libreoffice-l10n-sat-<>,eyyp9|tuLbz -yM;{S՜XB(&Qʍd\K+eBv ViNGˋ! ﴨ DuDȀK' >N#8S]QC#py.˜Q;THHq˺3|n8TynO B7?7d . Y! 7Qu{.X. . . . v. .\.B.(T. Pp(/889H:<`@. B.F.(G.<.H..I/.X/Y/Z0[0 \0.]0.^2T b3c4d5e5f5"l5$u58.v5z6677777Clibreoffice-l10n-sat7.6.2.1150400.17.20.1Santali localization files for LibreOfficeProvides Santali translations and additional resources (help files, etc.) for LibreOffice.eyyh01-ch4d%wSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-3.0-or-later AND MPL-2.0+ [ "$1" = "0" -a -f /usr/share/libreoffice/l10n-sat_list.txt -a -x /usr/bin/libreoffice-share-linker ]; then /usr/bin/libreoffice-share-linker --unlink /usr/share/libreoffice/l10n-sat_list.txt || true rm -f /usr/share/libreoffice/l10n-sat_list.txt 2> /dev/null || true fiPT(I_K_4F3~@D 6+b]% VcTL% Z_fAAA큤AA큤A큤A큤A큤ey eyeyeyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyreyrey ey:eyreyeyrey eyyUeyyUeyeyu?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-     /bin/sh/bin/shlibreofficelibreoffice-share-linkerrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)^^z^)@^^@@^^W@^W@^b^@^@^^^m@^^U@^^@^}^n^f/^M#@^J@^C^?@^;^2@^)^^@^@^^ @]N@]{@]@]@]W](]]m]x]v>]v>]g@]_@][]Z@]V]V]R@]L]B@]A]1]#0@] @]\"\\@\P\@\!\r@\\@\\@\\B@\@\@\Y@\\}@\}@\v{\u*@\s\o@\ac\T4\J@\I\I\HW@\HW@\HW@\G\A\\I\[[[@[@[k@[0[ٙ@[G[G[Ѱ@[[#@[[@[[@[qr[i[f[b@[a[[ @[Y[U@[Q[GB[CN@[:[3|@[,[+@[+@[+@[&M@[$[$[#@[[o[@[ZnZ@ZZZmZmZZ@Z@ZZZЛZJ@ZZZ̧@Z̧@ZUZa@ZlZlZlZlZlZZZZZ%Z@Z1@Z1@ZZZ_@Z Z@ZZ}@Z}@ZtRZtRZo Zhu@Zhu@Z_:Z]@Z\Z\ZN@ZKt@Z:PZ1@Z/Z.s@Z.s@Z.s@Z*~Z)-@Z'ZZ@Z@Z Z }YZ@YYYY@YYܶ@YdYdY*@Y@YYY@YaYu@YdY[@YNT@YJ_YGY?Y9<@Y7Y0Y0Y0Y)j@Y@YR@YtXXX-X@X!@XƉX•@XX@X@X@XXXXXXXX~@Xx@Xs{@Xn5@XlXY@XWXOXBXBX2X@XX2@WW@W֘WW#W@W@W9W W~Ws@Wm Wc@WZWPWPW0{W,@W)@WX@WX@WcWW@VbVbV?@V@V@V޾Vm@V'@VVVɦVV@V@VT@V@V@V<@V<@V @V$@Vy;@VwVwVrVpVn@VjV]V@V4@V(V'~@V'~@V'~@V V Vf@U@U@U@U@U@U@U@UM@Uݪ@UU@U@UUUUy@U@UJ@UU@U@Ua@U|@Un@U]U\w@US boost_1_82_0.tar.xz * curl-8.0.1.tar.xz -> curl-8.2.1.tar.xz * -> * icu4c-72_1-src.tgz -> icu4c-73_2-src.tgz * libassuan-2.5.5.tar.bz2 -> libassuan-2.5.6.tar.bz2 * pdfium-5408.tar.bz2 -> pdfium-5778.tar.bz2 * poppler-22.12.0.tar.xz -> poppler-23.06.0.tar.xz * poppler-data-0.4.11.tar.gz -> poppler-data-0.4.12.tar.gz * skia-m103-b301ff025004c9cd82816c86c547588e6c24b466.tar.xz -> skia-m111-a31e897fb3dcbc96b2b40999751611d029bf5404.tar.xz - New bundled dependencies: * graphite2-minimal-1.3.14.tgz * harfbuzz-8.0.0.tar.xz + needed for SLE12-SP2, where harfbuzz is really old - libreoffice-draw requires libreoffice-impress from 7.5 onwards, bsc#1215595 - Added patch: * python34-no-f-strings.patch + Applied on SLE12-SP5 + Do not format using F-strings, since it is python 3.6+ feature and SLE12-SP5 has python 3.4 - Refreshed patch: * 0002-Revert-Require-HarfBuzz-5.1.0.patch - Removed patches: * bsc1198666.patch * bsc1200085.patch * bsc1204040.patch * fix_harfbuzz_on_sle12_sp5.patch - Update libreoffice-rpmlintrc - Fix CVE-2023-1183, arbitrary file write in LibreOffice Base (CVE-2023-1183, bsc#1212444, bsc#1209243)- Update to (jsc#PED-3549): You can check for each minor release notes here: - Update bundled dependencies: * pdfium-5058.tar.bz2 -> pdfium-5408.tar.bz2 * boost_1_79_0.tar.xz -> boost_1_80_0.tar.xz * poppler-22.09.0.tar.xz -> poppler-22.12.0.tar.xz * gpgme-1.16.0.tar.bz2 -> gpgme-1.18.0.tar.bz2 * curl-7.86.0.tar.xz -> curl-8.0.1.tar.xz * icu4c-71_1-src.tgz -> icu4c-72_1-src.tgz * -> - Fix CVE-2023-0950, stack underflow in ScInterpreter (bsc#1209242, CVE-2023-0950) - Fix CVE-2023-2255, Remote documents loaded without prompt via IFrame (bsc#1211746, CVE-2023-2255) - Fix bsc#1204040 - LO-L3: PPTX: shadow effect for table offset too far to the right * bsc1204040.patch - Fix bsc#1198666 - LO-L3: Need to be able to set the default tab size for each text object * bsc1198666.patch - Fix bsc#1200085 - LO-L3: FILEOPEN PPTX: extra paragraph after some 2-line text with link * bsc1200085.patch - Do not use binutils-gold as the package is unmaintained and will be removed in the future (boo#1210687). - Added patches: * 0002-Revert-Require-HarfBuzz-5.1.0.patch * fix-sdk-idl.patch - Refreshed patches: * 0001-Revert-java-9-changes.patch * fix_harfbuzz_on_sle12_sp5.patch * fix_math_desktop_file.patch * use-fixmath-shared-library.patch - Removed patches: * libreoffice- Update to (jsc#PED-1785): You can check for 7.4 release notes here: You can check for each minor release notes here: - Updated bundled dependencies: * boost_1_77_0.tar.xz -> boost_1_79_0.tar.xz * curl-7.83.1.tar.xz -> curl-7.86.0.tar.xz * -> * icu4c-70_1-src.tgz -> icu4c-71_1-src.tgz * pdfium-4699.tar.gz2 -> pdfium-5058.tar.bz2 * poppler-21.11.0.tar.xz -> poppler-22.09.0.tar.xz * poppler-data-0.4.10.tar.gz -> poppler-data-0.4.11.tar.gz * skia-m97-a7230803d64ae9d44f4e1282444801119a3ae967.tar.xz - > skia-m103-b301ff025004c9cd82816c86c547588e6c24b466.tar.xz - Added patches: * fix_harfbuzz_on_sle12_sp5.patch * fix_webp_on_sle12_sp5.patch * use-fixmath-shared-library.patch - Refresh fix_gtk_popover_on_3.20.patch - Removed upstreamed patches: * bsc1197498.patch * bsc1200009.patch * bsc1201093.patch * bsc1202032.patch * bsc1202114.patch * CVE-2022-3140-4.patch- Update to (jsc#SLE-23447): - LO-L3: Empty table rows appear with lower height * bsc1197498.patch - LO-L3: PPTX saved from LO shows with different colors in MSO * bsc1200009.patch - LO-L3: PPTX: transparency of PNG image not "shown" * bsc1201093.patch - LO-L3: video stops after one iteration instead of playing in loop * bsc1202032.patch - LO-L3: Video is "blown" up, distorting proportions * bsc1202114.patch - Fix CVE-2022-3140, Macro URL arbitrary script execution (CVE-2022-3140, bsc#1203209) * CVE-2022-3140-4.patch - Updated bundled dependencies: * curl-7.79.1 -> curl-7.83.1 - Remove upstreamed patches: * bsc1192616.patch- Update to (jsc#SLE-23447): You can read the release notes for major version 7.3 here: Release notes for minor releases: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: CVE-2022-26305 (bsc#1201868) CVE-2022-26307 (bsc#1201872) - Update bundled dependencies: * boost_1_75_0.tar.xz -> boost_1_77_0.tar.xz * curl-7.79.1.tar.xz * gpgme-1.13.1.tar.bz2 -> gpgme-1.16.0.tar.bz2 * -> * icu4c-69_1-src.tgz -> icu4c-70_1-src.tgz * libassuan-2.5.3.tar.bz2 -> libassuan-2.5.5.tar.bz2 * libgpg-error-1.37.tar.bz2 -> libgpg-error-1.43.tar.bz2 * pdfium-4500.tar.bz2 -> pdfium-4699.tar.bz2 * skia-m90-45c57e116ee0ce214bdf78405a4762722e4507d9.tar.xz -> skia-m97-a7230803d64ae9d44f4e1282444801119a3ae967.tar.xz - Added patches: * bsc1192616.patch - Refreshed patches: * 0001-Revert-java-9-changes.patch * fix_gtk_popover_on_3.20.patch * fix-wayland-scaling-in-plasma.patch - Deleted patches: * bsc1183308.patch - This package contain the fixes for the following bugs: * bsc#1196212 * bsc#1195881 - This package is not affected by the following bugs: * bsc#1196017 * bsc#1196499 - Enable gtk3_kde5. The gtk3 interface is more stable than the qt5/kf5 one, this option makes it possible to use gtk3 in kde with the kde filepicker (bsc#1197017) - Add system_curl build condition- Update to (jsc#SLE-18214): * Fix CVE-2021-25636 Incorrect trust validation of signature with ambiguous KeyInfo children (CVE-2021-25636, bsc#1196456)- Fix bsc#1183308: LO-L3: Simple, seven page slide deck of 3.7MB takes looong to open, start presentation mode, or move back to slide 1 * bsc1183308.patch- Removed unrecognized option `--disable-vlc` This option has been removed from upstream in commit There's no real change in our build given that the VLC avmedia backend was explicitly disabled. * Fix provided by Marina Latini - Fix gtk popover usage on gtk 3.20 * patch provided by Gustavo Boiko fix_gtk_popover_on_3.20.patch - Revert upstream commit * patch provided by Gustavo Boiko fix_math_desktop_file.patch - Fix generated list of files for python scripts - Updating some LibreOffice buildrequires * Fix provided by Marina Latini - Fix UI scaling on HIDPI Wayland/KDE screens * fix-wayland-scaling-in-plasma.patch - Refreshed patch 0001-Revert-java-9-changes.patch- Update to (jsc#SLE-18214) * Fixes for the following issues: bsc#1187982 bsc#1189813 - Use vendored boost for all codestreams except Tumbleweed. Update boost vendored version. - Add vendored poppler to use for all codestreams except Tumbleweed. - Keep upstream desktop file names (bsc#1183655) and display math icon (bsc#1180479) - Source profile.d/ from either /etc (if found) or /usr/etc). - Dropped patches: * bsc1187173.patch * bsc1182969.patch * tdf142839.patch * bsc1185797.patch * multicolumn-crash-fix.patch * use-comphelper.patch- Fix bsc#1187173 and bsc#1186871: fix component handling for ucpdav1 when --with-webdav=serf * bsc1187173.patch- Avoid crash getting default item for OWN_ATTR_TEXTCOLUMNS * multicolumn-crash-fix.patch- Fix tdf#142839: a regression caused by "Multi column textbox in editengine" * tdf142839.patch- Use asimdrdm CPU flag for aarch64 to select only powerful buildhosts- Fix bsc#1182969: LO-L3: PPTX: one column becomes two within one text frame (two occurrences) * bsc1182969.patch- Update to (bsc#1178806) * 7.1.4 final release - Dropped patches: * bsc1184961.patch- Fix bsc#1185797: Searching in PPTX document makes LibreOffice crash * bsc1185797.patch- Fix bsc#1185505 - LO-L3: Text highlight "bleeds" when saving as PPTX * bsc1185505.patch- Recommend libreoffice-qt5 only when it is actually created- Add gcc11-fix-error.patch as fix for boo#1186110.- libreoffice requires at least java 1.8.0 to run properly - mention some forgotten issues in the changelog- Add bsc1184961.patch to fix bsc#1184961 more cleanly - Drop 0001-Revert-rhbz-1931423.patch- Update to * 7.1.3 final release - Drop merged patches: * 0002-fix-the-endif-placement-for-GTK_CHECK_VERSION.patch * bsc1182970.patch - Add temporary 0001-Revert-rhbz-1931423.patch (bsc#1184961, bsc#1184527) * libreoffice oomath does not ask to save changes when closing document- Install qt5 plugin when the desktop environment needs it (boo#1184596)- Adjust the package to work on SLE-12-SP5 * bundle boost and icu * add patches 0001-Revert-java-9-changes.patch and 0002-fix-the-endif-placement-for-GTK_CHECK_VERSION.patch- Fix bsc#1182970 - LO-L3: PPTX: image styles that clip images into curvy shapes missing (and images shown rectangular) * bsc1182970.patch- Version update to * 7.1.2 final release - Drop merged patches: * bsc1174465.diff * bsc1181644.diff * bsc1176547_1.diff * bsc1176547_2.diff- Update to (fixes bsc#1182790) * 7.1.1 final release - Drop merged patch bsc1177955.diff - Fix bsc#1176547 - Image shown with different aspect ratio * bsc1176547_1.diff * bsc1176547_2.diff- Fix bsc#1181644 - LO-L3: Text changes are reproducibly lost (PPTX, SmartArt) * bsc1181644.diff- Fix bsc#1174465 - LO-L3: Impress in TW ( messes up bullet points * bsc1174465.diff- Adjust to new Box2D and enable KDE on SLE15SP3 or newer- Update to (bsc#1176198, bsc#1176197, bsc#1175552) * RC3 7.1 series - Update bundled dependencies - New patch use-comphelper.patch to fix build - Rebased patch bsc1177955.diff - Dropped merged patches: * 0001-Upgrade-liborcus-to-0.16.0.patch * bsc1178944.diff * bsc1178943.diff * bsc1178807.diff * bsc1179025.diff- Fix bsc#1177955 - LO-L3: SmartArt: text wrongly aligned, background boxes not quite right,... * bsc1177955.diff- Update to 7.0.4 * .4 bugfix release of 7.0 series - Removed patch: * icu68.patch + integrated upstream- Update SUSE.soc to reflect current SUSE branding, add following colors (bsc#1181122): * SUSE Mint * SUSE Midnight Blue * SUSE Waterhole Blue * SUSE Persimmon See also Fix bsc#1179025 - LO-L3: LibreOffice crashes opening a PPTX * bsc1179025.diff- Fix bsc#1178807 - LO-L3: Text box from PowerPoint renders vertically instead of horizontally * bsc1178807.diff- Add icu68.patch: fix build with ICU 68- LO-L3: Shadow effect(s) for table completely missing - part 1 and 2 * bsc1178944.diff * bsc1178943.diff- Disable firebird integration for the time being (boo#1179203).- Update to 7.0.3: * .3 bugfix release of 7.0 series- Add patch to work with latest orcus/ixion: * 0001-Upgrade-liborcus-to-0.16.0.patch- Update to * RC2 of 7.0.2- Update to (bsc#1172941, bsc#1162022): * RC2 release of 7.0.1- Update BR to match up Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro.- Update to * RC1 of 7.0.1 release- Update to * Final stable release for 7.0.0 version- Update to * RC2 7.0 series update- Update to * RC1 7.0 series containing many additional fixes - Remove merged patches: * libreoffice-clipped-sidebar-paragraph-widget.patch * libreoffice-select-correct-item-in-gallery.patch * libreoffice-stuck-widgets-in-sidebar.patch * pyuno-nopwd.patch * poppler-0.86.patch - Also contains fixes for bsc#1155141 and bsc#1136234- Update libreoffice-stuck-widgets-in-sidebar.patch with an additional fix from upstream (tdf#134360).- Add patches from upstream to fix regressions: * libreoffice-stuck-widgets-in-sidebar.patch: some sidebar widgets getting stuck in a disabled state (boo#1173410, tdf#134360). * libreoffice-select-correct-item-in-gallery.patch: select the item in gallery before dragging it (boo#1173409, tdf#134285). * libreoffice-clipped-sidebar-paragraph-widget.patch: fix too wide and clipped paragraph widget in sidebar (boo#1173404, tdf#134357).- Update SUSE.soc bsc#1173471 to match up current SUSE branding colors- Enable skia build; building with gcc atm- Add patch to fix bsc#1116658: * pyuno-nopwd.patch- Update to * Beta candidate with all the new 7.0 series content - Remove merged patches: * bsc1146025.diff * bsc1157627.diff * bsc1160687-2.diff * bsc1160687-3.diff * bsc1160687-4.diff * bsc1160687-5.diff * bsc1160687-6.diff * bsc1160687-7.diff * bsc1160687-8.diff * bsc1165849-1.diff * bsc1165849-2.diff * bsc1165849-3.diff * bsc1165870.diff * bsc1172053.diff * bsc1172189.diff * replace-boost-bimap-in-sdext-pdfimport.patch * fix_old_boost_spirit_namespace.patch - Rebase patch install-with-hardlinks.diff- Remove mime-info and application-registry dirs bsc#1062631- Fix bsc#1172053 - LO-L3: Image disappears during roundtrip 365->Impress->365 * bsc1172053.diff- Fix bsc#1172189 - LO-L3: Impress crashes midway opening a PPTX document * bsc1172189.diff- Fix bsc#1157627 - LO-L3: Some XML-created shapes simply lost upon PPTX import (= earth loses countries) * bsc1157627.diff- Fix bsc#1146025 - LO-L3: Colored textboxes in PPTX look very odd (SmartArt) * bsc1146025.diff- Fix bsc#1165849 - LO-L3: Shadow size for rectangle is only a fraction of Office 365 * bsc1165849-1.diff * bsc1165849-2.diff * bsc1165849-3.diff- Update to bsc#1172795 bsc#1172796: * CVE-2020-12802: libreoffice: 'stealth mode' remote resource restrictions bypass * CVE-2020-12803: libreoffice: forms in ODF documents can be submitted to file:// URIs * 6.4.4 release - Remove merged patch bsc1160687-1.diff- Fix bsc#1160687 - LO-L3: Elements on title page mixed up * bsc1160687-1.diff * bsc1160687-2.diff * bsc1160687-3.diff * bsc1160687-4.diff * bsc1160687-5.diff * bsc1160687-6.diff * bsc1160687-7.diff * bsc1160687-8.diff- Fix bsc#1165870 - LO-L3: Image shadow that should be invisible shown as extraneous line below * bsc1165870.diff- Update to bsc#1171997 CVE-2020-12801: * 6.4.3 RC2 release - Drop merged patch adapt-o3tl-span-to-removal-of-std-span-cbegin-et-al.patch- Add replace-boost-bimap-in-sdext-pdfimport.patch and adapt-o3tl-span-to-removal-of-std-span-cbegin-et-al.patch in order to fix boo#1167463.- Add poppler-0.86.patch: fix the build with poppler 0.86.- Update to jsc#SLE-11174 jsc#SLE-11175 jsc#SLE-11176 bsc#1167223: * 6.4.2 RC2 release- Update to * 6.4.2 RC1 release - Remove merged patch: * soffice.sh_Avoid-exporting-empty-LC_ALL.patch- fix_old_boost_spirit_namespace.patch: fixes build with older boost versions by moving to modern Boost.Spirit namespace usage- Update to * 6.4.1 RC1 release * Add sfir and breeze dark svg iconsets - Remove merged patch: * lo-Fix-build-with-poppler-0.83.patch- Fix autocorrect names for Italian In Italian there are also other locales that should be included in this list like fur_IT lld_IT sc_IT and vec_IT- Remove unneeded (and counterintuitive) mysql/mariadb dep from core RPMs. Move it instead to the -base package, where it's really used.- Add soffice.sh_Avoid-exporting-empty-LC_ALL.patch to fix broken handling of non-ASCII characters in the KDE filedialog (boo#1161816)- Move the animation library to core package bsc#1162152- Update to * RC 3 of 6.4 release - Require java 1.8 or newer- Add lo-Fix-build-with-poppler-0.83.patch: Fix build with poppler-0.83.- Update to * RC2 of 6.4 release - Drop merged patch 0001-tdf-129879-Fix-wrong-order-of-buttons.patch- Add patch to fix button ordering in Qt interface: * 0001-tdf-129879-Fix-wrong-order-of-buttons.patch- Set LANG during check; needed for a UTF8-related test to pass.- Update to * Various minor fixes for the RC1 of 6.4 branch- Update to * Various features for 6.4 libreoffice series - Remove upstreamed patch mdds-1-5.patch- Drop disable-kde4 switch as it is no longer known by configure- Update to jsc#SLE-8705: * 6.3.3 stable release- Add mssing krasa_jaga_svg icons to filelist- Update to * 6.3 series stability fixes - Remove merged 0001-Check-for-EMOJI-content-only-on-ICU-57-and-newer.patch- As gtk2 will be removed in future releases we are disabling it on 6.3 too to test out if we expose some regressions while we can revert back and enable it again- Enable build on ppc64le. - Let the test suite run on ppc64le and disable the failing tests.- Update to * Fixes for full 6.3.2 release included- Add patch to fix building on SLE12: * 0001-Check-for-EMOJI-content-only-on-ICU-57-and-newer.patch- Update to * Contain fixes for the bellow CVE issues and also few stability tweaks - Drop merged patches: * old-boost.patch * old-boost2.patch - Add Silesian language- Update to bsc#1149944 VUL-0: CVE-2019-9854 Unsafe URL assembly flaw bsc#1149943 VUL-0: CVE-2019-9855 path equivalence handling flaw bsc#1152684 VUL-1: CVE-2019-9853: libreoffice: macro execution bypassed the security settings - Drop merged patch: * 0001-Fix-buidling-with-older-boost.patch- Update to * 6.3.1 RC1 - Remove merged patch: * gcc.patch- Add one more patch for the old boost: * old-boost2.patch- Add patch to fix building on SLE12: * old-boost.patch- Add patch to fix build with SLE12 boost: * 0001-Fix-buidling-with-older-boost.patch- Fix syntax for RPM on SLE12- Add patch to build with mdds-1.5: * mdds-1-5.patch- Update to bsc#1146098 CVE-2019-9850 bsc#1146105 CVE-2019-9851 bsc#1146107 CVE-2019-9852: * Various bugfixes of 6.2 branch- Update to * 6.3 RC4 - Make librelogo standalone subpkg bsc#1144522- Update to * 6.3 RC3- Add patch to fix building on older openSUSE releases: * gcc.patch- Update to * RC2 of 6.3 release * Contains partial fixes for bsc#1061210 later split to two independent bugs- Update to * First release of 6.3 series bringing more new features - Remove merged patch: * 0001-Use-sort-on-finds-to-improve-deterministic-build.patch- Fix bsc#1133534 LO-L3: [PPTX] SmartArt: Basic rendering of Trapezoid List * bsc1133534.patch- Update to bsc#1141862 CVE-2019-9848 bsc#1141861 CVE-2019-9849: * Various bugfixes on the 6.2 branch - Remove merged patches: * bsc1124869.patch * bsc1127760.patch * bsc1121874.patch * bsc1135228.patch- Update to * Various feature fixes on the 6.2 branch- If there is no firebird engine we still need java to run hsqldb bsc#1135189- LO-L3: PPTX: Rectangle turns from green to blue and loses transparency when transparency is set * bsc1135228.patch- LO-L3: Slide deck compression doesn't, hmm, compress too much * bsc1127760.patch - LO-L3: Psychedelic graphics in LibreOffice (but not PowerPoint) * bsc1124869.patch - LO-L3: Image from PPTX shown in a square, not a circle * bsc1121874.patch- Strip lto from %_lto_cflags as the project has --enable-lto option- Fake the epoch to make zip files reproducible- Update to fate#327121: * Bugfix release 6.2.3 - Remove merged patches: * old-boost.patch * libreoffice-postgresql.patch * 0001-Fix-LTO-segfault-in-libtest_sw_uwriter-test.patch * boost_169.patch * kde5.patch * old-icu.patch- Add patch to fix diff in generated helpfiles with rebuilds: * 0001-Use-sort-on-finds-to-improve-deterministic-build.patch- Update the old-icu.patch based on the upstream feedback- old-boost.patch: update patch to fix build with Boost from SLE-12- Update to * Few more tweaks over previous RC1- Add patch to fix build with old icu from Leap 42: * old-icu.patch- Add patch to fix build on Leap 42: * kde5.patch- Update to bsc#1128845: * bundle of 6.2 series fixes - Remove merged patches: * 0001-Speed-up-languagepack-installation.patch * kde5-32bit-build-fix.patch- boost_169.patch: fix build with Boost 1.69- Require firebird as default driver for base if enabled- Add patch to fix bsc#1127857: * 0001-Fix-LTO-segfault-in-libtest_sw_uwriter-test.patch- libreoffice-postgresql.patch: pg_config is meant for linking server extensions, clients should use pkg-config instead to build against libpq. This fixes build with PostgreSQL 11.- Switch to gcc7 on SLE12- Update to * mostly just bundles update that we are not using- Add patch to fix 32bit build: * kde5-32bit-build-fix.patch- Add patches speeding up install: * 0001-Speed-up-languagepack-installation.patch * libreoffice-no-destdircheck.patch- Update to * Fixes focus issue wrt bsc#1123455 * More stability fixes * Additional fixes for the KDE wrapper - Remove merged patches: * java112.patch * kde5-detection.patch * kde5-font-width.patch * bsc1124658.patch- Add patch to fix bsc#1124658: * bsc1124658.patch- Update to * 6.1.5 bugfix release- Switch to full KDE stack for KDE Frameworks integration instead of gtk3 KDE wrapper bsc#1123131 - Add patch to fix detection of KDE session on wayland: * kde5-detection.patch - Add patch to fix selection of condensed fonts instead of regular ones: * kde5-font-width.patch- Add patch to build with java-11.2: * java112.patch- Version update to * 6.2.0 rc3 release- Reduce disk constraints to 25G it should be enough- Update to * 6.2.0 rc2 release - Switch to the new web based help system bsc#1116451 - Remove upstreamed patches: * libreoffice-java-sched.patch * 0001-call-System.runFinalizersOnExit-by-reflection-since-.patch * boost_1_69.patch * libreoffice-poppler-0.72.patch * bsc1112114.patch - Enable new approach for mariadb connector again- Version update to * 6.1.5 bugfix release rc1 - Drop merged patch: * bsc1112113.patch- [Bug 1112114] LO-L3: [PPTX] SmartArt: Basic rendering of the Organizational Chart * bsc1112114.patch- Replace libreoffice-poppler-0.71.patch with libreoffice-poppler-0.72.patch and apply it conditionally. Fix build with poppler 0.72.- [Bug 1112113] LO-L3: [PPTX] SmartArt: Basic rendering of Accent Process and Continuous Block Process * bsc1112113.patch- Version update to release: * many various fixes and compatibility tweaks - Remove merged patches: * bsc1110348.patch * bsc1112112.patch * bsc1117300.patch * bsc882383.patch- Add libreoffice-poppler-0.71.patch: Fix build with poppler 0.71- bsc#1117300 - [DATA LOSS] Saving a new document can silently overwrite an existing document * bsc1117300.patch- boost_1_69.patch: Fix compilation with Boost 1.69- Install also C++ libreofficekit headers bsc#1117195- bsc#882383 - LO-L3: Chart in PPTX lacks color and is too large * bsc882383.patch- bsc#1112112 - LO-L3: [PPTX] SmartArt: Basic rendering of several list types * bsc1112112.patch- bsc#1110348 LO-L3: [PPTX] Charts having weird/darker/ugly background versus Office 365 and strange artefacts where overlapping * bsc1110348.patch- Honorably mention all the now dropped patches from 6.0 series that are merged by the 6.1 already and as such never entered TW: * bnc1088262.patch * bsc1088263.patch * bsc1095601.patch * bsc1095639.patch * bsc1098891.patch- Remove libreofficekit files that are not supposed to be installed when the feature is disabled- Update to * 6.1.3 Final * In this release we have fixes for bsc#1079744 bsc#1088266 bsc#1095755 bsc#1110345 bsc#1107012 * bsc#1124062 CVE-2018-16858- Use turkish spellcheck that is now provided by myspell-dictionaries- Update to fate#326624: * 6.1.3 RC1- Version update to * 6.1.2 RC1- Switch to serf from neon package that is quite dead - Remove sysstray configure option as the code was removed- Update to * 6.1.1 RC2- Version update to * RC1 of the 6.1.1 release- Fix the bundled assuan version to be 2.5.1- No longer run chrpath on bundled gnupg as it is not needed- Rewrite description to reflect we ship also offline help- Version update to * RC3 of 6.1.0 release- bsc#1095639 LO-L3: Exporting to PPTX results in vertical labels being shown horizontally * bsc1095639.patch- bsc#1098891 LO-L3: Table in PPTX misplaced and partly blue * bsc1098891.patch - bsc#1088263 LO-L3: Labels in chart change (from white and other colors) to black when saving as PPTX * bsc1088263.patch- bsc#1095601 - LO-L3: Exporting to PPTX shifts arrow shapes quite a bit * bsc1095601.patch- Reenable firebird integration- Add new language Kabyle- Version update to * RC2 of the 6.1 series- Added patch: * 0001-call-System.runFinalizersOnExit-by-reflection-since-.patch + Call the System.runFinalizersOnExit method by reflection, since it is removed in jdk11- Version update to release- Fix ca_valencia myspell dictionary name- bnc#1088262 LO-L3: Table borders appear black in LibreOffice (while white in PowerPoint) * bnc1088262.patch- Expand disk constraints to not fail on arm64- Enable display of commands in build logs - Diable header-only Boost:System usage on older Leap - old-boost.patch: Fix building with older Boost version - Bumb disk space constraints. We need more than 32GB.- Drop merged patch bnc1094359.patch- Version bump to * Bunch of fixes from the upstream - Try to implement safeguarding to avoid bsc#1050305- Add more translations: * Belarusian * Bodo * Dogri * Frisian * Gaelic * Paraguayan_Guaraní * Upper_Sorbian * Konkani * Kashmiri * Luxembourgish * Monglolian * Manipuri * Burnese * Occitan * Kinyarwanda * Santali * Sanskrit * Sindhi * Sidamo * Tatar * Uzbek * Upper Sorbian * Venetian * Amharic * Asturian * Tibetian * Bosnian * English GB * English ZA * Indonesian * Icelandic * Georgian * Khmer * Lao * Macedonian * Nepali * Oromo * Albanian * Tajik * Uyghur * Vietnamese * Kurdish- The kde integration now properly installed by upstream, no need to do it in %install phase- Try to build all languages see bsc#1096360- Update to * Various buildfixes as found by our testing - Reenable KDE integration on 32bit - Drop merged patch libreoffice-libxmlsec.patch- Make sure to install the KDE5/Qt5 UI/filepicker- Conflict with gnome subpackage on the gtk2 subpkg as it was split of from there bsc#1096673- Update to * 6.1 series first beta, many fixes and features around * Notably kde5_gtk3 integration, on by default now - Remove merged patches: * 0001-Use-PYTHON_FOR_BUILD-instead-of-calling-python-direc.patch * libreoffice-icu61.patch * kde5-configure-checks.patch * bnc1060128.patch * bnc1039203.patch * bnc1094359.patch - Disable firebird everywhere for now as it causes issues - Try to implement safeguarding to avoid bsc#1050305 - Disable base-drivers-mysql as it needs mysqlcppcon that is only for mysql and not mariadb, causes issues bsc#1094779 * Users can still connect using jdbc/odbc - Fix java detection on machines with too many cpus * libreoffice-java-sched.patch - Remove galaxy icon theme replaced by colibri - Add karasa jaga icon theme- bnc#1094359 LO-L3: LO Writer: Text in boxes not visible * bnc1094359.patch- Add supplements for xfce4-session for libreoffice-gtk3 to install that package when xfce is present (boo#1092699).- Add condtional for Libreoffice Supplement in libreoffice-base, no longer install libreoffice-base by default for future versions of openSUSE.- Extend the icu patch with more patches wrt bsc#1091772 * libreoffice-icu61.patch- Bump to bsc#1091606 CVE-2018-10583: * 2 more fixes on top of Do not require update-desktop-files on 15+ bsc#1090737- Remove aarch64 condition in _constraints- Drop patch bnc1083525.patch merged upstream- Fix build with new icu 61+ bsc#1091772 * libreoffice-icu61.patch- Version update to * Another bugfix update containing >60 bugfixes- LO-L3: DOCX import: missing table background color * bnc1083525.patch- Do not enable LTO on older codestreams, too old toolchain- Provide and obsolete all the gtk3 disabled stuff if we disable gtk3 to ease migration- Drop patch libreoffice-lto-failtest.patch as the problem was with memcpy in wrong phases, fixed by cflag -flifetime-dse=1- Provide and obsolete also libreoffice-branding-SLE- Use pkgconfig(libpg) instead of posgresql-devel dependency- Bring back offline help per popular demand as lto saves space we could use with it bsc#915996 - Update patch to not call python directly during help generating: * 0001-Use-PYTHON_FOR_BUILD-instead-of-calling-python-direc.patch- Use gpg keys to verify downloaded archives- Add patch to disable test failing with LTO: * libreoffice-lto-failtest.patch- Switch to memory-constraints macros to limit threads as needed - Enable LTO on libreoffice, 16% smaller binaries, less memory used- Reduce the ifarch condition based on new exclusivearch - Name directly dependencies that were accidentaly pulled by gtk3 before- Conditionalize gtk3 build as it requires "newer" gnome than the one we ship on SLE12 currently- Update glib2 requirement to match what code actually uses- Reduce archs to only those that are really capable of finishing the build- Update to fate#324870: * Final 6.0.3 tag for release- Disable firebird engine on SLE for now- Also drop boost_string_fixes.patch merged in upstream differently- Version update to * Another bugfix release milestone - Drop patch orcus-0.13.3.patch merged upstream - Drop patch bnc955545.patch merged upstream - Drop patch bnc1081079.patch merged upstream- Require liberation-fonts instead of Recommends wrt bsc#1083213 * Basically we need ANY font, but liberation-fonts are the Arial/etc. compatible and thus you can view the MS Word documents - Drop Build/Require on xorg-x11-fonts- Require libreoffice-branding >= 6.0. Otherwise, an update of the libreoffice package keeps the 5.0 branding (including the 5.0 splash screen), which is not nice.- Install gtk3 subpkg on mate desktop wrt bsc#1083993- Remove upstreamed patches * bnc1061210.patch * bnc954772.patch- Version update to release: * fixes bsc#1089706 CVE-2018-10120 * second bugfix release closing around 80 TDF issues- LO-L3: Saving PPTX chart changes $12K to 12,345 format * bnc1081079.patch- LO-L3: Cutting object (Rectangle) in Navigator cuts the whole slide instead * bnc955545.patch- LO-L3: Wrong transition time * bnc1039203.patch - LO-L3: Slide with chart has some strange (too large?) elements (PPTX) * bnc1060128.patch - LO-L3: Table(s) from DOCX show wrong position/color/...? * bnc1061210.patch - LO-L3: Copy and Paste in Table ignores formatting completely * bnc954772.patch- Add patch to build properly with orcus-0.13.3: * orcus-0.13.3.patch- boost_string_fixes.patch: Boost in Leap 42.3 and SLE-12 is lacking some functionality found in newer versions. Workaround the problem.- Make sure we execute everything with python3 * 0001-Use-PYTHON_FOR_BUILD-instead-of-calling-python-direc.patch - Bump version of bundled gpgme to 1.9.0- Version update to * various fixes all around * Fixes data exposure bsc#1080249 CVE-2018-1055 CVE-2018-6871 * Also fixes bsc#1089705 CVE-2018-10119 - Bump the version of libgpg-error - Drop the libreoffice-poppler-0.62.patch merged upstream- Version update to * Various fuzzying fixes/etc * Fixes data exposure bsc#1080249 CVE-2018-1055- Disable one more test that fails- Do not depend on procps- Version update to * RC3 phase of libreoffice 6.0.0 release- Require xorg-x11-fonts otherwise nothing is shown- Do not pull in liberation2-fonts wrt bsc#1077375#c5- Disable 2 db tests that are really flaky in OBS- Fix the lo-provides filtering to allow proper provides to be generated- Version update to * More fixes in RC2 of 6.0.0 release- Add requires on kdelibs4 to avoid crashes- Add libreoffice-poppler-0.62.patch: Fix build with poppler 0.62, where UTF8.h (explcitly marked as an experimental header) was renamed to UnicodeMapFuncs.h.- For now disable qt5 integration as it is utterly broken * just keep the kde4 one- Version update to * RC1 of 6 series, now tests seem to pass- Version update to * Proper release containing few additional fuzzing fixes- Reintroduce kde4 subpackage (now qt4 build with openssl-1.1) - Add the gtk2 subpackage to not pull-in the gtk2 on current desktop * Also supplement as needed for SLE12- Supplement properly the qt5 and the plasma5-workspace- Fix providing libgpg-error0 bsc#1072061 when bundling- Version update to * Various fixes on 5.4 branch- Version update to * Many fixes in gpg4libre and all around- Seems we no longer need the directly, no mentions in code- Do not upse otherproviders() as it is not needed with new rpms- Merge up all the icon themes as they have intermixed deps - Tweak up langpack generating to work with new gettext .mo files * Those macros are pretty ugly- Add patch to not bother checking qt4 bugs: * kde5-configure-checks.patch- Start updating to release * Code for Qt5 UI * No longer flickering opengl backend * Tons of updates * Collada and gltf are removed upstream * Online help re-integrated even better - Remove merged patches: * 0001-Adapt-getcompver.awk-to-Java-9.patch * 0001-This-hunk-breaks-jdk9-build.patch * 0002-Detect-libjawt-automatically-on-java9-too.patch * java-encoding.patch * gnome-documents-check-ntimeoutid.patch - Drop no longer needed patches: * libreoffice-hotfix-disablebrokenshapetest.patch * disable-flaky-hsqldb-test.patch- Version update to release * Various fixes in 5.4 branch * Contains also fixes for bnc#947117, bnc#1035589, bnc#954776, bnc#1021675- Disable the CppunitTest_desktop_lib as it fails on the utf encoding- Disable the verbosity of the build again, getting complaints of build log is too long...- Switch to bundled gpgme on old distros where it is not possible to update - Rebase scp2-user-config-suse.diff to apply again- Fix pyuno paths wrt bsc#1059720- Make sure now plasma5 gets gtk3 UI not the generic one- Disable kde4 integration on Tumbleweed as libqt4 is build with openssl-1.0 while we need openssl-1.1- Removed patch: * 0001-tdf-100501-Adapt-to-Java-9-at-least-on-Linux-x86-64.patch + Integrated upstream- The commons-codec, commons-lang and commons-httpclient are not actually needed- Version update to * Various bugfixes on 5.4 branch- Added Esperanto to list of languages.- Added patches: * 0001-This-hunk-breaks-jdk9-build.patch + Remove a patch hunk that breaks rhino build * 0002-Detect-libjawt-automatically-on-java9-too.patch + Fix detection of JDK9's * 0001-Adapt-getcompver.awk-to-Java-9.patch + Adapt getcompver.awk to Java 9 where the version might be single digit * 0001-tdf-100501-Adapt-to-Java-9-at-least-on-Linux-x86-64.patch + Make LibreOffice find Java 9 JVM at runtime * java-encoding.patch + Replace one unnecessary UTF-8 character by an ASCII one- Version update to * Various bugfixes on 5.4 branch- Fix fail to build with kde integration disabled wrt bsc#1055393- Parse over with spec-cleaner to remove few obsolete declarations- Add gnome-documents-check-ntimeoutid.patch: fix intermittent crash opening files from gnome-documents (bsc#1047714).- Version update to * More bugfixes on 5.4 branch for the final release- Version update to * More fixes from 5.4.0 release branch - Use system based xmlsec1- Add api keys for google drive to work bsc#1047167 * Copied from chromium- Update to * First rc of the series, now only serious bugs will be fixed - Drop upstreamed patch 0001-undo-clone.patch - Drop upstreamed patch 0001-watermark.patch- Add suse color palette bsc#1045339- Cleanup the License string- Add patch to fix bsc#1028504: * 0001-undo-clone.patch - Add patch to fix test failure on 32bit: * 0001-watermark.patch- Run tests only on intel 32/64bit- Version update to * Ton of fixes over beta1 * Oxygen theme is gone- Install libreofficekit headers- Artistic was dropped with vigra- Switch to normal mirror location- Version update to * Feature release 5.4 first beta - Refresh patch disable-flaky-hsqldb-test.patch - Drop merged patches: * bnc959926-Implement-text-rotation-for-Impress-table.patch * gi-annotation-syntax.patch- Use nss to avoid issues with mixing openssl and nss- Version update to fate#323270: * Update to 5.3.3 release containing bunch of additional fixes - Add direct dep on harfbuzz-icu- Version update to * Also contians fix for bsc#1036975 CVE-2017-8358 * Various fixes in 5.3 branch for rc1 of 5.3.3- Provide and obsolete the help packages wrt bsc#1035087- Fixed bnc#959926 LO-L3: Text not rotated properly in LO Impress tables * bnc959926-Implement-text-rotation-for-Impress-table.patch- Version update to * bsc#1034329 CVE-2017-7882 * RC2 for the 5.3.2 release- Version update to * RC1 of the 5.3.2 release- Version update to * official 5.3.1 release- Fix syntax error in 0001-allow-none-gi-support.patch (bsc#1028817).- Add gi-annotation-syntax.patch: the (allow-none) annotations weren't being parsed, leading to breakage on SLE (bsc#1028817)- Version update to * RC1 of 5.3.1 release containing various bugfixes - Drop upstreamed patch 0001-unixODBC-changed-soname-to-.2-so-reflect-it.patch- bypass upstream bug for aarch64 and ppc64/ppc64le removing some fods data files source of test failure.- Fixup pyuno loading as it broke when we dropped the uno patch- Add conditional liberation2-fonts BuildRequires and Recommends for Tumbleweed, it is better suited for the version of freetype2 we have available.- use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel- Version update to * Fixes bsc#1034568 CVE-2017-7870 * Fixes bsc#1034192 CVE-2016-10327 * RC3 of the 5.3 targets with additional fixes- Remove upstreamed patch * bnc1010961.diff- Version update to * RC2 of the 5.3.0 target, stabilizing the lokit- Version update to * various bugfixes - Remove upstreamed patches * bnc945446-vertical-text-clone-formatting.patch * bnc955548-crash-fix.patch * bnc980734.diff - Fix L3 bnc#1014896 LO-L3: Libreoffice calc (writer in fact!) freezing when running a hyphenate all * bnc1014896.diff- Provide the breeze-dark content in the breeze icontheme- Drop system-pyuno.diff patch as it breaks services tests as the pyuno was not loadable- Version update to * RC candidate stabilizing ont he beta1 bump- Fix L3 bnc#1010961 LO-L3: Change tracking: everything is a change, and accepting changes * bnc1010961.diff- Fix unixODBC loading bnc#1017925 * 0001-unixODBC-changed-soname-to-.2-so-reflect-it.patch- Build firebird driver only for version 3, 2.x series does not pass tests at all - Drop 13.2 support, out of scope as EOL- Fix L3 bnc#980734 LO-L3: LibreOffice missing contents in PPTX deck * bnc980734.diff- Version update to 5.3.0.beta2: * Various bugfixes to bring 5.3 to stability- Fix L3 bnc#945446 LO-L3: Clone Formatting ignores vertical text alignment * bnc945446-vertical-text-clone-formatting.patch - Fix L3 bnc#955548 LO-L3: CTRL+Z not working to undo changes performed through Navigator crash fix * bnc955548-crash-fix.patch- Version update to 5.3.0.beta1: * Starting of testing of new major release - Refresh patch system-pyuno.diff - Refresh again libreoffice-hotfix-disablebrokenshapetest.patch - Drop upstreamed patches: * libreoffice-firebird3-selftest.patch * libreoffice-firebird3.patch * 0001-allow-none-gi-support.patch - Remove --enable-hardlink-deliver switch that is removed from autotools - Add dep on libzmf, libstaroffice - Update internal xmlsec- Version update to * various bugfixes mostly containing L3 fixes: - Fix L3 bnc#946674 LO-L3: Undo does not revert bundled font size changes for table cells - Fix L3 bnc#952640 LO-L3: Cut and Paste (at the same position) changes bullet point formatting - Fix L3 bnc#955548 LO-L3: CTRL+Z not working to undo changes performed through Navigator - Fix L3 bnc#959168 LO-L3: Undo on bullet point style change only works when focus is not set - bnc#957991 LO-L3: Improve pivot cache reading performance - Refresh patch libreoffice-hotfix-disablebrokenshapetest.patch- Introduce back scp2-user-config-suse.diff wrt bnc#1010654 as otherwise user configs would disappear with maintenance update...- Add provides/obsoletes for brazilian and chinese to be matched on dvd bnc#1008743- Update to * small fix from .2 release- Version update to * Various small fixes in the 5.2 branch - Move the firebird db connector to subpackage wrt bsc#1003896 - Refresh a bit patch 0001-allow-none-gi-support.patch- Version update to bsc#1026640 CVE-2017-3157: * Various fixes for the 5.2 branch- Add 0001-allow-none-gi-support.patch: don't use "nullable" for introspection, since it isn't available on SLE12 version of gobject-introspection (bsc#1000102).- Switch google-carlito-fonts and liberation-fonts Requires to Recommends.- BuildRequire libopenCOLLADA-devel (the new package name) instead of openCOLLADA-devel, except for Leap which only has the latter- Version update to * Various fixes for the 5.2 branch release- Build KDE integration on openSUSE 13.2 as well- Update _constraints file: set the 25GB HDD / 4GB RAM limit as general requirement (global) which only aarch64 overrides at the moment. Prior, there was no 'default' limit set and all archs were exceptions.- Version update to * Fixes contained in rc4 of 5.2.0 release- Version update to * More bugfixes for the first series of the 5.2 branch- Version update to * Various bugfixes on road to 5.2 this time rc2- change BuildRequire from pkgconfig(fbembed) to libfbembed-devel; this is a temporary workaround allowing build both before and after firebird is upgraded to version 3.0 in Factory; once 3.0 is there, this will be changed to pkgconfig(fbembed) or pkgconfig(fbclient), based on %suse_version - libreoffice-firebird3.patch: build against system libfbclient2 if Firebird 3 detected - libreoffice-firebird3-selftest.patch: fix failing selftest when built against Firebird 3 libraries; the failure is caused by database file format change, provide two versions of the test database and let the test select the one that matches Firebird version - firebird_integer_x64le_ods12.odb: rpmbuild doesn't support git patches adding binary files, add the ODS12 test database as a source instead- Version update to * Various bugfixes for the rc1 candidate * Fixes bnc#987553 CVE-2016-4324- Reduce constraints based on resource usage reported by OBS- Version update to * More bugfixes on road to 5.2 series * missing-include.patch- Add patch to fix build missing-include.patch- Version update to * Disable support for sle11, not needed anymore * Cleanup the specfile from all the compat conditionals per above * Disable bundled help and point to upstream wiki always (speeds up build quite a bit) * Use pkgconfig style dependencies instead of the develpkgs * Remove all the bundled tarballs that were aedded for sle11 * Adjust the constraints a bit to reflect reality * Remove merged patches: * scp2-user-config-suse.diff * 0001-Make-HAVE_JAVA6-be-always-false.patch * 0001-mdds-1.0.patch * 0001-liborcus-0.11.patch * 0002-boost-filesystem1.patch * 0003-boost-filesystem2.patch * bnc856729.patch * bnc939998.patch * bnc945443.patch * bnc945445.patch * Refresh patches: * libreoffice-hotfix-disablebrokenshapetest.patch * system-pyuno.diff- fix bnc#939998 - LO-L3: PPT file shows wrong titles * bnc939998.patch - fix bnc#945443 - LO-L3: Undo ignores vertical alignment * bnc945443.patch - fix bnc#945445 - LO-L3: Undo does not revert changes of table separation lines * bnc945445.patch- Version update to few small tweaks for the .3.1 release * fate#320521 - Refresh patches: * 0001-liborcus-0.11.patch- Split out gtk3 again but this time install it on openSUSE and avoid it on SLE12- Version update to * Various small bugfixes all around 5.1 series- fix bnc#856729 - LO-L3: Double borders in Calc * bnc856729.patch- update constraints file for aarch64- Version update to * Various small bugfixes all around 5.1 series - Remove upstreamed patches: * 0001-Fix-patch-to-apply-on-SLE11-just-some-unknown-patch-.patch * 0001-Fix-python2-build-of-pyuno-with-older-py2-versions.patch * 0001-Update-etonyek-patch-to-apply-with-sle11-patch.patch - Refresh patches: * 0001-liborcus-0.11.patch * libreoffice-hotfix-disablebrokenshapetest.patch - Fix sle11 build by not using -r on ln command - Update the subtag registry to latest version- Install also gdb pretty printers- Introduce glade subpackage to match up with fedora and to provide others possibility to work on glade UI for libreoffice- Remove services patch, no longer needed everything tweaked upstream: * libreoffice-disable-services-check.patch- Add patch to detect boost_filesystem headers: * 0002-boost-filesystem1.patch * 0003-boost-filesystem2.patch - Add patch to fix rounding bug in test on i586: * libreoffice-hotfix-disablebrokenshapetest.patch- Version update to * Various bugfixes for the first bugfix release of 5.1 - Update patch to build on sle11 * 0001-liborcus-0.11.patch- Add patch to build with liborcus 0.11 * 0001-liborcus-0.11.patch- Use mdds-1.0 * 0001-mdds-1.0.patch- Appdatastore is everywhere- Add upstreamed patches to fix patch application on sle11: * 0001-Fix-patch-to-apply-on-SLE11-just-some-unknown-patch-.patch * 0001-Update-etonyek-patch-to-apply-with-sle11-patch.patch * 0001-Fix-python2-build-of-pyuno-with-older-py2-versions.patch - Localy disable the services test that SEGVs on sle11 * libreoffice-disable-services-check.patch- Do not bother with kde integration on SLE12- Try to enable libreofficekit integration by mimicking what RH does bnc#965296- Provide/obsolete the gtk3 subpackage in gnome to allow nice migration - %dir the appdata folder to build on leap and older- Un-split the gtk3 from separate module 5.1 should be stable enough- Do not install the appdata xml files twice bnc#965294- Version update to * Fixes bnc#967015 CVE-2016-0795 bnc#967014 CVE-2016-0794 * Various small fixes on road to final tag * Update internal tarballs for sle11 build- Fix requires on libmysqlclient_r18 on SLE11 - Fix a bug on es provides with en-GB - Provide l10n-pt from pt-PT- Update to * More small fixes here and there for the RC2 release - Remove upstreamed patches: * libreoffice-graphite.patch * libreoffice-uno-py26.patch * libreoffice-kde4-filelist.patch * libreoffice-old-gtkapi.patch- Reenable collada, debian and fedora both build with it so do the same- Set ulimit to unlimited prior build to allow better debugging of build crashes- Add patch attempting to fix build on old gtk2 versions: * libreoffice-old-gtkapi.patch- Add patch to fix filelist generating after kde3 removal: * libreoffice-kde4-filelist.patch- Add patch to fix graphite2 bundled build on SLE11: * libreoffice-graphite.patch - Add patch to fix build of pyuno with python2.6: * libreoffice-uno-py26.patch- bnc#951579 - LO-L3: [LibreOffice] Calc 5.0 fails to open ods files * deleted RPATH prevented loading of bundled 3rd party RDF handler libs- Version update to * Update few bundled libs for SLE11 - Drop support for gvfs2 - Drop kde/kdeab switches - Drop lockdown enabler- Version update to * testing the changes for 5.1 series - Remove upstreamed patches: * bnc-679938.diff * bnc-889755.diff * bnc-945047.diff * bnc-954345.diff * use-long-for-test-comparsion.patch- Version update to bnc#959716: * Final of the 5.0.4 series- bnc#945047 - LO-L3: LO is duplicating master pages * bnc-945047.diff- Version update to * rc1 of 5.0.4 with various regression fixes- bnc#954345 - LO-L3: Insert-->Image-->Insert as Link hangs writer * bnc-954345.diff- Disable another hsqldb test: * disable-flaky-hsqldb-test.patch- Version update to * Final tag of 5.0.3 release- Add patch to fix flaky test: * use-long-for-test-comparsion.patch- Remove upstream merged: * bnc-939996.diff- Fix bnc#939996 - LO-L3: Some bits from DOCX file are not imported * bnc-939996.diff - Fix bnc#889755 - LO-L3: PPTX: chart axis number format incorrect * bnc-889755.diff - bnc#679938 - LO-L3: saving to doc file the chapter name in the header does not change with chapters * bnc-679938.diff- Add patch to disable flaky hsqldb test: * disable-flaky-hsqldb-test.patch- Version update to 5.0.3RC1 as it should fix i586 test failure - Drop upstreamed patch: * kde4filepicker.patch - Update text2number extension to 1.5.0- obsolete libreoffice-mono - pentaho-flow-reporting require is conditional on system_libs- Update icon theme dependencies * Version bump to 5.0.2 final fate#318856 fate#319071 bnc#943075 bnc#945692: * Small tweaks compared to rc1 - For sake of completion this release also contains security fixes for bnc#910806 CVE-2014-8147, bnc#907636 CVE-2014-9093, bnc#934423 CVE-2015-4551, bnc#910805 CVE-2014-8146, bnc#940838 CVE-2015-5214, bnc#936190 CVE-2015-5213, bnc#936188 CVE-2015-5212, bnc#934423 CVE-2015-45513, bnc#934423 CVE-2015-4551, bnc#910805 CVE-2014-8146, bnc#940838 CVE-2015-5214, bnc#936190 CVE-2015-5213, bnc#936188 CVE-2015-5212, bnc#934423 CVE-2015-45513, bnc#934423 CVE-2015-4551, bnc#910805 CVE-2014-8146, bnc#940838 CVE-2015-5214, bnc#936190 CVE-2015-5213, bnc#936188 CVE-2015-5212, bnc#934423 CVE-2015-4551- Use gcc48 to build on sle11sp4- Make debuginfo's smaller on IBS.- Fix chrpath call after the libs got -lo suffixing- Add patch to fix qt4 features detection: * kde4filepicker.patch- Split out gtk3 UI to separate subpkg that requires gnome subpkg * This is to allow people to test gtk3 while it not being default- Version update to 5.0.2 rc1: * Various small tweaks and integration of our SLE11 patchsets- Update constraints to 30 GB on disk- Version bump to 5.0.1 rc2: * breeze icons extension * Credits update * Various small fixes- Version bump to 5.0.1 rc1: * Various small fixes * Has some commits around screen rendering -> could fix kde bugs- Kill branding-openSUSE, stick to TDF branding.- Version bump to 5.0 rc5: * Bunch of final touchups here and there - Remove some upstreamed patches: * old-cairo.patch- Add explicit requires over libmysqlclient_r18, should cover bnc#829430- Add patch to build with old cairo (sle11): * old-cairo.patch- Version bump to 5.0 rc3: * Various more fixes closing on the 5.0 release - Removed upstreamed patches: * fix-old-poppler.patch * mdds-old-gcc.patch- Try to fix build on SLE11 and remove obsolete patch: * A mdds-old-gcc.patch * D pack-desktop-files-for-optional-filters.diff- Update to 5.0 rc2: * Few small fixes and updates in internal libraries- Version bump to 5.0 rc1, remove obsolete patches: * 0001-Fix-could-not-convert-.-const-char-to-const-rtl-OUSt.patch * 0001-writerperfect-fix-gcc-4.7-build.patch- More chrpat love for sle11- Add python-importlib to build/requirements on py2 distros- Provide/obsolete crystal icons so they are purged and not left over - Add few patch to get LO in more buildable state on SLE11, all upstreamed: * 0001-Fix-could-not-convert-.-const-char-to-const-rtl-OUSt.patch * 0001-writerperfect-fix-gcc-4.7-build.patch * fix-old-poppler.patch- Fix breeze icons handling, drop crystal icons.- Version bump to 5.0.0.beta3: * Drop merged patch 0001-Make-cpp-poppler-version.h-header-optional.patch * Update some internal tarballs so we keep building - based on these bumps update the buildrequires too- Generate python cache files wrt bnc#929793- Update %post scriptlets to work on sle11 again- Split out the share -> lib linker to hopefully allow sle11 build- One more fix for help handling bnc#915996- Version bump to 4.4.3 release: * Various small fixes all around- enable aarch64 build- Reformat with spec-cleaner- Disable verbose build to pass check on maximal size of log- We need pre/post for libreoffice in langpkgs- Use old java for detection and old commons-lang/codec to pass brp check on java from sle11 * 0001-Make-HAVE_JAVA6-be-always-false.patch- Revert last changeset, it is caused by something else this time: * 0001-Set-source-and-target-params-for-java.patch- Set source/target for javac when building to work on SLE11: * 0001-Set-source-and-target-params-for-java.patch- Try to deal with rpath on bundled libs- Fix python3_sitelib not being around for py2- Add internal make for too old system - One more stab on poppler switch: * 0001-Make-cpp-poppler-version.h-header-optional.patch- Update the old-poppler patch to work correctly: * 0001-Make-cpp-poppler-version.h-header-optional.patch- Sort out more external tarballs for the no-system-libs approach- Add basic external tarballs needed for without-system-libraries- Add patch to check for poppler more nicely to work on older distros: * 0001-Make-cpp-poppler-version.h-header-optional.patch- Try to pass configure without system libs- Allow switch between py2 and py3 - Move external dependencies in conditional thus allow build on SLE11- Add conditional for noarch subpackages - Add switch in configure to detect more of internal/external stuff- Add conditional for appdatastore thing and redo it to impact the spec less - Add systemlibs switch to be used in attempt to build sle11 build- Hopefully fix bnc#913042.Redo check phase that sometimes broke .jar generating- Silence more scarry messages by bnc#900186 * Fixes autocorr symlinking * Cleans UNO cache in more pretty way- Clean up the uno cache removal to not display scarry message bnc#900186- Remove patch to look for help in /usr/share, we symlink it back to lib, so there is no actual need to search for it directly, migth fix bnc#915996: * officecfg-help-in-usr-share.diff- --disable-collada * reportedly it does not work in LibreOffice 4.4 - added version numbers to some BuildRequires lines- Require flow engine too on base- Fix build on SLE12 and 13.1 by adding conditional for appdata install- Fixup the installed appdata.xml files: they reference a .desktop file that are not installed by libreoffice (boo#926375).- Version bump to 4.4.2: * 2nd bugfix update for the 4.4 series- BuildRequires: libodfgen-devel >= 0.1- added version numbers to some BuildRequires lines - build does not require python3-lxml - build requires librevenge-devel >= 0.0.1 - vlc media backend is broken, don't use it. Only gstreamer should be used.- Install the .appdata.xml files shipped by upstream: allow LO to be shown in AppStream based software centers.- Move pretrans to pre- Version bump to 4.4.1 first bugfix release of the series- Reduce bit the compilation preparations as we prepped most of the things by _constraints and it is no longer needed- %pre is not enough the script needs to be rewritten in lua- Move removal of obsolete dirs from %pretrans to %pre bnc#916181- Version bump to 4.4.0 final: * First in the 4.4 series * First release to have the new UI elements without old hardcoded sizes * Various improvements all around.- Add debug symobols- Version bump to 4.4.0rc2: * Various bugfixes, just bumping to see if we still build fine.- That verbose switch for configure was really really bad idea- generic for galaxy icons seem gone so remove - Do not supplement kde3 stuff, it is way beyond obsolete- Remove vlc conditional - korea.xcd is no more so remove - Really use mergelib- Disable telepathy, it really is experimental like hell- Version bump to 4.4.0rc1: * New 4.4 branch release with additional features - Enable collada: * New bundled collada2gltf tarball: 4b87018f7fff1d054939d19920b751a0-collada2gltf-master-cb1d97788a.tar.bz2 - Obsoleted patches: * jvmfwk-disable-gcj.diff * libreoffice-4.3-plasma5-ui-decisions.patch * libreoffice- * office-cfg-linux-common-template-dir.diff * libreoffice-boost-1.56.patch - Refreshed patches: * officecfg-help-in-usr-share.diff * system-pyuno.diff- Version bump to 4.3.5 release: * Various small fixes * Fix for CVE-2014-9093 bnc#907636- And do it right as it was supposed to be bash variable :)- Fix typo %{libdir} -> %{_libdir}- Remove dangling symlinks from previous versions bnc#884942- Fix build with boost 1.56 * libreoffice-boost-1.56.patch- Version bump to 4.3.4: * Few small fixes * Fix for calc value ordering "regression"- Remove no longer needed mergelib patch * libreoffice-mergedlibs-circular-deps.patch - Add patch for plasma5 UI selector support * libreoffice-4.3-plasma5-ui-decisions.patch- Remove errorous self-obsolete in lang pkgs. - Version bump to * Various bugfixes from maintenance branch to copy openSUSE. * Also contains fix for bnc#900214 and bnc#900218 CVE-2014-3693 - Remove fixes merged upstream: * 0001-fdo-82418-prefer-UTF-8-over-UTF-16.patch * 0001-n-708518-sd-check-that-master-page-matches-when-sett.patch- Obsolete old libreoffice-ure-devel in sdk and devel-docs in sdk-doc to avoid possible conflicts during zypper dup (bnc#900877)- Obsolete old libreoffice-ure to avoid conflicts during zypper dup (bnc#900877)/bin/shlibreoffice-help-sath01-ch4d 1702467193  !"#$%&'()*+,-. resourcesatLC_MESSAGESacc.moavmedia.mobasctl.mochart.mocnr.mocui.modba.modkt.mo -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 1.0 document, ASCII text, with very long linesXML 1.0 document, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesASCII text, with very long lines;-ddn rpm -ql libreoffice-l10n-sat > /usr/share/libreoffice/l10n-sat_list.txt || true if [ -f /usr/share/libreoffice/l10n-sat_list.txt ] ; then /usr/bin/libreoffice-share-linker /usr/share/libreoffice/l10n-sat_list.txt || true fi/bin/shutf-8cf804ba8e349f8eb760568be9a1a87d6fba1a59b7f56e7eeabdb1577e3bbc4a2?7zXZ !t/+]"k%ޚ/hؘ5 FtoVXN"b/Z[}qE(lQ̽NN9R_B^tV5Hegc2^S^pHm,"$E^[<TJt,Dmr%}7f:ՠAb)-BCH"ZZ6yQ?*!zAFE-IPO>l)T~L b1hcYVL A˥& u~ jy L5-)~nh"g(9vXXUY2)dUu, ,PhȌ":Y/5'uh\ȚځT$B/a~EFr[ErF1Bm\N[K %Y IqvL ;F/EWkfyAV 3 ?R[lq5s2ϊ_)`Mye]0X Asޣ=p$ӑf([OZ SդL2PnoktџqTR. 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