tag the desired output device for a stream and the session manager will move streams when the metadata changes. The PulseAudio layer uses this to implement the move_stream feature. + Many fixes to the security modules. The session manager now has a flatpak module that grants permissions to flatpak apps. The PulseAudio layer now respects the permissions of objects. Security related properties are made read-only now. Different access modules can now coexist. + The portal module has been split up in 2 parts: - a part living in the daemon that monitors the portal dbus owner and tags all clients from this PID. This part has to run in the daemon in order to securely tag the clients. - a part in the session manager that uses the permission store to manage the permissions of portal managed clients. - Drop patches already included in 0.3.7: + 0001-client-node-fix-buffer-size-calculation.patch + 0002-gst-fix-proxy-leaks.patch + 0003-pulse-fix-pa_card_info-profiles2-array-to-be-NULL-terminated.patch + 0004-pulse-fix-size-calculation.patch + 0005-jack-fix-crash-on-close-when-metadata-are-not-available.patch + 0006-a2dpsink-only-request-new-data-when-buffer-is-done.patch + 0007-pulse-fix-counter-while-populating-car_info-profiles.patch + 0008-impl-link-reset-state-before-starting-allocation.patch + 0009-impl-core-clear-the-mempool.patch + 0010-mem-reset-the-map-in-clear.patch + 0011-avoid-uninitialized-variables.patch + 0012-dlclose-on-errors.patch + 0013-stream-handle-NULL-context.patch + 0014-state-always-update-state-variables.patch + 0015-spa-device-fix-leak-of-properties-in-error-case.patch + 0016-alsa-dont-leak-structure-on-error.patch + 0017-alsa-dont-leak-properties-on-error.patch + 0018-stream-fix-some-more-leaks-in-error-paths.patch + 0019-buffers-increase-max-datas-and-metadata-in-buffers.patch + 0020-gst-return-NULL-for-unknown-format.patch - Drop patch and replace it with a sed substitution since the patch context includes the package version and would have to be modified in every package update: + fix-meson-required-version.patch - Add patch to not install alsa card paths, profile-sets configuration files and udev rules which upstream installs "so that we don't have to rely on the pulseaudio ones". + do-not-install-alsa-config-files.patch- Recommend pipewire from libpipewire, so if the library is installed the daemon gets pulled in since we want a daemon to connect to. - Require pipewire-spa-plugins from pipewire instead of recommending it since the support plugin is actually required for most uses (like screen sharing in wayland, which we want to support out-of-the-box). - Enable the pipewire.socket systemd user service in %post (using pulseaudio's %post section as an example of how to do it since systemd-presets-common-SUSE currently lacks support for user services). Also disable it in %preun and %postun.- Add patches from upstream to fix many issues mainly related to memory leaks, crashes and wrong behaviour: + 0001-client-node-fix-buffer-size-calculation.patch + 0002-gst-fix-proxy-leaks.patch + 0003-pulse-fix-pa_card_info-profiles2-array-to-be-NULL-terminated.patch + 0004-pulse-fix-size-calculation.patch + 0005-jack-fix-crash-on-close-when-metadata-are-not-available.patch + 0006-a2dpsink-only-request-new-data-when-buffer-is-done.patch + 0007-pulse-fix-counter-while-populating-car_info-profiles.patch + 0008-impl-link-reset-state-before-starting-allocation.patch + 0009-impl-core-clear-the-mempool.patch + 0010-mem-reset-the-map-in-clear.patch + 0011-avoid-uninitialized-variables.patch + 0012-dlclose-on-errors.patch + 0013-stream-handle-NULL-context.patch + 0014-state-always-update-state-variables.patch + 0015-spa-device-fix-leak-of-properties-in-error-case.patch + 0016-alsa-dont-leak-structure-on-error.patch + 0017-alsa-dont-leak-properties-on-error.patch + 0018-stream-fix-some-more-leaks-in-error-paths.patch + 0019-buffers-increase-max-datas-and-metadata-in-buffers.patch + 0020-gst-return-NULL-for-unknown-format.patch- Rebase patches used in SLE/Leap: + do-not-use-snd_pcm_ioplug_hw_avail.patch + fix-memfd_create-call.patch- Update to version 0.3.6 (boo#1171433, jsc#ECO-2308): + Extensive memory leak fixing and stress testing was done. A big leak in screen sharing with DMA-BUF was fixed. + Compile fixes + Stability improvements in jack and pulseaudio layers. + Added the old portal module to make the Camera portal work again. This will be moved to the session manager in future versions. + Improvements to the GStreamer source and sink shutdown. + Fix compatibility with v2 clients again when negotiating buffers. - Disable vulkan if the vulkan package is too old (as in SLE 15 SP0 and SP1) - Add patch to build with meson >= 0.46.0 since 0.50.0 is not really needed: + fix-meson-required-version.patch- Filter out libpulse.so.0 and libjack.so.0 automatic provides so this is not considered an alternative when resolving dependencies in the distribution.- Add patch to fix build in SLE/Leap where alsa doesn't have a snd_pcm_ioplug_hw_avail function: + do-not-use-snd_pcm_ioplug_hw_avail.patch- Update to version 0.3.5: + Compiler fixes + Add pw-midiplay and pw-midirecord aliases + Add pw-mididump tool + Add pw-metadata tool to inspect, add and remove metadata for objects. + Docs updates, man pages + install alsa config files + Fix linked sink/source in pulseaudio + ratelimit graph processing warnings + improve buffer handling in GStreamer elements + Fix power usage by removing the queue for the alsa sequencer system announce messages. + Fix metadata clear() method dispatch. + Improve parameter enumeration, make it possible to detect missing parameters vs no-compatible parameters so that we can use defaults in the first case and error in the second case. + Fix cleanup of proxy objects. Stability improvements on plug/unplug in session manager. + Make it possible to set log level from config file + improve debug of param negotiation errors. Log the parameters to stderr/journal. + Make it possible to configure global logger implementation. + Fix NEON detection + JACK and PulseAudio compatibility improvements - Update to version 0.3.4: + A quick update with some important stability fixes. - Update to version 0.3.3: + NEON optimizations for audio conversion (32 and 64 bits) + rework of session manager implementation + Add option to disable modules in the session manager + Release midi hardware devices when suspended + various build fixes + Clean up options of various utils + Stability improvements + Mayor improvements in pulseaudio emulation. Improved timings and compatibility. + Implementation of drain and flush in pulse and alsa emulation. + Implement poll on file descriptors. + Improvement of metadata for jack emulation. + Fix memory and thread problems in jack emulation. + Simplification of state changes. Should make more use cases work in the jack emulation. + Improvements in the gstreamer elements. Removal of extra internal queue. pipewiresink can now be used to play audio. + Add pw-jack and pw-pulse scripts to run pulseaudio and jack applications with the right library path. - Replace libpulse* replacement packages with a single pipewire-libpulse-0_3 package that includes all libraries installed in the non-standard directory %{_libdir}/pipewire-0.3/pulse and a new pw-pulse wrapper script. Likewise for the jack replacement libraries in a new pipewire-libjack-0_3 package. - Use update-alternatives for the wrapper scripts.- Use the License rpm tag to specify that although most of pipewire is licensed under MIT, the pulseaudio replacement library is licensed under LGPL-2.1+.- Use gcc9 to build in SLE-15 / Leap 15, since at least gcc8 is needed now.- Update to version 0.3.2: + build fixes + Added support for data type negotiation. This makes it possible for a client to say that it can handle DMABuf and MemFd and then let the server select a compatible format. + Handle errors when enumerating parameters better. + Add support for rate, format, channels and period_bytes to the alsa config file to restrict what alsa apps can negotiate. + Fix JACK midi output. + Optimizations in common audio format conversions using AVX2. Small optimizations to plugins. + Change the vulkan compute example to an MIT licensed shader. + Remove some hardcoded defaults in the audio and video processing and use the values from the processing context. This also fixes the vulkan example. + Correct the documentation and defaults in the daemon config file. + Fix alsa and v4l2 buffer recycle. A paused client could cause the server to leak all buffers. + Remove some warnings that should be ignored. + Fix a crash in the bluez5 plugins. + Try to select higher quality formats first when negotiating a format with an audio device. + Fix an infinite loop in udev detection in some cases. + Add non-interactive mode to pw-cli. You can now just do "pw-cli ls Port" to get a listing of all ports. pw-cli will now also connect to the default server by default and has options to select a different server. + Allow the server to go up to the maximum quantum (8192 samples or ~=180ms) if a client explicitly wants this.- Update to version 0.3.1+48: + Fix 32bit build.- Switch to source service, update to explicit head, file with non-compliant license replaced.- Switch license to MIT and actually package it. - Add doxygen, graphviz and xmltoman BuildRequires and pass docs and man = true to meson, build documentation. Package docs in a new docs sub-package. - Add check section and run meson_test macro, run tests during build. - Add fdupes BuildRequires and pass fdupes macro, remove duplicate files.- Update to version 0.3.1: + This is a bugfix release that is API and ABI compatible with previous 0.3.x releases. + Don't load the rtkit module by default. It can cause a sigkill, which is not desirable for mutter, for example. Only enable this for the jack library for now. + Don't use pthread cancel by default because it uses a signal that might crash some apps. Only use it for the jack library because jack clients really expect this. + Build fixes for -Werror=suggest-attribute=format + improve error messages, don't report harmless errors and warnings. Try to send error messages to the proxy that started the operation or is the owner of the object. + pw-cat: midi improvement, add midi recording and dump in verbose mode + fix properties when loading spa-nodes from the config + Fix and update some examples + jack: check arguments and don't crash when invalid + Fix buffer memory upload. + jack: fix compatibility with zrythm. Fix timemaster install, improve sample_rate callback. Fix reposition handling. + fix crash in port after buffer negotiation error. + add support for control ports in pw_filter + fix cleanup of the metadata module + improve param enumeration. + Clear stream buffers when the format is cleared. + Add create-object command in the config file to create object from a factory. + Fix crash after the driver was not removed from unassigned nodes. Also properly pause inactive nodes. + Use "true" and "false" in properties when we are talking about a boolean. + pulseaudio: improve compatibility- Add patch to build correctly with glibc < 2.27 (like in SLE/Leap): + fix-memfd_create-call.patch- Add BuildRequires for pkgconfig(sndfile) and pkgconfig(vulkan) so the vulkan plugin is built. - Version the spa-plugins subpackage so different versions of the plugins can be co-installed in the future.- Update to version 0.3.0: + The 0.3 release is a major milestone in the developement of PipeWire. It features a complete redesign of the scheduling mechanisms that make it possible to run a JACK compatibility layer with comparable performance to JACK2. + The API has been reworked and is declared stable now. All developement files and runtime paths are versioned so that future incompatible changes can be done without breaking exising applications. + PipeWire 0.3 also includes a (now mandatory) session manager that populates and controls the PipeWire graph. This example session manager is very simple and not configurable. It is expected that future version will either switch to a more flexible session manager (like WirePlumber) or improve the configuration options of the example session manager. + PipeWire 0.3 includes both PulseAudio, JACK and ALSA compatibility libraries that are known to support a wide range of applications. The ALSA library is pretty complete at this point. The JACK and mostly the PulseAudio compatibility libraries need more work. See the Wiki pages for the current compatibility problems. We do not yet encourage people to switch away from their existing audio solutions (PulseAudio or JACK) but we would love to hear from people who try it anyways. Future versions will mostly focus on improving compatibility further to make PipeWire a drop-in replacement. PipeWire comes with some GStreamer plugins to consume and produce data for PipeWire. The consumer (pipewiresrc) is working well in most cases. The sink (pipewiresink) is known to be somewhat problematic for now. - Add pkgconfig(bluez) and pkgconfig(libpulse) BuildRequires: New dependencies. - Bump libpipewire, apiver and spa_ver define following upstreams changes. Also add a new sover define. - Package new subpackages: libjack-pw0_3_0, libpulse-mainloop-glib-pw0_3_0, libpulse-pw0_3_0 and libpulse-simple-pw0_3_0, as well as handle them in post(un). - Adjust options passed to meson following upstreams changes.- Update to version 0.2.7: + Add support for alsa-lib 1.1.9 which changed the include path + Improve error checking and reporting in the protocol + deviceprovider: fix probing without starting + add sentinel to some functions + compiler fixes for musl + Revert object tree permission checks that broke things, this is probably not a good idea (and the tree of objects is going to be removed later)- Update to version 0.2.6: + Improve error checking for threads. + Fix some memory and fd leaks. + Fix compilation with C++ compilers and clang. + DISABLE_RTKIT should now not try to use dbus at all. + Camera Portal fixes: - add Camera media.role. - Rename module-flatpak to module-portal. - Use the portal permissions store for camera checks. + Actually use the passed fd in pipewiresrc. + Make properties with "pipewire." prefix read-only. + Add security label to client object. + Enforce link permissions. + Permissions of objects are now combined with parent permissions. + Remove libv4l2 dependency, it is not used. + Improve format negotiation in autolink #146. + Try to avoid list corruption with event emmission #143. + Fix destroy of client-node memory corruption. + Various small improvements. - Remove pkgconfig(libv4l2) BuildRequires: follow upstreams cleanup of build dependencies. - Drop avoid-invalid-conversion-error-with-C++.patch: fixed upstream.- Add patch to fix use of headers from C++: + avoid-invalid-conversion-error-with-C++.patch- Update to version 0.2.5: + Build fixes for systemd. + Add cursor and bitmap metadata. This can be used to send a cursor sprite with the video stream. + Permissions were set too strict for non-flatpak clients. + Fix crash in loop caused by thread unsafe hook emission. + Add more error checking for thread-loop. + Small cleanups and bugfixes. - Drop libspa define and add spa_ver define, and following this drop libspa-lib1 subpackage, no longer built. - Drop doxygen BuildRequires and manpages source, follow upstream in not building docs nor manually installing manpages that have to be updated every version bump to ensure they are current. - Add pkgconfig(libsystemd) BuildRequires: New dependency. - Update options passed to meson following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.2.2: + Add apiversion to pkgconfig as well. - Add apiver define and set it to 0.2. - Bump libpipewire define to libpipewire-0_2-1 and libspa define to libspa-lib1 following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.2.1: + stream: update to latest API. + hook: add private data for future expansion.- Update to version 0.2.0 + No changelog provided by upstream. To see the changes in this version, please browse the commit logs at https://github.com/PipeWire/pipewire/commits/0.2.0 .- Initial package, version 0.1.9.h04-ch2b 1702652803  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !0.3.49-150400. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://build.suse.de/SUSE:Maintenance:30992/SUSE_SLE-15-SP4_Update/0236a051f3c25d99d32b11597f422d4d-pipewire.SUSE_SLE-15-SP4_Updatedrpmxz5x86_64-suse-linux     directoryHTML document, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesHTML document, ASCII text, with very long linesASCII textPNG image data, 8 x 30, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 7 x 8, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 9 x 9, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedHTML document, ASCII textPNG image data, 24 x 22, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedUTF-8 Unicode textPNG image data, 104 x 31, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedASCII text, with no line terminatorsUTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesPNG image data, 1 x 56, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlacedPNG image data, 1 x 6, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 1 x 12, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlacedPNG image data, 6 x 1024, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlacedPNG image data, 24 x 24, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 1 x 36, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlacedASCII text, with very long lines, with no line terminators#33OHLw8 utf-8bc8ee46a3ee5c18641194ab84ae7c950313a61cb67ae3cfd605809cf4145b02f?P7zXZ !t/7l"]"k%QΗߐ3d*>$- _V, cQLOR>=@=H@3.?`tW:Y5[qnOw`i+\d6R,}n]EkK'ڠIfcqFQ,ԁ mfvm{m0ZV"[C|)drsi@WBВګhnKup@I6 ![|q(C;e'Pwń܀E:]CむnxnI\ 3A0$QHv*MmXko]z,AUVǬhOރ;ǖeA93tm'tzZb _BG]moܙ V~e*"K0OTU. 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